MECH206P - Design and Professional Skills II (for Mechanical Engineers) UCL Credits/ECTS: 0.5/7.5 Prerequisites: MECH202P Control and instrumentation (co-requisite) MECH203P Advanced thermodynamics and fluid dynamics (co-requisite) MECH204P Mechanics of Solids & Structures (co-requisite) Summary of course contents: This course comprises four professional design projects (scenarios) designed to complement and, where appropriate, extend the learning opportunities afforded by the modules running throughout Year 2. Students are posed authentic engineering challenges intended to explore different aspects of the design cycle and to simulate real-world, professional practice. The scenarios will be supplemented by materials, classes and/or online materials provided by Engineering Faculty and external sources as appropriate. Each scenario will comprise different combinations of practical engineering and design skills, systems integration, finance and budgets, ethics, management and sustainability. Method of delivery: This module will be facilitated primarily through student self-study and group work. Facilitation methods include workshop and/or laboratory-based activities, staff-led tutorials and occasional lectures providing task - or context - specific information or focusing upon specialist topics that are not covered as part of the broader curriculum. Staff-led activities will also provide a means of monitoring student progress and offering guidance where necessary. Aims of the module: The module aims to offer the student a variety of authentic engineering problems and experiences in order to promote professional values and behaviour, and to locate Mechanical Engineering theory in a realistic context. The topics selected for the scenarios will be related to material taught in other Year 2 modules and, where educationally appropriate, will be linked to activities such as the annual IMechE design challenges (timetable constraints permitting). Intended learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to: Use available tools, from hand-sketching to computer-aided design and analysis, to produce detailed engineering designs; Plan and safely perform a range of basic operations on laboratory or workshop machinery (according to the assigned task); Interpret relevant data gathered from practical activities and published sources in order to inform the assigned task; Present individual or group work in the form of a report which conforms to specified requirements of structure and formatting. Assessment: The course will have the following assessment components: Coursework (100%) To pass this course students must: Obtain an overall pass mark of 40% for all sections combined. PLEASE NOTE: This information is given in good faith but accuracy cannot be guaranteed.