Ring Spectroscopy Todd Bradley January 6, 2010 Inves=ga=on Summary • New data reduc=on techniques • Results from spectral fiEng • New inves=ga=ons pertaining to ring par=cle phase func=on 2 New Data Reduc=on Techniques • Account for smeared field of view (discussed in Bradley cube generator presenta=on on 1/5/2010) • Throw out observa=ons with significant off axis light and Saturn shine • When averaging data within a radial bin, weight the data to account for differences in sampling 3 Sampling and weigh=ng issues pixels Idealized hi resolu=on I/F 4 Last year 5 Now 6 Water ice absorp=on feature The magnitude of I/F depends on: 1) the ring par=cle albedo 2) the ring par=cle phase func=on 3) the scaVering func=on 4) the regolith grain single scaVering albedo 5) mul=ple scaVering among grains 7 Spectral FiEng • The shape and spectral loca=on of the water ice absorp=on feature has been used without regard to the absolute value of I/F • Hapke and Shkuratov models were used to fit to the spectral shape of the water ice absorp=on feature • Retrieved proper=es were the photon mean path length and the asymmetry parameter • The UV slope was computed to determine rela=ve varia=ons in water ice abundance as a func=on of ring plane radius 8 Shkuratov model Re = average external reflectance coefficient which = average backwards reflectance coefficient (Rb) + average forward reflectance coefficient (Rf) Ri = average internal reflectance coefficient Te = average transmission from outside to inside Slab model of regolith grain Ti = average transmission from inside to outside Wm = Probability for beam to emerge acer mth scaVering Poulet et al., 2002 t = 4kL/# k = imaginary index of refrac=on 9 Shkuratov model Use real part of indices of refrac=on (n) to determine Re, Rb, and Ri. Empirical approxima=ons from Shkuratov (1999) give: Re ~ (n‐1)2 / (n + 1)2 + 0.05 Rb ~ (0.28 n – 0.20)Re Ri ~ 1.04 – 1/n2 Shkuratov assumes W2 = 0 and Wm = 1/2 for m > 2. Then adding all the terms shown in the last figure becomes a geometric series and gives: rb = Rb + 1/2TeTiRi exp(‐2t)/(1 – Ri exp(‐t)) rf = Rf + Te Ti exp(‐t) + 1/2 Te Ti Ri exp(‐2t)/(1 – Ri exp(‐t)) where rb + rr is assumed to be the single scaVering albedo of a regolith par=cle (Poulet et al., 2002) 10 Shkuratov Model ω = rf + rb rf − rb g= rf + rb Denote “q” as the volume frac=on filled by par=cles. Then: € b = q * rb f = q*rf + 1 – q 11 Hapke Model 2 Se = 2 n −1 + k ( ) (n + 1) 2 +k 2 + 0.05 n,k = complex indices of refrac=on. 4 Si = 1− 2 n ( n + 1) Qs = Se + (1− Se ) Θ=e L = mean path length (1− Si )Θ 1− SiΘ −4 πkL / λ 12 € Hapke model Assume Qs = single scaVering albedo (ῶl) Aλ (scaled) = ϖ λ (P(g,α ) + H µ H µ o −1) Hx ≈ 1+ 2x , x = µ, µo 1+ 2γx µ = cos(emission angle), µo = cos(incidence angle), γ = 1− ϖ λ 13 Model fits to the data • Fit the Hapke and Shkuratov models to the spectral shape of the absorp=on feature • Least squares fit over photon mean path length (L) and the asymmetry parameter (g) 14 Uncertainty in the g value 15 Uncertainty in the L value 16 Retrieved L value • L values from Shkuratov are consistently higher than the Hapke L values by a few percent • They both give the same overall trend 17 Retrieved g value • Nega=ve values imply backscaVering • Retrieved g values follow a similar trend for the C and B rings • The disagreement could be due to the way the asymmetry parameter is treated in each model 18 UV color ra=o 19 Physical picture of ring par=cles Ring par=cles range in size from mm to meters Ring par=cles are covered by icy regolith grains Ring par=cles exhibit clumping Volume filling frac=on is unknown 20 Interac=on of photon with a ring par=cle Incident photon Emission of photon from ring par=cle Regolith ice grain (model as single scaVering) Ring par=cle composed of many grains (mul=ple scaVering between grains) 21 Macroscopic proper=es Microscopic proper=es Ring par=cles have their own phase func=on Each regolith grain has its own phase func=on Ring par=cles have their own albedo (Bond albedo) Each regolith grain has its own single scaVering albedo Mul=ple scaVering may or may not be significant depending on loca=on and geometry Mul=ple scaVering must be taken into account for regolith grains 22 Jus=fica=on for ring par=cle single scaVering assump=on • ScaVering asymmetry implies the rings are moderate to strongly backscaVering • Theore=cal calcula=ons show that as the incidence angle increases single scaVering dominates (Cuzzi et al, 1984) 23 Equa=on for reflectance from Saturn’s rings for single scaVering assump=on I /F = A * P(α ) * O(τ , µ, µo ) A is the ring par=cle single scaVering albedo (also referred to as the Bond albedo) P is the ring par=cle phase func=on O Is the scaVering func=on 24 Ring par=cle phase func=on I /F = A * P(α ) * O(τ , µ, µo ) • Constraining the phase func=on allows for the absolute determina=on of A (provided O is known) • Gives informa=on pertaining to the direc=onality of scaVering • Says something about the morphology of ring par=cles 25 µo 1 −τ / µ o −τ / µ If O = 1− exp ( ) µo + µ 4 I /F then = A*P O € This is probably valid for the C ring, Cassini Division, and maybe the A ring € Using measured phase curve, solve for A and P 26 Phase func=ons Power Law P = Cn * (π − α ) Minnaert n C is a normaliza=on constant n is the power law index α is the phase angle € k −Sα P = (µoµ) exp k is the Minnaert parameter S is the steepness parameter α is the phase angle μo = cosine of incidence angle μ = cosine of emission angle Note: Minnaert phase func=on is not yet normalized 27 Phase curve in outer C ring • I/F is averaged from 175‐190 nm • Minnaert func=on is a beVer fit • Implies that a “smooth” phase func=on is inadequate • Dependence on incidence and emission angle implies “roughness” of ring par=cles 28 Minnaert results • Least squares fit performed at discrete ring plane radii for the steepness and Minnaert parameter • Larger values of the steepness parameter imply a more backscaVering phase func=on 29 ScaVer plot of steepness parameter vs. retrieved g values • Correla=on coefficient = 0.71 for Shkuratov and 0.64 for Hapke • As g value becomes more backscaVering, steepness parameter becomes less back scaVering • It could be that the shape of the absorp=on feature is affected by the ring par=cle phase func=on 30 Future work • Model scaVering func=on for B ring • Normalize Minnaert phase func=on • Determine Minneart phase func=on on short wavelength side of absorp=on feature • Model absolute value of ring par=cle albedo using Shkuratov and Hapke models • May have wavelength dependent ring par=cle phase func=on that will require modifica=ons of model values 31