Titan: FUV Limb Spectra From 2004 and EUV Laboratory Cross Sections and 2007-9 Observations JOSEPH AJELLO JPL MICHAEL STEVENS NRL JACQUES GUSTIN LPAP GREG HOLSCLAW CU TODD BRADLEY UCF TB LIMB MODEL, RECENT LAB ANALYSIS & UVIS OBSERVATIONS SUBMITTED FUV LIMB PAPER (TB) SCIENCE “Production of Titan’s Far Ultraviolet N2 AURIC MODEL ADAPTED TO TITAN – (FORWARD MODEL VERS-SUCCESSFULLY USED ON EARTH TIMED)- UVIS DATA COMPARISON FUV LIMB PROFILE (~15%) Used AURIC to identify ‘mystery line(s) 2007-9 EUV (375) observations (MAY07-FEB09) with Solar Occultation port open-TENTATIVE ID OF 833 Å feature MEASURED 100 eV CROSS SECTION AND IDENTIFIED 288 EMISSION FEATURES FROM 800-1350 Å In Laboratory The FUV Airglow of Titan Titan FUV UVIS Airglow Limb Spectra from the Surface to Exosphere on 13Dec04. Spectral Fitting of FUV Airglow In Upper Atmosphere (1050 km) • Electron impact 18 eV laboratory spectrum. • Relative intensities of NI and NII PDI [Bishop and Feldman, 2003]. • Rayleigh Scattering • HI Lyman-a at 1215 Å. • Regression Model ( note deficits at 1622, 1657, 1687, 1726 Å) NRL Analysis without solar scattering UVIS airglow observations at a tangent altitude of 1150±50 km above Titan’s surface on 13 Dec 2004 A) Composite fit in red. The dash curve shows the highaltitude UVIS spectrum background. B) Residual UVIS spectrum after subtraction of the background, including H Ly a NEW TITAN AURORAL Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiance Integrated Code (AURIC) MODEL A) VPRs for LBH and NI spectral features (Dashed lines -N2 LBH (black) and N I (red) emissions disk (solar incidence angle 51°). Solid lines limb observations at (82°). B) UVIS limb observations of LBH (black dots) and N I (red dots) emissions. SUMMARY OF Tb LIMB MODEL & OBSERVATIONAL INTENSITIES1 Observed Calculated Observed Calculated Peak Disk Disk (Calc. - Radiance Radiance Obs)/Obs (R) (R)2 Limb Radiance (R) 10.0 9.2 (Calc. – Peak d Peak Obs)/Obs Altitude Altitude (km) (km) Calc. – Limb Obs. Radiance (km) (R) 1050 13.63 -8% LBH1 -12% 2.3 8.3 9.2 +11% 1007 -43 1012 -138 280 17.2 NI 1 Calculate 15.4 N2 PDI1 Observed Peak 1150 13.9 -19% 2.6 All observations and calculations integrated between 1160-1365 Å. 280 MYSTERY FUV FEATURES : N2 VK system (rather than C I line at 1657 A, and Mystery Line at 1597 , etc)? Major result: Mystery FUV Features are Not Solar lines or C I Airglow Comparison of UVIS FUV Spectra at 950 and 1150 km Showing Indication of VK Bands MAJOR RESULTS OF UVIS 13DEC04 LIMB DAYGLOW ANALYSIS ALTITUDE OF FUV DAYGLOW 1150 KM RAYLEIGH SCATTERING TOPSIDE ~500 km JAN09-Factor of 4 disagreement –model vs data- is gone JAN10- model limb radiances agree with UVIS limb & disk intensities Sun drives the Titan dayglow, Tb. Mystery Ariglow Line(s) are N2 (VK) not C I 2007-9 EUV TITAN AIRGLOW OBSERVATIONS WITH SOLAR OCCULTATION PORT OPEN QUICK-LOOK ANALYSIS OF DARKSIDE AND BRIGHT SIDE OBSERVATION 800-1150 Å 375 EUV Observations of Titan 2007-9 with Bright 1085 Å or c’4 Bands Comparison of Orbit Tb (2004) Signal + Mesa with Brightest EUV Titan Airglow Spectrum in 2008 DARK SIDE OBSERVATION OF TITAN ON 25MARCH2008 MODEL OF 25MARCH2009 DARKSIDE OBSERVATION: TENTATIVE ID O II(833A) ? ? T. Cravens, Oct. 09 Possible Method of Producing Excited O+(834 Å ) at Titan Excitation of O (or O+), or other oxygen-bearing species (CO, H2O, ...) by supratheramal electrons is unlikely since the fraction of such species is not likely to be more than 1 part in 10 4 (Horst et al., Cravens et al., 08, Icarus-less than .001 R.) Following the ion precip paper (Cravens et al., 08, GRL), the following processes might work: 1. O(fast) + N2 -> O+* + N2 + e (e-loss with excitation) (O comes from charge exchange of precipitating O+) 2. O+(fast) + N2 -> O+* + N2 (direct excitation) 3. O++(fast) + N2 -> O+* + N2+ (charge exchange with excitation-(O++ comes from electron loss of O+ with N2) (1) and (2) ;The first two processes could produce about 1 - 3 R for T5. For T5, Titan was in the plasma sheet. For more typical passes, divide by 10 (i.e., 0.1 0.3 R with optimistic efficiencies). (3) The third process I estimated even more crudely but it could also give0.1-1 R (T5) or less for nonT5. But a 10-20% efficiency for excitation is more likely here than for the first two. Bottom line OII 834 A emission could possibly be produced with the 0.3 R intensity observed by energetic oxygen precipitation. With the 10-20% efficiency they definitely would be, but with much lower efficiencies then no. Another question would then be why are other OI and OII in the 800- 1000 A part of the spectrum not also being produced or seen? HIGH RESOLTUION STUDY OF EUV ELECTROM IMPACT INDUCED FLUORESCENCE SPECTRUM OF N2 Pressure study to identify resonance bands and rotational temperature dependence (175-300 K) Identify all 288 features in electron impact fluorescence (800-1350 Å ) Determine emission cross section for each feature for AURIC modeling COMPARISON CASSINI EUV TO LABORATORY SPECTRUM 5 5.6Å FWHM Feature 6 100eV FWHM=0.2Å DETERMINATION OF RESONANCE BANDS OF N2 WITH HIGH RESOLUTION SPECTROSCOPY DDl=0.2AÅ CONTINUATION OF PRESSSURE STUDY OF EUV SPECTRUM OF N 2 & STUDY OF c’4(0,v”) progression High Resolution Laboratory Spectroscopy of N2 at 0.1 Å FWHM and ID of each feature The 100 eV Medium Resolution Electron Impact Induced Fluorescence Spectrum Identifications of N2 from 1050-1100 Å 1 2 3 4 1050.13 1050.81 1051.53 1052.49 1050.61 1050.93 1052.21 1053.13 1050.81 1051.53 1052.49 1053.65 0.78 0.76 3.15 3.84 1050.69 1050.69 1052.57 1052.68 1053.337 1053.656 1053.433 c'4(0,4) P-branch c'4(0,4) R-branch c'4(1,5) c'4(2,6)s c'4(4,8) NI(2Do4F, 4P, 2P) 5 1053.65 1053.97 1054.41 1.00 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1054.41 1055.13 1056.73 1059.09 1063.01 1065.25 1066.17 1054.77 1055.49 1057.73 1059.33 1064.13 1065.85 1066.69 1055.13 1056.73 1059.09 1060.61 1064.77 1066.17 1066.85 0.37 2.30 12.75 2.14 0.63 0.81 1.77 1054.430 1055.44 1057.63 1059.28 1064.01 1065.66 1066.36, 1066.71 NI(2Do4P) b(7,5) b(1,3) b'(12,8) b(5,6) b'(8,7) b'(5,6), weak b'(11,8)vs 13 1066.85 1067.65 1068.17 7.74 1066.99 1067.95 NI(2Do2,4D) 14 1068.17 1068.69 1068.93 3.53 1068.31, 1068.2211068.681 b'(14,9)weak NI(2Do2,4P, 2,4F) 15 1068.93 1069.17 1069.77 2.10 16 1069.77 1070.01 1070.29 1.04 1069.468 1069.626 1069.990 1070.01, 1070.11 NI(2Do2P) NI(3Po3D) NI(2Do2P) NI(2Do4P) NI(2Do4P) 17 1070.29 1071.05 1071.61 0.82 1070.96 o3(4,9) 18 19 20 1072.21 1074.41 1076.85 1072.57 1076.01 1077.21 1073.01 1076.85 1077.49 0.38 2.61 1.30 1072.43 1075.73 1077.15 1077.20 1077.33 1077.36 b'(7,7) c'4(0,5) c'4(2,7) c'4(4,9) c'4(3,8) c'4(1,6) 21 1077.49 1078.05 1079.29 3.49 1078.18 b'(16,10) 9 Electronic States Contribute to EUV Spectrum at Titan Electronic Transition c4' 3ps 1S+u X 1S+g Rydberg b' 1S+u X 1S+g valence b 1Pu X 1S+g -valence o3 3ss 1PuX 1S+g core excited c5' 4ps 1S+u X 1S+g c6' 5ps 1S+u X 1S+g c4 4pp 1Pu X 1S+g c5 4ss or 5pp 1PuX 1S + g c3 3pp 1Pu X 1S+g 3dp 1S+u (0)X 1S+g (0,1)-core excited? 1S+ (0) X 1S+ (0,1) ? u g Electronic Cross Section (this work) 1191 Te 52.2 104498 85.4 5.7 101675 105869 2.6 4.8 ~0. 11.7 115876 7.4 1.5 104476 1.5 notes -1) (cm 104519 115635.9 Converges to N2+ X 2S+ (v=0) g