Web Standards (From www.maxdesign.com.au/presentation/checklist.cfm) The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is 'table-free sites', for others it is 'using valid code'. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, userfriendly URLs etc). In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. The main ideas There are a few main ideas behind the standards movement. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. to seperate content from presentation (using xhtml and CSS together) using semantically correct markup (structuring the content so it makes logical sense) clean, well-formed, valid (x)html code (structuring markup so it it precise and error-free) Using a DOM - document object model (to define the type of document you are using) The Technologies of Web Standards The technologies that will use most are: 1. xHTML 2. CSS 3. DOM There are of course other technologies that can be used with webstandards... including javascript at others. Check out more at http://www.webstandards.org/learn/faq/ Benefits of using Web Standards 1. More logical content (using semantically correct markup) 2. Seperation of content from presentation - update the look of 100,000 pages with one CSS file 1. Faster and smaller pages 2. Quick updates to design 3. Can work better in group projects... content is taken care of by programmers (often with database driven content) & designers work on layout seperately 3. Better search engine placement 4. Better accessibilty for people who access site with other things than a visual browser... screen readers, pdas, cell phones. 5. more..... The bad 1. a bit more complicated? For more: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are web standards and why should I use them? - webstandards.org Web Standards Non-Technical Primer - maccaws.org Developing with web Standards - 456bereastreet.com A Roadmap to Standards - mezzoblue.com **The 4 Essentials of modern web design - www.sitepoint.com/article/essentials-modern-web-design Semantics and HTML5 - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/semanticsinhtml5/ xHTML info from: 456bereastreet.com XHTML 1.0 is a reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0, and was developed to replace HTML. Note that there is nothing preventing you from using HTML 4.01 to build modern, structured, and standards compliant websites. What is different? Here is a list of the things that are most important to consider when using XHTML 1.0 Strict instead of HTML 4.01 Transitional (or no-name, plain old invalid HTML): 1. Requires a DOM (document object model) and validation - browsers have a tolerence for invalid HTML code... but not for strict xHTML 2. Always use lower case, and quote all attributes: All element and attribute names must be in lower case. All attribute values must be quoted. Incorrect: <A HREF="index.html" CLASS=internal> Correct: <a href="index.html" class="internal"> 3. Close all elements: In HTML, some elements don�t have to be closed. Such elements are automatically closed when the next element starts. XHTML does not allow that. All elements must be closed, even those that have no content, like <img>. 4. Attributes can not be minimized: In HTML, certain attributes can be minimized. XHTML does not allow this. Incorrect: <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1" checked> Correct: <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1" checked="checked" /> 5. Don't use deprecated elements: Some elements and attributes that are allowed in HTML 4.01 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 Transitional are deprecated in XHTML 1.0 Strict (and in HTML 4.01 Strict). A few examples are <font>, <center>, alink, align, width, height (for some elements), and background. For more: 1. 2. 3. HTML and CSS - www.oreilly.com/catalog/css/chapter/ch01.html Differences Between XHTML And HTML 1. www.w3schools.com/xhtml/xhtml_html.asp 2. www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#diffs 3. www.alistapart.com/articles/xhtml Separation: The Web Designer's Dilemma - www.alistapart.com/articles/separationdilemma Semantically Correct Markup Providing logic to the way that you markup your html... (From: brainstormsandraves.com/articles/semantics/structure/) Good HTML structure is based on logic, order, and using semantically correct markup. If you have a heading use the heading element, beginning with the H1 element. If you have a paragraph, use a paragraph element. If you have a list, use a list item element. If you're quoting a few lines, use a blockquote element. Those elements provide meaning to the content, making them semantically correct, in addition to being solid HTML structure. Once your HTML structure is in place with the appropriate markup, add CSS for visual presentation. Start with good HTML structure and then add the CSS, preferably with an external style sheet, for the visual presentation that you have in mind. Read more... Semantically Correct Markup uses (simple markup): 1. 2. 3. 4. h1-h6 for headings (h1 is most important, and only one h1 per page or section) p.... for paragraphs of text ol, ul & dl for lists... ordered, unordered or definition divs to seperate divisions (or sections) of content - ie, <div id="header">This is the Header<div> - NOTE: anything using a ID can only be used ONCE on a page 5. .classes to seperate It all starts with structuring the html document. Sample code: // Stacking divisions on top of each other <body> <div id="pagecontainer"> <div id="header"> content for header. </div> <div id="content"> main content. </div> <div id="footer"> content for footer </div> </div> </body> // You can also nest divisions <body> <div id="pagecontainer"> <div id="header"> content for header. <div id="topnav">navigation</div> </div> <div id="contentarea"> <div id="content"> <div id="sidebar">sidebar content</div> main content </div> </div> <div id="footer">content for footer</div> </div> </body> HTML 5 and the Future of the Web - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/07/16/html5-andthe-future-of-the-web/ For more: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. www.thefutureoftheweb.com/blog/writing-semantic-html www.creativecoding.webforumz.com/articles/semantics.php www.brainstormsandraves.com/articles/semantics/structure/ www.maxpc.co.uk/opinion/ Great simple intro - www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/ Well-Formed HTML Well form HTML is a the term used for a validated (correctly structured) xHTML document. It means that all the tags are properly nested and the DOM is correct. It has nothing to do with whether or not the markup is semantically correct. For more: 1. 2. 3. 4. *Semantics, HTML, XHTML, and Structure - brainstormsandraves.com/ Guide to Structured Use of HTML - cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/HTML/guide/ An introduction to Structured Text - zope.org/Documentation/Articles/STX Don't Fake Your Markup: Accessibility Issues for CSS - link here Validation Validating your code is an extremely important step, and one that should be done early. It ensures that your code is clean, valid and will be searched/indexed easily. For more: 1. 2. 3. 4. CSS - jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ xHTML - validator.w3.org/ HTML Tidy - infohound.net/tidy/ Check list - maxdesign.com.au/presentation/checklist.htm Creativity Creativity Workout Assessing Your Creative Potential from thinksmart.com 1. There isn't any such "thing" as creativity. 2. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MEASURE INDIVIDUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL. Period. Exclamation Point!! 3. Everyone has creative potential. 4. Everyone has more creative potential than they will ever use. 5. Everyone can learn to use more of his or her own creative potential. ----------------------- I. What is Creativity? Info from: Betsy Freedman, Elizabeth Anne Design. Webster's defines creativity as a noun, meaning " ...creative ability; artistic or intellectual inventiveness." And creative is defined as an adjective meaning " ...having the power to create; pertaining to creation; inventive; productive (of); as, a creative mind, creative power. II. Who/What is Creative? We naturally assume artists are creative. However, I think a lot of people mistakenly assume that we got all the creativity there is! Many people see art and say "that's creativity", but art is actually only one expression of creativity. Remember our definition... Artistic or Intellectual Inventiveness? Art is not intrinsically creative. Art is an object of creation from a creative mind who gave their thought/idea artistic expression. Human beings are naturally creative. Physically, mentally, emotionally... daily, we are being inventive and productive whether we are aware of it or not! Did you know that At this very moment every cell in your body is reinventing itself? You will have new stomach cells in a few days. You will have new skin cells in two weeks. You will have new olfactory cells (allow you to smell) in a month. At this very moment your organs are being extremely productive? Your lungs are exchanging oxygen and CO2 in a few thousandths of a second. Your heart is extracting oxygen from your blood in seconds. Your digestive system is working on what you ate here this morning. III. How You can be more Creative... To be or not to be that is not the question! You already are creative! The question is how to be more creative. And, perhaps more specifically, how can you be more creative in promoting your business in a tough market? 10 Steps for Boosting Creativity by Jeffrey Baumgartner 1. Listen to music by Johann Sebastian Bach. If Bach doesn't make you more creative, you should probably see your doctor - or your brain surgeon if you are also troubled by headaches, hallucinations or strange urges in the middle of the night. Johann Sebastian Bach 2. Brainstorm. If properly carried out, brainstorming can help you not only come up with sacks full of new ideas, but can help you decide which is best. Click here for more information on brainstorming. 3. Always carry a small notebook and a pen or pencil around with you. That way, if you are struck by an idea, you can quickly note it down. Upon rereading your notes, you may discover about 90% of your ideas are daft. Don't worry, that's normal. What's important are the 10% that are brilliant. 4. If you're stuck for an idea, open a dictionary, randomly select a word and then try to formulate ideas incorporating this word. You'd be surprised how well this works. The concept is based on a simple but little known truth: freedom inhibits creativity. There are nothing like restrictions to get you thinking. 5. Define your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes, and define your problem in detail. You'll probably find ideas positively spewing out once you've done this. 6. If you can't think, go for a walk. A change of atmosphere is good for you and gentle exercise helps shake up the brain cells. 7. Don't watch TV. Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your brain to slowly trickle out your ears and/or nose. It's not pretty, but it happens. 8. Don't do drugs. People on drugs think they are creative. To everyone else, they seem like people on drugs. 9. Read as much as you can about everything possible. Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make creative connections easily. your brain. Brains, like bodies, need exercise to keep fit. If you don't exercise 10. Exercise your brain, it will get flabby and useless. Exercise your brain by reading a lot (see above), talking to clever people and disagreeing with people - arguing can be a terrific way to give your brain cells a workout. But note, arguing about politics or film directors is good for you; bickering over who should clean the dishes is not. Intro to Color Theory First... let's start with light theory. Now... on to theory - www.colorsontheweb.com Digital Color RGB vs CMYK Color Models 1. www.cdman.com/graphics/color/index.html - nice low-level guide. 2. www.cs.utk.edu/~huangj/CS594F03/color.ppt - Excellent powerpoint... in depth for sure. Color Gamut 1. www.cdman.com/graphics/color/gamut.html Knowing about color technically doesn't mean you know how to USE color. For that, we turn to color theory. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Color Theory 1. 2. 3. 4. Color Theory 101 - Color Theory 101.doc Color Theory Basics - www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-theory-basics.html What colors mean - Website Design - Choosing Your Colors Wisely Websites organized by color - pages.blueidea.com Picking Colors Picking colors can be hard... you can use a tool such as: 1. epaperpress.com/monitorcal/ - first... set up your monitor right. A nice guide to monitor calibration 2. *ColorMatchDK - excellent color scheming 3. Color Schemer - color picking tools 4. www.colorschemer.com/schemes/ - well chosen schemes 5. Adobe's new Kuler - kuler.adobe.com 6. Nice instant eyedropper - instant-eyedropper.com/ Or, it is often best to use colors from nature: 1. 2. 3. 4. How to Find the Perfect Color - BA0453PerfectColor.pdf Natural Selections: Colors Found in Nature and Interface Design Or... upload a photo to automatically generate a color palette Photographic palettes - 24ways.org/2006/photographic-palettes *** However... PINK is not dead! - pingmag.jp/2007/01/29/pink-not-dead/ www.flickr.com/photos/tags/colortheory/show/ Now, lets have some fun. The 3D Logic 2 game introduces some color theory. http://www.arcadeboredom.com/games/563/3d-logic-2.html WHAT IS A CMS? The most important thing you want to know is that CMS's are cool and the way of the future for designers. There are major benefits with them, but also some pit falls. The short answer - a CMS is a Content Management System. The long answer - a CMS is a system that seperates the content of a web site (the text, images, and so on) from the framework of linking pages together and controlling how the pages appear. In most cases, this is done to make a site easier to maintain than would be the case if it was built exclusively out of hard-coded html pages.m At least, that is the goal. (From: www.opensourcecms.com/ ) Do all CMS have the same components/technologies? No, each CMS has its own merits and strengths. CMS is just a generic term for a class of applications that allow for sharing of ideas and content without having a computer science degree and without having to spend a lot of time with the technical details to present your information. Each system is different and may contain different components that allow for ease of use in certain functions such as a built-in forum, a survey or poll, security to certain areas based on user and group permissions, and customization of the presentation with a simple change in the configuration rather then low-level coding. (From: www.opensourcecms.com/ ) > Check out a comparison list of them. Common Goals/Features of a CMS: 1. Content creation - help you create content for a site in a structured and user-friendly environment 2. Content management - allow you to change, update, delete, and move content. Requires users such as Administrators 3. Seperation of Content from Presentation - content is stored in a database (a database can be flat file (rarely) or typically a tabled one) 4. Control of Presentation - using templates and CSS 5. Users and logins - allow certain users to administer website, or only to view certain content. 6. Self-generating menus - as you create content... it makes menu links 7. Content Hierarchy - like the structure of the site 8. Module based - ability to make modules to go on all or only certain pages. 9. Plugins and addons - news modules, blogging, galleries, polls, user management, etc. 10. File Management - upload, and control images and downloadable files More.......***Use the "CMS Matrix" for comparisons of CMS features.*** Common Types of CMS's Find CMS's in each category at: www.opensourcecms.com 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Simple online Wysiwyg editors - WysiwygPro, ktml, CuteEditor, etc... Enterprise Portals e-Commerce Groupware Forums Blogs E-Learning Image Galleries Wikis Some CMS to try out: Flat-File/lite 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (unique and cool) Onefile CMS - http://onefilecms.com/ (site-based) Cushy CMS - http://www.cushycms.com/ Get Simple (I think buggy, but fine for VERY simple sites) - http://get-simple.info/ LightnEasy - http://www.lightneasy.org/ CMSimple (my fav) - www.cmsimple.com more flat-file ones - http://delicious.com/opensourcer/cms+flat-file Database Driven CMSs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Website Baker - start.websitebaker2.org/ CMS Made Simple - cmsmadesimple.org/main/features Joomla - joomla.org Wordpress - wordpress.org/ ***Try out more at www.opensourcecms.com Stand Alone Servers Before you can install a CMS, you must have a server that will run it. You could post online, but it is easy to run on your own pc if you have the right software. Some basics about them are that: 1. Most are WAMP (Windows/apache/mysql/php) or LAMP (Linux/apache/mysql/php) 2. Self-contained web servers 3. Temporarily opens a port and sometimes a temporary drive http://digitalfire.com/dreamsite/LAMP.html Benefits: 1. Installation not required (usually). Sometimes just unzip the files and go. 2. It's local... on your machine. No need to ftp or even have internet (unless you want to look up wordpress help.) 3. Fast and responsive. 4. Transportable (can run off a pc, or USB drive, or Flash memory stick) Installers: 1. 2. 3. 4. XXAMP - www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html Easyphp - http://www.easyphp.org/ Server2Go - http://www.server2go-web.de/ DWebPro Stand-Alone Server (PC) - www.dwebpro.com/ PHP Scripts to Test 1. Test php - type in <?php phpinfo (); ?> and save as phpinfo.php 2. See all files! - index0r or encode explorer Installing a CMS: 1. Requires a webserver... usually php or asp, with a database. 2. or a Stand Alone Server... see above 3. Run the install script supplied or edit the config files. Each CMS is different. Creating Templates: Tags are used for each CMS for types of content. Look at the documentation for each CMS. Some are VERY easy, but some are VERY difficult. You have to learn which tags or code does what. I suggest that you dig through exisiting templates to learn the functions and code, however, it is common to find templates that have WAY for code than you really need. So... how do you learn them. Start off with the most basic bare-bones template you can. Typically you can create a normal template in html... and switch out the tags needed for the CMS. Quick and easy! See below... OneFileCMS CMS The simpliest of them all... and one of the most efficient IMHO. http://onefilecms.com/ What a great concept for a simple CMS. You have to use an external WYSIWYG editor (like Dreamweaver or WysiwygPro, ktml, CuteEditor, etc... ) but it is still great. I like it as an add-on file editor to ANY website. More: CMSimple CMS WebsiteBaker CMS Joomla CMS Wordpress CMS Why learn 3D 3D is cool. Kids know it, otherwise they wouldn't play so many games. 3D represents "real life" better than other things, since "real life" is already in 3D. 3D is still one of the fastest growing areas in digital media: 1. The Decline and Resurrection of the 3D Industry www.m2research.com/reports/TheDeclineandResurrectionof3D.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------- Uses of 3D Games, Entertainment www.3dgamers.com/ www.conitec.net/a4info.htm thesims.ea.com/index_flash.php Way cool engine - unity3d.com/gallery/live-demos/tropical-paradise Medical Imaging www.nucleusinc.com/medical-animations.php www.crd.ge.com/esl/cgsp/projects/medical/ www.crd.ge.com/esl/cgsp/projects/video/medical/3dmed.html www.ablesw.com/3d-doctor/ www.javelin3d.com/ nano scale - customer.alicona.com/ CAD, architectural www.cadoutpost.com/catalog.html www.3dcadbrowser.com/ www.austin.cc.tx.us/donn/ Hi Quality - www.conceptvisualization.com/ *Using Blender!! - www.gmg.com.au/articles/visualisation/architecture-a-0001.html www.cgarchitect.com/upclose/article1_AG.asp www.plan3d.com/home/gallery.htm Interactive Flash floor planner - www.floorplanner.com/tryit/ 3D version of Floor plan - www.floorplanner.com/3ddemo Product Design www.actify.com/v2/index.htm www.immdesign.com/ www.cult3d.com/ - web-based. www.xproject.ru/eng/tech/cult3d/ www.anark.com/ - really cool too! Accident Reconstruction 1. www.c4animation.com/sample.html Scientific Visualization 1. 2. 3. 4. Weather maps Location Maps - earth.google.com/ Data visualization Astronomy - WorldWind and Partiview Lets deal with solid geometry. Constructive Solid Geometry The simplest solid objects used for the representation are called primitives. Typically they are the objects of simple shape: cuboids, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, spheres, cones. The set of allowable primitives is limited by each software package. Some software packages allow CSG on curved objects while other packages do not. It is said that an object is constructed from primitives by means of allowable operations, which are typically Boolean operations on sets: union, intersection and difference. A primitive can typically be described by a procedure which accepts some number of parameters; for example, a sphere may be described by the coordinates of its center point, along with a radius value. These primitives can be combined into compound objects using operations like these: Difference Union Merger of two objects into Subtraction of one object from one another Intersection Portion common to both objects Combining these elementary operations, it is possible to build up objects with high complexity starting from simple ones. Raster Graphics Intro to Bitmap Graphics Bitmap, Raster... whatever Bitmap or rather (raster) graphics are one of the most basic type of graphics. According to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raster_graphics "A raster-graphics image, digital image, or bitmap, consists of a data file or of a data structure representing a generally rectangular grid of pixels, or points of color, viewable via a computer monitor, paper, or other display medium. A nice pictorial intro is: freerangestock.com How bitmaps work First... understand how computers work: 1. Data formats are based on patterns of 0’s and 1’s 2. The smallest unit of binary data is a bit 3. A single bit can contain one of two possible values, either 0 or 1 Bitmap Images 1. Bitmap images are made of pixels (a "picture element") 2. Pixels are "mapped" to a location on a rectangular grid... thus "bitmap" 3. A byte is a sequence of eight bits (00001010) 1. 1 bit can store 2 possible patterns (2 colors) 2. 1 byte (8 bits) can store 28 possible patterns (256 colors) 3. 2 bytes (16 bits) can store 216 possible patterns (65,536 colors) 4. 3 bytes (32 bits) can store lots of possible patterns (16.7+ million colors) 4. Color resolution ranges from 1-bit color (2 colors) to 32-bit color (16.7+ million colors) LINKS local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/bitmaps/ Image Resolution: This is one thing that is more misunderstood than anything else... Resolution = the total number of pixels Calculating image resolution is easy... it is the number of pixels used to make up the entire image. It can be described two ways: 1. Pixel dimensions: eg, 1024x768 (Used by the web and digital display) 2. Document Size: eg, Height x Width @ Resolution (number of pixels per unit of measurement, usually dpi): 2"x4" @ 300dpi (dots per inch) (Used by Print-based applications) The rule of thumb is: more pixels = more resolution. It would be logical to think that more resolution = more quality but this is not always the case. It is possible to have a low quality but high-resolution image. from: http://www.eastbywest.com/pub/vectorbitmap/ So, what is Resolution? So... looking below we have document sizes that change... but not pixel diminesion. These are all the SAME EXACT FILE!!!!! From document size, the pixel dimensions are a simple math equation. (H * dpi) x (W * dpi) = pixels x pixels ... so... 900x600 = 9"x6" @100dpi 900x600 = .9"x.6" @1000dpi 900x600 = 900"x600" @1dpi 900x600 = 3"x2" @300dpi 900x600 = 1.5 "x1" @600dpi 900x600 = 45"x30" @20dpi 900x600 = 4.5"x3" @200dpi 900x600 = 12.5"x8.333" @72dpi Resampling Resampling is changing the total number of pixels. If you turn it off, you can change the document size and/or dpi settings, but it is not actually changing the physical pixel dimensions of the file. See how the pixel dimensions are locked. Image Color Modes: Colors are shown by Channels in Phototshop. Standards: RGB vs CMYK 1. www.cdman.com/graphics/color/index.html - nice low-level guide. 2. www.cs.utk.edu/~huangj/CS594F03/color.ppt - Excellent powerpoint... in depth for sure. Black and White Color modes: Bitmap or Lineart - only Black or White Greyscale - 256 levels of black (from white to black) Color Color modes: Index - 256 indexed colors (such as with a .gif image) RGB - Additive color model that adds red, green & blue together to make white. What we use most of the time on the computer since all cameras, scanners, monitors and other digital devices capture and/or display color in this mode. CMYK - Subtractive color model for printing uses Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. LAB - Luminance (value of black/white), hue (color) and saturation (how much color) - has greater color space (gamut) than CMYK or RGB. Multitone (Duotone) - uses a greyscale image and makes it two or more colors... used for professional printing. Must be saved as a .eps file. Multichannel - more than one "channel" in Photoshop EXAMPLES of Images (using color modes) go to www.prepressure.com/library/file-formats/bitmap-versus-vector 1. 2. 3. 4. Line-art Grayscale Multitones (duotones, tritones) Full color images Common File Formats 1. BMP (BitMaP) o basic format for pc. No compression 2. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) o 256 max colors o may have basic on/off transparency o Uses lossless compression o best used for limited colors 3. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) o 16 million colors o no transparency o lossy compression - always lose info when you save the file o variable compression and quality (sacrifice image quality for small file sizes) o best for photos 4. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) o o o o 5. 6. 7. 8. new format... flexible 256 colors or millions 246 levels of transparency - doesn't work in IE layers possible (but adds significantly to file size) TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) o for professional printing o lossless compression o has ability to save clipping path (vector path) EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) o Postscript is the language that laser printers use o for print... can be bitmap or vector TGA (Targa) o Used for video (will use later in the curriculum) o lossless compression o can have alpha channels lots of others .... over 400!! View some common web formats at: www.fieggen.com/ian/g_formats.htm So... more image samples: JPG images (photos) 0% quality, 9k note the obvious compression artifacts. GIF images (photos) 70% quality, 20k note this one looks good. 2 colors, not dithered, 2k So, which is which? 42k Using Flashes Flash Button Types Button Styles Creating buttons is one of the most important things you do in Flash. Afterall, much of the interaction we do with Flash is based upon having something that we click on. Creating buttons is both a technical ability and design ability... you want people to instantly tell that something is a button and give them a good idea of what that button does as well. How do we know if something is a button. Easy... it looks and acts like one. Ah, but making it look like a button is the trick. While there are many styles of buttons, the reigning champ right now is the WEB 2.0 buttons style that you see all over the place, such as: As more advanced and "slick" interfaces are coming out, the current design focus is on the advanced interaction with buttons... which is something we will cover later. Basic Button "States" We know something is a button by how is looks and acts. Buttons often have text and/or icons that also tell us what they are or do. Buttons also have more than one "state" so that the user can tell when the button is active... an important concept in GUI design known as State Visualization. In order for us to know something is a button it must have at least two... a default state and a hover state. When you create a button symbol in Flash, the object is automatically given the possibility of four keyframes, or "states." 1. Up is the button's default state. 2. Over is the state change that occurs when the user "hovers" over the button before clicking. This tells the user that something will happen if they click the button. 3. The down state is the button's state change when the button is clicked. This tells the user that something is actually happening. 4. The hit state is simply for the designer to identify the area that can be clicked by the user. This is most commonly used for text or odd-shaped buttons. " Note: buttons require that you at least have two states... the UP (normal) state and an OVER (hover/rollover) state. Also, be careful of shifting position or size of the graphics for buttons... as they can lead to undesirable results. Creating Buttons in Flash Here is how to make 3 basic styles of buttons in Flash. 1. Button with shapes inside 1. Create a shape for your button. 2. Select the shape. (It will already be selected if you use a drawing object.) 3. Right click on shape (should be already selected) and >convert to button symbol, giving the symbol a logical name. 4. Double-click on button to go into it's timeline 5. Copy the Up keyframe into other frames (you need at least Up and Over states) 6. Change look of button for the different states. 7. Add a new layer for text if desired so the text is consistent for both states. 8. Test your button (Ctrl + Enter) 9. Go back to the main timeline before you create another button. 2. Button with symbols inside ( _mc preferred) 1. Create a shape for your button and convert to button symbol 2. Double-click on button to go into it's timeline 3. Reselect the shape (inside the button) and convert this to a Movieclip. MAKE SURE IT IS NOT A BUTTON SYMBOL. 4. Copy the _mc on the Up keyframe into the Over frame. Use the other frames if needed. 5. Change look of the _mc symbols for the different states. 6. Add a new layer for text if desired. 7. Test your button (Ctrl + Enter) 8. Go back to the main timeline before you create another button. 3. Button with Animated symbols inside 1. Create a shape for your button and convert to button symbol 2. Double-click on button to go into it's timeline 3. Reselect the shape (inside the button) and convert this to a Movieclip. MAKE SURE IT IS NOT A BUTTON SYMBOL. 4. Copy the Up frame to the Over frame. 5. Click on Over keyframe, select the existing movieclip symbol and convert this to movieclip symbol (this puts the symbol into a new timeline for you to do animation) 6. Double-click on the new movieclip to go into it's timeline. 7. Add some animation... two keyframes with a classic tween works great. (keep the animation pretty conservative... remember this is an animated button... eg, do not MOVE the button. Change the color or use a mask to have elements animate in, but for best results don't physically change the size or position of the button) 8. Add a stop(); action to a keyframe at the end of the animation so it stops, or create a third keyframe so that the animation cycles. 9. Go back to the button (double-click outside the animation.) 10. Add a new layer for text if desired. 11. Test your button (Ctrl + Enter) 12. Go back to the main timeline before you create another button. The following video tutorial will take you through the three types of buttons above. Button Libraries in Flash Flash has a number of buttons that are already in Flash if you know where to look. Some are pretty good, and some are pretty ugly... but at least they are buttons. One of the most useful ones however, is the component button. The following tutorial will take you through the different button libraries in Flash, and how to update the elements in a button.