198 McNeal Hall (St. Paul) 411 Bruininks Hall (Minneapolis) 612-624-2710 www.careerhelp.umn.edu

198 McNeal Hall (St. Paul)  411 Bruininks Hall (Minneapolis)  612-624-2710  www.careerhelp.umn.edu  careerhelp@umn.edu
Secure an Internship or Professional Experience that Qualifies for Credit
For resources to help you search for an internship see http://www.careerhelp.umn.edu/jobsearch
Students must first consult with Dr. Nic Jelinski (ESPM/FR/FNRM): jeli0026@umn.edu or Dr. Francie Cuthbert
(FWCB): cuthb001@umn.edu to make sure their internship qualifies for academic credit.
Internship Requirements:
 You will spend more than 120 hours in the experience
 You are completing a project, undertaking activities, or developing skills that are related to your major
field or intended profession
 You have begun your experience no more than 6 months prior to the first day of the course
 You will be supervised by someone within your intended field or profession, who is not a member of
your immediate family.
Determine When to Enroll in the Course
If at least 90 of your 120 internship
hours will be completed during:
Register for:
Summer 2016: June 1- August 31
ESPM 4096- Fall Semester Deferred Enrollment
Students will attend meetings and complete reflection online
activities during the summer, and enroll in fall semester classes that
meet on the following dates between 9/6/16-10/21/16
Section 001, Meets Wednesdays from 3:00-3:50pm
Section 002, Meets Tuesdays from 3:00-3:50pm
CFAN 3096- Summer Session Concurrent Enrollment
Registration during summer session is possible in extenuating
circumstances. Summer tuition will apply.
Fall 2016: September 1-December 31
CFAN 3096- Fall Semester Concurrent Enrollment
Spring 2017: January 1-May 31
Section 001, Meets 3:00-6:00pm on the following Mondays: 6/6/16,
7/18/16, and 8/22/16.
Section 005, Meets 2:00-5:00pm on the following Fridays: 9/23/16,
10/14/16, 11/18/16, and 12/9/16.
Section 006, Meets 4:00-7:00pm on the following Mondays:
9/19/16, 10/10/16, 11/14/16, and 12/5/16.
CFAN 3096- Spring Semester Concurrent Enrollment
Section 001, Meets 3:00-6:00pm on the following Mondays: 2/6/17,
4/3/17, and 5/1/17.
Section 002, Meets 1:55-4:55pm on the following Fridays: 2/3/17,
4/7/17, and 5/5/17.
Section 003, meets 1:55-4:55pm on the following Fridays: 2/3/17,
4/7/17, and 5/5/17.
Complete Registration Next Steps
*If you are registering for ESPM 4096-Deferred Enrollment in Fall semester, sign up to attend an
orientation session here: z.umn.edu/CFAN3096orientation
o Orientation dates:
 Thursday, 5/12/16, 3:00-4:30pm
 Tuesday, 5/17/16, 2:00-3:30pm
 Wednesday, 6/1/16, 8:30-10:00am
 Wednesday, 6/29/16, 4:30-6:00pm (Make up session for students who enroll after 6/1)
o Note: Skip this step if you are registering for the Fall, Spring, or Summer 3096-Concurrent
Enrollment course option.
Complete the Learning Agreement Form on GoldPASS (see instructions below). Upon successful
completion of this form, you will be emailed a permission number to enroll in the course.
GoldPASS Learning Agreement Instructions
Carefully follow the Internship Agreement Instructions listed below to gain approval to take the course. The
Learning Agreement will be routed for approval to your internship site supervisor and the instructor of your
ESPM4096 course.
Note: Students seeking degrees in two different colleges (ex: CFANS and CLA) must email
careerhelp@umn.edu after submitting this form to let us know to avoid a delay in processing.
Log into (or create) your GoldPASS account at http://goldpass.umn.edu.
Select “Internship Agreement Form” on the left column.
Click on the “Other” tab.
Complete all required fields, including full position description (you may need to obtain one from your
internship site).
5. Under Internship Information, provide or select the following information:
a. Faculty Advisor:
Cuthbert (ESPM 4096,W, 001), Jelinski (ESPM 4096, T, 002) or
Novack (CFAN 3096)
b. Number of Credits:
c. Term you will receive credit: Fall, Spring, or Summer
d. Course Number:
ESPM4096 or CFAN3096
e. Section Number:
Type in your preferred section number
f. Internship Documentation: Presentation, Small Assignments
g. Learning Goals:
Type in: “To Be Determined.”
6. Submit form
7. The form will be electronically routed for approval to the site supervisor you provide and the instructor
for the course you sign up for. Tell your site supervisor to watch for the e-mail, requesting their
approval of the agreement. Be sure to allow time for the approval process prior to the beginning of the
course. Be advised, this can take a week or more.
Contact Career & Internship Services if you have questions about the registration process at
careerhelp@umn.edu or 612-624-2710.
View an electronic version of this form here: www.careerhelp.umn.edu/cfan3096