University of Warwick QAA Institutional Review Outcomes and Action Plan, June 2013 (revised August 2015) The University of Warwick was subject to a QAA Institutional Review in January and February 2013. The outcomes of the visit were very positive and represent a clear endorsement of the work of the University to maintain and enhance the standards and quality of its provision. In the four areas where formal judgements were required: Academic standards at the University meet UK expectations for threshold standards. The quality of student learning opportunities at the University meets UK expectations. Information about learning opportunities produced by the University meets UK expectations. The enhancement of student learning opportunities at the University is commended. In accordance with normal practice the review produced recommendations and endorsement of areas of work where improvements were already in progress. The University is required to agree and publish an action plan to address the recommendations and affirmations and give plans to capitalize on the identified good practice. The following action plan has been produced in response to the Review report and will be updated annually. The University’s approach to this is not simply of compliance with the requirements of the QAA Report. All of the recommended areas for action relate to matters which were either the subject of ongoing work or were being kept under constant review. The action plan refers to additional work to ensure that the recommendations are addressed fully and form a coherent part of its ongoing commitment to enhance the student learning experience. 1 Response to the recommendations Recommendation 1. Share external examiners’ reports more consistently with all student representatives (by the beginning of the academic year 2013-14). Paragraph 1.9 Action (updates August 2015 in green) Produce and circulate to departments guidance for sharing all external examiners’ reports relating to taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses, responses and action plans with all student representatives on SSLCs and appropriate University committees. Lead Timescale TQ/Examinations Office/SU By 1 September 2013 Feedback in the Summer term 2013-14 indicated that some departments felt in need of further guidance which will be issued before the start of the Autumn term. The operation of system will be reviewed in the summer term of 2014-15 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The training and briefing for SSLC staff convenors has been rejuvenated to provide the appropriate guidance and will be delivered in autumn 2015. The operation of the SSLC system was reviewed by the Student Experience Working Group of AQSC and a Code of Conduct has been approved by Senate. The training andSU briefing convenors has Jointly with the revise for theSSLC SSLCstaff handbook to include been rejuvenated provide the appropriate guidance and references to the to recommendation. Completed. will be delivered in autumn 2015. The operation of the By end September 2013 SSLC system was reviewed by the Student Experience Working Group of AQSC and ainto Code of Conduct Jointly with the SU incorporate SSLC training has sessions information relating to external examiners’ been approved by Senate. October 2013 reports. This was done. In discussions with the SU the University has been asked to provide additional information or input into training organized by the SU for the Autumn term, which will be given. 2 The handbook is being further revised for the autumn term 2015. Ensure appropriate training relating to external examiners’ reports is incorporated into briefings for student members of University committees and include those student representatives on sub-groups considering reports. These were scheduled for Autumn 2013 but there was no student take-up. They are scheduled again for Autumn 2014 October 2013 Done. Training is delivered annually. Communicate with current external examiners to inform them of this requirement and revise the information provided to external examiners. Completed Amend the SSLC annual report form to incorporate the requirement in order to enable the University to be assured of its implementation. Completed. By end September 2013 3 2. Develop robust arrangements for assuring itself that the information produced for students is fit for purpose and trustworthy (by the beginning of the academic year 2014-15). Paragraph 3.3 Establish a working group of relevant stakeholders to create a ‘one-stop’ gateway containing key academic information for students (to include course specifications, module specifications, learning outcomes and methods of assessment, examination regulations and conventions, credit framework, classification arrangements, progression requirements, appeals and complaints procedures and other relevant information). A working group of relevant stakeholders was established and the University’s online A-Z has been comprehensively reviewed to include clear signposts to academic information for students. A separate webpage has also been established providing links through to key academic information for students. TQ/ITS Annual review and update of key information by relevant On-going stakeholders. The updating of this key information will take place as changes occur throughout the academic year. In addition stakeholders will review this information annually. Revise Good Practice Guide on Providing Information to 3. Ensure that course handbooks contain sufficient and accurate information (by the beginning of the academic year 201415). Paragraph 3.3 To be completed by summer 2014 TQ October 2013 Students for approval by AQSC with template handbooks. Completed and approved by Senate. Disseminate to departments. Done. Implement annual process for updating information and November 2013 Summer 2014 template in summer term of each year. AQSC will consider proposed changes each year and outcomes will be communicated to departments for implementation. 4 Provide support and consultancy to departments. Done and on-going in future years. Create central repository for all handbooks. Summer 2014 Done Implement system for sampling and checking On-going handbooks. The Teaching Quality team will be responsible for this on an on-going basis. Summer 2014 and ongoing 5 Continuing work on affirmations of action already being taken Assessment regulations for pass degrees, postgraduate 1. The harmonization of assessment regulations, including pass degrees (paragraph 1.11) TQ/AQSC Completed taught courses, first year boards of examiners and revised classification conventions following the abolition of the ‘Seymour formula’ have been approved by Senate. Revisions to classification arrangements for Integrated Masters courses will be progressed during 2013-14 for implementation 2014-15. Senate has approved revised classification arrangements in principle. Implementation will take place in 2015-16 to allow time to align provisions relating to remedying failure to those of other taught level 7 provision. See below. Review of progression conventions for intermediate years of study will be progressed during the autumn term 201314 for consultation in the Spring term and subsequent approval by Senate. Completed. Senate has approved in principle but see below. Assessment regulations will be kept under review on an TQ/BUGS/BGS/ AQSC TQ/BUGS/AQSC TQ/AQSC on-going basis. On-going. AQSC has agreed to undertake a review of the Undergraduate Degree Classification Conventions in 2014/15. The intention is to implement changes to these and to Integrated Masters and intermediate year progression conventions together rather than incrementally. Continue to explore the possible introduction of a grade PVC/AQSC Summer 2014 Spring 2014 On –going On-going point average system to replace degree classification. On-going. 6 2. The Quality Assurance Working Group of AQSC commenced a full review of Undergraduate Degree Classification Conventions in 2014/15 and examined underpinning principles to inform future work. Further detailed work, modelling and consultation will be undertaken during 2015/16 with a view to bringing forward proposals and a timetable for implementation to AQSC and Senate. The implementation of the policy for monitoring timeliness The implementation of the policy for monitoring timeliness and quality of assessment feedback. (paragraph 1.14) Policy relating to feedback on examinations and TQ/AQSC Ongoing TQ/AQSC Summer 2014 TQ/IT Services Ongoing of feedback on formative and summative assessed work has been completed. On-going monitoring will be through termly reports to Faculty Boards and annual reports to AQSC. Monitoring through Faculty Boards and AQSC has taken place as outlined above and will be on-going. dissertations will be developed and consulted upon during 2013-14 for implementation in 2013-14. Due to conflicting priorities this has not been possible within the timeframe. It is intended to commence this process during the Autumn term 2014-15, which will be informed by discussions which have already taken place in some faculties. Proposals were developed and discussed by AQSC during 2014/15. Further discussions and consultations will take place during the academic year 2015/16 in order to finalise and implement policy. The development of systems for providing and monitoring feedback through electronic means is on-going. The systems are now in place and inform the monitoring referred to above. 7 Guidance for students on the use of feedback will be developed during 2013-14. Following discussions with the SU the SU developed guidance, in consultation with TQ, to be issued to students in the Autumn term 2014-15. The University and the SU will consider whether further guidance needs to be developed in the light of feedback. TQ/AQSC/ departments Summer 2014 Departments Summer 2014 UST/AQSC/ ITS 2013-14 and ongoing The guidance was issued and will be kept under review. The quality of feedback will be monitored at departmental level through student feedback and will feed into the further development of excellence in teaching. Ongoing. Analysis of NSS scores shows increased satisfaction. The University and departments continue to monitor and keep this under review. 3. The implementation of the new personal tutoring guidance and policy to ensure consistency across the University. (paragraph 2.7) On-going development of Tabula (an on-line administration system) designed to facilitate the administration of the personal tutoring system to enable monitoring of consistency across departments. Pilots planned for 2013-14 and subsequent roll-out to departments. The system has been developed and piloted. The system is now being rolled across the University and its usage and impact will be monitored by the UST. The system has been implemented in all departments. Monitoring of usage and its impact is undertaken by the UST and will be ongoing. 8 Inclusion of revised PDP on Tabula to encourage student engagement and review of skills development through the personal tutoring system. Done. Implement common template for role of DST. By 2014-15 Done. Annual report by UST to AQSC, drawing on information By 2014-15 Annually from annual meeting of DSTs, Tabula, student surveys, external expectations. The report to cover an annual review of the personal tutoring system, good practice, issues for development and action plan, policy recommendations. Ongoing. The UST also reports to the Steering Committee. The UST’s report to the Steering Committee was part of the Student Support Annual Report in the autumn term 2014. A further report will be presented in the autumn term 2015. Keep under review the emerging role of departmental directors of student experience and implications for personal tutoring. Ongoing. Explore with the SU the inclusion of personal tutoring as a On-going Autumn 2013 standing item on SSLC agendas. Although this item forms part of the template agendas there is inconsistency in consideration of this by SSLCs. We will continue to work with the SU to address this. The UST continues to keep this under review. 9 4. In the light of the analysis of the surveys dealing with The review of postgraduate research students’ teaching workloads to develop an institutional protocol. (paragraph 2.26) postgraduate students who teach BGS and BUGS have established working groups to consider policy development on issues relating to (inter alia) recruitment, training, remuneration, deployment, mentoring, supervision and review. Consult with HR, Graduate School, SU and LDC in the BGS/BUGS/ AQSC/SU/ Graduate School Autumn 2013 Autumn 2013 development of policy. Consult with departments and faculties on proposals. Consideration of policy by AQSC and Senate and Spring term 2014 Summer 2014 introduction of policy for 2014-15. LDC and departments to implement and monitor the On-going operation of the policy. The analysis through BGS and BUGS and consultations with HR Graduate School SU and LDC have taken place. An institutional protocol will go to consultation in the Autumn term 2014-15. In the meantime the University is launching TeachHigher, designed to support the employability of postgraduate research students, enable postgraduate research students (inter alia) to access comprehensive development and skills training, and linked to recruitment, remuneration and contractual arrangements which will be consistent across the University. This will be piloted in four departments starting in the Autumn term 2014-15 and its evaluation will feed into the development of policy. These developments are now being overseen through the Professional Development Working Group of AQSC. 10 The University’s Policy on the Employment of Postgraduates as Teachers was approved by BGS, AQSC and Senate during 2014/15. A Sessional Teaching Project Group and a Sessional Teachers User Group have been established, overseen by a Steering Group (all with Student Union representation), to implement and monitor the Policy. The Policy will be piloted in eight departments in the autumn term of 2015 and will then be evaluated. Capitalizing on identified good practice 1. The resources available to all staff to support their professional development. (paragraph 2.2) Broaden the CPD framework for administrative and LDC/AQSC On-going support staff. Done. All administrative and support staff are now included in the framework. Enhance training for postgraduate students who teach and create a tailored summer school. The Postgraduate award has been redesigned and its curriculum will be reviewed in the Autumn term. Developments in this area are also relevant to the launch of Teach Higher referred to above. It was decided not to proceed with a summer school due to student workloads. The curriculum for the Postgraduate award was reviewed and revised in autumn 2014. LDC is involved in the training of postgraduates who teach and the pilot initiatives referred to above. Continue to work with departments to further develop contextual provision in the redesign of the PCAPP and PGA. Tailored provision has been designed for the Business School, the Medical School and other departments. Collaboration with departments and faculties is on-going. 11 Further tailored provision has been designed for Mathematics and Statistics. Expand provision relating to technology enhanced learning. New and redesigned provision relating to technology enhanced learning has been introduced, alongside a new postgraduate award. There is a new Technology Enhanced Learning Forum. These developments cohere with the integrated work of IATL, LDC, and the Academic Technologies team referred to later. A new on-line version of the Postgraduate Award in Technology Enhanced Learning has been launched. Enhance provision for teaching fellows. A Teaching Fellows Forum was launched in Autumn 2013, which meets termly. Align academic promotions criteria relating to teaching with UK Professional Standards Framework. Completed for all teaching staff promotions relating to teaching fellows. The criteria relating to teaching for other academic staff promotions are being revised for the next promotions cycle. It was necessary to re-prioritise this work which will be undertaken during 2015/16. Expand provision for mid to late career academic professional development. This has been done through the Faculty based Teaching and Learning Showcases and through the on-going work with individual members of staff under the HEA Recognition Scheme. 12 Further develop and enhance peer observation schemes. This is ongoing work, which has been progressed with individual departments, the Teaching Fellows Forum and through a project with the HEA. This work is now being overseen by the Professional Development Working group of AQSC which will report in the Autumn term 2014-15. For operational reasons this work has been rescheduled for 2015/16. Report progress annually to AQSC. Ongoing. Scope new forms of support for enhancing teaching excellence. In addition to the matters mentioned above, a new support model is emerging in the context of course development, covering new courses and course and module re-design. Moreover, the University is committed to the launch of the Warwick International Higher Education Teaching Academy, one key aim of which will be to enhance teaching excellence. 2. The simultaneous periodic review of teaching and learning in all departments, which promotes enhancement across the University (paragraph 4.2) The University has launched the Warwick International Higher Education Academy, which will become fully operational 2015/15. Actions at University and departmental levels arising from the ITLR are on-going. Steering On-going Committee/AQSC/ TQ TQ will make an update report to Steering Committee in Autumn 2013 on actions taken against departmental level recommendations. Actions arising from faculty engagements and themes are being progressed. Faculties have established working 13 groups reporting to faculty boards which have oversight of enhancements. A consolidated report will be made to Steering Committee in 2013-14. AQSC will determine whether there are any necessary University-wide issues requiring thematic review in 201314 when the report is considered. Changes to the operation of AQSC in Autumn 2013 led to the need to re-prioritise these actions. The update and consolidated report will now be made in Autumn 2014. AQSC established a series of working groups to take forward enhancements. A newly formed Quality Assurance Working Group has already determined issues for thematic review which will be progressed in 2014-15. Reviews have taken place in a number of areas, including assessment conventions and progression requirements, annual course review, course approval and external examining and the University is progressing implementation of this work. Planning has commenced for the next ITLR, which will include follow up of actions arising from the previous ITLR. 3. The integrated work of the Library, the Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), the Learning and Development Centre (LDC) and the Student Careers and Skills (SCS) service to facilitate innovation in teaching and learning (paragraph 4.3) Expand the informal membership of this group to include IATL/AQSC Completed the Academic Technologies team in ITS, representatives of the SU, TQ and the International Office with a view to developing further provision to enhance innovation in teaching and learning. Done. Continue work to enhance the curriculum through the On-going development of further interdisciplinary modules and collaborative work with Monash University and further 14 expand projects IATL has developed further interdisciplinary modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Collaborative work with Monash is takes place on a continuous basis. Develop new projects which may emerge from the Student and Academic Services Network, for example by widening current work on transitions into Warwick to encompass more groups of students, enhance on-going work on student life-cycles to address stress points and strategic interventions, and enhance pedagogies on diversity issues. Examples of new projects include the Diversity project, investigating inclusive pedagogies, and Induction and Transitions which are being taken forward by an AQSC Working Group. The Induction Strategy Working Group has continued work in this area and has produced minimum requirements for induction guidance which has been approved. A conference on undergraduate and postgraduate student transitions will be held in September 2015 – a joint initiative of the Induction Strategy Steering Group and the Student Experience Working Group. Work on student lifecycles continues to be promoted to bring together academic and service agencies to support students at specific points in their University careers through the Student and Academic Services, network, the Student Union, academic programmes, wellbeing support, and postgraduate community activities. Further develop with the SU educational strategies on enterprise education and entrepreneurship, especially, social enterprise, and open space learning. This work is being taken forward by the Warwick Enterprise Partnership. 15 4. IATL has developed a new module on Entrepreneurship and continues to advise on open space learning. The Warwick Enterprise Partnership has developed the 50 Years of Warwick Enterprise Campaign, the Student Enterprise Fund, a Student Enterprise Bootcamp and other initiatives which will be progressed during 2015/16. Analyse the results of the IATL survey on student engagement and develop appropriate strategic responses. The survey is now run annually and results are analysed and considered by IATL and departments. AQSC has established a Student Engagement working group to develop strategic responses. Ongoing. Promote these approaches internally and externally. On-going. Revise the strategy for IATL alongside the refresh of the University’s strategy in autumn 2013 Completed. Scope new forms of support for enhancing excellence in teaching and teaching and learning innovations. This will be continuing work. See also 1. Above in this section. 16 Acronyms AQSC BGS BUGS CPD DST HEA HR IATL ITLR ITS LDC PCAPP PGA SCS SSLC SU TQ UST Academic Quality and Standards Committee Board of Graduate Studies Board of Undergraduate Studies Continuing Professional Development Departmental Senior Tutor Higher Education Academy Human Resources Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning Institutional Teaching and Learning Review Information Technology Services Learning and Development Centre Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Professional Practice Postgraduate Award Student Careers and Skills Student Staff Liaison Committee Warwick Students’ Union Teaching Quality University Senior Tutor 17