A search for diboson resonances at ATLAS using boson-tagged jets Using the jet substructure thresher on the QCD haystack Alex Martyniuk, UCL October 15, 2015 1 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Introduction Resonance searches are the classic methodology to search for new particles and their excitations In essence they boil down to, ‘Look for a peak on a smooth background’ Used in searches ranging from quarkonia to the Higgs 2 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Introduction Resonance searches are the classic methodology to search for new particles and their excitations In essence they boil down to, ‘Look for a peak on a smooth background’ Used in searches ranging from quarkonia to the Higgs Rediscovering the SM 2 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Resonance searches are the classic methodology to search for new particles and their excitations In essence they boil down to, ‘Look for a peak on a smooth background’ Events / 20 MeV Introduction 20 18 ATLAS 16 fb ∫ Ldts == 4.9 7 TeV 14 12 10 QB ππ = 288 ± 5 MeV c σBcππ = 18 ± 4 MeV NBcππ = 22 ± 6 -1 Data Wrong-charge combinations 8 6 4 Used in searches ranging from quarkonia to the Higgs 2 0 0 Alex Martyniuk 200 300 400 500 600 700 m(Bcππ)-m(Bc)-2m(π) [MeV] Rediscovering the SM New meson states 2 / 48 100 X → VV → JJ ∑ weights / GeV Introduction ∫ L dt = 4.5 fb , s = 7 TeV -1 ∫ L dt = 20.3 fb , s = 8 TeV 180 -1 160 ATLAS Data S/B weighted sum Signal+background Signal strength categories 140 Background 120 Used in searches ranging from quarkonia to the Higgs Rediscovering the SM New meson states New bosons! 2 / 48 60 20 40 18 ATLAS 16 fb ∫ Ldts == 4.9 7 TeV 14 12 10 8 QB ππ = 288 ± 5 MeV c σBcππ = 18 ± 4 MeV NBcππ = 22 ± 6 20 -1 ∑ weights - fitted bkg In essence they boil down to, ‘Look for a peak on a smooth background’ 80 Events / 20 MeV Resonance searches are the classic methodology to search for new particles and their excitations Signal m H = 125.4 GeV 100 0 10 5 Data Wrong-charge 0 combinations -5 110 120 130 140 150 6 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 m(Bcππ)-m(Bc)-2m(π) [MeV] Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 160 m γ γ [GeV] 4 Introduction Searches for exotic models at ATLAS use resonances to probe the very highest mass ranges, in very early data Examples from Run-1/2 are the ATLAS dijet resonance searches, [arXiv:1407.1376] and ATLAS-CONF-2015-042 10 9 10 8 ATLAS ∫ 6 10 5 3 10 [data-fit]/fit W’ Observed 95% CL upper limit 2 10 Expected 95% CL upper limit 10 Data Fit q*, m = 0.6 TeV q*, m = 2.0 TeV q*, m = 3.5 TeV 102 Signif. 103 68% and 95% bands 104 10 -1 s=8 TeV, L dt=20.3 fb 107 10 σ × A [pb] Prescale-weighted events Uses pairs of high pT anti-kt 0.6 jets Searches for narrow mass resonances, alongside broader signals Data driven background model ∫L dt = 20.3 fb -1 1 1 s=8 TeV 10-1 1 0 -1 10-2 2 0 -2 ATLAS 1 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 Alex Martyniuk 3 mW ’ [TeV] Reconstructed mjj [TeV] 3 / 48 2 X → VV → JJ Introduction Searches for exotic models at ATLAS use resonances to probe the very highest mass ranges, in very early data Examples from Run-1/2 are the ATLAS dijet resonance searches, [arXiv:1407.1376] and ATLAS-CONF-2015-042 Uses pairs of high pT anti-kt 0.6 jets Searches for narrow mass resonances, alongside broader signals Data driven background model Events 104 ATLAS Preliminary s=13 TeV, 80 pb-1 Data Background fit BumpHunter interval BlackMax, m = 4.0 TeV BlackMax, m = 5.0 TeV 3 10 102 10 1 Signif. 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 3 / 48 p -value = 0.79 Fit Range: 1.1 - 5.3 TeV |y*| < 0.6 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reconstructed mjj [TeV] 4 5 6 7 mjj [TeV] Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Introduction Today I will present a complementary analysis to the dijet, a search for narrow diboson resonances using jet-substructure performed on the full 8 TeV dataset from ATLAS. Which can be found here [arXiv:1506.00962], for those with no patience Diboson resonances appear in many extensions to the standard model The following analysis concentrates on two benchmark models Extended gauge sector models (W 0 → WZ ) Extra dimensions models (GRS → WW /ZZ ) Low branching ratios hinder the leptonic searches at the highest masses Obviously, a fully hadronic search has access to these lost events The problem, is controlling the enormous QCD background that the leptonic searches were avoiding 4 / 48 Alex Martyniuk W ⇓ Diboson branching ratios qq (67%) 23% 47% 7% 13% 3% 7% Z ⇒ qq (70%) νν (20%) ll (10%) lν (33%) X → VV → JJ Boosted Bosons Vector bosons have mass O(0.1 TeV) Low Mass <500GeV Large ΔR Small ΔR 5 / 48 Z Z WI W Large ΔR We are interested in particles of mass ≥ O(1 TeV) Increasing Mass Therefore the decays of the form, X → VV with large mX , lead to vector bosons with very high pT High Mass >1TeV Therefore, boosted decay products become more collimated WI W Alex Martyniuk Small ΔR X → VV → JJ Rule of thumb for angular separation of decay products: p ∆R = ∆φ2 + ∆η 2 ≈ 2m pT Boosted Bosons Can roughly separate hadronic boson decays into two regimes 1 Resolved Lower momentum W , pT < 160 GeV W decay resolved in two distinct anti-kt 0.4 jets 2 Boosted Higher momentum W , pT 160 GeV W decay products can be captured within a single large-R jets (R ≥ 1.0) Some overlap in between for partially resolved systems So, how can we use this information to our advantage? 6 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ A quick aside: ATLAS calorimetry Jets in ATLAS are formed from topoclusters Logical combinations of adjacent energy deposits in the calorimeter cells The calorimeters in ATLAS have a fine granularity Tile: ∆R ≈ 0.1 EM LAr: ∆R ≈ 0.025 We have the resolution to pick apart large-R jets and look at the substructure Therefore we can use the guts of boosted jets to our advantage 7 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Bosonic vs QCD Jets QCD jets Bosonic jets Form two narrow regions with high energy density corresponding to each quark Each quark carries a roughly equal fraction of the boson momentum in the lab frame Jet mass originates from the boson mass, i.e. peaked 8 / 48 Alex Martyniuk Narrow region with high energy density corresponding to a single quark/gluon Majority of the jet momentum is concentrated in this single region Jet mass originates from the spread of the energy deposition by the single parton/any final state radiation, i.e. essentially random X → VV → JJ Fat Jet→Grooming→Tagging 1 Reconstruct decay as fat-jet 2 Groom the jet Use large-R parameter jet to collect radiation from the original decay Signal: Remove unwanted jet constituents not from the signal, e.g. pile-up Background: Preserve the background characteristics 3 Tag as boson jet Use differences between signal and background jet characteristics to reject background jets 9 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Cambridge-Aachen Jets Cambridge-Aachen jets (CA jets) [arXiv:9707323] or [arXiv:0802.2470] Part of the sequential recombination family of jet reconstruction algorithms Calculate the ∆Rij between all jet constituents Combine closest constituents first Merge while R ≤ 1.2 (in this analysis) If there are no components within 1.2, redefine as a jet and remove from the collection of constituents Merge until there are no components left NO pT dependence! Therefore can look into the history and use the pT splitting information 10 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ BDRS Split-Filter The BDRS split filtering algorithm, [arXiv:0802.2470], decomposes CA jets sequential clustering to find hard substructure within Originally defined to find boosted H → bb decays The decomposition follows some simple steps For jet j, undo the last step of clustering forming jets j1 and j2 (mj1 > mj2 ) If there was a large mass drop, mj1 < µmax mj and the pT balance is not too asymmetric, min(pT2 ,pT2 ) j1 mj2 0 j2 ∆Rj2 ,j ≥ ymin , define j as from a hard splitting and stop 1 2 Otherwise redefine j as j1 , discard j2 , and continue Filter the resulting jet by re-clustering as nr × Rr sized subjets 11 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ BDRS-A Split-Filter In this analysis a modified BDRS-A split filtering algorithm is used Starts from R = 1.2 CA jets seeded from local cluster weighted (LCW) topological clusters Loose BDRS tagger, with no mass drop requirement 12 / 48 Alex Martyniuk Iterative parameter √ ymin µmax Filtering parameter nr Rr X → VV → JJ Value 0.20 1.00 Value 3 0.3 BDRS-A CA R = 1.2 Jet Calibration Derive the mean reconstructed jet energy, jet < Ereco > jet RE Fit the < > vs jet < Ereco > distribution to gain a calibration function Repeat process for mass calibration using the LCW+JES jets 13 / 48 1.1 Jet mass response before calibration 1.2 1.15 ATLAS Simulation E = 450 GeV E = 800 GeV E = 1100 GeV E = 1400 GeV E = 1800 GeV Pythia 8 dijets, s = 8 TeV BDRS-A jets, C/A R = 1.2 Tagging selection applied 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 1.2 1.15 1.1 ATLAS Simulation E = 450 GeV E = 800 GeV E = 1100 GeV E = 1400 GeV E = 1800 GeV Pythia 8 dijets, s = 8 TeV BDRS-A jets, C/A R = 1.2 Tagging selection applied 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Alex Martyniuk 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Jet η X → VV → JJ 1.2 1.15 1.1 ATLAS Simulation E = 450 GeV E = 800 GeV E = 1100 GeV E = 1400 GeV E = 1800 GeV Pythia 8 dijets, s = 8 TeV BDRS-A jets, C/A R = 1.2 Tagging selection applied 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 -2 2 Jet η Jet mass response after calibration Fit the responses with a Gaussian fit, to gain mean response in each jet bin, < RE > Jet energy response after calibration Calculate the jet energy response in bins of ηdet and Etruth Jet energy response before calibration Particle level jet energy and mass calibrations were derived and applied to the BDRS-A CA R = 1.2 jets used in the analysis Effectively restores jet energy/mass response over the full jet E and η range -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Jet η 1.2 1.15 1.1 ATLAS Simulation E = 450 GeV E = 800 GeV E = 1100 GeV E = 1400 GeV E = 1800 GeV Pythia 8 dijets, s = 8 TeV BDRS-A jets, C/A R = 1.2 Tagging selection applied 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Jet η Killing the Background Let me briefly try to quantify the level of the dominant QCD background the analysis will encounter Other backgrounds contribute, at a significantly lower rates All modelled to be smoothly falling Events / 100 GeV It is a lot.... an awful lot Leading jet pT [TeV] 0.5 1.0 8 10 ATLAS 107 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 104 10 102 Significance 10 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 14 / 48 dσ W 0 dp T [fb/GeV] 10−1 10−3 S/B [−] 10−4 10−4 Rough order of magnitude differential cross sections taken from MC show the extent of the problem, 1 signal in 10k background events 3 4 2 0 −2 dσ QCD dp T [fb/GeV] 103 10 Alex Martyniuk Obvious problem when you look at the raw events selected by the jet trigger used in the analysis Our jet substructure thresher has quite the haystack against it X → VV → JJ Tools at our disposal What do we have to remove the QCD background? 0.2 0.18 bulk GRS → WW (m = 1.8 TeV) ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV G bulk GRS → ZZ (m = 1.8 TeV) G 0.16 Pythia QCD dijet 0.14 0.12 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV y > 0.45 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.3 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) W' Pythia QCD dijet 0.25 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV 0.2 0.15 0.25 0.2 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV 0.15 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Filtered jet mass Separates peaked boson mass from falling QCD spectrum 15 / 48 0 0 0.3 0.35 mj [TeV] 3 W' |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV y > 0.45 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) Pythia QCD dijet 0.1 0.04 0.02 2 0.35 Fraction of jets / 3 Fraction of jets / 5.0 GeV 0.22 Fraction of jets / 0.05 The BDRS-A filtered CA R = 1.2 jets Selects two (three) pronged decays within jets 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Subjet momentum balance Boson jets symmetric, QCD unbalanced Alex Martyniuk 0 0 0.9 1 Jet y X → VV → JJ 4 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jet ungroomed ntrk Number of tracks ghost matched to the unfiltered jet More hadronic activity in QCD jets Tools: Jet mass 2 Filtered jet mass Apply ±13 GeV window cuts around boson mass from MC simulation peak (mW = 82.4, mZ = 92.8) For example, in the WZ cut; Leading mass jet 79.8 GeV < mjet < 105.8 GeV Subleading mass jet 69.4 GeV < mjet < 95.4 GeV Fraction of jets / 5.0 GeV Separates peaked boson mass from falling QCD spectrum Very powerful cut! signal ≈ 80% background ≈ 10 − 15% 0.22 0.2 0.18 G bulk GRS → ZZ (m = 1.8 TeV) G 0.16 Pythia QCD dijet 0.14 0.12 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV y > 0.45 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 Cuts optimised using a data CR 0 0 0.05 Dijet formed from two tagged/un-tagged regions N.B. Windows overlap!!! 16 / 48 bulk GRS → WW (m = 1.8 TeV) ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 mj [TeV] Tools: Subjet momentum balance 3 Subjet momentum balance Soft gluon radiation leads to asymmetric splittings W /Z → q q̄ decays tend to share momentum more equally between decay products √ Apply a more stringent y ≥ 0.45 cut on the subjet momentum balance Fraction of jets / 0.05 Boson jets symmetric, QCD unbalanced 0.3 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) W' Pythia QCD dijet 0.25 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV 0.2 0.15 0.1 Another powerful cut! signal ≈ 70% background ≈ 30% 0.05 Cuts optimised using MC, using a wide mass window, 60 GeV < mjet < 110 GeV 17 / 48 0.35 Alex Martyniuk 0 0 0.1 0.2 X → VV → JJ 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Jet y Tools: Ghost matched jets 4 Number of tracks ghost matched to the unfiltered jet More hadronic activity in QCD jets Expect increased hadronic activity from gluon Use the number of ghost associated ungroomed tracks, ntrk , as a proxy for hadronic activity, [arXiv:0802.1188] Fraction of jets / 3 Emission of hard gluon dominates after mass/asymmetry cuts 0.25 0.2 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV Efficiency after mass/asymmetry signal = 83 ± 7% background ≈ 65% |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV y > 0.45 0.05 0 0 Very hard to model in MC 20 Cuts optimised using V +jets enriched data CR Efficiency calibrated in this CR 18 / 48 Alex Martyniuk W' Pythia QCD dijet 0.15 0.1 Apply ntrk ≤ 30 cut EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) X → VV → JJ 40 60 80 100 120 Jet ungroomed ntrk 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter 3 Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV Ensures on trigger plateau 4 Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 Events / 100 GeV Event selection: Putting it all together s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 5 ATLAS 107 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 3 10 102 Leading jets |η| < 2.0 7 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes 8 Boson tagging cuts Significance 10 Ensures a good overlap with tracker 4 2 0 −2 Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% Alex Martyniuk 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Background efficiencies 19 / 48 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 104 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning 6 8 10 X → VV → JJ 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter 3 Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV Events / 0.1 Event selection: Putting it all together ×103 160 W' (1400 GeV) x 3000 ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 140 120 100 Ensures on trigger plateau 1.26 ≤ mjj < 1.54 TeV 80 4 Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 60 40 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning 6 0 0 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 0.5 Ensures a good overlap with tracker 12000 10000 7 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes 8 Boson tagging cuts 2 2.5 3 |∆y | 2.16 ≤ mjj < 2.64 TeV 8000 6000 Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk Background efficiencies 4000 2000 0 0 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 19 / 48 1.5 W' (2400 GeV) x 15000 ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 14000 Leading jets |η| < 2.0 1 jj Events / 0.1 5 20 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 |∆y | jj Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter 3 Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV 40000 Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 6 20000 10000 0 0 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning Leading jets |η| < 2.0 Ensures a good overlap with tracker 1000 8 Boson tagging cuts 600 19 / 48 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 (p -p )/(p +p ) T1 T2 |η| < 2 2.16 ≤ mjj < 2.64 TeV 400 200 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 (p -p )/(p +p ) T1 Alex Martyniuk T2 W' (2400 GeV) x 2500 ATLAS QCD (Pythia) s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) |∆ y | < 1.2 Data jj 1200 800 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 0.1 T1 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes Background efficiencies 0.05 1400 7 Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk |η| < 2 1.26 ≤ mjj < 1.54 TeV 30000 Events / 0.01 5 W' (1400 GeV) x 2500 ATLAS QCD (Pythia) s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) |∆ y | < 1.2 Data jj 50000 Ensures on trigger plateau 4 Events / 0.01 Event selection: Putting it all together X → VV → JJ T2 T1 T2 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 5 W' (1400 GeV) x 2500 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 40000 Ensures on trigger plateau 4 50000 30000 6 Leading jets |η| < 2.0 7 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes 8 Boson tagging cuts Ensures a good overlap with tracker 0 -3 Background efficiencies 1400 1200 1000 Alex Martyniuk -1 0 W' (2400 GeV) x 2500 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 1 2 3 jet η ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj 2.16 ≤ mjj < 2.64 TeV 600 400 200 0 -3 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 19 / 48 -2 1600 800 Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk |∆ y | < 1.2 jj 1.26 ≤ mjj < 1.54 TeV 10000 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 20000 Jets / 0.1 3 Jets / 0.1 Event selection: Putting it all together X → VV → JJ -2 -1 0 1 2 3 jet η 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 5 W' (1400 GeV) x 2500 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 40000 Ensures on trigger plateau 4 50000 30000 6 Leading jets |η| < 2.0 7 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes 8 Boson tagging cuts Ensures a good overlap with tracker 0 -3 Background efficiencies 1400 1200 1000 Alex Martyniuk -1 0 W' (2400 GeV) x 2500 QCD (Pythia) QCD (Herwig) QCD (PowPy) Data 1 2 3 jet η ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj 2.16 ≤ mjj < 2.64 TeV 600 400 200 0 -3 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 19 / 48 -2 1600 800 Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk |∆ y | < 1.2 jj 1.26 ≤ mjj < 1.54 TeV 10000 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning ATLAS s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 20000 Jets / 0.1 3 Jets / 0.1 Event selection: Putting it all together X → VV → JJ -2 -1 0 1 2 3 jet η 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter 3 Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV Fraction of jets / 5.0 GeV Event selection: Putting it all together Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 G bulk GRS → ZZ (m = 1.8 TeV) G Pythia QCD dijet 0.14 0.12 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV y > 0.45 0.1 0 0 Fraction of jets / 0.05 5 bulk GRS → WW (m = 1.8 TeV) ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV 0.16 0.04 0.02 Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 0.2 0.18 0.08 0.06 Ensures on trigger plateau 4 0.22 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.3 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV 0.25 0.3 0.35 mj [TeV] EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) W' Pythia QCD dijet 0.25 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV 0.2 0.15 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning 0.2 0.35 0.1 6 Leading jets |η| < 2.0 0.05 0 0 7 8 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes Boson tagging cuts Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk Background efficiencies 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Jet y 0.25 0.2 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV EGM W' → WZ (m = 1.8 TeV) W' Pythia QCD dijet 0.15 |∆ y | < 1.2 jj |η | < 2 j 1.62 ≤ mjj < 1.98 TeV 60 ≤ mj < 110 GeV y > 0.45 0.1 0.05 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 19 / 48 Fraction of jets / 3 Ensures a good overlap with tracker 0 0 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jet ungroomed ntrk 1 Trigger: pT > 360 GeV anti-kt 1.0 2 Apply BDRS-A split-filter 3 Require mJJ > 1.05 TeV 4 Rapidity gap between leading jets, |∆y12 | < 1.2 Ensures on trigger plateau Selection efficiency Event selection: Putting it all together Ensures a good overlap with tracker 7 Correction for jets on calorimetry holes 8 Boson tagging cuts Jet mass (WZ , WW , ZZ ), momentum balance, ntrk EGM W'→ WZ bulk GRS → WW bulk GRS → ZZ 0.8 0.6 Event topology requirements 0.5 Selection efficiency Leading jets |η| < 2.0 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV 0.9 Leading jets pT asymmetry ApT < 0.15 Used as proxy for large-R jet cleaning 6 1 0.7 s-channel signal more central than t-channel QCD 5 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 Resonance Mass [TeV] 0.3 0.25 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV EGM W'→ WZ bulk GRS → WW bulk GRS → ZZ 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 Background efficiencies 0 Topological ≈ 48% Tagger ≈ 1.2 − 0.6% 19 / 48 Alex Martyniuk 1.4 X → VV → JJ 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 Resonance Mass [TeV] Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background 8 10 ATLAS 107 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 4 10 3 10 102 Where, Significance 10 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 20 / 48 Alex Martyniuk √ x = mJJ / s mJJ is the dijet invariant mass, p1 is a normalisation factor, p2 and p3 are dimensionless shape parameters ξ is a dimensionless constant chosen after fitting to minimise the correlations between p2 and p3 X → VV → JJ Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background 8 10 ATLAS 107 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 4 10 3 10 102 Where, Significance 10 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 20 / 48 Alex Martyniuk √ x = mJJ / s mJJ is the dijet invariant mass, p1 is a normalisation factor, p2 and p3 are dimensionless shape parameters ξ is a dimensionless constant chosen after fitting to minimise the correlations between p2 and p3 X → VV → JJ Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large 8 10 ATLAS 107 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 104 Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx 3 10 102 Significance 10 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Error taken from errors on functional parameters 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 mjj [TeV] Sample Pythia dijet events Herwig++ dijet events Data with 110 < mj1 ≤ 140 GeV and 40 < mj2 ≤ 60 GeV Data with 40 < mj ≤ 60 GeV for both jets Data with 110 < mj ≤ 140 GeV for both jets 2 χ /nDOF 24.6/22 15.9/22 12.1/11 19.8/13 5.0/6 Probability 0.31 0.82 0.79 0.56 0.91 Fit tested on, Raw data P YTHIA/H ERWIG MC Mass sideband data CRs Alternate fit functions give similar results 20 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large 104 ATLAS 3 10 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background Background model Significance (stat) 102 Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Significance (stat + syst) 40 < mj < 60 GeV 10 Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx 1 10−1 Significance 10−2 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Error taken from errors on functional parameters 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 mjj [TeV] Sample Pythia dijet events Herwig++ dijet events Data with 110 < mj1 ≤ 140 GeV and 40 < mj2 ≤ 60 GeV Data with 40 < mj ≤ 60 GeV for both jets Data with 110 < mj ≤ 140 GeV for both jets χ2 /nDOF 24.6/22 15.9/22 12.1/11 19.8/13 5.0/6 Probability 0.31 0.82 0.79 0.56 0.91 Fit tested on, Raw data P YTHIA/H ERWIG MC Mass sideband data CRs Alternate fit functions give similar results 20 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large 5 10 ATLAS 104 Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model 3 Significance (stat) 10 Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Significance (stat + syst) 102 40 < mj1,j2 < 60 GeV Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx 110 < mj2,j1 < 140 GeV 10 1 10−1 Significance 10−2 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Sample Pythia dijet events Herwig++ dijet events Data with 110 < mj1 ≤ 140 GeV and 40 < mj2 ≤ 60 GeV Data with 40 < mj ≤ 60 GeV for both jets Data with 110 < mj ≤ 140 GeV for both jets 20 / 48 χ2 /nDOF 24.6/22 15.9/22 12.1/11 19.8/13 5.0/6 Probability 0.31 0.82 0.79 0.56 0.91 Alex Martyniuk Error taken from errors on functional parameters Fit tested on, Raw data P YTHIA/H ERWIG MC Mass sideband data CRs Alternate fit functions give similar results X → VV → JJ Modelling the Background Events / 100 GeV After trying to kill the background we now arrive at the point of modelling it MC statistics needed to properly model the high mJJ tail are prohibitively large 104 ATLAS 3 10 Assume a steeply and smoothly falling distribution models the background Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model Significance (stat) 102 Any resonance should be narrow, thus only affect a few bins Significance (stat + syst) 110 < mj < 140 GeV 10 Use a parametric function to model the background from the data dn = p1 (1 − x)p2 −ξp3 x p3 dx 1 10−1 Significance 10−2 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Sample Pythia dijet events Herwig++ dijet events Data with 110 < mj1 ≤ 140 GeV and 40 < mj2 ≤ 60 GeV Data with 40 < mj ≤ 60 GeV for both jets Data with 110 < mj ≤ 140 GeV for both jets 20 / 48 χ2 /nDOF 24.6/22 15.9/22 12.1/11 19.8/13 5.0/6 Probability 0.31 0.82 0.79 0.56 0.91 Alex Martyniuk Error taken from errors on functional parameters Fit tested on, Raw data P YTHIA/H ERWIG MC Mass sideband data CRs Alternate fit functions give similar results X → VV → JJ Systematic uncertainties: Shape Background: Taken from the uncertainties on the fit parameters Signal: Various systematics affect the signal reconstruction and selection efficiency The jet pT and jet mass scale uncertainties determined by the track/calo double ratio technique For example for a variable x, data /x data xtrack calo MC MC xtrack /xcalo 18 16 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 y >= 0.45 f ntrk < 30 14 12 W'(1.4 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 10 8 6 4 Applied as a Gaussian with µ = 1 and σ equal to the observed uncertainty jet pT scale: 2% jet mass scale: 3% 2 0 0 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 max(m , m2) [GeV] 1 An uncertainty on the jet pT resolution of 20% is applied as an additional smearing on top of the nominal 5% 21 / 48 Jets / 5 GeV Shape systematics: Alex Martyniuk Source Jet pT scale Jet pT resolution Jet mass scale X → VV → JJ Uncertainty 2% 20% 3% Constraining pdf G(αPT |1, √ 0.02) G(σrE | 0, 0.05 × 1.22 − 12 ) G(αm |1, 0.03) Systematic uncertainties: Normalisation Large uncertainty on the ntrk cut evaluated in the data driven V +jets study used to define the efficiency of the cut Jet mass scale affects both shape and normalisation strongly √ y scale evaluated using the double ratio method Jets / 5 GeV Background: Taken from the uncertainties on the fit parameters Signal: Various systematics affect the signal reconstruction and selection 20 efficiency BDRS-A Normalisation systematics: 18 ATLAS Simulation -1 16 14 |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb W'(1.4 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 min(m , m2) [GeV] 1 Resolutions taken as 20% smearings Shower model evaluated by comparing MC showered by P YTHIA or H ERWIG PDF4LHC method used to evaluate PDF uncertainties ATLAS luminosity uncertainty assumed 22 / 48 Alex Martyniuk Source Efficiency of the track-multiplicity cut Jet mass scale Jet mass resolution Subjet momentum-balance scale Subjet momentum-balance resolution Parton shower model Parton distribution functions Luminosity X → VV → JJ Uncertainty 20.0% 5.0% 5.5% 3.5% 2.0% 5.0% 3.5% 2.8% Events / 100 GeV The long and winding road.... 8 10 ATLAS 107 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model 6 10 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) 5 10 No boson tagging 104 OK, enough with the build-up..... 3 10 What does the triggered data look like after applying our selection??? 102 Significance 10 4 2 0 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 23 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Events / 100 GeV X → WZ selection 104 Full WZ selection applied to the data Data Background model 1.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 10 102 Z mass window applied to leading mass jet W mass window applied to sub-leading mass jet WZ Selection 10 Good agreement seen with steeply, smoothly falling background model in the low/high mass regions 1 Significance 10−1 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 24 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Deviation from the background observed at around 2 TeV Benchmark extended gauge model W 0 signal MC shown for comparison purposes X → WW selection Events / 100 GeV 104 Full WW selection applied to the data Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 102 10 W mass window applied to both jets Good agreement again seen with steeply, smoothly falling background model WW Selection 1 10−1 Deviation from the background still observed at around 2 TeV 10−2 −3 Significance 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 25 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Remember: There is an overlap between the W /Z mass windows Benchmark Bulk Randall-Sundrum graviton signal MC shown for comparison purposes X → ZZ selection Events / 100 GeV 104 Full ZZ selection applied to the data Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 102 10 Z mass window applied to both jets Good agreement again seen with steeply, smoothly falling background model ZZ Selection 1 10−1 Deviation from the background still observed at around 2 TeV 10−2 −3 Significance 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 26 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Remember: There is an overlap between the W /Z mass windows Benchmark Bulk Randall-Sundrum graviton signal MC shown for comparison purposes What do these events look like? Dramatic! 27 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ What do these events look like? Energetic! 28 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Digging deeper into the jets.... The ATLAS detector volume is shown unfolded in y and φ φ These jet event displays take a bit more explanation, but offer a powerful insight into the analysis jets Inner detector track positions are shown as crosses Black Tracks: From primary vertex Blue Tracks: From secondary vertices 6 5 ATLAS s = 8 TeV Run: 203027 Event: 5303984 4 1 3 1 Calorimeter deposits are displayed on the rainbow scale The outlines of the CA 1.2 jets are shown 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 -4 Black: Leading pT jet Mauve: Sub-leading jet -3 -2 Grey area: Sub-jets after filtering 29 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ -1 0 1 2 3 4 1 y φ φ Digging deeper into the jets.... 6 5 6 ATLAS s = 8 TeV 5 Run: 201556 Event: 7295269 4 ATLAS s = 8 TeV Run: 201489 Event: 75855145 4 3 10 3 1 3 102 10 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10-1 1 10-2 0 -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 y 10 1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 What do we see here? Subjets are highly collimated PV tracks are highly correlated with the selected sub-jets Energy deposits concentrated in the sub-jet Pile-up tracks/deposits sparsely distributed over the events Successfully picked the boson out of the pileup? 30 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 0 1 2 3 4 1 y Time to cross-check..... Deviations from the expected background, especially ones at the tail of the data distribution, mean one thing for physicists.... What on Earth did we do wrong? Try to evaluate any possible issues with the analysis Operation Cross-check begins Data Background model 1.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 10 102 104 Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 Events / 100 GeV 104 Events / 100 GeV Events / 100 GeV Look for mistakes, bugs or shaping effects in: Detector/data taking effects Jet reconstruction effects Event selection effects s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 2 10 10 WZ Selection 104 Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 2 10 10 WW Selection 10 ZZ Selection 1 1 −1 1 10−1 10−1 10−2 10−2 10 −3 −3 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 10 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 mjj [TeV] 31 / 48 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Significance 1.5 Significance Significance 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Time to cross-check..... From E. Kajomovitz 32 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 1 0.5 15 0 10 Is one cut driving all of the deviation? Many, many, many..... more, you can only get so much approved... 33 / 48 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 25 0.5 20 15 10 -1 5 40 < mj1 < 60 GeV 1.5 2 2.5 3 67.5 < mj1 < 105.8 GeV -1.5 40 < mj2 < 60 GeV 3.5 -2 1 0 1.5 2 2.5 3 25 1 20 0.5 15 0 Sub-leading jet η ATLAS s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 3.5 0 mjj [TeV] 2 1.5 5 40 < mj2 < 60 GeV mjj [TeV] Sub-leading jet η 30 1 -0.5 -1 -2 1 35 ATLAS 45 2 ATLAS 1.5 40 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 35 1 30 0.5 25 0 20 -0.5 10 -1 5 40 < mj1 < 60 GeV 67.5 < mj2 < 105.8 GeV 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 mjj [TeV] Alex Martyniuk 15 -1 -1.5 -2 1 -0.5 X → VV → JJ 0 10 67.5 < mj1 < 105.8 GeV -1.5 -2 1 67.5 < mj2 < 105.8 GeV 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 mjj [TeV] 5 0 Number of events -0.5 Look at the effect of single cuts on the distribution 2 1.5 0 -1.5 Look at the effect of N − 1 cuts on the distribution 20 Number of events s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Sub-leading jet η ATLAS Number of events 25 2 1.5 Number of events Started trawling through SR/CR kinematic distributions, looking for unusual features in the signal regions Sub-leading jet η Time to cross-check..... ATLAS Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 6 Background model 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 4 Significance (stat + syst) 3 only jet ungroomed n 10 10 10 8 10 107 Background model 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 4 Significance (stat + syst) 3 only jet 10 10 10 1 10−1 −2 −2 10 1.5 2 1.5 2 2.5 3 2.5 3 3.5 Significance 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 3.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 mjj [TeV] 107 ATLAS Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 6 Background model 10 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 104 Significance (stat + syst) 10 only m 3 10 j 10 1 Significance 10−1 10−2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 33 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 8 10 102 Many, many, many..... more, you can only get so much approved... f 10 1 Is one cut driving all of the deviation? y 102 10−1 Look at the effect of N − 1 cuts on the distribution Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 10 102 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 ATLAS 6 10 trk Events / 100 GeV Look at the effect of single cuts on the distribution 107 10 Significance Started trawling through SR/CR kinematic distributions, looking for unusual features in the signal regions 8 10 Events / 100 GeV Events / 100 GeV Time to cross-check..... Is one cut driving all of the deviation? Background model 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 4 Significance (stat + syst) 3 w/o mj 10 10 107 ATLAS Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 6 Background model 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 4 Significance (stat + syst) 3 w/o jet 10 10 10 y f 102 10 1 1 10−1 10−1 −2 −2 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Significance 10 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 3.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 mjj [TeV] 8 10 107 ATLAS Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 6 Background model 10 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 104 Significance (stat + syst) 10 10 3.5 8 10 107 ATLAS Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 6 Background model 10 5 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 104 Significance (stat + syst) 10 3 WZ Selection 10 trk 102 102 10 10 1 1 10−1 10−2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 X → VV → JJ Significance 10−1 10−2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 Alex Martyniuk 3.5 mjj [TeV] w/o jet ungroomed n 3 mjj [TeV] 33 / 48 8 10 10 10 Significance Many, many, many..... more, you can only get so much approved... Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Events / 100 GeV Look at the effect of N − 1 cuts on the distribution ATLAS 6 10 102 Significance Look at the effect of single cuts on the distribution 107 10 Events / 100 GeV Started trawling through SR/CR kinematic distributions, looking for unusual features in the signal regions 8 10 Events / 100 GeV Events / 100 GeV Time to cross-check..... 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] Did we find any errors? In so many cross-checks, yes, bugs were found and fixed Always attempted to shield the data from any possible biases by using control regions to test After almost a year and a half of scrutiny by the analysers/Exotics group/ATLAS we found no major issues Therefore we continue to publish the final results Run-2 was looming! 34 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Local p0 Observed p0 value 10 ATLAS s=8TeV, 20.3 fb-1 WZ Selection WW Selection ZZ Selection 1 0σ 1σ −1 10 2σ 10−2 3σ 10−3 10−4 A discrepancy was seen with respect to the expected background distribution 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 mjj [GeV] Therefore, no statistically significant deviation from the background has been observed Alex Martyniuk In the WZ channel: Local p0 = 3.4σ 3.5 σ 4σ 35 / 48 Once suitably confident it is not an error, its significance should be quantified X → VV → JJ Global p0 = 2.5σ Global σ takes into account the look elsewhere effect LEE includes weighted contribution from WW /ZZ channels due to the overlap X → WZ limits As no significant deviation was observed, we continue to set limits on the observed distributions σ(pp → W') × BR(W' → WZ) [fb] 95% confidence limits set on σ × B using the CLS prescription taking into account the systematic uncertainties and background fit 104 ATLAS Observed 95% CL s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Expected 95% CL 103 ± 1σ uncertainty ± 2σ unceirtainty 2 10 EGM W', c = 1 1 36 / 48 Exclusion of EGM W 0 from 1.3 − 1.5 TeV Broad deviation from the background observable at around 2 TeV 10 10−1 1.4 Expected limits broadly agree with the observed limits 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 Alex Martyniuk 2.6 2.8 3 mW' [TeV] X → VV → JJ Benchmark extended gauge model W 0 σ × B shown for comparison purposes X → WW limits As no significant deviation was observed, we continue to set limits on the observed distributions 104 ATLAS Observed 95% CL s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Expected 95% CL 103 ± 1σ uncertainty ± 2σ uncertainty 102 RS σ(pp → G ) × BR(G RS → WW) [fb] 95% confidence limits set on σ × B using the CLS prescription taking into account the systematic uncertainties and background fit Bulk GRS k/ MPI = 1 1 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 mG [TeV] RS 37 / 48 Exclusion of graviton production at no masses Deviation from the background observable at around 2.1 TeV 10 10−1 1.4 Expected limits broadly agree with the observed limits Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Benchmark Bulk Randall-Sundrum graviton σ × B shown for comparison purposes X → ZZ limits As no significant deviation was observed, we continue to set limits on the observed distributions 104 ATLAS Observed 95% CL s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Expected 95% CL 103 ± 1σ uncertainty ± 2σ uncertainty 102 Bulk GRS k/ MPI = 1 10 1 10−1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 mG [TeV] RS 38 / 48 Expected limits broadly agree with the observed limits Exclusion of graviton production at no masses Broad deviation from the background observable at around 2 TeV RS σ(pp → G ) × BR(G RS → ZZ) [fb] 95% confidence limits set on σ × B using the CLS prescription taking into account the systematic uncertainties and background fit Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Benchmark Bulk Randall-Sundrum graviton σ × B shown for comparison purposes Prescale-weighted events Are we alone? ATLAS searches 10 9 10 8 ATLAS ∫ s=8 TeV, L dt=20.3 fb 107 10 6 10 5 104 10 10 [data-fit]/fit ATLAS resolved Run-2 dijet search ATLAS-CONF-2015-042, nothing seen 4 Data Fit q*, m = 0.6 TeV q*, m = 2.0 TeV q*, m = 3.5 TeV 3 102 Signif. ATLAS resolved dijet search [arXiv:1407.1376], nothing seen 4 -1 ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (lν)Z (jj) [arXiv:http://1503.04677], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 1 1 0 -1 2 0 -2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 Reconstructed mjj [TeV] 39 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (jj)Z (ll) [arXiv:1409.6190], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 Are we alone? ATLAS searches Events 104 ATLAS Preliminary s=13 TeV, 80 pb-1 Data Background fit BumpHunter interval BlackMax, m = 4.0 TeV BlackMax, m = 5.0 TeV 3 10 102 10 1 Signif. 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 −3 39 / 48 p -value = 0.79 Fit Range: 1.1 - 5.3 TeV |y*| < 0.6 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reconstructed mjj [TeV] 4 Alex Martyniuk 5 6 7 mjj [TeV] X → VV → JJ ATLAS resolved dijet search [arXiv:1407.1376], nothing seen 4 ATLAS resolved Run-2 dijet search ATLAS-CONF-2015-042, nothing seen 4 ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (lν)Z (jj) [arXiv:http://1503.04677], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (jj)Z (ll) [arXiv:1409.6190], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 mlvJ [GeV] Alex Martyniuk 39 / 48 Diboson Uncertainty G*(1200 GeV) W'(1200 GeV) 102 10 X → VV → JJ ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (jj)Z (ll) [arXiv:1409.6190], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 ∫ 10 Events / 100 GeV W → lν + ≥ 1 large-R jet tt+single top Multijet ATLAS resolved Run-2 dijet search ATLAS-CONF-2015-042, nothing seen 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xxx x x xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xx x x xxx xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xx x x xxx xx xxx xx xxx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 1 10-1 ATLAS resolved dijet search [arXiv:1407.1376], nothing seen 4 ATLAS Data W/Z+jets s = 8 TeV, Ldt = 20.3 fb-1 3 ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (lν)Z (jj) [arXiv:http://1503.04677], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 Data / Bkg Are we alone? ATLAS searches Events / GeV Are we alone? ATLAS searches 103 102 10 ATLAS s = 8 TeV ∫ L dt = 20.3 fb-1 High-p Res. Region T Z → ee, µµ Channel Data Z+jets ZZ/ZW/WW tt+Single Top Sys+Stat Uncertainty G*, m=800 GeV σNominal × 10.0 1 10-1 10-3 Data / BG 10-4 39 / 48 ATLAS resolved Run-2 dijet search ATLAS-CONF-2015-042, nothing seen 4 ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (lν)Z (jj) [arXiv:http://1503.04677], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 10-2 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0 ATLAS resolved dijet search [arXiv:1407.1376], nothing seen 4 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 mlljj [GeV] Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ ATLAS semi-leptonic search W (jj)Z (ll) [arXiv:1409.6190], using similar BDRS-A CA 1.2 reconstruction, in tail/nothing seen 4 Are we alone? ATLAS combination ATLAS diboson combination ATLAS-CONF-2015-045 In the full combination discrepancy is reduced to a 2.5σ local excess Limits increased to 1.81TeV in the W 0 search channels Fully hadronic channel in (significant) tension with the leptonic channels Pointing to statistical fluctuation in fully hadronic channel? Run-2 will sort this out! Full paper following up CONF note in the ATLAS pipeline 40 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Are we alone? Across the ring....CMS CMS dijet search [arXiv:1501.04198], blip in 2-btag at 2 TeV? Trick of the eye? 4 CMS run-2 dijet search [CMS-PAS-EXO-15-001], nothing 4 CMS WR search [arXiv:1407.3683], excess at 2 TeV in eejj channel only 42 CMS WW /WZ /ZZ semi-leptonic search [arXiv:1405.3447], in tails/nothing seen 4 41 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ CMS WW /WZ /ZZ fully hadronic search [arXiv:1405.3447], uses n-subjettiness, broad blip at ≈ 1.8TeV 42 Are we alone? Across the ring....CMS dσ / dm jj [pb / GeV] 42 pb-1(13 TeV) 1 CMS Preliminary data 10 -1 background fit to data QCD MC q* (4.5 TeV) 10 -2 10 -4 10 -5 (Data-Fit)/ σ 10 -3 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 CMS run-2 dijet search [CMS-PAS-EXO-15-001], nothing 4 CMS WR search [arXiv:1407.3683], excess at 2 TeV in eejj channel only 42 |η | < 2.5, |Δη | < 1.3 Mjj > 1.1 TeV Wide Jets 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Dijet Mass (GeV) 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Dijet Mass [GeV] 41 / 48 CMS dijet search [arXiv:1501.04198], blip in 2-btag at 2 TeV? Trick of the eye? 4 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ CMS WW /WZ /ZZ semi-leptonic search [arXiv:1405.3447], in tails/nothing seen 4 CMS WW /WZ /ZZ fully hadronic search [arXiv:1405.3447], uses n-subjettiness, broad blip at ≈ 1.8TeV 42 Are we alone? Across the ring....CMS CMS dijet search [arXiv:1501.04198], blip in 2-btag at 2 TeV? Trick of the eye? 4 CMS run-2 dijet search [CMS-PAS-EXO-15-001], nothing 4 CMS WR search [arXiv:1407.3683], excess at 2 TeV in eejj channel only 42 CMS WW /WZ /ZZ semi-leptonic search [arXiv:1405.3447], in tails/nothing seen 4 41 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ CMS WW /WZ /ZZ fully hadronic search [arXiv:1405.3447], uses n-subjettiness, broad blip at ≈ 1.8TeV 42 Are we alone? Across the ring....CMS CMS dijet search [arXiv:1501.04198], blip in 2-btag at 2 TeV? Trick of the eye? 4 CMS run-2 dijet search [CMS-PAS-EXO-15-001], nothing 4 CMS WR search [arXiv:1407.3683], excess at 2 TeV in eejj channel only 42 CMS WW /WZ /ZZ semi-leptonic search [arXiv:1405.3447], in tails/nothing seen 4 41 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ CMS WW /WZ /ZZ fully hadronic search [arXiv:1405.3447], uses n-subjettiness, broad blip at ≈ 1.8TeV 42 Are we alone? Across the ring....CMS CMS dijet search [arXiv:1501.04198], blip in 2-btag at 2 TeV? Trick of the eye? 4 CMS run-2 dijet search [CMS-PAS-EXO-15-001], nothing 4 CMS WR search [arXiv:1407.3683], excess at 2 TeV in eejj channel only 42 CMS WW /WZ /ZZ semi-leptonic search [arXiv:1405.3447], in tails/nothing seen 4 41 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ CMS WW /WZ /ZZ fully hadronic search [arXiv:1405.3447], uses n-subjettiness, broad blip at ≈ 1.8TeV 42 The Future: Run-2 42 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ The Future Now: Data is here! Fun fact: The Run-1 paper was submitted around 13 hours before the first collisions of Run-2 43 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ The Future Now: Data is here! 44 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Events / 100 GeV How much data is needed? 104 3 So question one is how much Run-2 13 TeV data do we need to surpass the Run-1 result? Data Background model 1.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 10 102 At 2 TeV production cross-sections grow considerably WZ Selection 10 1 Significance 10−1 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 45 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ For gluon-gluon fusion ×15, i.e. for GRS production For q q̄ initiated ×8, i.e. for W0 production Unfortunately QCD background also increases So a smaller amount of Run-2 data (1 − 3fb−1 ) should be roughly equivalent to the 8 TeV dataset How much data is needed? WJS2013 100 luminosity ratio ratios of LHC parton luminosities: 13 TeV / 8 TeV At 2 TeV production cross-sections grow considerably gg _ Σqq qg 10 MSTW2008NLO 1 100 1000 Alex Martyniuk For gluon-gluon fusion ×15, i.e. for GRS production For q q̄ initiated ×8, i.e. for W0 production Unfortunately QCD background also increases So a smaller amount of Run-2 data (1 − 3fb−1 ) should be roughly equivalent to the 8 TeV dataset MX (GeV) 45 / 48 So question one is how much Run-2 13 TeV data do we need to surpass the Run-1 result? X → VV → JJ How much data is needed? WJS2013 100 luminosity ratio ratios of LHC parton luminosities: 13 TeV / 8 TeV At 2 TeV production cross-sections grow considerably gg _ Σqq qg 10 MSTW2008NLO 1 100 1000 Alex Martyniuk For gluon-gluon fusion ×15, i.e. for GRS production For q q̄ initiated ×8, i.e. for W0 production Unfortunately QCD background also increases So a smaller amount of Run-2 data (1 − 3fb−1 ) should be roughly equivalent to the 8 TeV dataset MX (GeV) 45 / 48 So question one is how much Run-2 13 TeV data do we need to surpass the Run-1 result? X → VV → JJ How much data is needed? What local σ values can we see assuming Different 13 TeV recorded luminosity points Systematics size w.r.t. Run-1 Injecting a signal with a cross-section the size of the discrepancy seen in Run-1 If realised in nature, observation should be possible even with the reduced 2015 data expectations Semi-leptonic channels can control backgrounds more easily (mostly V +jets) Have made additional cuts and should have an equivalent reach at 2 TeV to the fully hadronic channel in Run-2! Hadronic channel will still be competitive at the highest masses in early data 46 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Ready for data? New ATLAS data format, xAOD working 2 Physics derivations, DxAOD, running 2 On MC 2 On data 2 CxAOD analysis framework in place, producing plots 2 ResonanceFinder statistical framework in place 2 New R2D2 boosted boson tagger defined 2 No really... R = 0.2 subjet, D2β substructure variable [arXiv:1409.6298] Ready, to improve the analysis with new techniques and data YES! 2 Steady, to push search to higher masses YES!! 2 47 / 48 Alex Martyniuk Go, to confirm/disprove excess YES!!! 2 X → VV → JJ Conclusions Deviation from expected steeply, smoothly falling background seen at 2 TeV Cross-checks performed, no major issues discovered Excess p0 = 3.4σ local, 2.5σ global 0 Limits exclude EGM W models with 1.3 < mW 0 < 1.5 TeV Preparations underway to repeat search in 13TeV data Events / 100 GeV s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 102 WZ Selection 10 1 10−1 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 Alex Martyniuk 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] 104 ATLAS Observed 95% CL s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Expected 95% CL 103 ± 1σ uncertainty ± 2σ unceirtainty 2 10 EGM W', c = 1 10 1 10−1 1.4 48 / 48 Data Background model 1.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 Significance Used 20.3fb−1 8TeV ATLAS data Jet substructure (BDRS-A CA 1.2 jets) used to separate signal from background QCD dominated background modelled by parametric function σ(pp → W') × BR(W' → WZ) [fb] Presented a search for a high mass diboson resonance, [arXiv:1506.00962] 104 X → VV → JJ 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 mW' [TeV] Backup Backup 48 / 48 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ Mass window optimisation A data CR was formed from two tagged/untagged samples A wide mass window (40 < mJ < 400 GeV) used CR A: Leading jet tagged, sub-leading fails tag CR B: Leading jet fails tag, sub-leading passes tag 1 2 Forms dijet sample by taking one jet from CR A and one from CR B Use this as a high stats QCD region for comparison with signal MC ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 For W'(1.4 TeV) Zllr εs εb 2 2.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 48 / 48 For W'(1.8 TeV) Zllr εs εb 1.5 1.5 0 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 2 0 5 10 15 20 half window [GeV] 0 0 5 Alex Martyniuk 10 15 20 half window [GeV] X → VV → JJ Zllr, εs, εb 2.5 Zllr, εs, εb Zllr, εs, εb Compute mass window efficiencies as function of window width for different W 0 masses 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 0 5 For W'(2.2 TeV) Zllr εs εb 10 15 20 half window [GeV] Jets / 5 GeV ntrk optimisation 2000 ATLAS s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 1800 1600 1400 1200 ntrk is poorly modelled in MC 1000 800 Cannot trust it to optimise cut or measure its efficiency 600 400 200 Select V +jets enriched data sample 2 Optimise the cut by fitting QCD background vs selected signal peak Measure the efficiency of selected cut in data sample Two models used to fit background in this region Both fit well, efficiency error taken from a combined PDF of both fits 48 / 48 Alex Martyniuk Jets / 5 GeV 1 0 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 ntrk < 30, Fourth deg. polynomial 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 m [GeV] ATLAS s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 800 600 n < 30, Third deg. polynomial trk 400 200 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 m [GeV] X → VV → JJ ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 14 12 W'(1.4 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 10 0 0 16 14 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 W'(1.4 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 2.5 1.5 6 4 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 2 40 60 80 100 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 0 0 120 140 160 max(m , m2) [GeV] BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 W'(1.8 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 2 1 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 0.5 40 60 80 100 0 0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 W'(2.2 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 20 0.2 0.1 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 min(m , m2) [GeV] 20 40 60 80 100 0 0 120 140 160 max(m , m2) [GeV] 1 0.8 0.7 0.6 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 W'(2.2 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 0.1 40 1 48 / 48 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 0.3 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 1 0.4 1 0 0 120 140 160 min(m , m2) [GeV] 0.5 1.5 0.5 BDRS-A |∆yjj | < 1.2 |η| < 2.0 A < 0.15 yf >= 0.45 ntrk < 30 W'(1.8 TeV) → WZ → qqqq 8 Jets / 5 GeV Jets / 5 GeV 3 ATLAS Simulation s = 8 TeV , 20.3fb-1 3 2 1 3.5 4 3.5 2.5 10 6 2 18 12 8 4 20 Jets / 5 GeV 16 Jets / 5 GeV 18 Jets / 5 GeV Jets / 5 GeV Systematic variations 60 80 100 120 140 160 max(m , m2) [GeV] 1 Alex Martyniuk X → VV → JJ 0 0 Nominal JMS up JMS down JMR 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 min(m , m2) [GeV] 1 Selection overlaps ATLAS 3 10 Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model Significance (stat) 102 Significance (stat + syst) WW+ZZ+WZ Selection 10 104 ATLAS 3 10 Events / 100 GeV 104 Events / 100 GeV Events / 100 GeV Comparing the effect of applying all signal selections at once, and the same flavour selections at once Data s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 Background model Significance (stat) 102 Significance (stat + syst) 104 Data Background model 1.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.0 TeV EGM W', c = 1 2.5 TeV EGM W', c = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 10 102 WW+ZZ Selection 10 WZ Selection 10 1 1 10−1 10−1 1 10−1 10−2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 0 −2 3.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 102 10 3.5 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 Data Background model 1.5 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 2.0 TeV Bulk GRS, k/MPI = 1 Significance (stat) Significance (stat + syst) ATLAS 3 10 s = 8 TeV, 20.3 fb-1 102 10 ZZ Selection 1 10−1 10−1 10−2 10−2 −3 −3 10 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 Significance 10 Significance 2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.5 2 2.5 3 mjj [TeV] Alex Martyniuk 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] WW Selection 48 / 48 1.5 104 1 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 3 2 1 0 −1 −2 mjj [TeV] 104 Events / 100 GeV Events / 100 GeV mjj [TeV] 3.5 Significance 4 2 0 −2 Significance Significance 10−2 3.5 3.5 mjj [TeV] X → VV → JJ Signal properties The resonance width (Γ) and the product of cross sections and branching ratios (BR) to four-quark final states used in modelling W ? → WZ , GRS → WW , and GRS → ZZ , for several values of resonance pole masses (m). The fraction of events in which the invariant mass of the W ? or GRS decay products lies within 10% of the nominal resonance mass (f10% ) is also displayed. m [TeV] 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 48 / 48 ΓW 0 [GeV] 47 58 72 91 109 ΓGRS [GeV] 76 96 123 155 187 W0 → WZ σ ×BR f10% [fb] 19.1 0.83 6.04 0.79 1.50 0.72 0.31 0.54 0.088 0.31 Alex Martyniuk GRS → W W σ ×BR f10% [fb] 0.73 0.85 0.14 0.83 0.022 0.83 0.0025 0.78 0.00034 0.72 X → VV → JJ GRS → ZZ σ ×BR f10% [fb] 0.37 0.84 0.071 0.84 0.010 0.82 0.0011 0.78 0.00017 0.71 Observed and expected numbers Number of events observed in the WZ, WW, and ZZ selected samples in each dijet mass bin used in the analysis, compared to the prediction of the background-only fit. mjj bin [GeV] 1050–1150 1150–1250 1250–1350 1350–1450 1450–1550 1550–1650 1650–1750 1750–1850 1850–1950 1950–2050 2050–2150 2150–2250 2250–2350 2350–2450 2450–2550 2550–2650 2650–2750 2750–2850 2850–2950 2950–3050 3050–3150 3150–3250 3250–3350 3350–3450 3450–3550 48 / 48 obs 299 149 60 38 16 15 6 5 5 8 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Z selection (Events) exp +1σ −1σ 296.65 312.60 280.90 140.82 146.83 134.68 71.37 75.30 67.21 38.24 40.98 35.40 21.50 23.36 19.64 12.61 13.88 11.39 7.67 8.56 6.86 4.82 5.47 4.25 3.12 3.62 2.70 2.08 2.47 1.75 1.41 1.74 1.15 0.98 1.26 0.77 0.70 0.94 0.52 0.50 0.71 0.35 0.37 0.55 0.24 0.28 0.44 0.17 0.21 0.36 0.12 0.16 0.29 0.08 0.13 0.25 0.06 0.10 0.21 0.04 0.08 0.18 0.03 0.06 0.16 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.02 0.04 0.13 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.01 obs 203 97 47 37 13 8 4 2 4 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Alex Martyniuk W W selection (Events) exp +1σ −1σ 202.39 215.30 189.33 97.98 102.93 92.97 50.79 54.10 47.42 27.91 30.28 25.52 16.13 17.78 14.49 9.75 10.87 8.62 6.12 6.90 5.35 3.98 4.54 3.43 2.67 3.09 2.27 1.84 2.18 1.53 1.30 1.58 1.06 0.95 1.18 0.74 0.70 0.91 0.52 0.53 0.71 0.37 0.41 0.58 0.27 0.32 0.48 0.20 0.25 0.40 0.15 0.21 0.35 0.11 0.17 0.30 0.08 0.14 0.27 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.23 0.03 0.09 0.22 0.03 0.08 0.21 0.02 0.07 0.20 0.01 X → VV → JJ obs 169 86 30 20 10 8 0 1 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZZ selection (Events) exp +1σ −1σ 180.83 194.82 166.70 78.04 82.65 73.32 36.01 39.53 32.51 17.59 20.02 15.26 9.02 10.55 7.58 4.83 5.76 3.96 2.68 3.25 2.16 1.54 1.90 1.22 0.91 1.14 0.71 0.55 0.71 0.42 0.34 0.46 0.25 0.22 0.30 0.15 0.14 0.20 0.09 0.09 0.14 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 Observed and expected limits Observed and expected limits on the EGM W ? models in the WZ selection m [GeV] 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 48 / 48 W0 → WZ σBRW Z [fb] 40.5 27.3 18.7 12.8 8.93 6.23 4.46 3.14 2.28 1.64 1.21 0.889 0.666 0.502 0.383 0.297 0.236 0.186 Γ [GeV] 46.66 50.30 53.99 57.60 61.32 65.00 68.66 72.30 76.00 79.60 83.34 87.00 90.68 94.30 98.03 101.70 105.40 109.00 obs 23.47 22.08 15.79 18.82 14.40 30.47 34.96 36.04 37.12 20.92 8.87 7.49 6.75 6.40 7.28 8.08 8.91 10.58 Alex Martyniuk exp 42.43 35.01 26.28 19.84 16.19 15.22 13.35 12.18 10.74 9.88 9.72 9.61 9.37 9.69 10.88 11.26 12.32 13.54 95% CL Limits [fb] −2σ −1σ +1σ 20.51 27.61 69.49 16.96 23.41 58.15 12.82 16.81 41.96 10.97 13.99 30.62 8.55 11.18 25.36 7.95 10.67 23.64 6.69 8.96 20.40 6.12 8.39 18.71 6.02 7.31 16.77 5.36 6.73 15.40 5.24 6.70 14.89 5.40 6.68 15.05 5.47 6.76 14.83 5.25 6.80 15.22 6.24 7.49 16.53 6.96 8.24 17.88 7.27 8.86 18.61 8.86 10.12 20.71 X → VV → JJ +2σ 120.84 96.95 70.12 50.61 42.78 38.51 33.37 30.84 27.06 25.36 23.30 23.37 23.97 23.60 26.11 27.75 29.37 32.11 Observed and expected limits Observed and expected limits on the bulk GRS models in the WW selection m [GeV] 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 48 / 48 GRS → W W σBRW W [fb] 1.59 0.908 0.532 0.317 0.192 0.119 0.0744 0.0470 0.0300 0.0194 0.0136 0.0083 0.0055 0.0036 0.0024 0.0016 0.0011 0.0008 Γ [GeV] 76.0 82.8 89.5 96.2 103 109 116 123 129 136 142 149 155 161 168 174 181 187 obs 59.16 59.00 27.57 16.53 12.47 18.18 29.01 30.23 47.39 13.70 8.48 6.76 6.39 6.21 6.41 6.62 6.87 8.24 Alex Martyniuk exp 53.46 40.90 32.60 26.04 19.92 17.83 15.99 14.68 13.83 12.34 12.63 12.06 11.32 10.87 11.07 10.84 10.93 10.76 95% CL Limits [fb] −2σ −1σ +1σ 29.46 37.36 80.36 23.03 28.67 62.92 15.39 21.85 49.69 12.63 17.18 41.93 9.44 13.56 31.84 9.15 12.96 27.57 7.68 10.97 24.93 7.87 10.18 23.25 7.72 9.46 21.67 7.02 8.53 19.19 6.67 9.01 19.53 5.78 7.86 18.78 5.68 7.36 17.92 5.64 7.19 16.99 5.58 7.10 16.94 5.41 7.41 16.72 6.02 7.50 17.07 6.61 8.25 16.39 X → VV → JJ +2σ 139.90 109.16 81.17 64.89 50.82 44.35 40.50 37.90 35.14 29.46 31.31 30.54 28.18 26.76 26.91 26.60 26.76 25.85 Observed and expected limits Observed and expected limits on the bulk GRS models in the ZZ selection m [GeV] 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 48 / 48 GRS → ZZ σBRZZ [fb] 0.753 0.415 0.245 0.144 0.0888 0.0557 0.0338 0.0213 0.0137 0.0088 0.0058 0.0037 0.0025 0.0019 0.0011 0.0008 0.0005 0.0003 Γ [GeV] 76.0 82.8 89.5 96.2 103 109 116 123 129 136 142 149 155 161 168 174 181 187 obs 29.55 27.71 24.30 18.39 10.36 29.71 29.24 29.73 26.23 13.27 7.50 6.37 6.61 7.27 6.24 6.34 6.62 7.31 Alex Martyniuk exp 50.91 34.78 25.93 21.13 17.07 12.98 10.98 10.26 9.25 7.84 8.55 8.02 8.30 8.85 7.53 7.41 7.66 8.05 95% CL Limits [fb] −2σ −1σ +1σ 25.19 33.72 81.26 18.59 24.56 56.97 14.29 18.15 41.45 11.35 14.58 33.67 8.46 11.42 26.44 7.74 8.78 20.04 6.28 7.83 16.94 6.07 7.72 15.68 5.93 6.87 13.70 5.41 6.09 11.76 5.51 6.30 13.15 4.91 6.01 12.16 4.96 6.15 12.57 5.64 6.73 13.23 5.00 5.88 11.26 4.96 5.75 11.00 5.28 6.22 11.27 5.69 6.42 11.52 X → VV → JJ +2σ 152.30 93.29 67.91 53.01 44.35 34.98 28.79 24.91 21.35 18.20 20.57 18.93 19.61 20.72 17.05 16.88 17.50 18.21