FEB-03-04 09:00 AM Table 1. -- Area of forest land by forest type group and owner category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwood type groups Pinyon / Juniper Group Douglas-fir Group Ponderosa Pine Group Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group Other Western Softwood Group All softwood types 8,051.1 119.9 1,871.6 69.8 45.0 10,157.4 4,412.3 100.0 1,592.3 69.8 45.0 6,219.3 3,638.9 19.9 279.3 --3,938.1 ------- 50.0 104.6 1,239.3 1,112.2 2,506.1 50.0 84.7 1,020.5 698.7 1,853.9 -19.9 218.9 413.4 652.2 ------ Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Aspen / Birch / Group Western Oak Group Other Western Hardwoods Group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types 1,807.9 1,094.1 713.8 -- 14,471.4 9,167.3 5,304.1 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their total due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:01 AM Table 1a. -- Area of forest land by forest type group, forest type and owner category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 39.9 2,468.4 5,542.9 39.9 1,443.1 2,929.3 -1,025.2 2,613.6 ---- 8,051.1 4,412.3 3,638.9 -- 119.9 100.0 19.9 -- 119.9 100.0 19.9 -- 1,871.6 1,592.3 279.3 -- 1,871.6 1,592.3 279.3 -- White fir Engelmann spruce Blue spruce 39.9 10.0 19.9 39.9 10.0 19.9 ---- ---- All forest types Other Western Softwood Group 69.8 69.8 -- -- Misc. western softwoods 45.0 45.0 -- -- 45.0 10,157.4 45.0 6,219.3 -3,938.1 --- Cottonwood All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 --- --- Aspen All forest types Western Oak Group 104.6 104.6 84.7 84.7 19.9 19.9 --- 260.2 979.1 1,239.3 195.4 825.0 1,020.5 64.8 154.1 218.9 ---- 1,052.4 59.8 1,112.2 2,506.1 1,807.9 14,471.4 678.8 19.9 698.7 1,853.9 1,094.1 9,167.3 Softwood type groups Pinyon / Juniper Group Rocky Mountain juniper Juniper woodland Pinyon / juniper woodland All forest types Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa Pine Group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Deciduous oak woodland Evergreen oak woodland All forest types Other Western Hardwoods Group Mesquite woodland Misc. western hardwood woodland All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicatates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thies total due to rounding. 373.6 -39.9 -413.4 -652.2 -713.8 -5,304.1 -(Table 1a continued on next page) FEB-03-04 09:01 AM Table 2. -- Area of timberland by major forest type group, stand origin, and owner category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand acres) Owner category Major forest type group and stand origin Softwood type groups Natural Planted All softwood types Hardwood type groups Natural All hardwood types Nonstocked All groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 1,926.2 24.9 1,951.2 1,627.0 24.9 1,651.9 299.2 -299.2 ---- 79.7 79.7 59.8 59.8 19.9 19.9 --- 5.0 5.0 -- -- 2,035.9 1,716.7 319.2 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:01 AM Table 3. -- Area of timberland by forest type group and stand-size class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class class Stand-size Foresttype typegroup group Forest Softwood type groups Douglas-fir Group Ponderosa Pine Group Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Aspen / Birch / Group All All stands stands Sawtimber Sawtimber Poletimber Poletimber SaplingSaplingseedling seedling NonNonstocked stocked 74.7 1,816.6 59.8 74.7 1,637.1 59.8 -45.0 -- -134.5 -- ---- 1,951.2 1,771.7 45.0 134.5 -- 14.9 14.9 -- -- -- 64.8 64.8 -- -- -- All hardwood types 79.7 79.7 ---Nonstocked 5.0 ---5.0 2,035.9 1,851.4 45.0 134.5 5.0 All forest types All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:02 AM Table 3a. -- Area of timberland by forest type group, forest type and stand-size class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa Pine Group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group White fir Blue spruce All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Cottonwood All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All stands Sawtimber Saplingseedling Poletimber NonNonstocked stocked 74.7 74.7 74.7 74.7 --- --- --- 1,816.6 1,816.6 1,637.1 1,637.1 45.0 45.0 134.5 134.5 --- 39.9 19.9 59.8 1,951.2 39.9 19.9 59.8 1,771.7 ---45.0 ---134.5 ----- 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 --- --- --- 64.8 64.8 79.7 64.8 64.8 79.7 ---- ---- ---- 5.0 -- -- -- 5.0 2,035.9 1,851.4 45.0 134.5 5.0 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicatates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thies total due to rounding. (Table 3a continued on next page) FEB-03-04 09:02 AM Table 4. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group and owner category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Other eastern soft hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 418,045 3,613,987 172,183 161,917 4,466,607 115,794 8,948,533 388,013 3,186,824 172,183 161,917 2,311,573 115,301 6,335,811 30,032 427,163 --2,155,034 493 2,612,722 -------- 28,593 259,779 26,934 1,108,796 1,424,101 -237,854 19,069 889,872 1,146,795 28,593 21,925 7,865 218,924 277,306 ------ 10,372,633 7,482,606 2,890,028 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:03 AM Table 4a. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group, species and owner category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 418,045 388,013 30,032 -- 418,045 388,013 30,032 -- 3,597,049 16,937 3,169,886 16,937 427,163 -- --- 3,613,987 3,186,824 427,163 -- 150,624 387 21,173 150,624 387 21,173 ---- ---- 172,183 172,183 -- -- 84,326 77,591 84,326 77,591 --- --- 161,917 161,917 -- -- 22,136 61,205 2,005 526,478 1,597,334 79,187 858,893 1,108,714 142,105 68,551 22,136 55,270 2,005 364,097 786,022 72,564 394,637 448,876 105,606 60,360 -5,934 -162,381 811,312 6,623 464,256 659,838 36,499 8,190 ----------- 4,466,607 2,311,573 2,155,034 -- 27,214 8,448 16,191 2,827 18,903 42,211 27,214 8,448 16,191 2,827 18,903 41,717 -----493 ------- 115,794 8,948,533 115,301 6,335,811 493 2,612,722 --- 28,593 28,593 --- 28,593 28,593 --- quaking aspen narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods 219,166 40,613 259,779 197,241 40,613 237,854 21,925 -21,925 ---- white alder Pacific madrone velvet ash walnut spp. All species 14,717 -2,368 9,849 26,934 Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine Arizona pine All species True fir white fir corkbark fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce blue spruce All species Western woodland softwoods Arizona cypress redberry juniper California juniper alligator juniper Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper oneseed juniper common pinyon singleleaf pinyon border pinyon All species Other western softwoods Apache pine limber pine southwestern white pine Chihuahua pine Mexican pinyon pine Arizona pinyon pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Other eastern soft hardwoods sycamore All species Cottonwood and aspen 14,717 ------2,368 -4,352 5,497 -19,069 7,865 -(Table 4a continued on next page) FEB-03-04 09:03 AM (Table 4a continued) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods western honey mesquite 20,663 19,537 1,126 -velvet mesquite 139,690 92,265 47,425 -and gray oak 376,937 290,486 86,451 -Emory oak 141,863 91,602 50,261 -Gambel oak 331,700 298,394 33,306 -Mexican blue oak 30,846 30,491 355 -silverleaf oak 63,878 63,878 --oak -- evergreen 3,218 3,218 --All species 889,872 218,924 -1,108,796 Total hardwoods 1,424,101 1,146,795 277,306 -All species groups 10,372,633 7,482,606 2,890,028 -(Table 4a continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicatates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thies total due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:04 AM Table 5. -- Net volume of all live trees and salvable dead trees on timberland by class of timber and softwood/hardwood categories, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) All species Softwood species Hardwood species 3,436,323 3,354,432 81,891 108,190 103,722 4,469 3,544,514 3,458,154 86,360 459,793 4,004,307 388,107 3,846,261 71,686 158,046 Sawtimber size 255,225 131,392 123,833 Poletimber size 130,190 22,154 108,037 385,415 153,545 231,870 Sawtimber size 7,890 -- 7,890 Poletimber size Total 955 8,845 394,260 4,398,567 --153,545 3,999,806 955 8,845 240,715 398,761 174,657 147,565 27,092 34,721 209,377 16,498 164,062 18,223 45,315 4,607,944 4,163,869 444,076 Class of timber Live trees Growing-stock trees Sawtimber Saw log portion Upper stem portion Total Poletimber All growing-stock trees Cull trees 1 Rough trees Total Rotten trees 1 All live cull trees All live trees Salvable dead trees Sawtimber size Poletimber size All salvable dead trees All classes All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 Includes noncommercial species. FEB-03-04 09:04 AM Table 6. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group and softwood/hardwood species categories, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group Softwood type groups Douglas-fir Group Ponderosa Pine Group Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Aspen / Birch / Group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 191,605 3,373,832 223,731 3,789,168 181,554 3,349,083 215,472 3,746,110 10,051 24,749 8,259 43,058 6,026 209,112 215,138 -100,151 100,151 6,026 108,961 114,988 -4,004,307 -3,846,261 -158,046 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 6a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group, forest type, and softwood/hardwood species category, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group/ forest type All species Softwood species Hardwood species Softwood type groups Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types 191,603 191,603 181,552 181,552 10,050 10,050 Ponderosa Pine Group Ponderosa pine All forest types 3,373,805 3,373,805 3,349,057 3,349,057 24,748 24,748 Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group White fir Blue spruce All forest types All softwood groups 144,912 78,816 223,729 3,789,137 140,989 74,481 215,470 3,746,079 3,923 4,335 8,259 43,057 6,026 6,026 --- 6,026 6,026 Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Cottonwood All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked 209,110 209,110 215,136 -4,004,273 100,150 108,960 100,150 108,960 100,150 114,987 --All forest groups 3,846,229 158,044 (Table 6a continued on next All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table page) value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 03-FEB-04 09:05 AM Table 7. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group and diameter class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species Diameter class (inches at breast height) All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 334,230 3,217,133 153,795 126,849 14,255 13,919 96,549 5,425 3,047 857 18,542 229,565 11,771 5,853 2,579 46,216 325,334 11,977 9,011 707 25,327 384,505 21,458 8,653 -- 37,940 377,477 13,803 6,619 2,206 23,462 283,468 17,781 31,883 -- 65,859 279,447 10,480 --- 17,522 220,717 26,276 18,718 -- 37,712 781,863 34,826 25,127 7,906 47,731 238,207 -17,937 -- 3,846,261 119,798 268,310 393,245 439,942 438,045 356,593 355,786 283,233 887,434 303,875 150,167 7,878 8,235 -- 21,923 -- 38,214 3,313 18,977 -- 34,814 -- 16,219 4,565 --- 5,758 -- 6,026 -- --- 34,814 472,859 20,785 377,378 -355,786 5,758 288,991 6,026 893,461 -303,875 158,046 8,235 21,923 41,527 18,977 4,004,307 128,033 290,233 434,772 458,919 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:06 AM Table 7a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group, species and diameter class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group/ species All classes Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 334,230 13,919 18,542 46,216 25,327 37,940 23,462 65,859 17,522 37,712 47,731 334,230 13,919 18,542 46,216 25,327 37,940 23,462 65,859 17,522 37,712 47,731 3,217,133 96,549 229,565 325,334 384,505 377,477 283,468 279,447 220,717 781,863 238,207 3,217,133 96,549 229,565 325,334 384,505 377,477 283,468 279,447 220,717 781,863 238,207 132,622 5,069 9,283 10,746 12,937 11,144 11,862 10,480 26,276 34,826 -- 21,173 356 2,488 1,231 8,520 2,659 5,919 -- -- -- -- 153,795 5,425 11,771 11,977 21,458 13,803 17,781 10,480 26,276 34,826 -- Engelmann spruce 54,515 2,256 5,853 5,362 8,653 -- 14,453 -- -- -- 17,937 blue spruce 72,334 791 -- 3,649 -- 6,619 17,430 -- 18,718 25,127 -- 126,849 3,047 5,853 9,011 8,653 6,619 31,883 -- 18,718 25,127 17,937 -- Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine All species True fir white fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces All species Other western softwoods limber pine southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods 1,377 97 573 707 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12,877 760 2,006 -- -- 2,206 -- -- -- 7,906 -- 14,255 857 2,579 707 -- 2,206 -- -- -- 7,906 -- 3,846,261 119,798 268,310 393,245 439,942 438,045 356,593 355,786 283,233 887,434 303,875 144,141 6,026 150,167 8,235 -8,235 21,923 -21,923 38,214 -38,214 18,977 -18,977 34,814 -34,814 16,219 -16,219 ---- 5,758 -5,758 -6,026 6,026 ---- 7,878 -7,878 158,046 ---8,235 ---21,923 3,313 -3,313 41,527 ---18,977 ---34,814 4,565 -4,565 20,785 ----- ---5,758 ---6,026 ----- 4,004,307 128,033 290,233 434,772 458,919 472,859 377,378 355,786 288,991 893,461 303,875 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen quaking aspen narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods white alder velvet ash All species Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicatates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thies total due to rounding. (Table 7a continued on next page) Table 8. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group and diameter class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In thousand board feet) 1 Diameter class (inches at breast height) All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods 1,574,185 15,376,006 658,468 657,375 57,358 18,323,392 164,039 1,110,856 38,932 39,733 2,198 1,355,757 109,438 1,665,509 96,122 44,130 -1,915,199 188,941 1,871,499 66,168 35,584 11,102 2,173,295 125,724 1,515,905 92,047 179,431 -1,913,107 360,720 1,557,029 52,117 --1,969,867 102,122 1,292,296 131,005 106,449 -1,631,872 223,580 4,818,185 182,077 146,737 44,058 5,414,637 299,621 1,544,726 -105,309 -1,949,657 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species 464,551 25,771 490,322 18,813,714 ---1,355,757 100,703 -100,703 2,015,903 195,273 -195,273 2,368,569 97,343 25,771 123,115 2,036,222 ---1,969,867 37,590 -37,590 1,669,463 33,640 -33,640 5,448,277 ---1,949,657 Species group All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. FEB-03-04 09:06 AM Table 8a. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group, species and diameter class, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 1 (In thousand board feet) Species group/ species All classes Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 1,574,185 164,039 109,438 188,941 125,724 360,720 102,122 223,580 299,621 1,574,185 164,039 109,438 188,941 125,724 360,720 102,122 223,580 299,621 15,376,006 1,110,856 1,665,509 1,871,499 1,515,905 1,557,029 1,292,296 4,818,185 1,544,726 15,376,006 1,110,856 1,665,509 1,871,499 1,515,905 1,557,029 1,292,296 4,818,185 1,544,726 560,166 33,648 51,248 51,858 58,214 52,117 131,005 182,077 -- 98,302 5,284 44,875 14,310 33,833 -- -- -- -- 658,468 38,932 96,122 66,168 92,047 52,117 131,005 182,077 -- Engelmann spruce 255,268 23,686 44,130 -- 82,143 -- -- -- 105,309 blue spruce 402,107 16,047 -- 35,584 97,288 -- 106,449 146,737 -- 657,375 39,733 44,130 35,584 179,431 -- 106,449 146,737 105,309 Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine All species True fir white fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces All species Other western softwoods limber pine southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods 2,198 2,198 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55,160 -- -- 11,102 -- -- -- 44,058 -- 57,358 2,198 -- 11,102 -- -- -- 44,058 -- 18,323,392 1,355,757 1,915,199 2,173,295 1,913,107 1,969,867 1,631,872 5,414,637 1,949,657 430,911 33,640 464,551 ---- 100,703 -100,703 195,273 -195,273 97,343 -97,343 ---- 37,590 -37,590 -33,640 33,640 ---- 25,771 -25,771 490,322 ----- ---100,703 ---195,273 25,771 -25,771 123,115 ----- ---37,590 ---33,640 ----- 18,813,714 1,355,757 2,015,903 2,368,569 2,036,222 1,969,867 1,669,463 5,448,277 1,949,657 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen quaking aspen narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods white alder velvet ash All species Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicatates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thies total due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. (Table 8a continued on next page) FEB-03-04 09:07 AM Table 9. -- All live above-ground tree biomass on timberland by owner category, softwood/hardwood species category, and tree biomass component, Arizona, 2001 - 2002 (In dry tons) Tree biomass component Owner category and softwood/hardwood category Public Softwoods Hardwoods Total Private Softwoods Hardwoods Total Growing-stock trees All components All live 1-5 inch trees Total 70,158,160 3,378,911 8,762,699 78,920,860 383,750 3,762,662 9,684,493 1,465,106 Non-growing-stock trees Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs Total Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs 65,190,570 48,401,135 16,789,435 1,588,679 1,430,623 158,057 2,312,238 67,502,807 1,980,590 50,381,724 331,648 17,121,083 6,066,711 7,655,391 4,605,805 6,036,428 1,460,907 1,618,963 935,914 8,208,979 5,954,623 2,254,356 539,601 539,601 -- 367,888 11,149,599 288,045 1,223,959 8,576,867 312,059 6,266,682 55,829 2,310,185 809,172 1,348,773 547,158 1,086,759 262,014 262,014 79,842,654 10,227,805 90,070,459 4,314,825 671,796 4,986,621 73,399,548 2,680,126 76,079,674 54,355,757 2,292,649 56,648,406 19,043,791 387,477 19,431,268 2,128,280 6,875,884 9,004,164 1,970,224 5,152,963 7,123,186 158,057 1,722,921 1,880,978 All ownerships Softwoods Hardwoods Total All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the aboveground tree biomass rounds to less than 1 dry ton. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 10. -- Average annual net growth of growing-stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Arizona, 1999 to 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All owners 4,914 59,799 2,744 3,211 448 71,1160 -35 254 219 71,335 1 Public Private Unidentified owner ------- ------- 4,914 59,799 2,744 3,211 448 71,116 ---- ---- -35 254 219 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 71,3350 Table 10a. -- Average annual net growth of growing-stock on timberland by species group and PAST owner category, Arizona, 1999 to 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet per year) PAST Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods 7,247 88,233 4,045 4,733 661 104,919 ------- ------- 7,247 88,233 4,045 4,733 661 104,919 -52 375 322 ---- ---- -52 375 322 105,242 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species group All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 105,242 Table 10b. -- Average annual net growth of growing-stock on timberland by species group and CURRENT owner category, Arizona, 1999 to 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet per year) CURRENT Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods 7,247 88,233 4,045 4,733 661 104,919 6,614 76,081 4,045 4,733 661 92,134 634 12,152 ---12,786 ------- -52 375 322 -365 375 10 313 -313 ---- 105,242 92,143 13,098 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. FEB-03-04 09:09 AM Table 11. -- Average annual removals of growing-stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Arizona, 1999 to 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group T All owners Public Private All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner Table 12. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Arizona, 1999 to 2001 - 2002 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Total hardwoods All species groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 2,749 6,143 896 -9,788 ------ ------ 2,749 6,143 896 -9,788 2,849 2,849 --- --- 2,849 2,849 12,63736 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. -- 12,637