Rare b-hadron decays Christoph Langenbruch1 1 University of Warwick Warwick EPP seminar December 3rd , 2015 Introduction 2 / 48 Rare Decays as probes for New Physics Rare decays: Flavour changing neutral currents (FCNCs) b → q decays with q = s, d quark In the SM: FCNCs forbidden at tree-level, only W ± changes flavour but: higher order penguin processes are possible b SM penguin diagram t s W Z 0, γ b NP penguin diagram t s H± Z 0, γ Loop-suppression → rare processes with B typically 10−5 . . . 10−10 New heavy particles beyond the SM can significantly contribute NP does not need to be produced on-shell Buras, → masses up to O(100 TeV) accessible [A. arXiv:1505.00618] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Introduction 2 / 48 Rare Decays as probes for New Physics Rare decays: Flavour changing neutral currents (FCNCs) b → q decays with q = s, d quark In the SM: FCNCs forbidden at tree-level, only W ± changes flavour but: higher order penguin processes are possible b SM penguin diagram t s W Z 0, γ b NP penguin diagram t s H± Z 0, γ Loop-suppression → rare processes with B typically 10−5 . . . 10−10 New heavy particles beyond the SM can significantly contribute NP does not need to be produced on-shell Buras, → masses up to O(100 TeV) accessible [A. arXiv:1505.00618] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Introduction 3 / 48 Effective field theory FCNCs a multi-scale problem: ΛNP mW mb ΛQCD ? & 1 TeV 80 GeV 5 GeV 0.2 GeV Buras In effective field theory: Operator product expansion [A. hep-ph/9806471] X 4GF Heff = − √ Vtb Vtq∗ Ci Oi + Ci0 Oi0 |{z} |{z} 2 i m Left-handed Right-handed, msb suppressed (0) (0) Wilson coeff. Ci encode short-distance physics, Oi corr. operators Well known analogon: β decay u d W− GF e− ν̄e Heff = u d G √F 2 e− ν̄e cos θC [ūγµ (1 − γ5 )d × ēγ µ (1 − γ5 )νe ] Integrate out heavy DoF → Contact interaction with effective coupling GF C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Introduction 3 / 48 Effective field theory FCNCs a multi-scale problem: ΛNP mW mb ΛQCD ? & 1 TeV 80 GeV 5 GeV 0.2 GeV Buras In effective field theory: Operator product expansion [A. hep-ph/9806471] X 4GF Heff = − √ Vtb Vtq∗ Ci Oi + Ci0 Oi0 |{z} |{z} 2 i m Left-handed Right-handed, msb suppressed (0) (0) Wilson coeff. Ci encode short-distance physics, Oi corr. operators Well known analogon: β decay u d W− GF e− ν̄e Heff = u d G √F 2 e− ν̄e cos θC [ūγµ (1 − γ5 )d × ēγ µ (1 − γ5 )νe ] Integrate out heavy DoF → Contact interaction with effective coupling GF C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Introduction 4 / 48 Operators b b → sγ s γ photon penguin (0) O7 = ge2 mb (s̄σµν PR(L) b)F µν b ` s (0) ` O10 b ` s B → µµ 3 electroweak penguin 2 (0) O9 = ge2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ µ) 3 e2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ γ5 µ) g2 3 (pseudo)scalar penguin (0) e2 OS = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄µ) (0) e2 ` OP = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄γ5 µ) 3 3 = C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 3 3 b → sγ 5 / 48 Operators b b → sγ s γ photon penguin (0) O7 = ge2 mb (s̄σµν PR(L) b)F µν b ` s (0) ` O10 b ` s B → µµ 3 electroweak penguin 2 (0) O9 = ge2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ µ) 3 e2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ γ5 µ) g2 3 (pseudo)scalar penguin (0) e2 OS = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄µ) (0) e2 ` OP = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄γ5 µ) 3 3 = C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 3 3 b → sγ 6 / 48 + + − − Photon polarisation λγ with B → K π π γ u B+ b̄ u K +π+π− t̄ s̄ W γ In SM, photons from b → sγ decays left-handed (C70 /C7 ∼ ms /mb ) Gronau et al., Can probe λγ with B + → K + π + π − γ decays [M. PRD 66 (2002) 054008] R +1 Up-down asymmetry Aud = C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 0 R0 dΓ dΓ − −1 dcosθ dcosθ dcosθ dcosθ R +1 dΓ −1 dcosθ dcosθ Rare b-hadron decays ∝ λγ b → sγ 7 / 48 + + − Candidates / ( 8 MeV/c2 ) Candidates / ( 50 MeV/c2 ) Composition of K π π final state 3000 LHCb 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4500 5000 5500 6000 350 300 200 150 100 50 0 6500 M(Kππγ ) [MeV/c ] LHCb 250 1200 1400 2 1600 1800 M(Kππ) [MeV/ c2] Signal yield NKππγ = 13 876 ± 153 Final state consists of several resonances: K1 (1270)+ , K1 (1400)+ ,. . . Different res. hard to separate, perform analysis in four mKππ bins C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → sγ 8 / 48 1 LHCb 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 LHCb 0.8 0.2 [1.1,1.3] GeV/c2 -0.5 0 0.5 1 LHCb 0.8 0 -1 1 cosθ 1/N × dN/dcosθ 0 -1 0.6 0.2 [1.4,1.6] GeV/c2 0 0.5 1 cosθ 0 0.5 1 cosθ 0 -1 0 -0.05 LHCb 0.8 0.4 -0.5 -0.5 0.6 0.2 LHCb 0.05 [1.3,1.4] GeV/c2 1 0.4 0 -1 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.2 1/N × dN/dcosθ Aud 1/N × dN/dcosθ 1/N × dN/dcosθ First observation of γ polarisation -0.1 1200 [1.6,1.9] GeV/c2 -0.5 0 0.5 1400 1 cosθ 1600 1800 M(Kππ) [MeV/ c2] Perform angular fit of cos θ distribution to determine Aud Combination results in first obs. of non-zero photon polarisation at 5.2 σ [PRL 112, 161801 (2014)] To determine precise value for λγ , resonance structure of final state needs to be resolved C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B → µµ 9 / 48 Operators b b → sγ s γ photon penguin (0) O7 = ge2 mb (s̄σµν PR(L) b)F µν b ` s (0) ` O10 b ` s B → µµ 3 electroweak penguin 2 (0) O9 = ge2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ µ) 3 e2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ γ5 µ) g2 3 (pseudo)scalar penguin (0) e2 OS = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄µ) (0) e2 ` OP = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄γ5 µ) 3 3 = C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 3 3 B → µµ 10 / 48 The very rare decay b̄ Bs0 s t W 0 B(s) → µ+ Z0 µµ b̄ Bs0 t µ− µ+ W νµ t s W µ− Loop and additionally helicity suppressed Purely leptonic final state: Theoretically and experimentally very clean Very sensitive to NP: Possible scalar and pseudoscalar enhanced wrt. SM axialvector 4m2 2m 0 )|2 ] B ∝ |Vtb Vtq |2 [(1 − M 2µ )|CS − CS0 |2 + |(CP − CP0 ) + M 2µ (C10 − C10 B B Bobeth et al., SM prediction (accounting for ∆Γs 6= 0) [C. PRL 112, 101801 (2014)] B(Bs0 → µ+ µ− ) = (3.66 ± 0.23) × 10−9 B(B 0 → µ+ µ− ) = (1.06 ± 0.09) × 10−10 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B → µµ 11 / 48 First observation of Bs0 → µµ S/(S+B) weighted cand. / (40 MeV/c2) CMS and LHCb (LHC run I) 60 Data Signal and background Bs0→ µ+µ− B0→ µ+µ− Combinatorial bkg. Semileptonic bkg. Peaking bkg. 50 40 30 20 10 0 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 mµ+µ− [MeV/ c2] Combined analysis of LHCb and CMS Run 1 data, sharing signal and nuisance parameters [Nature 522 (2015) pp. 68-72] First obs. of Bs0 → µ+ µ− with 6.2 σ significance (expected 7.2 σ) −9 B(Bs0 → µ+ µ− ) = (2.8+0.7 compatible with SM at 1.2 σ −0.6 ) × 10 0 + − First evidence for B → µ µ with 3.0 σ significance (expected 0.8 σ) −10 B(B 0 → µ+ µ− ) = (3.9+1.6 compatible with SM at 2.2 σ −1.4 ) × 10 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 12 / 48 0 µµ)/B(Bs0 → CMS and LHCb (LHC run I) 40 1− 1− −5 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 B(B 0s → µ + µ −) [10−9] −2ΔlnL 10 a 0 b 0 0 SM 0.1 0 20 10 0.3 0.2 SM 30 −7 ×10 6.3 3% 5% 7% 0.4 99.7 0.6 ×10 5.7 0.7 −9 1− 0 2×1 0.8 0.5 µµ) −2ΔlnL 0.9 95.4 B(B0 → µ + µ −) [10−9] The ratio R = B(B → 68.2 −2∆ lnL B → µµ 5 6 7 8 9 B(B0s → µ + µ −) [10−9] SM 8 6 4 c 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 B(B 0 → µ + µ −) [10−9] CMS and LHCb (LHC run I) 10 SM and MFV 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 R= B(B 0→µµ) B(Bs0→µµ) tests MFV hypothesis RSM = 0.0295+0.0028 −0.0025 R = 0.14+0.08 −0.06 compatible at 2.3 σ 0.5 R C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 13 / 48 Operators b b → sγ s γ photon penguin (0) O7 = ge2 mb (s̄σµν PR(L) b)F µν b ` s (0) ` O10 b ` s B → µµ 3 electroweak penguin 2 (0) O9 = ge2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ µ) 3 e2 (s̄γµ PL(R) b)(µ̄γ µ γ5 µ) g2 3 (pseudo)scalar penguin (0) e2 OS = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄µ) (0) e2 ` OP = 16π 2 mb (s̄PR(L) b)(µ̄γ5 µ) 3 3 = C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 3 3 b → q`` 14 / 48 b → s(d)`` decays SM penguin diagram W b s(d) b Z 0, γ s(d) W t SM box diagram t `+ αem W νµ `− `+ `− b → s(d)`` decays proceed via penguin and box diagrams B(Bs0 → µµ) hel. supp. < B(b → s``) ∼ 10−6 αem. < B(b → sγ) Plenty of decays due to choice of q = s, d, lepton, hadronic resonance: b → sµµ b → dµµ b → see 05 JHEP 09 JHEP 06 + ∗+ µ+ µ− [JHEP 06 ] B + → K + µ+ µ− [JHEP (2014) 082] [(2014) 177] [(2014) 133] B → K (2014) 133 10 0 0 + − [JHEP 05 ] [JHEP 06 ], B + → K + π + π − µ+ µ− [JHEP (2014) 064] B → K µ µ (2014) 082 (2014) 133 09 0 + − + − [PLB 743 ] B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051 ] Bs0 → φµ+ µ− [JHEP (2015) 179] Bs → π π µ µ (2015) 46 to be submitted 06 Λ0b → Λµ+ µ− [JHEP ] (2015) 115 10 0 + − + − [PLB 743 ] B + → π + µ+ µ− [JHEP (2015) 034] B → π π µ µ (2015) 46 113 0 → K ∗0 e+ e− [JHEP 04 ] B + → K + e+ e− [PRL ] B (2014) 151601 (2015)064 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 15 / 48 B → V `` differential branching fraction J/ψ(1S) ψ(2S) (!) dΓ dq 2 C7 (!) (!) C7 C9 !"#$%&$%$"'$( (!) C9 +,"-(*!.#)"'$( ',"#%!/01,".(&%,2(cc̄ )/,3$(,4$"('5)%2( #5%$.5,6*(( 4 [m(µ)]2 (!) )"*( C 10 q2 q 2 = m2 (`+ `− ) provides separation power between Ci → bin in q 2 Regions where J/ψ and ψ(2S) dominate are vetoed → control decays typically 8 < q 2 < 11 GeV2/c4 and 12.5 < q 2 < 15 GeV2/c4 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` 16 / 48 Complication in theory: QCD effects d¯ W b t d¯ d¯ s b d¯ W t `+ Z 0, γ s `+ Z 0, γ `− `− Hadronic meson in initial and final state → Predictions require non-perturbative calculation of form factors Predictions of B and angular obs. affected by form factor uncertainty Ideally measure clean observables where form factors (largely) cancel Γ(B −→K − µ+ µ− )−Γ(B +→K + µ+ µ− ) Γ(B −→K − µ+ µ− )+Γ(B +→K + µ+ µ− ) ACP = Lepton universality, RK = B +→K + µ+ µ− B +→K + e+ e− AI = Ratios of angular obs., Pi PRD 89 (2014) 094501 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 (0) q2) basis LCSR (low q 2 ) and Du et al., [arXiv:1510.02349] PoS (Lattice2014) 372 Recent improvements Horgan et al., fromlattice Horgan et(high al., Bharucha et al., [arXiv:1503.05534] Γ(B 0→K 0 µ+ µ− )−Γ(B +→K + µ+ µ− ) Γ(B 0→K 0 µ+ µ− )+Γ(B +→K + µ+ µ− ) Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 17 / 48 0 ∗0 + − + − Golden mode B → K [→ K π ]µ µ d d B0 K ∗0 t̄ b̄ K s̄ K* W+ Z 0, γ K* z B µ− + + µ+ Figu B̄d0 → i) th ii) t in th the the betw by t ¯ (``)- V is assumed to be on-shell in the narrow-resonance app 0 ∗0 (→ K − to four4 . Using K̄ 2 ~of kinematic Fully described by three helicity angles Ω = (θ` ,variables θK ,inφ) and q 2 B̄=d →m µµ chosen as depicted figure 1. The differential decay rate, after summing over lepto Differential decay rate given by 4 d4 Γ(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) 9 X 8π2 2 ~ d Γ = J s sin2 θK + J1c cos2 θK = Ii (q3 dq )fid(cos Ω)θ` d cos θK dφ 1 2 ~ dq 32π dΩ +J3 sin2 θK sin2 θ` cos 2φ + J4 sin 2θK ∗ ∗ i d4 Γ̄(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) 9 X¯ 2 ~ = Ii (q )fi (Ω) 2 ~ 32π dΩ dq i ∗ ∗ + ∗ s +(J6s sin2 θK ∗ + J6c cos2 +J8 sin 2θK ∗ sin that is,amplitudes into q 2 -dependent observables5 Jij (q 2 ) and the Ii and I¯i (q 2 ) combinations of K ∗0 spin (0) φ.(0)No additional (0) angular dependencies can be induced depending on Wilson coefficients C7 , Cbasis and form factors by [12, 13]. The following simplificatio 9 ,[11]Cas10found (q 2 ) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 J1c = −J2c and J6c = 0. The differential decay rate d4 Γ̄ of the CP-conjugate Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 18 / 48 0 ∗0 + − Angular observables in B → K µ µ Access to CP -averages Si and CP -asymmetries Ai W. Altmannshofer et al., JHEP 01 (2009) 019 dΓ dΓ̄ + Si = Ii + I¯i / 2 dq 2 dq dΓ dΓ̄ Ai = Ii − I¯i / + 2 dq 2 dq CP -averaged angular distribution in bins of q 2 1 d3 (Γ + Γ̄) 9 3 2 2 = 4 (1 − FL ) sin θK + FL cos θK ~ 32π d(Γ + Γ̄)/dq 2 dΩ + 14 (1 − FL ) sin2 θK cos 2θ` − FL cos2 θK cos 2θ` + S3 sin2 θK sin2 θ` cos 2φ + S4 sin 2θK sin 2θ` cos φ + S5 sin 2θK sin θ` cos φ + 34 AFB sin2 θK cos θ` + S7 sin 2θK sin θ` sin φ + S8 sin 2θK sin 2θ` sin φ + S9 sin2 θK sin2 θ` sin 2φ Longitudinal polarisation fraction FL , Forward-backward asymmetry AFB Perform ratios of angular obs. form factors cancel at leading order S. where Descotes-Genon et al., Example: P50 = √ S5 JHEP, 05 (2013) 137 FL (1−FL ) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 0 19 / 48 ∗0 + − q2 [GeV2/c4] B → K µ µ selection [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 20 18 preliminary 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 m(K +� -µ +µ-) [GeV/c2] BDT to suppress combinatorial background Input variables: PID, kinematic and geometric quantities, isolation variables Veto of B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 and B 0 → ψ(2S)K ∗0 (important control decays) and peaking backgrounds using kinematic variables and PID Signal clearly visible as vertical band after the full selection C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 20 / 48 0 ∗0 + − Mass model and B → K µ µ signal yield LHCb preliminary 100 B 0 → K ∗0 µµ signal 1.1 < q 2 < 6.0 GeV2/c4 50 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] LHCb preliminary 104 B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 control decay 103 102 0 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] Signal mass model from high statistics B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 Correction factor from simulation to account for q 2 dep. resolution Finer q 2 binning to allow more flexible use in theory Significant signal yield in all bins, q 2 integrated Nsig = 2398 ± 57 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 20 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 20 40 LHCb preliminary 30 20 30 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] [2.5, 4.0] GeV2/c4 [4.0, 6.0] GeV2/c4 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 LHCb preliminary 40 [1.1, 2.5] GeV2/c4 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 [0.1, 0.98] GeV2/c4 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 Mass model and B → K µ µ signal yield LHCb preliminary 20 10 LHCb preliminary 40 20 10 2 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 0 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] [6.0, 8.0] GeV /c 4 LHCb preliminary 60 40 20 0 5200 5400 0 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 2 [11.0, 12.5] GeV /c 4 LHCb preliminary 40 20 5200 5400 0 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 2 [15.0, 17.0] GeV /c 4 LHCb preliminary 60 40 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] [17.0, 19.0] GeV2/c4 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 5400 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 5200 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 0 LHCb preliminary 40 20 20 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 0 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 0 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 0 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] Signal mass model from high statistics B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 Correction factor from simulation to account for q 2 dep. resolution Finer q 2 binning to allow more flexible use in theory Significant signal yield in all bins, q 2 integrated Nsig = 2398 ± 57 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 21 / 48 Acceptance effect 1 0.5 [0.1, 1.0] GeV2/c4 [18.0, 19.0] GeV2/c4 1 0.5 LHCb simulation 0 -1 -0.5 Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 1 0.5 LHCb simulation 0 0.5 1 cos θ l 0 -1 -0.5 LHCb simulation 0 0.5 1 cos θ K 0 -2 0 2 φ Trigger, reconstruction and selection distorts decay angles and q 2 distribution Parametrize 4D efficiency using Legendre polynomials Pk X cklmn Pk (cos θ` )Pl (cos θK )Pm (φ)Pn (q 2 ) ε(cos θ` , cos θK , φ, q 2 ) = klmn cklmn from moments analysis of B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− phase-space MC Crosscheck acceptance using B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 control decay C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 22 / 48 0 LHCb preliminary LHCb preliminary 4000 50 5200 5400 0 5600 -1 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] LHCb preliminary 8000 6000 4000 -0.5 0 0.5 1 cos θ l LHCb preliminary 4000 2000 2000 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 cos θ K 0 -2 0 2 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 2000 0 Events / 0.02 ×103 Events / 0.02 100 Events / 0.02 π rad Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 Control decay B → J/ψ K ∗0 φ [rad] black line: full fit, blue: signal component, red: bkg. part Angular observables successfully reproduced [PRD 88, 052002 (2013)] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 23 / 48 S-wave pollution S-wave: K + π − not from K ∗0 (892) but in spin 0 configuration Introduces two add. decay amplitudes resulting in six add. observables 1 1 d3 (Γ + Γ̄) d3 (Γ + Γ̄) =(1 − F ) S ~ ~ d(Γ + Γ̄)/dq 2 d(Γ + Γ̄)/dq 2 dΩ dΩ S+P P 3 2 + FS sin θ` + S-P interference 16π FS scales P-wave observables, needs to be determined precisely Perform simultaneous mKπ fit to constrain FS P-wave described by rel. Breit-Wigner S-wave described by LASS model crosschecked using Isobar param. Events / 10 MeV/c2 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 40000 20000 0 0.8 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 LHCb preliminary 60000 Rare b-hadron decays 0.85 0.9 0.95 m(K +π −) [GeV/c2] b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 0 24 / 48 ∗0 + − B → K µ µ Likelihood fit Full 3 fb−1 allows first simultaneous determination of all eight CP-averaged observables in a single fit Allows to quote correlation matrix to include in global fit Perform maximum likelihood fit to the decay angles and mKπµµ in q 2 bins, simultaneously fitting mKπ to constrain FS h X ~ q 2 )fsig Psig (Ω)P ~ sig (mKπµµ ) log L = log (Ω, i i ~ bkg (mKπµµ ) + (1 − fsig )Pbkg (Ω)P h i X + log fsig Psig (mKπ ) + (1 − fsig )Pbkg (mKπ ) i Psig (Ω) given by d3 (Γ+Γ̄) 1 ~ d(Γ+Γ̄)/dq 2 dΩ S+P nd Pbkg (Ω) modelled with 2 order Chebychev polynomials. Feldman-Cousins method [G. Feldman et al., PRD 57 3873-3889] to ensure correct coverage at low statistics C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 25 / 48 ∗0 + − LHCb preliminary 60 Events / 0.1 π Events / 0.1 B → K µ µ likelihood projections [1.1, 6.0] GeV2/c4 Events / 0.1 0 LHCb preliminary 100 40 LHCb preliminary 60 40 50 20 0.5 -0.5 LHCb preliminary 100 50 0 0 -1 1 cos θ l 5200 5400 5600 m(K +π −µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 0 0.5 0 1 cos θ K -2 LHCb preliminary 100 50 0 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 m(K +π −) [GeV/c2] 0 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 0 Events / 10 MeV/c2 -0.5 Events / 5.3 MeV/c2 0 -1 20 Efficiency corrected distributions show good agreement with overlaid projections of the probability density function C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 2 φ [rad] b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 0 26 / 48 ∗0 + − B → K µ µ systematic uncertainties Source Acceptance stat. uncertainty Acceptance polynomial order Data-simulation differences Acceptance variation with q 2 m(K + π − ) model Background model Peaking backgrounds m(K + π − µ+ µ− ) model Det. and prod. asymmetries FL < 0.01 < 0.01 0.01–0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 – S3 –S9 < 0.01 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 – A3 –A9 < 0.01 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 P1 –P80 < 0.01 < 0.04 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.03 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.02 < 0.02 Systematic uncertainties determined using high statistics toys Measurement is statistically dominated (and will still be in Run 2) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 27 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 1 S3 FL B → K µ µ Results: FL , S3 , S4 , S5 0.5 LHCb prelim. 0.8 0.6 LHCb prelim. SM from ABSZ SM from ABSZ [1503.05534][1411.3161] [1503.05534][1411.3161] 0 0.4 0.2 -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 10 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. LHCb prelim. SM from ABSZ SM from ABSZ [1503.05534][1411.3161] [1503.05534][1411.3161] 0 0 -0.5 0 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] S5 S4 q2 [GeV2/ c4] -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Rare b-hadron decays [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 0 0 b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 28 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 S7 A FB B → K µ µ Results: AFB , S7 , S8 , S9 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. 0 0 LHCb prelim. SM from ABSZ 0 -0.5 [1503.05534][1411.3161] 5 10 15 0 5 10 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. 0 LHCb prelim. 0 -0.5 0 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] S9 S8 q2 [GeV2/ c4] -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Rare b-hadron decays [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] -0.5 b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 29 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 A4 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. LHCb prelim. 0 0 -0.5 0 -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 10 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. 0 LHCb prelim. 0 -0.5 0 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] A 6s A5 q2 [GeV2/ c4] -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Rare b-hadron decays [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] A3 B → K µ µ CP asymmetries: A3 , A4 , A5 , A6s b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 30 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. 0 0 -0.5 0 LHCb prelim. -0.5 5 10 15 0 5 A9 q2 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb prelim. 0 -0.5 5 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] 0.5 0 10 Rare b-hadron decays [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] A8 A7 B → K µ µ CP asymmetries: A7 , A8 , A9 b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 31 / 48 P50 5 P' [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 1 LHCb prelim. 0.5 SM from DHMV [1407.8526] 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Tension seen in P50 in [PRL 111, 191801 (2013)] confirmed [4.0, 6.0] and [6.0, 8.0] GeV2/c4 local deviations of 2.8σ and 3.0σ Compatible with 1 fb−1 measurement C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 31 / 48 P50 5 P' [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 1 LHCb prelim. 0.5 SM from DHMV [1407.8526] 0 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Tension seen in P50 in [PRL 111, 191801 (2013)] confirmed [4.0, 6.0] and [6.0, 8.0] GeV2/c4 local deviations of 2.8σ and 3.0σ Compatible with 1 fb−1 measurement C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b → q`` | B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 32 / 48 15 10 5 LHCb prelim. 0 3 3.5 4 [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] SM ∆χ 2 Compatibility with the SM 4.5 Re (C9) Perform χ2 fit of measured Si observables using [EOS] software Beaujean et al., Varying Re(C9 ) and incl. nuisances according [F.EPJC 74 (2014) 2897] ∆Re(C9 ) = −1.04 ± 0.25 with global significance of 3.4 σ C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays b̄ − + − → φ[→ K K ]µ µ s Bs0 + s φ t̄ s̄ W+ Z 0, γ µ− µ+ 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 103 102 10 LHCb 5.3 5.4 5.5 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] The rare decay 33 / 48 Bs0 q2 [GeV2/ c4] 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− 1 − m(K +K µ +µ −) [GeV/c2] Dominant b → sµ+ µ− decay for Bs0 , analogous to B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− K + K − µ+ µ− final state not self-tagging → reduced number of angular observables: FL , S3,4,7 , A5,6,8,9 Signal yield lower due to Clean selection due to narrow φ resonance, S-wave negligible fs fd C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 ∼ 41 , B(φ→K + K − ) B(K ∗0→K + π − ) = Rare b-hadron decays 3 4 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− Bs0 → 34 / 48 + − φµ µ mass model LHCb B0s→ φ µ +µ − 100 50 5300 5400 − 5500 Events / 10 MeV/c2 Events / 10 MeV/c2 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] LHCb 15000 B0s→ J / ψ φ 10000 5000 5300 m(K +K µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 5400 − 5500 m(K +K µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] Signal mass model (double CB) taken from Bs0 → J/ψ φ q 2 dep. resolution accounted for with scale factor from simulation Background described using Exponential Signal yield Nφµµ = 432 ± 24 (q 2 -integrated) Bs0 → J/ψ φ yield NJ/ψ φ = 62 033 ± 260 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− Bs0 → 35 / 48 + − φµ µ differential branching fraction 2 < q2 < 5 GeV2/ c4 15 10 5 Events / 10 MeV/c2 m(K + 5500 [MeV/c2] LHCb 20 15 < q2 < 17 GeV2/ c4 10 5300 5400 5300 − K µ +µ −) 5500 [MeV/c2] − m(K +K µ +µ −) 5400 m(K + 17 < q2 < 19 GeV2/ c4 10 5 5300 5400 5 < q2 < 8 GeV2/ c4 20 10 5500 [MeV/c2] LHCb 15 30 5300 − K µ +µ −) 5400 m(K Events / 10 MeV/c2 5400 Events / 10 MeV/c2 5300 LHCb 5500 [MeV/c2] − m(K +K µ +µ −) + 1 < q2 < 6 GeV2/ c4 10 5400 5500 − m(K +K µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] LHCb 11 < q2 < 12.5 GeV2/ c4 15 10 5 5500 [MeV/c2] 20 5300 20 5300 − K µ +µ −) LHCb 30 Events / 10 MeV/c2 10 LHCb Events / 10 MeV/c2 0.1 < q2 < 2 GeV2/ c4 25 20 Events / 10 MeV/c2 20 Events / 10 MeV/c2 Events / 10 MeV/c2 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] LHCb 5400 40 5500 − m(K +K µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] LHCb 15 < q2 < 19 GeV2/ c4 30 20 10 5300 5400 5500 − m(K +K µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] Bs0 → J/ψ φ used for normalisation Differential branching fraction: φµµ Nφµµ dB(Bs0 → φµ+ µ− ) 1 = 2 × × × B(Bs0 → J/ψ φ) × B(J/ψ → µ+ µ− ) 2 dq 2 NJ/ψ φ J/ψ φ qmax. − qmin. φµµ from (corrected) simulation, many effects cancel in ratio J/ψ φ C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− 36 / 48 + − 9 LHCb 8 7 6 5 4 3 SM pred. SM (wide) SM LQCD Data Data (wide) 2 1 0 5 10 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] φµ µ differential branching fraction dB(B0s → φ µ µ )/dq2 [10-8GeV-2c4] Bs0 → 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] In 1 < q 2 < 6 GeV2/c4 diff. B more than 3 σ below SM prediction Confirming deviation seen in 1 fb−1 analysis [JHEP 07 (2013) 084] Most precise measurement of relative and total branching fraction B(Bs0 → φµ+ µ− ) −4 = (7.41+0.42 −0.40 ± 0.20 ± 0.21) × 10 , B(Bs0 → J/ψ φ) −7 B(Bs0 → φµ+ µ− ) = (7.97+0.45 −0.43 ± 0.22 ± 0.23 ± 0.60) × 10 , C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− Bs0 → 37 / 48 + − φµ µ angular analysis Non-flavour specific final state → reduced number of accessible observables 4 CP averages, 4 CP asymmetries 9 3 1 d3 (Γ + Γ̄) 2 2 2 1 = 4 (1 − FL ) sin θK + FL cos θK + 4 (1 − FL ) sin θK cos 2θ` ~ 32π d(Γ + Γ̄)/dq 2 dΩ − FL cos2 θK cos 2θ` + S3 sin2 θK sin2 θ` cos 2φ + S4 sin 2θK sin 2θ` cos φ + A5 sin 2θK sin θ` cos φ + A6 sin2 θK cos θ` + S7 sin 2θK sin θ` sin φ + A8 sin 2θK sin 2θ` sin φ + A9 sin2 θK sin2 θ` sin 2φ ub. ML fit in m(K + K − µ+ µ− ) and {cos θ` , cos θK , φ} in bins of q 2 Angular background modelled with 2nd order Chebyshev polynomials Same acceptance method used as for B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 cross-checked using Bs0 → J/ψ φ Feldman-Cousins method due to very limited statistics C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− 38 / 48 + − 1.5 LHCb 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.5 5 10 q2 1.0 15 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb -1.0 0.5 0.0 0 -0.5 -0.5 5 10 q2 15 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb SM pred. SM (wide) Data Data (wide) 5 -1 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb 5 Good agreement of angular obs. with SM predictions C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 10 1 0.5 -1.0 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] 1.0 1.0 -0.5 S4 S3 φµ µ angular analysis S7 FL Bs0 → Rare b-hadron decays 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] 0 b → q`` | Bs → φµ+ µ− 39 / 48 + − φµ µ angular analysis A5 1 LHCb A6 Bs0 → 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 5 10 q2 A8 1 -1 15 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb A9 -1 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 5 10 q2 15 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb 5 -1 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb 5 Good agreement of angular obs. with SM predictions C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 10 1 0.5 -1 [JHEP 09 (2015) 179] 1 Rare b-hadron decays 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] b → q`` | b → sµ+ µ− branching fractions 40 / 48 (∗) + − Number of signal events in full 3 fb−1 data sample Nsig B + → K ∗+ µ+ µ− 162 ± 16 Normalise with respect to B 0 → J/ψ KS0 (K ∗0 ) and B + → J/ψ K + (K ∗+ ) Differential branching fractions dB/dq2 [10-8 × c4/GeV2] LCSR Lattice Data + + − B →K µ µ LHCb 5 + 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 q2 [GeV2/c4] B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 2361 ± 56 LCSR Lattice Data B → K 0µ +µ − LHCb 5 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 Compatible with but lower than SM predictions h ih i A. Khodjamirian et al., Ball et al., Light cone sum rules (LCSR): P. PRD 71 (2005) 014029 JHEP 09 (2010) 089 h ih i Horgan et al., C. Bouchard et al., Lattice: R. PRD 88 (2013) 054509 PRD 89 (2014) 094501 dB(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− )/dq 2 with 3 fb−1 in preparation C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 20 q2 [GeV2/c4] Rare b-hadron decays [JHEP 06 (2014) 133] B + → K + µ+ µ 4746 ± 81 dB/dq2 [10-8 × c4/GeV2] B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− 176 ± 17 [JHEP 06 (2014) 133] B → K µ µ branching fraction measurements b → q`` | b → sµ+ µ− branching fractions 40 / 48 (∗) + − Number of signal events in full 3 fb−1 data sample Nsig B + → K ∗+ µ+ µ− 162 ± 16 LCSR 20 Lattice Data *+ + − B →K µ µ LHCb + 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 1.5 Theory LHCb Binned LHCb B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 Compatible with but lower than SM predictions h ih i A. Khodjamirian et al., Ball et al., Light cone sum rules (LCSR): P. PRD 71 (2005) 014029 JHEP 09 (2010) 089 h ih i Horgan et al., C. Bouchard et al., Lattice: R. PRD 88 (2013) 054509 PRD 89 (2014) 094501 dB(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− )/dq 2 with 3 fb−1 in preparation C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] [JHEP 08 (2013) 131] Differential branching fractions q2 [GeV2/c4] B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− 2361 ± 56 Normalise with respect to B 0 → J/ψ KS0 (K ∗0 ) and B + → J/ψ K + (K ∗+ ) dB/dq2 [10-8 × c4/GeV2] B + → K + µ+ µ 4746 ± 81 dB /dq 2 [10-7 × c 4 GeV-2] B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− 176 ± 17 [JHEP 06 (2014) 133] B → K µ µ branching fraction measurements Global b → s fits 41 / 48 Global fits to b → s data h W. Altmannshofer et al., EPJC 75 (2015) 382 i S. Descotes-Genon et al., arXiv:1510.04239 Angular observables Branching fractions Combined Combine exp. information from rare b → s processes in global fit of Ci b → sγ, B-fact. B(Bs0 → µ+ µ− ), LHCb+CMS Ang.(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ), LHCb 3 fb−1 Ang.+B(Bs0 → φµ+ µ− ), LHCb 1 fb−1 (3 fb−1 ) B(B 0,+ → K 0,+(∗) µ+ µ− ), LHCb 3 fb−1 (1 fb−1 ) Tension can be reduced with ∆Re(C9 ) ∼ −1, significances around 4 σ Consistency between angular observables and branching fractions C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Global b → s fits 42 / 48 NP or hadronic effect? cc̄ loop Possible NP γ s b c Z0 µ− µ+ q2 `+ b s d¯ d¯ Possible explanations for shift in C9 c̄ `− et al.] [Buras et al.] NP e.g. Z 0 [Gauld Leptoquarks [Altmannshofer et al.] [Crivellin et al.] hadronic charm loop contributions [Hiller et al.] [Biswas et al.] [Buras et al.] [Gripaios et al.] dependence: cc̄ loops rise towards J/ψ, NP q 2 -independent C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Global b → s fits 42 / 48 NP or hadronic effect? W. Altmannshofer et al., arXiv:1503.06199 S. Descotes-Genon et al., Possible explanations for shift in C9 q2 arXiv:1510.04239 et al.] [Buras et al.] NP e.g. Z 0 [Gauld Leptoquarks [Altmannshofer et al.] [Crivellin et al.] hadronic charm loop contributions [Hiller et al.] [Biswas et al.] [Buras et al.] [Gripaios et al.] dependence: cc̄ loops rise towards J/ψ, NP q 2 -independent C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B + → π + µ+ µ− 43 / 48 + − + + − + The b → dµ µ decay B → π µ µ u B+ b̄ u t̄ W+ Z 0, γ π+ ¯ d µ− µ+ Candidates / ( 30 MeV/ c2 ) [JHEP 10 (2015) 034] 70 LHCb 60 B+→π+µ+µB+→K +µ+µ0 B+→D µ+ν B0,+→ρ0,+µ+µB0s →f 0µ+µCombinatorial 50 40 30 20 10 0 5200 5400 5600 5800 2 b → dµ+ µ− transition in SM sup. by VVtd ∼ ts Measure diff. branching fraction and ACP (O(−0.1) in the SM) 1 25 6000 m(π+µ+µ-) (MeV/c2) wrt. b → sµ+ µ− Assuming SM, measure |Vtd /Vts |, |Vtd |, |Vts | using B + → K + µ+ µ− + + µ+ µ− ) + + µ+ µ− ) |Vtd |2 = B(B R→π and |Vts |2 = B(B R→K Fπ dq 2 F dq 2 K C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B + → π + µ+ µ− 43 / 48 + − + + − + The b → dµ µ decay B → π µ µ u B+ b̄ u t̄ W+ Z 0, γ π+ ¯ d µ− µ+ Candidates / ( 10 MeV/ c2 ) [JHEP 10 (2015) 034] 600 LHCb 500 B+→K +µ+µB+→K +µ+µ-X Combinatorial 400 300 200 100 0 5200 5400 5600 5800 2 b → dµ+ µ− transition in SM sup. by VVtd ∼ ts Measure diff. branching fraction and ACP (O(−0.1) in the SM) 1 25 6000 m(K +µ+µ-) (MeV/c2) wrt. b → sµ+ µ− Assuming SM, measure |Vtd /Vts |, |Vtd |, |Vts | using B + → K + µ+ µ− + + µ+ µ− ) + + µ+ µ− ) |Vtd |2 = B(B R→π and |Vts |2 = B(B R→K Fπ dq 2 F dq 2 K C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B + → π + µ+ µ− + 44 / 48 + + − 2.5 LHCb APR13 HKR15 FNAL/MILC15 LHCb 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 q2 (GeV [JHEP 10 (2015) 034] Candidates / ( 0.05 GeV2/ c4 ) dB/dq2 (10-9 GeV-2c4) B → π µ µ diff. B, ACP and CKM matrix elements 10 LHCb 8 6 4 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 q2 (GeV2/ c4) 2 / c 4) Good agreement with but slightly lower than SM predictions APR13 [PRD 89 (2014) 094021] HKR15 [PRD 92 (2015) 074020] FNAL/MILC15 [PRL 115 (2015) 152002] B = (1.83 ± 0.24 ± 0.05) × 10−8 and ACP = −0.11 ± 0.12 ± 0.01 +0.9 −3 and |V | = 3.2+0.4 × 10−2 | VVtd | = 0.24+0.05 ts −0.04 , |Vtd | = 7.2−0.8 × 10 −0.4 ts Du et al., New lattice predictions from MILC collaboration [D. arXiv:1510.02349] → CKM elements from RDs competitive with B(s) oscillation meas. → Combined 2 σ tension of B(B + → K + (π + )µ+ µ− ) with SM prediction C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B + → π + µ+ µ− Test of lepton universality in B → K ` ` B(B + →K + µ+ µ− ) B(B + →K + e+ e− ) = 1 ± O(10−3 ) in the SM, not affected by cc̄ loops B + → K + µ+ µ− 25 LHCb (a) 4 10 20 3 10 ψ(2S)K + 15 J/ψK + B + → K + e+ e− 25 103 LHCb (b) 20 ψ(2S)K + 15 102 J/ψK + 10 102 10 5 10 5 1 0 10 radiative tails 0 4800 5000 radiative tails 5200 5400 5600 m(K +µ +µ −) [MeV/c2] 4800 5000 5200 5400 Experimental challenges for B + → K + e+ e− mode 1. Trigger 2. Bremsstrahlung Use double N ratio to cancel N systematic uncertainties K + e+ e− J/ψ (e+ e− )K + J/ψ (µ+ µ− )K + K + µ+ µ− RK = N + + − N + + − + − + + − + K + e J/ψ (µ e Use B → J/ψ K + µ )K K µ µ J/ψ (e as cross-check C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 5600 m(K +e+e−) [MeV/c2] Rare b-hadron decays e )K 1 [PRL 113, 151601 (2014)] RK = q2 [GeV2/ c4] q2 [GeV2/ c4] 45 / 48 + + − + B + → π + µ+ µ− 46 / 48 + + − + B + → J/ψ (→ e+ e− )K + LHCb 10 (a) triggered on e 5 0 5000 RK LHCb 5200 BaBar 5400 5600 m(K +e+e−) [MeV/c2] LHCb 1.5 1 0.5 10 LHCb 30 (d) triggered on e 20 10 0 5000 5200 5400 5600 m(K +e+e−) [MeV/c2] 15 20 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Use theoretically and experimentally favoured q 2 region ∈ [1, 6] GeV2 +0.090 RK = 0.745−0.074 (stat.) ± 0.036(syst.), compatible with SM at 2.6σ Bq2 ∈[1,6] GeV2 (B + → K + e+ e− ) = +0.19 +0.06 −7 (1.56−0.15 −0.04 ) × 10 SM 5 40 Belle 2 0 0 B + → K + e+ e− [arxiv:1406.6482] ×103 Candidates / ( 40 MeV/ c2 ) Candidates / ( 40 MeV/ c2 ) Test of lepton universality in B → K ` ` Rare b-hadron decays Lepton universality 47 / 48 Lepton universality and lepton flavour violation Due to the cleanness SM prediction, a lot of attention K received Glashow Hillerofet the Crivellin etR et al. al. al. Including RK in global fits increases tension with SM hypothesis PRL 114 (2015) 091801 PRD 90 (2014) 054014 PRL 114 (2015) 151801 B(B 0→K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) B(B 0→K ∗0 e+ e− ) B(B 0→φµ+ µ− ) Naturally motivates RK ∗ = B(B → K (∗) µ± e∓ ) [B(B → K (∗) µ± τ ∓ )] could be O(10−8 ) [O(10−6 )] Other anomalies and Rφ = B(Bs0→φe+ e− ) s et al. Also motivates searches for lepton flavour violation Glashow PRL 114 (2015) 091801 “Lepton non-universality generally implies lepton flavour violation” h One Leptoquark to Rule Them All: A Minimal Explanation for RD∗ , RK and (g − 2)µ , M. Bauer et al., arXiv:1511.01900 RK , RD∗ and B − → τ − ν̄ Explain RK and h → µτ R. Alonso et al. [arXiv:1505.05164 ] PRL 114 (2015) 151801 A. Crivellin et al. C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays i Conclusions 48 / 48 Conclusions Rare B decays are an excellent laboratory to search for BSM effects LHCb an ideal environment to study these decays Most measurements in good agreement with SM predictions, setting strong constraints on NP However, several interesting tensions in rare b → s`` decays: P50 in B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− , B(Bs0 → φµ+ µ− ), RK Consistent NP explanations exist But unexpectedly large hadronic effects can not yet be excluded Looking forward to the additional data from Run 2 √ 5-6 fb−1 at s = 13 TeV expected C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 49 / 48 Complementarity of flavour and direct searches Figure by D. Straub C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 50 / 48 The LHC as heavy flavour factory bb̄ polar angles bb̄ produced correlated predominantly in forward (backward) direction → single arm forward spectrometer (2 < η < 5) Large bb̄ production cross section σbb̄ = (75.3 ± 14.1) µb [Phys.Lett. B694 (2010)] in acceptance ∼ 1 × 1011 produced bb̄ pairs in 2011, excellent environment to study B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− and other rare decays C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 51 / 48 The LHCb detector: Tracking Tracking system Vertex detector B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− signature L ∼ 7 mm SV 0 PV B Interaction point p − µ+ π µ− K+ p IP Excellent Impact Parameter (IP) resolution (20 µm) → Identify secondary vertices from heavy flavour decays Proper time resolution ∼ 45 fs → Good separation of primary and secondary vertices Excellent momentum (δp/p ∼ 0.5 − 1.0%) and inv. mass resolution → Low combinatorial background C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 52 / 48 The LHCb detector: Particle identification and Trigger Muon system RICH2 K/π separation [arxiv:1211.6759] RICH1 Excellent Muon identification µ→µ ∼ 97% π→µ ∼ 1-3% Good Kπ separation via RICH detectors K→K ∼ 95% π→K ∼ 5% → Reject peaking backgrounds High trigger efficiencies, low momentum thresholds Muons: pT > 1.76 GeV at L0, pT > 1.0 GeV at HLT1 B → µµX: Trigger ∼ 90% C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 53 / 48 Data taken by LHCb C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 54 / 48 Moments analysis 5 P' A FB [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 2 LHCb prelim. 0.5 1 0 SM from DHMV Likelihood fit Method of moments 0 LHCb prelim. SM from ABSZ Likelihood fit Method of moments -0.5 0 5 10 -2 0 15 q2 -1 5 10 15 2 [GeV q2 [GeV2/ c4] / c4] ~ are orthogonal Angular terms fi (Ω) → can determine obs. via their moments M̂i = P1 e we P ~ e we fi (Ωe ) et al., 10-30% less sensitive than Maximum Likelihood fit [F.PRDBeaujean 91 (2015) 114012] but allows narrow 1 GeV2/c4 wide q 2 bins Consistency of the results checked using toys C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 55 / 48 Amplitude fit and Zero-crossing points S5 A FB [LHCb-PAPER-2015-051] 0.5 0.5 LHCb prelim. LHCb prelim. Amplitude fit Likelihood fit Method of moments Amplitude fit Likelihood fit Method of moments 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 q2 [GeV2/ c4] 4 5 Zero-crossing points sensitive tests of SM, form factor uncertainties cancel Perform q 2 dependent amplitude fit with Ansatz 1 2 2 4 2 AL,R 0,k,⊥ = α + βq + γ q 2 in the region 1.1 < q < 6 GeV /c Resulting zero crossing points in good agreement with SM predictions q02 (AFB ) ∈ [3.40, 4.87] GeV2/c4 @ 68% CL, q02 (S4 ) < 2.65 GeV2/c4 @ 95% CL, q02 (S5 ) ∈ [2.49, 3.95] GeV2/c4 @ 68% CL C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 6 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Rare b-hadron decays Backup 56 / 48 0 ∗0 + − Search for hidden sector boson in B → K µ µ µ χ µ− t Vtb Vts b s W+ B0 d K ∗0 d Candidates / 10 MeV [PRL 115 (2015) 161802] + ω φ J/ψ 20 15 ψ (2S)+ψ (3770) Prompt Displaced LHCb 10 5 200 1000 2000 3000 Search for hidden sector boson in B 0 → K ∗0 χ with χ → µ+ µ− Scan m(µ+ µ− ) distribution for an excess of χ signal candidates Search for prompt and displaced (τ (µ+ µ− ) > 3στ (µ+ µ− ) ) χ vertices Narrow resonances (ω, φ, J/ψ, ψ(2S), ψ(3770)) are vetoed Normalisation to B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− in 1.1 < q 2 < 6.0 GeV2/c4 4000 m(µ +µ −) [MeV] No excess → Upper limits on B(B 0 → K ∗0 χ(→ µ+ µ− )) set at 95% CL C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 56 / 48 0 ∗0 + − Search for hidden sector boson in B → K µ µ [PRL 115 (2015) 161802] Vts b s W+ B0 d K ∗0 d LHCb 10-1 10-8 τ =100ps 10-2 τ =10ps 10-9 1000 2000 3000 4000 m(µ +µ −) [MeV] Search for hidden sector boson in B 0 → K ∗0 χ with χ → µ+ µ− Scan m(µ+ µ− ) distribution for an excess of χ signal candidates Search for prompt and displaced (τ (µ+ µ− ) > 3στ (µ+ µ− ) ) χ vertices Narrow resonances (ω, φ, J/ψ, ψ(2S), ψ(3770)) are vetoed Normalisation to B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− in 1.1 < q 2 < 6.0 GeV2/c4 10-7 τ =1000ps No excess → Upper limits on B(B 0 → K ∗0 χ(→ µ+ µ− )) set at 95% CL C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays B(B0→ K *0χ (µ +µ −)) µ− t Vtb B(B0→ K *0χ (µ +µ −)) µ χ B(B0→ K *0µ +µ −)[1.1,6.0]GeV2 1 + Backup 57 / 48 Exclusion limits for specific models 1 2 1000 2000 3000 4000 m(µ +µ −) [MeV] 10 10-6 LHCb RM 1 Theory -5 CHA 0.5 10-4 θ2 LHCb B(χ → hadrons) = 0.99 f (χ)tan2β [PeV], m(h)=10 TeV f (χ)tan2β [PeV], m(h)=1 TeV [PRL 115 (2015) 161802] B(χ → hadrons) = 0 10-7 Theory 10-8 400 600 800 Resulting 95% CL exclusion limits for specific models Axion model [M. Freytsis et al., PRD 81 (2010) 034001] Exclusion regions for large tan β, large m(h) Inflaton model [F. Bezrukov et al., PLB 736 (2014) 494] Constraints on mixing angle θ between Higgs and inflaton fields C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 1000 m(µ +µ −) [MeV] Backup 58 / 48 (∗) + − B → K µ µ isospin τ B(B 0 →K (∗)0 µ+ µ− )− τ 0 B(B + →K (∗)+ µ+ µ− ) SM prediction for AI is O(1%) 1 LHCb AI AI Isospin asymmetry AI = B → K µ +µ − 1 LHCb 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 20 -1 0 5 B → K *µ +µ − 10 q2 [GeV2/c4] 15 20 q2 [GeV2/c4] Results with 3 fb−1 consistent with SM p-value for deviation of AI (B → Kµµ) from 0 is 11% (1.5σ) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays [JHEP 06 (2014) 133] + τ B(B 0 →K (∗)0 µ+ µ− )+ τ 0 B(B + →K (∗)+ µ+ µ− ) + Backup 59 / 48 Reminder: B → K µ µ angular observables (1 fb−1 ) ∗0 + − 1 Theory LHCb Binned AFB FL 0 LHCb 0.8 1 Theory LHCb Binned LHCb 0.5 0.6 0 0.4 -0.5 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] -1 0 5 10 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] [JHEP 08 (2013) 131] Angular observables in good agreement with SM prediction [C. Bobeth et al. JHEP 07 (2011) 067] Zero crossing point of AFB free from FF uncertainties Result q02 = 4.9 ± 0.9 GeV2 consistent with SM prediction 2 2 q0,SM = 4.36+0.33 −0.31 GeV [EPJ C41 (2005) 173-188] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 60 / 48 Less form factor dependent observables Pi0 −1 (1 fb ) Less FF dependent observables Pi0 introduced in [JHEP 05 (2013) 137] p 0 For P4,5 = S4,5 / FL (1 − FL ) leading FF uncertainties cancel for all q 2 3.7σ local deviation from SM prediction [JHEP 05 (2013) 137] in P50 1 0.8 SM Predictions 0.6 0.4 P 5' P 4' LHCb 1 0.8 Data SM Predictions 0.4 0.2 Data 0.2 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -1 0 LHCb 0.6 5 10 15 20 -1 0 3.7σ 5 q 2 [GeV2/c 4] 10 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/c 4] [PRL 111, 191801 (2013)] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 61 / 48 0 B(s) Study of rare + − + − → π π µ µ decays I s s Bs0 t̄ b̄ d f0 s̄ W+ Z 0, γ d B0 t̄ b̄ W+ Z 0, γ µ− µ+ Bs0 → f0 µ+ µ− : b → s transition similar to B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− B 0 → ρ0 µ+ µ− : b → d transition, |Vtd /Vts |2 suppressed in SM SM predictions show large variation BSM (Bs0 → f0 µ+ µ− ) = 0.6 × 10−9 − 5.2 × 10−7 [PRD 79 014013], [PRD 81 074001], [PRD 80 016009] BSM (B 0 → ρ0 µ+ µ− ) = (5 − 9) × 10−8 [PRD 56 5452-5465], [Eur.Phys.J.C 41 173-188] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 µ− µ+ Contributions from ρ0 ¯ d Rare b-hadron decays Backup 62 / 48 + − + − → π π µ µ decays II B0s→ J/ψ π+ πB0→ J/ψ π+ π0 0 B → J/ψ K*(892) Bs0 → J/ψ φ 0 Bs → J/ψ η’ B+→ J/ψ K+ Combinatorial + + Bc → J/ψ π π-π+ Total fit 103 102 LHCb Signal decay Events/(20 MeV/c2) Events/(20 MeV/c2) Resonant decay 40 B0s→ π+ π- µ+ µB0→ π+ π- µ+ µ0 0 B → K*(892) µ+ µB0s → η’ µ+ µ- 30 Combinatorial Total fit 20 LHCb 10 10 5.2 [PLB 743 (2015) 46] Study of rare 0 B(s) 5.6 5.8 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 M(π+π-µ+µ-) [GeV/c2] M(π+π-µ+µ-) [GeV/c2] Observation of Bs0 → π + π − µ+ µ− with 7.6σ 0 + − + − 5.4 Evidence for B → π π µ µ with 4.8σ Branching fractions compatible with SM predictions B(Bs0 → π + π − µ+ µ− ) = (8.6 ± 1.5stat. ± 0.7syst. ± 0.7norm. ) × 10−8 B(B 0 → π + π − µ+ µ− ) = (2.11 ± 0.51stat. ± 0.15syst. ± 0.16norm. ) × 10−8 Motivated work in theory [Wang et al., arxiv:1502.05104], [arxiv:1502.05483] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 63 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 The rare decay B → K e e J/ψ(1S) d B0 b̄ d t̄ W+ Z 0, γ K ∗0 s̄ ψ(2S) (!) dΓ dq 2 C7 (!) (!) C7 C9 e− !"#$%&$%$"'$( (!) C9 (!) )"*( C 10 +,"-(*!.#)"'$( ',"#%!/01,".(&%,2(cc̄ )/,3$(,4$"('5)%2( #5%$.5,6*(( e+ 4 [m(µ)]22 4[m(`)] Analyse B 0 → K ∗0 e+ e− at very low q 2 : [0.0004, 1.0] GeV2/c4 , accessible due to tiny e mass Im Determine angular observables FL , AT , ARe T , AT 0 sensitive to C7 and C7 Experimental challenges: Trigger and Bremsstrahlung (2) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays q2 Backup 63 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 The rare decay B → K e e d B0 b̄ d t̄ W+ Z 0, γ K ∗0 s̄ e− e+ Candidates / (30 MeV/c2) [arxiv:1501.03038] 30 B0 → K*0e+e− B →(K*0X)e+e− Combinatorial Data Model 25 LHCb 20 15 10 5 0 4800 5000 5200 Analyse B 0 → K ∗0 e+ e− at very low q 2 : [0.0004, 1.0] GeV2/c4 , accessible due to tiny e mass Im Determine angular observables FL , AT , ARe T , AT 0 sensitive to C7 and C7 Experimental challenges: Trigger and Bremsstrahlung (2) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 5400 m(K+π−e+e−) [MeV/c2] Backup 64 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 40 30 20 Candidates / (0.1π rad) LHCb 50 Candidates / (0.2) Candidates / (0.2) Angular analysis of B → K e e decays LHCb 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 10 35 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 -0.5 0 0.5 cos θl 0 -1 [arxiv:1501.03038] obs. result FL +0.16 ± 0.06 ± 0.03 (2) AT −0.23 ± 0.23 ± 0.05 ARe +0.10 ± 0.18 ± 0.05 T AIm +0.14 ± 0.22 ± 0.05 T -0.5 0 0.5 1 cos θK 0 0 1 2 [JHEP 05 (2013) 043] obs. SM prediction FL (2) AT ARe T AIm T +0.10+0.11 −0.05 +0.03+0.05 −0.04 −0.15+0.04 −0.03 −4 (−0.2+1.2 −1.2 ) × 10 Results are in good agreement with SM predictions Constraints on C7 competitive with radiative decays (0) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 LHCb 30 Rare b-hadron decays 3 ∼ φ [rad] Backup 0 65 / 48 ∗0 + − B → K µ µ angular observables Four-differential decay rate for B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− d4 Γ(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) 9 s 2 = I sin θK + I1c cos2 θK dq 2 d cos θ` d cos θK dφ 32π 1 + (I2s sin2 θK + I2c cos2 θK ) cos 2θ` + I3 sin2 θK sin2 θ` cos 2φ + I4 sin 2θK sin 2θ` cos φ + I5 sin 2θK sin θ` cos φ + (I6s sin2 θK + I6c cos2 θK ) cos θ` + I7 sin 2θK sin θ` sin φ + I8 sin 2θK sin 2θ` sin φ + I9 sin2 θK sin2 θ` sin 2φ (0) (0) (0) Ii (q 2 ) combinations of K ∗0 spin amplitudes sensitive to C7 , C9 , C10 Γ̄) ¯ d(Γ+Γ̄) CP-averages Si = (Ii + I¯i )/ d(Γ+ dq 2 , CP-asymmetries Ai = (Ii − Ii )/ dq 2 For m` = 0: 8 CP averages Si , 8 CP-asymmetries Ai Simultaneous fit of 8 observables not possible with the 2011 data set → Angular folding φ → φ + π for φ < 0 cancels terms ∝ sin φ, cos φ C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 0 65 / 48 ∗0 + − B → K µ µ angular observables Four-differential decay rate for B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− d4 Γ(B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) 9 s 2 = I sin θK + I1c cos2 θK dq 2 d cos θ` d cos θK dφ 32π 1 + (I2s sin2 θK + I2c cos2 θK ) cos 2θ` (( (( (2θ + I3 sin2 θK sin2 θ` cos 2φ + I4 ( sin(2θ sin (K( ` cos φ ( (( (θ( + I5 ( sin 2θ ( sin ` cos φ ( ((K (( (θ( (K( + (I6s sin2 θK + I6c cos2 θK ) cos θ` + ( I7 ( sin(2θ sin ` sin φ ( ( (( 2 2 (2θ + I8 ( sin 2θ ( sin ` sin φ + I9 sin θK sin θ` sin 2φ ( ((K (0) (0) (0) Ii (q 2 ) combinations of K ∗0 spin amplitudes sensitive to C7 , C9 , C10 Γ̄) ¯ d(Γ+Γ̄) CP-averages Si = (Ii + I¯i )/ d(Γ+ dq 2 , CP-asymmetries Ai = (Ii − Ii )/ dq 2 For m` = 0: 8 CP averages Si , 8 CP-asymmetries Ai Simultaneous fit of 8 observables not possible with the 2011 data set → Angular folding φ → φ + π for φ < 0 cancels terms ∝ sin φ, cos φ C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 2 Ii (q ) depend on K ∗0 spin amplitudes 4m2µ (2 + βµ2 ) L 2 L R∗ 2 R∗ |A⊥ | + |AL <(AL ⊥ A⊥ + Ak Ak ) k | + (L → R) + 4 q2 4m2µ 2 R 2 R∗ I1c = |AL |At |2 + 2<(AL 0 A0 0 | + |A0 | + q2 βµ2 2 L 2 |AL I2s = ⊥ | + |Ak | + (L → R) 4 c 2 I2 = −βµ2 |AL 0 | + (L → R) I1s = For completeness AL,R 0 , βµ2 2 L 2 |AL ⊥ | − |Ak | + (L → R) 2 βµ2 L∗ = √ <(AL 0 Ak ) + (L → R) 2 √ L∗ = 2βµ <(AL 0 A⊥ ) − (L → R) L∗ = 2βµ <(AL k A⊥ ) − (L → R) √ L∗ = 2βµ =(AL 0 Ak ) − (L → R) I3 = I4 I5 I6 I7 βµ2 L∗ I8 = √ =(AL 0 A⊥ ) + (L → R) 2 2 L I9 = βµ =(AL∗ k A⊥ ) + (L → R) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays AL,R k , 66 / 48 AL,R ⊥ Backup K ∗0 AL,R 0 , spin amplitudes AL,R k , AL,R ⊥ 67 / 48 √ V(q2 ) 2mb 0eff eff 0eff 0eff 2 = N 2λ (Ceff + 2 (Ceff 9 + C9 ) ∓ (C10 + C10 ) 7 + C7 )T1 (q ) mB + mK ∗ q √ A1 (q2 ) 2mb L(R) 0eff eff 0eff 0eff 2 + 2 (Ceff Ak = −N 2(m2B − m2K ∗ ) (Ceff 9 − C9 ) ∓ (C10 − C10 ) 7 − C7 )T2 (q ) mB − mK ∗ q eff 2 A2 (q2 ) N L(R) eff 0eff 2 2 p (C9 − C0eff ) ∓ (C − C ) (m − m − q )(m + mK ∗ )A1 (q2 ) − λ A0 =− ∗ B 9 10 10 B K 2 m ∗ B + mK ∗ 2mK q 2 λ eff 0eff 2 2 2 + 2mb (C7 − C7 ) (mB + 3mK ∗ − q )T2 (q ) − 2 T3 (q ) mB − m2K ∗ L(R) For completeness A⊥ (0)eff Wilson coefficients C7,9,10 Seven form factors (FF) V (q 2 ), A0,1,2 (q 2 ), T1,2,3 (q 2 ) encode hadronic effects and require non-perturbative calculation Low q 2 ≤ 6 GeV2 → ξ⊥,k (soft form factors) Large q 2 ≥ 14 GeV2 → f⊥,k,0 (helicity form factors) Theory uncertainties: FF from non-perturbative calculations Λ/mb corrections (“subleading corrections”) C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 68 / 48 m(µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Analysis strategy LHCb Resonant decays 4000 103 3000 Signal band 10 1000 5200 5400 1 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) J/ψ , ψ(2S) band 102 2000 0 104 [MeV/c2] Veto of B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 and B 0 → ψ(2S)K ∗0 (valuable control channels!) Suppression of peaking backgrounds with PID Rejection of combinatorial background with BDT 1 Determine the differential branching fraction in q 2 bins 2 Determine angular observables in multidimensional likelihood fit C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 69 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 Signal Combinatorial bkg 20 Peaking bkg 5200 5400 LHCb 2 2 10.09 < q < 12.86 GeV / c 4 40 20 5200 5400 2 < q2 < 4.3 GeV2/ c 4 40 20 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 60 0 LHCb 0 5600 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 5200 5400 2 2 14.18 < q < 16 GeV / c 20 20 5200 LHCb 16 < q2 < 19 GeV2/ c 4 20 0 5200 2 Use B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 as normalisation channel SM prediction [C. Bobeth et al. JHEP 07 (2011) 067] Data somewhat low but large theory uncertainties due to FF C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 40 5600 5400 60 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Fit of Nsig in q bins 4 40 5400 4.3 < q2 < 8.68 GeV2/ c 4 0 LHCb 5200 LHCb 40 5600 60 0 60 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) 0.1 < q2 < 2 GeV2/ c 4 40 60 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) LHCb 0 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) 60 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) B → K µ µ signal yield (2011) Rare b-hadron decays 5400 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Backup 69 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 Signal 1.5 Combinatorial bkg Peaking bkg 5200 5400 1 60 LHCb 2 0.5 2 10.09 < q < 12.86 GeV / c 40 0 5600 4 0 0 20 LHCb 20 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) 20 Theory 40 LHCb LHCb Binned 2 < q2 < 4.3 GeV2/ c 4 5200 5400 5200 5400 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 2 2 14.18 < q < 16 GeV / c 10 15 5200 5400 5200 5400 LHCb 16 < q2 < 19 GeV2/ c 4 40 20 20 5600 0 5200 2 Use B 0 → J/ψ K ∗0 as normalisation channel SM prediction [C. Bobeth et al. JHEP 07 (2011) 067] Data somewhat low but large theory uncertainties due to FF C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 60 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Fit of Nsig in q bins 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] 4 40 0 4.3 < q2 < 8.68 GeV2/ c 4 0 [JHEP 08 (2013) 131] 0 LHCb 40 5600 LHCb 5 60 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] 60 20 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) 0.1 < q2 < 2 GeV2/ c 4 40 60 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) LHCb 0 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) 60 dB /dq 2 [10-7 × c 4 GeV-2] Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c 2 ) B → K µ µ differential decay rate Rare b-hadron decays 5400 5600 m(K+π−µ+µ−) [MeV/c2] Backup 70 / 48 ∗0 + − 0 1 Theory LHCb Binned AFB FL B → K µ µ angular observables I LHCb 0.8 1 Theory LHCb Binned LHCb 0.5 0.6 0 0.4 -0.5 0.2 0 0 5 15 -1 0 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] LHCb 10 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 5 5 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] LHCb 0.4 0 10 Binned A9 S3 Theory LHCb 10 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] 0 LHCb 5 10 Results [JHEP 08 (2013) 131] in good agreement with SM prediction [C. Bobeth et al. JHEP 07 (2011) 067] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays 15 20 q 2 [GeV2/ c 4] Backup 71 / 48 + + − + 0 + − 0 u(d) t̄ b̄ s̄ W+ Z 0, γ µ− µ+ B + → K + µ+ µ− 500 (a) 1.1 < q2 < 6.0 GeV2/ c4 400 LHCb 300 200 100 0 5200 5400 Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c2 ) u(d) Candidates / ( 10 MeV/c2 ) Angular analysis of B → K µ µ and B → KS µ µ B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− 25 (c) 1.1 < q2 < 6.0 GeV2/ c4 20 LHCb 15 10 5600 m(K +µ+µ−) [MeV/ c2] 5 0 5200 5400 5600 m(K 0S µ+µ−) [MeV/ c2] [JHEP 05 (2014) 082] NB + →K + µ+ µ− = 4746 ± 81 and NB 0 →KS0 µ+ µ− = 176 ± 17 in 3 fb−1 Experimental challenge: KS0 reconstruction Differential decay rate for B + → K + µ+ µ− 1 dΓ(B + → K + µ+ µ− ) 3 1 = (1 − FH )(1 − cos2 θ` ) + FH + AFB cos θ` Γ d cos θ` 4 2 1 dΓ(B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− ) 3 2 = (1 − FH )(1 − | cos θ` | ) + FH Γ d| cos θ` | 2 Flat parameter FH sensitive to (Pseudo)scalar contributions, small in SM Forward backward asymmetry AFB zero in SM C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 72 / 48 + + − + 0 + − 0 0.5 A FB FH Angular analysis of B → K µ µ and B → KS µ µ LHCb 0.4 B + → K + µ+ µ− 0.2 LHCb B + → K + µ+ µ− 0.1 0.3 0 0.2 -0.1 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 -0.2 0 5 FH q2 [GeV2/ c4] 1.5 15 20 q2 [GeV2/ c4] LHCb B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− 1 0.5 0 0 10 5 10 15 2D fit in cos θ` and m(Kµ+ µ− ) [JHEP 05 (2014) 082] in good agreement with SM prediction 20 q2 [GeV2/ c4] C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup + 73 / 48 + + − + − + + − + B → K π π µ µ and B → φK µ µ Candidates / (10 MeV/c2) 50 1.00 < q2 < 6.00 LHCb 40 30 20 10 0 5200 5300 5400 5500 m(K +π +π -µ +µ -) [MeV/c2] B + → φK + µ+ µ− Candidates / (10 MeV/c2) B + → K + π + π − µ+ µ − 60 16 14 (a) LHCb B+→ φ K +µ +µ - 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 m(φ K +µ +µ -) [MeV/ c2] [JHEP 10 (2014) 064] First observation of these modes with +6.0 + + + − Nsig (B + → K + π + π − µ+ µ− ) = 367+24 −23 and Nsig (B → φK µ µ ) = 25.2−5.3 Normalise to B + → ψ(2S)(→ J/ψ π + π − )K + and B + → J/ψ φK + Determine branching fractions −7 B(B + → K + π + π − µ+ µ− ) = 4.36 +0.29 −0.27 (stat) ± 0.20 (syst) ± 0.18 (norm) × 10 −7 B(B + → φK + µ+ µ− ) = 0.82 +0.19 −0.17 (stat) ± 0.04 (syst) ± 0.27 (norm) × 10 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 74 / 48 + + − + − + 8 LHCb 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 q2 [GeV2/ c4] Candidates / (35 MeV/c2) dB/dq2 (×10-8 GeV-2c4) B → K π π µ µ cont. 60 (a) LHCb B+→ K +π +π -µ +µ - 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 m(K +π +π -) [MeV/ c2] [JHEP 10 (2014) 064] Performed measurement of dB(B + → K + π + π − µ+ µ− )/dq 2 Significant contribution from B + → K1+ (1270)µ+ µ− expected Low statistics → no attempt to resolve contributions to K + π + π − final state C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 75 / 48 250 (a) 200 150 100 50 0 Events / ( 10.6 MeV/c2 ) LHCb 5200 5400 300Direct 250 200 150 B − → K − µ+ µ− prelim. 250 LHCb (b) 200 150 100 50 0 5600 mK+µ+µ- (MeV/c2) 5200 5400 5600 mK-µ+µ- (MeV/c2) [JHEP 09 (2014) 177] 300 CP-Asymmetry LHCb ACP (c) LHCb (d) Γ(B̄ → K̄ (∗) µ+ µ−250 ) − Γ(B → K (∗) µ+ µ− ) ACP = Γ(B̄ → K̄ (∗) µ+ µ−200 ) + Γ(B → K (∗) µ+ µ− ) ACP tiny O(10−3 ) in the SM 100 Events / ( 10.6 MeV/c2 ) B + → K + µ+ µ− prelim. Events / ( 10.6 MeV/c2 ) Events / ( 10.6 MeV/c2 ) CP-asymmetry ACP 150 100 Correct for detection and production asymmetry using B → J/ψ K (∗) 50 (∗) AK raw 0 5200 µµ 50 (∗) = ACP + Adet + κAprod , ACP = AK raw 5400 5600 C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 0 2 5200 µµ Rare b-hadron decays J/ψ K (∗) − Araw 5400 5600 2 Backup 76 / 48 0.2 ACP (B + → K + µ+ µ− ) prelim. 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 0 LHCb 5 10 15 20 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 0 ACP ACP CP-asymmetry ACP cont. ACP (B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) prelim. LHCb 5 q2 [GeV2/c4] 10 15 q2 [GeV2/c4] [JHEP 09 (2014) 177] Measured ACP in good agreement with SM prediction ACP (B + → K + µ+ µ− ) = 0.012 ± 0.017(stat.) ± 0.001(syst.) ACP (B 0 → K ∗0 µ+ µ− ) = −0.035 ± 0.024(stat.) ± 0.003(syst.) Most precise measurement C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays Backup 77 / 48 Prospects for rare decays in 2018 and beyond C. Langenbruch (Warwick), Warwick EPP 2015 Rare b-hadron decays