Document 12601986


Overarching Principles (For Section 6.1)

The overarching principles (level 1 protocols) that guide which activities are included in the Warwick HEAR are set out below. The activities that have been agreed for inclusion in the HEAR to date have met ALL the criteria set out in the “level 1” protocol below. i) The activity is verifiable by at least one permanent employee of the University of Warwick or University of

Warwick Students’ Union. ii) The opportunity to undertake the activity is (normally) open to all students, in principle. iii) It must be possible for information about the activity to be presented factually, not opinion-based iv) The activity/outcome is not a direct part of the substantive academic programme v) The activity does not arise as a result of any explicit or implicit contract of paid employment. vi) The activity must not otherwise be recognised, awarded or verified by any external organisation or agency, even if wholly or in part completed as part of a University of Warwick administered activity.

Students Union

(i) Students’ Union – Advice Centre Volunteer


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

Students’ Union Advice Centre volunteers perform a valuable role in supporting the Advisors to deliver a high quality advice service to the student community.

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

To have SU Advice Centre Volunteer listed on their HEAR a student:

 Must have acted as a volunteer in the Students’ Union Advice Centre for a minimum period of 6 months.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Students’ Union Advice Centre Volunteer.


Students’ Union Advice Centre volunteers perform a valuable role in supporting the Advisors to deliver a high quality advice service to the student community.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Other recognised activity (specify below)

Type of activity:

Select from: Charitable and Voluntary work

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Amanda Woodfield, Advice Centre Manager, Students’ Union

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


Centre for Student Careers and Skills

(a) Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS)


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

The URSS scheme aims to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to gain an insight into research work and develop transferable skills. The scheme is open to students from all disciplines and in all years. Applications for research projects are made by a lead academic supervisor and combined with the student application (or group of students). More information about the URSS scheme is available here .

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

URSS Award recipients have:

Been successful in their application to the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (URSS).

Completed their research project over a period of at least 6 weeks

Submitted a project summary and personal reflective report focusing on their wider learning

(transferrable skills)

Produced a poster of their research findings which is displayed at the Awards Ceremony.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number, Name of academic department.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (Department)


The URSS enables students to experience academic research first-hand, develop a range of academic and transferable skills and gain experience in disseminating their research.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Other recognised activity (specify below)

Type of activity:

Select from: Work-related experience.

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Nathalie Dalton-King

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


(b) Warwick Skills Portfolio Award


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

The Skills Programmes at Warwick offer students a range of skills specific workshops which are designed to enable them to develop their academic, personal and professional skills. More information can be found here .

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Warwick Skills Portfolio Award recipients have:

Attended six skills workshops in total: the core workshop, “Introduction to Skills Development and the Warwick Skills Portfolio Award (P1)” and 5 others from a selection of Personal and

Professional Development Skills and Academic Skills workshops.

 Within one week of completing each workshop produced an action plan of four or five key action points to implement within the four weeks following the workshop.

In the four weeks following each workshop produced two or three short blog entries, summarising their progress against their action plan.

After four weeks, written a more detailed reflective account of how well they achieved their objectives (work is monitored and commented on by tutors).

After completing six workshops, written a final blog entry (750-1000 words) which reflects on their overall learning, development and achievement gained from the workshops

Completed the award in a four term period.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Warwick Skills Portfolio Award


Awarded to students who have compiled a portfolio demonstrating reflective practice from attending six skills specific workshops, designed to develop their academic, personal and professional skills.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Award

Type of activity:

Select from: N/A

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Jayne Mourinho, Celine Moore

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


(c) Warwick Advantage Original Award


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

Awarded to students who have contributed and evidenced 40+ hours to an extracurricular activity whilst a student at Warwick and submitted a reflective report.

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Warwick Advantage Original Award winners have:

Completed at least 40 hours extra-curricular activity outside of their degree over the past 12 months.

 Provided evidence to show how their extra-curricular activities have developed their capabilities in: Encouraging Involvement, Inclusion and Interaction; Community Impact; Teamwork and

Leadership Skills and Effective Events and Initiatives.

Submitted an application that is judged, against set criteria, to be silver or gold in standard.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number, Level of award.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Warwick Advantage Original Award: (add level of award)


Awarded to students who have contributed and evidenced 40+ hours to an extracurricular activity whilst a student at Warwick and submitted a reflective report.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Award

Type of activity:

Select from: N/A

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Siobhan Bennett, Jennie Hall

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


(d) Warwick Global Advantage Award


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

Awarded to students who have contributed and evidenced 40+ hours to projects/activities with an international or intercultural flavour whilst a student at Warwick and submitted a reflective report.

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Warwick Global Advantage Award winners have:

Made a significant contribution (at least 40 hours of contribution over the past 12 months) to a project with an international or intercultural flavour whilst a student at Warwick.

Provided evidence of how they have contributed to and developed their global capabilities in the areas of: Openness and Flexibility; Intercultural Communication and Personal Growth.

Submitted an application that is judged, against set criteria, to be silver or gold in standard.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number, level of award.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Warwick Global Advantage Award: (add level of award)


Awarded to students who have contributed and evidenced 40+ hours to projects/activities with an international or intercultural flavour whilst a student at Warwick and submitted a reflective report.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Award

Type of activity:

Select from: N/A

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Siobhan Bennett, Jennie Hall

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


(e) Warwick Volunteers Certificate


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

Warwick Volunteers support community volunteering projects in the local area. Students who have given a certain time commitment to a project(s) are awarded with a certificate. This certificate recognises the hours of volunteering completed which could include hours spent in the position of project leader or as a Warwick

Volunteers Student Executive. Further information about Warwick Volunteers can be found here .

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Warwick Volunteers certificate recipients have:

Taken part in a volunteering activity linked to Warwick Volunteers.

Completed 25 (Bronze), 50 (Silver) or 100+ (Gold) hours community volunteering in an academic year. This can include up to 3 different roles in the year.

Undertaken the activity in the local community e.g. Coventry, Leamington or Kenilworth.

Recorded a log of each activity (date, hrs, what they did etc.) and had this verified.

Warwick Volunteers Certificate recipients who have been a project leader have:

Met the requirements of a Warwick Volunteers certificate recipient as above

Taken on the responsibility of project leader for one or more of the organisations that they have volunteered for.

Been selected to the position of project leader through interview.

Held this position for at least 6 months.

Warwick Volunteers Certificate recipients who have held a Warwick Volunteers Executive position have:

Met the requirements of a Warwick Volunteers certificate recipient as above

 held an executive position (as recorded by Warwick Volunteers)

 held the position for > 6 calendar months

 been elected by the members of Warwick Volunteers

Note that all Warwick Volunteers Executive positions are open to all.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number, Number of hours volunteering, Whether project leader, Name of project, Whether on

Executive committee.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Warwick Volunteers Certificate


Awarded for (x) hours community volunteering, (and as part of this)

(held the position of Project Leader for (name of project)

(held a Warwick Volunteers Student Executive position)

(held the position of Project Leader for (name of project) and held a Warwick Volunteers Student Executive position.)


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Other recognised activity (specify below)

Type of activity:

Select from: Charitable and Voluntary work.

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Jenny Watson, Warwick Volunteers

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.


(f) Warwick Skills Leadership Scheme


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

The aim of the Warwick Skills Leadership Scheme (WSLS) is to provide students with relevant training to help them develop their leadership skills whilst at Warwick. It is an integral part of the Undergraduate and

Masters Skills Programmes, and is closely aligned with the Warwick Skills Portfolio Award (WSPA). It runs twice each academic year commencing once in the autumn term and once in the spring term.

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Warwick Skills Leadership Scheme certificate recipients have:

 Been involved in a leadership role.

Attended four workshops.

Given a presentation.

Compiled a reflective portfolio demonstrating the development of their leadership skills.

Participated in the programme for one academic term.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number.

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Warwick Skills Leadership Scheme


Awarded to students who have been involved in a leadership role, attended four workshops, given a presentation and compiled a reflective portfolio demonstrating the development of their leadership skills for the duration of an academic term.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Award

Type of activity:

Select from: N/A

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Jayne Mourinho, Mary Sage

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.



(d) Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA)


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

The Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) is made to exceptional students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University community outside of their studies. This contribution might be through either citizenship in the form of making a significant difference to the life of the University community, an outstanding achievement or contribution to the development of the University’s internationalisation agenda, or through demonstrating entrepreneurial flair which has benefitted the

University or a local organisation.

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

To have the Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) included on the HEAR, a student must have:

Been nominated for and awarded the Outstanding Student Contribution Award, in line with the eligibility criteria in place in the relevant academic year.

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Student number

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)


Outstanding Student Contribution Award


The Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) is made to exceptional students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University community outside of their studies. This contribution might be through either citizenship in the form of making a significant difference to the life of the University community, an outstanding achievement or contribution to the development of the University’s internationalisation agenda, or through demonstrating entrepreneurial flair which has benefitted the

University or a local organisation.


(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Prize.

Type of activity:

Select from: N/A

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

Registrar’s Office

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.



For consideration by the Board of Undergraduate Studies.


(A description of the activity to be recognised. For internal purposes only)

Specific Requirements

(Requirements to be met by student to receive recognition on the HEAR for this activity)

Supplementary Data

(Additional data required to specify achievement)

Higher Education Achievement Report Text

(Text to be displayed on the student HEAR)




(Category and type of activity)


Select from: Award; Prize; Other recognised activity (specify below)

Type of activity:

Select from: Placement; Charitable and Voluntary work; Positions of responsibility; Membership of societies; Hobbies and Interests; Sports; Other; Mobility; Work-related experience.

Member of staff responsible and Department

(The member of staff responsible is responsible for verifying student achievements of this type)

(For Internal use only) SITS GAT Code.
