UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 1 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 CONTENTS Page 1 2 Committee Membership 3 Financial Highlights 4 Treasurer’s Report 7 Corporate Governance 9 Responsibilities of the Council of University College London 11 Auditors’ Report to the Members of the Council of University College London 13 Statement of Principal Accounting Policies 16 Consolidated Income and Expenditure Account 17 Consolidated Balance Sheet 18 UCL Balance Sheet 19 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses and of Cash Flow 20-37 Notes to the Accounts 38 Financial Summaries (unaudited) UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 2 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Council 2000-2001 Lay Members: Lord Young of Graffham•* (Chairman) Professor C. W. Jonas•* (Vice-Chairman) Mr K. J. Hawkins• (Treasurer) Viscount Bearsted Mr B. W. Bennett Sir John Birch Ms A. S. Biss Mr S. P. Chalfen Ms J. Clements Sister Teresa Finn Baroness Flather of Windsor and Maidenhead Mr R. T. Fox Sir Alan Greengross•* Mr R. A. Lyons Miss M. F. Rudland Ms J. Salmon Dr P. Williams Professor A. J. Zuckerman Academic Members: Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith•* Professor R. D. Ashton Professor D. A. Brown Professor I. H. Dennis Dr H. D. Donoghue Dr M. M. Dworetsky Professor H.D. Griffiths Professor A. R. Lord Dr S. Meghji Professor B. B. Nutt Professor R. L. Souhami Dr W. Stephenson Professor P. A. Wood UCL Union: Mr R. Fear Mr B. Hogan Mr D. Ozarow Finance Committee 2000-2001 Lay Members: Mr K. J. Hawkins (Chairman) Mr J. E. Bellamy Mr D. M. M. Dutton Mr R. S. Horsman Mr C. W. Jonas Professor P. G. Moore Lord Young of Graffham Academic Members: Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith Ms E. C. Dalton Professor W. E. Davies Dr M. M. Dworetsky Professor R. S. J. Frackowiak Mr P. S. McLennan Vice-Provosts: Professor D. T. Delpy Miss M. J. Gallyer Professor R. J. Levinsky Professor M. J. Worton UCL Union: Mr R. Fear Audit Committee 2000-2001 Lay Members: Sir Alan Greengross (Chairman) Ms A. S. Biss Mr R. T. Fox Mr J. R. Hustler Investments Committee 2000-2001 Lay Members: • * Mr K. J. Hawkins (Chairman) Mr R. G. Cottam Mr D. M. M. Dutton Professor P. G. Moore Mr H. Stevenson denotes also member of Remuneration Committee denotes also member of Nominations Committee 2 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 3 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2001) £m) 2000) £m) Change) %) Funding Council Grants Academic Fees and Support Grants Research Grants and Contracts Other Operating Income Profit on Disposal of Investments Endowment Income and Interest Receivable 125.3) 55.7) 141.0) 84.7) -) 5.6) 117.6) 52.0) 123.8) 75.6) 6.5) 5.9) 6.6) 7.1) 13.9) 12.0) TOTAL INCOME 412.3) 381.4) 8.1) TOTAL EXPENDITURE 415.1) 382.6) 8.5) Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments Profit on disposal of tanglible fixed assets 1.5) 2.2) -) 1.0) SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 0.9) (0.2) Fixed Assets Endowment Asset Investments Net Current Assets 280.4) 80.7) 23.4) 259.9) 85.3) 27.5) 7.9) (5.3) (14.7) Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 384.6) 372.6) 3.2) Non-Current Liabilities and Provisions (60.0) (59.9) (0.2) (0.8) -) 323.8) 312.7) 3.5) 154.9) 80.7) 88.2) 142.0) 85.3) 85.5) 9.1) (5.3) 3.2) (1.9) (0.3) 7.3) (9.8) 2001) No.) 2000) No.) 16,850) 8,789) 16,336) 8,635) CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Minority interest TOTAL NET ASSETS Represented by: Deferred Grants Endowments Reserves OTHER KEY STATISTICS Consolidated Recognised (Losses)/Gains Consolidated movement in Cash Flow Student Numbers Average Staff Numbers 3 3.1) 1.8) UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 4 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 TREASURER’S REPORT Scope of Financial Statements The financial statements for the first time in a number of years do not include any merger activity. Notes 36 – 39 include the separate Income and Expenditure account for the year for those postgraduate institutes who have merged with UCL in recent years, but whose activities are fully consolidated within UCL’s reported activity. The financial statements also include the consolidated results of UCL’s trading subsidiaries, details of which are shown at Note 13, and whose commercial activities are, for legal and taxation reasons, more appropriately channelled through limited companies. Results for the Year During the year, UCL has maintained its position, both nationally and internationally, as a centre of excellence in teaching and research. Funding from the HEFCE under the Science Research Investment Fund (SRIF), based on research volume and excellence, secured for UCL the largest award of any university, and research grant and contract activity has shown significant growth, with income increasing by 14% over the previous year. The financial statements demonstrate steady growth in most areas, as shown by the Financial Highlights on page 3. A £31 million (+ 8.1%) increase in total income, means that UCL’s turnover has now passed £400 million – the surplus of £0.9 million however, although much in line with forecast, reflects the continuing struggle to achieve a balanced financial position, in the context of HEFCE funding which fails to keep pace with salary inflation, inadequate recurrent funding for teaching and research infrastructure and UCL’s underlying commitments to an extensive capital programme. The Income and Expenditure consolidated results for the years ended 31 July are summarised as follows: Income Expenditure Profit on disposal of assets 2001) £m) 2000) £m) 412.3) (415.1) 3.7) 381.4) (382.6) 1.0) 0.9) (0.2) Surplus/(Deficit) for the year At 31 July 2001, total accumulated funds on the Income and Expenditure Account stood at £85.7 million. Tangible fixed asset additions amounted to £39 million in the year, bringing fixed asset additions to £100 million in the last three years. A substantial contribution to the cost of these capital developments is provided by specific grants and contributions – at the year end a balance of £155 million was held as deferred capital grants to fund further specific projects. These capital developments relate to a number of diverse areas such as improvements and expansion at Halls of Residence, new and improved research facilities, and a new Combined Heat and Power Scheme which will in the long-term provide a cost effective means of providing heat and electricity. 4 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 5 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 TREASURER’S REPORT (Continued) Also deserving of mention is the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Excellence in Higher Education awarded to the Institute of Child Health in recognition of its innovative research and training programmes which have made it a world-leading centre that has contributed to the health of children world wide. There have been numerous academic developments during the year with two very well publicised initiatives. In April the Institute of Crime Science was opened with initial funding provided by the Jill Dando Appeal – the Institute will be a centre for research and teaching aimed at the reduction of opportunities to commit crime. In March, Adastral Park was opened, which is intended to undertake cutting-edge telecommunications research in collaboration with industrial partners, BT, Agilent, Coming, Nortel and others. During the year an income generation/savings programme was initiated with the objective of improving UCL’s operating budget position by £10 million per annum. The response, involving every department across UCL, has already led to significant progress towards achieving the target. Investment Performance At the year end the value of UCL’s endowment asset investments stood at £80.7 million, a net decrease of £4.5 million on the previous year caused primarily by a major downturn in the stock market, which saw UCL’s investment portfolio diminish in value by £10.2 million. UCL’s investments are managed by Cazenove and the returns are very closely monitored by the Investments Committee aided by a specialist consultancy service. Investment performance has been slightly ahead of comparative indicators in respect of fixed-interest stocks, and generally disappointing for both UK and overseas equity holdings. Cash Flow As a consequence of UCL’s decision to continue to fund a substantial part of its capital programme from reserves, cash balances have continued to decline and in July UCL had cause to use a pre-arranged overdraft facility pending completion of its negotiations for a £75 million longer term borrowing arrangement on 3 August 2001. Capital Projects As reported last year, UCL recorded considerable success in the JIF (Joint Infrastructure Fund) awards, with total funding of £57 million for thirteen projects. More recently £47 million was awarded under SRIF (Science Research Investment Fund). These schemes will provide substantial funding for a programme totalling £140 million to be carried out in the next two to four years, and goes part way to meeting research infrastructure needs, particularly in the sciences. 5 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 6 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 TREASURER’S REPORT (Continued) Other Major Activity Significant effort was directed towards submission of the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise in March 2001. The results to be published in December 2001, will be used to assess UCL’s research standards and inform the HEFCE funding process. At the last RAE round in 1996, 70% of UCL’s units of assessment achieved a grade 5 or 5* indicating that the majority of research is of international and national excellence. UCL’s strategic objective is to improve ratings of departments where possible and to maintain ratings for those that have been adjudged to be excellent. UCL’s strength in teaching has also been evidenced by QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) results. During the year all UCL departments reviewed were classified as excellent, with one department, Economics, receiving the maximum score. Over the last six years 27 reviews have been undertaken, all departments have been adjudged excellent, with four departments receiving the maximum score. Creditors Policy UCL’s policy is to make payments to its creditors within the stipulated terms of business. Staff and their Involvement College staff are informed of developments within the organisation through publication of a regular newsletter and by increasing use of UCL’s Intranet. All staff are encouraged to participate in formal and informal discussion at all levels throughout UCL. Conclusion The recent JIF and SRIF schemes are welcomed, which will contribute greatly to infrastructural improvements. The capital programme planned for the next few years however, will be the cause of much disruption and inconvenience, and I would like to thank all those who are likely to be affected for their forbearance, and I, with the rest of UCL, look forward to the resulting transformation of UCL’s campus. Finally, it is recognised throughout UCL that its future financial health is heavily dependent on the success of the income generation/ savings programme. UCL staff can be congratulated for the responsible way in which the program is being approached. Kerry J Hawkins Treasurer 6 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 7 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE UCL is committed to exhibiting best practice in all aspects of corporate governance. This summary describes the manner in which UCL has applied the principles set out in Section 1 of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance issued by the London Stock Exchange in June 1998, in so far as they relate to Higher Education Institutions. Its purpose is to help the reader of the accounts understand how the principles have been applied. UCL’s Governing Body, the Council, is responsible for the system of internal control operating within UCL and its subsidiary undertakings (“the Group”) and for reviewing its effectiveness. Such a system can only provide reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against material mis-statement or loss, and cannot eliminate business risk. Where areas for improvement in the system of internal control are identified, the Council considers the recommendations made to it by Audit Committee, Academic Board and other committees. At its December 2001 meeting, the Council carried out an annual assessment for the year ended 31 July 2001 by considering a report from the Audit Committee, and taking account of events since 31 July 2001. The Council is of the view that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the Group’s key risks, and that it has been in place for the whole of the year ended 31 July 2001, and up to the date of approval of the annual report and accounts, that the process has been subject to regular review, and that it accords with the internal control guidance for directors on the Combined Code, as deemed appropriate for higher education. The Council comprises lay and academic persons appointed under the Statutes of UCL. The Statutes provide for the distinct roles of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council, the Treasurer, and of UCL’s Chief Executive, the Provost and President. The powers and duties of the Council are set out in Statutes; by custom and under the Financial Memorandum with the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the Council holds to itself the responsibilities for the ongoing strategic direction of UCL, approval of major developments and the receipt of regular reports from UCL officers on the day to day operations of its business and its subsidiary companies. The Council has formally identified those items of business which it retains to itself for collective decision. The Council has also considered amendments to its Charter and Statutes and is in ongoing discussion with officers of the Privy Council concerning formal adoption of these changes. The Council meets at least three times each year; it has several committees, including a Planning & Resources Committee, Finance Committee, Audit Committee, Risk and Efficiency Committee, Academic Board, Remuneration Committee and Nominations Committee. The Planning & Resources Committee makes recommendations and gives advice to the Council in respect of its strategic and development responsibilities, including issues relating to significant changes in activity and the external environment, which affect key risks. 7 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 8 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (Continued) The Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and comprises lay members and academic members of staff. Inter alia they recommend to the Council UCL’s annual revenue and capital budgets and monitor performance in relation to the approved budgets and review UCL’s annual financial statements. They also review UCL’s accounting policies which are applied in the preparation of those financial statements. The Committee also receives and considers reports from the Higher Education Funding Council for England as they affect UCL’s business and monitors adherence with the regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee, which meets at least three times annually, is chaired by a lay member of Council and comprises lay members only. They are responsible for meeting with external auditors to discuss audit findings, the management letter and internal control report arising out of the audit of the annual financial statements, and with Internal Auditors to consider detailed internal audit reports and recommendations for the improvement of UCL’s system of internal controls, together with management’s response and implementation plans. Whilst UCL officers attend the meetings of the Audit Committee as necessary, they are not members of the Committee, and the Committee meets from time to time with the External Auditors on their own for independent discussions. The Audit Committee also approves the annual programme of the Internal Audit Service and reviews the conclusions of its work. Audit plans are drawn up based on assessment of the control risks in each operating area and their materiality in the context of overall UCL activity. In complying with Code provision D.2.1 (to conduct, at least annually, a review of the Group’s system of internal controls), the Audit Committee conducts a high level review of the arrangements for internal control, with regular consideration of risk and control based on reports received from the Risk and Efficiency Committee, with emphasis given to obtaining the relevant degree of assurance and not merely reporting by exception. It reports to the Council the results of this review. The Risk and Efficiency Committee includes the Vice-Provosts for Administration and Teaching and Learning, the Dean of Students, and the directors of Administrative Divisions; the Director of Internal Audit Services is in attendance at meetings. The Committee has been established to develop a strategy for the implementation of a Risk Assessment and Management Policy, including the methodology for identifying and assessing key risks on a continuous basis and ensuring that procedures are in place for those identified risks to be managed, monitored and reviewed in a consistent and effective manner. The Committee reviews, on a regular basis, the risk management and control process to consider what changes, if necessary, should be recommended. It also considers key risks identified by other Committees, for example on Health and Safety and Academic matters. It reports to the Audit Committee at termly intervals, or more frequently, should the need arise. The Academic Committee, which reports to the Council via Academic Board, is responsible for inter alia monitoring the effectiveness of the academic quality assurance strategy, encompassing policies and procedures in respect of quality audit, quality enhancement and subject review. The Nominations Committee considers nominations for vacancies in the Council membership under the relevant Statute. The Remuneration Committee is chaired by the Chairman of Council and comprises three other members of Council and the Provost and President. It determines the annual remuneration of senior officers of UCL and where necessary decides on any severance payments. The Provost and President is excluded from discussions relating to his own remuneration package. The Remuneration Committee also receives details of all professorial salaries and administrative equivalents not otherwise considered by it. The remuneration of these staff is determined by the Provost and President in consultation with relevant Vice-Provosts. Salary levels are set to attract and retain members of staff for the successful operation of UCL, both academically and administratively, and incorporate rewards for individual performance. No remuneration is paid to Lay members of the Council or any of its Committees. 8 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 9 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON In accordance with the UCL’s Charter and Statutes, the Council is responsible for the administration and management of the affairs of UCL, including ensuring an effective system of internal control, and is required to present audited financial statements for each financial year. The Council is responsible for the keeping of proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of UCL and for ensuring that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with UCL’s Charter and Statutes, the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting for Further and Higher Education and other relevant accounting standards. In addition, within the terms and conditions of the Financial Memorandum agreed between the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the Council of UCL, the Council, through the Provost and President, its designated office holder, is required to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of UCL and of the surplus or deficit and cash flows for that year. In causing the financial statements to be prepared, the Council has ensured that: (i) suitable accounting policies are selected and applied consistently; (ii) judgments and estimates are made that are reasonable and prudent; (iii) applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; (iv) financial statements are prepared on the going concern basis. The Council is satisfied that it has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future and for this reason the going concern basis continues to be adopted in the preparation of the financial statements. The Council has taken reasonable steps to: (i) ensure that funds from the Higher Education Funding Council for England are used only for the purposes for which they have been given and in accordance with the Financial Memorandum with the Funding Council and any other conditions which the Funding Council may from time to time prescribe; (ii) ensure that there are appropriate financial and management controls in place to safeguard public funds and funds from other sources; (iii) safeguard the assets of UCL and prevent and detect fraud; (iv) secure the economical, efficient and effective management of UCL’s resources and expenditure. 9 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 10 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (Continued) The key elements of UCL’s system of internal control, which is designed to discharge the responsibilities set out above, include the following: (i) clear definitions of the responsibilities of, and authority delegated to, heads of academic and administrative departments; (ii) comprehensive Financial Regulations, detailing financial controls and procedures, approved by the Council; (iii) a professional Internal Audit Service whose annual programme of work is approved by Audit Committee endorsed by the Council, and whose head provides the Council with a report on internal audit activity within UCL and an opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of UCL’s system of internal control, including internal financial control; (iv) regular reviews of financial performance and key business risks, and termly reviews of financial forecasts including variance reporting and updating; (v) a comprehensive planning process for the medium to short-term supported by detailed income, expenditure, capital and cash flow budgets and forecasts; (vi) clearly defined procedures for the approval and control of expenditure, with investment decisions involving capital or recurrent expenditure being subject to formal detailed review according to levels set by the Council. Any system of internal control can only provide reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. 10 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 11 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON We have audited the financial statements of University College London for the year ended 31 July 2001 which comprise the income and expenditure account, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, the statement of total recognised gains and losses and the related notes 1 to 39. These financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein. Respective responsibilities of the Council and auditors As described in the responsibilities of the Council, the Council is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and accounting standards. Our responsibilities as independent auditors, are established by statute, the Audit Practices Board, the Higher Education Funding Council for England and by our profession’s ethical guidance. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice on Accounting for Further and Higher Education. We also report whether income from funding bodies, grants and income for specific purposes and from other restricted funds administered by UCL have been properly applied only for the purposes for which they were received and whether income has been applied in accordance with the Statutes and, where appropriate, with the Financial Memorandum with the Higher Education Funding Council for England. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the Treasurer’s report is not consistent with the financial statements, if UCL has not kept proper accounting records, the accounting records do not agree with the financial statements or if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. We also, at the request of the Council, review whether the corporate governance statement reflects the Group’s compliance with the four provisions of the Combined Code specified for our review by Council and we report if it does not. We are not required to consider whether the Council’s statements on internal control cover all risks and controls, or form an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s corporate governance procedures or its risk and control procedures. We read the other information contained in the Treasurer’s report, including the corporate governance statement, and consider consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board and the Audit Code of Practice issued by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the Council in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the circumstances of UCL and the group, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. 11 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 12 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (Continued) We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion, we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. Opinion In our opinion: a). the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of UCL and the Group as at 31 July 2001 and of the surplus of the Group for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice on Accounting in Further and Higher Education Institutions; b). income from the Higher Education Funding Council for England, grants and income for specific purposes and from other restricted funds administered by UCL have been applied for the purposes for which they were received; and c). income has been applied in accordance with UCL’s statutes and, where appropriate, with the financial memorandum dated June 2000 with the Higher Education Funding Council for England. Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors Hill House 1 Little New Street London EC4A 3TR 18 December 2001 12 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 13 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. Basis of Preparation The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of investments and in accordance with both the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting for Further and Higher Education (SORP) and applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards. 2. Basis of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements consolidate the financial statements of UCL and its subsidiary undertakings (collectively referred to as “the Group”) for the financial year to 31 July. The UCL Union has not been consolidated since it is a separate enterprise over which UCL has limited influence both in areas of financial control and policy decisions. 3. Income and Expenditure Account The Income and Expenditure Account has been drawn up in line with the SORP and with classifications based on the requirements of the annual financial return made to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Income received from specific endowments and donations, research grants and contracts is included to the extent only of expenditure incurred during the year, together with any related overhead contributions towards costs. 4. Pension Arrangements Pension costs are assessed in accordance with the advice of professionally qualified independent actuaries and are accounted for on the principle of charging the cost of providing pensions over the period that UCL benefits from the employees’ services. A detailed explanation of the arrangements for each of the pension schemes in operation at UCL can be found at note 32. 5. Foreign Currencies Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at year end rates unless such funds are held for onward transmission to a research partner under an agency agreement. The resulting exchange differences are dealt with in the determination of income and expenditure for the financial year. 13 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 14 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) 6. Taxation UCL enjoys charitable status and is therefore exempt from taxation in respect of non-trading income or capital gains under Section 505 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 and Section 256 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992. Subsidiary companies are liable to corporation tax. UCL is partially exempt for the purposes of Value Added Tax and is only able to reclaim a minor element of VAT charged on goods and services bought in. 7. Land and Buildings Land and Buildings are stated in the Balance Sheet at cost. Freehold buildings are depreciated on a straight line basis over their expected useful lives of 50 years. Land which is held freehold is not depreciated and that held on long leasehold is depreciated over the life of the lease up to a maximum of 50 years. Major refurbishments and fixtures and fittings are capitalised and depreciated as follows: Major refurbishments Fixtures and fittings 8. 20 years 10 years Investment Property Investment properties are stated in the Balance Sheet at their open market value. No depreciation is charged on such properties. The Companies Act 1985 requires all properties to be depreciated. However, this requirement conflicts with the generally accepted accounting principle set out in SSAP 19. UCL considers that, because this property is not held for consumption, but for its investment potential, to depreciate it would not give a true and fair view and that it is necessary to adopt SSAP 19 in order to give a true and fair view. If this departure from the act had not been made, the deficit for the financial year would have been increased by depreciation. However, the amount of depreciation cannot be reasonably quantified, because depreciation is only one of many factors reflected in the annual valuation and the amount which may otherwise have been shown cannot be separately identified or quantified. 14 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 15 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) 9. Equipment Expenditure on furniture and equipment costing less than £25,000 is written off to the Income and Expenditure Account in full in the year of acquisition. Equipment and furniture costing more than £25,000 is capitalised at cost, and depreciated over its expected useful life as follows: Equipment funded by research grants Other furniture and equipment 10. Term of grant 5 years Leased Assets Finance lease obligations are included within creditors. Financing amounts are charged to the Income and Expenditure Account so as to produce a constant periodic charge on the balance outstanding. 11. Intangible Fixed Assets Patents, licenses, rights, trade marks and other similar rights over assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost and amortised over a period of five years. 12. Investments Both Fixed Asset and Endowment Asset Investments are stated at market value in the Balance Sheet. 13. Stocks Stocks are made up of goods for resale, centrally held stores holdings and major stores held by academic departments and are stated at the lower of cost or net realisable value. 14. Cash Flows and Liquid Resources Cash flows comprise increases or decreases in cash. Cash includes cash in hand, deposits repayable on demand and overdrafts. Deposits are repayable on demand if they are in practice available within 24 hours without penalty. Liquid resources comprise assets held as a readily disposable store of value. They include term deposits held as part of UCL’s treasury management activities. They exclude any such assets held as Endowment Asset Investments. 15 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 16 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 Note 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) 1 2 3 4 125,250) 55,740) 141,000) 84,692) -) 5,601) 117,521) 52,049) 123,789) 75,639) 6,499) 5,898) 412,283) 381,395) 262,813) 126,813) 6,294) 19,211) 242,118) 117,116) 5,982) 17,376) 415,131) 382,592) (2,848) (1,197) 1,493) 2,206) -) 1,027) 851) (170) (2) (12) 849) (182) 13) -) 862) (182) INCOME Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Profit on disposal of investments Endowment income and interest receivable 5 Total Income EXPENDITURE Staff costs Other operating expenses Interest payable Depreciation 6 7 8 9 Total Expenditure DEFICIT FOR THE YEAR BEFORE DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS AND BEFORE TAX Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets 10 10 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR AFTER DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS BUT BEFORE TAX Taxation SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR AFTER DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS AND TAX Minority interest SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR The Group has no revalued assets which it depreciates and thus there is no difference between the surplus/(deficit) as reported and the historical cost results. The consolidated income and expenditure of the Group relate wholly to continuing activities. 16 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 17 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 JULY 2001 Note 2001) £’000) Restated) 2000) £’000) Tangible assets Intangible assets Investments 11 12 13 269,237) 672) 10,517) 280,426) 249,604) 315) 9,943) 259,862) ENDOWMENT ASSET INVESTMENTS 14 80,726) 85,274) 695) 97,974) 511) 2,667) 101,847) 585) 82,112) 2,201) 6,434) 91,332) (78,421) (63,870) 23,426) 27,462) 384,578) 372,598) FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Stores Debtors Short term deposits and investments Cash at bank and in hand 15 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 16 NET CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR 17 (57,786) (57,612) PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 18 (2,222) (2,275) MINORITY INTEREST 35 (760) -) 323,810) 312,711) 19 154,918) 141,968) 20 80,351) 375) 80,726) 84,905) 369) 85,274) 85,716) 1,302) 1,148) 88,166) 84,897) 572) -) 85,469) 323,810) 312,711) NET ASSETS DEFERRED CAPITAL GRANTS ENDOWMENTS Specific General RESERVES Income and expenditure account Revaluation reserve Other reserves 21 22 23 TOTAL Approved by Council on 18 December 2001 K. J. Hawkins Treasurer Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith Provost and President 17 J. W. Foster Director of Finance UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 18 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 JULY 2001 Note 2001) £’000) Restated) 2000) £’000) Tangible assets Intangible assets Investments 11 12 13 267,830) 672) 7,360) 275,862) 248,227) 315) 7,156) 255,698) ENDOWMENT ASSET INVESTMENTS 14 80,726) 85,274) 413) 100,708) -) -) 101,121) 378) 84,889) 2,200) 5,399) 92,866) (78,071) (63,554) 23,050) 29,312) 379,638) 370,284) FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Stores Debtors Short term deposits Cash at bank and in hand 15 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 16 NET CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR 17 (57,786) (57,612) PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES 18 (2,222) (2,275) 319,630) 310,397) 19 153,777) 140,781) 20 80,351) 375) 80,726) 84,905) 369) 85,274) 85,127) 85,127) 84,342) 84,342) 319,630) 310,397) NET ASSETS DEFERRED CAPITAL GRANTS ENDOWMENTS Specific General RESERVES Income and expenditure account 21 TOTAL Approved by Council on 18 December 2001 K. J. Hawkins Treasurer Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith Provost and President 18 J. W. Foster Director of Finance UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 19 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 STATEMENTS OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES AND OF CASH FLOW STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Note Surplus/(deficit) after depreciation of assets and tax School of Slavonic and East European Studies reserves at 1 August 1999 Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Ltd reserves at 1 August 2000 Diminution of endowment asset investments Endowment income retained for the year School of Slavonic and East European Studies endowments at 1 August 1999 New endowments Unrealised surplus on revaluation of investment property 35 20 20 20 22 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) 862) -) 1,105) (10,245) 3,218) -) 2,479) 730) (182) 988) -) (2,215) 5,480) 1,422) 1,575) 185) (1,851) 7,253) RECONCILIATION TO CLOSING RESERVES AND ENDOWMENTS Opening reserves and endowments Total recognised gains and losses for the year )170,743) (1,851) Closing reserves and endowments 168,892 STATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW Note 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) 25 28 29 3,555) 2,881) (2) (8,732) (8,528) 5,531) (12) (20,722) Cash outflow before use of Liquid Resources and Financing Management of Liquid Resources Financing 26 30 (2,298) 2,200) (187) (23,731) 14,153) (255) Decrease in cash in the year 26 (285) (9,833) Net Cash inflow/(outflow) from Operating Activities Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance Taxation Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment 19 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 20 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. FUNDING COUNCIL GRANTS Recurrent Grant - HEFCE Deferred Capital Grants released in year 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 119,666 5,584 112,864 4,657 125,250 117,521 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 18,966 22,700 3,068 3,060 507 7,439 18,547 21,912 2,102 2,377 508 6,603 55,740 52,049 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 106,355 34,645 93,278 30,511 141,000 123,789 42,165 64,191 10,285 8,951 5,790 843 8,084 691 38,771 54,506 10,102 8,295 5,393 635 5,646 441 141,000 123,789 2. ACADEMIC FEES AND SUPPORT GRANTS Full-time students Full-time students charged overseas fees Part time fees Other fees Research training support grants Short course fees 3. RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Grants Contracts Source of income: OST research councils UK based charities UK central government, local/health authorities, hospitals UK industry, commerce and public corporations EU government bodies EU other Other overseas Other sources Income from research grants and contracts includes deferred capital grants released in the year of £4,500,000 (2000 - £4,125,000). 20 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 21 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 4. OTHER OPERATING INCOME Residences and catering Other services rendered Health authorities Released from deferred capital grants Other income 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 12,621 24,410 22,605 2,474 22,582 12,462 25,583 18,614 2,208 16,772 84,692 75,639 Income from residences and catering includes deferred capital grants released in the year of £9,000 (2000 - £9,000). 5. ENDOWMENT INCOME AND INTEREST RECEIVABLE Income from endowment asset investments (Note 20) Other interest receivable 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 2,865 2,736 2,818 3,080 5,601 5,898 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 223,179 18,070 21,564 205,247 17,240 19,631 262,813 242,118 £ £ 156,134 150,873 6. INFORMATION REGARDING EMPLOYEES Staff costs: Salaries and wages NI contributions Pension costs Emoluments of the Provost and President: C Llewellyn Smith The emoluments of the Provost and President, UCL’s Chief Executive, are shown on the same basis as for higher paid staff. UCL’s pension contributions to USS are paid at the same rates as for other academic staff and amounted to £21,858 in the year (2000 - £19,795). 21 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 22 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 6. INFORMATION REGARDING EMPLOYEES – continued Remuneration of higher paid staff: The following sets out the remuneration of all higher paid staff including distinction awards paid to clinical academic staff and payments relating to consultancy work, both of which are funded from non - HEFCE funds, but excluding employers’ pensions contributions: 2001 2000 No. No. £50,001 £60,001 £70,001 £80,001 £90,001 £100,001 £110,001 £120,001 £130,001 £140,001 £150,001 £160,001 £170,001 £180,001 £190,001 - £60,000 £70,000 £80,000 £90,000 £100,000 £110,000 £120,000 £130,000 £140,000 £150,000 £160,000 £170,000 £180,000 £190,000 £200,000 192 129 67 42 38 13 35 15 3 7 1 2 1 157 114 82 40 17 32 7 14 6 3 1 1 The average number of staff employed, both full and part time, during the year was 8,789 (2000 - 8,635). Compensation for loss of office in respect of two higher paid employees totalled £210,104 in the year, of which £85,775 was reimbursed by the NHS. 22 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 23 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 7. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Residences and catering Furniture, computer and other equipment costs Academic consumables and laboratory expenditure Books, publications and periodicals Scholarships and prizes General educational expenditure Rents, rates and insurance Heat, light, water and power Repairs and maintenance Telephone Advertising and recruitment Printing, postage, stationery and other office costs Conference, travel and training Professional fees Audit fees Other fees paid to auditors Grants to Students Union and other student bodies Other costs 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 6,771 18,300 24,016 4,077 5,923 4,015 5,425 5,086 17,148 2,220 1,585 7,645 9,053 4,576 79 61 1,346 9,487 5,752 20,367 20,787 3,299 5,433 4,120 4,258 4,754 14,644 2,027 1,573 7,008 8,342 4,159 96 50 1,413 9,034 126,813 117,116 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 300 2,110 3,884 271 2,067 3,644 6,294 5,982 8. INTEREST PAYABLE Bank loans and other loans wholly repayable within five years Loans not wholly repayable within five years Finance leases 23 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 24 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 9. ANALYSIS OF EXPENDITURE BY ACTIVITY Staff Costs £’000 Other Operating Expenses £’000 132,809 11,498 76,640 2,004 7,382 22,646 9,834 13,965 9,328 44,823 6,771 26,372 12,661 12,893 2,053 3,830 411 2,724 835 4,500 1,100 9,876 71 105 149,498 21,661 125,963 11,928 47,460 35,378 23,243 262,813 126,813 6,294 19,211 415,131 2001 Academic departments Academic services Research grants and contracts Residences and catering Premises Administration Other expenses Interest Payable Depreciation £’000 £’000 The depreciation charge has been funded by: Deferred capital grants released (Note 19) General income Total £’000 12,567 6,644 19,211 Staff Costs £’000 Other Operating Expenses £’000 116,968 10,137 71,218 2,141 6,372 20,335 14,947 18,368 7,775 33,939 5,752 25,896 12,576 12,810 2,074 3,637 271 2,021 584 4,605 722 9,303 52 89 137,357 18,496 109,762 10,689 45,208 32,963 28,117 242,118 117,116 5,982 17,376 382,592 2000 Academic departments Academic services Research grants and contracts Residences and catering Premises Administration Other expenses The depreciation charge has been funded by: Deferred capital grants released General income Interest Payable Depreciation £’000 £’000 Total £’000 10,999 6,377 17,376 The 2000 figures for staff costs and other operating expenditure have been restated following a reclassification of costs in the ‘other expenses’ category. 10. PROFIT ON DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS During the year fixed assets were disposed of resulting in profits which were disclosed as extraordinary items: (a) Profit on disposal of fixed asset investment – £1.5 million arising from an asset distribution in a residential property company, prior to winding-up, in which UCL held a share. (b) Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets – £2.2 million arising from the sale of two properties at the Royal Free and UCL Medical School. 24 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 25 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 11. TANGIBLE ASSETS UCL Land and Buildings ) Freehold) Leasehold) Equipment) £’000) £’000) £’000) Total) £’000) Cost At 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Adjust accounting treatment of prior years disposals Additions at cost Disposals At 31 July 2001 147,094) 45,073) (34) 26,507) -) 218,640) 84,612) 6,888) -) 4,285) (367) 95,418) 97,152) (51,961) -) 8,086) -) 53,277) 328,858) -) (34) 38,878) (367) 367,335) Depreciation At 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Adjust accounting treatment of prior years disposals Charge for year Disposals At 31 July 2001 16,790) 17,237) (34) 7,616) -) 41,609) 13,556) 1,105) -) 3,629) (198) 18,092) 50,285) (18,342) -) 7,861) -) 39,804) 80,631) -) (34) 19,106) (198) 99,505) Net Book Value At 31 July 2001 177,031) 77,326) 13,473) 267,830) At 31 July 2000 158,140) 76,839) 13,248) 248,227) Consolidated Land and Buildings ) Freehold) Leasehold) Equipment) £’000) £’000) £’000) Total) £’000) Cost At 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Adjust accounting treatment of prior years disposals Additions at cost Disposals At 31 July 2001 147,075) 45,073) 21) 26,507) -) 218,676) 85,696) 6,888) 16) 4,285) (367) 96,518) 97,714) (51,961) (20) 8,221) -) 53,954) 330,485) -) 17) 39,013) (367) 369,148) Depreciation At 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Adjust accounting treatment of prior years disposals Charge for year Disposals At 31 July 2001 16,790) 17,237) (13) 7,622) -) 41,636) 13,639) 1,105) 16) 3,656) (198) 18,218) 50,452) (18,342) 14) 7,933) -) 40,057) 80,881) -) 17) 19,211) (198) 99,911) Net Book Value At 31 July 2001 177,040) 78,300) 13,897) 269,237) At 31 July 2000 158,121) 77,840) 13,643) 249,604) The declared value of buildings for insurance purposes (day one basis) as at 1 August 2001 was £848.8 million (2000 - £699.4 million). 25 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 26 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 12. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Consolidated and UCL Patents £’000 Cost At 1 August 2000 Additions at cost At 31 July 2001 1,497 546 2,043 Amortisation At 1 August 2000 Charge for year At 31 July 2001 1,182 189 1,371 Net Book Value At 31 July 2001 672 At 31 July 2000 315 13. INVESTMENTS HELD AS FIXED ASSETS Monies held on long term deposits Other investments Investment in subsidiaries Investment property Consolidated 2001 2000 £’000 £’000 2001 £’000 UCL 2000 £’000 5,766 826 3,925 5,510 1,238 3,195 5,766 472 1,122 - 5,510 1,234 412 - 10,517 9,943 7,360 7,156 Included in monies held on long term deposits is £5.7 million (2000 - £5.5 million) over which there is a legal charge. The deposit represents a security fund to meet the obligations under finance leases (Note 17). 26 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 27 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 13. INVESTMENTS HELD AS FIXED ASSETS - continued The following UCL wholly owned (unless indicated otherwise) subsidiary companies which are incorporated and registered in England and Wales and which have traded during the year have been consolidated into the financial statements: UCL Trading Ltd UCL Investments Ltd UCL Properties Ltd UCL Residences Ltd UCL Enterprises Ltd UCL Cruciform Ltd Stanmore Implants Worldwide Ltd Somerstown Community Sports Centre Ltd Freemedic Plc Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Ltd (70%) Contracting, consultancy and other commercial activities. Property investment. Property development and investment. Commercial lettings of accommodation. General commercial trading. Exploitation of intellectual property in the field of bio-medicine. Design and manufacture of orthopaedic implants. Operation of sports centre. Exploitation of intellectual property at the Royal Free campus. Investment in biotechnology start-ups. 14. ENDOWMENT ASSET INVESTMENTS Consolidated and UCL 2001) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 School of Slavonic and East European Studies at 1 August 1999 Net additions Diminution on valuation 2000 £’000 85,274) -) 5,697) (10,245) 79,012) 1,360) 7,117) (2,215) 80,726) 85,274) Represented by: Fixed interest securities Equities Cash 30,633) 41,376) 8,717) 31,056) 47,494) 6,724) Total endowment asset investments 80,726) 85,274) Endowment assets at cost 71,120) 73,241) 27 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 28 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 15. DEBTORS Consolidated Restated 2001 2000 £’000 £’000 Amounts falling due within one year: Invoiced debtors Research grants and contracts Local health authorities/hospitals Halls of residence debtors Tax recoverable from Inland Revenue Advances to members of staff Amounts owed by group undertakings Other debtors and prepayments Amounts falling due after one year: Amounts owed by group undertakings Other debtors and prepayments UCL 2001 £’000 Restated 2000 £’000 5,840 59,679 9,191 1,250 33 1,648 20,333 4,891 48,076 6,938 948 6 1,621 19,289 4,703 59,679 9,191 1,250 33 1,648 2,174 19,942 3,977 48,076 6,938 948 6 1,621 1,948 19,054 97,974 343 82,112 2,088 100,708 2,321 84,889 The 2000 figure for research debtors has been reduced by £2,610,000 following a reclassification of imprest balances from creditors to debtors. 16. CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR Consolidated Restated 2001 2000 £’000 £’000 Bank loans and overdrafts Research grants received on account Purchase ledger creditors Other creditors including taxation Obligations under finance leases Accruals and deferred income Amounts owed to group undertakings 8,501 29,957 10,227 17,166 204 12,366 78,421 9,990 24,852 3,184 20,163 187 5,494 63,870 UCL 2001 £’000 Restated 2000 £’000 8,493 29,957 10,130 17,084 204 12,186 17 78,071 9,959 24,852 3,050 20,089 187 5,328 89 63,554 The 2000 figure for research creditors has been reduced by £2,610,000 following a reclassification of imprest balances from creditors to debtors. 17. CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR Consolidated and UCL 2001 £’000 Obligations under finance leases Cruciform building - Private Finance Initiative 42,403 15,383 57,786 2000 £’000 42,522 15,090 57,612 It is anticipated that UCL will exercise options under the leasing arrangements between 20 and 25 years into the term of each lease. The obligations under these leases will be met from payments which amount to approximately £4 million per annum. Security is provided to the Lessors by way of annual payments into a security deposit (Note 13). 28 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 29 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 18. PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Consolidated and UCL Pension) Provision) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 2,275) Utilised in year Transfer from income and expenditure account (172) 119) Balance at 31 July 2001 2,222) 19. DEFERRED CAPITAL GRANTS ) Land and Buildings Freehold) Leasehold) Equipment) £’000) £’000) £’000) UCL Balance at 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Grants received in year Disposals Contribution to depreciation for the year Balance at 31 July 2001 Consolidated Balance at 1 August 2000 Reclassify fixtures and fittings to buildings Grants received in year Disposals Contribution to depreciation for the year Balance at 31 July 2001 29 Total) £’000) 84,626) 12,044) 16,606) -) 113,276) 34,239) 257) 2,637) (169) 36,964) 21,916) (12,301) 6,443) -) 16,058) 140,781) -) 25,686) (169) 166,298) (4,646) (1,452) (6,423) (12,521) 108,630) 35,512) 9,635) 153,777) ) Land and Buildings ) Freehold) Leasehold) Equipment) £’000) £’000) £’000) Total) £’000) 84,626) 12,044) 16,606) -) 113,276) 35,426) 257) 2,637) (169) 38,151) 21,916) (12,301) 6,443) -) 16,058) 141,968) -) 25,686) (169) 167,485) (4,646) (1,498) (6,423) (12,567) 108,630) 36,653) 9,635) 154,918) UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 30 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 20. ENDOWMENTS Consolidated and UCL Specific) General) Total) £’000) £’000) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 Additions Diminution of endowment asset investments Income for the year Transferred to income and expenditure (Note 5) 84,905) 2,473) (10,245) 6,083) (2,865) 369) 6) -) -) -) 85,274) 2,479) (10,245) 6,083) (2,865) Balance at 31 July 2001 Representing: Fellowships scholarships and prize funds Chairs and lectureships funds Other funds 80,351) 375) 80,726) 10,455) 8,598) 61,298) -) -) 375) 10,455) 8,598) 61,673) 80,351) 375) 80,726) 21. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Consolidated) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) UCL) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Ltd acquired reserves (Note 35) School of Slavonic and East European Studies acquired reserves Transfer from revaluation reserve Surplus/(deficit) for the year 84,897) (43) -) -) 862) 83,399) -) 988) 692) (182) 84,342) -) -) -) 785) 83,101) -) 988) 692) (439) Balance at 31 July 2001 The income and expenditure account is nominally allocated to: Departmental reserves Earmarked project reserves Revenue reserve 85,716) 84,897) 85,127) 84,342) 54,774) 35,718) (4,776) 44,757) 44,950) (4,810) 54,774) 35,718) (5,365) 44,757) 44,950) (5,365) 85,716) 84,897) 85,127) 84,342) 22. REVALUATION RESERVE Consolidated) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 Revaluation of Investment Property Transfer to income and expenditure reserve Balance at 31 July 2001 UCL) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) 572) 730) -) 1,079) 185) (692) -) -) -) 692) -) (692) 1,302) 572) -) -) 23. OTHER RESERVES Consolidated) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) Balance at 1 August 2000 Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Ltd acquired reserves - Government grants (Note 35) -) 1,148) -) -) Balance at 31 July 2001 1,148) -) 30 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 31 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 24. CAPITAL COMMITMENTS Consolidated and UCL) 2001) 2000) £’000) £’000) Commitments contracted at 31 July Authorised but not contracted at 31 July 34,010) 108,224) 29,991) 5,590) 142,234) 35,581) 25. RECONCILIATION OF CONSOLIDATED OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) TO NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2001) £’000) Restated) 2000) £’000) 851) (170) Items not involving cash movements: Depreciation Amortisation of intangible assets Deferred capital grants released to income Increase/(decrease) in stores Increase in debtors Increase/(decrease) in investments Increase in creditors Decrease in provisions 19,211) 189) (12,567) (110) (15,917) (510) 15,586) (172) 17,376) 78) (10,999) 444) (16,505) 3) 3,088) (678) Items which are not operating activities: Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets Interest receivable Interest payable Investment income (1,493) (2,206) (2,736) 6,294 (2,865) (222) (1,027) (3,080) 5,982) (2,818) Net Cash inflow/(outflow) from Operating Activities 3,555) (8,528) Operating surplus/(deficit) before tax 26. ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN NET DEBT ) 1 August 2000) £’000) Cash) Flows) £’000) Other) Changes) £’000) 31 July 2001) £’000) 6,724) 6,434) (9,990) 3,168) 1,993) (3,767) 1,489) (285) -) -) -) -) 8,717) 2,667) (8,501) 2,883) 2,200) (2,200) -) -) (187) 187) (204) (204) (57,612) 5,615) (5,789) (57,786) (52,431) 3,317 (5,993) (55,107) Cash at bank and in hand Endowment assets (Note 14) Deposits repayable on demand Overdrafts (Note 16) Deposits repayable at short notice Debt due within one year (Note 16) Debt due after one year (Note 17) 31 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 32 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 27. RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2001) £’000) Decrease in cash in the period Decrease in deposits repayable at short notice Increase in debt (285) (2,200) (191) Change in net debt (2,676) Net debt at 1 August 2000 (52,431) Net debt at 31 July 2001 (55,107) 28. RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) Income from endowments Other interest received Interest paid 6,083) 2,413) (5,615) 8,298) 2,699) (5,466) Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 2,881) 5,531) 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) (36,813) (546) (222) (3,704) (41,285) (31,066) (393) (200) (9,260) (40,919) Cash acquired on merger with School of Slavonic and East European Studies Cash acquired on acquisition of Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Ltd Proceeds from disposal of fixed asset investments Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets Capital grants received towards the purchase of tangible assets Endowments received -) 2,703) 1,679) 6) 25,686) 2,479) 1,082) -) 1,075) 1,059) 15,406) 1,575) Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (8,732) (20,722) 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) Mortgage and Loan Capital repayments (187) (255) Net cash outflow from financing (187) (255) 29. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of tangible fixed assets Purchase of intangible fixed assets Purchase of fixed asset investments Net purchase of endowment asset investments Total payments to acquire fixed and endowment assets 30. FINANCING 32 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 34 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) UCL also operates to two smaller defined benefit schemes for non-academic staff. The Federated Pension Scheme (FPS) for Middlesex Hospital Medical School staff which since merger with UCL on 1 August 1987 has become closed to new entrants. The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine (RFHSM) Pension and Assurance Scheme, operated for staff at the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine. On merger with UCL on 1 August 1998 this scheme has been closed to all new entrants. As a consequence of both FPS and the RFHSM Pension & Assurance Scheme being closed to new entrants, it is likely that the current service cost will increase as the members approach retirement. The last triennial valuation of the FPS was undertaken on 31 March 1999 and for the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine Pension and Assurance Scheme on 1 August 2000. For the purposes of reporting under FRS17 a valuation of both schemes was undertaken on 31 July 2001, and details are given below. RFHSM Pension FPS (1645) & Assurance Scheme Valuation date Valuation method Inflation assumption Increase for pensions Increase for deferred pensions Investment return Salary scale increases per annum Discount rate for liabilities Projected over/(under)-funding Funding level Present value of liabilities Fair value of the scheme assets 31-Jul-01 31-Jul-01 Projected unit Projected unit 2.50% 2.50% 2.75% 7.00% 4.50% 6.00% 2.75% 2.75% 2.75% 6.90% 4.80% 5.80% £7.5 million £(3.6) million 244.0% 65.5% £5.169 million £12.6 million * £10.5 million £7 million * Represents cash held on a Deposit Administration account at valuation date. The investment guarantees a return each year and in addition a declared bonus. £’000 The total pension costs for UCL were: Contribution to USS Contribution to SAUL Contribution to NHS Contribution to RFHSM Pension & Assurance Scheme1 Contribution to FPS2 Contribution to other pension schemes 17,061 2,900 1,470 122 11 21,564 1 In view of the underfunding in the RFHSM Pension and Assurance Scheme the Employers contributions will increase to 29.7%, from 7.0%, with effect from 1 October 2001. 2 Employers contributions are currently Nil to the FPS scheme. 34 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 35 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 33. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Transactions with subsidiaries of UCL have been eliminated on consolidation and no disclosure of these transactions has therefore been given. UCL has no related party transactions which require disclosure under FRS 8. 34. CONTINGENT LIABILITY UCL is a member of UM Association (Terrorism) Ltd, a university mutual company limited by guarantee, formed to provide cover for losses arising from acts of terrorism. If the association suffers a shortfall in any one year, members are liable for their pro rata share. The scheme’s ability to pay claims is derived from one of the following sources: (a) The reserve fund accumulated from the net contributions of Members, approaching £10 million; (b) £15m ‘internal’ loan facility from Member institutions (UCL is not a participating institution); (c) £300m aggregate layer of ‘excess’ cover obtained through the Lloyds Insurance market (structured to provide up to two single maximum losses of £150 million each); (d) In any indemnity year before the year has been closed, the Board may call for a supplementary contribution to be paid by each member entered for that indemnity year (whether or not such institution remains a member at the date of such direction) of an amount that the Board thinks fit. All supplementary contributions levied are to be calculated pro rata to the Advance Contributions (less any return of them) made in the relevant indemnity year. 35. ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARY During the year ended 31 July 2001, UCL acquired a 70% shareholding in Bloomsbury Bioseed Fund Limited. Share capital and reserves on acquisition were as follows: UCL (70%) Minority (30%) £’000 £’000 Share Capital Reserves: Restricted Government grants Income and expenditure account TOTAL Total £’000 700) 300) 1,000) 1,148) (43) 492) (19) 1,640) (62) 1,105) 473) 1,578) 1,805) 773) 2,578) UCL (70%) Minority (30%) £’000 £’000 Total £’000 Share capital and reserves at 31 July 2001 were as follows: Share Capital Reserves: Restricted Government grants Income and expenditure account TOTAL 35 700) 300) 1,000) 1,148) (74) 492) (32) 1,640) (106) 1,074) 460) 1,534) 1,774) 760) 2,534) UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 36 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 36. INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 2001) £’000) 2000 £’000 2,541) 405) 5,275) 3,975) 173) 2,581) 428) 4,523) 2,696) 256) 12,369) 10,484) 7,646) 5,321) 6,783) 4,339) 12,967) 11,122) (598) (638) 2001) £’000) 2000 £’000 3,950) 511) 9,957) 3,944) 674) 3,831) 562) 8,738) 3,380) 653) 19,036) 17,164) Staff costs Other operating expenses 11,939) 6,508) 11,216) 5,407) Total expenditure 18,447) 16,623) 589) 541) INCOME Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Endowment income and interest receivable Total income EXPENDITURE Staff costs Other operating expenses Total expenditure DEFICIT FOR THE YEAR 37. INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT INCOME Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Endowment income and interest receivable Total income EXPENDITURE SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 36 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 37 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS (Continued) 38. INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Endowment income and interest receivable 6,212) 1,043) 18,202) 169) 5,679) 6,089) 1,031) 15,570) 4,273) 232) Total income 31,305) 27,195) Staff costs Other operating expenses 20,204) 10,562) 17,350) 9,920) Total expenditure 30,766) 27,270) 539) (75) 2001) £’000) 2000) £’000) Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Endowment income and interest receivable 2,790) 3,078) 1,593) 1,588) 230) 2,744) 3,088) 1,140) 1,491) 239) Total income 9,279) 8,702) Staff costs Other operating expenses Depreciation and interest payable 6,360) 2,320) 610) 6,088) 1,918) 644) Total expenditure 9,290) 8,650) (11) 52) INCOME EXPENDITURE SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 39. EASTMAN DENTAL INSTITUTE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT INCOME EXPENDITURE (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 37 UCL report 2001 14/1/02 10:03 am Page 38 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2001 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES (Unaudited) 2001 £’000 2000 £’000 1999 £’000 1998 £’000 1997 £’000 Funding Council grants Academic fees and support grants Research grants and contracts Other operating income Profit on disposal of investments Endowment income, donations and interest 125,250 55,740 141,000 84,692 5,601 117,521 52,049 123,789 75,639 6,499 5,898 104,928 48,993 126,194 72,043 37 7,538 93,275 47,465 115,401 63,148 10,934 83,929 42,880 96,299 56,598 6,760 Total income 412,283 381,395 359,733 330,223 286,466 Staff costs Other operating expenses Interest payable Depreciation 262,813 126,813 6,294 19,211 242,118 117,116 5,982 17,376 221,412 114,906 2,582 13,846 200,763 103,424 3,527 10,711 173,863 89,720 3,882 9,327 Total expenditure 415,131 382,592 352,746 318,425 276,792 (2,848) (1,197) 6,987 11,798 9,674 1,493 2,206 1,027 - - - 851) (170) 6,987 11,798 9,674 (2) (12) (9) - - 849) (182) 6,978 11,798 9,674 - - - - (182) 6,978 11,798 9,674 INCOME EXPENDITURE (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR BEFORE DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS AND BEFORE TAX Profit on disposal of fixed assets investments Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR AFTER DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS BUT BEFORE TAX Taxation SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR AFTER DISPOSAL OF FIXED ASSETS AND TAX Minority interest 13 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 862) NOTE (i) The above summary includes mergers with a number of institutions which in the years of merger achieved turnover as follows: The Institute of Child Health (1996-97) The Institute of Neurology (1997-98) The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine (1998-99) The Eastman Dental Institute (1999-00) The School of Slavonic and East European Studies (1999-00) £ 22,466,000 £ 15,734,000 £ 32,312,000 £ 8,702,000 £ 4,001,000 (ii) The 1999 figures were restated for the inclusion of The Eastman Dental Institute. The 1998 figures were restated for the inclusion of The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine. The 1997 figures were restated for the inclusion of The Institute of Neurology. There is no restatement of prior years’ figures for the other mergers. 38