Lattice QCD meets experiment Christine Davies University of Glasgow HPQCD collaboration Warwick University March 2011 Thursday, 17 March 2011 QCD is a key part of the Standard Model but quark confinement complicates things. CDF QCD only tested to 5-10% level at high energies from comparison of e.g. jet phenomena to But properties of hadrons calculable from QCD if fully nonperturbative calc. is done can test QCD and determine parameters very accurately (1%). Thursday, 17 March 2011 ALEPH q emits W and changes � q to DALI CKM element Vqq� Run=16449 � q and q annihilate CKM element Vqq� Rates for simple weak or em quark processes inside hadrons also calculable, but not multi-hadron final states. YX |0 D0<5 NT=4 Thursday, 17 March 2011 ALEPH Bs → Dse−ν (DS → K +K −π+) !e! IP + K ! Bs + Ds |0 0.1cm| Compare to exptl rate gives Vqq� accurately Evt=4055 1cm| !+ ! K Solving a path integral: quantum mechanical case Solve Schrödinger’s eq. for eigenvalues/fns of H or: discretise time and integrate over all paths possible weighted by eiS xi S= xf ti a tf � dtL; 1 L = mẋ2 − V (x) 2 classical path is mẍ = V � qm path fluctuates about this. In Euclidean time� solve numerically, by making sets of x(ti) < x(t2 )x(t1 ) >= � Dx x(t2 )x(t1 )e−S −(En −E0 )(t2 −t1 ) � A e = n −S Dxe n average over ‘ensemble’ of paths paths chosen with prob. e-S further reading: G.P.Lepage, hep-lat/0506036 Thursday, 17 March 2011 fit as fn of time can extract excitation energies - amps are transition matrix elements Solving a path integral: QCD Now path integral over gluon and quark fields on a 4-d space-time lattice - quarks anticommute so do by hand. LQCD � 1 2 = T rFµν + ψ(γ · D + m)ψ 2 = a huge matrix, M −SQCD DU DψDψO(ψ,� ψ)e DU O(M Integral over gluon fields only → −1 valence quarks inc. in operator < O >=< H(t)H (0) >= † ensemble average Thursday, 17 March 2011 � )e −(Sg −ln(det M )) complicated prob, distn for gluons - inc. effects of sea quarks −En t Fit as fn of t to An e get hadron mass and transn amp. n a Thursday, 17 March 2011 Lattice QCD = fully nonperturbative QCD calculation RECIPE • Generate sets of gluon fields for Monte Carlo integrn of Path Integral (inc effect of u, d and s sea quarks) • Calculate averaged “hadron correlators” from valence q props. • Fit for masses and simple matrix elements • Determine a and fix mq to get results in physical units. • extrapolate to a = 0, mu,d = phys for real world Lattice results need to be extrapolated to the real world where a=0 and mu/d = small. To do this well needs: r1 uncertainty • statistical a2 extrapol’n finite volume precision mu/d extrapol’n • small disc. statistical errors ms evolution errors and md , QED, annhil’ several Total values of a TABLEm II: • small u/dError various decay cons em effects must be estimated ! Thursday, 17 March 2011 using HISQ fits so that uncer charm quarks a2 are correctly r E. Follana, CTHD et al, a2 extrapolations HPQCD, 0706.1726 tion (1% or less f Including u, d and s sea quarks is critical for accurate results, but numerically expensive - particularly light mu,d. Latt./expt Latt./expt f% fK m$ mN mD s mD mD* - mD s s m" - m# c "(1P-1S) 2mB -m! s,av mB c !(3S-1S) !(2P-1S) !(1P-1S) !(1D-1S) 0.9 1 1.1 Quenched Thursday, 17 March 2011 HPQCD/ MILC 2008 “ratio plot”. Multiple values of a, and of mu,d. Extrapolate to physical point. 0.9 1 1.1 with sea quarks update of: C. Davies et al, hep-lat/0304004 m/2min / GeV2 Example parameters for calculations now being done. Lots of different formalisms for handling quarks. Volume of 0.2 min MILC imp. staggered, 2+1 lattice also an mass RBC/UKQCD DW, 2+1 PACS-CS, clover, 2+1 issue - need of u,d BMW, stout clover, 2+1 quarks 0.15 (2.5fm)4 or more real world 0.1 mu,d ≈ ms/5 0.05 mu,d ≈ ms/10 mu,d ≈ ms/27 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 a2 / fm2 Thursday, 17 March 2011 0.02 0.025 0.03 The gold-plated meson spectrum - HPQCD 2009 12 hb(2P) 10 MESON MASS (GeV/c2) 2008 d’b db [’’ [’ [ hb(1P) 8 rb2 rb1(2P) rb0 rb2 rb1(1P) rb0 CDF 2005 UNFLAVORED 6 4 new prediction HPQCD 0909.4462 FLAVORED Bc Bs B ’ dc dc s’ J/s hc rc2 rc1 rc0 Ds D 2 0 experiment fix parameters postdictions [(1D) predictions d / K B*c B*s * B HPQCD 1008.4018 error 3 MeV - em effects important! I. Allison et al, hep-lat/0411027, A. Gray et al, hep-lat/0507013 Thursday, 17 March 2011 Determining quark masses Lattice QCD has direct access to parameters in Lagrangian for accurate tuning - issue is converting to contnm schemes such as M S Vus 10000 Quark masses (MeV/c2) Can now rule out some quark mass matrix models PDG (CKM) HPQCD/MILC quark mass PDG quark mass 0.2 Vcb 0.21 2010 PDG 2010 HPQCD mb (mb ) = 4.165(23)GeV c 1000 100 10 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 mc (mc ) = 1.273(6)GeV ms (2GeV) = 92.2(1.3)MeV s md (2GeV) = 4.77(15)MeV d u 1 0.028 0.032 0.036 0.04 Vub 0 b 0.044 Vcb = 0.002 Thursday, 17 March 2011 0.004 0.006 0.008 � mu (2GeV) = 2.01(10)MeV md /mb C. McNeile,CTHD, HPQCD, 1004.4285 vs PDG C. McNeile, 1004.4985, model from Chkareuli+Froggatt, hep-ph/9812499 Strong convergence of lattice results for strange quark mass this year. to PDG 130 MeV MILC ’09 HPQCD ’10 RBC/KEK/Nagoya ’10 RBC/UKQCD ’10 BMW ’10 80 90 100 ms MS(2 GeV) (MeV) Lattice world average = 93.6(1.1) MeV Thursday, 17 March 2011 110 Determining αs Lattice QCD now has several determns of αs to 1%. [ decays Key points: • high statistical precision • high order pert. th. exists and can estimate higher orders • higher twist not a significant issue • approaches very different - good test o decays DIS [F2] DIS [e,p -> jets] e+e-[jets shps] electroweak e+e-[jets shps] HPQCD: wloops HPQCD: heavy q corrs JLQCD: light q. vac. poln World average: Bethke 0908.1135 0.11 see 2011 Munich alphas workshop Thursday, 17 March 2011 0.115 0.12 0.125 0.13 _s(MZ) CTHD et al,HPQCD 0807.1687; 1004.4285;JLQCD,1002.0371. Determining the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix Vud Vus Vub V us π → lν K → lν B → πlν K → πlν Vcd ν V V cs cb D → lν Ds → lν B → Dlν µ D → πlνD → Klν K Vtd Vts Vtb Expt = CKM x theory(QCD) �Bd |Bd � �Bs|Bs� Vab appears in trivial way in decay processes involving quarks a + b. Calculating QCD effects is non-trivial - need precision lattice QCD to get accurate CKM results. If Vab known, compare lattice to expt to test QCD. Thursday, 17 March 2011 Recent CKM highlights Vus fK 0.15 µ ν fπ 0.1 K Exp’t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 mu/d /ms K decay constant parameterises QCD effects in leptonic decay.- calculate in lattice QCD. Combine with expt.(KLOE) (current world’s best but theory still Vus = 0.2262(14) dominates error) test of first row unitarity 2 2 2 1 −Vud −Vus −Vub = 0.0006(8) of CKM matrix Follana, CTHD et al HPQCD, 0706.1726 Thursday, 17 March 2011 HISQ action allows us to study c meson decays also Vcs ν Follana, CTHD et al, HPQCD, heplat/0610092, 0706.1726; CTHD et al, HPQCD, 1008.4018 µ 0.28 Ds 0.27 0.265 0.26 s fD / GeV fDs = 0.2480(25)GeV 0.275 1% error! 0.255 0.25 update from 2007 value of 0.241(3) GeV because of recalibration of lattice spacing Thursday, 17 March 2011 0.245 0.24 0 0.005 0.01 2 0.015 2 a / fm 0.02 0.025 320 Calculate Ds decay constant - compare to experiment if assume Vcs known expt !"i expt o"i 300 HPQCD, 1008.4018 260 HFAG expt av. s fD (MeV) 280 240 HPQCD-2010 + current expt HPQCD-2010 + future BES III 60 220 full lattice QCD 2-flavor lattice QCD 200 2005 2006 2007 2008 3m exclusion 50 2009 2010 3m exclusion 2011 New physics would give smaller decay constant than Standard Model - allows limits on charged Higgs. Thursday, 17 March 2011 tan ` 40 30 20 LEP direct exclusion 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 mH+/- (GeV) 350 400 450 500 Semileptonic form factors q emits W and changes to q` dΓ 2 2 ∝ |V | f (q ) cs + dq 2 D → Klν f0 (q 2 ) relate to expt Vqq� CKM element With HISQ quarks no renormalisation issues and good statistics possible f0 (q = 0) = 2 2.5% !! f+ (q 2 = 0) = 0.747(11)(15) Na, Shigemitsu et al, HPQCD, 1008.4562 Thursday, 17 March 2011 Comparison to experimental leptonic and semileptonic •! |Vcs|allows from D semileptonic and Ds leptonic rates direct determination of decays Vcs 0.961(26) error dominated by theory (now 2.5%) HPQCD semileptonic (2010) 0.961 (26) 1.010(22) error dominated by expt (now 2%) HPQCD leptonic (2010) 1.010 (23) 0.7 0.8 0.9 |Vcs| 1 1.1 Aim:•! Used similar accuracy elements from B meson new HFAG included for new CKM BaBar results for leptonic decays decay and mixing rates Thursday, 17 March 2011 New work: calculating shape of f+ (q ) 2 J. Koponen, CTHD, in progress 1.5 1.4 Comparison to expt will provide more detailed test of QCD. Note how form factor same for different processes all involving Ds -> ds D -> K dc -> Ds 1.3 f+ 2 f (q ) 1.2 1.1 1 f0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 -0.2 f+ (0) = f0 (0) 0 0.2 0.4 2 2 q a Thursday, 17 March 2011 0.6 0.8 1 c→s decay. New work: mapping shape of decay constants and form factors as a function of heavy quark mass from charm upwards - needs very fine lattices ... a = 0.09f m a = 0.15f m a = 0.06f m a = 0.12f m a = 0.045f m c . McNeile, CTHD, in progress Thursday, 17 March 2011 b Compare to nonrelativistic results at b New physics sensitivity in neutral B mixing Neutral B (and K) mix - gives rise to ‘oscillations’. Mixing determined by box diagram. Calculate in lattice QCD VtdVtb∗ B0 Parameterise with B0 2 fB BB � = where fB is decay �constant. fBs BBs Using ratio √ ξ = for Bs to Bd fB BB Lattice QCD results (HPQCD) using NRQCD b quarks: 7% normln error cancels in ratio. Thursday, 17 March 2011 HW Vtd | |=ξ Vts ΔMd MBs ΔMsMBd ξ = 1.26(3) E. Gamiz, CTHD et al, HPQCD, 0902.1815 Use this to provide SM rate for LHCb of: Br(Bs → µ+ µ− ) = 3.19(19) × 10−9 6% error from taking ratio to mixing rate Bs!µµ: LHCb reach in 2011 E. Gamiz et al, Improvement needed, in progress .... 0902.1815[hep-lat] BS!µµ exclusion @ 95% CL 100 345"!#$%&&'*+6(7/& ."!#$%&&&'0),,12&.#!!&/& !"!#$%&'()*+,-&.#!!/& 3"!#$8&'1-6&.#!!9/& 10 37 pb-1 1 0.0 0.2 500 pb-1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 fb-1 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 New LHCb limit LanFranchi, LaThuile 2011 Now working to improve lattice QCD result .. With the data collected in 2011 we will be able to explore the very Thursday, 17 March 2011 Lattice QCD calculations are key Ruth to constraining sides of S. Van de Water CKM Unitarity triangle d flavor physics from lattice QCD current situation tensions developing at 2 sigma level. The CKM matrix and flavor physics from lattice QCD Ru Future with 1% lattice errors for of the CKM unitarity triangle [14] . The current fit is consistent with the Standard Model The constraints from εK , |Vub |/|Vcb| , ∆Ms /∆Md , and ∆Md are all limited by theoretical attice QCD. BK , fK � ming the Standard the majority of inputs to κ ξ, fBsModel,B Bs are well-known from experning unknown, ImA2 , can be obtained from lattice QCD calculations of K → ππ n the ∆I = 1/2 channel. The only N f = 2 + 1 flavor determination of this quantity from exclusive SL decay cb ub d UKQCD collaborations [31], and has rather large systematic errors associated Figure 9: Potential impact ofthe future lattice determinations J.Laiho et perturbation al, 0910.2928; ding-order chiral theory. Nevertheless, contribution to Eq. (3.11)on the global unitarity triangl ical errors in all of the lattice QCD inputs are reduced to 1% with the central values fixe ll Thursday, and leads to only 17 March 2011a ∼ 1% uncertainty in κε [14]: ε V ,V the piecesError of the Budget Bayesian error that depend upon the prior A VeryareGood to the error widths budgets in those extrapolations. ‘‘ms evolution’’ (one omission) Full error now available forrefers lattice calcs in running the quark masses to the same scale from different a stats values for the chiral extrapolation. The r1 uncertainty comes tuning from the error in the physical value of r1 , and the finite volume uncertainty allows for a 50% error in our finite volume adjustchiral !q = 2mDq ments described in the text. continuum ns as a lues of ones in aneous olation overall e offset , mu ! experi- fK =f! fK f! fDs =fD fDs fD !s =!d r1 uncerty. a2 extrap. Finite vol. mu=d extrap. Stat. errors ms evoln. md , QED, etc. 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.0 1.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 Total % 0.6 1.3 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.8 1.2 charmed sea 062002-3 – m"c << 0.5%? will tell you what is possible in future e.g. is error from disc. errors, mu,d extrapoln, stats ... Monday, April 26, 2010 Thursday, 17 March 2011 41 Conclusion • very accurate results are available now from lattice QCD for QCD parameters and for simple hadron masses and decay matrix elements important for flavour physics. Future • sets of ‘next generation’ gluon configs will have mu,d at physical value (so no extrapoln) or a down to 0.03fm (so b quarks are ‘light’) or much higher statistics (for harder hadrons) also can include charm in the sea now. • Pushing errors down to 1% level will mean em corrections and mu �= md must be understood. • some harder calculations (flavor singlet, excited states, nuclear physics) will also become possible Thursday, 17 March 2011