The editor and the authors are grateful to LTG Claudia Kennedy,
USA, the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT), for
sponsoring the research. We also thank COL William Speer, USA,
Ken Knight, Patrick Neary, and Eric Kraemer (all previously or currently at DCSINT) for their support and understanding throughout
the project. We also thank James Quinlivan, Thomas McNaugher,
Richard Darilek, and David Kassing at RAND for providing comments in the course of the work and for their support of the research.
James Winnefeld, in addition to playing a critical role in the development of the model, reviewed thoroughly all of the case studies and
made helpful suggestions on the whole model-validation process.
Robert Dorff reviewed carefully the entire document. Donald
Horowitz, Daniel Byman, Marten van Heuven, Kotera Bhimaya, and
Gojko Vuckovic also provided constructive comments on the model
and/or the individual cases of application of the model. We also
thank the many analysts in the intelligence community who provided comments and support in the course of the project.
Finally, Donna Keyser worked hard to improve the format of the case
studies and Nikki Shacklett had the daunting task of editing the
whole volume.