Notes of Meeting Athena Network Group

Notes of Meeting
Athena Network Group
Date: Tuesday 22nd September 2015
MOAC Meeting Room
Present: Kim Adams, Claire Algar, Sandra Beaufoy (chair), Sue Burrows, Elisabeth Blagrove,
Jo Davis, Tracy Horton, Sarah Kalvala, Judith Klein, Charlotte Moonan, Alison
Rodger, Peter Winstanley,
Minutes from the meeting held on 19th August 2015
Minutes of the meeting held on 19th August 2015 were approved.
ECU Updates - November/April submissions
REPORTED: (Sandra Beaufoy)
 That from the 10 departments who had previously expressed an interest in
submitting in November, only 3 departments have now advised they are submitting
in November 2015, all others have deferred to April 2016:
Psychology – Bronze Renewal
Engineering – Silver
WMG – Silver
If any other department intends to submit in November you must notify Sandra
Beaufoy by 30th September.
There are currently 12 departments who are planning to submit in April:
Philosophy – Bronze
Statistics – Bronze
WMS – Silver
Chemistry – Silver/Gold
Physics –Juno champion renewal
CIM – Bronze
IER – Bronze
Theatre Studies – Silver
Economics – Bronze
History – Bronze
Sociology – Bronze
Law - Bronze
Departments also need to advise if they are using the post or pre May 2015
submission form. STEM Departments applying for a renewal can currently still use
the old form, however it would be advised to use the new form moving forward.
 A briefing session on Athena was held last week with HR Advisors so that HRA’s are
up to speed with the Athena process, this will enable Advisors to support their
departments. Sandra and/or Claire are still happy to attend your departmental
meetings, please drop us an email with meeting dates.
 Australia are now piloting Athena in 32 Institutions. Sydney has been in contact with
Sandra for information on how Warwick approached their submissions. An email has
been sent to Monash to see if they are taking part in the pilot as priority would be
given to Monash.
 Sandra advised that she has also been contacted by Southampton to be their ‘critical
 ECU are looking for panellists for Arts and Social Science applications, all training is
ACTION: Sandra to send information to departments to advertise for panellists.
Progress on Departmental Actions Plans
Sections of the submission form will be ready to send to Sandra next week for
review, they have received their data but note that the student data does not tally
with the department data. They are on track to submit in November.
ACTION: Sam Cole advised at the previous meeting that a student dashboard is
being developed so that departments can access their own data.
This will be ready for departments to use in the next few weeks.
Claire to advise departments when this is ready.
Have received their data and the first draft of their submission form should be ready
for Tuesday.
Currently analysing progress on their action plan over the last 12 months since their
GEM award was received and from this will determine when they will apply for Silver.
Their W&C committee meet three times a year, they are currently looking at setting
up a smaller SAT team who will meet more regularly to concentrate on Athena.
No meetings have taken place recently as they have been looking at changing the
committee structure. The Welfare and Strategy group will meet in October, this will
consist of a general committee to discuss all welfare issues and it has been proposed
to have a separate working group who will meet on a regular basis to work on the
action plan and have responsibility for the submission form. They have received
some data which is currently being analysed and will be reported back to the
committee at the next meeting.
Life Sciences
There has been a change of Chair since receiving their award and a change of
structure to the W&C committee. The committee will meet on a termly basis with a
smaller committee meeting monthly to cover their action plan.
Computer Science
Reported that they have been doing a lot of Outreach work but undecided when
they will renew their award and at what level. No updates to report since the award
was received in April 2014.
This is a new centre set up in 2012, they originally were planning to submit in
November but due to three new members of staff starting in the next 6 months they
have decided to submit in April as this is a small centre with only approx. 20
students, who are predominately female. The Self-Assessment team will be
established at the start of term.
To renew their Juno Champion award in April. They have a new Head of Department
and the first meeting since his appointment will be on 25th September.
Attention has been given to their action plan over the summer and this included a
staff survey, of which the results will be reported on at the next meeting.
A representative from the Sprint Programme will also attend the meeting to give a
presentation on what is the Sprint Programme and how it would benefit Physics
It has been highlighted that the female recruitment rates have slipped, this will be
International Women’s Day
The event International Women’s Day event will be held on Wednesday 9th March
2016 in the Chancellors Suite, Rootes.
Sandra has been in contact with Annie Young to see if Dame Sally Davies would be
available to attend the event as lead speaker, no response as yet.
The event this year will still be titled ‘Inspirational Women’ this is open to all
disciplines and not just Women in Science.
ACTION FOR ALL: Please contact any colleagues or friends who you think would be
suitable for the event and send all suggestions to Sandra Beaufoy.
The Pulse survey will be out at the end of November, with the results published
by April
Sandra and Claire will be attending a staff meeting at the Wellesbourne campus
next Thursday to give a presentation on E&D initiatives.
Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 22 nd October, 12:00 hrs, MOAC