Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Planetary and Space Science Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: Title: Synergistic Study of Hydrocarbon Photochemistry in the Laboratory and Planetary Atmospheres Article Type: Special Issue: Outer Planets V-Coustenis Keywords: Photochemistry; Hydrocarbon kinetics; Laboratory; Outer planets and their satellites; Jupiter; Titan Corresponding Author: Dr. Mao-Chang Liang, Ph.D. Corresponding Author's Institution: Academia Sinica First Author: Mao-Chang Liang, Ph.D. Order of Authors: Mao-Chang Liang, Ph.D.; Daven Henze; Mate Adamkovics; Emily F Chu; Kristie Boering; Yuk L Yung Abstract: A synergistic study of hydrocarbon photochemistry in the laboratory and planetary atmospheres has been carried out using the Caltech/JPL KINETICS photochemical model and laboratory measurements from Adamkovics and Boering (2003). The laboratory simulations provide the data for the time-evolution of gaseous species such as H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2 and C4H10 during UV irradiation of CH4. We apply forward and adjoint models to analyze the experiments. Different photochemical schemes (e.g., Moses et al. 2000, 2005) are compared and modified to reproduce the laboratory results. We first test the full sensitivity of the model results to all chemical kinetics using the adjoint model and show that the abundances of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C4H10 can be well reproduced while that of C4H2 is underestimated by 1-2 orders of magnitude. The abundance of C3H4 is underestimated with Moses et al.' (2000) kinetics but overestimated with Moses et al.' (2005) kinetics. This suggests a major gap in our understanding of chemical pathways to higher hydrocarbons. We next examine higher order hydrocarbon chemistry (>C2). In this study, we assume that all rate coefficients for the chemistry of C1 and C2 hydrocarbons remain invariant in the adjoint optimization. Better agreement is achieved, but complete agreement remains elusive. Further laboratory measurements are urgently needed to constrain the pathways. The implications for modeling the atmospheres of Titan and the giant planets (e.g., Jupiter) are discussed. Manuscript Click here to download Manuscript: SynergyNov06.doc Click here to view linked References Synergistic Study of Hydrocarbon Photochemistry in the Laboratory and Planetary Atmospheres Mao-Chang Lianga,b,*, Daven Henzec, Mate Adamkovicsd, Emily F. Chue, Kristie Boeringf, and Yuk L. Yungg a Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. b Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan. c NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. d Department of Astronomy, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. e Departments of Chemistry and of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA e Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA. g Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA. * To whom all correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: mcl@rcec.sinica.edu.tw TO BE SUBMITTED TO PSS, NOVEMBER 6, 2008 1 Abstract A synergistic study of hydrocarbon photochemistry in the laboratory and planetary atmospheres has been carried out using the Caltech/JPL KINETICS photochemical model and laboratory measurements from Adamkovics and Boering (2003). The laboratory simulations provide the data for the time-evolution of gaseous species such as H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2 and C4H10 during UV irradiation of CH4. We apply forward and adjoint models to analyze the experiments. Different photochemical schemes (e.g., Moses et al. 2000, 2005) are compared and modified to reproduce the laboratory results. We first test the full sensitivity of the model results to all chemical kinetics using the adjoint model and show that the abundances of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C4H10 can be well reproduced while that of C4H2 is underestimated by 1-2 orders of magnitude. The abundance of C3H4 is underestimated with Moses et al.’ (2000) kinetics but overestimated with Moses et al.’ (2005) kinetics. This suggests a major gap in our understanding of chemical pathways to higher hydrocarbons. We next examine higher order hydrocarbon chemistry (>C2). In this study, we assume that all rate coefficients for the chemistry of C1 and C2 hydrocarbons remain invariant in the adjoint optimization. Better agreement is achieved, but complete agreement remains elusive. Further laboratory measurements are urgently needed to constrain the pathways. The implications for modeling the atmospheres of Titan and the giant planets (e.g., Jupiter) are discussed. 2 1. Introduction The thermodynamically stable form of carbon in the solar giant planets is CH4. However in the mesosphere of giant planets and Titan, the molecule undergoes photofragmentation by absorption of solar UV photons. As a result, photochemical processes dominate in the upper stratosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In the giant planets, CH4 is the most abundant molecule next to H2; the volume mixing ratio is ~3103 on Jupiter, 4.510-3 on Saturn, 210-5 on Uranus, 810-3 on Neptune, and 210-3 on Titan. The resulting hydrocarbon abundances (mainly C2H6) are about three orders of magnitude lower than that of CH4 (e.g., Yung and DeMore 1999). Higher order hydrocarbons can condense to form aerosols (tholins), which affect the optical and thermal properties of the atmosphere. Of the known atmospheres, Titan has the richest hydrocarbon chemistry because of the lower abundance of H2, which plays an important role of recycling hydrocarbons back to their parent molecule CH4. In this paper, we focus primarily on Jupiter and Titan; the former has high H2 abundance (volume mixing ratio ~1) and the latter is low (~0.1%). Methane is dissociated mainly by ultraviolet photons with wavelengths between Ly- and ~140 nm, where there is no shielding by H2 or N2. As a result, higher order hydrocarbons are formed. For example, one consequence of the CH4 photolysis is 2CH4 + h C2H6 + 2H (or H2) (e.g., Yung and DeMore 1999). On giant planets such as Jupiter, H and H2 are retained in the atmospheres by gravity. On satellites such as Titan, H and H2 can escape readily (e.g., Yelle et al. 2006), resulting in low hydrogen abundance in the atmosphere, and hence, formation of higher hydrocarbons provides an irreversible sink for CH4. This implies that there must be a source of CH4 in/at the surface of Titan and deposits of complex hydrocarbon/nitrogen compounds at the surface (Yung et al. 1984). Though the current hydrocarbon kinetics schemes have been accepted for years, there remain major uncertainties. For example, heterogeneous chemistry has been included only recently (e.g., Liang et al. 2007; Zhou et al. 2008); prior to this only gas-phase chemistry was considered. One reason is the lack of laboratory experiments that are 3 appropriate for planetary conditions. Another reason is that the current kinetics seems to be satisfactory for the chemical processes in the atmospheres of giant planets (e.g., Moses et al. 2000a,b; Moses et al. 2005a,b), though not for Titan (e.g., Lebonnois et al. 2001; Liang et al. 2007), suggesting incompleteness in the chemical kinetics. In this paper, we carefully analyze time-resolved laboratory experiments (Adamkovics and Boering 2003); forward and adjoint models are used to assess various hydrocarbon schemes via simulation and assimilation of the experimental results. Applications and implications for giant planets and their satellites are presented and discussed. 2. Hydrocarbon Kinetics and Models 2.1 Laboratory Simulation A first attempt to monitor the time-evolution of hydrocarbons and aerosols in the laboratory was made by Adamkovics and Boering (2003). The results potentially provide a unique tool for validating not only chemical pathways but also their associated rate coefficients. Pure CH4 gas at 70 torr (93 mbar) was irradiated with 8.80.81015 photons s-1 vacuum UV light (Figure 1) for ~70 hours. The mixing ratios of seven gaseous species (H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2, and C4H10) and aerosol scattering were reported, but the aerosol chemical composition was not determined. The net production rates were 9.92.21011, 2.80.51010, 5.59.4109, 8.62.51010, 2.51.2109, 6.65.0108, 1.30.51010, 7.53.11011 cm-3 s-1, respectively. The UV flux reaching the sample was not constant in time, decreasing as UV-shielding aerosols formed on the window of the UV lamp. Though the actual UV flux over time was not known, it was estimated by matching the production of H2, which is chemically inert, yielding an empirical attenuation coefficient of 0.0158 hr-1 (Adamkovics and Boering 2003). The major and ultimate source of H2 is the photolysis of CH4, which requires photons with wavelengths ≤140 nm. As in Adamkovics and Boering (2003), we assume that the attenuation factor is constant with wavelength. 2.2 Forward Model 4 The one-dimensional Caltech/JPL photochemical model is used to simulate the laboratory hydrocarbon formation described above. Two complete sets of hydrocarbon chemistry (Moses et al. 2000, 2005) are evaluated in this work. The Moses et al.’s (2000) set is selected to be our reference chemistry, which includes 41 species (H, H2, C, CH, 1CH2, 3 CH2, CH3, C2, C2H, C2H2, C2H3, C2H4, C2H5, C2H6, C3, C3H, C3H2, C3H3, CH3C2H, CH2CCH2, C3H5, C3H6, C3H7, C3H8, C4H, C4H2, C4H3, C4H4, C4H5, 1-C4H6, 1,2-C4H6, 1,3-C4H6, C4H8, C4H9, C4H10, C6H, C6H2, C6H3, C6H6, C8H2, and C8H3) and ~250 chemical reactions. The Moses et al.’s (2005) set contains 4 more species, namely, C5H3, C5H4, C6H4, and C6H5. These two sets yield similar results for simple hydrocarbons but may differ significantly for higher hydrocarbons (see Moses et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2007). Since most of the UV radiation is absorbed by molecules in the top few cm in the reaction cell, the model grid (58 points) is chosen carefully to ensure that the UV attenuation is calculated correctly. The model has a vertical dimension of 36 cm, temperature of 295 K, and pressure of 93 mbar (70 torr). Molecules are allowed to diffuse freely in the model box. We fix CH4 abundance at 2.31018 cm-3 (93 mbar). The model box is impermeable to all species. The intensity of the UV source is scaled as a function of time (see section 2.1), and additional attenuation is caused by molecular absorption. 2.3 Adjoint Model An adjoint model is an efficient method for calculating the sensitivity of a model response with respect to numerous model parameters. For purposes of inverse modeling, the response can be defined as a temporally discretized cost function, J 1 1 n n (Hc n c nobs )T S1 (p pa )T S1 obs (Hc c obs ) a (p p a ) . 2 n 2 (1) where c nobs is the vector of observed concentrations at discrete time steps n, cn is the vector of model estimated concentrations, H is the observational operator that maps from the model space to the observation space, is the domain over which the discrete 5 observations are available, p is a vector of model parameters, pa is the initial (a priori) estimate of these model parameters, Sobs is the observational error covariance matrix, and Sa is the parameter error covariance matrix. In the present application, the model parameters are the rate coefficients listed partially in Table 2, and the observed species are H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2 and C4H10. The cost function thus represents the square of the difference between the model estimates and the observations, weighted by the uncertainties in the observations, with an additional penalty term which increases as the estimated model parameters depart from their initial values, also weighted by the parameters’ uncertainty. In the reference cases, the parameter uncertainties are all assumed to be infinite and uncorrelated, the penalty term thus is negligible. The relaxation of this assumption will be discussed later. The adjoint model is used to calculate the sensitivity of the cost function with respect to the model parameters. These sensitivities are themselves gradients of the cost function. These gradients are used with the L-BFGS-B quasi-Newtonian optimization routine (Byrd et al., 1995; Zhu et al., 1994) to iteratively seek the set of parameters (rate coefficients) that minimizes the cost function. A brief derivation of adjoint sensitivities is presented here; a more detailed treatment of adjont modeling for chemical kinetics is given in the review of Wang et al. (2001). The forward model of the chemical kinetics can be viewed as a discrete operator which advances the concentration vector from time step n to step n + 1. cn+1 = Fn(cn,p). (2) In the present work, the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) (Sandu et al., 2003; Damian et al., 2002; Daescu et al., 2003) is used to build the forward model operator by parsing a symbolic list of the chemical reactions, and solving the resulting system of coupled differential equations using a 3rd-order Rosenbrock solver. For simplicity, we will consider a cost function where there are observations at every time step, i.e. {n 1,...,N} . It is first necessary to consider the sensitivities of the cost 6 function with respect to the species concentrations at any given time step n, nc , which can be expressed as nc c J n N g n c n , (3) n n n n where g n (Hc n c nobs )T S1 obs (Hc c obs ) . The right hand side of Eq. (3) can be expanded using the chain rule, n 1 n T g n g n (Fc ) n n c c n n 1n n N n c (4) where Fcn is the Jacobian around a single time step n, c n 1 F n (c n ) Fcn . n n c c The products in Eq. (4) are most efficiently evaluated in reverse order (Giering and Kaminski, 1998). By initializing the adjoint variable at step N as Nc H T (Hc N c Nobs )S obs and evaluating the following iterative formula from time step n = N to n = 1, n1 T n n1 c (Fc ) c g n1 . c n1 (5) The resulting adjoint variable at step n = 0 is the sensitivity of the cost function with respect to the initial concentrations, 0c c J . 0 The sensitivities with respect to the model parameters, p , are thus derived from nc as N p (Fpn1 )T nc (p pa )T Sa , (6) n1 where c n 1 F n (c n ) Fpn . p p The product of the adjoint vector with the Jacobians of the forward model operator, (Fcn1 )T nc , is evaluated using KPP generated code that is automatically constructed from the numerical algorithm used to solve the governing equations of forward model, Eq. (2). The resulting sensitivities are thus discrete model sensitivities. Updates to KPP described in Appendix B of Henze et al. (2007) are used to similarly calculate the discrete 7 sensitivities with respect to the reaction rate parameters, (Fpn )T nc . The overall CPU requirement of evaluating the adjoint equations (5) and (6), is about twice that of running the forward model. Therefore, the sensitivity of the cost function with respect to all rate coefficients is calculated in about three times the amount required for the forward model alone. For the present application, this is ~100 times more efficient than evaluating these sensitivities through successive forward model evaluations (i.e., finite difference sensitivities). 3. Results 3.1 Forward Model The one-dimensional photochemical results are presented in Figures 2 and 3. Both baseline cases (black curves) underestimate the abundances of C2H2, C2H4, C3H4, and C4H2 by more than an order of magnitude and overestimate that of C2H6 and C4H10. A proposed modification to the rate coefficients (Table 1) provides better but not completely satisfactory fits to the measurements. Abundances that are too high can be reduced and explained by introducing aerosol particle production, which is observed in the experiments (Adamkovics and Boering 2003). Figure 2 shows the results of the forward model simulation with the chemical scheme of Moses et al. (2000). The final abundance of modeled H2 is lowered by 15% compared with the observed value, suggesting that the attenuation factor we adopted is biased too high. The previously derived factor (Adamkovics and Boering 2003) was based on an old photodissociation coefficient of CH4 (e.g., Yung and DeMore 1999), but we note that the difference is not significant, as compared with experimental errors. In the following discussion, we will focus only on those whose deviations are off by an order of magnitude or more. The baseline model underestimates the abundance of C2H2 by nearly a factor of 10. An attempt made to bring the abundance up is to modify the four reactions (cases 2-5) shown in Table 1. The exercise demonstrates that the responses of species’ 8 concentrations to changing chemical reaction rates are not linear. For example, consider case 5 for C4H2; while the combined changes to abundances inferred from the individual tests would be an increase of 81, the actual increase incurred by all changes simultaneously is ~1500. Case 6 is used to see how the atomic hydrogen affects the concentrations of the hydrocarbons. Such nonlinearity greatly reduces the possibility of finding an optimized set of chemical reactions that can well reproduce the measurements by tuning each individual reaction manually. To achieve the optimization, the adjoint of the forward model is developed and is used to obtain the full sensitivity of the model results with respect to “all” chemical reactions (see below). The modifications shown in Table 1 are selected to enhance hydrocarbon abundances by reducing C2H6, the most abundant gaseous species next to CH4 and H2; the major pathway to form C2H6 is 2CH3 + M C2H6 + M, where M is a third molecule (mostly CH4 here). There are some other species that are abundant but not reported such as C3H6 (volume mixing ratio of 10-5), C3H8 (710-3), C4H4 (10-5), 1-C4H6 (210-4), 1,2-C4H6 (410-6), 1,3-C4H6 (810-5), C 4H8 (310-4), and C6H6 (610-5); the least abundant species among observed ones is C4H2 which has a modeled volume mixing ratio of 210-7; the above values are all taken from the base case. Results using this modified scheme are the red lines in Figures 2 and 3. This suggests that further analysis of the experimental results is urgently needed to better calibrate the hydrocarbon chemistry. Figure 3 shows the forward model results with Moses et al.’s (2005) new compilation. The new chemistry produces even less H2; the underestimation factor is 45%. The unattenuated (by aerosols) column-mean photolysis rate coefficients of CH4 for the Moses et al.’s (2000) and Moses et al.’s (2005) cases are 4.510-7 and 4.310-7 s-1, respectively. The modeled species with volume mixing ratios larger than 10-7 are H2 (310-2), C2H2 (510-5), C2H4 (210-5), C2H6 (210-2), C3H4 (910-6), C3H6 (310-6), C3H8 (310-3), C4H4 (10-7), 1-C4H6 (310-5), 1,2-C4H6 (210-6), 1,3-C4H6 (310-5), C4H8 (210-4), C4H10 (10-3), C5H4 (10-7), and C6H6 (10-4). The hydrogen production is accompanied by the production of hydrocarbons; the production of three hydrocarbons (C2H6, C3H8, and C4H10) contributes >80% of hydrogen production. From the above 9 values, the formation of higher hydrocarbons is largely suppressed: reduced by a factor of 2 and 3 for C3H8 and C4H10, respectively. The same modifications (Table 1) are also applied to this set of the chemistry, and the results are shown by the red curves. We see that the improvement is not satisfactory. Moreover, the production of C4H10 (the most abundant species next to CH4, H2, C2H6, and C3H8) is too slow during first ~20 hours, compared with the Figure 2 set. This is caused primarily by inefficient production of C2H6, which can undergo photosensitized dissociation to form C4H10 (e.g., Yung and DeMore 1999): 2(C2H2 + h C2H + H) 2(C2H + C2H6 C2H2 + C2H5) C2H5 + C2H5 + M C4H10 + M Net: 2C2H6 C4H10 + M Though we can choose a new list of chemical reactions and modify them, it is inefficient and time-consuming. A more sophisticated method demonstrated below will be used to optimize all reactions. To explain the over-production of hydrocarbons and to provide a first order estimate of the aerosols produced in the experiments, we manually set a conversion rate for the three most abundant hydrocarbon species: C2H6, C3H8, and C4H10. C2H6 + wall Aerosols C3H8 + wall Aerosols C4H10 + wall Aerosols Here we assume that the aerosols are produced heterogeneously on the chamber wall. The rate coefficient k (s-1) is estimated to be inversely proportional to the transverse time = l2/D, where D is the molecular diffusion coefficient and l is the chamber size which is about 30 cm: k = / = 210-5 s-1, where is the proportionality constant and is assumed to be 1%, a value that is in concordance with the adsorption coefficient (adsorption on dust grain surfaces) derived by Liang et al. (2007). The modeled results are shown by the dashed curves in Figure 2 10 and 3. The derived C-C bound mixing ratios for the two kinetics compilations (Moses et al. 2000 and 2005) are 3.410-2 and 2.610-2, respectively, which are consistent with the values derived by Adamkovics and Boering (2003). A major problem is that the production of other less abundant hydrocarbons is also significantly reduced. The problem cannot be resolved until we learn more about the aerosol production pathways and higher order hydrocarbon kinetics. 3.2 Adjoint Model To obtain the full set of sensitivities of the mismatch between the observed and modeled concentrations with respect to chemical reactions, the adjoint model is applied. The results are shown in Figures 4 and 5 (obtained by using the Moses et al.’s (2000) and the Moses et al.’s (2005) kinetics, respectively) and the optimized rate coefficients are summarized in Table 2 (models A-D). We see that the agreement between the model (blue curves) and experiments is greatly improved; the cost function is reduced by more than two orders of magnitude. A good convergence is arrived in ~50 iterations (see bottom panel), demonstrating the efficiency of the method for searching for optimized rate coefficients. We tested the adjoint calculation up to >1000 iterations and no significant reduction in cost function was observed. Similarly good optimization is achieved by fitting H2, C2H2, C2H6, and C4H10 only (not shown here), which have higher measurement accuracy and precision. Though the agreement is largely improved, the optimized rate coefficients may not be reasonable. Some modified rate coefficients are far beyond the measurement errors, suggesting that major chemical pathways are missing. We stress that the unreasonably large modifications for some chemical reactions imply that reactions schemes involving the species in those reactions are incomplete. Thus, while the optimized values themselves for the rate coefficients should not be taken seriously, this method certainly provides a good guideline for searching for possible missing chemistry and motivates further laboratory measurements. 4. Implications for Jupiter and Titan 11 We apply the adjoint optimized rate coefficients to Jupiter and Titan. The key chemical difference between the two objects is that the former has substantially more hydrogen than the latter. The amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere determines the efficiency of hydrocarbons recycling back to methane; the more hydrogen the more efficient the recycling processes. As a result, about one-half of methane photolysis produces species with orders of magnitude more higher-than-C2 hydrocarbons (including aerosols and hazes) in the atmosphere of Titan (see, e.g., Liang et al. 2007 and references therein). Since the mixing ratio of hydrogen in the atmosphere of Titan is similar to the one in the laboratory measurements described above, we expect the optimization is more applicable to Titan than to Jupiter. Figures 6-9 demonstrate cases for Titan and Jupiter with the two hydrocarbon kinetics sets. We compare the model results with those obtained from observations. Seven hydrocarbon species are retrieved in the neutral atmospheres of Jupiter and Titan: C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C3H8, C4H2, and C6H6. In this work, we focus on the region below the thermosphere. We first apply the rate coefficients obtained by optimizing all chemical reactions (models A and C), followed by cases optimizing >C2 reactions (models B and D) only, that is only those that involve C3 and higher hydrocarbons are used in the adjoint optimization. Two hydrocarbon kinetics schemes (Moses et al. 2000, 2005) are tested. The latter contains more complete chemistry for higher order chemistry. The results are summarized in Figures 6-9. The models with standard (unmodified) chemistry are shown by the black curves. This type of model can reproduce most of the observations fairly well, including the absolute concentrations and their scale heights, for the atmospheres of Jupiter and Titan. C2H4 is so far the most outstanding exception in our models, where we underestimate its abundance by an order of magnitude in the stratosphere of Titan. In general the current models of Titan (Figures 6 and 8) yield results consistent with those of Wilson and Atreya (2004), but perform better than that of Lebonnois et al. (2001). Detailed comparisons such as for meridional variations will be carried out in a latter work (Liang 12 and Yung 2008). Jupiter can be reasonably represented by current models (Figures 7 and 9), but tend to be better modeled by models with the Moses et al.’s (2005) chemistry. The major improvements are due primarily to the updates of higher order hydrocarbon chemistry. Here we devote the remaining paragraphs to a comparative study of the two hydrocarbon kinetics sets, their chemical sensitivity, applications to planetary atmospheres, and implications for missing chemistry. An optimized configuration of the kinetics is shown by the blue curves. All reactions are varied by the adjoint optimization method. The configuration is obtained by reproducing the laboratory measurements (Figures 4 and 5). Though applying the configuration to Titan and Jupiter can produce more C2H4 than the unoptimized models, such an optimized set of chemistry in general is at other times poorer at producing other species (Figures 6-9). This poorer representation of the optimized set with independent data from Titan and Jupiter implies that the inverse solution based on the lab data was poorly constrained. The major difference between Jupiter and laboratory box experiments/Titan is the molar fraction of hydrogen in the system. The degree of hydrogenation determines the efficiency of hydrocarbons cycling back to CH4. The hydrogenation of C2 species is through the following reactions: C2H2 + H + M C2H3 + M C2H3 + H2 C2H4 + H C2H4 + H + M C2H5 + M C2H5 + H 2CH3 CH3 + H + M CH4 + M. The second reaction is the bottleneck of the process and has a strong and negative temperature dependence (Knyazev et al. 1996; Weissman and Benson 1988; see Moses et al. 2005 for detailes). At room temperature the rate coefficient is 10-17-10-20 cm3 s-1; the higher value (Weissman and Benson 1988) is used in the Moses et al. (2005) case. This explains that the Moses et al. (2005) chemistry provides a better fit of C2H6 to the observations than the Moses et al. (2000) chemistry (see the black curve of Figure 9 13 versus that of Figure 7), because C2H6 is produced by the reaction 2CH3 + M C2H6 + M. The high efficiency of the hydrogenation is then expected for extrasolar “hot Jupiters” (see Liang et al. 2004). Therefore in low temperature environments such as the atmospheres of outer solar planets and their satellites, the abundance of hydrogen plays a crucial role in the hydrogenation process. As a result, the C1-C2 hydrocarbon chemistry is less coupled with the >C2 chemistry in the atmosphere of Jupiter, but they are strongly coupled on Titan, which is similar to the case we had for the laboratory experiments. The reasonable simulation (Gladstone et al. 1996; Moses et al. 2000; Moses et al. 2005; Liang et al. 2005) of C1 and C2 species on giant planets implies that the current C1 and C2 chemistry schemes are satisfactory and suggests that uncertainties in the rate coefficients of these chemical reactions and pathways are much less than for the larger hydrocarbons. In order to reflect the fact that the C1-C2 chemistry and rate coefficients are relatively better known a priori in inverse modeling, the inverse modeling is repeated, but this time the uncertainties in the rate coefficients for C1-C2 chemistry are assumed to be very small. The consequence is that the optimization only affects rate coefficients for >C2 chemistry. The results for optimizing >C2 chemistry are shown by the red curves in Figures 4-9. In general, these new sets of optimizations greatly improve the agreement of models and observations/experiments. One can see that the agreement obtained with the Moses et al.’s (2005) chemistry is generally better than that with Moses et al.’s (2000). The major difference between the two is that there are about 200 new high order hydrocarbon chemical reactions (>C2) added in Moses et al. (2005). There are 3 conclusions we can draw from this sensitivity study. First, some high order chemical reactions were compiled erroneously and/or incompletely. This can be inferred from post-optimized rate coefficients whose values equal to zero (see Table 2). Second, optimization of the entire set of rate coefficients is not justified; at the very least a coarse delineation between relatively certain (C1, C2) and uncertain (>C2) reactions is warranted. Third, there are too few constraints (laboratory experiments) for the adjoint optimization. The laboratory experiments at different pressures, temperatures, and initial concentrations of H2 and CH4 will be useful for constraining the kinetics. 14 5. Discussion In the above calculations, we did not explicitly consider error covariance terms for observed species, nor rigorous estimates of errors for individual parameters. With additional constraints in the cost function from measurement uncertainty, better matches to the species with higher accuracy observations (i.e., H2, C2H2, C2H6, and C4H10) are achieved. The other three species (C2H4, C3H4, and C4H2) are underestimated by more than two orders of magnitude. It is caused by poor sensitivity in the measurements and as a result, the cost function has little sensitivity to these three species. We next test the effect of penalty constraints. The purpose of the penalty is to set a limit to the space of the parameters we are adjusting. In one case we investigated, the rate coefficients are allowed to vary only by less than a factor of ~20. Though significant reduction (by a factor of 100) in cost function is achieved, there is no noticeable improvement for planetary applications compared with the baseline kinetics. This further suggests that there are significant missing reactions in higher order hydrocarbon chemistry. It should be noted that the results of Adamkovics and Boering (2003) were preliminary and that additional experiments are underway. It is possible that deconvolution of the measured mass fragmentation patterns by mass spectrometry to yield the relative hydrocarbon concentrations in the gas mixture was difficult under the conditions employed. Indeed, several aliquots of the gas mixture from the reaction chamber were run offline using gas chromatography followed by mass spectrometry, and propane was detected. For all other species, however, the offline gc-ms comparison resulted in lower mixing ratios. 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Case 0 Reaction lab result Modification [C2H2] 1 [C2H4] 1 [C2H6] 1 [C3H4] 1 [C4H2] 1 [C4H10] 1 1 H2 profile normalized none 0.05 0.27 8.33 3.8×10-3 1.6×10-5 2.78 -3 -5 2 CH3 + C2H3 → CH4 + C2H2 10 0.16 0.35 8.00 5.8×10 2.2×10 2.78 3 CH3 + C2H5 → CH4 + C2H4 10 0.06 0.38 7.92 5.0×10-3 2.7×10-5 2.78 -5 4 CH3 + C3H5 → CH4 + C3H4 100 0.05 0.27 8.33 0.02 1.7×10 2.78 5 CH3 + C4H5 → CH4 + C4H4 100 0.05 0.30 8.25 4.2×10-3 4.8×10-4 2.78 -4 5 6 2H + M → H2 + M 10 0.28 0.78 6.67 0.02 6.6×10 4.17 7 combination of cases 2-5 combined 1 1.57 6.67 0.11 0.02 3.61 26 Table 2: Rate coefficients modified by the adjoint model. Only those modified by more than 20% are shown here. Models A-B and C-D are for the kinetics of Moses et al. (2000) and Moses et al. (2005), respectively. Models A and C are obtained by optimizing all chemical reactions and models B and D are obtained by only optimizing >C2 chemistry. Model Reactions R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R11 R13 R14 R17 R18 R19 R25 R26 R28 R29 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R47 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R62 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R78 R79 R80 CH4 + h CH4 + h CH4 + h CH4 + h CH4 + h C2H2 + h C2H4 + h C2H4 + h C2H6 + h C2H6 + h C2H6 + h CH3C2H + h CH3C2H + h CH2CCH2 + h CH2CCH2 + h C3H6 + h C3H6 + h C3H6 + h C3H6 + h C3H6 + h C3H6 + h C3H8 + h C3H8 + h C3H8 + h C3H8 + h C4H4 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1-C4H6 + h 1,3-C4H6 + h 1,3-C4H6 + h 1,3-C4H6 + h 1,3-C4H6 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H8 + h C4H10 + h C4H10 + h C4H10 + h C4H10 + h A → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → CH3 + H 1 CH2 + H2 1 CH2 + 2 H 3 CH2 + 2 H CH + H + H2 C2 + H2 C2H2 + H2 C2H2 + 2 H C2H4 + H2 C2H4 + 2 H C2H2 + 2 H2 C3H3 + H C3H2 + H2 C3H3 + H C3H2 + H2 C3H5 + H CH3C2H + H2 CH2CCH2 + H2 C2H4 + 1CH2 C2H3 + CH3 C2H2 + CH4 C3H6 + H2 C2H6 + 1CH2 C2H5 + CH3 C2H4 + CH4 C4H2 + H2 C4H4 + 2H C3H3 + CH3 C2H5 + C2H C2H4 + C2H + H C2H3 + C2H + H2 2 C2H2 + H2 C4H5 + H C3H3 + CH3 C2H4 + C2H2 2C2H3 1,3-C4H6+ 2 H C3H5 + CH3 CH3C2H + CH4 CH2CCH2 + CH4 C2H5 + C2H3 2C2H4 C2H2 + 2 CH3 C4H8 + H2 C2H6 + C2H4 2C2H5 C2H4 + 2CH3 -0.03 2.9 1.76 2.06 1.35 -0.43 1.23 -2.47 ----------4.94 1.51 0.72 0.6 -1.26 2.15 0.14 0 1.26 × 10-5 1.26 --0.77 -1.49 0.48 --0.74 --3.22 1.39 --- B -----------0.68 -0.00 2.13 2.79 1.78 2.41 1.52 0.01 0.03 7.46 1.84 -1.97 1.22 2.44 0.20 --0.03 --0.00 1.70 1.35 0.12 0.32 -0.67 4.96 4.33 1.06 × 10-4 7.12 -2.33 -- C 2.97 0.57 1.34 0.65 1.32 1.88 5.15 1.68 0.65 0.55 0.66 1.24 --1.91 0 0.48 0.62 -2.05 -6.09 2.32 1.73 1.76 0.72 -1.8 0.52 0.64 1.21 1.37 0.27 1.26 --0.12 1.9 --0.12 -1.77 3.66 2.09 --- D -----------0.51 0.64 1.58 2.46 2.51 1.34 2.32 -0.05 0.52 8.43 1.57 0.37 -6.03 × 10-4 1.90 3.40 0.03 0.19 1.24 1.71 1.74 × 10-4 0.19 4.60 3.85 1.43 0.40 1.80 4.63 6.47 3.00 0.00 13.81 3.90 3.35 0.77 References 19, 59, 60 19 19 (33) 19 (33) 19 4, 19, 41, 42, 45, 47 1, 19 1, 19 19 19 19 19, 61, 62 19, 61, 62 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 27 R85 R184 R186 R187 R190 R192 R194 R195 R196 R197 R198 R200 R201 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R219 R223 R224 R225 R230 R245 R251 R259 R261 R262 R266 R270 R271 R275 R276 R278 R281 R282 R283 R286 R287 R289 R290 R291 R292 R293 R294 R296 R297 R298 R299 R302 R303 R305 R306 R314 R316 R319 C6H6 + h H + 3CH2 H + CH3 + M H + CH4 H + C2H2 + M H + C2H3 + M H + C2H4 + M H + C2H5 H + C2H5 H + C2H5 + M H + C2H6 H + C3H3 + M H + C3H3 + M H + CH3C2H H + CH3C2H + M H + CH2CCH2 H + CH2CCH2 + M H + C3H5 H + C3H5 H + C3H5 H + C3H5 + M H + C3H6 H + C3H6 H + C3H6 + M H + C3H7 H + C3H7 H + C3H7 + M H + C3H8 H + C4H2 + M H + C4H4 + M H + C4H5 H + C4H5 + M H + C6H2 + M CH + CH4 CH + C2H6 1 CH2 + H2 1 CH2 + CH4 1 CH2 + CH4 1 CH2 + C2H2 2 3CH2 3 CH2 + CH3 3 CH2 + C2H2 3 CH2 + C2H2 3 CH2 + C2H3 3 CH2 + C2H5 3 CH2 + C3H2 3 CH2 + C3H3 CH3 + H2 2 CH3 + M CH3 + C2H3 CH3 + C2H3 CH3 + C2H3 + M CH3 + C2H5 CH3 + C2H5 + M CH3 + C3H2 CH3 + C3H3 + M CH3 + C3H5 CH3 + C3H5 CH3 + C3H5 + M CH3 + C3H7 CH3 + C3H7 + M CH3 + C4H5 CH3 + C4H5 + M C2H + CH4 C2H + C2H2 C2H + C2H4 → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → 3 C2H2 CH + H2 CH4 + M CH3 + H2 C2H3 + M C2H4 + M C2H5 + M 2 CH3 C2H4 + H2 C2H6 + M C2H5 + H2 CH3C2H + M CH2CCH2 + M CH3 + C2H2 C3H5 + M CH3C2H + H C3H5 + M CH3C2H + H2 CH2CCH2 + H2 CH3 + C2H3 C3H6 + M C3H5 + H2 CH3 + C2H4 C3H7 + M C3H6 + H2 C2H5 + CH3 C3H8 + M C3H7 + H2 C4H3 + M C4H5 + M C4H4 + H2 1-C4H6 + M C6H3 + M C2H4 + H C3H6 + H CH3 + H 3 CH2 + CH4 2 CH3 C3H3 + H C2H2 + 2 H C2H4 + H C3H2 + H2 C3H3 + H C2H2 + CH3 C2H4 + CH3 C4H3 + H C4H4 + H CH4 + H C2H6 + M CH4 + C2H2 C3H5 + H C3H6 + M CH4 + C2H4 C3H8 + M C2H2 + C2H3 1,2-C4H6 + M CH4 + CH3C2H CH4 + CH2CCH2 C4H8 + M CH4 + C3H6 C4H10 + M CH4 + C4H4 PROD + M C2H2 + CH3 C4H2 + H C4H4 + H 0.57 3.06 2.1 0 0.53 1.73 0.02 1.28 0.53 5.76 × 10-18 -------1.27 1.3 0.54 0.23 -1.31 0.16 -1.34 1.72 1.78 -0.7 2.21 1.29 -1.42 -0.71 3.2 3.19 -0.24 2.05 --1.66 × 10-3 3.09 × 10-3 ---2.33 1.26 -0.16 -4.88 ----1.48 -1.31 0.19 0.02 0.78 1.23 -- -------------0.72 1.21 -1.38 ---0.63 0.66 0.52 0.25 0.69 0.00 0.00 1.73 1.21 ---0.69 -1.55 ------1.21 1.26 --------3.11 -4.20 ----1.75 3.18 0.00 0.55 2.30 ---- -0 3.31 0 1.74 1.34 0.08 0.47 0.72 0.04 1.42 --1.36 2.51 0.59 -1.95 2.04 ---2.35 0.02 --0.75 1.22 -------1.96 2.13 0.06 0.76 0 3.28 -0.08 -2.97 0.56 0.31 1.35 0.04 0 0 1.37 -2.13 1.45 0.79 0.05 0.5 0 -2.03 0.61 -2.28 0.05 -- -----------2.56 1.76 0.40 5.21 -1.22 --0.07 0.00 1.36 3.33 × 10-4 --2.87 -6.24 -1.64 1.44 1.77 --1.76 -------1.28 --1.48 ----2.05 4.66 -11.70 1.58 -2.65 3.98 2.01 2.14 4.21 2.08 3.03 -0.23 1.29 29, 32, 38 9 12, 32 (33) 40 (2) 3, 20, 23 (3, 33) 16, 30, 32 (33) 3 46 48 32 (33, 46) 2 22, 32 (33) 32 (33) (33) 32, 55 (33) (33) 32, 52 (33) 32 32 32 (33) 21, 32 (33) 50 50 32, 50 49 49 32, 34 (33, 34) 49 32, 35, 58 (33) 32, 43 (33) 32 (33) 19, 32 (19, 33) 32 (33) 5 (13) 5 (13) 11, 26 7 7 (33) 2 2 8 8 32 32 (33) (33) 40 2, 28 (33) 16 (33) 16, 32 (33) 2 19, 46 (33, 46) (33) 32, 56 (33) 50 (33) 50 (33) 18, 32 (24, 33) 49 27, 49 32 32 (33) 36 39 37 28 R323 R328 R329 R330 R331 R333 R334 R338 R339 R340 R344 R345 R346 R347 R350 R351 R352 R353 R382 R383 R393 C2H + C2H6 C2H3 + H2 C2H3 + CH4 C2H3 + C2H2 C2H3 + C2H2 + M 2 C2H3 + M C2H3 + C2H4 C2H3 + C2H5 + M C2H3 + C3H2 C2H3 + C3H3 2 C2H5 2 C2H5 + M C2H5 + C3H2 C2H5 + C3H3 C3H2 + C2H2 + M C3H2 + C2H2 + M 2 C3H3 + M C3H2 + C2H3 C3H3 + C3H5 C4H5 + H2 C4H5 + C2H2 C6H5 + C2H2 → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → C2H2 + C2H5 C2H4 + H C2H4 + CH3 C4H4 + H C4H5 + M 1,3-C4H6+ M 1-C4H6 + H C4H8 + M C3H3 + C2H2 CH3C2H + C2H2 C2H6 + C2H4 C4H10 + M C3H3 + C2H4 CH3C2H + C2H4 prod + M C5H4 + M C6H6 + M C3H3 + C2H2 2 CH3C2H 1-C4H6 + H C6H6 + H PROD + H ---0.62 0.64 1.4 1.25 1.28 ---1.48 --- -----0.00 0.09 1.80× 10-3 ---0.21 --- 0.26 3.23 0.59 0.08 0.17 1.24 1.91 --0.73 1.31 --1.47 1.93 ---1.28 0.06 1.39 0.00 0.28 0.00 -0.36 0.29 1.11 × 10-4 37 (14) (25, 33, 53) (48) 17 32, 53 16, 32 (‘’) 17 32, 48 (33, 48) 32 (33) (33) 2 19, 27 (19, 33) 32 (33) 0.75 1.31 0.78 -- 32 (33) ---1.69 × 10-3 1.3 -- -0.76 -0.19 --- 1.25 -1.35 1.75 1.37 × 10-4 0.73 2.09 --3.72 0.48 -- 31, 32 (33) (33) (33) 53 54 (54) (57) References: 1. Balko et al. (1992), 2. Baulch et al. (1992), 3. Baulch et al. (1994), 4. Bénilan et al. (1995), 5. Berman and Lin (1983), 6. Böhland et al. (1985a), 7. Böhland et al. (1985b), 8. Böhland et al. (1986), 9. Boullart and Peeters (1992), 10. Brachhold et al. (1988), 11. Braun et al. (1970), 12.Brouard et al. (1989), 13. Canosa et al. (1997), 14. Ceursters et al. (2001), 15. Durán et al. (1988), 16. Fahr et al. (1991), 17. Fahr and Stein (1988), 18. Garland and Bayes (1990), 19. Gladstone et al. (1996), 20. Gordon et al. (1978), 21. Hanning-Lee and Pilling (1992), 22. Homann and Wellmann (1983), 23. Hoyermann et al. (1968), 24. Kinsman and Roscoe (1994), 25. Knyazev et al. (1996), 26. Langford et al. (1983), 27. Laufer et al. (1983), 28. MacPherson et al. (1983), 29. Malkin (1992), 30. Monks et al. (1995), 31. Morter et al. (1994), 32. Moses et al. (2000), 33. Moses et al. (2005), 34. Munk et al. (1986), 35. Nava et al. (1986), 36. Opansky and Leone (1996a), 37. Opansky and Leone (1996b), 38. Pantos et al. (1978), 39. Pedersen et al. (1993), 40. Rabinowitz et al. (1991), 41. R. Wu, personal communication 1997, 42. Satyapal and Bersohn (1991), 43. Schwanebeck and Warnatz (1975), 44. Seakins et al. (1993), 45. Segall et al. (1991), 46. Sillesen et al. (1993), 47. Smith et al. (1991), 48. Tsang and Hampson (1986), 49. Tsang(1988), 50. Tsang (1991), 51. Vakhtin et al. (2001), 52. Wagner and Zellner (1972), 53. Weissman and Benson (1988), 54. Westmoreland et al. (1989), 55. Whytock et al. (1976), 56. Wu and Kern (1987), 57. Yu et al. (1994), 58. Yung et al. (1984) , 59. Mordaunt et al. (1993), 60. Heck et al. (1996), 61, Seki and Okabe (1992), 62, Payne and Stief (1972). 29 Figure file Figures Figure 1: UV intensity (photons per unit area, time, and wavelength) in arbitrary unit. Laboratory and solar UV spectra are depicted by the solid and dashed curves, respectively. 1 Figure 2: Volume mixing ratios of H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H4, C4H2, and C4H10 as a function of time in hour. The spectra are normalized by factors of 0.06, 0.002, 0.002, 0.02, 0.0002, 0.00007, and 0.003, respectively. Laboratory results are marked by black dots (original resolution) and green curve (one-hour smoothing). Model results before (black curve) and after (red curve) adjusting rate coefficients are shown for comparison. Aerosol model is shown by the dashed curve. See text. The model chemistry is taken from Moses et al. (2000). 2 Figure 3: Same as Figure 2 but with chemistry from Moses et al. (2005). The black curve of C4H2 is below the plotting range. The spectra are normalized by factors of 0.06, 0.002, 0.002, 0.02, 0.0002, 0.00007, and 0.001, respectively. 3 Figure 4: (a) The designation of black dots and green curve. The spectra are normalized by factors of 0.06, 0.002, 0.002, 0.02, 0.0002, 0.00007, and 0.003, respectively. The chemistry is taken from Moses et al. (2000). The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model A) and >C2 (model B) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. The cost functions for both cases are reduced by a factor of 100 (b). The cost functions are normalized. The cost functions of the two cases are similar. See text. (a) 4 (b) 5 Figure 5: The designation of black dots and green curve. The spectra are normalized by factors of 0.06, 0.002, 0.002, 0.02, 0.0002, 0.00007, and 0.001, respectively. The chemistry is from Moses et al. (2005). The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model C) and >C2 (model D) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. The cost function is reduced by a factor of 250. See text. 6 Figure 6: Titan application. Moses et al.’s (2000) kinetics is used. The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model A) and >C2 (model B) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. Symbols denote observed values (Coustenis et al. 1989, 1991; Flasar et al. 2005 ; Vinatier et al. 2007). 7 Figure 7: Jupiter application. Moses et al.’s (2000) kinetics is used. The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model A) and >C2 (model B) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. Symbols denote observed values (Orton and Aumann 1977; Owen et al. 1980; Festou et al. 1981; Clarke et al. 1982; Gladstone and Yung 1983; Wagener et al. 1985; Noll et al. 1986; Kostiuk et al. 1987; McGrath et al. 1989; Livengood et al. 1993; Bezaed et al. 1995; Morrissey et al. 1995; Edgington et al. 1998; Sada et al. 1998; Betremieux and Yelle 1999 ; Fouchet et al. 2000 ; Yelle et al. 2001; Moses et al. 2005 ; Greathouse et al. 2008). 8 Figure 8: Titan application. Moses et al.’s (2005) kinetics is used. Symbols denote observed values (see Figure 6). The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model C) and >C2 (model D) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. 9 Figure 9: Jupiter application. Moses et al.’s (2005) kinetics is used. Symbols denote observed values (see Figure 7). The black curves are the model results before optimization. Models with optimizing all (model C) and >C2 (model D) chemistry are shown by the blue and red curves, respectively. 10