UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Stage 1 Consultation report Soundings November 2015 MP201-UCLE-CC-REP-0005_P5 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 SUMMARY5 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS37 1.1 Introduction 5 4.1 Introduction 37 1.2 Summary of events & involvement6 4.2 Understanding place 38 1.3 Synopsis of findings 4.3 Aspirations 42 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles44 1.4 Recommendations 9 12 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND15 4.5 Group sessions 54 59 2.1 Olympicopolis 15 CHAPTER 5 TRACKING CHANGES 2.2 About UCL East 16 5.1 Introduction 59 2.3 Who is involved 17 2.4 Context 18 CHAPTER 6 NEXT STEPS 61 6.1 Overview 61 6.2 Consultation timeline 62 6.3 Contact us 62 CHAPTER 3 CONSULTATION PROCESS 21 3.1 Overview 21 3.2 Consultation diary 22 3.3 Stakeholder mapping 24 3.4 Communication & promotion 26 3.5 Activities & events 27 3.6 Community involvement 32 APPENDICES A Publicity and communication 66 B Masterplan Event materials 70 C Pop-ups materials & flip-book 74 3 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 1 SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction UCL East & Olympicopolis Community consultation UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish a new university campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. As part of the LDA masterplanning team, Soundings have been appointed by LLDC and UCL to carry out community consultation to inform development of the masterplan for UCL East. The aims of this process are to: Together with Stratford Waterfront, UCL East is part of the Olympicopolis project. This will see a world class education and cultural district clustered around the Stadium, ArcelorMittal Orbit and the London Aquatics Centre (see page 15 for more details). This forms part of the legacy transformation of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into a new, diverse and vibrant part of London. The development of masterplans for both sites commenced in 2015. This will be followed by more detailed design into 2016. Planning applications for Olympicopolis are anticipated for late 2016. • Raise awareness of the project and masterplan development. • Gather aspirations and understand key issues with regard to the UCL East masterplan - both for the local community and UCL student and staff community. • Be inclusive, accessible, transparent and engaging. • Facilitate a variety of different ways for people to get involved. • Clearly communicate the feedback from the community to UCL, LLDC and the masterplanning team. This report documents the activities, findings and outcomes from the first stage of the consultation process and will inform the Statement of Community Involvement to be submitted as part of the future Olympicopolis planning application. 5 Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.2 Summary of events & involvement The first stage of consultation took place between June and August 2015. Alongside raising awareness of the project, this stage has been focused on gaining an understanding of both UCL and local community issues and aspirations for UCL East; as well as introducing the masterplan principles for feedback. Findings from engagement will test the early masterplan concepts and help inform development of the draft masterplan, which will be further consulted upon. During the first stage of consultation, there have been 16 different events, involving and engaging approximately 800 people in a variety of ways, see page 22 for an in-depth timeline of events. Event information has been circulated to over 21,000 local residents and businesses, alongside information available on the project web pages. 1. Aspirations & MASTERPLAN principles Understanding key issues & discussing masterplan principles to inform the draft masterplan 2. DRAFT MASTERPLAN Raising awareness and gathering feedback on the emerging plans to inform the masterplan 3. MASTERPLAN Presenting the final masterplan and discussing ongoing opportunities DETAILED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTATION Feeding into the masterplan Findings from consultation have been regularly discussed with UCL, LLDC and the LDA masterplanning team to help inform the thinking and masterplan development. Below is an overview: 543 146 • Members of project team attend all consultation events to discuss the project and hear feedback first-hand. • Initial findings from events are also fed-back to the wider team shortly after. • Dedicated sessions with the project team to present and discuss consultation findings. Masterplan Event Wakabout, 22/07/2015 UCL students and staff engaged at 2 UCL pop-up events co car mple d q ted ue sti canv on na ass ire s • To inform the next stage of consultation, the project team will respond directly to the key issues raised in Stage 1. 59 • This report is a record of the process which will ultimately inform the Statement of Community Involvement which will be part of the planning application. Over the course of the consultation the project team will listen to and wherever possible respond to the views expressed through this consultation, alongside those of key stakeholders and Statutory Consultees (such as Transport for London). people attended 6 local pop-up events 31 2 Masterplan Event, 22/07/2015 st Ea We would like to thank all who have participated in the consultation process to date and given their valuable input, ideas and time. We look forward to continuing conversations during the next stage of the consultation process. Consultation timeline 1.2 Summary of events & involvement L UC Thank you 1.2 Summary of events & involvement Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Stakeholder representatives came to the Masterplan Event and walkabout 500 herbs with project contacts Pop-up, 22/08/2015, Hackney Wick (Stour Space) handed out As the masterplan develops we will track how community feedback has influenced the masterplan. 21,000 OLYMPICOPOLIS PLANNING APPLICATIONS & STATUTORY CONSULTATION event flyers delivered locally 800+ people engaged in total Pop-up, 10/06/2015, UCL Bloomsbury 6 Masterplan Event, 22/07/2015 7 Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.2 Summary of events & involvement 1.3 Synopsis of findings KEY Birds-eye view looking west over the UCL East site Overall there has been a positive response to the prospect of a new university at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Key areas of feedback have related to both the physical masterplan and some of the long term activities and opportunities of the university. UCL EAST SITE At this stage, feedback will help inform the emerging masterplan. It will also act as a reference for later stages of the project that can be developed once a masterplan is agreed. Feedback PUDDING MILL LANE STATION IG DH OR ATF R T S ET TRE HS RIVE R LE A STADIUM O P LO A RO CITY M ILL RIV CA RP EN RO TER S AD LONDON AQUATICS CENTRE WATE RWOR KS All comments have been considered, each categorised by the topic it references. In total we have collected 2,324 comments from Canvass Cards, Masterplan Event table-sheets, Big Ideas Map, Wheel of Fortune, Walkabout sheets and emails. Analysing in this way enables a consistent and transparent process to discover particular themes where there is the greatest interest. ARCELORMITTAL ORBIT D RIVER ER To the right is a high-level summary of the key messages arising through the first stage of consultation; alongside a diagram showing how often different topic areas were commented on and where the comments came from (UCL, community or other stakeholders). ON T FI CH ET RO AD Overleaf is a slightly more in-depth summary of feedback received. CARPENTERS ROAD Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.3 Synopsis of findings Headline findings • Have inclusive, involving and inviting public space that embraces learning and exchange for all - with intuitive and clear routes and levels of access. • Ensure welcoming pedestrian and cycle access with an iconic ‘front door’ linking local routes. Montfichet Road is currently a poor pedestrian experience. • Have a community-facing university with visible public access balanced with security needs and expectations of paying students. • Be visible from the outset, work with local groups / schools and provide a programme of activities to increase access to, and familiarity with, education. • Have high standards of design, retaining key views using Park venues as a benchmark for height. Architectural cohesion with existing venues at the Park and an exemplar public environment is more important than a ‘stand-out design’. • The waterways and green landscape are the site’s strongest assets. Make the most of this and embrace the opportunity for an innovative and sustainability-led development. • Have a strong identity and academic offer, with clarity on the relationship between the two campuses. Innovation, research and ‘future thinking’ are strong assets for the identity. Topics most discussed during stage 1 of consultation Approximate percentage of comments Community benefit / facilities / involvement University facilities M 8 13% Access & movement 9.5% Design / identity / scale / architecture Ecology / sustainability 8.5% 6% Other / unknown 5% Jobs / employment / training Sports facilities 4% 3.5% Housing & accommodation Arts & culture 3% Public transport 3% Masterplanning process / timescale Food & drink Safety & security History & heritage N 13% Open / public spaces Retail STRATFORD STATION 22% Meanwhile use 3% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1% .5% .5% Each unit approx. 1% UCL Masterplan Event Community 9 Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.3 Synopsis of findings Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.3 Synopsis of findings Synopsis of findings The summaries to the right give an overview of the feedback received in Stage 1, categorised into a number of overarching topics. These topics have been informed by the areas that received most discussion and debate in the first stage of consultation. As the consultation process continues, we will reference back to these topic areas to track feedback and the masterplan development. Physical connectivity Public spaces for people Urban form & identity Use, activities & facilities Other comments & questions To, from and through the campus • Ensure welcoming pedestrian and cycling access routes to UCL East. In particular, Montfichet Road is a poor pedestrian and cycle experience and needs improvement. Inclusive, involving and inviting • Create public space that embraces students, staff, community and visitors alike in an environment of learning and exchange with a lively and engaging atmosphere. Architecture & identity • Have high standards of design that are comparable in quality to buildings at Bloomsbury campus and on the Park. Architectural cohesion with existing venues at the Park and an exemplar public environment is more important than a ‘stand-out design’. University facilities • There is insufficient study space at Bloomsbury and UCL East is an opportunity to address this citing indoor, outdoor, informal and formal study space. Environmental sustainability • UCL East is seen as a real opportunity for a sustainabilityled development. Both in line with the sustainable status of the Park and potential innovation of the University. Open and intuitive wayfinding • Create an open and accessible site with clear sight lines, signage and intuitive routes. Have an iconic “front door’ that links as many of the access routes as possible. • Could the waterways be used as an access-point for the site? Integrated disabled access • Have integrated disabled access as well as more disabled parking. Relationship with UCL Bloomsbury • What will the relationship between the campuses be? Will students/staff need to travel between the two or will they function independently? Time and cost implications? Capacity and local impact • What is the cumulative impact on the roads and public transport of UCL East alongside other local developments? 10 • Have a permeable site, using public space, activities and installation to blur the edges. Levels of access • There is understanding that not everywhere would be open to the public. Clear and intuitive design of these levels of access will be a key challenge. Will the public parts really be public, or semi-public? Scale & views • Protect views to and from Park venues. These are seen as a benchmark for height. • Ensure at ground level it feels of a ‘human scale’ - particularly at the taller northern edge. Could an active ground level ‘piazza’ bring life to this space? Park and river setting • Make the most of these qualities. They are highly valued and one of the site’s strongest assets. Identity & place • Have a strong identity and academic offer. Maintaining the world-class educational and research status, linked with UCL. Security and safety • Natural surveillance is important. There were mixed views on the need for a visible security presence. • Smart technologies and an engaging atmosphere could give identity in a more contemporary way. • Make it a ‘destination’ for the community – should become a part of people’s mental map. • Building distribution to give a “campus feel” and foster interaction. • Is there opportunity to partner with the Park sports facilities? A community facing university and level of access • Have a community-facing university with visible access to certain activities and facilities; yet considering the needs and expectations of paying students. • Will there be a library and will it be publicly accessible? • Provide a programme of activities and work with schools to increase access to education and engender comfort and multicultural attention. • Have an alternative offer to Westfield - locally run and/or independent shops, cafes etc. • Create a place that has activity and life during the daytime, evening and weekend. Accommodation • Include a wider cost range of student accommodation (more shared as opposed to private). Ensure accommodation is accessible. Gentrification • Avoid creating a generic / exclusive atmosphere - hold events and activities that embrace local communities. Temporary use • South Park Lawn is a valued event space. • In phasing construction consider existing uses and ensure there are interim uses Local employment & business • Will there be a strategy to ensure a degree of local employment and / or incubator space for micro-companies? Relationship with the stadium • How will the land use and management of the site respond to noise and traffic generated by the stadium? • What will happen on match days? 11 Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.4 Recommendations 1.4 Recommendations Process recommendations Throughout the first stage of consultation, there has been a sense of positivity and excitement about the opportunities that UCL East could bring for the local area and for the expansion of UCL. On this page is a series of recommendations for the masterplan and next stages of the process to help build on this positive interest so that plans proceed in partnership with the local community and those who may occupy the buildings in the future. A. Heard through consultation B. Soundings recommendations The comments below were heard during the consultation and relate to items wider than the masterplan itself. The following recommendations are made by Soundings after carrying out the first stage of consultation. These relate to the wider process and not to the matersplan. Draft masterplan: next step recommendations The headline findings on page 9 (and in more detail on pages 10 and 11) provide an overview of the community recommendations and ideas for development of the masterplan. Below are an number of recommendations for the next stage of consultation that will help enable understanding of some of the key issues: • Demonstrate the pedestrian and cycle experience to, from and through the UCL East site; ensure it is intuitive and welcoming. • Give a sese of the quality of public spaces you are aiming to achieve. • Continue to carry out meaningful, robust community consultation and engagement at key periods during the development of the masterplan and detailed design. • Openly involve the UCL community in the local community engagement to ensure transparency and enable opportunities for jointdiscussions. • Ensure community engagement is considered in the medium and long term as a helpful way of dealing with conflicts of priorities and opportunities during the development and later in the campus’ operation. • Working with schools and young people is a key local priority. This is a long term strategy for UCL East. • Publish key documents on the website(s), alongside a clear account of the masterplan process and the complex governance arrangements. Chapter 1 | Summary UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1.4 Recommendations • The findings from the consultation on the masterplan should inform a brief that will be given to the detailed design team. A mechanism should also be put in place to ensure feedback received now, that is relevant to later stages, is revisited and considered at the appropriate stage. • At the next stage of consultation on the masterplan, develop responses to the key issues raised to date. Demonstrating how they have influenced the masterplan, or the rationale if this has not been possible. Pop-up, 22/08/2015, Hackney Wick (Wick Green) Pop-up, 10/06/2015, UCL Bloomsbury • Where possible ensure a coordinated communication and consultation across all the Olympicopolis sites. • Ensure that the voice of disability groups is heard. Masterplan Event, 22/07/2015 Masterplan Event, 22/07/2015 • Have a clear approach to different levels of access to university facilities. • Use comparisons to local landmark buildings to demonstrate building height and scale. • Explain the rationale behind key decisions and how the vision is integrated into a masterplan. • Show how the proposals will affect key views. • Show differing scenarios for match-days, events and ‘everyday activities’. Pop-up, 30/08/2015, Spark Festival 12 Pop-up, 26/06/2015, UCL Bloomsbury 13 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Olympicopolis A new vibrant education and cultural district In 2013 the Mayor unveiled his vision for ‘Olympicopolis’ which takes its inspiration from the achievements of Prince Albert, who used the proceeds of the 1851 Great Exhibition to create ‘Albertopolis’. The 86 acre site in South Kensington, centred on Exhibition Road, is today considered one of the world’s most distinguished scientific, educational, artistic and cultural hubs. The Olympicopolis project will be split across two sites: UCL East, a new university campus for UCL to the south of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, and Stratford Waterfront, close to the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new University of the Arts London campus, as well as Sadler’s Wells and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Discussions are also underway with the Smithsonian Institution to open its first permanent museum outside of the United States. Overall, the scheme is expected to deliver 3,000 jobs, 1.5 million additional visitors and £2.8 billion of economic value to Stratford and the surrounding area. The aim is to have the first University buildings complete in 2019 and the first Stratford Waterfront buildings complete in 2021. UCL EAST STRATFORD WATERFRONT Aerial view of UCL East site and Stratford Waterfront 15 Chapter 2 | Background UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 2.2 About UCL East A new UCL campus on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will be the largest single expansion of UCL since its foundation in 1826. The first phase is expected to have around 2,500 students, 200 academic staff, 200 researchers and 100 other staff on site alongside other users and visitors. As a campus of the future, UCL East aims to provide new approaches to practical learning, opportunities for participation and public engagement, 2.2 About UCL East facilities for open innovation and spaces that are both modern and sustainable. The campus is expected to feature a collection of innovative ‘knowledge centres’, bringing together crossdisciplinary expertise from the arts and humanities, engineering, design, culture and the social sciences. UCL is currently undergoing a separate academic selection process to determine the faculties that will be at UCL East. UCL East will: • House new activity not currently offered at UCL’s Bloomsbury campus. • Serve as a model for a university campus of the future. • Provide an outstanding environment for learning and scholarship for students, staff, collaborators and the public. • Play a central role in the sustainable development of Olympicopolis and east London. UCL Bloomsbury campus Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Millbay, Plymouth University College London (UCL) London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) LDA Design UCL is a public research university in London and is considered to be one of the most prestigious universities in the world. UCL was established to open up university education to those who had been previously excluded from it. It was the first university institution to be entirely secular, to admit students regardless of their religion, and to admit women on equal terms with men (1878). UCL currently has over 35,000 students from 150 countries and more than 11,000 staff. UCL’s Bloomsbury campus in central London has limited room for growth and UCL East presents a unique opportunity to build an open and accessible new campus pioneering a radical new approach to cross-disciplinary working, partnership, collaboration and public engagement. The Bartlett and UCL Engineering will also be expanding into Here East on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in early 2016. 16 2.3 Who is involved 2.3 Who is involved Role: Long leaseholder, developer and future occupier Masterplan Event Walkabout, 22/07/2015 Chapter 2 | Background UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Role: Landowner and developer Formed in April 2012, LLDC’s purpose is to use the once-in-alifetime opportunity of the Olympic Games and the creation of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to develop a dynamic new heart for east London, creating opportunities for local people and driving innovation and growth in London and the UK. LLDC is responsible for delivering one of the most important Olympic legacy promises - the long-term planning, development, management and maintenance of the Park and its impact on the surrounding area after the London 2012 Games. It is a Mayoral Development Corporation and works closely with a number of organisations including the Mayor of London, the Greater London Authority, central government, the east London Growth Boroughs, residents in neighbouring local communities, local organisations, businesses and regeneration agencies and national and international sporting, cultural and leisure organisations. Role: Masterplanners and design team lead LDA Design is a global environmental design consultancy based in the UK with projects around the world. They have put together and are now leading a team that has the necessary expertise to deliver a masterplan for UCL East. Consultants working as part of the LDA masterplanning team are Nicholas Hare Associates (architects and university space-planners), BuroHappold (engineering, sustainability and inclusive design), Momentum (transport planning), EC Harris (cost consultancy), Studio Weave (space programming and activity). Soundings has been appointed to facilitate the community consultation process. A masterplan consists of a series of plans, images and text describing how an area will be developed. It determines the type and amount of different uses, the location of buildings and their height and mass. It also covers access points, routes through the site and the design principles for the new buildings, streets and public spaces. 17 Chapter 2 | Background UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 2.4 Context 2.4 Context 6 A fast changing area Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and its surroundings are significant areas of change in one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in London. Here are some of the projects around the site. 1 East Wick Summary: Up to 870 new homes, new primary school and two new nurseries 2 Developer: E20 Stadium LLP 7 9 Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation with site partners 5 Olympicopolis - UCL East Summary: The focus of this consultation process - a new campus for UCL, plus student accommodation. Using a radical new model of how a university campus can be embedded in the local community. Status: Olympicopolis planning applications due to be submitted late 2016 Here East Summary: Transforming the former Olympic Press and Broadcast Centre – an innovation centre set to provide over 1.2 million square feet of space for creative entrepreneurs and creating up to 7,500 jobs on site and in the local community. Key tenants include BT Sport, Hackney Community College, Loughborough University and Infinity SDC. Developer: iCITY, a joint venture between Delancey and Infinity SDC 10 Olympicopolis - Stratford Waterfront Summary: A new campus for the University of the Arts London’s London College of Fashion, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum, Sadler’s Wells. Discussions are also underway with the Smithsonian Institution about opening its first permanent museum outside the United States. Status: Olympicopolis outline planning applications due to be submitted late 2016 Pudding Mill / Rick Roberts Way Summary: Approx 1,700 homes as part of mixed development. At Pudding Mill, the vision is for new homes along the water’s edge alongside older buildings and new studios, workshops and new community facilities Status: BT Sport already broadcast on site, fully operational by 2018 Status: Outline planning permission granted 4 DRET LONDON Free School Summary: An all through sports specialist school with a 6th form across two sites. 12 Chobham Manor Summary: The first of the five new neighbourhoods from 2015. Including 828 new homes, 75% designed for families and 1/3 affordable homes. Shops, cafes, bars and other facilities will support a vibrant community. 14 15 BOW EAST Glasshouse Gardens Summary: The residential development that forms part of The International Quarter 330 new homes looking out over the iconic buildings of the south of the Park as part of The International Quarter. 7 17 14 2 Developer: Lend Lease and LCR 4 16 15 6 5 7 Status: Final completion estimated for 2017 Developer: Lend Lease and LCR 16 Status: Hybrid planning application submitted Developer: Stratford City Developments Ltd 17 Status: Opening September 2015 18 8 8 Cherry Park Summary: Approx 1,200 new homes alongside community facilities, restaurants, cafes and a servicing facility for Marks and Spencer. Developer: Chobham Manor LLP Developer: Get Living London and Triathlon Homes 14 3 Status: Construction started in 2014, first office occupation in 2017 Status: Sales underway, first residents in late 2015 Status: Now open 13 1 The International Quarter Summary: 4 million sq ft of new workplace - TFL and the FCA confirmed as tenants. A 4 star hotel, shops, restaurants, childcare and community facilities. Up to 25,000 jobs created Angel Lane Summary: Unite student accommodation for 750 students, new hotel, a major apartment tower and offices East Village Summary: 2,818 new homes, a new school (Chobham Academy - see point 12), a new health centre, cafés, bars, restaurants, shops and 27 acres of public space Further developments for an additional 2,000 homes are currently in the planning process. STRATFORD NEW TOWN 11 Developer: LCR and East Thames Group Developer: Unite Group Plc 11 WICK CHOBHAM FARM Summary: A new family neighbourhood delivering around 1000 homes (of which over 40% are family homes), home zone streets, new public space, commercial space and community facilities. 10 9 Status: Under construction Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation Sweetwater Summary: Up to 650 new homes including apartments and family homes. A new primary school, two new nurseries, community space, a library and health centre Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation, East Wick and Sweetwater Projects Ltd 13 Status: Outline planning permission granted with amendments currently being considered by LLDC Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation 3 CHOBHAM ACADEMY Summary: A new school for 3-18 year olds that opened in September 2014. In addition to 100 children in the nursery, when the Academy is at full capacity it will have 600 students in the primary school, a further 900 students in the secondary school and a Sixth Form for 420. Developer: A Lend Lease Harris Partnership Proposed operator: David Ross Education Trust 8 2.4 Context Status: Now open Status: Pre-planning Hackney Wick CENTRAL Summary: Creation of a new neighbourhood centre focused around Hackney Wick Station. The new station which includes an underpass through the existing embankment will create a new north – south pedestrian link. The neighbourhood centre development will consist of workspace clusters with a diverse range of spaces, retail, local amenities, and the introduction of between 800-850 new homes. Status: Planning permission granted for the new station. Outline application for the Hackney Wick Neighbourhood Centre to be submitted winter 2015 / 16 12 Status: Open from 2016 Status: Zonal Masterplan submitted for planning approval September 2015 Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation, East Wick and Sweetwater Projects Ltd The Stadium Summary: From 2016 the Stadium will become the home of West Ham United, before then it will host a number of international events including the Rugby World Cup in 2015. A new community track will be open alongside the Stadium and will be home to the Newham and Essex Beagles Athletic Club. The Stadium will also become the new national centre for athletics from 2016. Chapter 2 | Background UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Strand East Summary: 1,200 homes, office spaces for a range of businesses including digital and creatives, a riverside park and a range of retail and community uses. Status: Planning permission granted 18 UCL East site Boundary LLDC Boundary LB Hackney Boundary LB Newham Boundary LB Tower Hamlets Boundary Health Centre Education / Training Workspace Cultural / Exhibition BROMLEYBY-BOW Business Hotel / Student Housing Community Facilities Retail / Leisure Sport N Developer: Vastint UK Plan showing some of the major developments in the area. (Dots do not indicate locations of facilities) Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL 18 19 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 3 CONSULTATION PROCESS 3.1 Overview Consultation on the UCL East masterplan is a three-stage process, involving key stakeholders and the community at each key stage of design development. Below is a broad overview of the aims of each stage. The following pages detail the Stage 1 activities that have taken place. Stage 1 | Issues, opportunities & masterplan principles • The first stage aims to raise awareness of the project with UCL staff, students, local stakeholders and local community across four boroughs, including key groups such as youth. • Consultation is focused on gaining an understanding of both UCL and local issues and aspirations for UCL East. As well as introducing masterplan principles and considerations for feedback. • Findings from engagement will test the early masterplan concepts and help inform development of the draft masterplan. Stage 2 | Draft Masterplan • Stage 2 will continue to raise project awareness, identifying any key communities not involved in the first stage and ensuring accessible opportunity for these groups to be involved. • Consultation on the draft masterplan will enable the gathering of feedback to help develop and deliver a masterplan that is fine tuned to both local aspirations and UCL’s masterplan objectives. • Key findings from the first stage of engagement will be recapped, alongside a clear explanation of how the masterplan has been informed by consultation. Stage 3 • Stage 3 will present the final masterplan that will form the basis of the next stage of detail design. • It will track how the plans have responded to consultation and provide recommendations for the detailed design process; as well as information about the next steps leading into the Olympicopolis planning applications. UPDATE IMAGE 21 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.2 Consultation diary Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.2 Consultation diary 3.2 Consultation diary What has happened so far The first stage of the process aimed to involve as many people as possible through a variety of ways that were accessible and appropriate for the many communities and stakeholders linked to the project. 15 AUGUST Pop-up in Leyton at Drapers Field 02 JULY Masterplan Event stakeholder invites Alongside the below timeline existing LLDC panels have also been kept up to date including BEAP (built Environment Access Panel) and the Park Panel. UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Date 30 June 2015 Re UCL East Masterplan Event 22 July 2015 Address c/o Soundings 148 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AT 01 AUGUST UCL East Masterplan Event – 22 July 2015 6.30pm – 8.15 pm - Welcome Zone of the London Aquatics Centre We would like to invite you or a representative of your organisation to find out more about the masterplan being jointly developed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL (University College London). The event on 22 July will help to explain the opportunities, issues and priorities for the masterplan. There is also the opportunity to join a site walkabout from 5.00pm for those available. UCL East is part of the Olympicopolis project which will see a new worldclass higher education and cultural district at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In addition to the UCL East site to the south of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, the project also includes Stratford Waterfront, in front of the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new campus for the University of the Arts London, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. An agenda for the masterplan event and walkabout meeting point will be circulated nearer the time. Please RSVP to Soundings on UCLEast@ soundingsoffice.com, or by contacting Soundings on 020 7729 1705 and ask to speak to myself, Amanda, or Christina. Please can you include in your rsvp whether you can join the site walkabout and any access or dietary requirements you may have. 10 June Soundings (community engagement team) will be facilitating the consultation process and will keep you updated on the project and how to get involved. If you do not want to be contacted about the project, please let us know. For further information about the project, you can visit the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website or the UCL website (details at the foot of this letter), where you can also download the project introductory flip-book. On the reverse of this letter is an image showing the UCL East site location. Pop-up at UCL Bloomsbury in the Main Quad 22 JULY With best regards, Amanda Walker Senior Associate Soundings Page 01/02 Dedicated pages on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and UCL websites Legacy Youth Board Forum Pop-up at UCL Bloomsbury in the South Quad 8 attendees Masterplan Workshop at the London Aquatics Centre Organised by Soundings 13 AUGUST 30 + 31 AUGUST Pop-up on the UCL East site at the UCL Spark Festival GET INVOLVED UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK 27 June Organised by UCL 125 attendees 35 canvass cards 35 big ideas Summer events flyers distribution Teachers’ Forum 22 Mobile Pop-up in Hackney Wick at 4 locations 21 attendees 8 walkabout sheets 09 JULY UCL East aims to create a model for a university campus of the future, breaking down the conventional barriers between education, research, innovation, public engagement and collaboration. The masterplan and building design for UCL East will be jointly developed by UCL and the London Legacy Development Corporation in 2015 and 2016. The pop ups will introduce UCL East, discuss the masterplan principles and help the UCL East design team understand local aspirations – please join us, event details are below. Join us over the summer to find out more about the masterplan being jointly developed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL (University College London) for UCL East. UCL East is part of the Olympicopolis project which will see a new world-class higher education and cultural district at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In addition to the UCL East site, the project also includes Stratford Waterfront in front of the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new campus for the University of the Arts London, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. Legacy Youth Voice Workshop EVENT DETAILS LEYTON BOW Saturday 15 August 11am – 3pm Friday 21 August 12pm – 4pm At Drapers Fields Near the High Road Leyton entrance By the Clock Mill At 3 Mills Studios Three Mill Lane E3 3DU QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AT SPARK FESTIVAL HACKNEY WICK 54 attendees 7 group tablesheets Saturday 22 August 11am – 5pm Aerial view of the UCL East site We’ll be popping-up in and around Hackney Wick and Fish Island – please contact us for full details or visit the website (see below). Sunday 30 August & Monday 31 August 11am – 6pm Part of the Spark Festival on the South Park Lawn at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (just south of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, E20 2AD) CONTACT US | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 77291 705 For more information on the project please visit either: UCL east site Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east you We won’t overload but if with information, to receive you would like future information about let us know. events, please UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east 21,000 flyers 80+ bundles plus emails 6 attendees 202 attendees 95 canvass cards 52 big ideas 14 attendees 57 big ideas 2 group Canvass Cards about 13 000 views to date 2015 22 AUGUST 22 July 26 June 61 attendees 25 canvass cards 33 big ideas 69 attendees 37 canvass cards 26 big ideas 78 attendees 34 canvass cards 29 big ideas 09 JULY 85 attendees 40 canvass cards 49 big ideas 69 attendees 41 canvass cards 27 big ideas Pop-up in Stratford at Newham’s 50 years celebrations Masterplan Walkabout on UCL East site T. +44 020 7729 1705 E. UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com UCL website. ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website. QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east Approx 200 letters and emails sent 09 June 21 AUGUST Pop-up in Bromley-by-Bow at 3 Mills Studios UCL YOUTH June STAKEHOLDERS JULY COMMUNITY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Academic Challenge Panel sub-groups ACP 3 ACP 1 ACP 2 Sustainability, Access, security, Operational, smart technologies, community infrastructure biodiversity ACP 4 Urban design UCL Sabbatical Officers Meeting UCL Sabbatical Officers Site Walkabout and Meeting 12 JUNE 25 JUNE 08 July 20 AUGUST 22 JUNE 24 JUNE 23 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.3 Stakeholder mapping 3.3 Stakeholder mapping We are continually working to make sure those who have an active interest in, or are impacted by UCL East are kept informed and involved. There are currently over 700 project contacts who we will continue to engage with throughout the process. Please see the mapping below, showing local groups and organisations who may be interested. This is not an exhaustive list, but aims to show a good crosssection of local groups within approximately one mile of the UCL East site. This boundary is flexible and we will also be involving groups from the wider area who have a particular interest, wide remit or to ensure that groups based on the outskirts of this area can be involved. The mapping is always being updated, please let us know if there are any groups you believe should be considered. S5 APPROX. 20 M INUTE S WA LK F M14 ROM CEN TR E M32 B1 M13 M12 WICK K4 K5 M31 M37 R2 H13 H17 D5 C3 A15 M28 H15 S1 S4 M27 S7 A15 S8 S2 N2 C5 B2 C2 F1 N1 H1 Q3 H8 B7 T3 D3 L1 K7 M19 M20 A16 M15 E1 M17 M25 A4 M26 M21 A9 M3 D4 A14 E2 A5 B5 K2 A11 A10 H4 H9 B4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Chobham Academy Sarah Bonnell School Phoenix Secondary School Ian Mikardo High School East London Science School St Paul’s Way School School 21 (Secondary) Hackney Community College# D EDUCATION - NURSERY BROMLEY-BY-BOW KEY OLYMPICOPOLIS - UCL EAST OLYMPICOPOLIS - STRATFORD WATERFRONT GUIDE BOUNDARY FOR IDENTIFYING STAKEHOLDER GROUPS 24 B6 H2 J1 E EDUCATION - SPECIAL SCHOOL E1 John F. Kennedy School E2 The Cherry Trees School F YOUNG PEOPLE F1 Discover Children’s Museum & Story Centre*# F2 Eastside Youth Centre F3 Carpenters & Dockland Centre F4 Newham Education Business Partnership DiVA* Circle in Hackney G LIFE LONG LEARNING AND ELDERS G1 50 Plus St John’s G2 Trowbridge senior citizens club G3 Hibiscus Caribbean Elderly Association Age UK East London # C1 University Square Stratford (Birkbeck & UEL Partnership)* C2 University of East London Stratford*# C3 Building Crafts College C4 Alpha Building Services, Engineering Training C5 Williams College, Private C6 Newtec Training Centres Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre New Vic College Newham College of Further Education M22 M23 A1 Carpenters Primary School A2 Gainsborough Community Primary School A3 Old Ford Primary School A4 St Agnes Catholic School A5 Old Palace Primary School A6 Colegrave Primary School A7 St Francis R C Primary School A8 Maryland Primary School A9 West Ham Church of England Primary School A10 Renelagh Primary School A11 Manor Primary School A12 Malmesbury Primary School A13 Phoenix Primary School A14 Wellington Primary School A15 Legatum School# A16 School 21 (Primary) C EDUCATION - FURTHER M11 K8 A EDUCATION - PRIMARY & HIGHER EDUCATION C4 P1 M24 A13 M33 C6 M4 H3 P2 H18 B3 M10 D2 M2 Q1 K6 S6 F3 T1 A1 F2 M18 C1 F4 H6 Q2 H5 H10 K1 J4 H7 G1 R1 H11 M1 P3 J2 3.3 Stakeholder mapping STAKEHOLDER GROUPS B EDUCATION - SECONDARY M16 H14 M29 A12 A7 M8 M30 K9 A3 M34 STRATFORD NEW TOWN T2 M6 M7 G3 M35 D1 H16 BOW EAST M36 A8 A6 S9 S3 M5 M9 K3 A2 G2 H12 J3 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT D1 The Alphabet House Nursery School D2 Little Rainbow Nursery D3 Newtec Nurseries (five nurseries in various location) D4 Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Education Centre D5 Montessori on the Park, Early Year’s Education H CIVIC / ARTS / CULTURE H1 Stratford Rising (inc. Stratford Cultural Forum)# H2 Fundamental Architecture Inclusion* H3 Assemble (Sugarhouse Studios)* H4 3 Mills Studios H5 Stratford Picturehouse* H6 Stratford Circus*# H7 Theatre Royal Stratford East*# H8 Iroko Theatre Company H9 Rosetta Art Centre*# H10 East London Dance*# H11 APE Media* H12 Maryland Studioz* H13 Actorshop* H14 White building (SPACE Studios)# H15 London Centre for Book Arts# H16 The Yard Theatre# H17 Stour Space# H18 Urban Development Hackney Wicked Festival# CREATE# Whitechapel Gallery# The New Black Film Collective (TNBFC)* J LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS / INTEREST GROUPS J1 J2 J3 J4 Community Links, Newham Aston Mansfield Chandos Community Group (& Hub) African Caribbean Voices Association Newham New Deal Partnership Newham Community Team Stratford and West Ham Hackney Wick and Fish Island Cultural Interest Group (CIG) Together! 2012 CIC* Park Champions Inland Waterways Association Manor Garden Society London Cycling Campaign Bow Bengali Forum # K LOCAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES / CENTRES K1 Stratford Library K2 Bromley by Bow Centre# K3 Sir Ludwig Guttmann Health And Wellbeing Centre K4 Timber Lodge K5 Cre8 Lifestyle Centre K6 Eastside Youth and Community Centre K7 Tredegar Community Centre K8 Kingsley Hall Community Centre K9 Hub 67 Stratford and West Ham Community Hub Spotlight Centre# Poplar HARCA# L SAFETY L1 Faringford Road Neighbourhood Watch LLDC Park Police Newham Safer Neighbourhoods Team Ward Panel M FAITH GROUPS M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 St John’s Parish Church* Radha Krishna Temple West Ham Parish Church Church of Christ St Mary of Eaton Church The Celestial Church of Christ Old Ford Methodist Church St Paul’s Church Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Methodist Church of Tower Hamlets Masjid e Ilyas Al-hudaa Islamic Prayer Group UK Alhudaa Mosque Madrasah Al-Tawhid Bryant Street Methodist Church The Redeemed Christian Church of God Salvation Army Church Hope and Grace Romanian Church Highway Church Brickfields United Reformed Church West Ham Baptist Tabernacle London Markaz Bromley By Bow URC Church Bow Baptist Church St. Mary-atte-Bow Our Lady & St Catherine of Siena Church New Bethel Revival Ministry Church Christian Life City at The iCAN Studios Saint Mark’s Gate Royal Connections Calvary Church of God in Christ Hackney Wick Major Road Baptist Church Saint Matthew, West Ham Stratford Spiritual Church St James Church Stratford Seventh-Day Adventist Church Homerton Baptist Church Ramgarhia Sikh Gurdwara Temple SKS Swaminarayan Temple East London Gujarat Hidu Welfare Association Hackney and East London Synagogue Yavnah Synagogue N LOCAL BUSINESS AND T HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS AND STUDENT ACCOMMODATION ENTERPRISE GROUPS N1 Stratford Renaissance Partnership* N2 The View Tube Stratford Market Traders Association Thames Gateway Technology Centre Newham Chamber of Commerce Newham Council Micro-enterprise Project Stratford BID Stratford Business Network Infrastructure East London Small Business Centre East London Business Alliance# # P SOCIAL ENTERPRISES / START-UP / CO-WORKING / AFFORDABLE P1 Bow Arts Trust*# P2 Yardhouse at Sugarhouse Studios P3 Echo T1 Mansion View T2 Unite Stratford One T3 East Thames Group* Genesis Housing Family Mosaic Hackney Homes EXISTING PANELS AND NETWORKS BEAP Legacy Youth Voice and Youth Board Park Panel Olympicopolis Stakeholder Group Creating Connections East Stratford Rising Hackney Wick and Fish Island Cultural Interest Group (CIG) UCL Q BUSINESS PARKS Q1 Marshgate Business Centre Q2 Stratford Office Village Q3 Burford Road Business Centre Student Community Students Union Academic Staff Professional Services R RETAIL R1 Stratford Shopping Centre R2 Westfield Shopping Centre Retail business along Stratford High Street Other retail S LOCAL TENANTS’ AND RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONS S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Carpenters TMO Board Stratford Halo Leebank Square RA Wick Lane Kingsmead Estate (Hackney Wick) Tredegar Estate Icona Point residents Association of Ironworks residents East Village Residents Association KEY Located off the map Overarching group / multiple locations * Stratford Rising Member # Olympicopolis Stakeholder Group 25 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.4 Communication & promotion 3.4 Communication & promotion Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website Keeping in touch Letters, emails & flyers The project websites are regularly updated to keep people informed about the project and how to get involved. They provide access to information material and other key documents relating to the project. UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east Park News Information on the project has been included in both the June and September editions of Park News which is distributed to approximately 17,500 in the local area. 26 3.5 Activities & events 3.5 Activities & events UCL website Websites Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT At the end of June 2015 approximately 200 letters and emails were sent to identified local groups and stakeholders to inform them about the project and invite them to the Masterplan Event in July. Event flyer distribution area UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Join us over the summer to find out more about the masterplan being jointly developed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL (University College London) for UCL East. UCL East is part of the Olympicop olis project which will see a new world-class higher education and cultural district at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In addition to the UCL East site, the project also includes Stratford Waterfront in front of the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new campus for the University of the Arts London, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. Aerial view of the UCL East site In early August approximately 21,000 event flyers detailing the summer pop-up events were delivered to households and businesses surrounding the site. Alongside over 80 ‘bundles’ to local centres. In addition all who have been involved / registered their interest to date were emailed or posted a copy of a flyer in August. Walkabout sheet Workshop working groups Workshop final exercise and gift Masterplan Event Workshop Walkabout The Masterplan Event was an invited workshop and site walkabout to introduce the project. It brought together the UCL project team, local stakeholder groups and UCL stakeholders to share aspirations and understandings, as well as gather responses to the masterplan principles. This was the main event of the day and started with a presentation introducing the project from the point of view of the individual partners, the site constraints and an overview of the initial masterplan principles from LDA. In advance of the main event, there was an optional site walkabout to explore the UCL East site and surrounding context. This was facilitated by the project team, to provide information on the project along the route. Participants were also given a map by which to orientate themselves and record views on the opportunities and challenges of the project UCL east site UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Event flyer As part of the Olympicopolis project, UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish an innovative new university campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. AGENDA 18.00 | Arrival & registration 18.30 | Welcome & introduction • About the project - LLDC and UCL • The masterplan, vision and principles LDA Design 19.15 | Discussion & feedback Group discussions in response to the masterplan principles presented, looking at: • Access & community • Identity & form • Priorities & considerations Welcome to the UCL East Masterpla n Event 22 July 2015 l London Aquatics This was followed by facilitated round-table discussions to gather views in response; looking at access and inclusion, identity and form and priorities for the masterplan. Centre NOTES & DRAWING SPACE 54 people attended including local stakeholders and UCL community members and group worksheets were completed across 7 tables. Event details 20.00 | Review & sharing views UCL has also used their regular e-newsletters and articles to raise awareness of the project and how to get involved. 20.15 | Thank you & close CONTACT For information on the project please visit either: Event details UCL ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east Or contact us on: | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 7729 1705 In total 21 people took part including local stakeholders and UCL community members. 8 walkabout sheets were completed on the visit. Wednesday 22 July 2015, 6.30-8.30pm, London Aquatics Centre Wednesday 22 July 2015, 5-6pm, on and around the UCL East site ‘Place mat’ / agenda 27 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.5 Activities & events Pop-up at UCL, in the South Quad Mobile pop-up in Hackney Wick Pop-up in Stratford Pop-up events UCL Pop-ups Summer community Pop-ups Pop-up events were held at both the UCL Bloomsbury campus and in the neighbourhoods surrounding the site over the summer. These aimed to raise awareness of the UCL East project and through a variety of consultation tools, collect a comprehensive range of ideas, issues and aspirations to help inform development of the draft masterplan. Activities included: Held before the end of the academic year, two Pop-up events were held in June 2015 at the UCL Bloomsbury campus to engage the wider staff and student community. Over the summer, popped-up in the neighbourhoods surrounding the site to raise awareness and understand a cross-section of local views on UCL East. These events took the form of a mobile set-up attached to a cargo bike - “Planting Ideas”, was the theme and everyone who shared an idea received a culinary plant to take away as a thank you. Big Ideas Map: A large scale aerial view of the site where comments can be placed and viewed by all in an open dialogue. At these events we spoke with approximately 150 people, received 65 Canvass Cards and 82 Big Ideas. Overall, 541 people were engaged, 242 Canvass Cards, 166 Big Ideas and 33 Wheel of Fortune comments were made. Canvass Card: A questionnaire to understand lessons to learn from UCL Bloomsbury or the local area, as well as aspirations and priorities for the masterplan. Event details Event details 1: Wednesday 10 June 2015, 10am-4pm, in the Main Quad at Bloomsbury. 1: Saturday 1 August 2015, 12-5pm, in Stratford at St John’s Church Garden as part of the 50 years as a borough celebrations. 2: Friday 26 June 2015, 11am-2pm, in the South Quad at Bloomsbury. 2: Saturday 15 August 2015, 11am-3pm, in Leyton at Drapers Field. Flip-book: An introduction to the project, context and consultation process. Wheel of Fortune: Used at the summer community Pop-ups, that is a physical and engaging way to start conversations and to analyse the masterplan principles. Masterplan Booklet: Used together with the Wheel of Fortune, to explain the masterplan principles. 28 Events were promoted through UCL’s e-newsletters and dedicated UCL East article. The UCL Canvass Card was tailored to areas of discussion from a university perspective. Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.5 Activities & events Flip-book Canvass Cards Free plant to take home Mobile installation 3: Friday 21 August 2015, 12-4pm, in Bromley-by-Bow at 3 Mills Studios. 4: Saturday 22 August 2015, 11am-5pm, in Hackney Wick and Fish Island at four locations (Stour Space, Street Interrupted, Biggs Square, Wick Green). 5&6: Sunday 30 and Monday 31 August 2015, 11am-6pm, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and as part of the Spark Festival. Wheel of Fortune Big Ideas Map 29 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.5 Activities & events Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.5 Activities & events Youth board session Legacy Youth Voice Workshop (group session) Legacy Youth Voice Workshop (working in pairs) Sabbatical officers walkabout Sabbatical officers folllow-on meeting Teachers’ Forum Youth engagement Legacy Youth Voice workshop Next stage Group sessions & outreach Sabbatical officers meeting The aim of the youth engagement is to generate interest and involvement in the UCL East Masterplan development in an appropriate and engaging way for this age group. It is of particular relevance because of the potential opportunity the university can afford this group in the future. Involving them allows to understand better what the physical and psychological barriers are to achieve the aspiration of UCL East to ‘promote access for all - without elitism’. This was an introductory event to explain the project and gather initial views and priorities, as well as feedback on making the Canvass Cards youth friendly. 15 panel members were involved and we received 57 Big Ideas and 2 group Canvass Cards. Further activities with the Legacy Youth Voice and Youth Board will take place throughout the next stages of consultation. Alongside schools involvement sessions that have been informed by the Teachers’ Forum in July (see next page for further details). As part of the wider consultation process, a number of sessions were organised through UCL and LLDC. Sabbatical Officers are elected to lead the Union (representative body for UCL students) on a full-time basis. Academic Challenge Panel (ACP) Sub-Group sessions Youth Board focus session Event details As part of the first stage of youth engagement, the Legacy Youth Voice have been involved in different activities that have taken place over the summer. The Legacy Youth Voice group is a panel of young east Londoners working alongside the team delivering Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Formed four years prior to the London 2012 Games, the project harnesses young people’s interest and enthusiasm, and enables them to make a valuable contribution to the regeneration of east London. 30 A focused-session with the Youth Board gathered feedback and checked findings from the Legacy Youth Voice workshop. The forwardplan for youth engagement was discussed and developed together with the eight board members. Involvement in Spark Festival Members from the Legacy Youth Voice were invited to be part of the consultation team at the Spark festival to maximise responses from this age group and generate discussions between young local residents and UCL students. As it was a rather wet Bank Holiday Monday, there was a limited turnout but we will look at similar opportunities in the future. Legacy Youth Voice: Saturday 27 June 2015, 1-3pm, at LLDC’s offices Youth Board: Thursday 9 July 2015, 7-8.30pm, at LLDC’s offices Spark festival involvement: Monday 31 August 2015, 11am-6pm, at the Spark Festival Teachers’ forum In July we held a Teachers’ Forum where all LLDC’s ‘Go!’ schools network members were invited to discuss how they would like pupils to be involved in the UCL East masterplanning process. These were very useful meetings that introduced the project, discussed initial issues relating to schools and helped inform session plans for both Primary and Secondary school involvement, which will be carried out during the autumn term. Event details Teachers’ forum: Thursday 9 July, 4pm 5pm (primary), 5.30-6.30pm (secondary), at LLDC’s offices. The first meeting with the seven Sabbatical Officers in July introduced the project and consultation process to discuss how best to involve students moving forward. The UCL East masterplan was also discussed to understand initial feedback. Sabbatical officers walkabout In the second meeting with the Sabbatical Officers we visited the site to discuss the project and their aspirations and ideas in more depth. UCL are carrying out a number of internal consultations with regards to UCL East. One of these groups is the UCL Academic Challenge Panel (ACP) who contribute ideas and test initial thinking from an academic expert and UCL perspective. A number of ACP sub-groups were held in June 2015 which looked at specific areas of knowledge and interest. Although separate to the community consultation, Soundings attended to ensure the key areas of discussion could be recorded alongside the community consultation and understand crossovers. Event details The group completed worksheets during the walkabout and Canvass Cards, commenting on the opportunities and lessons to learn from the local area and UCL. Event details Meeting: Wednesday 8 July 2015, 12.302pm, UCL Bloomsbury campus Walkabout: Thursday 20 August 2015, 11am-1pm, on and around the site. 1. Access, community, security: Friday 12 June 2015, 10am-12pm, UCL 2. Operational, infrastructure: Monday 22 June 2015, 2-4pm, UCL 3. Sustainability, smart technologies, biodiversity: Wednesday 24 June 2015, 10am-12pm, UCL 4. Urban design: Thursday 25 June 2015, 10am-12pm, UCL 5. Consultation process: Monday 21 September 2015, 10.30-12.30am, UCL 31 UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Chapter 3 | Consultation process 3.6 Community involvement Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.6 Community involvement 3.6 Community involvement THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOU To understand more about who was involved, the Canvass Cards asked a number of ‘About You’ questions. In total we received 312 Canvass Cards and this page summarises the responses. TALL ARTISTIC INTERESTED FEMALE TIRED FATHER GREEN SOCIALIST ENGAGED PENSIONER STAFF CYCLIST WOMAN INDEPENDENT HAPPY RESIDENT KING’S MUSICIAN GREEN PRINCIPLED ACTIVE GRUMPY COMMITTED RELAXED CHILDREN EXPERIMENTAL COMMUNITY DAD CHRISTIAN DRIVEN WEST HAM HEARTFELT MUM INTERESTED OPPORTUNIST SPORTS LAID-BACK POSTDOC FRIENDLY A ADVENTUROUS PASSIONATE CONFIDENT UCL EASY GOING BIT CURIOUS DRIVEN FRIENDLY 30 Y/O COOPERATIVE NAUGHTY HAPPY THOUGHTFUL CONFIDENT DREAMER OUTGOING BEARDED IT MUM FUNNY VISIONARY HUMANIST INDECISIVE BANKING TEACHER OLD (WHO CARES) OPTIMIST YORKSHIRE FUNNY SOFTWARE HAPPY CREATIVE SMALL SOCIABLE HONEST FUNNY RESTLESS EMPATHETIC UNFUNNY SEARCHING OPEN KIND HUNGRY HELPFUL LOCAL SPECIAL CLEAR SPORTY BORED CONSIDERATE IDEALIST CONSISTENT FRENCH GOOD WEST PRACTICAL ART THOUGHTFUL DESIGNER HUMAN HAM SOCIAL STUDENT DISCIPLINED SPORTIF BEING SUPPORTER We also asked people to use three words to describe themselves. The page to the right shows just a selection of the many different characters who have been involved. “Community: Are you a...?” • 63% - local residents • 7% - local employees • 2% - local businesses • 19% - visitors • 9% - ‘other’ “Community: Do you live in...?” • 32% - Newham • 10% - Tower Hamlets • 14% - Hackney • 9% - Waltham Forest • 35% - ‘other’, most commonly located in outer London boroughs to the east, some central London and a few further afield. “UCL: Are you a...?” • 28% - undergraduate students • 28% - postgraduate students • 23% - professional services staff • 5% - academic staff • 5% - visitors • 11% - specified other roles such as specific department work, etc. KEY Responses from the community 32 Canvass Card covers, with Polaroid photos of participants. Responses from UCL 33 Chapter 3 | Consultation process UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 3.6 Community involvement hanged from google maps numbers ue to smaller map CL E +9 off map / -9 mapped involvement: u +4 offCommunity map / -4 mapped checking Stage 1 UCL pop-ups Local attendance mapping 18 located off map To the right is a mapping of known event attendees and people who have given us their feedback. This gives a broad indication of where those engaged are geographically located in relation to the site. UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Chapter 3 | Consultation process 3.6 Community involvement 2 mapped 45 not provided Masterplan event 18 mapped 26 located off map 12 not provided It is worth noting that contact details could not always be collected, particularly during the Pop-up events (although a tally was kept). Also that UCL participants are a community of interest rather than of proximity to the site. Therefore the attendance mapping is not exhaustive and serves to provide a check that there is a good cross-section of involvement from the different neighbourhoods surrounding the site. Local pop-ups 67 mapped 95 located off map 88 not provided UCL East site Demographics • There has been a slight under representation of BME communities and in the next stage of consultation we will work to ensure local BME groups have clear and appropriate opportunity to be involved. 34 Wick Bow East Leyton Ward average Average comparison • Disability was not assessed, however dedicated disability groups are being specifically consulted in the wider process. Stratford and New Town • Young people under 25 were less engaged in the general process. However there has been an ongoing parallel process with young people and schools to ensure this group is represented. Pop-up events To check we are speaking with a representative cross-section of the local community, at the pop-up events the team kept an observational record of broad age group, ethnicity and gender. This provides a basic indication of the groups that have been engaged and allows for comparison against local Census data. Below are some of the key observations. STAGE 1 COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS * Male 46% 52% 49% 49% 49% 50% -4% Female 54% 48% 51% 51% 51% 50% +4% Under 25 17% 34% 36% 33% 38% 35% -18% 25-39 41% 40% 30% 39% 29% 34% +7% 40-54 30% 16% 19% 15% 19% 17% +13% Over 55 11% 11% 15% 13% 14% 13% -2% White 59% 41% 48% 60% 36% 46% +13% BME 41% 59% 52% 40% 64% 54% -13% Gender Age Ethnicity * Categories and Ward data taken from the 2011 Census. All figures rounded to the nearest whole number, As such there may be a small discrepancy of 1%. View towards the UCL East site, looking south over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. 35 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS 4.1 Introduction The Stage 1 events gathered input and feedback on a range of topic areas from both the local and UCL communities’ perspectives. • Understanding place: what’s valued locally and lessons that could be learned from the UCL Bloomsbury campus. • Aspirations: relating to UCL East, what are the perceived opportunities and potential challenges to overcome. • Priorities and key issues: understanding key areas of interest, response to the masterplan principles and priorities for the masterplan. The feedback received has been regularly communicated and discussed with LLDC, UCL and the LDA masterplanning team to inform the approach and development of the draft masterplan. This section of the report provides a detailed summary of the feedback, which has been collected from the following sources: • Community Canvass Card. • UCL Canvass Card. • Masterplan Event worksheets. • Masterplan Event walkabout sheet. • ‘Big Ideas Map’ consultation activity. • ‘Wheel of Fortune’ consultation activity. • Emails and letters received. • Feedback through the various focus group sessions (see pages 52 to 55 for an overview). Pages 46 to 50 provide an overview of all discussions that have taken place throughout the first stage of consultation. Pages 10 and 11 in the executive summary also provides a high level summary of this. UPDATE IMAGE 37 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.2 Understanding place 4.2 Understanding place What qualities do you value most...? At the local pop-up events, we asked people what qualities they most value, both within Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and in the local area where they spend most time. The results show that there are different aspects of the Park people value such as the open green spaces, leisure and sports facilities and ease of access. Local benefits and community involvement were also considered of value within the Park, giving opportunities to create a sense of a diverse and cohesive community. Openness Transport links Easy access to the Park Nightlife Design & architecture Music venues Amenities for adults Shopping centre nearby Food & drink Café Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Walking / running Quiet & relaxing Views Landscape / nature Sand area (Beach East) 4.2 Understanding place 6 Safe 3 BOW 1 Nice local shops & cafes 8 Park 3 1 1 Canal 4 Sense of community Village feel Friendly & welcoming Easy access to Westfied 67 In the surrounding area, Stratford received the most comments on specific qualities most valued. In contrast to other areas, shopping and access to local facilities were highly valued in Stratford. 141 18 Canals 2 2 31 HACKNEY WICK / FISH ISLAND 38 4 STRATFORD 37 1 2 The diagram on the right shows a summary of comments grouped by topic themes within the Park and the surrounding neighbourhoods. Public transport 3 1 QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK 38 Diversity and sense of community was mentioned frequently in Stratford and other areas in Bow, Hackney Wick and Leyton. Overall open green spaces and community atmosphere were generally considered the most valuable qualities locally. Green space Diversity Activities for children & young people Shopping facilities Stratford City Westfield 19 Community & Local events 2 Nightlife 70 1 Church 23 COLOUR KEY Open / green spaces Play areas for children 38 Family orientated Less pollution spaces Clean & fresh air Free access Protection of wildlife Building a community Social integration Diversity & equality Learning facilities Social hubs Community activities Activities for all ages Creativity Climbing Wall Hockey Pop-up events Aquatics Centre Cycling paths Gym Splash Park Running Gardens Quiet 4 8 LEYTON 2 1 Leisure & sports Ecology & sustainability Community benefit / involvement Young people / children Community Friends Access & movement Schools Other Shops / restaurants No comment 39 TE BR S R OA D GE ID NOR OM BIE D RO A NF TE M E PL MI A S L LL LE GR AV CH AND S O O R RO R RO AD AJ AD E S E W S RO AD RI ST EA O TA ST ET RE N LA PA G A E HT O THE FR CA O N T RP EN TE RS RO RO AD CE G I BBI N S BR ID GE TE R D O R A N WA LK ON E OS CL SE T ES W AD RO PP T JU AD RO F AF ST S N RR T O R BI AD IG R H AD H RO SI RO Stratford Waterfront site AD RO NNE IS RO BE RT PA T H CK L SE A RI CHA AD W AD AY EA E RO RO ENW LS IS N E G RE NE W TO RIVER LA RO E GG E ER AD W RO S G IN D UCL East site AN GE AR CH ID W ER KS TE ET NE BR AT OR GA JU P P R O AD G I BBI N S R O A D AD T R O HE IC D RE LA IS AT HG RS MA LEA ER RIV M A ET O ST AD R W RW SH R TU RE RK TE A AU ST MN PA Route taken WA M AD GE RO S R AD A RO ID D R VE VE LE ND AD D OR E RI RI RO A RF T L LANE R O N R N RO BU N IL L E AN E RTO TO RD AD CAM RO E M AT E AR A KE E T ER RA W P NE TY LA CI CK SH G D R AD ISO G IO NE SW AY N RO AC AD AD RR RO E N T LL E GH RO M L LU CU D Mc ROA AD M RO W BR LA L E T T RO A T A RO K ET WIL ME R L EA C L O SE U N T ST NEW MO H U TC H INS C L K RE ET WL ST RE ALE T ST NG AN L THI CH O S ONT RT UR BUCO PO FA R C ST R E E T OR N T N S AD TH O NT EE ST R T IO RO E WIC ST A R AD BR E A M EED U RO VE SM S TO R RD RO A D R O SH E R C L AD RI RO KS HY KENNA OR AC V MA M CL OS E DYE TIB ER CL OS HO US A E L NE E CH AN NE LS EA PAT H 40 South-west corner of South Park Lawn South-west edge of South Park Lawn The main road running alongside is a real positive for the site. It’s surprisingly close to the Stadium and Orbit. Arrival point - What will the experience be like for pedestrians and cyclists? Good evening sun - a lovely space for pleasurable outside things. Point under bridge may well become an important access point. Siding Street Having a ‘front door’ of a campus is a challenge as it is currently the backstreet. IG H S T R E E T South Park Lawn / Thornton Street H •Occupy and animate areas of the site that are not build on in Phase 1 AR AD W AD E U T R O LE RR SE MA RO AN RU U E SQ E A ST ER ER RO GA O PA R CL AR FO AT R E N A D RO G R E A T AT M E SQ RI UA DIA RE N W TF AY D RD AT R IC E AD E ST OA N R W ST TO M E R R I A M AV E O UTH ING MERRIAM AV E N U E FA L M ST O R R W IE Q A S R MA E TA L O S C RD LK N SE N IA DR E H A LO S C LO E C A O MA R CR FO ON IL W RI V E R L E E NAV I G AT I O N AD AD AC NU E Temporary use DD O D AC E RO AD CLO O WN LST DM Lift RO RO D S S C R O N ST NU E AV E P U LT E N E Y C LO S E WA Consider permeability and opportunities for placemaking (community ‘ownership’ of this access point). Hostile environment for walking (bins are overfilled). I N T E R N AT I O N A L SQUARE I E A S T WE N D O VE RE A RN LE NT LK TF D AMO TH O A IOT AR E C H LO S C SA WA The narrow walkway needs to be improved - is this a safe route for K LANE H I T C H C O CProvide coming to UCL East? D H O U SE L A N E R O U Nstudents cycle lanes, better wayfinding and add a green element to the path. MIL H E RD E OA L R SY C H AW D R O A BE AR A US N •The noise carried from the Stadium is a concern ET for some, how can this be managed? N ST R E R U ST O IE NN ITE A N RA L M LA •Provide outdoor seating •Ownership and activities taking place on public spaces questioned •A play area between the building and the river walk will soften the look and feel of the campus perimeter L DE C Noise pollution / maintenance D F O R WH Loop Road - Carpenters Road E AC YK RE K NEL E R SI PA R W AT C A N D Y ST R E E T Open / public space O L D RD AD N WIN FINISH RD T E R O U BE C K IC W CE RO U BE AD W 12 RD M JO N GREEN OLLERTO CL DAR EET EET 20 O WA N S W W L LK START RO E D L RE RO TR A S T H E ST R E E T EY D AV D ROA O S S C R AC KS G AT E E F RT IO N C Montfichet Road E ST AD H RR MA R N T LA RO TE ST. PO S E H IT TT N •Encourage biodiversity •More planting at approach points ALM P E N N Y BR O O K ST R E E T RO AD ARPENTERS CO GA •Control the height and scale of proposed buildings similar to the surrounding Park buildings •Frame local and wider views e.g. keep a view of the City A SW OX PS AD S T E A DO Ecology & sustainability LK TO N W A D R O CA Design / identity / scale / architecture A ON TR A S ALM LEY C HE GO W IV E E E E TR RO S DR OV ST L A N E WH IT E PO R Y BU T H R O L N C GR RO RD AM IS NH UT LL OR RO A D R O S GA WA L’ S MO NTF IC H ET RO A D OS DO Nice and wide path however there was concern over noise issue from the Stadium. Control the height of proposed buildings. A N CR CA •Route through - opportunity to engage with the public. •Utilise as evening outdoor seating space. •Will the building over-impose the Orbit? C L ARNIC O L A N AD TH TE EM E L I S WAY U TH D E C O U BE R T I N ST R E E T LK AD RO K A D S RO A RO SS AL W RD RO W S WA C Pool Street - Thornton Street M A P C H ST C E L E BR AT I O N WAY N ED WA L L I TE EA E VE CE U IZ D RA IN RO ST EAD PA U SI M ET RS DOLACE P I N T E R N AT I O N A L WAY Thornton Street C O P P E R ST R E E T PR F E L ST PR A SE AD SS ON SE RO O RO O N UE Q K S B E A N A C R E C L O SE CR R I BBO N S WAY AV E N IRE •Provide outdoor event space for UCL and the community D E RO A •Encourage permeability and community BR I D G TRO W EA ‘ownership’ of access points ST REET ST. RK SH •More disabled access & parking •Access to the river - potential to moor, jetty, pontoons •Wider walkways, cycling lanes and wayfinding to improve access points •What are the access plans for the new Crossrail station? BR I N K W O R T H WAY A PA RK Community involvement AN LK CL C Y PI E WA N X YM SE OL LE a lk W ey all U T eV Y C CK BE L Access & movement B EA A T DD A AD L AV I N G T O N C L W MI LS IL M RE LK A SI SQU RO Le D A IN T E H RN ES ET R LEA F O N RL RIVE AR SB RY U A AD H SQ RT SC RO W O NE N IT Y AS N CL N EN R UR FO A RD SO CL BO Separately, another walkabout session was held with UCL Sabbatical Officers and the comments were mainly focused around the use of spaces on the site and access links. The diagram on the right shows categorised comments in relation to topic themes and the location. G TE D W AL ST Comments also reinforced the value of the ‘green and blue’ assets of the Park. The session also opened up the discussion about building scale, citing the existing Park venues as a benchmark for height and highlighting the importance of retaining views both to and from the existing venues. SH EA Montfichet Road and the adjacent roads were the most frequently commented on. Citing that there is a need to make these more pedestrian and cycle friendly, particularly in light of the increased footfall that would result from the UCL East campus. g IN O As part of the Masterplan Event on 22 July, there was an optional site walkabout. Participants were given a worksheet to record their thoughts, including opportunities that the site presents as well as lessons to learn from the local area. in W D Site walkabout - opportunities and lessons to learn CO MMU RI RD EE N LO WA Y lR WA ST EA EA ta O UTE pi CR RO SS Ca ST E M EA UT ER RO AD ER CH SE H ENNIK IK IE T NR NN CL HE HE SE Y OT FO E OW OS CR CL N A X W SU SE AD N RO IO Y ES AT NC AY A IG VA BR Y D G E AV ER ST RO R O H A M C H O B AD N NS EA SS D O S RO A 4.2 Understanding place RO LE CO Understanding place O CR O E R G M R E C CO LE AD Chapter 4 | Findings NE Chobham Academy T I BR Y D G E S R E AB R RC ON VE S U UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Velodrome E OW CO YT RI LE TE GA E CK OS LO C L O CR D LE 4.2 Understanding place T ROA E Chapter 4 | Findings AR PL SE P O LO C T LL H WA E D IT H RD A GA IL L LAN TEMPL E MIL L S M UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT H RS M W RO AD E R O A D R T O N H O M E 41 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.3 Aspirations 4.3 Aspirations What would you like to see at UCL East? People were asked to tell us what they would like to see at UCL East for the local area. The results show that they highly encourage access to evening lectures, library and various courses available for the local community. This will allow all age groups from young to older people to raise aspirations and integration with the existing community. Links with local schools were strongly encouraged to inspire them through free activities, access to facilities and interaction with university students. Other suggestions include incorporating renewable and energy-saving features to the building, study areas to share ideas and help each other and students working on local charity and community projects. The results from the pop-up events at UCL show that UCL East is seen as a key opportunity for additional and higher quality space for students to study and/ or socialise; specific comments cited opportunity for a library, research / technology-based facilities and even a UCL Science Park. Other comments include the opportunity to connect to east London and its culture, links with future development at Stratford Waterfront and affordable student accommodation. PERCENTAGE OF UCL COMMENTS PERCENTAGE OF COMMUNITY COMMENTS 32% 18% UNIVERSITY FACILITIES 9% 31% COMMUNITY BENEFIT / FACILITIES / INVOLVEMENT 14% 4% ACCESS & MOVEMENT 5% 11% OPEN / PUBLIC SPACES 6% 6% SPORTS FACILITIES 6% 6% ARTS & CULTURE 7% Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT What are the potential challenges to consider, linked to UCL East? From a local community perspective, perceived challenges for UCL East were cited most frequently with regards to community integration. Asking how it can be truly beneficial to the existing community, and avoid the pitfalls of gentrification in an area that is undergoing significant change. Make it somewhere that feels accessible and open to all through physical design, outreach and activities Access and movement was also seen as a key challenge, particularly from a UCL perspective which highlighted potential time and cost implications of travelling between UCL East and the Bloomsbury campus. As well as a concern that it is further away from central London. Locally, the key challenges were addressing potential congestion and ensuring good connectivity between UCL East and local transport links. 4.3 Aspirations Community benefit / facilities / involvement 11% | 31% 13% | 6% Public transport University facilities 11% | 5% Design / identity / scale / architecture 8% | 8% Ecology / sustainability 2% | 5% Open / public spaces 2% | 5% Housing & accommodation Masterplanning process / timescale 3% | 2% 4% Retail 2% | 1% Jobs / employment / training 2% | 1% Safety & security 1% | 2% Sports facilities 1% | 1% History & heritage 1% | 1% Arts & culture 1% Food & drink 1% Percentage of UCL comments 3% | 7% Other Percentage of community comments 3% DESIGN / IDENTITY / SCALE / ARCHITECTURE 5% 3% HOUSING & ACCOMMODATION 4% 4% JOBS / EMPLOYMENT / TRAINING 4% 4% ECOLOGY / SUSTAINABILITY The diagram on the right shows a summary of community answers compared and contrasted with UCL responses. 1% 5% FOOD & DRINK 1% 1% 6% 4% OTHER What lessons could UCL East learn from the Bloomsbury campus? This was a particular question for UCL community to understand what UCL East could provide in relation to the Bloomsbury campus. Space has been an issue at Bloomsbury where there are not enough spaces and facilities. Many people referred to the Quad in Bloomsbury campus as a good social gathering space. Easy access to central London and well-connected public transport is another asset to the Bloomsbury campus which UCL East needs to consider. Percentage of UCL comments 39% Access & movement 10% Arts & culture Community benefit / facilities / involvement Design / identity / scale / architecture 9% 6% Ecology / sustainability 5% Food & drink 5% 4% History & heritage 4% Public transport 4% Masterplanning process / timescale 4% 3% Open / public spaces Retail HISTORY & HERITAGE 2% Sports facilities 1% University facilities 1% Safety & security 1% Other 42 39% | 20% Access & movement 2% 43 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Your priorities Through the Canvass Cards and at the Masterplan Event we asked people to select their top 5 priorities that they think the UCL East masterplan should consider. The given list was established through early discussions on the project and cross-checked with the Legacy Youth Voice and Board. There was also an opportunity to add any additional priorities. It was noted that all aspects listed will be considered as part of the masterplan, however this exercise aimed to understand what the key areas of interest and importance are between the different groups. Categories vary slightly between the UCL and local focused Canvass Cards to ensure the questions were relevant. Although a number of categories cross-over to help enable comparison. The diagrams to the right show the priorities in the order selected, separated by source, including: • Local community feedback (pop-ups) • UCL community feedback (pop-ups) • Stakeholder feedback (Masterplan Event) Participants were also asked to say why they had chosen their top priorities. This information has been analysed and compiled as part of the key issues analysis on pages 46 to 50. 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Community priorities 15% 19 Public open space for all 14% 21 26 Involvement in the community - links and projects 12% 21 23 Environmental sustainability 10% 8 10% 12 Security and safe routes Opportunities for starts ups and business World class architecture (iconic identity) New shops and facilities - e.g. bookshops, cafes Local services and suppliers used by the university Temporary uses during construction (e.g. pop-up activities / art etc) 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles No. of comments Encouraging access to education Opportunities for employment and training Local access to university spaces, activities and events Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 27 16 6% 4 6% 7 12 6% 7 8 11 5% 6 10 9 3% 18 15 17 2 8 3 3 7 10 Masterplan event priorities 8 59 41 45 29 13 26 11 9 60 51 18 11 11 10 17 19 16 78 24 18 23 8 26 22 18 9% 4% 17 29 21 3 23 5 10 No. of comments Stratford Pop-up Leyton Pop-up Hackney Wick Pop-up Spark Festival 12% 5 Event space, places to meet and social life Public open space for all 12% 5 Environmental sustainability 10% 15% 26 Access to public transport 11.5% 23 4 Access to sports facilities / open space 10.5% 20 10% 4 Cutting edge technology / research / innovation 10% 19 10% 4 Support facilities (e.g. study / meeting spaces etc) 9% 18 10% 4 Access to local shops and services 7.5% 16 10% 4 Access to cultural facilities / activity 7.5% 14 7% 3 World class architecture / pride in appearance 6.5% 12 World class architecture 7% 3 Links to businesses and start-up opportunities 5.5% 10 8 Security and safe routes 7% 3 Sense of history linked to UCL 5.5% 10 7 Temporary uses during construction 2% 1 Security and safe routes 5.5% 11 Local services and suppliers used by the university 2% 1 Links and live projects with the local community Involvement in the community - links and projects Opportunities for employment and training Innovation and research Local access to university spaces, activities and events Opportunities for starts-ups and business n% Percentage of total comments n% Percentage of total comments UCL Pup-up 1 n% Percentage of total comments No. of comments UCL priorities Encouraging access to education Bow Pop-up 5% 9 17 5 13 10 3 11 9 6 2 8 7 2 2 2 6 5 UCL Pup-up 2 3 UCL SAB officers walkabout Each Masterplan event comment comes from a table of approximately 7-8 people 44 45 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Priorities & masterplan principles tablesheets, Big Ideas Map, Wheel of Fortune, Walkabout sheets and emails. Key issues Analysing in this way allows a transparent process to discover particular themes where there is the greatest interest. The diagram below shows how often each topic was commented on and where the comments came from (UCL, community or stakeholders). This section summarises the feedback and key discussions raised throughout the first stage of consultation. All qualitative feedback is analysed comment by comment, each categorised by the topic it references. In total we have collected 2,324 comments in the first stage of consultation from Canvass Cards, Masterplan Event This diagram aims to support and give weighting to areas of feedback. On pages 46 to 50, the comments received are discussed in more UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Chapter 4 | Findings 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles depth underneath the topic areas of: • • • • • Physical connectivity Public space Urban form & identity Use, activities & facilities Other. There are a number of topics that thread-through all topic areas including: • Sustainability • Phasing (including interim use) • Community engagement. Pop-up, 10/06/2015, UCL Bloomsbury Approximate percentage of comments Community benefit / facilities / involvement 22% University facilities 13% Access & movement 13% Open / public spaces 9.5% Design / identity / scale / architecture Ecology / sustainability 5% Jobs / employment / training 4% Sports facilities 3.5% Housing & accommodation 3% Arts & culture 3% Public transport 3% Masterplanning process / timescale 1.5% Food & drink 1.5% Safety & security 1.5% History & heritage Meanwhile use 1% .5% .5% Each unit approx. 1% 46 Pop-up, 01/08/2015, St John’s 6% Other / unknown Retail Pop-up, 22/08/2015, Hackney Wick (Wick Green) 8.5% UCL Masterplan exhibition (stakeholders) Community Masterplan Event site walkabout, 22/07/2015 47 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Physical connectivity Priorities & masterplan principles Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Access from Montfichet Road This was a frequent area of discussion. As one of the key routes to the site from Stratford Station, it is considered a “poor pedestrian experience” and potentially of detriment to the perception of UCL East. Comments and suggestions included: Topic analysis Pages 49 to 53 provide an indepth summary of the comments received in Stage 1. This provides an overview of the key areas of discussion from all events and means of feedback. • Interventions to reduce the current wind tunnel effect. The analysis is categorised into a number of topic areas which have been informed by the areas that received most discussion and debate in the first stage of consultation. • Incorporate green walls and art / information to help improve the quality of the environment. • Increase the capacity – the width lacks the capacity for the “peak flow” of UCL students. As the consultation process continues, we will reference back to these topic areas to track feedback and the masterplan development. • There is a perception (particularly from the UCL community) that the site is quite a distance from public transport. Raising awareness and improving Montfichet Road may help address this. Relationship with UCL Bloomsbury There needs to be a clarification of what the relationship between the campuses will be; will the students and/or staff be required to travel between the two or will they function independently? What are the time and cost implications? • Ensure welcoming pedestrian and cycling access routes throughout. The existing wide pedestrian routes are positive. • Cycling paths are a necessary addition to the main road citing particular opportunity to improve safety on Montfichet Road and Carpenters Road. The introduction of the Santander Cycle hire scheme (which is coming to the Park) was also suggested. • Use artwork and installations on railway underpasses to create a sense of connectivity with the communities to the south. Integrated disabled access • It was generally noted that current disabled access to varying levels of the Park is good, but there are also some opportunities for improvement. Accessibility and inclusive design should be of a very high standard at UCL East. • There should be a limited amount of general parking provision, but more disabled parking is currently needed. Capacity Comparing group priorities, Masterplan Event, 22/07/2015 Intuitive wayfinding • Have clear sight lines and intuitive routes supported by Legible London type signage. • Have an iconic “front door” for the site that links as many of the access routes as possible. • The site should feel open and accessible to the local community - see public space on page 50 for more details. 48 Pedestrian and cyclist focused It was questioned if there is sufficient future capacity of public transport, on the roads and onfoot to accommodate the increased numbers. This relates, in part, to wider local developments, however further information is needed. Waterways Consider access to the waterways for facilities such as pontoons, jetties and moorings. 49 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Public space 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Inclusive, involving and inviting Levels of access The nature of public space at UCL East has been one of the key discussion topics: There is an understanding that a university would need to manage spaces and not everywhere would be accessible / open to the public. • It is considered fundamental to create a public environment that embraces people (students, staff, community and visitors) in an environment of learning and exchange with a lively and engaging atmosphere where people can meet. • Have a permeable site, using public space and activities to blur the edges. • Focal communal spaces at UCL Bloomsbury (e.g. the Quad and Gordon’s Square) are valued - but limited. Integrate this type of space at UCL East. • Clear and intuitive design of these levels of access and security will be a key challenge, linked to activity programming, management and physical design. • Will the public parts really be public, or semi-public? Make sure ‘fully public’ is meant when referring to this. • Have multiple uses of some spaces. As well as visibility into spaces or external displays to help blur the line between ‘academic’ and ‘community’. Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Urban form & identity 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Architecture & identity • It was discussed if identity is found in ‘iconic’ and ‘blow your mind’ architecture or through architectural cohesion with existing venues at the Park? The general consensus was towards the latter, suggesting what could make it truly ‘iconic’ is a public environment that really embraces people and activity “people-centric-buzziness” (see public space on page 47). • In either case, have high standards of design that are comparable in quality to buildings at the Bloomsbury campus and on the Park; and will stand the test of time. Scale and views Activities Make the most of the Park and river setting Activities for children, adults, students and the wider community were suggested, to help create lively and curated public space: • The “green, blue and relaxed” qualities of the Park are currently highly valued. This is seen as one of the site’s strongest assets that the design should embrace. • Social spaces with opportunity for impromptu activities, experiments and performances. • The south-west edge of the site looking onto City Mill River has potential to be well-designed public space - the ‘sunset moment’ concept was well received. • Use innovative activities and events to engage. Exhibit UCL activities, hold outdoor public lectures and have interactive design / displays. • Waterside areas will naturally be occupied and are instinctive places for shared public space. • Ensure activities connect to the diverse local communities. • Have student-specific space, such as a Students Union, in a visible and central location. Management & maintenance There was a generally positive response to existing Park management and maintenance. These should be co-ordinated to ensure consistency in the quality. 50 Security and safety Natural surveillance through the site and at the edges is important. However there were a mix of views on the need for a visible security presence / cameras. Closing times of certain areas of the Bloomsbury campus made some existing students feel secure. • Views to and from Park venues, as well as wider vistas (e.g. towards the City should be protected). • It was suggested that the existing Park venues (London Aquatics Centre, Stadium and ArcelorMittal Orbit) are used as benchmarks for height. Understanding views and comparative heights will be important at the next stage of consultation. • Ensure at ground level it feels of a ‘human scale’. • Consider the view of the site from the ArcelorMittal Orbit (what’s on top?). Have a green and active roof-scape. Edges • Blur line between the campus and surrounding area. Have a mix of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ edges with engaging uses at ground level. • Despite site boundaries reaching the waterfront, the buildings should not. • Some concern that the northern edge could be a harsh environment and scale - could an active ground level ‘piazza’ bring life to this space? Identity & place • Make a reason to be here; make it a ‘destination’ for the community – should become a part of people’s mental map. • UCL East needs a strong standalone identity and academic offer, yet retaining some links to the existing UCL campus and maintaining the world-class educational and research status. Have a modern, unique, and inviting offer. • Smart technologies and an engaging atmosphere could give identity in a more contemporary way. • Relate and connect to the Park and waterways character of the surrounding area - it is one of the site’s strongest assets. • Distribution of uses and the composition of the buildings should give a “campus feel” and foster interaction. • Consider what the ‘iconic’ graduation ceremony venue is? • Will the logo remain the same or will there be a new one? • Respond to local culture and heritage, ensuring references aren’t ‘cliché’ or ‘too polished’. Finally there were concerns about how the site would be kept secure during match days. 51 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Use, activities & facilities 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles University facilities • There were clear views that the Bloomsbury campus has insufficient study space and UCL East is an opportunity to address this - citing indoor, outdoor, informal and formal study space. • Is there opportunity to have some shared facilities with other nearby Universities? • Specific suggestions for university facilities included: • More library seating A community facing university and level of access Make some university facilities accessible for the community such as hireable rooms with community discount, evening lectures, weekend classes and access to the library. However there was also an understanding that the university will need to prioritise use considering the needs and expectations for paying students. It was also noted that the facilities that are accessed by the community should be visible and not ‘hidden’. • Open lecture theatres or study • Informal areas with the potential to study • Student services – medical, dental, etc. • Students Union • Cash machines • Prayer hall • Research facilities – plentiful, accessible, state-of-the-art, bookable • There were also suggestions from the community to ensure there is a range of levels and types of courses to increase accessibility. Access to sports facilities • There is a strong opportunity to partner with Park sports facilities (both individuals and societies/ clubs). There is currently a perceived lack of sports facilities at UCL Bloomsbury. • There were suggestions that UCL East would be an opportunity to study sport related courses, with access to world-class facilities. Retail Have an alternative offer to Westfield - locally run and/ or independent shops, cafes, restaurants, bakeries, bookshops, clubs, bars, cinema, etc. 52 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Other comments & questions 4.4 Priorities & masterplan principles Environmental sustainability • UCL East is seen as a real opportunity for an exemplar sustainability-led development. Both in line with the sustainable status of the Park and potential innovation of the University. • Reduce any environmental impact during construction and in the everyday running of the site. • Consider green walls, green roofs, enhancing biodiversity and sustainable infrastructure and transport. Local outreach and access to education • Research how surrounding universities engage with the community and exceed it. Consider engagement in both the medium and long term. Gentrification • Avoid creating a generic / exclusive atmosphere - hold events and activities that embrace local communities. • Provide a programme of activities and work with schools to increase access to education and engender comfort and multicultural attention. • Concerns are, in part, linked to the wider regeneration of the area and the impact of UCL on values of homes and goods making them unaffordable. • Use innovation, installation and events as a means of engagement. • Take all communities (including boating community) into consideration • Act as a centre for advice either by going to local schools or bringing people in; alternatively have an advice centre in place that local people can visit for advice on access to education. Temporary use South Park Lawn is currently a valued event space - ensure that the spaces not built on during the first phase of construction have interim uses. There is also an opportunity to create positive exchange on the site from early-on. Local employment and business • Will there be a strategy to ensure a degree of local employment? • Dedicate a small amount of space to an incubator space for micro-companies. Economic, modest start-up space is key to start-up businesses and could link to unique courses in entrepreneurship. Noise from the Stadium During events in the Stadium there will be noise pollution. How will the land use and management of the site respond to this? Timescale How long will the second phase take? What will happen if it doesn’t get funding or is delayed? Accommodation • Providing staff / student accommodation local to the campus is positive. Include a wider cost range of student accommodation (more shared as opposed to private). • Ensure accommodation is accessible. Active at different times Create a place that has activity and life during the daytime, evening and weekend. 53 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.5 Group sessions Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.5 Group sessions 4.5 Group sessions A number of group sessions have been held during first stage of consultation. These have been targeted towards groups who may not otherwise engage in the general consultation process, including youth groups and local schools, as well as the ‘student body’. To the right is a summary of the key findings from these sessions. Legacy Youth Voice Youth board Sabbatical officer meeting Sabbatical officer walkabout Teachers’ forum The first in a series of Legacy Youth Voice sessions started with presentations from LLDC and LDA, giving an overview of UCL East and what a masterplan is. The Legacy Youth Voice reviewed and helped inform the Canvass Card questions before the summer pop-up events. They then got into pairs and identified their top 5 priorities for UCL East. These were then discussed to reach a collective set of priorities for the group, summarised below: The second youth session discussed the project in more depth with the Youth Board, checking findings from the Legacy Youth Voice and developing the forwardplan for youth engagement. The session gave rise to a number of specific comments on the UCL East development, including: The first meeting with the UCL Sabbatical Officers introduced the project and consultation process to discuss how best to involve students moving forward. The UCL East masterplan was also discussed to understand initial feedback. Key discussion points are summarised below: In the second meeting with the Sabbatical Officers we visited the site to discuss the project and their aspirations and ideas in more depth. The first teachers’ forum meetings were an opportunity to discuss how local schools would like to be involved in the consultation process. This included both a primary school and a secondary school session. 1.Involvement in the community 2.Access to education 3.Opportunities for employment and training 4.Public space for all 5.Local shops and facilities The group also told us what they would like to see at UCL East, the key points are below: • Make sure everyone is considered, link to existing community • It should be world class architecture that represents UCL, however functional and attractive space is more important than ‘showy’ buildings. • An iconic location is important the Portico at UCL Bloomsbury is a good example and instils pride. • Have a two-way exchange with local schools. • Local employment • Debate about the role of the university and if this should be linked to local start-up businesses. • Access to UCL East facilities by the local community • Ensure local employment opportunities. • Integration with the Park • Ensure there are activities on the South Park Lawn during the construction phases so it’s not all ‘closed down’. • UCL should embed themselves into the local community 54 • As local residents the desire for community access was understood, but it is important to consider the needs and expectations of students who are paying fees. • There is real opportunity for sports clubs and societies at the Park, with potential to link to world-class sporting facilities. • Sports societies and clubs could also have a two-way relationship with the local community; where they go out to local schools / groups to provide support, as well as invite them in. • Open / visible space for the Students Union would be valuable. Possibly on the river to encourage wider involvement and interaction. • Public space is important consider where the sun hits and make it a welcoming place to hang out. The group completed worksheets during the walkabout and Canvass Cards, commenting on the opportunities and lessons to learn from the local area and UCL. Below is a summary of the main areas of discussion: Amenity provision • Places to meet and social life • Need more than just Westfield. Local and independent shops are preferable to chains. Identity & urban form • Concern over how UCL East will be perceived. It needs a strong identity to avoid being ‘the other’ UCL campus. • Will there be a UCL East logo, separate to their current university logo? • Buildings should enable organic development and change over time according to university needs and pattern of use Connectivity • Montfichet Road access was thought to hinder the beauty of the site. • The site should feel open & accessible to the community. • Make connections with the community and local projects. Ideas for involvement in the next stage of consultation were discussed and all schools attending expressed interest in taking part. There were also a number of comments and suggestions made regarding the UCL East masterplan: • Ecology and environment is an important consideration. Both within the proposals and in terms of involving local children. • Ensure there are longer-term involvement programmes from UCL, both on a community level and an academic level. • Will there be a library that is open to the public? It is currently difficult for (older) children to research some of the topic areas they need to in the local libraries. • Strong interest in potential links to science. 55 Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.5 Group sessions Chapter 4 | Findings UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 4.5 Group sessions Group sessions ACP 1 ACP 2 ACP 3 ACP 4 Academic Challenge Panel (ACP) Sub-Group sessions Access, community, security Operational, infrastructure Urban design The discussions focused around the relevant project brief topics such as how to promote access to facilities, integrate to existing Stratford community and safety & security for all. The session outlined the utilities and operational infrastructure which exists at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park highlighting the capacity, opportunity and constraints. Sustainability, smart technologies, biodiversity Alongside the community consultation process and wider engagement with Statutory Consultees, UCL are carrying out a number of internal consultations regarding UCL East. One of these groups is the UCL Academic Challenge Panel who give a critical analysis of the scheme development from an academic expert and UCL perspective. A number of ACP sub-groups were held in June 2015 to look at specific areas of knowledge and interest. Soundings attended these sessions to ensure a record of the key areas of discussion and understand where there are crossovers with the community consultation. The summaries to the right provide an overview of these sessions and the key areas of discussion. Some comparisons were made with examples such as the Royal Festival Hall and Somerset House where building spaces are used organically and without constrain. Other discussions included the need to provide community benefits at ground level; such as student facilities open to all (bar / library / museum etc). It was suggested that the library should be accessible to all sixth formers and anybody in the local area. The requirement for visible security was much debated. There was concern from the security perspective of not having a visual security presence, which in itself provides a ‘passive’ security function. It was also suggested to consider a permeable ground floor with a level of security at the transition to the first floor. Utilities • Sustainable and efficient heating and cooling is important. A range of methods were discussed including using the rivers or ground source heat pumps, although it was noted that the rivers have relatively low flows especially in the summer months. • There is no current gas supply, but it was agreed that this would be needed. • Ensure the site fixes (plumbing) can be adaptable to different water source options as a long term flexibility. • It was noted that the Telecom should be the fastest possible networks - future-proof as far as possible. Building function • There was much debate about the optimum building unit size to achieve a usable space and maximum future flexibility. Ensuring functional space is key, considering management and the impact of noise in particular. • Management and operations should be kept simple and avoid mechanical ventilation where possible. Part of being innovative is making technologies / design / servicing accessible, without the need for a building manager. Quality of environment • Have outward looking public spaces on the edges; balance between human enjoyment and biodiversity; and ensure northern edge isn’t too harsh. 56 The session focused on the adaptability and resource management of the site. The concept of “Living Lab” was raised and references from Australia and the Netherlands cited. LDA Design presented their Sustainability Framework including health, well-being, economy and community. A range of topics were discussed and suggestions and feedback were given: • Flexibility and maintainability: involve users in the process (in the past UCL installed water meters which were monitored by students); infrastructure that meets future research and teaching needs which are currently unknown (data, power systems etc); self-cleaning. • Transport and mobility: boat access. • Energy and water: energy performance, non-potable water treatment, tanks on the roofs, tidal energy, energy generating pavement, natural ventilation, buildings orientation and depths (18 m). • Materials and waste: recycling and/or innovative use of materials (mycelium based insulation, wood waster composites). The session gathered UCL expertise on built environment and relevant fields in connection to the UCL East development. The session commenced with a summary of a team visit to precedent universities and four emerging themes: governance, public space, regeneration & community and curation (of the public space). Key objectives explored in terms of spatial thinking were a vision for the university that combines the formal and informal, city meeting Park and a campus on the river. The group noted the site as a challenging site and need to consider the experience of space, getting to and from Stratford. The group agreed that there is a need for an identifiable gathering ‘heart space’ which could be a singular or multiple. A question was raised about the site and its relationship to east London and industrial heritage - how should this be reflected in the proposed masterplan? It was also suggested that there is an opportunity to consider meanwhile use / temporary structures intermediate spaces for experiment over 5-7 years. The design needs to consider responsiveness of the spaces for the next 20-30 years. • Land-use and biodiversity: using roofs, creating habitats. Key enabling features for a successful living lab include: 1. Diversity of spaces with room for adaptation and experimentation 2. Flexible and far-reaching infrastructure with space/capacity 3. Relationship with users and assets beyond UCL East site boundary, and the importance of connecting with Stratford Waterfront project. 57 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 5 TRACKING CHANGES 5.1 Introduction Over the course of the consultation the project team will listen to and wherever possible respond to the views of local and UCL communities, alongside those of key stakeholders and Statutory Consultees (such as Transport for London). The first stage of consultation has provided a good understanding of key issues and aspirations, alongside an overview of responses to masterplan principles. As the design develops, future reports will track the masterplan development alongside the feedback received to show how the proposals are responding to consultation. UPDATE IMAGE 59 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK CHAPTER 6 NEXT STEPS 6.1 Overview This report provides a summary of findings and community involvement from the first stage of consultation. The findings are now being discussed directly with UCL, LLDC and the masterplanners LDA to help inform the proposals. Full details of the next stage of consultation are still to be finalised. As soon as they are known we will update the websites and all project contacts. If you would like to be directly informed as the project progresses, please just let us know - contact details are on page 65. 61 Chapter 6 | Next steps UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 6.2 Consultation timeline Soundings are working to help ensure that the consultation process is inclusive and open to all. Over the next stages we will be working on a programme of outreach to continue to raise awareness of the project and ensure we can keep all interested parties informed and involved. At each stage of consultation, we are identifying any sectors of the community who may not have engaged fully and will carry out dedicated outreach to ensure these groups have opportunity to be involved. 6.2 Consultation timeline 1. Aspirations & MASTERPLAN principles Understanding key issues & discussing masterplan principles to inform the draft masterplan UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Chapter 6 | Next steps 6.3 Contact us 6.3 Contact us To ask any questions or to let us know you would like to receive future updates, please contact the UCL East team at Soundings on: 020 7729 1705 UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com 2. DRAFT MASTERPLAN Raising awareness and gathering feedback on the emerging plans to inform the masterplan 3. MASTERPLAN Presenting the final masterplan and discussing ongoing opportunities Soundings 148 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AT You can also keep up to date on the web by visiting either: UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ ucl-east DETAILED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT & CONSULTATION OLYMPICOPOLIS PLANNING APPLICATIONS & STATUTORY CONSULTATION Pop-up, 21/08/2015, Bow, 3 Mills Studios 62 63 UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK APPENDICES A. Publicity & communications B. Masterplan Event materials C. Pop-up events materials, including flip-book 65 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT A. Publicity and communication Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT A. Publicity and communication A. Publicity and communication A1. UCL East Masterplan Event - stakeholder invite / introductory letter A2. Websites Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east UCL EAST UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Date 30 June 2015 Re UCL East Masterplan Event 22 July 2015 Address c/o Soundings 148 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AT UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east UCL East Masterplan Event – 22 July 2015 6.30pm – 8.15 pm - Welcome Zone of the London Aquatics Centre We would like to invite you or a representative of your organisation to find out more about the masterplan being jointly developed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL (University College London). The event on 22 July will help to explain the opportunities, issues and priorities for the masterplan. PUDDING MILL LANE STATION ET GH D HI STRE TFOR STRA RIVER LEA GREENWAY STADIUM ARCELORMITTAL ORBIT There is also the opportunity to join a site walkabout from 5.00pm for those available. D CARP ENTE RS LO A RO LONDON AQUATICS CENTRE ROAD CITY MILL WATERW ORKS RIVER RIVER N ON TF IC HE T RO AD CARPENTERS ROAD STRATFORD N STATION M UCL East is part of the Olympicopolis project which will see a new worldclass higher education and cultural district at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In addition to the UCL East site to the south of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, the project also includes Stratford Waterfront, in front of the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new campus for the University of the Arts London, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. P O An agenda for the masterplan event and walkabout meeting point will be circulated nearer the time. Please RSVP to Soundings on UCLEast@ soundingsoffice.com, or by contacting Soundings on 020 7729 1705 and ask to speak to myself, Amanda, or Christina. Please can you include in your rsvp whether you can join the site walkabout and any access or dietary requirements you may have. Aerial view looking west over the UCL East site Site boundary Soundings (community engagement team) will be facilitating the consultation process and will keep you updated on the project and how to get involved. If you do not want to be contacted about the project, please let us know. For further information about the project, you can visit the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website or the UCL website (details at the foot of this letter), where you can also download the project introductory flip-book. On the reverse of this letter is an image showing the UCL East site location. With best regards, Amanda Walker Senior Associate Soundings Page 01/02 T. +44 020 7729 1705 E. UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com UCL website. ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website. QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east 66 Page 02/02 T. +44 020 7729 1705 E. UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com UCL website. ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website. QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east 67 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT A. Publicity and communication A3. Summer pop-up event flyer UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Appendices A. Publicity and communication A4. Summer pop-up event flyer - distribution boundary UCL East site GET INVOLVED UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK UCL East aims to create a model for a university campus of the future, breaking down the conventional barriers between education, research, innovation, public engagement and collaboration. The masterplan and building design for UCL East will be jointly developed by UCL and the London Legacy Development Corporation in 2015 and 2016. Distribution boundary The pop ups will introduce UCL East, discuss the masterplan principles and help the UCL East design team understand local aspirations – please join us, event details are below. Join us over the summer to find out more about the masterplan being jointly developed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL (University College London) for UCL East. UCL East is part of the Olympicopolis project which will see a new world-class higher education and cultural district at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In addition to the UCL East site, the project also includes Stratford Waterfront in front of the London Aquatics Centre, which will be home to a new campus for the University of the Arts London, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. EVENT DETAILS LEYTON BOW Saturday 15 August 11am – 3pm Friday 21 August 12pm – 4pm At Drapers Fields Near the High Road Leyton entrance By the Clock Mill At 3 Mills Studios Three Mill Lane E3 3DU QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AT SPARK FESTIVAL HACKNEY WICK Saturday 22 August 11am – 5pm Aerial view of the UCL East site We’ll be popping-up in and around Hackney Wick and Fish Island – please contact us for full details or visit the website (see below). Sunday 30 August & Monday 31 August 11am – 6pm Part of the Spark Festival on the South Park Lawn at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (just south of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, E20 2AD) CONTACT US | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 77291 705 For more information on the project please visit either: UCL east site Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east d you We won’t overloa , but if with information eive rec to you would like ut future information abo w. kno us let events, please UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east 68 69 B. Masterplan Event materials LS LA S A E RL O T R AD OA LL R IL TEM LS P BR LE ID GE M OW NF AD IE L RC RO M D RO MP LE M IL S S A AY E W ST EA O ST TA ET RE H ENNIK IK N LA PA G A E O W OR OS E ING TO OA N R D MIL ID ST R TO N LST IL ND M ON N L LA Underpass LO E C SE T RO AD C A N L A W AT ER FR CA O N T RP EN TE RS RO Underpass M O N BR T UE RO AD G I BBI N S G I BBI N S R O A D R TE GE ID IC O SE BR AD T R O HE JU P P R O AD E AC RR E T E AT HG RS MA LEA RIV ER CL SE W RO E ST W AD RO PP A KE H LL CL OS E T HO BY AD IG DE KE RO ST AD BE RT AN O D R AD PA T H RO A SL ET L SE A CK RE NNE IS AD RI CHA W U Y EN H WA RO RO L SE E SC AD S RR T I SO R N E RO E AD T JU AD RO FF S TA ER GG BI ET RE S G IN NE GE RO N R N C AN ID N WA AD BR CH RO D AW ST Description and notes: AD S ID Number: RO TO RO E N WAY AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Description and notes: D AR E G RE SW A Y Suggested route GR Let EEus know if there is anywhere else W thatNyou would like to show us. E UCL EAST S CH PA M cE AD LA D RO TE PUDDING MILL LANE A E GA RD IS ET A RO NE W E LA D L R C US A M L LU CU D Mc ROA AD T I BE HO O E RO DYE D W R RIVER RE RK KS ST TE OR MN N LA WA RW SH R TU PA TE A AU GE WA M AD AD R O N R O SE R VE AC AD AD RR M CL ID ET N OR S RI RTO AD RO RU BR STRATFORD HIGH STREET RF R L VE O D R N GH N MA N LA A IS O MA MA LANE LE RR RO E N T LL AR RO AT E VE R E U T R O GA NE G IO SE LE O PA R CL N IA DR E H A LO S C FO A RO SH G Steps RI IC E Q A S R MA E TA LO S C L E AN N ST K RO RE DI Number: P IT BU E IL S S C R O WE N D O WIC SE N ST W ID D AD CAM RO T M AD CLO TO ET W N NE TY LA CI CK O L R NU E LE NT WN AR NT Comments continued... YA BR L E T T RO A E AD E A S T NEL AV E IOT AR E C H LO S C SA MA R C RO W RE WIL ME R L EA C L O SE P RO PA R RN NU E TH O D R O A BE I Underpass K R E Underpass WL U N T ST NEW MO Steps ALE ST H U TC H INS C L A ON Underpass C ST R E E T NT T ET NG T AD AC OR EE ST R RE THI AN ST FA R CH RO D TH D AC E RO AD L S T O S RIA N PO Underpass TO V IC ST R E BR E A M EED N STADIUM IO N Underpass VE AD RD RO A D R O SH E R C L AD RI RO Steps KS SM LA RO OR RD K R ARCELORMITTAL ORBIT Underpass KENNA W HY US IC U Steps ER AC M W O AT RE BE ST W RO STAT AD RI V E R L E E NAV I G AT I O N RD T E R O U BE C K R AY AV E N Steps RO WA N S IE Underpass R TOU R B U CO E O N AD W AY W Lift Steps AD AD AM FINISH H O S S C R AC RO O TR STRATFORD LK Underpass AC RR ET N ST R E ARE Steps E M AD SQ U E AD Underpass RO TE YK RE A N W N E A ST AD RD RO FO Steps R E W RD N U 12 O IO T H E ST R E E T EN 20 GA E F RT N U AV TF AD LD ET Steps OT RO R AT H P SC O H E RO R E SC VE C RD AT THE C ST EY D AV D ROA HE EG IE S RO AD E A D RO FI LAN P O ST IT E TF M E SQ RI UA D I A RE N C ARPENTER WH A D R O FO START ES G R E A T ST L A N E WH IT E PO OX WESTFIELD STRATFORD CITY W Steps ON AD E M RO S T E A DO L EET E G RO D O R A N WA LK MERRIAM AV E N U E CL DD M E R R I A M AV E ON WA ING LK IS C A N D Y ST R E E T L AR C N IE DD T I N T E R N AT I O N A L SQUARE CA KS G AT E R E AV AN WA AD LL R Y BU T H R O R U ST O P U LT E N E Y C LO S E RO E L DE C O L D AR UT WA W D F O R D AV WA WI MO NTF IC H ET RO A D RO A D R O S MA R D S NOTES & DRAWING SPACE EE ST R H ITC H C O C K L A NE D S RO A Steps D JO N GREEN OLLERTO CED TO N LK WA L L I C L ARNIC O L A N L N C L RE 19.15 | Discussion & feedback Group discussions in response to the masterplan principles presented, looking at: • Access & community • Identity & form • Priorities & considerations ITE A OS GA ST. LESSONS TO LEARN LEY W ET Description and notes: 18.00 | Arrival & registration EET WH S CR DO E ST E EN ST R E AD L ST E A N CA YLAN LD OV R AV TE EET MA R LK ST O R GR SE E L I S WAY O U TR A S D R MA AM CL I N T E R N AT I O N A L WAY R O U N D H O U SE L A N E AD RO S WA R A ST ALM ET RS DOLACE P ALM P E N N Y BR O O K ST R E E T UE D E RO A RO SS IV E ON AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK LK AV E N BR I D G RD RO SI M RK TRO W WA C DR ST NH T A D E C O U BE R T I N ST R E E T C E L E BR AT I O N WAY ET W STRATFORD INTERNATIONAL ED ST L’ S O UTH K TH AL D AY E A S YLAN FA L M RD IZ RO EM MA R RD N PR N W TO SE A TH TE EA N IT Y A SH N CL G R I BBO N S WAY ER RO A O AD CE U PA U Steps FE RO ST . UCL EAST C O P P E R ST R E E T AGENDA MO RT H AY O SE UCL East site CH NE LS EA Stratford Waterfront site N AN PAT H T E E R S T Please feel free to use the reverse side of this map for notes. *Photos will be taken at this event. If you do not wish to have your photo taken please let a member of the Soundings team know. H IG H 20.00 | Review & sharing views LK H E N NIK CO MMU RI RD EE N LO PA SQ IN SS E R SI | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 7729 1705 C NK PR O Organisation: WAT Or contact us on: PI A BA N AD CR H AW Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east YM LE A RO ST AMO UCL ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east OL IRE EA Telephone: Number: 18.30 | Welcome & introduction • About the project - LLDC and UCL • The masterplan, vision and principles LDA Design A RL R LEA SH Email: SY C CONTACT For information on the project please visit either: Y RK BR I N K W O R T H WAY W B E A N A C R E C L O SE ST 20.15 | Thank you & close WA BE L AV I N G T O N C L Address/Postcode: EA 20.00 | Review & sharing views X E AD TR 19.15 | Discussion & feedback Group discussions in response to the masterplan principles presented, looking at: • Access & community • Identity & form • Priorities & considerations SE N RO Name: OPPORTUNITIES AGENDA 18.30 | Welcome & introduction • About the project - LLDC and UCL • The masterplan, vision and principles LDA Design LE alk W ey all U T eV Y C CK E Please put a number on the map and write your comments below. 18.00 | Arrival & registration RIVE DD A LK S I S Q UA Le RN Y ES MI LS IL M RE O H D A IN T R N A AD A RF SQ U SC RO g H SB W O NE R CL SO W D O IN D UR RT N W EA BO FO DE M AL Rin SH Help inform the thinking at UCL East by identifying opportunities and lessons to learn. M A P C H As part of the Olympicopolis project, UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish an innovative new university campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. ER Y al WA ST EA RO AD ER RO AD ER CH SE IE T NN CL NR HE E HE WA E HUGHAN S RO AD R IS Y W AT UTE pit O SR Ca OS D D RO A BR Y D G E C RO AD AD N N X WA SU SE IO AD Underpass E CR NF IEL R O A D H A M C H O B ES AT RO UT ST ENU P I N E AV S RO AD RO IG Y EA D E RO A R AV NC O SR G RAV AD A JO N R VA NOTES & DRAWING SPACE OS RO M AD Chobham Academy T VE O CH AND RO E N SE As part of the Olympicopolis project, UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish an innovative new university campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. CR AD CO LE RA EG NE ON LE CO AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK 22 July 2015 l London Aquatics Centre ST C RO W RO AD TE LA LS Underpass OT FO E OW S C R C LO SITE WALKABOUT EA D ROAD OAKLAN T RD NEWTO N A BE D RO A BIE L CO Steps Welcome to the UCL East Masterplan Event THYS 22 July 2015 l London Aquatics Centre CR D Underpass UCL EAST A ME AD SS R O T H WA RO RO AD D Velodrome O RS 2 A 1 S R OA Underpass R PE BU R G E A DR E T U AR BR Y D G E S O EW E D IT H RD R ST RO AD IL L K R TRAC NE A SH L IN M CINDE LA YT R S RD R O AD AD LE VE E E G ATE CK S LO C LO NE D U NMO W E E E B2. Walkabout sheet OR RO AD PL IL NOR AR PL SE P O LO C TH D L RO A GHAM G AT RO LL SE N SE L E L L IN D ON R SH M M Underpass LE B1. Agenda / event place mat AR TE ER GE ID RI AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK M Underpass RT LAN TEMPL E MIL L S B. Masterplan Event materials BR NG AD Welcome to the UCL East Masterplan Event A R O A D R T O N H O M E E D N OW N T O L E Y G O RD UCL EAST LE AD NE RO BO U R AD RO IS O E R DOW R O A D CRAN Underpass Q UA R LA EY IN T E TC H Steps VE LA LI LES D H ALL RO A W A NE RO AD G H AM R Y CL IL SN O WB E R M RO AD E NE M IL A LA RO AD IE L D H I G H LL WE ST D O WN MI NU TF IE A1 2 C U R AD PL Y LE M V IC TO RI TE RI AD RO IT H AD H FR K SH ROERR AD IN RO O L B. Masterplan Event materials Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT BR Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 20.15 | Thank you & close CONTACT For information on the project please visit either: UCL ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east B3. Key view boards UCL EAST UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Key Views & Approaches Key Views & Approaches City Mill River: A New Waterside Destination Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east Panorama looking along Waterworks River spine to Warton Road Olympic Stadium Aquatics Centre International Quarter South Olympic Stadium Aquatics Centre Waterworks river International Quarter South Iron (Blue) Bridge Residential development along Warton Road Or contact us on: | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 7729 1705 UCL EAST UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Key Views & Approaches Key Views & Approaches Pool Street vehicular arrival gateway View from Montfichet Road and first impression of UCL East Aquatics Centre 70 International Quarter South Plug tunnel enclosure Sub station Aquatics Centre Carpenters Road 71 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT B. Masterplan Event materials B4. Group worksheets 1 | Access & Community Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT B. Masterplan Event materials B5. Group feedback sheet UCL EAST Table __ Priorities AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK The masterplan principles set out an approach to access: we would like to know your thoughts on the following. UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK 1. Access & Community Please discuss the areas of most interest to the table, and note which you are referring to in the comments column. Comments A. Overcoming barriers to access How can the masterplan encourage access and ensure that the development is welcoming and attractive to the local community? B. Public space What could the nature of public space in the university campus be like, what uses do you imagine there and how could this interface with the local community? 2. Identity & Form UCL EAST 2 | Identity & Form AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK The masterplan principles set out an approach to identity and form: we would like to know your thoughts on the following. Please discuss the areas of most interest to the table and note which you are referring to in the comments column. Comments A. Areas of use The masterplan principles set out areas for different aspects of use, are these broadly in the right places? 3. Top 3 Priorities & Considerations B. Identity 1. Should the campus feel a part of the city or more connected to the Park and riverside, or should it feel like an estate? Is it outward or inward looking? Should there be a strong architectural identity? 2. C. Edges The masterplan principles indicate differing edge conditions. Do you agree with these? • Working, urban edge to the south • Arrival moment and river setting to the east • Perforated green edge to the west (sunset moment) more back than front • Formal park edge to the north, long distance views 3. UCL EAST 3 | Priorities & Considerations AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK D. Urban form What are the table’s thoughts on the emerging urban form? A | What are the group’s top 5 priorities for the UCL East masterplan to consider? B5. Thank you and community pop-up events introduction board Encouraging access to education Involvement in the community - links and projects Public open space for all World class architecture (iconic identity) Opportunities for start ups and businesses Opportunities for employment and training New shops and facilities – e.g. bookshops, cafes Local services and suppliers used by the university Local access to university spaces, activities and events Security and safe routes Innovation and research – making a difference Temporary uses during construction (e.g. pop-up activities / art etc) Environmental sustainability Others (please state) * B | Tell us more about your top 3 priorities 1. 2. 3. C | What questions or issues would you like to raise with the design team and / or partners? Thank you for attending the UCL East Masterplan Event. Over the summer we will be popping-up in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the surrounding neighbourhoods to introduce the project, discuss the masterplan principles and understand local aspirations. We're giving every participant a small 'green gift' to say thank you and our contact details to keep in touch. Please feel free to take one home with you. We hope to see you soon. 72 73 C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book LS LA IE L D RO AD A W S A E IL TEM LS P BR LE ID GE K R TRAC NE DR S R OA D GE ID NOR T H WA OA LL R A BE RC RO MB IE TE MP LE M IL S S A W E AY RIS ST EA O ST TA ET RE H ENNIK RD RIN G LA PA E O D S OS E WA D AV DD ST R ID EET ING TO OA N R AR TO N ITE LEY WH EET D WA DD ING TO N ST R EET LK LK C AD WA RO PI WA P E N N Y BR O O K ST R E E T EET CL E ST E R A ST YLAN ON OV AY MA R LK LD S WA MA ON ST O R GR W IV E ST AM S YM EN PA RK UE WIN MO NTF IC H ET RO A D AV E N MERRIAM AV E N U E DR O UTH NH OL R AV Y M E R R I A M AV E FA L M RD OR SE E L I S WAY O D E C O U BE R T I N ST R E E T C E L E BR AT I O N WAY CL TR A S ER RO A D RD N TH L’ S ALM MIL LST ON DM IL L LO E C LAN E SE G RO Steps D E RO A R E SC VE C H ITC H C O C K L A NE R O U N D H O U SE L A N E WA ET WA L L I RD ST R E I N T E R N AT I O N A L SQUARE D S RO A RO EAD Underpass AD Steps OX FO RD AD IO C N A N RD WAT FR CA O N E E A ST E M O N T BR AY W AV E N UE RO AD G I BBI N S G I BBI N S R O A D CL WSE RO R TE E ST WE AD RO PP T KE JU H O SE BY ST AD HO KE IG CL RO H D ELL T RO RE NNE IS RO OR L SE A E RIVER RO BE RT SW A A SL AN O D R AD PA T H KS AD CK ET CHA AD W RI U WAY AD ON N EN RO RT WA AD E SC AD S RR T ISO R N E RO E AD AD RO FF S TA ET ER RE GG BI S G IN RO CR RO A GE SID S PA L SE RO E N WAY NE E G RE AN IS LA CH ID WAT RW TE D BR GE TE GA ET A M cE NE D AWN ST RO AD LA W ID WA RE RK D SH R ST PA A BR A MN O LANE M ISO TU WA ER R AD AU R VE RO RD RO S RI ND AD D CH D R L LA A O N R LE RR NE G IO SE TO ET N OR E IL AT E VE R GA O LE PA R CL ER S RIA RE DI P IT RF T M E AN E U T R O NU E IC E MAV AD TO ST WID BU N NE TY LA CI CK SH G Steps RI RO AD CAM RO E AD L N NT DG B RI L E T T RO A WA P RO N ST K R TO YA STRATFORD HIGH STREET R E S S C R O WIC SE WA Underpass V IC BR D O R A N WA LK AD T R O HE IC TF ON Steps TH JU P P R O AD E AC E T E RR EET ST R FA R ET ON Underpass RD RO A D WIL ME R L EA C L O SE A AC NT H U TC H INS C L C D ST R E E T OR Underpass RE ET ST RE K T ST WL AN L LE CH O A ING U N T ST NEW MO AD E A S T WE N D O CLO Y ST R RO BR E A M E TH IO N VE PO Underpass I WN WA S N T R TOU R B U CO Steps RI EED N STADIUM D AC E RO AD STAT Underpass KS SM AD R O SH E R C L OR ARCELORMITTAL ORBIT Underpass KENNA W AD ER RO AT RD RO W HY S R AD AM LK AC U O TR STRATFORD LONDON AQUATICS CENTRE Steps MA R C RO N R ARE A R AD STO N IA DR E H A LO S C Y N RO E GH AC MA AD AD RR AR RO E N T LL RO FO M L LU CU D Mc ROA AD RO U U E SQ W IE RO MU LA AV E IOT AR E C H LO S C N T H E ST R E E T EN 12 RE K RN NU E TH O E R E AV H AW AMO MA AV 20 RI V E R L E E NAV I G AT I O N AD N LD AD Steps RO WIC SY C RO RO AT R Lift AD Q A S R MA E TA LO S C RS Underpass AD LE TE Underpass Steps H RO RD T E R O U BE C K O L R L DE C ET N ST R E NT EN Underpass Underpass BE W NEL E R SI PA R WAT SA RP T AD FO Steps RO R AT ER L A AC E WA N S O S S C R AC BE N IE N RO RR AN KE MO D R O A D F O R P U LT E N E Y C LO S E U ET RO TE R U ST O RU M CL O SE DYE AD T I BE L R C HO US A E L MO NE O SE RT H JU BI LE E GR AN PUDDING MILL LANE CH EE NE LS NW AY EA PAT E T H Plans for UCL East will be developed in 2015 and 2016, alongside engagement with both the UCL and local communities to help inform a joined-up approach. O L D RD Steps WY C A N D Y ST R E E T R CL O H T N A CED TF THE C OT GA E ER A D RO FI P SC S T E A DO KS G AT S RO AD E ST CA MA R LAN P O ST IT E Steps H M HE AD M E SQ RI UA D I A RE N C ARPENTER WH A D R O EY D AV D ROA RO O F IE G R E A T ST L A N E WH IT E PO EG ST O SE AD R Y BU T H R O G AT RO R SH IS MA LL LEA WA L N C WE Steps ER E GA E RIV UT DO C L ARNIC O L A N Planning application: Outline E UCL EAST SITE S T R N H IG H Planning application: Outline and detail ALM E MS COPPER BOX ARENA BR I D G ED TE RO Design Team: Led by LDA Design TH RO AD A D RO CE U The Legacy Corporation’s purpose is to use the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the London 2012 Games to develop a dynamic new part of east London, creating opportunities for local people and driving innovation and growth in London and the UK. Anticipated timescales: • Design team appointed May 2015 • Planning application submitted in late 2016 • First building(s) expected to open in 2021 Design Team: Led by Allies and Morrison N I N T E R N AT I O N A L WAY IN RO A D R O Anticipated timescales: • Team appointed May 2015 • Planning application submitted in late 2016 • First building(s) expected to open in 2019 PA U SI M LK WA A PR SS AD RO LL RE D JO N GREEN OLLERTO Including a new campus for the University of the Arts London’s London College of Fashion, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum and Sadler’s Wells. Discussions are also underway withtheSmithsonianInstitutionaboutopeningitsfirst permanent museum outside the United States. LK T WA Q K S AD RO ST. STRATFORD WATERFRONT S T. ET RS DOLACE P RO C TR The focus of this consultation process, it is the largest single expansion of UCL (University College London) since its foundation in 1826. It is envisaged as a radical new model of how a university campus can be embedded in the local community and with businesses, as well as providing world-leading research, education, entrepreneurship and innovation. WA ET X IRE ST CA UCL EAST E RL SE SH A YLAN TE EA STRATFORD WATERFRONT PRIZ D A LE N RK U R I BBO N S WAY C O P P E R ST R E E T TRO W F E L ST RO TO SE A SC R LEA DD lk y Wa lle T U e Va Y C E CK BE SS S This forms part of the legacy transformation of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park into a new, diverse and vibrant part of east London. C RO OS OPPORTUNITIES BR I N K W O R T H WAY ST CR Masterplans for both sites will be developed in 2015 followed by more detailed design. Planning applications for Olympicopolis are anticipated for late 2016. OPPORTUNITIES LE N BA MA R Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 MI A Le H AD BE A N A C R E C L O SE EA U RO RIVE A RF LK S I S Q UA RO RT N IT Y A SH N CL N AD WH E CO MMU EE A A RO R CL SO W D O RN A N IDEAS LS IL M RE SBO Y L AV I N G T O N C L ST What are the... UCL EAST SITE Help us collect a range of views and ideas for UCL East CHALLENGES SQ EA Help us collect a range of views and ideas for UCL East IDEAS O NE M A P C H KEY CHALLENGES UR UCL is in partnership with the Legacy Corporation to establish a new campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. UCL EAST UCL East and Stratford Waterfront will form Olympicopolis - a world class education and cultural district clustered around the Stadium, ArcelorMittal Orbit and London Aquatics Centre. BIG IDEAS MAP What are the... BO UCL EAST PART OF OLYMPICOPOLIS AUGUST 2015 AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK AL D A IN T R INTRODUCTORY FLIP-BOOK UCL EAST g WIN SH AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK FO N WAY ST Rin EA AD UCL EAST BIG IDEAS MAP G UTE DE O SR al OS LK H E N NIK ER RO AD ER IE T IK CH SE NR NN CL HE HE E N LO E CR ER UT ST ME EA WAT OS pit CR Ca ST WA WA HUGHAN S RO AD N X WAY SU SE AD N RO IO Y EA ES D D RO A E R O A D H A M C H O B ES NC AT O SR UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park N D ROAD OAKLAN NF IEL BR Y D G E IG R VA C1. Big Ideas Map Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park ENU P I N E AV AD AV N SE Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 E RO AD RO N CO Underpass Steps UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park G RAV AD RO AD O O E R R AD E E R CO LE AV JO RO LE LE C D GR MA ON R Chobham Academy T IE L LE RO AD RO AD Velodrome Underpass RD R O AD AD OS CH AND Underpass NE NEWTO N E Underpass OR C RO W BR Y D G E S T U OT FO E OW S C R C LO TH T RD E D IT H RD O NF RO NE YT R OW CO LA LS AD O S R ER THYS LE VE S D RO A E RI E G ATE CK S LO C LO RL CR D Underpass AR PL SE P O LO C AP 2 A 1 A ME AD SS R O M CINDE LA AD RO AD IL L E O T R BU R G E M IL AR D L RO A A SH L IN E M EW N SE L AD RO AD BR ER ST RO LL D U NMO W E PL SE RO AD AT M NG AD DOW WN GHAM HG TE LAN TEMPL E MIL L S C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book RS Underpass AD RO IS RO IE DO E L L IN R O A D R T O N H O M E MA RT A L E SL N T O L E Y LE AD NE RO D H ALL RO A BO U R R O A D C RAN D ON R R LA M IL O AD AM R ING H T E TC H G O RD Q UA LA EY NU TF NE R Y CL IL SN O WB E R M IE A1 2 E RO AD PL WE ST D O WN M NE A LA H I G H L Underpass VE RO H C U R MIL Y AD V IC TO RI TE LE Steps RI AD RO IT H FR K SH ROERR AD IN AD O L C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT BR Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT 1 3 2 MP201-UCLE-CC-MSC-0001_P5 PUDDING MILL LANE STATION ET IGH DH OR ATF STR E STR RIVE R LE A Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park WHO’S INVOLVED STADIUM UCL P O LO TER SR OA D NICHOLAS HARE ARCHITECTS MASTERPLANNERS AND DESIGN TEAM LEAD D EN A RO ARCHITECT AND UNIVERSITY SPACE-PLANNERS LONDON AQUATICS CENTRE CITY MI LL RIV WATE RWOR KS RIVER ER It considers a wide range of issues such as use, design, landscaping, built form, infrastructure, service provisionandlocalbenefit. Timber Lodge in the north part of the Park. SOUNDINGS COMMUNITY CONSULTATION FACILITATORS The level of detail can vary depending on whether it is submitted for detailed or outline planning application. There are a number of other consultants involved in the project including: BuroHappold (engineering, sustainability, inclusive design), Momentum Transport Planning, EC Harris (cost consultancy), Studio Weave (activity, involvement, space planning). It is anticipated that the UCL East masterplan will be a combination of both outline and detail. Park Champion volunteers in the Park. 01 | Outline planning application 02 | Detailed planning application This provides the framework for the overall site. It determinesthetypeandamountofdifferentuses,the location of buildings and their height and mass. It also covers access points, routes through the site and the design principles for the new buildings, streets and public spaces. This includes all the information in the outline planning application, plus detailed levels of information on the areas such as the appearance of the buildings and the materials from which they will be constructed. All outline design will be subject to detailed design development and further detailed planning applications. For UCL East Phase 1 a detailed designer will be appointedtospecificallylookattheseaspectsoncethe outline masterplan is developed. 4 5 Image of the historic Quad at the UCL Bloomsbury campus UCL’s current Bloomsbury campus in central London has limited room for growth and UCL East presents a unique opportunity to build an open and accessible new campus pioneering a radical new approach to cross-disciplinary working, partnership, collaboration and public engagement. 6 IC HE T RO AD CARPENTERS ROAD Student Hub at the UCL Bloomsbury campus Founded in 1826, UCL was thefirsttoopenupuniversity education to those previously excluded from it. Now ranked among the world’s top universities, UCL currently has over 35,000 students from 150 countries and more than 11,000staff. A masterplan usually consists of a series of two dimensional plans and three dimensional images and text describing how an area will be developed. LANDOWNER AND DEVELOPER LDA DESIGN RP Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park ABOUT UCL WHAT IS A MASTERPLAN LONDON LEGACY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (LLDC) LONG LEASEHOLDER, DEVELOPER AND FUTURE OCCUPIER ARCELORMITTAL ORBIT CA Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park GREENWAY Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park ON TF UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park M STRATFORD N STATION C2. Introductory flip-book N UCL IN THE COMMUNITY UCL’S ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES WIDENING PARTICIPATION UCL is working with a range of community organisations across east London, looking at broadening community access, building links and sharing resources and expertise. As the project progresses, UCL East’s dedicated public engagement team will explore future opportunities for local community, business and cultural links. STUDENT VOLUNTEERING UCLU’s (University College London Union) Volunteering Services Unit is one of the largest university volunteering departments in the UK. It supports over 1,700 students a year to volunteer with local charities. Object handling at The Mayor’s Newham show. UCL EAST - KEY PRINCIPLES UCL EAST - THE VISION UCL East will: As a campus of the future, UCL East aims to provide new approaches to practical learning, opportunities for participation and public engagement, facilities for open innovation and spaces that are both modern and sustainable. • Be an inspirational place for all to enjoy, exchange and learn. • Break down barriers and challenge traditional university formats. • Be safe yet accessible permeable, easy to navigate and feel open. • Bring together expertise across a range of disciplines in an environment that embraces positive exchange with local community and business. UCL has a commitment to widening participation in higher education. Every year they work with 20,000 young people to help raise aspirations and demystify university life. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT UCL does research that addresses real world problems, and through its Public Engagement Unit is committed to opening up its research to people outside the university, creating a culture of two-way engagement between researchers and the public. • Provide diverse educational spacesthatareflexibleinthe short term and adaptable in the long term. • Encouragedifferentusesand activity throughout the day, night and year. • Make the most of the Park and neighbouring waterways. • Go over and above sustainability requirements. • Embrace use of smart technologies and innovation. The campus is expected to feature a collection of innovative ‘knowledge centres’, bringing together cross-disciplinary expertise from the arts and humanities, engineering, design, culture and the social sciences. Current ideas range from experimental engineering to sustainable heritage. MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS UCL has three museums open to the public, which share their extensive and important collections through a wide-ranging programme of exhibitions and workshops. Creating Connections East: regular events that bring together UCL with local groups to encourage collaborative working. • House new activity not currently offeredatUCL’sBloomsbury campus. • Serve as a model for a university campus of the future. • Provide an outstanding environment for learning and scholarshipforstudents,staff, collaborators and the public. • Play a central role in the sustainable development of Olympicopolis and east London. UCL East Phase 1 is expected to have around 2,500 students, 200 academicstaff,200researchers and100otherstaffonsite alongside other users and visitors. View looking south across the Park. The UCL East site sits just beyond the ArcelorMittal Orbit. View looking south east over the site 9 8 7 Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UCL East will: Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDER MAP Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation, Places for People & Balfour Beatty 3 11 13 1 2 17 14 4 16 15 6 HACKNEY WICK NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Summary: Creation of a new neighbourhood centre focused around Hackney Wick Station. The new station which includes an underpass through the existing embankment will create a new north – south pedestrian link. The neighbourhood centre development will consist of workspace clusters with a diverse range of spaces, retail, local amenities, and the introduction of between 500-650 new homes. Status: Planning permission granted for the new station. Outline application for the Hackney Wick Neighbourhood Centre to be submitted end of summer 2015. 5 7 Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation 4 8 8 18 Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation with site partners UCL East site boundary LLDC Boundary Borough Boundary 5 Health Centre Education / Training Workspace Cultural / Exhibition Business Community Facilities N Retail / Leisure Sport Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation and UCL Developer: London & Continental Railways and East Thames Group PUDDING MILL / RICK ROBERTS WAY Summary: Approx 1,700 homes as part of mixed development. At Pudding Mill, the vision is for new homes along the water’s edge alongside older buildings and new studios, workshops and new community facilities 14 Status: Outline planning permission granted with amendments currently being considered by LLDC 15 HERE EAST Summary: Transforming the former Olympic Press and Broadcast Centre – an innovation centre set to provide over 1.2 million square feet of space for creative entrepreneurs and creating up to 7,500 jobs on site and in the local community. Key tenants include BT Sport, Hackney Community College, Loughborough University and Infinity SDC. GLASSHOUSE GARDENS Summary: The residential development that forms part of The International Quarter - 330 new homes looking out over the iconic buildings of the south of the Park as part of The International Quarter. SUMMER / AUTUMN 2016 AUTUMN / WINTER DRAFT MASTERPLAN FINAL MASTERPLAN Understanding key issues & opportunity to inform the concept masterplan Raising awareness and gathering feedback on the emerging plans Presenting the final masterplan and discussing ongoing opportunities Status: Final completion estimated for 2017 16 DETAILED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT CHERRY PARK Summary: Approx 1,200 new homes alongside community facilities, restaurants, cafes and a servicing facility for Marks and Spencer. APPROX. 20 M INUTE S WA Developer: Chobham Manor LLP K5 M31 M37 CEN TR E T2 M6 H16 R2 M30 K9 H17 C3 M28 H15 S1 S7 S4 M27 A15 S8 S2 N2 F2 F1 N1 H1 Q3 H8 B7 T3 D3 L1 M17 M19 M20 M21 A9 M3 D4 M4 H3 P2 H18 M25 A4 M26 A14 E2 M33 A16 M15 E1 C4 P1 M24 B3 A13 M10 D2 C5 B2 C2 C6 Q1 K7 M9 A12 F3 T1 A1 K6 S6 J2 M2 C1 F4 H6 Q2 H5 H10 K1 J4 H7 G1 R1 H11 M1 P3 H13 M29 A3 M34 M18 M16 H14 D5 M7 G3 M35 A7 M8 D1 S3 BOW EAST M36 A8 A6 STRATFORD NEW TOWN A2 G2 H12 J3 K3 S9 K4 M5 Whether you’re an individual or a group, want to be informed or involved or know someone who might be interested - we want to hear from you! A11 A10 M11 A5 K8 M22 B5 K2 M23 H4 H9 B4 ANGEL LANE Summary: Unite student accommodation for 750 students, new hotel, a major apartment tower and offices Developer: Westfield Shopping Centres 18 ROM M32 WICK Status: Opening September 2015 EAST VILLAGE Summary: 2,818 new homes, a new school (Chobham Academy for 3-18-year-olds), a new health centre, cafés, bars, restaurants, shops and 27 acres of public space Further developments for an additional 2,000 homes are currently in the planning process. LK F M14 B1 M13 M12 The map shows some of the organisations we’ve found in the area that might be interested in getting involved. Rather than a definitivelist,itisastartingpoint to add to. Developer: Westfield Shopping Centres 17 Status: Sales underway, first residents in late 2015 BROMLEY-BY-BOW KEY STRAND EAST Summary: 1,200 homes, office spaces for a range of businesses including digital and creatives, a riverside park and a range of retail and community uses. OLYMPICOPOLIS - UCL EAST OLYMPICOPOLIS - STRATFORD WATERFRONT GUIDE BOUNDARY FOR IDENTIFYING STAKEHOLDER GROUPS Status: Planning permission granted Developer: Get Living London and Triathlon Homes B6 H2 TY BILI LEGI ALE / / SC HICS GRAP J1 Developer: Landprop Holding 10 11 Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park LOCAL GROUPS: IDENTIFYING GAPS? S5 Status: Detailed planning application to be submitted CHOBHAM MANOR Summary: The first of the five new neighbourhoods from 2015. Including 828 new homes, 75% designed for families and 1/3 affordable homes. Shops, cafes, bars and other facilities will support a vibrant community. Status: Now open Plan showing some of the major developments in the area. (Dots do not indicate locations of facilities) 2015 SPRING STAKEHOLDER LAUNCH Developer: Lend Lease and London & Continental Railways Status: BT Sport already broadcast on site, fully operational by 2018 11 The public consultation process will involve local and UCL communities at each stage of design development, enabling UCL and the local community to explore a range of themes together such as access and inclusion, economic growth and developing a sense of place. There is a separate ongoing process at UCL to determine the core academic activity that will take place at UCL East. THE INTERNATIONAL QUARTER Summary: 4 million sq ft of new workplace - TFL and the FCA confirmed as tenants. A 4 star hotel, shops, restaurants, childcare and community facilities. Up to 25,000 jobs created Developer: Lend Lease and London & Continental Railways Developer: iCITY, a joint venture between Delancey and Infinity SDC 10 GETTING INVOLVED Status: Construction started in 2014, first office occupation in 2017 Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation 9 CHOBHAM FARM Summary: A new family neighbourhood delivering around 1000 homes (of which over 40% are family homes), home zone streets, new public space, commercial space and community facilities. Status: Under construction Proposed operator: David Ross Education Trust OLYMPICOPOLIS - UCL EAST Summary: The focus of this consultation process - a new campus for UCL, plus student accommodation. Using a radical new model of how a university campus can be embedded in the local community. Status: Olympicopolis planning applications due to be submitted late 2016 Hotel / Student Housing Status: Now open 13 PROPOSED LEGATUM FREE SCHOOL Summary: An all through sports specialist school with a 6th form across two sites. Status: Pre-planning 8 CHOBHAM ACADEMY Summary: A new school for 3-18 year olds that opened in September 2014. In addition to 100 children in the nursery, when the Academy is at full capacity it will have 600 students in the primary school, a further 900 students in the secondary school and a Sixth Form for 420. Developer: A Lend Lease Harris Partnership Developer: E20 Stadium LLP OLYMPICOPOLIS - STRATFORD WATERFRONT Summary: A new campus for the University of the Arts London’s London College of Fashion, along with major new spaces for the Victoria and Albert Museum, Sadler’s Wells. Discussions are also underway with the Smithsonian Institution about opening its first permanent museum outside the United States. Status: Olympicopolis outline planning applications due to be submitted late 2016 12 THE STADIUM Summary: From 2016 the Stadium will become the home of West Ham United, before then it will host a number of international events including the Rugby World Cup in 2015. A new community track will be open alongside the Stadium and will be home to the Newham and Essex Beagles Athletic Club. The Stadium will also become the new national centre for athletics from 2016. Status: Open from 2016 7 Status: Outline planning permission granted 3 2 SWEETWATER Summary: Up to 650 new homes including apartments and family homes. A new primary school, two new nurseries, community space, a library and health centre Developer: London Legacy Development Corporation, Places for People & Balfour Beatty 14 7 6 Status: Zonal Masterplan to be submitted for planning approval September 2015 12 10 9 As part of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the site is part ofasignificant area of change in one of the most exciting and fastestgrowing areas in London. EAST WICK Summary: Up to 870 new homes, new primary school and two new nurseries OLYMPICOPOLIS PLANNING APPLICATIONS SITE CONTEXT 1 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park AUGUST 2015 Introductory Flip-Book August 2015 12 The introductory flip-book has been used at all events and is also available as an online resource. STAKEHOLDER GROUPS A EDUCATION - PRIMARY A1 Carpenters Primary School A2 Gainsborough Community Primary School A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 Old Ford Primary School St Agnes Catholic School Old Palace Primary School Colegrave Primary School St Francis R C Primary School Maryland Primary School West Ham Church of England Primary School Renelagh Primary School Manor Primary School Malmesbury Primary School Phoenix Primary School Wellington Primary School Legatum School# School 21 (Primary) B EDUCATION - SECONDARY B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Chobham Academy# Sarah Bonnell School Phoenix Secondary School Ian Mikardo High School East London Science School St Paul’s Way School School 21 (Secondary) Hackney Community College# C EDUCATION - FURTHER & HIGHER EDUCATION C1 University Square Stratford (Birkbeck & UEL Partnership)* C2 University of East London Stratford*# C3 Building Crafts College C4 Alpha Building Services, Engineering Training C5 Williams College, Private C6 Newtec Training Centres Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Centre New Vic College Newham College of Further Education D EDUCATION - NURSERY D1 The Alphabet House Nursery School D2 Little Rainbow Nursery D3 Newtec Nurseries (five nurseries in various location) D4 Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Education Centre D5 Montessori on the Park, Early Year’s Education E EDUCATION - SPECIAL SCHOOL E1 John F. Kennedy School E2 The Cherry Trees School F YOUNG PEOPLE F1 Discover Children’s Museum & Story Centre*# F2 Eastside Youth Centre F3 Carpenters & Dockland Centre F4 Newham Education Business Partnership DiVA* Circle in Hackney G LIFE LONG LEARNING AND ELDERS G1 50 Plus St John’s G2 Trowbridge senior citizens club G3 Hibiscus Caribbean Elderly Association Age UK East London H CIVIC / ARTS / CULTURE H1 Stratford Rising (inc. Stratford Cultural Forum)# H2 Fundamental Architecture Inclusion* H3 Assemble (Sugarhouse Studios)* H4 3 Mills Studios H5 Stratford Picturehouse* H6 Stratford Circus*# H7 Theatre Royal Stratford East*# H8 Iroko Theatre Company H9 Rosetta Art Centre*# H10 East London Dance*# H11 APE Media* H12 Maryland Studioz* H13 Actorshop* H14 White building (SPACE Studios)# H15 London Centre for Book Arts# H16 The Yard Theatre# H17 Stour Space# H18 Urban Development Hackney Wicked Festival# CREATE# Whitechapel Gallery# The New Black Film Collective (TNBFC)* J LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS / INTEREST GROUPS J1 Community Links, Newham# J2 Aston Mansfield J3 Chandos Community Group (& Hub) J4 African Caribbean Voices Association Newham New Deal Partnership Newham Community Team Stratford and West Ham Hackney Wick and Fish Island Cultural Interest Group (CIG) Together! 2012 CIC* Park Champions Inland Waterways Association Manor Garden Society London Cycling Campaign Bow Bengali Forum K LOCAL COMMUNITY FACILITIES / CENTRES M FAITH GROUPS M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 K1 Stratford Library K2 Bromley by Bow Centre# K3 Sir Ludwig Guttmann Health And Wellbeing Centre K4 Timber Lodge K5 Cre8 Lifestyle Centre K6 Eastside Youth and Community Centre K7 Tredegar Community Centre M27 K8 Kingsley Hall Community Centre M28 K9 Hub 67 M29 Stratford and West Ham Community Hub M30 Spotlight Centre# M31 Poplar HARCA# L SAFETY L1 Faringford Road Neighbourhood Watch LLDC Park Police Newham Safer Neighbourhoods Team Ward Panel M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 St John’s Parish Church* Radha Krishna Temple West Ham Parish Church Church of Christ St Mary of Eaton Church The Celestial Church of Christ Old Ford Methodist Church St Paul’s Church Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Methodist Church of Tower Hamlets Masjid e Ilyas Al-hudaa Islamic Prayer Group UK Alhudaa Mosque Madrasah Al-Tawhid Bryant Street Methodist Church The Redeemed Christian Church of God Salvation Army Church Hope and Grace Romanian Church Highway Church Brickfields United Reformed Church West Ham Baptist Tabernacle London Markaz Bromley By Bow URC Church Bow Baptist Church St. Mary-atte-Bow Our Lady & St Catherine of Siena Church New Bethel Revival Ministry Church Christian Life City at The iCAN Studios Saint Mark’s Gate Royal Connections Calvary Church of God in Christ Hackney Wick Major Road Baptist Church Saint Matthew, West Ham Stratford Spiritual Church St James Church Stratford Seventh-Day Adventist Church Homerton Baptist Church Ramgarhia Sikh Gurdwara Temple SKS Swaminarayan Temple East London Gujarat Hidu Welfare Association Hackney and East London Synagogue Yavnah Synagogue N LOCAL BUSINESS AND T HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS AND STUDENT ACCOMMODATION ENTERPRISE GROUPS T1 Mansion View T2 Unite Stratford One T3 East Thames Group* Genesis Housing Family Mosaic Hackney Homes N1 Stratford Renaissance Partnership*# N2 The View Tube Stratford Market Traders Association Thames Gateway Technology Centre Newham Chamber of Commerce Newham Council Micro-enterprise Project Stratford BID Stratford Business Network Infrastructure East London Small Business Centre East London Business Alliance# EXISTING PANELS AND NETWORKS BEAP Youth Board and Panel Park Panel Olympicopolis Stakeholder Group Creating Connections East Stratford Rising Hackney Wick and Fish Island Cultural Interest Group (CIG) P SOCIAL ENTERPRISES / START-UP / CO-WORKING / AFFORDABLE P1 Bow Arts Trust*# P2 Yardhouse at Sugarhouse Studios P3 Echo UCL Student Community Students Union Academic Staff Professional Services Q BUSINESS PARKS Q1 Marshgate Business Centre Q2 Stratford Office Village Q3 Burford Road Business Centre R RETAIL R1 Stratford Shopping Centre R2 Westfield Shopping Centre Retail business along Stratford High Street Other retail CONTACT US To ask a question, register your interest or to let us know you would like to receive future updates, please contact the UCL East consultation team at Soundings on: S LOCAL TENANTS’ AND RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONS S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Carpenters TMO Board Stratford Halo Leebank Square RA Wick Lane Kingsmead Estate (Hackney Wick) Tredegar Estate Icona Point residents Association of Ironworks residents East Village Residents Association UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com 020 7729 1705 For more information on the project please visit either: UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east KEY Located off the map Overarching group / multiple locations * Stratford Rising Member Olympicopolis Stakeholder Group # Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east 14 13 74 75 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C3. UCL Canvass Card UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C4. Community Canvass Card LEARNING LESSONS YOUR PRIORITIES 01 | What lessons could UCL East learn from the Bloomsbury campus? This could be the qualities you most value, things that could work better and/or what could be added. 04 | From your experience at the UCL Bloomsbury campus, please select up to 5 top priorities to consider at UCL East. 01 Links to business and start-up opportunities UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK THE AREA YOUR PRIORITIES 01 | What qualities do you most value locally? 04 | Please select up to a maximum of 5 top priorities that you think the UCL East masterplan should consider. In Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park? Encouraging access to education Involvement in the community - links and projects Access to sports facilities / open space 02 Public open space for all Event space, places to meet and social life Access to local shops and services As part of Olympicopolis, UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish an innovative new campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. This public consultation process will help inform development of the masterplan over the coming months, please let us know your views. There is a separate ongoing process at UCL to determine the core academic activity that will take place at UCL East. 03 World class architecture / pride in appearance Sense of history linked to UCL EXPLORING IDEAS FOR UCL EAST 02 | What opportunities do you see at UCL East? Cutting edge technology / research / innovation Links and live projects with the local community Access to cultural facilities / activity Support facilities (e.g. study / meeting spaces etc) Security and safe routes Access to public transport As part of the Olympicopolis project, UCL (University College London) is in partnership with the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) to establish an innovative new university campus, UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Public consultation will help inform development of the masterplan in 2015, please let us know your views. There is a separate ongoing process at UCL to determine the main academic activity that will happen at UCL East. Please explain further on your choices (additional paper available) 03 | What are the potential issues or challenges to consider? UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east Opportunities for start ups and business Opportunities for employment and training New shops and facilities – e.g. bookshops, cafes Local services and suppliers used by the University EXPLORING IDEAS FOR UCL EAST Local access to university spaces, activities and events Security and safe routes 02 | What would you like to see at UCL East? Temporary uses during construction (e.g.. pop-up activities / art etc) For you? Environmental sustainability Other (please state) Other For more information on the project please visit either: World class architecture (iconic identity) In the area where you spend most time? Please say where or give the postcode Tell us more about your top 3 choices (additional paper available) For more information on the project please visit either: For the local area? Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east 1. 2. 03 | What are the potential challenges to consider, linked to UCL East? 3. ABOUT YOU ABOUT YOU If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest news, information, events and activities about the development of UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as part of Olympicopolis then please provide us with your contact details. Please tick here if you do not want to be contacted about this project in future. Name Organisation Telephone Email Name Organisation Telephone Email Address Address Postcode Postcode By providing your details you will be consenting to your personal data being processed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and its consultants involved in Olympicopolis development and UCL. THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU... By providing your details you will be consenting to your personal data being processed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and its consultants involved in Olympicopolis development and UCL. THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU... ARE YOU A ... ARE YOU A ... Undergraduate student Postgraduate student Academic staff Professional Services staff Visitor Other | Please state In addition, if you are happy to receive information relating to a wider range of UCL public events and opportunities please tick this box. 76 If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest news, information, events and activities about the development of UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as part of Olympicopolis then please provide us with your contact details. Please tick here if you do not want to be contacted about this project in future. DO YOU LIVE IN... Local resident LB Newham Local employee LB Tower Hamlets Local business LB Hackney Visitor LB Waltham Forest Other | Please state Other | Please state In addition, if you are happy to receive information relating to a wider range of UCL public events and opportunities please tick this box. 77 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C5. Wheel of Fortune Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C6. Masterplan principles - drawing reference booklet MP201-UCLE-CC-PRE-0009_P1 Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UCL EAST Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK Ucl eaSt 01 | USe at QUeen elIZabetH OlymPIc ParK Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Key design aims 02 | arrIval & lInKS Developing a masterplan Spin the wheel... Masterplan principles 2. Street pattern that is properly connected with the surrounding area 3. ‘Place Making’ - creating a place that promotes health, happiness and wellbeing 4. Be responsive to the local environment This pack shows some of the initial plans and drawings that are used to assess the site and sets-out principles for the masterplan. These will be developed in more detail over the coming months and we would like to hear your thoughts. Please ask a member of the team if you would like any further explanation of the drawings. Drawing reference booklet take a look at the masterplan principles booklet and answer the question you spin to. Please use a post-it note to put your answer in the same numbered box to the right. 1. Development areas that can be adaptable in the future A masterplan includes a series of plans, images and text that describe how an area will be developed and sets the parameters for detailed design of the buildings and spaces. 5. Develop a ‘future proof’ framework for site infrastructure 6. Enhance and diversify the natural environment 2 1 06 03 | OvercOmIng barrIerS tO acceSS 04 | arcHItectUre Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park X:\JOBS\4283_QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK UNIVERSITY QUARTER\7CAD\DRAWINGS\DSK-SKETCH\MP201-UCLE-MP-XXXX-XXXX_1.1250BASEPLAN.DWG Scale comparison T COMMS DUCT / COMMS DUCT PRIVATE AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF DUCT ROUTES: 1.5m SURFACE WATER SEWER AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF DUCT ROUTES: 1.5m POTABLE WATER / PRIVATE AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF PIPE ROUTES: 1.5m The size of UCL East site compared with Stratford Broadway The Gro ve 01 HIGH VOLTAGE / PRIVATE AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF DUCT ROUTES :1.5m ROUND SUBSTATION: 2m DISTRICT HEATING EASEMENT 1.5m ON ONE SIDE AND 5m ON THE OTHER SIDE OF (DOUBLE) PIPE PLUG TUNNEL AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF TUNNEL ROUTES: 35m S T A X I S S S S S Br oa dw ay 05 FOUL WATER SEWER / PRIVATE AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF PIPE ROUTES: 1.5m INTERMEDIATE PRESSURE GAS / PRIVATE AREA OF CONTROL (EACH SIDE) OF PIPE ROUTES: 1.5m St John’s Church REV. W La ne APP. DATE DESCRIPTION ISSUED BY London T: 020 7467 1470 DATE SCALE@A1 STATUS 1:1,250 Sketch DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG. NO No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. All dimensions are to be checked on site. Area measurements for indicative purposes only. 100m 0 ar th ep rI a v c ce rinc a l& ma ss p iple by in e oint s su lIn gg s W n t KS e r a a to in terw nce the st a co the ork and site num uld rig s r p u , wi ber h i ma a ro t pla ver. blic th th of in ute ce ar spa e s ite thr s? W e th ce fee oug ha ese l li h t t ke he ? ag e8 ep Se North 50m This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. OS Open data / © Natural England / © DEFRA / © DECC / © English Heritage. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2015 | Aerial Photography - ESRI, DigitalGlobe, GEOEye, i-cubed, USDA FSA,USGD, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN,IGP,swisstopo, the GIS User Community Key routes from Hackney Wick and Fish Island Key routes from Stratford International and Stratford Regional Key arrival points Vehicular access point Loop Road | Sidings Street PLUG tunnel infrastructure Key desire line Railway line Pedestrian routes Impermeable/ back house Underpass access Existing soft landscape (slopes) Key UCL East routes Key routes from Stratford Stadium pedestrian flow (summer) Unobstructed long range views Key routes from Pudding Mill Lane Stadium pedestrian flow-typical Control access point Bus stop Adjacent roads Sources Ordnance Survey Desire lines Bus stop local routes-predominantly academic focused Bus station Key site arrival points Underpass 05 | PUblIc SPace 3 4 5 06 | IdentIty Unobstructed long range southern views Connecting routes-publically focused &9 Loop Road Desire lines local routes-predominantly academic focused Primary Vehicular entrance Key site arrival points UCL East at Railway Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park line Underpass Impermeable/back of house Connecting routes-publically focused Desire lines local routes-predominantly academic focused Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 Key site arrival points Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 Underpass Stadium flow-typical Stadium flow-summer flows only Unobstructed long range southern views Microclimate & environment Unobstructed long range southern views Plug tunnel infrastructure 02 l ra ctu ite ct rch d) te ong a(or ba I cH str od ar be a y go es? re an pl he ty? xam t e ti ld ou iden Sh This diagram sets out the initial issues, constraints and opportunities for the site including: • Level changes. • Railway line creates visual barrier but it is reasonably permeable with four underpass routes. • Stadiumcrowdflowsduringevents. • Key views towards the City of London. • Waterways and green edges provide an attractive setting and place character. • PLUG tunnel location (underground power lines) andothersignificantundergroundinfrastructure. • FromtheeastalongMontfichet Road. • North and south along the spine of Waterworks River and Warton Road. • South-western corner from the Greenway and Loop Road with links back to Pudding Mill Lane. PROJECT TITLE DRA W ING T ITLE Connecting routes-publically focused e Ur Constraints & opportunities Main approaches: ay dw oa Br © LDA Design Consulting Ltd. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2008 How can the masterplan encourage access and ensure that the development is welcoming & attractive to the local community? 04 Context : stitching into the existing area Stratford Mall W es t Ha m Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park T 0 Loop Road Loop Road Primary Vehicular entrance Railway line Avenue Existing Impermeable/back of house NoiseVehicular and vibration Primary entrance Impermeable/back of house Railway line Distribution of uses Design & concept approach The diagram to the right shows some of the early thinking about how various different uses could be distributed across the site at ground floorlevel. 1. An urban campus on the river 2. Arrival and connectivity Take advantage of the unique setting and waterside location, with different qualities on both riverside frontages. Including a ‘main front door’ by Waterworks River and a quieter green space by City Mill River. Extend the Park spine along Warton Road to draw the community of Stratford in. Main arrival points aim to stitch the campus into the surrounding area and reinforce Waterworks River as a key route, as well as a public route through the main site. Stadium flow-typical Existing soft landscape The diagram Stadium flow-typicalsets-out some of key environmental Underpass access Stadium flow-summer flows only considerations and broad approaches: Plug tunnel infrastructure Noise and vibration • Broadly north-south building orientation: with Existing Avenue taller buildings on the north and eastern edges District Existing softHeating landscape easement to maximise and natural light. Underpass accessarea sun Plug tunnel of control High voltage • A strong northern edge protects against crowd Surface water sewer District Heating easement flowfromtheStadium. Plug tunnel area of control Potable water • Use gradient of the site for drainage. Highnatural voltage Comms duct Surface water sewer Flickr moment • Consider noise and possible vibrations from Foul water water sewer Potable Urban edge-commercial at ground stadium railway line. Comms duct and Intermediate pressure gas Flickr moment Permeable urban edge Foul water sewer Voltage box toincrease be retained Urban edge-commercial at ground • Enrich and the existing wildlife Intermediate pressure gas Feathered edge Permeable urban edge Manhole to beinteresting retained Voltage box to in be retained habitats and innovative ways. Community bilboard edge Feathered edge Manhole to be retained Maximum build to line 10m Community bilboard edge • Mitigate potential wind tunnel effect from from river wall Taller building to aid legibility and Maximum build to line 10m from river wall add corner definition Taller building to aid legibility and add corner definition prevailing winds. • SunSun path path Surface water runoff direction Sun path Stadium flow-summer flows only Plug tunnel infrastructure Noise and vibration Existing Avenue Existing soft landscape Underpass access District Heating easement Plug tunnel area of control In reality a number of different uses would happen within each of these areas, but at this stage it is useful to begin to think about the focus of different parts of the site. High voltage OvercOmIng barrIerS tO acceSS Surface water sewer Potable water Comms duct Flickr moment Foul water sewer Urban edge-commercial at ground Intermediate pressure gas Permeable urban edge Voltage box to be retained Feathered edge Manhole to be retained Community bilboard edge Maximum build to line 10m from river wall It is currently envisaged that student and staff accommodation would be located on the upper levels of the sites to the south of the London Aquatics Centre. Taller building to aid legibility and add corner definition Sun path Prevailing wind direction Strong winds University heart Taller buildings Arrival spaces Lower buildings community hub Ecological corridor Working yard City Mill Riverside 03 Building orientation 30degrees mP201-Ucle-cc-Pre-0010_P1 Prevailing windwind direction Prevailing direction Prevailing wind direction Strong winds Intermittent wind direction Waterworks Riverside Surface water runoff direction Noise/pollution orientation 10m minimum offset fromsensitive road related to adjacent roadway and railway University heart Strong winds Taller buildings Taller buildings Arrival spaces Noise from the stadium Lower buildings Lower buildings Taller buildings hub Noise from roadwaycommunity and railway Ecological corridor Ecological corridor Allotments Lower buildings Building orientation within 30 degrees Building orientation 30degrees Working yard City Mill Riverside Routes University heart Arrival spaces community hub Ecological corridor Surface water runoff direction Waterworks Riverside Working yard 10m minimum offset from road Building orientation 30degrees Routes City Mill Riverside Surface water runoff direction Waterworks Riverside 10m minimum offset from road Routes UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 6 Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 Design & concept approach 3. Structuring elements The diagram shows ‘development platforms’ which are areas that can accommodate a variety of building types within them to maximise future adaptability.Vistasandlegiblewayfindingthroughthesiteisalsoconsideredin this layout. 7 8 Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Activities & quality of place Ultimately, the plans shown in this booklet are thefirststepstocreating places and spaces that are animated, positive and where people want to be. This page gives some examples of precedents that have been looked at and we would like to know your ideas. 4. Place creation and identity As a new quarter UCL East will have a variety of places within it, the diagram above illustrates the main character areas being considered. A key aim is to reduce perception of the railway and road being barriers and create a new urban edge to the Park. Using a variety of streets, gardens, squares and spaces to create engaging places to be. 9 78 Masterplan Principles Flip-Book | August 2015 UCL East at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park LEGEND T ut to se se, e les f u US incip eas o right pr ar the lan rent in rp te diffe adly ? as s o r br lace e m fo th eas hese p e7 ag ar re t ep a Se ha PU t in cou bl t l Ic wh he u d th SP niv e n at ac an use ers atu d h s d ity re e ow o y ca of th p e l cou ou i mpu ubl oc i al ld th mag s be c sp a co i mm is lin ne t like ce un k w here , ity ith ? IdentIty How do you think the campus can link with both the Park and the surrounding area? Is it outward or inward looking? Hard, robust and flexible space Creating energy Business collaboration, RDM Campus, Rotterdam Academic outreach, Lullaby Factory, Studio Weave Public talks and events ‘Iconic moment’ (UCL Bloomsbury campus) Botanical Glasshouses, Thomas Heatherwick Use of digital technologies Cousins & Cousins Glaze pavilion Outdoor exhibitions Private courts, variety of use 10 79 Appendices UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C7. Culinary plant thankyou gifts, with project contact cards UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK 80 UCL EAST STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Appendices C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book C8. Cargo-bike mobile event set-up For more information on the project please visit either: UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east | UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com | 020 7729 1705 81 This consultation UCL EAST report has been produced by: STAGE 1 CONSULTATION REPORT Soundings 148 Curtain Road London EC2A 3AT Any queries should be referred to the UCL East consultation team as follows: 020 7729 1705 UCLEast@soundingsoffice.com UCL website ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website QueenElizabethOlympicPark.co.uk/ucl-east 82 Chapter 6 | Appendices C. Pop-ups materials & flip-book