European Politics and Government (SL 369) Test #3 Study Guide – France Each test will consist of a mix of objective questions drawn from both the lectures and reading for each section of the course. The following list will offer you significant guidance in studying for this exam. Keep in mind that this is a guide, not as an exhaustive list, although I have tried to be thorough. All material from the course is fair game. For each term/concept you should understand both what it is and why it is significant. Absolutism Louis Bonaparte and Second Empire Third Republic Fourth Republic Fifth Republic Mitterrand and ‘U-Turn’ ‘Cartesian’ Rationalism Statism Hybrid Executive President (Key Powers and Role) Council of Ministers Cumul de Mandats Cohabitation National Assembly (Structure & Powers) Censure Traits of Party System Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) National Front (FN) – Jean-Marie le Pen Communist Party (PCF) MEDEF Commissariat General du Plan ‘National Champions’ ‘Thirty Glorious Years’ (1945-75) Francois Mitterrand Nickolas Sarkozy November 2005 Riots Revolution and ‘Reign of Terror’ Paris Commune Vichy Government Algeria May 1968 Jacobinism Bonapartism Popular Sovereignty Prime Minister (Key Powers and Role) Constitutional Council (Const. Challenge) Grandes ecoles (i.e., ENA) Pantouflage Senate (Structure and Powers) Dirigisme Gaullism “Personalized Parties” Democratic Movement (formerly UDF) Socialist Party (PS) Role of Labor Unions ‘Indicative Planning’ Convergence Criteria Jean Monnet Jacques Chirac Lionel Jospin Ségolène Royal EU Constitution Referendum