First far-ultraviolet disk-integrated phase curve analysis of Mimas, Tethys and Dione from the Cassini-UVIS data sets Emilie M. Royera,, Amanda R. Hendrixb, a University of Colorado, LASP, 3665 Discovery Dr., Boulder, CO 80303 b PSI, Tucson, AZ Abstract We perform an analysis of the photometric properties of the icy Saturnian satellites at 180 nm, based on the first far-UV disk-integrated phase curves of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. Their interactions with the environment (the E-ring and the magnetosphere) are investigated, leading to a better understanding of the effects of exogenic processes on the system of Saturn. We find that Tethys and Dione have a leading hemisphere brighter than their trailing hemisphere at far-UV wavelengths, while Mimas exhibits a quite uniform reflectance on its surface. No asymmetry is observed between the Saturnian and anti-Saturnian hemispheres of those satellites, indicating that exogenic processes are important primarily on the leading and trailing hemispheres. Tethys shows a narrower opposition effect, suggesting a more porous regolith on its surface than on Dione and Mimas. This could be the consequence of more significant bombardment by the E-ring grains at the orbit of Tethys. Dione’s photometric properties reveal a more absorbing surface, which could be explained by a lower amount of E-ring grain bombardment and/or by the deposit of a darkening agent mainly on its trailing side. Keywords: Saturn, satellites, Satellites, surfaces, Ultraviolet observations, ices, UV spectroscopy, spectrophotometry 1. Introduction The midsize satellites of Saturn have been observed since 1980 by two space missions: Voyager and Cassini. While the first close-up images were obtained in the early 1980s, the planetary community waited 24 more years for the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft around Saturn on July, 1 st 2004 , to investigate the Saturnian system in detail. For the first time, a significant amount of information on those satellites have been acquired at far-ultraviolet (FUV) wavelengths. Buratti and Veverka (1984) were the first to analyze Tethys and Dione disk-integrated phase curves, using Voyager clear filter data. No information was available on the opposition surge, due to a lack of data at solar phase angles smaller than 8◦ . They observed a leading/trailing asymmetry (where the leading hemisphere is centered on 90◦ W and the trailing hemisphere is centered on 270◦ W) with a leading hemisphere brighter on Tethys and Dione; they found Mimas to have a slightly brighter trailing hemisphere, despite the poor quality of Email address: (Emilie M. Royer) Preprint submitted to Icarus the data. Verbiscer and Veverka (1992) also reported a slightly brighter trailing hemisphere (TH) on Mimas at 0.48 µm using Voyager data. This leading versus trailing hemisphere brightness has also been predicted by the model of Hamilton and Burns (1994): as written in note 16 of that paper, the E-ring grains overtaking Mimas in its orbit should primarily impact the trailing side. Buratti et al. confirmed this result again in 1998, using ground-based data at 0.9 µm. Moreover, Buratti et al. (1998) showed that at 0.9 µm Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea are far brighter than any other class of object in the Solar system, each of them having a leading hemisphere (LH) geometric albedo greater than 0.70. This is also true in near-UV and visible wavelengths (Buratti and Veverka, 1984; Nelson et al., 1987). The high albedos suggest that these water-ice surfaces contain few low albedo contaminants and also support the idea that the optical properties of the mid-size Saturnian satellites are strongly affected by deposits of bright ice grains from the E-ring (Buratti et al., 1998). Previously, no correlations between the geological units and the color and albedo patterns were found for the five midsize satellites of Saturn, suggesting that the photometric properties are July 21, 2014 due largely to exogenic alterations (Buratti et al., 1990). More recently, in 2007, Verbiscer et al. used Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data to show a positive correlation between the E-ring grain flux and the geometric albedo of satellites. Detailed studies of the photometric and spectral properties of the Saturnian satellites started with the analysis of the Cassini data sets. Among them, we can note in 2010, the papers of Pitman et al. and Filacchione et al., which also reported a leading hemisphere brighter than the trailing one on Tethys and Dione, both using the Cassini-VIMS (Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) instrument. Pitman et al. (2010) analyzed disk-integrated spectrophotometric properties of the five midsize satellites, in the visible and infrared between 0.35 and 5.01 µm, and also derived the bolometric Bond albedos of Mimas (0.67±0.10), Tethys (0.61±0.09) and Dione (0.52±0.08). They gave new refined values of the major photometric quantities for both leading and trailing hemispheres. An extended study comes from Filacchione et al. (2010) , who provided comparative study of the spectral characteristics of the mid-size and minor Saturnian satellites. They investigated the visible spectral slopes (0.3µm - 0.55 µm) and found a strong forward scattering component on Tethys. They investigated the diskintegrated composition of the satellites and the amount of contaminant present in the water ice, as well as the grain size distribution. Carbon dioxide was suggested as a possible contaminant of the water ice on the most exterior satellites (Hyperion, Iapetus and Phoebe). That study found no particular hemispheric brightness asymmetry at Mimas; the largest hemispheric albedo dichotomy was found on Dione. A large amount of contaminant covering Dione’s trailing side could explain it, as suggested by Clark et al. (2008). Schenk et al. (2011) created global color maps on the midsize icy satellites in three colors (UV-Green-IR). Color patterns were highlighted, especially on the leading hemispheres of Tethys and Mimas, where a blueish lens shape at the equator, extending ±20◦ in latitude on Tethys and ±40◦ on Mimas, was clearly observed. While Voyager images already showed this equatorial band across the leading hemisphere of Tethys (Smith et al., 1981; Stooke, 1989, 2002; Buratti et al., 1990), it was the first time that it was observed on Mimas. Howett et al. (2011, 2012) with Cassini-CIRS near-IR data produced results correlated with the observations of Schenk et al. (2011). A thermal inertia anomaly was discovered, matching the location of the blue lenses on Mimas and Tethys. Energetic electron bombardment is the main hypothesis proposed for both the thermal iner- tia anomalies and the observed color patterns (Paranicas et al., 2012). The 1980’s and 1990’s hosted the development of several photometric models (Hapke, 1981, 1984, 1986; Shkuratov et al., 1999; Lumme and Bowell, 1981; Buratti, 1985). Cassini scientists have thus benefited from this advancement in theory to retrieve more information from phase curves. The greater amount of data of a better quality and resolution brought by Cassini, as well as the better coverage in solar phase angles and these model improvements have led to numerous discoveries about these midsize satellites of Saturn. Cassini provides the first opportunity to observe this region in detail in the FUV domain, over a long period of time and with a wide variety of solar phase angles not accessible from Earth. While acquiring unexpected observations in visible and infrared, the UV represents a third piece of the puzzle to obtain a global understanding of the system of Saturn. The ultraviolet wavelengths are particularly sensitive to relatively small amounts of surface weathering (Hapke, 2001; Hendrix et al., 2003). By probing the uppermost layers of the icy satellite surfaces, they allow the study of the exogenic processes that alter them, such as bombardment by E-ring grains, charged particles and plasma. Ion bombardment of ices is known to produce defects in the ice. These processes altering the surfaces, create voids and bubbles that affect the light scattering properties of the surface. They can also change the chemistry by trapping gases, which can produce spectral absorption features (Johnson, 1997; Johnson and Quickenden, 1997; Kouchi and Kuroda, 1990; Sack et al., 1992). Heavy (less-penetrating) damaging ions have been seen to brighten surfaces in the visible (Sack et al., 1992). Bombardment of charged particle can implant new chemical species, can drive chemical reactions and species creation, alter grain size and other microstructure and even sputter away the surface. We present here the first disk-integrated far-UV phase curves of three midsize icy satellites of Saturn: Mimas, Tethys and Dione. The layout of the paper is as follows; Section 2 presents the instrument and datasets. Section 3 deals with the disk-integrated phase curves retrieved from the observations. Section 4 details the Hapke model we use, followed by its results and analysis in Section 5. Section 6 deals with the interpretation of such results. 2 2. Observations and datasets Background signals, from the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG) and the sky background, are removed prior to apply calibration corrections. We determine an average background per row by averaging the signal from several rows far from the satellite. We analyze data in terms of reflectance: r = I/F, where I is the measured signal from the satellite and πF is the incident solar flux. The solar spectra come from data measured by SOLSTICE on the SORCE spacecraft on the day of the observation adjusted for the solar longitude (McClintock et al., 2000). The solar spectrum is corrected to the heliocentric distance, using heliocentric distances from the HORIZONS website ( 2.1. Observations The UVIS (Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph subsystem) instrument, described in detail by Esposito et al. (2004), is composed of two-dimensional CODACON detectors that provide simultaneous spectral and onedimensional spatial images. The far-UV channel covers wavelengths from 111.5 nm to 191.2 nm. The detector format is 1024 spectral pixels by 64 spatial pixels. Each spectral pixel is 0.25 mrad and each spatial pixel is 1.0 mrad projected on the sky. Our study focuses on observations using the low-resolution slit, giving a spectral resolution of 0.48 nm and a spatial FOV of 1.5 mrad in the spectral dimension. We use disk-integrated observations spanning the entire Cassini mission from 2004 until the most recent ones in 2013, as listed in Tables A.2, A.3 and A.4 in appendix. A filling factor, which is the ratio of the area of the satellite on the area of a pixel projected to the sky, normalizes each observation to a common distance. As shown in Figure 1, the satellite usually appears on one or two spatial pixels of the detector. Signals from each pixel containing the satellite are summed. The integration time is usually 120 seconds, thus an observation of few minutes contains multiple measurements that are averaged. 2.2. Data sets Figure 2 displays the distribution in longitudes and solar phase angles (α, hereafter referred to in the text as phase angles) of our data sets for Mimas, Tethys and Dione. Additional information is given in Tables A.2, A.3 and A.4. The leading hemisphere, between 0 and 180◦ W longitude contains more observations for each satellite, especially at phase angles lower than 10◦ . The three satellites exhibit a regular longitude visibility pattern, due to the orbit of Cassini in the Saturn system. Data over a wide range of phase angles, from 0.3◦ to 168.2◦ , have been obtained. Figure 2: Distribution in longitude and solar phase angle (in degrees) for UVIS disk-integrated observations of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. The dashed line divides the leading hemisphere (from 0 to 180◦ W) from the trailing one (from 180 to 360◦ W). Figure 1: A sample observation showing the satellite Dione in the UVIS slit. Each rectangle, limited by white lines, represents a spatial pixel. The notations indicate that Dione is partially on pixel 32 and pixel 31. This is a disk-integrated configuration, Dione being smaller than a pixel. On the bottom left, some details are given about the date, time, observational geometry and the position of the spacecraft. The Mimas data set has 137 observations with phase angles spanning from 0.61◦ to 163.57◦ . The Tethys data set has 84 observations and phase angles spanning from 3 0.32◦ to 163.75◦ , while Dione’s has 90 observations with phase angles spanning from 0.49◦ to 168.22◦ . Changes in brightness with longitude, known as the rotational phase, are partially taken into account by dividing our data set into leading and trailing hemispheres. More complete longitude coverage will be necessary to apply a full rotational correction. This could be important in particular for Dione, which displays bright fractures on its trailing hemisphere near 240◦ W (Stephan et al., 2010). greater. Dione and Tethys are of similar size, with diameters of 531.1 km and 561.4 km respectively. In the FUV, our results for Tethys and Dione show a leading hemisphere brighter than the trailing by a factor about 1.5. Mimas shows similar leading and trailing hemispheres in FUV wavelengths. Derived from the UVIS observations, the geometric albedos of Tethys’ leading hemisphere and Mimas are equivalent with value about 0.48 at 180 ± 5 nm. The trailing hemisphere of Tethys and the leading hemisphere of Dione have a geometric albedo of about 0.32 at the same wavelength. Dione’s trailing hemisphere is the darkest of all with a geometric albedo of about 0.18. These values correlate with the distance to Saturn, especially for the trailing hemispheres where the brightest satellite is Mimas, following by Tethys then Dione. The Tethys leading and trailing sides also seem to exhibit a more intense opposition surge than Mimas or Dione; the slope of the solar phase curve appears to be steeper below 10◦ of phase angle. Figure 5 displays a more detailed representation of the phase curves for each hemisphere, where we subdivide further: the Saturnian hemisphere is between 315 and 45◦ ; the leading hemisphere is between 45 and 135◦ , the anti-Saturnian hemisphere covers 135 to 225◦ and the trailing hemisphere is between 225 and 315◦ . The leading/trailing phase curves formed from these narrower hemispheres lead to the same conclusion as in Figure 4. Conversely, no differences can be observed between the Saturnian and anti-Saturnian hemispheres of each satellites. These results suggest that processes that alter the surfaces act primarily on the leading and trailing hemispheres. We note that the reduced number of data points does not always allow a definitive conclusion about hemispherical asymmetries, especially on Mimas where we do not have anti-Saturnian observations at low phase angles. Figure 6 represents the rotational phase curves of Mimas, Tethys and Dione at about 15◦ phase angle. The leading/trailing asymmetry still appears on the Tethys and Dione phase curves. Nevertheless, the small amount of points doesn’t allow to properly fit these curves. We need more complete coverage in longitude in order to be able to perform a rotational correction on our data sets. 3. Phase curves We choose to focus on the 180 nm wavelength (±5 nm), given the spectral shape of icy satellites as displayed in Figure 3. At wavelengths shorter than 165 nm the spectrum is very dark, a consequence of the edge of a water-ice absorption band (Hendrix and Hansen, 2008). The spectrum is the brightest and provide the best signal over noise ratio (SNR) around 180nm. Figures 4 and 5 present the first far-ultraviolet diskintegrated phase curves of Mimas, Tethys and Dione at 180±5 nm . Figure 3: Tethys reflectance spectrum from observation FUV2013 166 21 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE around 1◦ solar phase angle. The spectrum is very dark below 165nm and displays the water ice absorption edge at 165 nm. In Figure 4, we divide the satellite surfaces into two hemispheres: the leading and the trailing hemispheres, as defined in Figure 2. A zoom on the phase angles from 0◦ to 15◦ is included for each satellite. The background subtraction accounts for a big part in the value of the error bars. Because Mimas is the smallest of the three satellites with a diameter of 198.2 km, its error bars are 4. Hapke modeling Among the few analytical photometric models cited in the introduction, Hapke’s equations have seen the widest application to icy surfaces. Thus, in order to make comparisons with previous studies, we propose 4 (a) Mimas (b) Tethys (c) Dione Figure 4: Leading/Trailing hemispheres of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. The leading side spans from 0 to 180 degrees, while the trailing side spans from 180 to 360 degrees. here an analysis of our data sets using the Isotropic Multiple Scattering Approximation (IMSA) of the Hapke model (Hapke, 2012). Our methodology follows the one described by Hendrix et al. (2005); we use a LevenbergMarquardt algorithm to determine the best fits. Photometric properties can lead to enhanced understanding of the structure of a regolith. Parameters such as the single scattering albedo ω, the scattering lobe parameters b and c, the geometric albedo Ap, the roughness Θ, and the shadow hiding parameters B0 and h can be determined by spectrophotometry, allowing for the characterization of a surface. Photometric properties are also useful to fully investigate the composition and grain sizes of a surface. surfaces, we use a simple form of the IMSA Hapke model, which assumes that the opposition surge is created only by the shadow-hiding process. We do not account for the coherent-backscatter process, as it requires phase angles smaller than 2◦ to be constrained and it is more commonly observed on brighter surfaces (Nelson et al., 1998), although some studies show that it could be important on low-albedo surfaces also (Shkuratov and Helfenstein, 2001; Verbiscer et al., 2005; Buratti et al., 2010). In addition, we have tested the possibility of a Coherent Backscattering Opposition Effect (CBOE) with the 2012 IMSA Hapke model and preliminary results don’t show any evidence for CBOE on these icy satellites at 180 nm. 4.1. Parameters Because our datasets cover a wide range of phase angles, we choose to use a two parameters HenyeyGreenstein function (2P-HG) (Domingue et al., 1991): Because our data sets are somewhat sparse at very small phase angles and we are observing quite UV-dark 5 (a) Mimas Saturn/anti-Saturn hemispheres (b) Mimas Leading/Trailing hemispheres (c) Tethys Saturn/anti-Saturn hemispheres (d) Tethys Leading/Trailing hemispheres (e) Dione Saturn/anti-Saturn hemispheres (f) Dione Leading/Trailing hemispheres Figure 5: Detailled view of the Saturn, anti-Saturn, Leading and Trailing hemispheres of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. Each hemisphere spans 90 degrees of longitude. 6 P(α) = (1 − c) ∗ (1 − b2 ) (1 + 2b cos(α) + b2 ) 3 2 + c ∗ (1 − b2 ) 3 (1 − 2b cos(α) + b2 ) 2 Domingue and Verbiscer (1997) demonstrated that using the 2P-HG or a 3P-HG is equivalent, as long as the coverage in large phase angles is adequate. The 2PHG is the most commonly used, where b describes the amplitude of the scattering lobe, and the c parameters describes the direction of scattering, forward or backward. Both parameters vary between 0 and 1. A value of c = 0 implies pure forward scattering; α is the solar phase angle. The values of ω, b, and c require information on both the forward (α >100◦ ) and backward scattering (α <30◦ ) directions, to be constrained. The roughness parameter, Θ, has been fixed in our analysis. It requires observations at phase angles greater than 90◦ to be well constrained. In addition, Θ is not expected to be wavelength-dependent. Based on previous literature and on the work of Verbiscer and Veverka (1992) we decided to fix it to the value of 20◦ . The Shadow-Hiding Opposition Effect (SHOE) parameters are B0 , the amplitude, which requires phase angles less than 30◦ to be constrained and h, the angular width of the opposition surge, linked to the porosity, which requires phase angles smaller than 5◦ (Domingue et al., 1998). B0 was allowed to vary between 0 and 1, 1 being characteristic of an opaque particle. Both parameters were initially fixed to the values from Verbiscer and Veverka (1992) in order to retrieve the ω, b and c parameters. Then the B0 and h values were refined. The h parameter can be related to the porosity P by the equation: √ 3 3 (2) h = − ln(P) Y , where Y = 8 ln( rrsl ) (a) Mimas (b) Tethys This is given assuming an uniform grain size lunarlike distribution. rl /r s is the ratio of the effective radius of the largest grain to the effective radius of the smallest grain (Hapke, 1986; Helfenstein and Veverka, 1987). 4.2. Error bars The initial error bars on the Hapke photometric parameters are taken to be equal to the fine grid step sizes used in our analysis. They are as follows: ±0.01 for ω, ±0.02 for b and c, ±0.01 for B0 and ±0.10 for h. The accuracy to which these parameters can be determined is highly dependent on the quality of the data sets being modeled. The revised error bars, after completing of the Levenberg-Marquardt fit analysis, take into account scatter in the data sets and phase angle coverage. (c) Dione Figure 6: Rotational phase curves of Mimas, Tethys and Dione at about 15◦ phase angle. 7 The estimation of empirical errors bars on each parameter was made by comparing the measured solar phase curve of each data set with the model generated using the best-fit parameters, with one parameter being varied to check the effect of the fit on the phase curve, including the scatter of data. The constraints on the variation in any single parameter based on the phase angle coverage in each data set was also judged. We report these error in each of the final figures as the best a posteriori estimates of the parameter errors. The final error bars, derived from the quality of fit, are shown in Table 1. 5. Results Figure 8: IMSA Hapke model (Hapke, 2012) at 180 nm. The Leading hemisphere (LH) of Tethys and Dione are clearly brighter than their trailing hemisphere (TH). Tethys LH and TH are also brighter than Dione. This is consistent with the fact that Tethys is closer to Saturn and Enceladus, so it receives more E-ring grains and energetic electrons. Both hemispheres of Mimas are similar. At phase angles smaller than 20◦ , Tethys exhibits steeper curves on its leading and trailing sides. This demonstrates a different opposition effect. Table 1 gives the best-fit Hapke parameters determined in this analysis for both hemispheres of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. Figures 7 and 8 show the models and corresponding Hapke model solutions at 180 nm. Figure 8 shows the same modelled solar phase curves as in Figure 7, but they are over-plotted, allowing an easier comparison of the three satellites. 5.1. Single particle scattering terms The single-scatter albedo ω and the b and c terms are the parameters most robustly characterized by the Hapke model. The leading hemispheres of Tethys and Dione have higher values of ω than their trailing hemispheres, while both Mimas hemispheres are equivalent in ω, within the error bars. The single scattering albedo is driven by composition. These results show that the Mimas TH and LH likely have roughly similar composition, while the trailing hemispheres of Tethys and Dione include additional absorbing species. The relatively low ω values signal that single-scattering likely dominates over multiple scattering. The b parameter is the amplitude of the scattering lobes. The 2P-HG assumes that the half-width of the forward and backward scattering lobes are equivalent and that the relative amplitude varies. The c parameter relates to the direction of scatter. No forwardscattering components have been found in this analysis, only backward-scattering. Figure 9 illustrates the 2P-HG functions. The main differences appear at phase angles lower than 40◦ . We can consider that the c values are equivalent for each hemisphere of the satellites, and that the b parameter values are equivalent for both hemispheres of Mimas, Tethys and the trailing hemisphere of Dione. The exception is the Dione LH, which has the lowest b value. Figure 9: Phase functions: 2P-HG functions at 180 nm. Within the error bars, it is delicate to make differences between these phase functions, except that Dione’s leading hemisphere is less backscattering. All the other curves are the similar within error bars. 5.2. Opposition effect parameters A comparison of the shape of the phase curves and IMSA 2012 Hapke models (Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8) indicates that Tethys has a different behavior than Mimas and Dione. At phase angles smaller than 20◦ , Tethys displays a narrower curve, suggesting a strong opposition effect on this satellite in both hemispheres. This could be the result of a different microstructure of the regolith. The Hapke model results reflect this difference, with both the Tethys LH and TH having smaller values of 8 Figure 7: Hapke best fit of the leading and trailing hemispheres of Mimas, Tethys and Dione at 180 nm. The model is very sensitive, strongly dependent, to the data set phase angle coverage, that can introduce a bias in the interpretation. Satellite hemisphere Leading ω 0.516 ±0.02 b 0.46 ±0.02 c 1.00 ±0.02 B0 0.85 ±0.10 h 0.641 ±0.05 rms 0.197 Trailing 0.495 ±0.03 0.618 ±0.03 0.48 ±0.03 0.48 ±0.02 1.00 ±0.03 1.00 ±0.02 0.84 ±0.15 0.80 ±0.02 1.00 ±0.50 0.134 ±0.05 0.123 0.387 ±0.02 0.484 ±0.02 0.49 ±0.02 0.35 ±0.02 1.00 ±0.02 1.00 ±0.02 0.96 ±0.02 0.95 ±0.15 0.064 ±0.07 0.457 ±0.07 0.022 0.211 ±0.02 0.44 ±0.02 1.00 ±0.02 0.95 ±0.15 0.505 ±0.10 0.012 Mimas Leading 0.039 Tethys Trailing Leading 0.031 Dione Trailing Table 1: best-fit IMSA Hapke parameters. 9 h. However, it is necessary to be cautious with a possible bias because we don’t have much data at very small phase angles on the TH. The h parameter is related to the porosity and needs phase angles lower than 5◦ to be well constrained. Our results should therefore be considered as a test of the Hapke model for this parameter, with moderately low phase angle coverage. We conclude h cannot be determined for Mimas TH; there are not enough data points, which gives a value of h = 1.00. Assuming a lunar-like uniform grain size distribution as explained in equation (2), we derive porosities of 25% on the LH of Tethys and 49 % on its TH, while Mimas and Dione have very low porosities (<5%). If the CBOE were contributing significantly, the derived porosity can be inaccurate, providing values that are high (Helfenstein et al., 1998). However, our preliminary tests show that CBOE is not significant. The B0 parameter is a representation of the transparency of the particles, a value of 1 meaning an opaque particle. The three satellites have equivalent values, suggesting quite opaque particles. But, here again, the error bars are large due to less than complete coverage at small phase angles. As shown on Figure 10, and in reference to the work of Verbiscer et al. (2007), we have plotted the opposition effect amplitude as a function of its angular width. The results form two distinct groups, with Tethys as a member of the first group and, Mimas and Dione as members of the second one, since Tethys exhibits much lower values of the h parameter. This result is in agreement with the work of Verbiscer et al. (2007), who also formed the same groups. However, the opposition surge behavior varies with wavelength. Verbiscer et al. (2007) found Mimas and Dione to have higher values of B0 than Tethys in the visible (along with larger h values), whereas in the FUV we find all B0 values to be similar. Figure 10: The opposition effect amplitude vs. its angular width for Mimas, Tethys and Dione leading hemisphere (LH) and trailing hemisphere (TH). The Mimas TH h value hasn’t been able to be fitted due to a lack of data at very low phase angle in this hemisphere. Exception of the Mimas TH, we can distinguish 2 groups: the first one composed of Dione with the Mimas’ LH and the second one composed of Tethys. For both Tethys and Dione, we observe a higher value of ωP0 on the LH than on the TH (Fig. 11), when we expect more bombardment by E-ring grains on their leading side. Dione also has lower values than Tethys; this is consistent with the fact that Dione is further from Enceladus, the source of the E-ring. We expect Dione to experience less bombardment by E-ring grains than Tethys and Mimas. Mimas displays a slightly higher value on the TH, but with large error bars. We expect that Mimas should experience more E-ring grain bombardment on its trailing side (Hamilton and Burns, 1994). 5.3. Amount of bombardment The ωP(0) value describes the total light scattered from the particles, both from internal and surface scattering (Hendrix et al., 2005). The B0 term being a measure of the opacity of particles, it indicates the level of surface scattering, where B0 = S(0) / ωP(0). The term S(0) characterizes the contribution of light scattered from near the front surface of the particles as part of the opposition surge, while ωP(0) describes the total light scattered from the particles, both from internal and surface scattering. Hendrix et al. (2005) linked the ωP(0) value to the amount of bombardment experienced by the satellite surfaces, based on a study of the Galilean satellites. Our results also support this interpretation. Figure 11: Amount of bombardment. The quantity ωP(0) could be related to the amount of bombardment received at the surface, Tethys and Dione LH having higher values than their TH. 10 6. Discussion agent on TH) acting simultaneously is conceivable. We were expecting a slight difference between both hemispheres of Mimas, however the quality of the UVIS datasets on Mimas do not allow us to detect such an asymmetry. The leading and trailing hemispheres have different coverage in phase angle, and in particular we are lacking observations at very low phase angles on the trailing side. Thus, the Hapke model cannot retrieve realistic opposition surge parameters B0 and h on this side. The Hapke parameters being quite correlated with each other, this can also influence the ω and 2P-HG function parameters. On Mimas, E-ring grains are expected to impact primarily the trailing side (Hamilton and Burns, 1994), while the energetic electrons impact the leading side (Paranicas et al., 2012). More equivalent phase angle coverage on both hemispheres would give some indication of the photometric behavior induced by one or the other exogenic processes. Hendrix et al. (2012) showed for Mimas that the FUV wavelengths are largely not sensitive to effects of energetic charged particle bombardment due to the shallower sensing depths; however they used an observation centered on the anti-Saturnian hemisphere, so a clear comparison between central LH and central TH has yet to be accomplished. Our results demonstrate a different photometric behavior of Tethys surface at low phase angles compared to Mimas and Dione, when looking at the opposition surge parameters. While Mimas and Dione have similar shadow-hiding parameters, Tethys has a narrower width of its opposition surge peak in the FUV. The smaller values of h of Tethys indicate a possibly different microstructure of the regolith, compared with Mimas and Dione. This can be linked to porosity. Tethys has derived porosity values of 25% for the LH and 49% for the TH, while porosity values for Dione and Mimas are less than 1%. We need to remember that these porosity estimates are made under the assumption of a lunar-like grain distribution, with significant error bars on the h term. The CBOE was not taken into account, based on preliminary results showing that it is negligible on these satellites. However, our results are consistent with the visible-regime results of Verbiscer et al. (2007), suggesting some amount of consistency in opposition surge width of a wide wavelength range. Nevertheless, at FUV wavelengths, the amplitude of the opposition surge, related to the particles opacity, seems to remain the same for all satellites, contrary to the visible wavelength results. These opposition surge results suggest that the regolith microstructure and granularity as well as the composition, driving the opacity can be related to orbital position of the satellites relative to E-ring grain In this paper we have presented the first FUV diskintegrated phase curves of Mimas, Tethys and Dione. Observations show a leading hemisphere brighter than the trailing on Tethys and Dione, while Mimas has a quite uniform brightness across its surface. While the Mimas and Tethys leading hemisphere reflectance peaks at about 0.5, Tethys’ trailing side and Dione have much lower values of reflectance. Dione’s trailing side has a value of I/F equal to about 0.18 at zero phase angle. Dione’s hemispheric albedo asymmetry is also more pronounced than on Tethys: the leading/trailing brightness ratio is about 1.50 for Tethys and about 1.78 for Dione. Nevertheless, none of the three satellites seems to display an asymmetry between their Saturnian and anti-Saturnian hemispheres. This observation suggests significant interactions between those moons with the E-ring particles and Saturnian magnetosphere, two agents expected to act mainly on the leading and trailing faces of these satellites. Model results must be interpreted with caution. The UVIS data points are quite scattered at low phase angles and longitudes, especially on Dione. The absence of rotational correction for the three satellites, due to this lack of data points at different longitudes is an additional source of error. An overall uncertainty about 10 to 20 percent on the value of the data points should thus be considered. We also need more observations at very low phase angles to draw some conclusions with more conviction. Model parameters show a strong dependance to the coverage in data points at small phase angle. Great caution must be applied when it comes to the opposition surge absolute values given by the Hapke model. The scattering properties display some differences between the three satellites, especially on Dione, showing a more absorbent surface. Combining the phase function parameters, b and c, with the single scattering albedo ω (Fig. 11) shows that Dione exhibits a slightly different behavior where absorption dominates clearly over scattering on both hemispheres. This is not so obvious on Mimas and Tethys. Dione’s greater distance from Saturn and/or Enceladus could explain this effect. Dione is expected to receive fewer amount of E-ring grains from Enceladus and thus should exhibit less fresh bright water-ice on its surface. In addition, an exogenic process acting only on the trailing side, such as a darkening agent coming from outside the system of Saturn for example (suggested by Clark et al. (2008)), is another possible hypothesis. A combination of both processes (lower flux of E-ring grains on LH, darkening 11 density. Our results can also be linked with the amount of Ering grain bombardment experienced by each satellite hemisphere. As shown in Fig 11, the Dione LH and TH and Tethys TH have higher B0 values, and lower ωP(0) values, while the Mimas LH and TH and Tethys LH have lower B0 and higher ωP(0) values. As discussed by Hendrix et al. (2005), the ωP(0) term relates to total (internal + surface) scattering, while the B0 term relates to the amount of surface scattering (and the opaqueness of the particles). Thus, the surface with lower overall amounts of E-ring grain bombardment (Dione TH, LH and Tethys TH) have more contributions to scattering from surface scattering from the grains, while the grains on the Mimas LH and TH and Tethys LH, with more E-ring grain bombardment, demonstrate more overall scattering, with a greater relative contribution from internal scattering due to the relatively transparent nature of these grains. funding. The authors would like to thanks the reviewers, as well as Larry W. Esposito for rereading and discussions. 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Tables of observations Appendix A contains tables of observations used for Mimas, Tethys and Dione. α represents the solar phase angle, Φ is the central longitude. The altitude (in km) from the Cassini spacecraft to the satellite, as well as the filling factor (the portion of a pixel, which contain the satellite, 1 meaning that the satellite fills the entire pixel) are also given. The sequence number of the name of the observation is defined as follow: the first 3 letters indicates that the observation is made in the FUV wavelength. It is then followed by the year, day and time of observation. UVIS is the name of the instrument. The following three numbers stand for the reference number of revolution around Saturn, followed by the initial of the observed satellite (MI for Mimas, TE for Tethys and DI for Dione). The final letter sequence indicates the type of observation and the instrument, which was prime for it. Name FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 016 016 016 017 017 017 017 018 019 049 049 049 049 050 065 066 069 071 071 072 213 263 265 265 265 285 286 286 287 287 287 288 288 288 289 304 304 305 306 334 13 13 15 13 17 17 20 20 13 10 14 18 23 13 15 14 08 07 11 15 02 21 00 06 19 23 03 06 02 07 21 02 06 20 00 18 23 03 02 18 03 25 04 06 28 36 08 09 08 28 41 55 21 46 11 08 42 40 47 11 22 11 26 11 18 29 37 58 56 22 52 01 32 42 54 52 01 27 42 49 13 58 29 20 51 51 31 39 41 54 44 04 54 34 01 51 24 13 23 23 00 30 50 00 49 28 08 08 49 59 58 28 38 39 19 37 48 59 28 57 UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS 00CMI ICYLON008 VIMS 00CMI ICYLON008 VIMS 00CMI ICYLON009 VIMS 00CMI ICYLON012 ISS 00CMI ICYLON014 ISS 00CMI ICYLON014 ISS 00CMI ICYLON015 ISS 00CMI ICYLON018 ISS 00CMI ICYLON019 ISS 003MI ICYLON006 ISS 003MI ICYLON007 ISS 003MI ICYLON008 ISS 003MI ICYLON009 ISS 003MI ICYLON010 ISS 004MI ICYLON002 ISS 004MI ICYLON005 ISS 004MI ICYLON007 ISS 004MI ICYLON008 ISS 004MI ICYLON009 ISS 004MI ICYLON010 ISS 012MI ICYLON002 ISS 015MI ICYLON007 ISS 015MI ICYLON017 ISS 015MI ICYLON023 ISS 015MI ICYLON025 ISS 016MI ICYLON002 ISS 016MI ICYLON003 ISS 016MI ICYLON004 ISS 016MI ICYLON005 ISS 016MI ICYLON006 ISS 016MI ICYLON007 ISS 016MI ICYLON008 ISS 016MI ICYLON009 ISS 016MI ICYLON010 ISS 016MI ICYLON011 ISS 017MI ICYLON001 ISS 017MI ICYLON002 ISS 017MI ICYLON003 ISS 017MI ICYLON004 ISS 018MI ICYLON001 ISS 14 α 133.60 136.20 144.56 128.31 131.09 130.96 126.01 113.88 107.26 94.97 94.97 106.44 103.36 90.13 36.04 28.55 114.04 88.87 94.15 87.23 30.90 57.88 50.42 38.84 43.07 106.23 111.78 120.28 99.69 106.56 89.73 93.15 98.97 85.48 88.44 122.64 126.38 132.61 123.63 115.38 Φ 256.50 261.03 277.30 197.15 265.92 269.62 320.96 319.09 211.58 95.27 95.27 238.09 311.54 166.18 100.24 92.14 171.21 167.88 237.37 310.29 260.01 239.96 310.30 22.15 236.02 100.99 165.92 230.46 165.58 238.18 94.84 165.85 238.71 92.53 165.06 95.01 166.74 238.80 239.07 22.32 Altitude 285879.82 304400.81 391507.94 775945.04 1016915.20 1026174.50 1240933.10 1657658.90 1646898.50 1005021.00 1005021.00 1089668.50 1379393.90 1335561.90 1606313.20 1261312.60 569577.96 1437102.90 1557006.20 2088974.90 839228.39 1576129.20 1367500.90 1334603.60 779480.13 766263.92 709589.01 820995.09 1163516.50 1306242.20 1604984.30 1494910.30 1625383.30 1875073.60 1748906.20 1213967.60 1133877.50 1285592.10 1655618.10 1967090.80 Filing factor 0.96 0.83 0.51 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.25 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.11 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2007 018 018 019 019 019 020 020 022 052 052 052 052 053 054 054 054 081 083 208 208 209 209 209 254 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 341 163 16 20 01 15 20 00 14 07 06 10 15 20 14 13 19 23 09 11 10 10 11 13 13 02 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 00 00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 16 02 56 12 31 18 31 41 12 21 57 07 31 16 18 07 39 27 17 05 34 00 02 18 35 24 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 14 02 15 40 08 36 56 36 07 27 16 07 18 18 18 28 21 08 07 08 47 28 53 52 53 53 53 16 02 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 40 UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS 020MI 020MI 020MI 020MI 020MI 020MI 020MI 020MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 021MI 022MI 022MI 026MI 026MI 026MI 026MI 026MI 028MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 034MI 046MI ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON006 ISS ICYLON008 ISS ICYLON011 ISS ICYLON013 ISS ICYLON016 ISS ICYLON017 ISS ICYLON019 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON003 ISS ICYLON004 ISS ICYLON005 ISS ICYLON006 ISS ICYLON007 ISS ICYLON008 ISS ICYLON003 ISS ICYLON004 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON002 ISS PHOTOM035 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS STARE001 ISS ICYLON001 ISS 15 157.01 150.75 153.95 146.87 142.03 145.02 140.17 137.61 74.72 79.27 78.15 70.60 72.27 63.71 50.29 41.12 149.07 161.98 148.78 146.53 150.74 150.12 150.05 150.38 155.67 156.31 157.08 157.85 158.59 159.30 159.96 160.55 161.05 161.47 161.76 161.95 162.01 161.97 161.81 161.56 161.23 160.83 160.38 159.91 159.42 158.93 158.46 158.01 157.61 157.24 156.93 15.32 22.27 94.20 167.19 21.99 93.20 166.98 22.52 308.93 166.40 237.94 311.12 23.00 313.66 310.50 21.25 86.13 260.81 311.23 186.09 213.47 230.64 250.40 256.97 193.33 285.93 292.82 300.73 308.36 315.60 322.57 329.23 335.69 341.93 348.06 354.08 180.07 5.87 12.11 18.28 24.58 31.11 37.86 44.94 52.29 60.04 68.08 76.49 85.15 93.75 103.06 112.10 276.88 1169997.00 1082838.50 1011445.50 1625641.40 1518850.5 1431573.0 2000482.90 2465572.90 1950185.40 1961484.00 2107489.80 2099582.00 1767571.80 1355127.80 1312629.40 1053960.60 1050820.70 2045935.30 1664875.70 1673643.20 1980807.10 2083264.00 2098846.80 1195110.60 1576381.60 1605278.40 1614226.70 1648570.20 1656684.50 1686676.50 1693472.60 1717392.90 1722492.80 1739062.20 1742208.50 1750658.20 1751725.40 1751823.30 1750820.00 1742862.7 1739927.40 1724712.50 1720103.10 1698881.90 1692963.30 1667383.90 1660611.40 1632645.10 1625546.30 1597413.00 1589997.00 610275.64 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.22 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2012 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 298 298 299 196 235 235 272 278 293 023 023 176 176 176 176 176 287 287 226 226 226 226 226 226 267 267 267 267 092 092 092 092 092 092 092 127 127 174 174 174 174 174 178 178 20 23 12 14 10 10 06 21 22 14 14 18 18 18 18 18 13 13 19 19 19 19 19 19 17 17 18 18 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 03 17 20 20 20 20 21 09 10 45 41 UVIS 051MI GLOCOLB001 ISS 10.33 50.15 1215459.70 25 52 UVIS 051MI 094W010PH001 ISS 9.80 95.29 1144121.20 06 51 UVIS 051MI 310W014PH001 ISS 13.71 307.52 1480275.50 22 59 UVIS 076MI ICYLON001 CIRS 62.09 17.62 294910.58 06 11 UVIS 081MI ICYLON002 ISS 15.25 41.60 1336495.50 38 11 UVIS 081MI ICYLON002 ISS 14.33 55.63 1318405.20 32 22 UVIS 086MI ICYLON001 ISS 14.23 88.10 1238290.10 33 07 UVIS 087MI ICYLON001 ISS 14.90 103.48 1106735.70 46 00 UVIS 089MI ICYLON001 ISS 14.21 91.88 1197051.20 26 21 UVIS 101MI ICYLON001 ISS 149.78 76.14 576011.46 52 01 UVIS 101MI ICYLON001 ISS 151.74 109.36 556850.30 15 02 UVIS 113MI ICYLON001 ISS 11.39 64.77 593830.99 15 02 UVIS 113MI iCYLON001 ISS 12.49 71.83 593830.99 15 02 UVIS 113MI iCYLON001 ISS 13.50 76.62 593830.99 15 02 UVIS 113MI iCYLON001 ISS 14.48 80.82 593830.99 15 02 UVIS 113MI iCYLON001 ISS 15.16 83.60 593830.99 48 36 UVIS 119MI ICYLON001 ISS 1.98 261.74 334207.08 48 36 UVIS 119MI ICYLON001 ISS 2.37 262.67 334207.08 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 2.47 18.13 804360.65 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.50 20.09 804360.65 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.61 22.42 804360.65 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.79 24.44 804360.65 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.50 26.16 804360.65 38 00 UVIS 170MI LOPHASE001 PIE 2.53 28.60 804360.65 18 40 UVIS 172MI ICYLON001 ISS 158.37 4.08 891984.11 43 22 UVIS 172MI ICYLON001 ISS 160.36 8.03 882061.85 07 21 UVIS 172MI ICYLON001 ISS 162.14 11.55 871160.42 27 00 UVIS 172MI ICYLON001 ISS 163.57 14.39 861321.34 02 20 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 159.64 75.19 605838.58 11 00 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 159.09 78.02 598036.42 26 40 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 158.40 81.91 583815.49 41 59 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 157.79 85.80 569799.27 56 45 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 157.26 89.64 556219.78 11 39 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 156.78 93.59 542486.15 26 29 UVIS 185MI ICYLON001 ISS 156.45 96.79 528824.91 01 00 UVIS 189MI ICYLON001 PRIME 58.60 204.02 1183584.90 24 30 UVIS 189MI ICYLON002 PRIME 68.51 56.60 1406615.00 08 30 UVIS 193MI ICYLON001 ISS 151.29 289.30 841024.45 24 10 UVIS 193MI ICYLON001 ISS 152.13 293.12 848247.47 39 30 UVIS 193MI ICYLON001 ISS 152.92 296.54 855254.37 54 15 UVIS 193MI ICYLON001 ISS 153.82 300.21 861898.08 09 09 UVIS 193MI ICYLON001 ISS 154.69 303.60 868481.29 47 20 UVIS 193MI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.42 7.24 1164865.90 37 20 UVIS 193MI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.29 14.60 1167213.60 Table A.2: Mimas disk-integrated observations. α is the averaged solar phase angle of the observation in degree, Φ is the central longitude. Name FUV2005 017 15 10 10 UVIS 00CTE ICYLON012 ISS FUV2005 017 16 40 11 UVIS 00CTE ICYLON014 ISS 16 α 109.92 108.67 Φ 78.95 90.20 Altitude 1036869.7 1014101.4 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.82 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.25 0.35 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.73 0.73 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.06 0.06 Filing factor 0.55 0.58 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 017 018 019 049 049 050 051 065 065 066 071 072 215 263 264 264 286 287 288 288 305 305 305 306 307 332 333 333 018 019 019 022 052 052 083 123 223 254 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 278 279 279 205 298 299 22 13 00 12 22 15 11 08 17 10 09 16 01 21 05 14 22 20 05 22 00 18 18 05 07 20 01 04 19 12 21 07 10 21 15 06 00 01 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 11 23 01 07 05 19 03 19 59 30 29 58 28 46 58 22 17 58 12 08 45 47 57 58 48 06 28 32 03 11 11 57 51 58 38 34 26 38 31 07 01 08 27 51 38 07 25 42 00 18 36 53 11 44 34 08 06 45 04 11 21 00 34 34 34 54 49 01 01 24 03 39 59 10 10 58 58 48 09 07 27 27 48 58 58 58 58 58 28 36 28 58 48 08 58 34 02 31 16 58 43 28 13 58 43 02 02 01 40 11 32 UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS 00CTE ICYLON016 ISS 00CTE ICYLON017 ISS 00CTE ICYLON018 ISS 003TE ICYLON006 ISS 003TE ICYLON008 ISS 003TE ICYLON010 ISS 003TE ICYLON011 ISS 004TE ICYLON001 ISS 004TE ICYLON002 ISS 004TE ICYLON003 ISS 004TE ICYLON006 ISS 004TE ICYLON010 ISS 012TE ICYLON015 ISS 015TE ICYLON008 ISS 015TE ICYLON012 ISS 015TE ICYLON013 ISS 016TE ICYLON004 ISS 016TE ICYLON005 ISS 016TE ICYLON006 ISS 016TE ICYLON007 ISS 017TE ICYLON001 ISS 017TE ICYLON002 ISS 017TE ICYLON002 ISS 017TE ICYLON003 ISS 017TE ICYLON004 ISS 018TE ICYLON001 VIMS 018TE ICYLON002 VIMS 018TE ICYLON003 VIMS 020TE ICYLON005 ISS 020TE ICYLON009 ISS 020TE ICYLON015 ISS 020TE ICYLON020 ISS 021TE ICYLON001 ISS 021TE ICYLON002 ISS 022TE ICYLON002 ISS 023TE ICYLON069 ISS 027TE ICYLON001 ISS 028TE PHOTOM035 ISS 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 028TE ICYATM001 PRIME 030TE STARE001 PRIME 030TE STARE001 PRIME 030TE STARE001 PRIME 048TE ICYLON002 ISS 051TE 166W012PH001 ISS 051TE 238W021PH001 ISS 17 109.51 122.23 111.31 97.87 85.15 100.00 82.95 34.82 38.43 43.96 97.64 75.29 144.21 50.02 58.72 56.6 113.50 86.29 91.58 97.17 124.72 128.91 128.77 114.91 118.52 123.30 121.32 123.31 146.64 157.80 153.82 131.93 81.42 69.70 162.40 162.85 163.75 151.12 152.95 152.95 152.97 153.01 153.06 153.13 153.22 153.32 163.15 159.53 158.24 12.18 12.03 20.99 136.19 273.79 345.09 22.28 91.79 238.63 22.62 96.86 165.56 309.15 237.49 93.61 310.30 166.12 238.17 310.18 310.06 93.82 165.84 309.86 165.96 309.58 310.49 22.34 238.37 72.38 117.46 139.58 93.85 241.26 310.26 22.70 310.53 23.19 238.57 236.93 165.13 7.27 252.97 255.39 257.81 260.20 262.57 264.92 267.26 269.58 34.61 70.85 92.17 310.00 169.10 237.49 935656.5 1419638.5 1895205.6 1348686.2 1242793.1 1357412.6 2084398.7 1674436.4 1311345.9 1477132.7 1460006.4 1983476.7 835580.7 1381004.1 1375994.6 1579871.9 1422165.8 1567849.8 1422107.4 2055226.4 10521315.2 1784960.0 1791150.3 2064689.3 1953265.5 1078844.3 994807.95 960096.9 1036143.5 1232063.4 1722851.5 2650114.8 2241331.2 2197578.7 1823381.6 1877859.1 2126953.9 1277133.2 1401984.3 1415988.9 1430128.1 1444381.1 1458731.1 1473160.4 1487651.3 1502186.4 2335653.0 2288487.4 2080257.9 2019682.8 797282.12 1035424.6 0.67 0.29 0.16 0.32 0.38 0.31 0.13 0.22 0.39 0.27 0.27 0.15 0.83 0.31 0.31 0.24 0.29 0.24 0.29 0.14 0.07 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.51 0.61 0.65 0.55 0.39 0.20 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.18 0.17 0.13 0.36 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.93 0.54 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 299 300 301 302 302 303 358 029 029 063 063 105 173 220 220 228 228 228 235 235 294 294 301 301 301 166 166 166 166 166 12 00 02 17 17 20 15 19 19 19 19 20 16 08 08 01 01 01 08 08 01 01 13 13 13 21 21 21 21 21 54 51 UVIS 051TE 310W016PH001 ISS 15.82 310.76 1560629.6 24 21 UVIS 051TE 022W012PH001 ISS 11.73 22.33 1861939.0 59 42 UVIS 051TE 238W011PH001 ISS 11.36 238.14 1764316.3 06 52 UVIS 051TE 166W021PH001 ISS 21.08 164.96 2055504.2 16 52 UVIS 051TE 166W021PH001 ISS 20.95 166.40 2054977.2 56 42 UVIS 051TE 022W024PH001 ISS 24.40 21.79 2828910.8 19 50 UVIS 054TE ICYLON001 PRIME 28.63 32.10 2312366.0 09 11 UVIS 057TE ICYLON001 ISS 8.99 96.95 1135196.4 09 11 UVIS 057TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.13 99.96 1135196.4 39 49 UVIS 060TE ICYLON001 ISS 0.32 106.78 913484.6 39 49 UVIS 060TE ICYLON001 ISS 0.38 107.79 913484.6 40 10 UVIS 064TE ICYLON001 ISS 26.59 219.73 1148263.2 00 00 UVIS 073TE ICYLON001 CIRS 49.74 177.77 774580.7 20 47 UVIS 079TE ICYLON001 ISS 6.75 80.18 1219627.5 20 47 UVIS 079TE ICYLON001 ISS 6.70 86.13 1219627.5 07 17 UVIS 080TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.31 106.13 1107990.5 07 17 UVIS 080TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.75 110.72 1107990.5 07 17 UVIS 080TE ICYLON001 ISS 10.17 114.65 1107990.5 23 37 UVIS 081TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.88 60.10 1335446.0 23 37 UVIS 081TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.63 65.44 1335446.0 02 47 UVIS 089TE ICYLON001 ISS 8.65 93.92 1147685.2 02 47 UVIS 089TE ICYLON001 ISS 8.86 100.24 1147685.2 25 47 UVIS 090TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.77 85.17 1203826.6 25 47 UVIS 090TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.84 89.37 1203826.6 25 47 UVIS 090TE ICYLON001 ISS 9.96 92.85 1203826.6 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE 1.49 190.22 809317.6 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE 1.09 192.35 809317.6 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE 0.90 195.12 809317.6 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE 1.15 198.05 809317.6 53 00 UVIS 192TE LOPHASE001 PIE 1.55 200.15 809317.6 Table A.3: Tethys disk-integrated observations. α is the averaged solar phase angle of the observation in degree, Φ is the central longitude. Name FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 FUV2005 017 050 051 065 066 070 071 264 265 286 288 288 305 305 307 325 14 17 16 17 07 17 08 15 03 22 06 21 01 23 06 02 11 24 14 43 53 38 18 17 17 19 01 13 04 58 16 58 30 33 04 01 00 12 04 30 00 57 58 59 57 58 58 57 UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS 00CDI ICYLON012 ISS 003DI ICYLON010 ISS 003DI ICYLON011 ISS 004DI ICYLON001 ISS 004DI ICYLON002 ISS 004DI ICYLON004 ISS 004DI ICYLON006 ISS 015DI ICYLON014 ISS 015DI ICYLON020 ISS 016DI ICYLON012 ISS 016DI ICYLON013 ISS 016DI ICYLON014 ISS 017DI ICYLON001 ISS 017DI ICYLON002 ISS 017DI ICYLON003 ISS 018DI ICYLON001 ISS 18 α 105.37 78.11 94.29 50.56 46.38 106.84 99.69 34.61 36.70 117.46 89.68 79.95 112.76 129.30 109.05 69.50 Φ 90.67 94.46 237.34 238.63 311.40 237.00 309.80 94.93 167.00 237.40 21.59 93.98 94.12 237.71 21.95 168.15 Altitude 916127.4 1496263.7 1628098.6 1356107.2 1588315.6 1165571.8 1840019.7 1336159.8 846023.7 1011514.7 2064213.1 1822131.3 1270235.3 1481941.1 2460187.3 2224134.8 0.24 0.17 0.19 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.11 0.46 0.46 0.71 0.71 0.44 0.99 0.41 0.41 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.34 0.34 0.47 0.47 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Filing factor 0.79 0.29 0.25 0.36 0.26 0.48 0.19 0.37 0.92 0.64 0.15 0.20 0.41 0.30 0.11 0.13 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2006 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2007 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 018 019 052 052 053 062 082 083 123 124 125 126 126 223 255 256 256 295 295 334 334 334 334 334 334 334 335 335 335 335 335 335 341 341 341 034 034 037 037 204 205 299 299 302 302 303 303 177 177 177 181 190 11 16 02 16 16 12 19 12 14 15 21 09 21 05 21 00 00 19 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 00 00 00 01 01 01 17 18 19 07 10 01 02 10 03 04 15 01 12 18 18 03 07 15 03 13 54 47 36 29 19 51 36 47 07 07 02 27 37 01 15 13 35 19 42 08 26 43 00 17 34 51 09 26 43 00 17 34 32 34 28 30 20 44 05 28 07 10 07 07 44 18 40 31 59 03 56 49 23 26 31 28 29 00 26 26 25 26 26 25 25 55 43 47 47 50 15 58 09 19 29 39 49 59 09 18 28 39 49 59 07 07 22 00 00 29 19 30 30 02 01 01 32 02 02 30 00 00 00 00 UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS UVIS 020DI 020DI 021DI 021DI 021DI 021DI 022DI 022DI 023DI 023DI 023DI 023DI 023DI 027DI 028DI 028DI 028DI 031DI 031DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 034DI 038DI 038DI 038DI 038DI 048DI 048DI 051DI 051DI 051DI 051DI 051DI 051DI 073DI 073DI 073DI 074DI 075DI ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON012 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON003 ISS ICYLON004 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON070 ISS ICYLON073 ISS ICYLON075 ISS ICYLON076 ISS ICYLON077 ISS ICYLON001 ISS STARE001 PRIME STARE001 PRIME STARE001 PRIME STARE002 PRIME STARE002 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME ICYATM005 PRIME STARE001 PRIME STARE001 PRIME STARE001 PRIME ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON001 CIRS ICYLON001 CIRS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON003 ISS 166W010PH001 ISS 238W018PH001 ISS 166W019PH001 ISS 238W014PH001 ISS 022W025PH001 ISS 022W025PH001 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON002 ISS ICYLON003 ISS ICYLON001 ISS ICYLON001 PRIME 19 156.96 146.05 72.58 63.69 77.99 131.97 161.09 162.08 160.40 162.17 151.08 154.93 159.57 168.22 159.55 161.33 163.10 155.33 157.09 150.79 150.95 151.10 151.23 151.35 151.45 151.54 151.62 151.68 151.73 151.77 151.80 151.82 159.69 159.09 155.47 5.45 0.80 67.23 67.08 12.76 18.54 0.95 17.68 19.17 13.55 25.13 25.40 2.84 1.52 7.60 59.33 11.10 22.88 165.62 28.00 94.44 240.23 22.29 221.65 310.34 166.81 310.00 94.56 167.21 240.36 310.45 321.35 328.43 335.16 116.82 137.96 225.21 227.19 229.16 231.10 233.03 234.94 236.84 238.71 240.57 242.41 244.23 246.03 247.98 46.88 50.07 78.23 256.16 272.75 215.18 216.73 312.03 22.04 165.22 237.64 165.99 237.71 24.41 26.30 74.36 100.01 145.16 282.49 45.83 1254364.3 1114807.9 2505889.4 1929718.6 1406476.2 2795999.4 1407983.3 2190630.6 1775146.2 2583134.7 2438440.8 2285692.3 2502285.6 2594757.4 1900589.7 1994509.5 2004826.5 1728809.1 1681815.0 838641.8 841669.4 844908.9 848352.4 851988.9 855807.4 859796.7 863945.8 868243.3 872678.9 877241.8 881920.1 886703.8 1901883.6 1882658.6 1864336.1 925313.9 1022042.2 1188271.3 1195576.4 1779976.1 2178018.8 881576.2 1199874.7 1821668.5 2070996.4 2875793.3 2873018.8 1080377.8 969638.1 817122.1 817411.3 1039584.2 0.42 0.53 0.10 0.18 0.33 0.08 0.33 0.14 0.21 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.25 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.18 0.19 0.22 0.76 0.60 0.46 0.46 0.20 0.14 0.85 0.45 0.20 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.57 0.72 0.99 0.98 0.61 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2008 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2009 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 FUV2013 190 221 221 234 234 242 242 286 286 019 019 307 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 14 01 01 11 11 16 16 15 15 03 03 03 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 40 00 UVIS 075DI ICYLON001 PRIME 10.38 51.43 1033680.5 14 48 UVIS 079DI ICYLON008 ISS 12.84 88.28 1182535.2 14 48 UVIS 079DI ICYLON008 ISS 13.18 90.67 1182535.2 34 48 UVIS 081DI ICYLON001 ISS 6.51 60.56 1222943.7 34 48 UVIS 081DI ICYLON001 ISS 6.01 63.35 1222943.7 26 30 UVIS 082DI ICYLON001 ISS 7.49 59.82 1358785.2 26 30 UVIS 082DI ICYLON001 ISS 7.48 63.30 1358785.2 34 30 UVIS 088DI ICYLON001 ISS 4.78 80.25 1189997.4 34 30 UVIS 088DI ICYLON001 ISS 4.78 84.20 1189997.4 12 50 UVIS 100DI ICYLON001 ISS 8.87 75.56 1235935.6 12 50 UVIS 100DI ICYLON001 ISS 8.87 79.28 1235935.6 06 04 UVIS 120DI ICYSTARE001 PRIME 85.89 65.88 945777.3 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.30 8.08 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.94 8.70 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.49 9.65 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.53 10.67 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 0.89 11.40 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.24 12.03 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 1.63 12.71 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 2.03 13.39 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 2.36 13.97 1322038.2 35 00 UVIS 193DI LOPHASE001 PIE 2.66 14.49 1322038.2 Table A.4: Dione disk-integrated observations. α is the averaged solar phase angle of the observation in degree, Φ is the central longitude. 20 0.63 0.48 0.48 0.44 0.45 0.37 0.37 0.48 0.48 0.45 0.45 0.75 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37