UCL GRAND CHALLENGES OFFICE OF THE UCL VICE-PROVOST (RESEARCH) Executive Group UCL Grand Challenge of Intercultural Interaction (GCII) 10am-11.30pm, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 Ground Floor Meeting Room, OVPR, 2 Taviton St Minutes Present Dr Henriette Bruun Sarah Chaytor Dr François Guesnet (Chair) Dr Martin Holbraad Professor Axel Korner Jacob Leveridge Dr Ruth Mandell Professor Tim Matthews Professor David Napier Dr Ben Page (representing Claire Dwyer) Professor Karen Radner Michael Reade Dr Caroline Selai Dr Ian Scott Nicholas Tyndale Apologies Professor Robin Aizlewood Dr Tim Beasley-Murray Professor Susan Collins Dr Claire Dwyer Professor Stephen Hart Dr Amna Malik Marianne Knight Dr James Paskins Dr Alexander Samson Roselle Thoreau Professor Jo Wolff Professor Maria Wyke 1. Welcome and introductions 2. 2.1 Minutes from previous meeting (4 June 2013) China and India at UCL Vivienne Lo and Axel Korner will be organising a freedom of speech in China event on 6 March 2014, which will be supported by GCII. 3. Carried over business from previous meeting 3.1 Gender/post-feminism and GCII 3.1.1 A gender segregated event at UCL earlier in 2013 had raised an important subject for GCII. Members were asked how they could most effectively respond to this issue: 3.1.2 It was suggested that GCII could contribute to the UCL 50/50 Group that scrutinised a number of operational human resources issues at UCL such as the gender composition of interview panels. However, the priority for GCII was the encouragement of new cross-disciplinary research and other activities rather than policy development. 1 3.1.3 The Science Medicine and Society Network will be considering the issue of technology and gender selection. 3.1.4 ACTION The next round of small grant applications (opening in April 2014) will make a specific request for proposals addressing the complex relationship between gender/sexuality and culture. Ian Scott to liaise with GCII members on an appropriate form of words to encourage such applications. 3.2 GCII Newsletter 3.2.1 It was noted that there was a lack of clarity concerning the transparency of GCII’s activities; there were questions about what GCI was doing and why. 3.2.2 ACTION It was agreed that a termly newsletter beginning in Term Two would help to address these issues. Michael Reade to organise the content and distribution of a GCI newsletter beginning in Term Two. The minutes of GCII executive group meetings should appear on the website Michael Reade to post past and forthcoming GCII minutes on the website. 4. 4.1 Grand Challenges small grants report There was agreement that the report was an impressive survey of the small grants programme which has been in operation for four years. In that time the availability of small grants had become an important and widely valued aspect of the Grand Challenges programme which had succeeded in bringing together researchers from different disciplines. 4.2 The importance of follow-up impact reports, detailing new collaborations, publications and larger grant applications was mentioned. These reports helped to demonstrate the utility of small grants to UCL researchers and justified the continuation of the scheme. 5. Plan for GCII executive group meetings, 2013-14 5.1 Term Two: decide GCII priorities in 2013-14 including large scale suggestions for applications to DARO’s Annual Fund to fund projects similar to the wonderments of Cosmos and the Culture and Health Lancet Commission. 5.2 Term Three: decide GCII members activities for 2014-15 5.3 ACTION Ian Scott to send a reminder to members to forward their suggestions for large-scale activities in early 2014. A follow-up meeting to be organised before Easter 2014 to decide which proposals should be supported. 2 6. GCII activity program 2013-14 6.1 UCL Amazonia Centre 6.1.1 A proposal (in draft form) for a UCL Amazonia Centre had been received from Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Institute of Archaeology, which was comparable to the Wonderments of Cosmos. The proposal was welcomed. However, the following observations were made: 6.1.2 It was also noted that initiatives such as these led almost inevitably to proposals for new research centres. 6.1.3 There was already a proliferation of research centres and institutes at UCL and other approaches should be considered to develop this initiative. 6.1.4 Among the options were that the proposed Amazonia Centre (or any other form of subsequent activity) might be hosted are the Institute of the Americas or the Environment Research Domain. 6.1.5 ACTION Members were requested to forward their reactions to this proposal to Ian Scott. An informal meeting to be held first rather than a town meeting to identify the best way to support the initiative. (Francois Guesnet) 6.2 Wonderments of Cosmology (Martin Holbraad) 6.2.1 A well-attended cross-disciplinary seminar in June 2013 had been successful in attracting interest from across UCL. 6.2.2 It had been decided to undertake an in-depth exploration of some of the themes, which had emerged via a seminar series, which would begin in early 2014. 6.2.3 The seminars would lead to a research prize workshop, which would provide seed corn funding for a larger grant application. 6.2.4 A steering group would be established to oversee this development. Once the prize workshop had taken place, there would be scope to work with the Institute of Origins. 6.2.5 It was important that the current initiative went beyond the traditional ‘two sciences’ discussion as well as the relativisation of science debate. Instead, an anthropological study of science was planned, which considered the core issues of cosmology and the way they radiated outwards into other fields. 6.2.6 There was also potential for outreach work such as the development of the school curriculum. 6.3 Religion and Society (François Guesnet) 6.3.1 A one-day meeting, entitled Negotiating Religion in the Contemporary Research University supported by GCII will take place in December 2013 and will develop some of the themes, which had emerged at the previous meeting in May 2013 held at Cumberland Lodge. 3 6.3.2 A volume will be published by Ashgate in 2014. 6.3.3 The religion and society project would soon leave GCI I and would move in a variety of new directions, some of which might be developed by the Science Medicine and Society Network. 6.4 Centre for Research into the Dynamics of Civilisation (CREDOC) (Maria Wyke) The centre will be launched at an event on 13 February 2014, which would include a special guest lecture by Professor Wang Mingming, Minzu University of China, Beijing. The centre's website was in the process of being developed and will be available shortly. 7. GCI I activities programme 2014-15 7.1 Higher cost flagship activities – see point 5 7.2 Lower cost leadership activities 7.2.1 GCI members activities in 2013-14 had been summarised in a paper. Members will be asked in term three to make new suggestions for crossdisciplinary activities in 2014-15 with funding from GCII of up to about £1000. 7.2.2 It was noted that more could be achieved by co-funding events and other initiatives with other partners. This also demonstrated that GCII was not solely reliant upon OVPR funding. 7.3 Small grants call to support activities in 2014-15 7.3.1 The next call for small grant application (opening in April 2014) should encourage reflections on contemporary contexts governing gender and society as detailed in point 3. 7.3.2 More awards could be made if projects were funded up to a maximum of £3000 rather than £5000. 7.3.3 Applicants needed to state clearly how they intended to use the money if they were successful. 8. 2014 meeting dates in terms two and three 2-3pm, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room, 2 Taviton St. Meeting to review proposals for large scale activity to be funded from the Annual Fund 10-11.30am, Tuesday, 25 March 2014 Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room, 2 Taviton St. GCII Executive Group term two meeting 2pm - 3.30pm, Tuesday, 10 June 2014 Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room, 2 Taviton St. GCII Executive Group term three meeting 4