\ Pergamon Planet[ Space Sci[\ Vol[ 35\ No[ 8:09\ pp[ 0110Ð0124\ 0887 Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved 9921Ð9522:87:,*see front matter PII ] S9921Ð9522"87#99965Ð1 Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings$ Larry W[ Esposito\ Joshua E[ Colwell and William E[ McClintock Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics\ University of Colorado\ Boulder\ Colorado 79298!9281\ U[S[A[ Received 8 February 0887 ^ revised 02 May 0887 ^ accepted 07 May 0887 Abstract[ The Cassini Ultra!violet Imaging Spec! trograph "UVIS# is part of the remote sensing payload of the Cassini Orbiter spacecraft[ Its science objectives include investigation of the chemistry\ clouds\ and energy balance of the Titan and Saturn atmospheres ^ neutrals in the magnetosphere ^ D:H ratio for Titan and Saturn ^ and structure and evolution of Saturn|s rings[ The UVIS has two spectrographic channels which provide images and spectra covering the ranges from 45Ð007 nm and 009Ð089 nm[ A third optical path with a solar blind CsI photocathode is used for high signal to noise ratio stellar occultations by rings and atmospheres[ A separate hydrogen!deuterium absorp! tion cell "HDAC# measures the relative abundance D:H from their Lyman!alpha emission[ The rings of Saturn are the best!studied of planetary rings and contain the majority of the ring material in the solar system[ The four!year Cassini tour provides multiple observation opportunities and long time coverage[ The UVIS observations include photometry\ imaging\ spectroscopy\ and stellar occultations[ Numerous di}raction!limited star occultations by the rings are a prime objective for the UVIS[ The 1 ms integration period in this mode will give a ring radial resolution of better than 19 m[ The counting rate is 49× greater than the Voyager star occultations in a resolution element 4× smaller[ Multiple opportunities on the same Saturn passage will de_ne temporal and azimuthal variation[ We expect to observe waves\ wakes and ring edges*all characteristics of ring dynamics and history[ The imaging resolution is 0 mrad\ or 0999 km from a viewing range of 095 km[ The UVIS is sensitive to the shortest wavelengths of all the remote sensing experiments\ and thus the scattered light from the smallest ring particles[ In combination with images from ISS and VIMS\ CIRS spectra\ and Correspondence to ] L[ W[ Esposito[ Tel[ ] 990 292 381 6566 ^ fax ] 990 292 381 5835 $ Presented at the International Cassini Conference\ Bologna\ Italy\ November 0885[ radio occultations\ we will de_ne the size distribution of ring particles larger than r 9[0 mm[ Observing the di}erential opacity of the rings from 009Ð089 nm and the possible {{aureole|| created by ring particle forward scattering will further constrain the ring particle size distribution[ Water ice absorption is strong in this por! tion of the UV ] some compositional implications for the ring particles are possible from the ring spectral re~ectance[ The UVIS is sensitive to H "0105 A ý # and O "0293\ 0245 A ý # emissions near the rings which will better de_ne the ring atmosphere[ The atmosphere observations constrain ring!magnetosphere inter! actions\ ring evaporation and particle lifetime\ as well as interchange of material between rings\ moons and magnetosphere in the Saturn system[ The high spectral\ spatial\ azimuthal and time coverage from Cassini will provide data to re_ne and test our best current models of the short!term and long!term ring dynamics[ Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved Introduction Planetary rings\ which just two decades ago were thought unique to the planet Saturn\ have now been observed around all the giant planets "for a recent review\ see Espo! sito\ 0882#[ These rings are composed of many particles with a broad range in size[ The observed rings systems are quite diverse "Fig[ 0#[ Jupiter|s ring is optically thin and composed of dust!like small particles "Showalter et al[\ 0876#[ Saturn|s rings are broad\ bright\ and opaque "Cuzzi et al[\ 0873\ Esposito et al[\ 0873#[ Uranus has narrow\ dark rings among broad lanes of dust which are invisible from Earth "French et al[\ 0880\ Esposito et al[\ 0880#[ Neptune|s rings include incomplete arcs restricted to a small range of the circumference "Porco et al[\ 0884#[ All rings lie predominantly within their planet|s Roche limit\ where tidal forces would destroy a self!gravitating body "Nicholson and Dones\ 0880#[ They are also within the planet|s magnetosphere\ and in the case of Uranus\ they are within the upper reaches of the planetary atmosphere[ 0111 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 0[ Rings and moons of the outer planets\ scaled to the size of the primary[ Dashed line ] synchronous orbit[ Dot!dashed ] Roche limit[ From Nicholson and Dones "0880# The structure of the rings and their composition "as shown by their colors# vary between the planets\ and like! wise within each ring system[ The broadest set of rings and the most identi_ed processes are found in Saturn|s system[ Saturn|s rings display many diverse structural fea! tures ] vertical thickness considerably greater than the average particle size ^ dark lanes\ gaps\ and other opacity variations ^ eccentric shapes and inclined orientations ^ sharp edges ^ azimuthal brightness variations\ arcs\ and clumps ^ waves and wakes ^ and incomplete\ kinked\ and apparently {{braided|| con_gurations[ Some of these fea! tures have been explained as a result of a range of gravi! tational interactions with nearby moons "e[g[ Borderies et al[\ 0873#[ Beyond the interactions with moons\ the ring particles interact with the planet|s magnetosphere via charging\ plasma drag\ and forces applied by the ambient magnetic and electric _elds[ Electrostatic forces may lift small par! L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings ticles o} the surface of the larger ring particles to create the dark\ radial lanes seen in the Voya`er Saturn pictures which were termed {{spokes||[ The particles in the lowest orbits may experience drag from Saturn|s exosphere[ The size distribution of ring particles spans many decades\ extending from sub!micron dust\ through meter! sized particles\ to small imbedded moons\ including the recently discovered {{Pan||\ about 09 km in radius "Showalter\ 0880#[ Perhaps 099Ð0999 moons bigger than 0 km orbit each of the giant planets\ but are too small to be detected by Voyager|s cameras "Colwell and Esposito\ 0882#[ Theoretical expectations and some data support the idea that the particles in a ring will segregate in size\ both radially and vertically[ Radio occultations at two wavelengths have provided size information for Saturn|s rings at a number of locations "unfortunately excluding Saturn|s B ring because of its opacity# in the range of roughly 0Ð09 m[ Information on smaller particles is from photometry and di}erential opacity in stellar occultations[ The derived size distribution can be characterized by broad power! law distributions\ with power!law exponents of 1[4Ð2[4 "Zebker et al[\ 0874#[ The composition of ring particles is well known only for Saturn[ Spectroscopic\ occultation\ and neutron measurements all imply that Saturn|s particles resemble the nearby small moons and probably contain at least some silicate material "Cuzzi et al[\ 0873\ Entrada and Cuzzi\ 0885#[ Color variations may indicate compositional di}erences in di}erent parts of the rings[ We have a _rst order understanding of the dynamics and key processes in Saturn|s rings\ much of it based on previous work in galactic and stellar dynamics[ The rings are a kinetic system\ where the deviations from perfect circular\ equatorial motion can be considered as random velocities in viscous ~uid[ Unfortunately\ the present theoretical models are often idealized "e[g[\ treating all particles as hard spheres of the same size# and cannot yet predict many phenomena in the detail observed by spacecraft observations "e[g[\ sharp edges#[ The rings show many youthful features ^ Saturn|s ice is bright\ Uranus| rings are narrow\ Neptune|s arcs are constrained to a small range of longitude\ and Jupiter|s particles are so small that they are transported away in a thousand years or less[ The momentum transferred between rings and the nearby moons should have caused them to spread much further apart than they are now[ Further\ Saturn|s small moons discovered by Voya`er also could not have survived the ~ux of interplanetary meteoroids for the age of the solar system "Colwell and Esposito\ 0881#[ In much less time\ these small moons would be shattered by an impacting object[ These impacts may not only destroy the moon\ but they can also re! create the ring systems that are gradually spreading and being ground to dust[ Thus\ the moons not only sculpt the rings| structure [ [ [ they may be the reservoirs for past and future ring systems[ Consequently\ most rings are likely much younger than the solar system and new rings episodically created by the destruction of small moons near the planets[ This idea is one example of how the recent spacecraft observations have indicated a larger role for catastrophic events in the history of the solar system[ 0112 Dones "0886# presents an alternative possibility that the rings of Saturn could be primordial\ by re!interpreting the evidence for ring youth and criticizing the present models for torque transferred between moons and rings and the proposed darkening of rings by meteoroid bombardment[ We note that no viable model exists for creating Saturn|s extensive ring system in the recent past\ unless it was a very unlikely event "Dones\ 0880#[ However\ the destruction of small moons provides a ready source for lesser rings[ The range of phenomena seen in Saturn|s rings was unexpected and gives insight into the processes in other ~attened astrophysical systems[ An interesting parallel can be drawn between the processes observed now in planetary ring systems and those that occurred at the time of the origin of the planets[ Thus\ Saturn|s rings provide tests for theories of origin and evolution of the solar system[ This paper gives a brief description of the UVIS experi! ment\ and planned Cassini observations[ Instrument description In this section\ we describe the constraints\ optical con! _guration and performance of the UVIS which enable the scienti_c investigation "McClintock et al[\ 0881\ 0882#[ The UVIS design represents a balance between the science objectives and the constraints of mass\ power\ volume and operability for a spacecraft instrument[ Figure 1 and Table 0 summarize the optical and mechanical characteristics of the instrument[ It consists of two moderate resolution telescope!spectrographs covering the wavelength ranges 45Ð007 "EUV# and 009Ð089 nm "FUV#\ a sensitive high! speed photometer "HSP#\ and a hydrogen!deuterium absorption cell "HDAC#[ The separate channels are alig! ned for simultaneous observation[ Because of the breadth of science objectives addressed by the UVIS "Esposito et al[\ in preparation#\ the UVIS uses a variety of observation techniques[ These include producing maps and images by moving the slit to a sequence of locations through rastering\ slewing and drif! ting the spacecraft optical axis[ Limb drifts provide high resolution at the target|s limb[ Occultations of the sun are observed with the EUV channel ^ the HSP can observe stellar occultations in concert with the EUV and FUV[ The UVIS will encounter a wide range of signal streng! ths[ Saturn system atmospheric and magnetospheric emis! sions at wavelengths shorter than 199 nm are very faint\ with radiances of the order of 9[0Ð09 Rayleighs in indi! vidual emission lines[ In contrast\ sunlight scattered from the disk of Saturn and its icy satellites produces radiance in the range of 0Ð09 kR:nm[ Spectro`raphic channels The basic instrument design adapts proven design concepts\ using a grating spectrometer followed by multi! element detector[ We chose imaging pulse!counting mic! rochannel plate detectors because of more than a decade of experience using this kind of detector equipped with a CODACON readout anode[ 0113 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 1[ UVIS opticalÐmechanical con_guration Table 0[ Summary*ultraviolet imaging spectrograph and HSP FUV "009Ð089 nm# EUV "44Ð004 nm# HSP Telescope Focal length Size "mm# Entrance pupil size "mm# Mirror size "mm# Re~ecting surface ) re~ectivity 19×19 11×29 11×29 Al¦MgF1 79 099 19×19 11×29 SIC 39 199 Toroidal gratings Size "mm# Grating radii "mm# Grating surface ) Grating absolute Grooves:mm Input angle a "degrees# Out angles b "degrees# 59×59 299\ 185[0 A0¦MgF1 39 0957 8[11 21[8 59×59 299\ 185[7 SIC 09 0399 7:92 −3[97\ ¦0[61 2!Position slits Slit widths "microns# Dl "nm# atmosphere Field of View "mrad# Filters "Acton Research# 64\ 049\ 799 9[13\ 9[37\ 1[4 "[64\ 0[4\ 7#×53 None 099\ 199\ 799 9[13\ 9[37\ 0[8 "0\ 1\ 7#×53 None CsI 7 MgF1 14[5×5[3 0913×53 14×099 KBr 14 None 14[5×5[3 0913×53 14×099 Detectors Photocathode ) Maximum QE Detector window Detector size "mm# Pixel format "l×# Pixel size "m# Window Pulse resolution 024×29 Al¦MgF1 5×5 CsR Hamamatsu MgF1 49 ns L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings The CODACON acts as a photon locator[ For 1M×1N pixels on the anode array\ the output electronics generate a logic compatible M¦N bit address for each detected photon[ These photon locations are accumulated in an external memory to build a picture that is periodically read out and telemetered[ Detectors for the Cassini UVIS have a count rate limit 094:s\ set by the speed of the detection electronics[ Details of the CODACON oper! ation are described by McClintock et al[ "0881#\ and Lawr! ence and McClintock "0885#[ A two!dimensional format for the CODACON detec! tors allows simultaneous spectral and spatial coverage[ This allows two!dimensional spatial mapping as described above[ The detector format is 0913×53 with a pixel size of 9[914×9[09 mm[ Two separate detectors cover the wavelength range[ A windowless detector is required for the extreme ultraviolet "EUV# wavelength range 45Ð007 nm[ We chose KBr as the photocathode material for this detector because of its ability to withstand a moderate amount of exposure to atmospheric water vapor[ CsI was also considered as the EUV photocathode\ but it requires a door with a hermetic seal to protect it before launch[ CsI is the photocathode material for the far!ultraviolet "FUV# wavelength range 009Ð089 nm[ This detector is enclosed in a separate vacuum housing with a MgF1 window[ Although other materials such as CsTe are more e.cient photocathodes than CsI for wavelengths longer than 029 nm\ we use CsI for the FUV because it is much less sensitive to longer wavelength scattered light within the spectrograph[ This scattered light usually dominates and can often obliterate weak planetary FUV emiss! ions when a CsTe or a more red!sensitive photocathode is used[ The optical requirements for the EUV channel are unique because the low re~ectivity of optical materials at these wavelengths require that the number of optical elements in the system be as small as possible[ Our design is a single!mirror telescope followed by an entrance slit and a concave grating used in a Rowland circle mount[ Fig[ 2[ FUV optical con_guration 0114 We found that the EUV channel con_guration also provides satisfactory spatial and spectral resolution in the FUV channel[ The two channels are identical except for the optical coatings\ di}raction grating rulings\ and detec! tor photocathodes[ To achieve the desired spectral resol! ution\ the optics must provide image quality in the spec! trograph dispersion direction that is nearly equal to CODACON spatial resolution limit of two pixels "9[94 mm#[ Toroidal gratings used with the angle of di}raction equal to zero in the center of the detector have the best imaging properties because\ for a given angle of incidence\ they produce stigmatic images at two wavelengths in the focal plane[ The FUV channel is shown in Fig[ 2[ It is our best compromise for spectral resolution\ image quality\ and size[ The EUV channel is identical to the FUV except that the detector window and ion pump are not present[ Each telescope consists of an o}!axis section of a parabolic mirror with a 099 mm focal length[ A 19×19 mm aperture which is 022 mm in front of the telescope mirror acts as a Lyot stop conjugate to the grating[ We equipped the telescope with a sunshade and ba/e system to minimize scattered light background during limb scan measure! ments[ We achieve a point source rejection ratio of 095 for sources located 0> or more away from the _eld of view "Fig[ 3#[ Each spectrograph consists of a set of three inter! changeable entrance slits "9[964Ð9[5 mm wide×5[3 mm tall ^ see Table 0# and a toroidal grating with a 299!mm horizontal radius of curvature used in a Rowland circle mount[ The spectrum is thus formed on a cylinder of radius 299 mm[ We placed the detector on a chord of the Rowland circle to minimize average defocus over its planar 14[5×5[3 mm sensitive area[ The grating ruling spacing is set by the spectral coverage requirement for each channel[ Mechanical constraints require the spectrograph hous! ings to have the angle aÐb 8[1> identical for both chan! nels "a and b are the angles of incidence and di}raction\ 0115 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 3[ HSP o} axis response "contours ] log09 of sensitivity relative to maximum signal# respectfully#[ This con_guration results in b 9> at the center of the detector for the FUV channel[ The detector subtends angles Db 21[34> along the Rowland circle[ The grating radii yields the stigmatic wavelengths at bs 20[12>[ The detector plane also intersects the Row! land circle at these wavelengths[ This con_guration thus gives the best average imaging over the entire detector[ Stellar and solar occultation modes In addition to observing planetary emissions\ the UVIS spectroscopic channels will view occultations of stars by the atmospheres of both Saturn and Titan\ and by Sat! urn|s rings[ The _eld of view for a 9[964Ðmm!wide entrance slit is 9[64 mrad[ Spacecraft pointing accuracy is limited to21 mrad ^ therefore\ we set each telescope _eld of view to be 7 mrad wide for stellar occultation experi! ments[ To change the _eld of view\ we included a three! position slit mechanism in each channel "Fig[ 2#[ We need at least two slits ^ one 9[964 mm wide "FUV# or 9[09 Fig[ 4[ High!speed photometer layout mm wide "EUV# to meet the highest spectral resolution requirements for extended sources and one 9[79 mm wide for point sources\ to accommodate the spacecraft pointing capability[ We also added a solar occultation capability to the EUV channel ] stars are not useful because interstellar atomic hydrogen blocks their radiation at wavelengths shorter than 80[1 nm[ In this observing mode "see Fig[ 1#\ light enters the EUV channel through a small aperture located 19> away from the normal viewing direction and is directed toward the telescope mirror by a small grazing incidence mirror[ A two!position mechanism is used to block the light path when the solar viewing mode is not used[ Hi`h!speed photometer In addition to the spectroscopic channels\ the UVIS con! tains a high!speed photometer with an integration time of 1[9 ms to observe occultation of stars by the rings of L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Saturn[ Figure 4 shows the con_guration for the HSP[ It consists of a telescope mirror that is approximately 09 times as large as those used in the spectroscopic channels\ followed by an aperture to limit the _eld of view to 5 mrad\ a MgF1 lens\ and a Hamamatsu model R0970 photomultiplier tube with a CsI photocathode used in pulse!counting mode[ The lens images the telescope mirror onto the photocathode of the photomultiplier[ Without this lens\ small changes in spacecraft pointing would cause the image of the star to move around on the nonuniform detector photocathode\ resulting in unwanted signal vari! ations[ In Fig[ 4\ we also show the detector electronics\ which include a high!voltage power supply "HVPS# and a pulse!ampli_er discriminator "PAD#[ The spectral response of the HSP is limited at short wavelengths to about 004 nm by the MgF1 detector win! dow and at long wavelengths to about 089 nm by the work function of the CsI photocathode[ We chose CsI for its low sensitivity to solar light because the spacecraft orbit geometry requires that most of the occultation obser! vations be made while looking through the sunlit rings[ The photometer _eld of view must be at least 5 mrad to account for pointing errors of 21 mrad[ If we used a photomultiplier with either a CsTe or a Bi!alkali pho! tocathode with this large a _eld of view\ sunlight re~ected from the rings would produce a background at least 099 times larger than the signal from the brightest stars[ Using a CsI photocathode we are limited to stars with spectral class O and B "e}ective temperatures in the range 39\999Ð 09\999 K#\ but the background from re~ected sunlight is equal to the signal from a B4 star with a visual magnitude MV of 3[4[ During the mission\ we expect over 249 stellar occultation opportunities for the rings with stars that are at least 09 times brighter than MV of 3[4[ Sensitivity We use the following equations to relate the signal and noise output of the UVIS to its design parameters[ For viewing extended sources\ Fig[ 5[ UVIS sensitivity\ in counts:s:KR 0116 S"l# I"l#(AT"l#:F1T(Apix(t"l#(QE"l#T "0# N1"l# S"l#¦BT "1# where S signal in counts per pixel l wavelength I source radiance in photons per cm1 per ster! adian per s AT:FT1 square of the optical system focal ratio Apix area of a single detector pixel in cm1 t optical system transmission QE detector quantum e.ciency T observation time in seconds N noise in counts per pixel B detector background or {{dark count|| in counts per pixel per s[ Figure 5 shows the system sensitivity of the UVIS for each channel and for two of the slit widths[ Curves for the occultation slits are not shown[ They are a factor of 09[6 higher than the curves for a 64!mm slit[ Each curve is labeled by the slit width in micrometers and nominal resolution Dl in nanometers[ In limb scan mode\ we orient the entrance slit parallel to the planet limb and slew the spacecraft to obtain vertical pro_les[ At each altitude\ we sum all 53 spatial pixels into a 0913×0 spectrum[ Map! ping mode uses the full 1!dimensional capability of the detector\ and we generate a spectral by spatial map of 0913×53 pixels[ We have plotted the detection limit "i[e[ the signal required to produce a signal!to!noise ratio of 2[9# for a 2599 s observation in limb scan and mapping modes[ Solid lines are for typical observed CODACON backgrounds of 1 counts per detector "54\425 pixels# per second[ The dashed lines in Fig[ 6 show detection limits for the total expected background[ Three radioisotope thermoelectric generators "RTGs# provide the spacecraft with electrical power[ We estimate that the gamma rays emitted by the RTGs will increase the background by an additional 19 0117 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 6[ UVIS sensitivity limits for integration period of one h[ Solid ] for the low resolution and high resolution slits[ Dashed ] summing all spatial information along the slit counts per detector per second[ The dashed lines in Fig[ 6 show SNR curves that include both contributions to the background[ During Titan encounters\ its disk will have an angular diameter of 1[5> on the sky at 4[1 h before closest approach at a distance of about 0[1×094 km[ At that time\ a single detector pixel subtends 1[4> in latitude at the subspacecraft point[ The satellite just _lls the length of the spectrograph entrance slit at T−2[6 h[ Thus T−4[1 h to T−2[6 h is an ideal time to make maps to provide data for pho! tochemical models and aerosol studies[ We will have about 4399 s to record 13 longitude positions across the disk[ Limb scans and atmospheric occultation measure! ments will occur nearer to closest approach[ To make thermosphere measurements at an altitude of 0999 km with the disk 4> away from the optic axis\ we must be within 00×092 km[ This occurs at about T−9[4 h[ At this distance\ a 64!mm!wide entrance slit subtends about 8 km at the limb and the spacecraft drifts about 0 scale height "49 km# every 7 s[ Occultation measurements of the atmosphere can be made at larger distances\ especially at night when there is no scattered light from the sunlit disk of Titan to interfere with the atmospheric observations[ system "Fig[ 7#[ Conversely\ the azimuthal coverage is more sketchy[ As to temporal coverage\ the data encompass only a few weeks around each encounter\ with the best resolution data for each from a period of less than a day[ The images are all from the Voyager RETICON cameras ] the spectral sensitivity of their silicon detectors explains why we have no pictures in the UV or IR[ This information is now supplemented by data from the ground\ HST and IUE\ which all lack the radial\ azi! muthal and temporal resolution provided brie~y by the spacecraft encounters[ A new data set from the spectacular 0884 ring plane crossing "see Nicholson et al[\ 0885\ Showalter 0886# provides information on the more trans! parent rings[ The thickest parts of Saturn|s rings were not penetrated by either the radio or stellar occultations[ The Cassini mission provides the opportunity to mea! sure the rings at high resolution in the radial\ azimuthal and vertical dimensions over a period of four years[ Obser! vations of the ring environment\ magnetosphere and small nearby satellites will determine the interactions of the various parts of the Saturn system with its rings[ The UVIS experiment has the capability for imaging\ spec! troscopy and high speed photometry that can contribute to these scienti_c objectives[ UVIS ring observations Rin` structure Voya`er results and Cassini capabilities Figure 8 shows observations of density waves in Saturn|s rings from the Voyager PPS occultation "Esposito et al[\ 0872a\b#[ These features are but one of a number of dynamic phenomena evident in the ring radial pro_le[ The UVIS High Speed Photometer "HSP# channel has been optimized to follow up on the Voyager investigations[ The HSP _eld of view is 5×5 mrad\ large enough that no brightness modulations are expected from pointing vari! ations[ The CsI photocathode is essentially solar!blind\ Voyager I and II made the closest investigations of Sat! urn|s rings in 0879 and 0870[ These missions provided images\ spectra\ radio and stellar occultations as well as information on the ring environment[ Reviews are pro! vided by Cuzzi et al[\ 0873 and Esposito et al[\ 0873[ The radio occultation\ stellar occultation\ and sequences of images each provided complete radial coverage of the ring L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings 0118 Fig[ 7[ Saturn|s rings from the Voyager 1 PPS d Scorpii stellar occultation\ showing ring radial structure "Esposito et al[\ 0872a# allowing high signal!to!noise occultations of both sunlit and shadowed rings[ The HSP is bore!sighted with the spectroscopic channels\ which allows concurrent spec! troscopy of the transmitted starlight from 80Ð089 nm[ Simultaneously\ we can obtain a long slit image of the occultation point up to a distance 229 mrad\ allowing the observation of di}racted light in the stellar aureole[ The time resolution of 1 ms can give spatial resolution of 19 m or better on the rings\ comparable to the di}raction limit[ The large mirror and ampli_ers in the HSP allow very high counting rates[ We expect 1999 counts in 1 ms for the occultation star d Sco[ This compares to the Voyager PPS observation of d Sco of 28 counts every 09 ms "Espo! sito et al[\ 0872a#[ Thus the Cassini UVIS HSP can probe structures _ve times narrower than Voyager\ with 49 times the signal in each integration period[ This high sensitivity and resolution will be used to probe wakes\ waves and ring edges[ Occultation tracks at multiple ring longitudes will likely reveal azimuthal asymmetries in the rings as was seen by the Voyager PPS at Uranus "Colwell et al[\ 0889# and ground!based stellar occultation observations of Nep! tune|s rings "Elliot et al[\ 0874\ Covault et al[\ 0875\ French et al[\ 0882#[ These asymmetries may provide clues to the origin of the ring features and imply the presence of nearby perturbing satellites[ These data will be used to constrain physical models of their origin and evolution[ Radial optical depth pro_les will be generated from stellar occultation measurements "cf\ Colwell\ 0878\ Col! well et al[\ 0889#[ Accurate absolute determinations of the locations of edges\ gaps\ and wave features in the data will allow the identi_cation of new ring!satellite reson! ances\ and quite possibly the indirect detection of new small satellites within the ring system "e[g[\ Horn et al[\ 0889#[ Such satellites are linked to the evolution and the origin of the rings[ Their number and distribution within the rings will help constrain theories of ring origin "Col! well\ 0883\ Sicardy and Lissauer 0881#[ During HSP observations of stellar occultations\ the UVIS far ultraviolet channel "FUV# will measure ring background brightness[ These measurements will also provide information on the size distribution of small "micron!sized# dust particles in the rings during occul! tations by the shadowed rings[ Dust in Saturn|s rings will produce a di}raction aureole detectable by the FUV channel of the UVIS[ The _rst dark di}raction ring will show up in FUV spectral!spatial images as a decrease in the ring brightness away from the stellar image\ that is seen along a sloping locus of pixels in the image "Fig[ 09#[ The location of this di}raction signature is sensitive to the characteristic dust particle size[ Size distributions based on di}erent physical models of the creation\ transport\ and destruction of dust will be tested against the obser! vations[ The abundance\ size\ and distribution of dust in the rings is a useful diagnostic for the size distribution\ velocity distribution\ and surface properties of the larger ring particles which act as sources and sinks of dust in the rings "Colwell and Esposito\ 0889a\b#[ Data on these larger particles will be obtained from stellar occultations and combining UVIS re~ectance data with images from the Cassini imager "ISS# and near infrared camera "VIMS#[ The FUV data will also be used to determine the magnitude of the ring background signal to be removed 0129 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 8[ Density waves seen in the PPS occultation "Esposito et al[\ 0872b#[ Compare the resolution to Fig[ 7 Fig[ 09[ Aureole observations during stellar occultation\ shown as a spectral!spatial UVIS image[ Location of _rst dark di}raction ring is the central sloping line[ This would be the center of a dark band in the image[ The calculation is for spherical particles with 4 mm radius[ The two outer lines indicate the dark band|s full width at half!maximum L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings 0120 Fig[ 00[ Numerous ring stellar occultation opportunities are shown with CASPER "Cassini Sequence Planner# software in this near! polar view of Saturn and its ring system[ Plus symbols indicate stars ^ larger symbols are brighter stars[ The stippled region indicates Saturn|s shadow[ Stellar occultations by the shadowed rings are best for ring aureole observations[ The sub!spacecraft point is indicated by a cross on the planet from the HSP occultation data[ Figures 00\ 01\ and 02 show the multitude of available opportunities and the progress of a stellar occultation from Cassini tour 81!90[ UVIS ima`es During remote sensing ring observations\ the UVIS will slew its slit to make images of the rings[ At a range of 095 km\ the UVIS resolution of 0 mrad gives a picture element of 0999 km width[ Typical images will be 53 elements tall "along the slit# with the image width determined by the total slew duration[ Because UVIS has the shortest wave! length of any of the remote sensing instruments\ it will be more sensitive to the smallest particles in the rings\ with sizes as small as 9[90Ð9[0 m[ The images at di}erent UV wavelengths can be compared to camera images to deter! mine the dust contribution and extend the size distri! bution[ The rings| {{spokes|| are one target[ By combining the UV observations with CIRS spectra\ ISS\ VIMS images and radio occultations\ the size distribution of the ring particles can be measured from sub!micron to meter sizes[ Rin` composition Figure 03 shows the re~ectance spectrum of Saturn|s rings from IUE and Voyager[ The water absorption edge at 0549 _ is clearly seen[ We can map the depth and wave! length of this feature across the rings to determine com! positional and age variations[ At wavelengths 0799Ð1999 _\ water ice is transparent\ and the non!icy ring com! ponent may be studied[ During systematic spectroscopy of the Saturn system\ the UVIS will map the emissions from neutral hydrogen "0105 _# and oxygen "0293\ 0245 _#[ Emissions near the rings will de_ne the ring atmosphere "Broadfoot et al[\ 0870\ Hall et al[\ 0885# and the interactions of the ring with its local environment[ This will constrain the long! term evolution of the ring particles[ The UVIS will also measure remotely a number of magnetospheric con! stituents "particularly H\ O\ N\ and D# that will de_ne the broader ring!magnetosphere interactions[ Rin` history The UVIS and the other remote sensing and in situ Cassini experiments will provide a rich data set on the current state of the rings and their present interactions with other parts of the Saturn system[ A comprehensive model of the origin and large!scale evolution of Saturn|s rings will be developed based on the ensemble of Cassini observations at Saturn[ Crater statistics on the larger satellites and the anticipated dis! covery of smaller {{ring moons|| will allow development 0121 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 01[ The star o Canis Major is occulted by the shadowed rings of Saturn[ The FUV occultation slit and the HSP aperture are shown around the star[ The stippling indicates shadowed regions of the planet and rings[ The distance to Saturn is 381\999 km of an accurate model of the time!dependent interplanetary impacting ~ux at intermediate and large sizes[ This ~ux\ when combined with theoretical and experimental results on catastrophic fragmentation\ will drive the global evol! ution of the ring system[ Disruption of satellites or {{rubble piles|| creates new ring particles[ These then undergo orbital evolution\ in~uenced by gravitational per! turbations from other satellites\ and partial accretion "Canup and Esposito\ 0884#[ Dust is produced within the ring due to interparticle collisions and micrometeoroid bombardment[ These processes can be combined into a single global Markov chain simulation of the ring system "Colwell and Esposito\ 0882# for time scales of the age of the solar system[ Monte Carlo simulations can be con! ducted using the same transition probabilities in order to create simulated histories of the rings system for direct comparison with Cassini observations[ Summary Scienti_c objectives Variations of the abundance of dust between di}erent ring features will provide additional information on ring particle characteristics\ including collision velocities and regolith properties[ Dynamically active regions may exhi! bit di}erent dust abundances than quiescent regions in the rings[ Features such as arcs\ kinks\ braids\ and other Fig[ 02[ An animated sequence of a stellar occultation across the shadowed rings in a geometry similar to that in Fig[ 01[ The UVIS FUV occultation slit and HSP aperture are shown[ The duration of the occultation is approximately 1[4 h L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings 0122 0123 L[ W[ Esposito et al[ ] Cassini UVIS observations of Saturn|s rings Fig[ 03[ Re~ectance of Saturn|s rings from Voyager and IUE[ Source ] Jay Holberg "personal communication# azimuthal asymmetries may indicate a mode of origin from satellite disruption or complex gravitational inter! actions with nearby satellites[ The distribution of small moons\ their resonances\ and density waves and gaps within the rings will be used to characterize the large!scale transport of angular momentum through the system for use in global evolution models of the rings[ The UVIS investigation will provide "0# a com! prehensive study of features in Saturn|s rings\ including their dynamical links to embedded satellites ^ "1# a deter! mination of the abundance and size distribution of dust within the rings as a function of location within the rings ^ "2# modeling of ring processes and system interactions at short time scales ^ "3# models of the global evolution of the rings over the age of the solar system[ References Borderies\ N[ P[\ Goldreich\ P[ and Tremaine\ S[ D[ "0873# Unsolved problems in planetary rings dynamics[ In Planetary Rin`s\ eds[ R[\ Greenberg\ A[ Brahic\ pp[ 602Ð25[ Univ[ Ariz[ Press\ Tucson[ Broadfoot\ A[ L[\ Sandel\ B[ R[\ Shemansky\ D[ E[\ Holberg\ J[ B[\ Smith\ G[ R[\ Strobel\ D[ F[\ McConnell\ J[ C[\ Kumar\ S[\ Hunten\ D[ M[\ Atreya\ S[ K[\ Donahue\ T[ M[\ Moos\ H[ W[\ Bertaux\ J[ L[\ Blamont\ J[ E[\ Pomphrey\ R[ B[ and Linick\ S[ "0870# Extreme ultra!violet observations from Voyager 0 encounter with Saturn[ Science 193\ 868Ð872[ Canup\ R[ M[ and Esposito\ L[ W[ "0884# Accretion in the Roche zone ] co!existence of rings and ring moons[ Icarus 002\ 220Ð 241[ Colwell\ J[ E[ and Esposito\ L[ W[ "0889a# A numerical model of the Uranian dust rings[ Icarus 75\ 429Ð459[ Colwell\ J[ E[ and Esposito\ L[ W[ "0889b# A model of the dust production in Neptune|s rings[ J[ Geophys[ Res[ 06\ 0630Ð 0633[ Colwell\ J[ E[ and Esposito\ L[ W[ "0881# Origins of the rings of Uranus and Neptune\ 0[ Statistics of satellite disruptions[ J[ Geophys[ Res[ 86\ 09\116Ð30[ Colwell\ J[ E[\ Horn\ L[ J[\ Lane\ A[ L[\ Esposito\ L[ W[\ Yan! 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