LAYOUT Loading and Compiling XAML (See Codes in your Textbook)




Chapter 3 of Pro WPF : By Matthew MacDonald

Assist Lect. Wadhah R. Baiee . College of IT – Univ. of Babylon - 2014

Loading and Compiling XAML (See Codes in your


There are three distinct coding styles that you can use to create a

WPF application:

Code-only : This is the traditional approach used in Visual Studio for

Windows Forms applications. It generates a user interface through code statements.

Code and uncompiled markup (XAML ): This is a specialized approach that makes sense when you need highly dynamic user interfaces. You load part of the user interface from a XAML file at runtime by using the XamlReader class from the System.Windows.Markup namespace.

Code and compiled markup (BAML): This is the preferred approach for WPF and the one that Visual Studio supports. You create a XAML template for each window, and this XAML is compiled into BAML and embedded in the final assembly. At runtime the compiled BAML is extracted and used to regenerate the user interface.


The WPF Layout Philosophy

A WPF window can hold only a single element. To fit in more than one element and create a more practical user interface, you need to place a container in your window and then add other elements to that container.

There are several containers to choose from, the “ideal” WPF window follows a few key principles:

Elements (such as controls) should not be explicitly sized

Elements do not indicate their position with screen coordinates.

Layout containers “share” the available space among their children

Layout containers can be nested.

The Layout Containers

All the WPF layout containers are panels that derive from the abstract


rols.Panel class



All the WPF layout containers are panels that derive from the abstract

System.Windows.Controls.Panel class



On its own, the base Panel class is nothing but a starting point for other, more-specialized classes. WPF provides a number of Panel-derived classes that you can use to arrange layout.


Simple Layout with the StackPanel

The StackPanel is one of the simplest layout containers. It simply stacks its children in a single row or column.


Simple Layout with the StackPanel

The StackPanel can also be used to arrange elements horizontally by setting the

Orientation property:


Layout Properties ( See Code in textbook )

Although layout is determined by the container, the child elements can still get their say. In fact, layout panels work in correct with their children by respecting a small set of layout properties


Layout Properties




The WrapPanel

The WrapPanel lays out controls in the available space, one line or column at a time.

By default, the WrapPanel.Orientation property is set to Horizontal; controls are arranged from left to right and then on subsequent rows.

However, you can use Vertical to place elements in multiple columns.


The DockPanel

The DockPanel is a more interesting layout option. It stretches controls against one of its outside edges.

The easiest way to visualize this is to think of the toolbars that sit at the top of many

Windows applications. These toolbars are docked to the top of the window.

The obvious question is, How do child elements choose the side where they want to dock?

The answer is through an attached property named Dock, which can be set to Left, Right,

Top, or Bottom.


The DockPanel

You can dock several elements against the same side. In this case, the elements simply stack up against the side in the order they’re declared in your markup.

And if you don’t like the spacing or the stretch behavior, you can tweak the Margin,

HorizontalAlignment, and VerticalAlignment properties, just as you did with the



The Grid

The Grid is the most powerful layout container in WPF.

Much of what you can accomplish with the other layout controls is also possible with the Grid.

The Grid is also an ideal tool for carving your window into smaller regions that you can manage with other panels.

Creating a Grid-based layout is a two-step process.:

First, you choose the number of columns and rows that you want.

Next, you assign the appropriate row and column to each contained element, thereby placing it in just the right spot.


The Grid

You create grids and rows by filling the Grid.ColumnDefinitions



collections with objects.


The Grid

To place individual elements into a cell, you use the attached Row and Column properties. Both these properties take 0-based index numbers.


Fine-Tuning Rows and Columns

The Grid supports three sizing strategies

Absolute sizes : You choose the exact size by using deviceindependent units. This is the least useful strategy because it’s not flexible enough to deal with changing content size, changing container size, or localization.

Automatic sizes : Each row or column is given exactly the amount of space it needs, and no more. This is one of the most useful sizing modes.

Proportional sizes : Space is divided between a group of rows or columns. This is the standard setting for all rows and columns.


Fine-Tuning Rows and Columns

The Grid supports three sizing strategies

( See another Code example in your textbook )


Spanning Rows and Columns

You can also use two more attached properties to make an element stretch over several cells: RowSpan and ColumnSpan.

These properties take the number of rows or columns that the element should occupy


Splitting Windows

In WPF, splitter bars are represented by the GridSplitter class and are a feature of the Grid. By adding a GridSplitter to a Grid, you give the user the ability to resize rows or columns.

By dragging the splitter bar, the user can change the relative widths of both columns.


Splitting Windows

Splitting Windows




Splitting Windows

Coordinate-Based Layout with the Canvas

Canvas. It allows you to place elements by using exact coordinates, which is a poor choice for designing rich data-driven forms and standard dialog boxes, but a valuable tool if you need to build something a little different (such as a drawing surface for a diagramming tool).

To position an element on the Canvas, you set the attached

Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top properties. Canvas.Left sets the number of units between the left edge of your element and the left edge of the Canvas. Canvas.Top sets the number of units between the top of your element and the top of the Canvas

It uses DPI values .


Coordinate-Based Layout with the Canvas



: InkCanvas

Like the Canvas the InkCanvas defines four attached properties that you can apply to child elements for coordinate-based positioning (Top, Left, Bottom, and Right).

However, the underlying plumbing is quite a bit different—in fact, the InkCanvas doesn’t derive from Canvas or even from the base

Panel class. Instead, it derives directly from FrameworkElement.

The primary purpose of the InkCanvas is to allow stylus input. A stylus is a pen-like input device that’s used in tablet PCs.

However, the InkCanvas works with the mouse in the same way as it works with the stylus. Thus, a user can draw lines or select and manipulate elements in the InkCanvas by using the mouse.



: InkCanvas



: InkCanvas Modes




: InkCanvas Modes



