Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifics research University of Babylon Complex Functions Lecture 10 Ali Hussein Mahmood Al-Obaidi a) When When , 1.11 The nth roots of unity: We want to find the equation Since College of Education for Pure Sciences Physics Department Three Stage Let Then 1 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifics research University of Babylon Complex Functions Lecture 10 Ali Hussein Mahmood Al-Obaidi College of Education for Pure Sciences Physics Department Three Stage So that Thus Since Thus unity is Also . Thus the nth roots of In complex plane the nth roots of unity are the vertices of regular polygon of sides inscribed in circle with one vertex at the point EX:-Find all the roots of unity 2 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifics research University of Babylon Complex Functions Lecture 10 Ali Hussein Mahmood Al-Obaidi College of Education for Pure Sciences Physics Department Three Stage Sol:- we get H.W:-Find the square roots of unity? 3