WARWICKSHIRE COLLEGE Mentee Handbook Initial Teacher Training

Initial Teacher Training
Mentee Handbook
Subject specific mentors
Subject specific mentoring was introduced into teacher training programmes
following the DfES 2004 report Equipping Our Teachers for the Future. It is
now a cornerstone of the new QTLS teacher training reorganisation. All
trainee teachers on CTLLS ( Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning
Sector) and DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector)
programmes will be allocated a subject mentor. The role of the subject mentor
will be to provide specialist advice and information on the successful teaching
of a specific subject. They will provide positive and constructive feedback to
you in a sensitive and non- threatening manner.
How often will I meet my mentor?
Your mentor will meet you at agreed times throughout the academic year. The
timing of these meetings is something to be decided at the first meeting and
agreed by both parties. Both you and your mentor will be asked to sign the
mentoring agreement.
The details of the support offered will depend on which programme you are
Your mentor will have 3 hours per academic year allocated to support you. It
is suggested that meetings take place twice a term for a minimum of 30
minutes. At very busy times it may be that the contact is by telephone or email
There is no requirement for your mentor to observe your teaching but you
may find this to be helpful. You will need to keep a record of all contact using
the record of mentoring contact form.
DTTLS programme Years 1 & 2
Your mentor will have 8 hours per academic year allocated to support you. It
is suggested that meetings take place on a regular basis for example; once a
month for a minimum of 20 minutes. Telephone and email are acceptable
modes of contact at busy times. You will need to keep a record of all contact
using the record of mentoring contact form.
Your mentor will observe you once in both Years 1 and 2. These observations
will be recorded the paperwork provided by the Warwick University
Partnership, commenting on specific areas of teaching. However the key
focus will be on observing and developing good practice in your specific
subject. In the feedback discussion following the observation will be important
to promote a professional discussion.
This booklet will form part of your Personal Development Portfolio so please
have it with you at each subject mentor meeting or observation.
Mentee Details
Tel contact
Mobile no.
Subject Specialism
Subject mentor details
Contact address
Employment details – title
Telephone contact
Subject specialism
Mentoring experience
Related qualifications and training
Mentoring agreement
We agree to establish a mentoring partnership with the aim of supporting the
named mentee to achieve the short and long term targets identified and
agreed to on the ‘’Mentee Development Plan’.
We will work together on a regular basis to review the mentee’s progress
against the development plan.
We agree that should either party not be able to attend a previously agreed
meeting then they will notify the other as soon as practicable by making an
alternative and mutually agreed arrangement.
Mentor signature
Mentee signature
Mentee Development plan
Subject mentoring period
Agreed target
Action to achieve target
End of course review
Mentee’s reflections
Mentee signature
Mentor signature
Date achieved
Record of mentoring contact
Main points discussed
Mode of
Action points arising
Mentee’s reflections
Mentee signature
Mentor signature