MEMORANDUM FROM: LW Esposito, PI TO: Lead investigators for tour observations (Hansen, Colwell, West, Shemansky, Stewart, McClintock, Korth) and UVIS Operations Team (Jouchoux, Kelley, Osborne) SUBJECT: Tour observation requests COPIES: UVIS science team DATE: 24 MAY 2001 INTRODUCTION. Each CASSINI instrument team is required to submit tour observation/requests describing our activities during tour. These must be submitted electronically using the CIMS tool, which has a link to APGEN. The Project will not consider any observations not in this electronic information system. The submitted observations will be used by the TWTs to assign prime and rider observations, data rates and volumes. In my 27 April memo, I assigned lead responsibility for entering information, as follows: SATELLITES HANSEN RINGS COLWELL STAR OCC ESPOSITO/WEST SUN OCC SHEMANSKY LIMB SKIMS STEWART SPECTRAL IMAGES WEST CALIBRATION McCLINTOCK. This memo provides detailed instructions for this process. Complementary information is provided in Paczkowski's attached memo. Amanda ( has agreed to be a CIMS resource. Please try to use these procedures soon to establish your capability to work with CIMS. CIMS ACCESS. To use CIMS, you need (both are available from Alain) 1. An account and password for Cassini INSIDE access at JPL. 2. Write authority for CIMS. The URL is ENTERING INFORMATION. Log on to CIMS. Change your password on your first entry. CIMS considers two types of entries. 'Observations' are generic, high level descriptions. They correspond to observations in the UVIS Observation Description Handbook (ODH) or to the lead information in the CARs on the UVIS web page. 'Requests' are each individual occurrence of an observation. Since a CIMS 'request' has no place for instrument setup information, I recommend that each 'observation' have a unique setup. For example, the atmospheric stellar occultations by Saturn are divided into USCSTAR (FUV only) and USHSTAR (EUV and FUV). Requests are required for commanding spacecraft subsystems. They are the building blocks for SASF files (standard Cassini command files). We expect that our observations will be executed multiple times. Each individual execution requires a separate request. CIMS allows these to be linked (associated) with one or more 'observations'. This will be one of your tasks (see below). Third, CIMS transfers the UVIS requests to the Science Planning APGEN Timeline. When you complete your entries including those to APGEN, you will check your work (see below). CIMS is planned to meet all the Project requirements for tour planning, but is a little weak on instrument team needs and for planning and coordinating observations by multiple instruments. UVIS will use the 'hidden' feature for internal information transfer, and the observation 'notes' section to include our setup information for instrument expandable blocks in UVIS memory. See INSTRUMENT SETUP, below. CIMS has a top level of navigation via the virtual file tabs at the top of the screen. Click on the 'observations', then the 'add' tab to add an observation. Fill in the title field (this should be the same or similar to the CAR name on the UVIS website). Fill in the science objective and description fields. Next, fill in the setup info in the field 'notes'. See INSTRUMENT SETUP, below. To change an existing observation (use the 'view' tab to see these), click on 'edit'. CIMS allows you to define a new version number. Do this only for significant changes. Click on 'associations' following the 'associated requests' header to associate requests with your observation. If you go to the current UVIS site, you will find multiple star occultation requests associated with both URSTAR and USCSTAR observations. NOMENCLATURE. UVIS may select any 9 character name that becomes the heart of the Cassini designation. For observations, I propose the ODH or CAR name, i.e., U(optional), target letter (S,T,R…),followed by a brief descriptor. Example: USCSTAR (Saturn star occultation by a cool star). For requests, something more descriptive of the actual observation, ALPLEO. Remember the Cassini naming convention adds the rev number, lead instrument and serial occurrence in that period. See the attached memo about naming requests, which is itself confusingly named 'observation' naming convention.' INSTRUMENT SETUP. Include this under 'notes' field in the observation entry. Use the following template. You may edit this template in your own WORD file and then paste it into the CIMS observation 'notes' field. The UVIS Operations Team will translate your inputs into Instrument Expandable Blocks. Questions should be addressed to Alain. The following note from Alain defines the format that should be used to enter the instrument setup in CIMS. 1 - FORMAT DESCRIPTION The general format is a keyword followed by an equal sign followed by one or more values separated by commas. A keyword is made of the channel name followed by a dot followed by a field name. For example, HDAC.COMP is the keyword for the compression algorithm used with the HDAC channel. HDAC.COMP=NO indicates that no compression is to be used for the HDAC channel. More than one keyword=value instance can be put on one line. In that case they need to need to be separated by a dollar sign. For example: HDAC.ON=YES HDAC.COMP=SQRT9 is the same as HDAC.ON=YES $ HDAC.COMP = SQRT9 Spaces can be used for readability. This format is case insensitive. 2 - VALID KEYWORD LIST Below is the list of all the keywords and their valid values. HDAC.ON= YES/NO HDAC.COMP= NO/SQRT9/SQRT8/BYTE HDAC.MODE= PHOTOMETER/MODULATION HDAC.INT= HDAC.DWELL= HDAC.HTABLE= ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HDAC.DTABLE= ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, see note 1 HSP.ON= YES/NO HSP.COMP= NO/SQRT9/SQRT8/BYTE HSP.INT= see note 1 FUV.ON=YES/NO FUV.COMP= NO/SQRT9/SQRT8/BYTE FUV.INT= FUV.SLIT= HIRES/LORES/OCCULT FUV.N_OF_WIN= FUV.WIN1= ,,,,, FUV.WIN2= ,,,,, FUV.WIN3= ,,,,, . see note 1 see see see see note note note note 2 3 4 4 see note 5 see note 6 see note 8 see note 7 . FUV,WIN10= ,,,,,, EUV.ON= YES/NO EUV.COMP= NO/SQRT9/SQRT8/BYTE EUV.INT= EUV.SLIT= HIRES/LORES/OCCULT EUV.OCCULT= CLOSE/OPEN EUV.N_OF_WIN= EUV.WIN1= ,,,,, EUV.WIN2= ,,,,, EUV.WIN3= ,,,,, . . EUV.WIN10= ,,,,, see note 1 see note 6 see note 7 Note 1: This field indicates if the channel is used. If it is not used, the rest of the channel setup description is not needed. Then the fields can be omitted or left blank. Note 2: Integration period in sec, in 0.125sec increments. Allowed range is 0.125 sec to 8.0 sec. This field is only required if HDAC.MODE = PHOTOMETER. Note 3: Dwell time in sec, in 0.125 increments. This field is only required if HDAC.MODE = MODULATION. Note 4: 16 values ranging from 0 to 7. This field is only required if HDAC.MODE = MODULATION. Note 5: Integration period in milliseconds, in 0.5 msec increment. Allowed range is 1.0 msec to 8.0 msec. Note 6: Integration period in sec, in 0.125sec increment. Note 7: This defines the placement and the binning characteristics of each window. Input is entered as six integers, separated by commas, in the following order: Xlow, Xhigh, Xbin, Ylow, Yhigh, Ybin, where Xlow and Xhigh range between 1 and 1024 and indicates the spectral range covered, Xbin ranges between 1 an 1024 and indicates the spectral binning. Ylow and Yhigh range between 1 and 64 and indicate the spatial position covered and Ybin ranges between 1 and 64. It is the spatial binning. There should be one set of six entries per window. Note 8: 1 to 10 windows can be defined. 3 - EXAMPLE HDAC.ON=YES HDAC.COMP=NO HDAC.MOD=MODULATION HDAC.INT= HDAC.DWELL=9.0 HDAC.HTABLE=0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,0 HDAC.DTABLE=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 HSP.ON=NO HSP.COMP= HSP.INT= FUV.ON=YES FUV.COMP=SQRT9 FUV.INT=10.125 FUV.SLIT=LORES FUV.N_OF_WIN=1 FUV.WIN1=1,1024,1,1,64,1 EUV.ON=YES EUV.COMP=SQRT9 EUV.INT=60.0 EUV.SLIT=HIRES EUV.OCCULT=CLOSE EUV.N_OF_WIN=2 EUV.WIN1=1,1024,2,1,16,1 EUV.WIN2= 1,1024,1,40,64,1 FILLING OUT A REQUEST. From the 'Request" tab, select "add". Fields required by CIMS are marked with an asterisk. ITEMS UNDER 'Request Header' Title. Title of this activity. May be the same as the CAR mnemonic, but this field is not limited to 9 characters. ID. Must follow Cassini nomenclature convention (see below). This is the official Cassini request name that appears on APGEN. Select the orbit number from the Period menu. Click on 'Period' to find the rev, if you know the date and time. Select the appropriate target body from the Target menu. For UVIS prime observations, type a (9 character or fewer) name, that is descriptive of your observation request, eg, ALPPAV. We will need to recognize this in the timeline, so give it some thought. Since you request will be linked to the 'observation' description, you do not need to repeat the title or CAR name. Select 'prime' from the menu if UVIS is prime. For a rider, select the appropriate prime instrument. You must also use the exact same name selected by the prime instrument. Start time. Use either epoch-relative or absolute (SCET). Click on 'Day of Year' to get DOY. Projected Duration. Click on the menus for the duration of the request activity. Change. Describe the changes in this edit. Visibility. Mark 'Hidden'. The UVIS Operations Team will check your inputs before promoting to 'Public' . The Project science planners access the public requests only. ITEMS UNDER 'Request Description' Description. Brief description, primary and secondary axis pointing. Pointing. See above. Telemetry mode. Enter S&ER3. Estimated data volume. Use Alain's spreadsheet (attached) to get the appropriate data rate, including overhead. Multiply by the duration to get the data volume. Ask for support imaging, if needed. List any special DSN or other requirements. Document References. Refer to appropriate ODH entries and CARs. ADDING APGEN FIELDS TO YOUR REQUEST This is required in order for UVIS requests to appear on the timeline. After the request is entered, from the Request/View page, highlight the request and click. Your request will appear on the screen. Then, under 'Request Description' header, click on 'add' following "APGEN Fields (Beta Module)". Select the appropriate fields, as follows. APGEN Activity Type. Select either UVIS_5032 or UVIS_32096. These are the UVIS data pick up rates known to APGEN. Divide the rate calculated above (from Alain's spreadsheet) by 5032 or 32096 to get the rate multiplier. When you have added this information, click on the 'Add APGEN Fields' button to confirm your entries. ADDING MORE REQUESTS. To add similar requests, go to 'Requests VIEW' and click 'copy' on the same line as your request. Change the 'period' to that of the next request. At the bottom, click ' Copy' to save this new request. In 'VIEW' click 'Edit' for your new request. Make any necessary modifications. When finished, click 'save.' ASSOCIATING REQUESTS WITH OBSERVATIONS. Go to Requests 'VIEW'. Click on the desired request. Under 'Associated Observations', click on 'Associations'. Highlight the observation(s) you wish associated with this request. Click the 'Associate' button. To complete the association, click on 'Return to Request'. CHECK YOUR WORK. Select 'Transfer' tab from the main menu. Select the appropriate period from the 'Period' menu. Select 'Just the selected teams' from the 'Make file for' menu. Highlight 'UVIS' in the window. Check the box 'Also export hidden…' Click on the 'Prepare File for Export' button. It may take a minute to produce this report. For each request that has an error in the APGEN fields, read the description and correct by editing your request. SUMMARY. For valid CIMS input to Science Planning, team members 1. Enter 'observations' 2. Enter 'requests' and link them to observations 3. Add APGEN fields and check them. MILESTONES AND DEADLINES. 31 May Try out CIMS and report back to me. 15 June Enter your tour observations, and at least one request for each. 2 July UVIS team meeting. All inputs to CIMS. Alain can then check and promote them to the public site by… 31 July Project deadline for all team tour inputs.