Research Data Management services: supporting creators, curators & users of information Myriam Fellous-Sigrist

Research Data Management services:
supporting creators, curators & users
of information
Myriam Fellous-Sigrist
Library Services
1. Research Data Management (RDM) coordination
 My role & my teams
 Main challenges so far
2. Overview of UCL RDM services
 Evolution & current situation
 Case study of RDM support
3. Current work & future directions
Consent forms
Metadata, DOIs and visibility of data
Networks of data management experts
Analysing actual RDM needs and practices
What are Research Data?
- A definition: Sources (digital or not) created and collated for a
research project.
- UCL’s definition (in UCL Research Data Policy): Data “may be raw,
abstracted or analysed, experimental or observational.”; e.g..: fieldwork
notebooks, questionnaires, audiotapes, photographs, maps, manuscripts,
- Research funders may have their own definition.
What is Research Data Management?
- Research Data Management covers all of the decisions made during
the research lifecycle to handle data,
- from the planning stage of your project up to the long-term
preservation of your data.
1. Research Data Management (RDM) coordination
 My role & my teams
- Library services & Information Services Division (ISD)
- New post; a driver: EPSRC Research Data Policy (May 2015)
- RDM good practices and services
- RDM website
Funders and UCL‘s policies on research data;
Data Management Plans;
How-to guides (on preservation, copyright, formats, personal data…);
Resources (slides, checklists…) to share information.
Enquiries; 1-to-1 support, e.g. Data Management Plans
Data Management Plans
 Help you to identify the decisions to make regarding your data,
throughout your project.
 Required as part of the grant application by: ESRC, AHRC (“Technical
Plans”), Wellcome Trust, MRC, NERC, STFC.
 Recommended by: EPSRC, EC-Horizon 2020, RCUK.
Content: a 1 to 2-page summary explaining:
1. what type of data you will collect;
2. how you will store them;
3. how they could be accessed at the end of the project.
Help to write your Plans
 Check our how-to guide (examples of Plans, checklist…)
 Ask for review and advice:
 Main challenges so far
- Disciplines
- Funders
- Awareness
- Data created
- Research units
- Enquiries
Having everyone in mind
- Supporting creators, curators and users of data
- Helping with data management now and in the future
- Towards a scalable service
2. Overview of UCL RDM services
 Evolution and current situation
- Research Data Services Executive Group
- Research Information & IT Services Group
- Information Services Governance Committee
See LERU Roadmap for Research Data to
understand international context of RDM
- Data storing
- Archiving and giving access to data
UCL Research IT Governance Structures
Options to store data (while working on them)
1/ UCL Research Data Storage: safe storage for all volumes of data; 5TB
available free of charge. Guidance is available.
2/ UCL Data Safe Haven: when handling personal and sensitive data as
part of the project. Guidance is available.
Options to archive & give access to data (project closed)
1/ UCL Discovery: for publications & small-scale datasets. Guidance is
2/ Digital Collections: for most data. Email: Digital Curator
3/ Funders’ repositories, e.g.: the ESRC recommends the use of
ReShare, the UK Data Service repository
4/ External repositories (
Support & advocacy
- Research IT Services (ISD):
Support for research computing, research software development and
research equipment; Research IT training (Unix Shell, Python, SPSS…)
- Ethical approval and advice:
UCL Research Ethics Committee
Guide to handle sensitive and/or personal data
- Research integrity (OVPR):
(information on ethics, research collaboration and more)
- Data Protection Team:
- Information security (ISD):
- Copyright information:
- Open Access (Library Services):
 Case study: helping to archive and share a research centre’s data
- The collections
- Making sense of the funder’s requirements
- Gathering information to archive and choosing levels of access
- Depositing and creating tools for curation of future collections
Another example of collections archived by UCL Library Services: the BSL corpus video database
3. Current work and future directions
Consent forms
Legal and ethical dimensions
Legacy projects
Future projects
Giving sustainable but flexible guidance
Metadata, DOIs and visibility of data
Creating common standards and guidance for 3 repositories
Making data discoverable
If appropriate, making data accessible
Different levels of access: open/embargoed/restricted/close
Respect legislation, participants’ choices and funder’s requirements;
see our blog post on legislation & personal/sensitive data)
Building up networks of data management experts
Subject librarians network
Local data managers network
Towards local expertise and workflow / central support for general
questions, infrastructure and policies
 Understanding actual data management needs and practices
- Surveying RDM practices, needs and
awareness: help us!
- To inform development of current services
and future training
- Report in spring
Future skills in information studies?