SAL - PERSONAL RECORD FORM Please note it will not be possible to process payments without this form. Please complete ALL sections in BLOCK CAPITALS. Payroll Number Department Title Surname (as official documents) Forename (s) (as official documents) When completing personal details please ensure that your name is written as it appears on official documentation e.g. passport to ensure our records comply with HMRC regulations. Preferred Forename Home Address Please note your address May be passed onto your Department for their records Post Code Telephone No Mobile No Date of Birth National Insurance No D Start Date of paid Work with the University D M M Y Y A M D D M M Y A N N N N N N A F Please tick as appropriate Y Payment Details – All payments are made by BACS For overseas accounts please use the Foreign Bank details form available on the Payroll website and submit with this form. Sort Code - - Name of Bank _________________________________________________________________ Account Number Bank Branch _________________________________________________ Account Name Bank Address _________________________________________________________________ Building Society Roll Number _________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Details (Please provide details to be used in case of emergency) Contact Name Telephone No Mobile No Please note this information may be passed to your department but will only be used in the event of an emergency I confirm that the personal information given on this form is correct. I also agree that in the event of overpayment of any salary or other remuneration, the University is entitled to make the relevant deduction from any subsequent payment(s). The University will let you know and agree in advance the relevant deduction, but its failure to do so will not affect its right to reclaim the overpayment. Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Please note a typed signature is not valid OFFICE USE ONLY - HR PSe Updated Actioned by _______________________ Date ______________ Changes made to form between receipt in HR and forwarding to Payroll and reason(s) why: Initial __________ Date ____________ TAXATION AND STUDENT LOAN Employee Number Department Surname (as official documents) Taxation Status – Do not leave this section blank. Please confirm your current circumstances Please read all of the statements carefully. You must enter X in the ONE box that applies to you. A This is my first job in the current tax year (6 April onwards). I have no other forms of income and I do not receive a pension or state B I have received taxable Job Seekers Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance or this is not my first job in the current tax year (6 April onwards). However, this is now my only job or main (highest earning) job. I do not receive a state or occupational pension. C This is a secondary position (i.e. I work for another organisation excluding Unitemps) or I am in receipt of a state pension. D benefits. I have been employed by Unitemps in the current tax year (6 April onwards). If you have ticked this box you MUST tick ONE additional statement below I no longer wish to be employed by Unitemps. (NB Your Unitemp role will be closed down and a P45 will be issued to your new University post.) (Payroll – advise Unitemps agency employee made to leave.) I am still engaged with Unitemps and I wish Unitemps to be my main source of income. I am still engaged with Unitemps and I wish the University to be my main source of income. NB you will need to contact HMRC to change your tax code telephone 0300 200 3300. UOW tax reference – 190/U50, Unitemps tax reference 120/ZA76059. Until confirmation is received you will be taxed at basic rate, currently 20%, with no allowance. Student Loan – Please confirm your current circumstances Please read the following statements carefully and enter an X in each box which applies to you Statement 1 I have a Student Loan which is not fully repaid. (If you answer yes to statement 1 please go to statement 2) Statement 2 I am repaying my Student Loan direct to the Student Loan Company by agreed monthly payments and my employer shouldn’t deduct loan repayments from my pay. (If you answer yes to statement 2 then you do not need to answer statements 3 or 4) Statement 3 I have a Plan 1 student loan You have a plan 1 student loan if you lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course or you lived in England and Wales and started your course before 1st September 2012 Statement 4 I have a Plan 2 student loan You will have a plan 2 student loan if you lived in England or Wales and started your course after 1st September 2012 Statement 5 I finished my studies before the last 6th April I confirm that the personal information given on this form is correct. I also agree that in the event of overpayment of any salary or other remuneration, the University is entitled to make the relevant deduction from any subsequent payment(s). The University will let you know and agree in advance the relevant deduction, but its failure to do so will not affect its right to reclaim the overpayment. Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY – PAYROLL PSe Updated Actioned by _______________________ Date ______________ Changes made to form between receipt in HR and forwarding to Payroll and reason(s) why: Initial ________ Date _________ May 2016 PENSION INFORMATION Employee Number Department Surname (as official documents) The University of Warwick is required to comply with government legislation to enrol eligible workers automatically into an occupational pension scheme. This process is called auto enrolment. Your offer letter will outline your eligibility for one of the University’s pension schemes. Details of the scheme and the associated salary sacrifice arrangement will also have been provided with the letter. GRADES 1-4 ONLY – Please complete sections 1a and 1b. 1a. Joining the workplace pension scheme I wish to join the University of Warwick Pension Scheme Defined Contribution Section (UPS DC) workplace pension scheme. I would like to contribute the percentage below of my monthly salary: 1%☐ 2%☐ 3%☐ 4%☐ 5%☐ (The University will contribute an additional amount equal to twice that of your chosen percentage into your pension pot. If you do not select a percentage you will be enrolled at the default rate - currently 1%.) I do not wish to join the UPS DC workplace pension scheme - please send an “opt out/non-joiner” form to my home / office address.* Please return to HR Pensions, University House as soon as possible. If a completed form is not received by HR Pensions before your first pay is calculated you may be automatically enrolled into the scheme. 1b. Pension contributions through ‘Salary Sacrifice’ I would like my contributions to be paid by salary sacrifice. I understand that I will not be entitled to a refund of my contributions if I leave the scheme before completing 2 years. I do not wish my contributions to be paid by salary sacrifice – please send an “opt out/non-joiner” form to my home / office address.* * Delete as applicable Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ GRADES 5 and above ONLY – Please complete sections 2a and 2b. 2a. Joining the workplace pension scheme I am a current or former member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and I wish to join the USS workplace pension scheme. I will be a new member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and I wish to join the USS workplace pension scheme. I am currently in receipt of a USS pension and I wish to join the USS workplace pension scheme. I understand that increased contribution rates apply to accrue additional benefits. I do not wish to join the USS workplace pension scheme - please send a “notice to opt out of pension saving” form my home / office address.* Please return to HR Pensions, University House as soon as possible. If a completed form is not received by HR Pensions before your first pay is calculated you may be automatically enrolled into the scheme. 2b. Pension contributions through ‘Salary Sacrifice’ I would like my pension contributions to be paid by salary sacrifice. I understand that I will not be entitled to a refund of my contributions if I leave the scheme after the first three months of joining. I do not wish my pension contributions to be paid by salary sacrifice – please send a “salary sacrifice opt out form” to my home / office address.* * Delete as applicable Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ NHS Pension Scheme (Medical School Only) If you have paid into the NHS Pension Scheme in the last 12 months and will be undertaking work associated with the medical school, please contact HR Pensions for confirmation of your eligibility to continue contributing into the NHS Pension Scheme whilst employed by the University of Warwick. Signed _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY – PENSIONS Auto enrolment eligibility: USS UPS Heritage UPS Enterprise UPS Heritage UPS Enterprise Personal choice scheme USS Pensions Administrator __________________________________________ NHS Date ___________________ May 2016 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Employee Number Department Surname (as official documents) The University is required to collate and report on equality and diversity information. Ethnicity In order for us to comply with this requirement could you choose the entry that best describes your ethnicity? White 10 Asian/Asian British-Pakistan 32 Mixed-White and Asian 43 Gypsy or Traveller 15 Asian/Asian British-Bangladesh 33 Other Mixed Background 49 Black/Black BritishCaribbean Black/Black British-Africa 21 Chinese 34 Arab 50 22 Other Asian Background 39 Other Ethnic Background 80 Other Black Background 29 Mixed-White and Black Caribbean 41 Prefer Not to Say 98 Asian/Asian British-India 31 Mixed-White and Black African 42 Please enter your nationality Religion What is your religion? No religion Jewish Any other religion or belief Buddhist Muslim Prefer not to say Christian Sikh Hindu Spiritual Gay man Prefer not to say Gay woman/lesbian Heterosexual/straight Sexual Orientation What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual Other Disability The Equality Act 2010 states that a disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial, adverse and long-term (usually 12 months or greater) effect on their ability to carry out their day to day duties. If your impairment would have a substantial effect on you without medication then this part of the definition would be satisfied (this excludes glasses or contact lenses). Please note that cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, are automatically classed as a disability from the day of diagnosis. Do you have a disability? Y N The University is required by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), to collect information from staff on the nature of their disability. The following list has been drawn up by HESA and provided to all universities to ensure consistency of data collection. If you indicated Yes to the disability question above, please select at least one disability from the options below. Blind or serious visual impairment Mental health condition (eg depression or schizophrenia) Cognitive impairment (eg autistic spectrum disorder or resulting from a head injury) Physical impairment or mobility (eg use of arms or using a wheelchair or crutches) General learning disability (such as Downs syndrome) Other type of disability Long-standing illness (eg diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, HIV, or chronic heart disease) Prefer not to say Deaf or serious hearing impairment Specific learning disability (such as dyslexia or dyspraxia) This information is confidential, however, in order to ensure that appropriate reasonable adjustments and support are in place to assist you in your role, do you agree to meet with your line manager and HR Advisor for your department, to discuss support mechanisms Yes No If responding Yes a meeting will be organised by the HR Adviser for your department. May 2016 HESA DATA Employee Number Department Surname (as official documents) As part of its statistical reporting the University must make annual returns to HESA (Higher Education Statistics Authority). To assist in the reporting of this data could you PLEASE TICK below the statements that applies to you Previous employment – Please tick the entry that describes your previous employment status Another Higher Education Institute in the UK. Please provide the name of the institution: HEI in an overseas country 02 Student in UK 01 07 Private industry/commerce in UK 12 Other education institution in UK Other education institution in an overseas country Research institution in UK 03 Student in an overseas country 08 Self-employed in UK 13 04 09 Other employment in UK 14 05 NHS/General medical or dental practice in the UK Health services in an overseas country 10 Other employment in an overseas country 15 Research institution overseas 06 Other public sector UK 11 Not in regular employment 21 Previous qualification – Please tick the entry that describes your highest qualification Doctorate 01 Other Higher Degree 02 PGCE 03 Other Postgraduate Qualifications (in professional) 09 First Degree 11 First Degree with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) 12 Current academic teaching discipline 1 – If you will be doing teaching or doing research work, please indicate the academic discipline that covers your primary subject area. Other qualifications at first degree level inc professional 19 ______________________________________________ Diploma of HE 21 HND/HNC 22 Current academic discipline 2 – If you will be working in more than one subject area, please indicate the secondary discipline here. Other undergraduate qualification (inc professional) 29 ________________________________________________ A level, Scottish Higher or equivalent (NVQ/SVQ 3) 31 O level /GCSE or equivalent (NVQ/SVQ 2) 32 Other qualifications 97 No qualifications 98 Academic teaching qualification - Please state if you have any teaching qualifications or have been recognised in other ways for your teaching experience regardless of your current position. _____________________________________________ Guidance to the Personal Record Form Data Collection The University is proud of its diverse community, students and visitors, and is committed to maintaining its excellent record in teaching and research by ensuring there is equality of opportunity for all, fostered in an environment of mutual respect and dignity. The University takes steps to ensure that all data is treated sensitively and will not be revealed to third parties. The University is committed to equality and diversity and requires information to comply with its legal obligations, evaluate its single equality scheme and ensure that the needs of individuals are met. We are also required, by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), to collect information from all staff on the nature of any disabilities. The lists on this form have been drawn up by HESA and provided to all universities to ensure consistency of data collection. Please note that this data is confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes only. If you have a disability and require any adjustments or have other queries, please contact your manager or your link Human Resources Adviser. May 2016