UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Board of Graduate Studies

Board of Graduate Studies
Minutes from the Board of Graduate Studies meeting held on Wednesday 31 May 2006.
Prof L Bridges (Chair), Dr D Kelly, Dr D Leadley, Prof P Stoneman, Prof C
Read, Prof M Wills, Prof M Finn, Prof M Thorogood, Dr A Dowd, Prof R
Napier, Prof N Charles, Ms E Levitt, Ms L Slator, Prof R Jackson, Dr C Bilton,
Mr B Duggan, Mr R Cave.
Prof E Peile, Prof P Elias, Dr M J Kooy, Prof M Thorogood, Dr J
McEldowney, Mr L Askins.
In attendance: Ms A Quinn & Dr R Cure (Medical School Representatives for Item 70)
That the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 27 April 2006 be
Chair’s Business
Postgraduate Research Study Space
An oral report from the Chair on study space for postgraduate
research students, noting that discussions were ongoing regarding
the possible release of space in various locations across the
E-Submission of PhD theses
An oral report from the Chair on current debates about the electronic
submission and storage of PhD theses.
Income from student fees 2006-07
A report indicating the income received by the University classified by
student type and broken down by Department (paper BGS 37/05-06).
A Strategic Review of Postgraduate Research Student Numbers
A paper previously submitted to Steering Committee for
consideration on 8th May 2006 entitled ‘Graduate School Matters’
(paper SC 303/05-06).
That the report should be forwarded to the University’s Research
Committee for consideration.
Involvement of Probationary and Research Staff in Supervision
An oral report from the Chair on restrictions of the University’s
current policies on supervision, particularly with regard to changes to
the length of probation for academic staff.
That the Board consider the University’s policy with regard to
probationary staff and also the role of Research Staff at its meeting in
October 2006.
Reports from the Faculty Graduate Studies Committees
Oral reports from the Chairs of the Graduate Studies Committees of the
Faculties, noting that a visit of the AHRC Chief Executive to the University,
including meetings with AHRC funded students, had taken place on 11 May.
Postgraduate Committee
An oral report from the Chair of the Postgraduate Committee.
Proposals for new courses of Study
A report from the ‘pre-meeting’ of a sub-section of the Board of Graduate
Studies held on Tuesday 23 May 2006 which was convened to consider
course proposals only (paper BGS 39/05-06), including course proposal
documentation for the new courses listed below.
Faculty of Medicine
MSc Orthodontics
That the proposal from the Warwick Medical School for the
introduction with effect from September 2006 of a MSc
Orthodontics be approved, as set out in paper GCFM 10/05-06
(revised), noting that the title was MSc Orthodontics, not MSc in
Orthodontic Dentistry as stated in the course proposal.
Management of Diabetes in Hospital Clinical Areas
That the proposal from the Warwick Medical School for the
introduction of a CPD course entitled “Management of Diabetes
in Hospital Clinical Areas” be approved as set out in paper
GCFM 11/05-06 (revised), subject to the following amendments
to be approved by the Chair
Clarification of the level of the course.
Provision of a signed copy of the course proposal.
MSc Research Methods in Health Sciences
That the proposal from the Warwick Medical School for the
introduction of a MSc Research Methods in Health Sciences be
approved as set out in paper GCFM 32/05-06, subject to the
following amendments to be approved by the Chair:
Confirmation that a Postgraduate Diploma exit point
was available.
Provision of a signed copy of the course proposal.
Postgraduate Award Design, Analysis and Interpretation of
Epidemiological Research
That the proposal be approved as set out in paper GCFM 34/0506, subject to receipt of a signed copy.
Faculty of Science
MSc in Computer Science and Applications
That a proposal from the Department of Computer Science
for the introduction of a MSc in Computer Science and
Applications in September 2007 be reconsidered in the
Autumn Term 2006 noting that the Board endorsed the
recommendations of the Graduate Studies Committee of the
Faculty of Science and that the proposal be referred back to
the Department for clarification or confirmation of:
Entry points
CATS weightings
whether all modules are M-Level
whether pass mark is only defined by passing 50% or
whether there is a limit to a number of modules that can
be failed
the removal of ‘no research content’ comments from the
MSc in Systems Biology
That a proposal for the introduction of a MSc in Systems Biology
be approved subject to subject to the following amendments to
be approved by the Chair:
Amendments recommended by the Graduate Studies
Committee of the Faculty of Science.
Clarification of the current explanation
examination weightings as 50/50.
reassurance that there will be sufficient guidance on
module choices in light of all modules being optional.
MSc Communicating Multidisciplinary
Chemistry with Scientific Writing
That the proposals for the introduction of a MSc in
Communicating Multidisciplinary Science and MSc Chemistry
with Scientific Writing be approved as set out in papers SGS
71/05-06 and SGS 72/05-06 respectively subject to the following
amendments to be approved by the Chair:
Amendments recommended by the Graduate Studies
Committee of the Faculty of Science
Clarification of where students are registered.
Front Line Leadership (CPD course)
That the proposal be approved as set out in paper SGS 69/0506.
Faculty of Social Studies
MA Applied Social Research with Specialism in Migration,
Ethnicity & Refugee Studies
That the course proposal (papers GFSS 327-9/05-06) be
referred back to the Department to clarify:
Whether a law module should be included in this course
Course leader
Whether any modules are similar to those on the MA in
Ethnic Relations
Exit points from the course
the value of the dissertation
whether the degree is an MA or MRes
Note: This proposal was withdrawn after the meeting.
MA Applied Social Research with Specialism in Social Work
That the proposal be approved as set out in papers GFSS
MA Applied Social Research with Specialism in Health Studies
That the proposal be approved as set out in papers GFSS 214216/05-06.
MA Research Methods for Applied Linguistics & English
Language Teaching
That the Board endorse the recommendation of the
Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Social
That the course be approved subject to the
amendments requested by the Faculty of Social Studies
and clarification of exit point if the dissertation fails, as
set out in papers GFSS98-99/05-06.
PGCE courses
That the PGCE proposals be approved as follows:
General proposal for the introduction of a Masters level
PGCE, as set out in paper GFSS 268/05-06.
PGCE (Primary) at Honours and Masters levels, as set
out in paper GFSS 269 -273/05-06.
PGCE (Early Years), as set out in papers GFSS 278282.
PGCE (Secondary) at Honours and Masters levels, as
set out in papers GFSS 287-290/05-06.
MSc Management
That the proposal be approved as set out in papers GFS 8991/05-06 (revised).
MSc Marketing and Strategy
That the proposal for the introduction of a MSc Marketing and
Strategy be approved as set out in papers GFSS244-247/05-06,
subject to the production of page 6 of GFSS 245
MSc Information Systems & Management
That the proposal (GFSS 234/05-06) be referred back to the
Department to clarify and state whether modules are core or
optional and to list dissertation (papers GFSS 233-236/05-06).
LLM in Legal Education (paper GFSS 333/05-06, copy attached)
That the proposal be approved subject to clarification of course
aims, signatures and confirmation that all modules are at MLevel, noting that if a part-time certificate was being offered at
60 CATS, it should be entitled Postgraduate Certificate in Legal
Annual Course Reviews
Faculty of Social Studies
That the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Social
Studies recommended that the issue regarding office and/or work
space for postgraduate research students should be referred to the
Board of Graduate Studies.
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Taught Courses
2004/05: Summary Report (paper GFSS 322/05-06)
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Research Courses
2004/05 (paper GFSS 321/05-06)
That the Board request an update from the MPA Office in the
Business School on the personal tutoring issue and concern over
completion rates highlighted in the Annual Course Review (points 1.5
and 4.4).
Faculty of Arts
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Taught Courses
2004/05: Summary Report (paper AQSC 11/05-06)
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Research Courses
2004/05: Summary Report (AQSC 12/05-06)
That the proposal to introduce a ‘merit’ classification at taught
Masters level to distinguish those who have not achieved ‘distinction’
but have obtained a high pass mark should be referred to Faculty
level for consideration, along with the suggestion that the University
introduce a “starred distinction” (p5, p8).
Faculty of Science
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Taught Courses
2004/05: Departmental Reports for WMG, Statistics and
Psychology (SGS 93/05-06).
The Annual Review of Postgraduate Research Courses
2004/05: Departmental Reports for Physics, Psychology and
Warwick HRI (SGS 94/05-06).
That the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of
Science would investigate the absence of a number of Course
Reviews from the Faculty of Science.
Scholarships Review Group
A report outlining the findings of the Scholarships Review Group (paper BGS
41/05-06) together with a paper setting out responses of the Graduate
Studies Committees of the Faculty Boards (paper BGS 35/05-06).
That the report be approved, noting that the Board supported the involvement
of Faculty committees in the selection process.
Periodic Review of Chemistry
A report from the Periodic Review Panel on Postgraduate Degrees in the
Department of Chemistry (paper BFS 14(a)/05-06), together with a response
from the Department.
That the report from the Periodic Review Panel on Postgraduate Degrees in
the Department of Chemistry be approved as set out in paper BFS 14 (a)/0506.
QAA Report on Research Degree Provision at the University
The report of the QAA Special Review of Research Degree Programmes at
the University 2005-06 (paper BGS 36/05-06).
That the Board was pleased to note the positive report from the QAA.
Submission & Qualification Rates
Responses from the Graduate Studies Committees of the Faculties to paper
BGS 24/05-06 addressing the issue of PhD submission rates:
Faculty of Science
That the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Science
That departments would probably not raise objections to
introducing an MPhil to PhD upgrade process. However, the
important principle is for good monitoring procedures and
some kind of checking point, not necessarily an upgrade.
That advertising literature would need to be looked at
carefully, to make clear that MPhil registration is part of a
programme leading to PhD.
That the situation for international students would need to be
considered, to ensure they get funding for the full period
even if registered initially for an MPhil.
That there may be issues with collaborative programmes,
making MPhil registration difficult, and that this issue might
make Science distinct from other disciplines.
That the details within paper BGS.24/05-06 will need to be
looked at carefully, as a three year full-time registration
period is no longer standard.
That Science departments would prefer an approach based
on financial incentives for timely completion, rather than fines
for late submission.
Faculty of Social Studies
That the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Social
Studies recommended that, whilst the Committee recognised that
PhD submission rates in the Faculty needed improving, paper BGS
24/05-06 be referred back to the Board of Graduate Studies, it being
noted that:
The paper did not appear to take into account the changing
nature of the PhD, especially in terms of the inclusion of
taught elements and generic skills training, and the effects
that these might have on students being able to submit within
a standard three-year period of registration;
Whilst the Committee recognised that the production of the
PhD thesis was the most important aspect to a student’s
registration it was not the sole reason. Research students
should often be regarded as the academics of the future and
thus obtaining appropriate teaching experience was also a
key objective.
That the proposal that prospective full-time research students
be expected to complete 1,800 hours of research per
academic year was too ambitious especially given the
comments made under (d) above.
That the Committee did not support the proposal for
individual supervisors to be rewarding financially.
Consideration should, instead, be given as to whether the
appropriate department be rewarded in some way, it being
recognised that other individuals in the department other
than the supervisor will have influenced the date of the
student’s submission.
That the Committee did support an increase in the standard
extension fee.
That it was the view of the Committee that the Graduate
School should be given stronger authority with regard to
monitoring students’ progress with respect to his/her
expected submission date and withdrawing students who
offer no explanation as to why they are not likely to meet that
That the Board of Graduate Studies should consider the
additional overheads and related problems involved with
supervising part-time students before recommending a
growth in this area.
Faculty of Arts
That the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Arts, at its
meeting on 10th May 2006, discussed submission and qualification
rates, considered paper BGS 24/05-06 and recommended (to the
Board of Graduate Studies via the Board of the Faculty of Arts):
That the Board of Graduate Studies progress proposal 1,
noting that the Graduate School Office would need to act
expeditiously to update student records;
That the Board of Graduate Studies modify proposal 2, to
enable annual progress reviews to take place in
departmental supervisors’ meetings, not necessarily
involving the Graduate School;
That the Board of Graduate Studies progress proposal 3;
That the Board of Graduate Studies reconsider proposal 4,
noting that this was not supported by the Committee
A charge of £100 per month of additional extension
beyond the initial 6-month extension period could
worsen the situation of students who may not have
made a timely submission because they were in
employment in order to finance their studies;
A financial incentive for timely submissions could
encourage incomplete and inadequate submissions.
That the Graduate School investigate the possibility of conducting a
survey to acquire knowledge about the activity of research students
outside time spent on their research project.
That the Board reconsider the issue of submission rates in the
Autumn Term 2006.
Graduate School Programme
A report from Dr Rachel Hardy, Graduate Skills Manager outlining recent
activities and plans for 2006/07 (paper BGS 38/05-06).
That consideration be given to accrediting elements of the skills programme
as it developed.
Guidelines for Students Studying Away from Campus
A Report on Guidelines for Students Studying Away from Campus (paper
BGS 40/05-06).
That Departments be consulted on the proposed Guidelines and the draft be
brought back to the Board for consideration in October 2006.
Warwick Accommodation & Postgraduate Student Placements
That some postgraduate students at the University go on placements
as part of their course during the summer months, which may lead to
difficulties in terms of accommodation contracts.
That Warwick Accommodation had agreed to make every effort to
make other arrangements for students who had a placement as a
programmed part of their course, but that this could not be
That Departments have a responsibility to liaise with Warwick
Accommodation if they run courses which have programmed
placements and advise them as early as possible of those students
who will be undertaking placements.
That students should be advised to raise the issue if it will affect them
at the beginning of the year.
That Departments should remind students that they are expected to
be in residence while writing dissertations and that no allowance
would be made by Warwick Accommodation for students who wished
to return home to work on their dissertation.
External Examiners Reports on taught courses
The process for considering external examiners’ reports on taught
postgraduate courses.
That External Examiners Reports would be reviewed on a rolling basis
throughout the 06/07 academic year by the Chair of the Board of Graduate
Studies rather than collecting them for review by Committee at the end of the
academic year.
FE/SC/BGS May 06 minutes