UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Board of Graduate Studies Minutes of the Board of Graduate Studies meeting held on Wednesday 10 October 2012. Present: Professor J Labbe (Chair), Ms A Chowcat, Ms J Cooper, Dr R Dias, Dr A Dowd, Dr J Kidd, Dr D Leadley, Professor R Napier, Dr A Phillips, Ms A Stewart, Dr J Vickery, Professor M Wills. Apologies: Dr C Bilton, Dr R Earle, Professor F Griffiths, Professor J Neelands, Professor D Steinberg, Dr P Taylor. In attendance: Professor S Becker (for item 27/12-13), Ms R Davis (for item 15/12-13), Mrs N Ellis-Thomas(for item 16/12-13), Mr N Hull (for item 13/12-13), Professor A Muthoo (for item 27/12-13), Mr D Pearson, Ms K Weir, Mrs R Wooldridge Smith. 1/12-13 Terms of Reference REPORTED: That the terms of reference of the Board were as follows: (a) To regulate the admission of all graduate students and, subject to the Regulations Governing Taught Postgraduate Degrees and the Regulations Governing Research Degrees, the initial conditions of registration and any change of these conditions; (b) To make recommendations to the Senate, via the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, after consultation with the Faculty Boards, Departments and Graduate Studies Committees, if appropriate, on all matters to do with graduate study in the University; (c) To make recommendations on the appropriate provision of academic resources and social facilities for postgraduate students in the University; (d) To make awards partly or wholly established from University funds to graduate students and to nominate students for postgraduate awards made by external bodies; (e) To advise the Senate, via the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, on any general or specific strategic considerations regarding postgraduate study or research in the University; (f) To review postgraduate courses in the University as required; (g) To scrutinise all new postgraduate degree and course proposals and recommend approval to the Senate via the Academic Quality and Standards Committee; (h) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on 1 matters relating to examinations for postgraduate degrees; 2/12-13 (i) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the role of internal and external examiners for postgraduate degrees; (j) To consider external examiners’ reports, annual course reviews, strategic departmental review reports and Student Staff Liaison Committee reports; to intervene with departments where issues arise and to advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on substantive issues of concern; (k) To consider requests for variations to the AP(C/E)L policy, referring to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee where matters of principle arise. Membership of the Board 2012/2013 REPORTED: 3/12-13 (a) That the membership of the Board for 2012/13 was as set out in paper BGS 1/12-13 with news on outstanding vacancies to follow; (b) That the Education Officer from the Students’ Union would not sit on the Board of Graduates Studies, but that an additional Postgraduate Faculty Representative would act as the second co-opted student in addition to the Students’ Union’s Postgraduate Sabbatical Officer. Schedule of meetings of the Board REPORTED: That the Board would meet subsequently as follows during the academic year 2012-13: 22 November 2012 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, University House; 15 January 2013 at 9.30am the Council Chamber, University House; 19 February 2013 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, University House; 2 May 2013 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, University House; 6 June 2013 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, University House. 4/12-13 Terms of Reference of the Graduate Awards and Nominations SubCommittee REPORTED: That Professor Labbe had taken Chair’s Action on behalf of the Board to approve the terms of reference of the Graduate Awards and Nominations Sub-Committee as follows: (a) To exercise delegated authority on behalf of the Board of Graduate Studies to award scholarships via centrally administered competitions to the most academically able applicants and students for postgraduate taught and research degrees; (b) To contribute towards the ranking and scoring of applications to 2 scholarship competitions not administered via central competitions; 5/12-13 (c) To review the operation and criteria for postgraduate scholarship competitions on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Board of Graduate Studies regarding changes, where appropriate; (d) To secure the integrity and probity of the award of postgraduate scholarships at Warwick; (e) To respond to University directives concerning the awarding of University funds and advise the Board of Graduate Studies accordingly. Membership of Sub-Committees Graduate Awards and Nominations Sub-Committee CONSIDERED: The election of representatives to the Graduate Awards and Nominations Sub-Committee, noting that the formal membership was as follows: (a) The Chair of the Board as the Chair; (b) The Chairs of the Graduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences; (c) Four members of the Board, one from each of the Faculties: Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Science; Faculty of Social Sciences. With the additional representation of the following Faculty Selectors (not Committee members) in determining awards to be made by the University, two from each Faculty: (d) Faculty of Arts; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Science; Faculty of Social Sciences. RESOLVED: 6/12-13 (i) That members of the Board would be approached to serve on the Graduate Awards and Nominations Sub-Committee; (ii) That Faculty Graduate Studies Committees would nominate representatives at their next meetings and communicate these appointments to the Board. Nomination for Membership of the Board of Undergraduate Studies 3 CONSIDERED: The nomination of a representative of the Board to serve on the Board of Undergraduate Studies. RESOLVED: That Dr J Vickery serve as the representative of the Board on the Board of Undergraduate Studies. 7/12-13 Nomination of student member on the University Research Ethics Committee CONSIDERED: The nomination of a student member of the Board to serve on the University Research Ethics Committee. RESOLVED: That the Students’ Union Postgraduate Officer for 2012/13 would coordinate the nomination of a representative from the Students’ Union to serve as the student member of the University Research Ethics Committee, once the Postgraduate Faculty Representatives have been appointed. 8/12-13 Change to Board Secretariat REPORTED: 9/12-13 (a) That Dan Pearson, Assistant Registrar (Graduate School) would act as Secretary to the Board with effect from October 2012; (b) That the Board thanked Roberta Wooldridge Smith for her contribution during her tenure as Secretary to the Board. Freedom of Information Act: Publication Scheme REPORTED: 10/12-13 (a) That the University committed to publishing the minutes, agendas and non-reserved business of University bodies and committees on the University website, as part of its Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; (b) That members of the Board were reminded that minutes of Board meetings would be published in this way. Minutes of the last meeting CONSIDERED: The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 7 June 2012. RESOLVED: 4 That the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 7 June 2012 be approved. 11/12-13 Matters Arising on the Minutes (a) Extenuating circumstances (Minutes 60(d) and 36/11-12 referred) RECEIVED: The text agreed by Board members subsequent to the last meeting, for inclusion in online departmental handbooks, (paper BGS 2/1213). RESOLVED: That the agreed text be made available on the Graduate School website, noting that departments should ensure that the statement was incorporated into departmental handbooks. (b) Summer vacation supervision for taught postgraduates (Minute 48/09-10 referred) CONSIDERED: A paper from the Secretary summarising feedback from academic departments on the levels of supervision and support provided to taught postgraduate students during the summer vacation dissertation/project phase of a master’s course (paper BGS 3/1213). RESOLVED: (c) (i) That the Board supported the need for some common principles of guidance to assist departments in formulating policies relating to supervision outside of term time; (ii) That departments be specific in their guidance about the level of supervision students can expect to receive outside of term time, noting that ambiguous phrases such as ‘reasonable’ should be avoided; (iii) That the statement should acknowledge that in addition to academic and research focused activities, supervisors were entitled to take annual leave during the summer months; (iv) That the Graduate School draft a statement of expectations to be circulated to departments to assist in their preparation of guidance, and for onward approval by the AQSC and that, once approved, this be communicated via the Graduate School newsletter. Consideration of External Examiners’ reports (Minute 103/11-12 referred) 5 REPORTED: That the AQSC, at its meeting on 7 June, considered the recommendation from the Board that the relevance of the annual consideration of the external examiners’ reports for postgraduate taught programmes by the Board of Graduate Studies be reviewed, noting that due to timing of meetings of Boards of Examiners, submission of external examiners’ reports and departmental responses, the Board was considering reports after up to a year’s delay and resolved that the Teaching Quality team develop proposals with the Graduate School for an alternative mechanism for reviewing postgraduate taught External Examiners’ reports. (d) UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Record Keeping of PGR Supervision (Minute 81/11-12 referred) REPORTED: That at its meeting held on 3 May 2012, the Board considered a paper from the Secretary focussing on departmental record keeping of PGR supervision and resolved that a more comprehensive insight into departmental practice concerning the frequency of supervision and quality of record keeping be undertaken as recommended in paper BGS 87/11-12. CONSIDERED: A paper from the Deputy Academic Registrar setting out the results of a review of departmental practice and issues arising (paper BGS 4/12-13). RESOLVED: (i) That there was a range of approaches in departments with regard to supervisory practices but that all departments were required to submit monitoring points for each course to meet minimum requirements consistent with the University’s obligations to the UKBA; (ii) That the Board endorsed a student-led system of supervision record-keeping as a reflective exercise useful in its own right to support students’ academic development, noting that such a system was currently in use in Life Sciences and a number of other UK universities; (iii) That the Graduate School investigate electronic systems for recording supervision, noting that any system specifications would need to be flexible to accommodate departmental needs; potentially be adaptable to different levels of study; and be compatible with the University’s evolving VLE; (iv) That notwithstanding different departmental cultures with respect to research student supervision, the Graduate School, and wider University had articulated through its Guidelines referenced in 6 the paper, a clear expectation of regular supervisory meetings between student and supervisory team to which it expected all departments to adhere. 12/12-13 Progress toward Strategy Targets and Planning Business for 2012/2013 CONSIDERED: (a) A paper from the Chair setting out the strategic priorities of the Board over the coming year (paper BGS 5/12-13); RESOLVED: That the Board would take forward these priorities in 2012-13. (b) A paper from the Deputy Academic Registrar setting out progress towards the Vision 2015 target of doubling PGR numbers (paper BGS 6/12-13). REPORTED: That the further progress made towards the doubling PGR numbers target set out in Vision 2015 represented a positive development. (c) An oral report from the Chair of the Board discussing the current position on entry requirements for postgraduate study at Warwick. REPORTED: That this be deferred to the next meeting of the Board. (d) A paper from the Deputy Academic Registrar on the achievement of balanced cohorts on postgraduate taught courses, (paper BGS 7/1213). RESOLVED: (i) That the Senior Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions) be asked to provide a breakdown of current students recruited from Chinese universities, by tier, and consider whether limiting recruitment from lower tiers could have negative consequences for the University, it being noted that continued recruitment from tiers 3 and 4 might also be reputationally disadvantageous; (ii) That the new Postgraduate Student Development Officer (Graduate School), once appointed, and in conjunction with colleagues from the International Office, conduct a piece of work relating to the learning experience of postgraduate students in cohorts containing a dominant group from one international market, with a specific focus on measures the University might take to secure the quality and parity of their experience. 13/12-13 Postgraduate Recruitment CONSIDERED: 7 (a) A report from the Director of the Student Admissions and Recruitment Office on postgraduate student recruitment numbers for the 2012-13 academic year (paper BGS 8/12-13). (b) A copy of the substantially revised Postgraduate Prospectus for 2012 (paper BGS 9/12-13). RESOLVED: 14/12-13 (c) That departments be encouraged to make decisions about applicants in a timely manner, thereby reducing the number of outstanding admissions decisions, noting that this was often a factor in students accepting offers at Warwick; (d) That in light of the difficulties in obtaining a visa encountered by applicants receiving offers in September, the Senior Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions) be asked to write a paper for the next meeting of the Board considering the feasibility of setting a deadline for the issue of offers to overseas students for postgraduate taught courses; (e) That Postgraduate Admissions produce further information, on a country-by-country basis, regarding those countries in which it was more difficult to obtain a visa at a late stage of the admissions cycle, the better to guide departments as to applicants’ likelihood of success in securing a visa, as a function of the timing of their application. Chair’s Business (a) AHRC BGP 2 REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board would provide an update on the development of the AHRC BGP 2 submission by correspondence. (b) PGR scholarship nomination quotas for DTCs (Minute 96(d)/-11-12 referred) REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board would provide an update on PGR scholarship nomination quotas for DTCs by correspondence. (c) DGS induction/refresher session, 24 October 2012. REPORTED: That a DGS induction/refresher session would take place in the PG Hub on 24 October 2012, 12-2pm. (d) Summer recall of library books from PG students. 8 REPORTED: That discussion about the summer recall of library books from postgraduate students be deferred to the next meeting of the Board. (e) Postgraduate Conference, 21 November 2012. REPORTED: That the Postgraduate Conference, to be held jointly with SARO and the Graduate School and incorporating SARO’s annual PG selectors’ conference, would take place on 21 November 2012. (f) Fee structures for visiting postgraduate research students from strategic global partner institutions. REPORTED: That discussion about fee structures for visiting postgraduate research students from strategic global partner institutions be deferred to the next meeting of the Board. (g) Outcome of funding bids in 2012 (paper BGS 10/12-13) REPORTED: (h) (i) That the Hardship Fund that assisted students during the 2011-12 academic year be continued and formalised as a ‘Thesis Completion Hardship Grant’, aimed at students nearing the end of their registration period and allowing funding to cover no more than the first three months of an extension period; (ii) That the maximum rate of funding available to students be half the Research Council rate, to be reviewed in individual cases depending upon the level of hardship presented; (ii) That applications be received at any point of the year, noting that decisions would be made at the time that applications were received, resulting in grant availability ceasing once all funds had been allocated in the academic year; (iii) That the Graduate School endeavour to monitor progress of students in receipt of the grant on a monthly basis to enable funding to be withdrawn where it was not being utilised appropriately. Fulbright Summer Institute REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board would provide an update on the Fulbright Summer Institute by correspondence. (i) Fulbright Administrator Seminar 9 REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board would provide an update on the Fulbright Administrator Seminar by correspondence. 15/12-13 Warwick Portfolio CONSIDERED: A report from the Head of Student Development on progress with the development and launch of the Warwick Portfolio (paper BGS 11/12-13). RESOLVED: 16/12-13 (a) That the new Postgraduate Student Development Officer (Graduate School), once appointed, make a report to the Board on the progress of the Warwick Portfolio on a regular basis; (b) That all stakeholders in the Portfolio should be engaged in its development, including full briefings for advocates on faculty-specific programmes such as the PGCTSS. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) 2012 RECEIVED: (a) A detailed analysis of Warwick PTES 2012 results (paper BGS 12/12-13); (b) Detailed Warwick PTES 2012 results with the Russell Group aggregate results benchmark (paper BGS 13/12-13); (c) PTES 2012 Report (paper BGS 14/12-13). RESOLVED: 17/12-13 (d) That the PTES response rate was higher than in previous years and that the University should continue to encourage students to engage with such surveys; (e) That the Graduate School clarify the inconsistencies of message with regard to feedback highlighted in the report, it being noted that data recorded for specific faculties/departments might be at odds with general trends reported; (f) That the Graduate Studies Committees for Arts and Science be provided with PTES data specific to their faculty, for consideration to be given to their results in the areas of assessment and feedback, to see if any reasons for lower than average scores could be identified. Postgraduate Student Residential Accommodation Strategy CONSIDERED: 10 A paper from the Deputy Academic Registrar on issues raised at the PGR Recruitment Group relating to the University’s current postgraduate student residential accommodation strategy, noting a correction to the paper reported orally at the meeting confirming that students’ fees status was borne in mind when allocating postgraduate students rooms on campus after undergraduate students had been accommodated (paper BGS 15/1213). RESOLVED: 18/12-13 (a) That any changes in policy should note that EU students shared many of the same issues as overseas students in obtaining accommodation and should be equally prioritised; (b) That the Board endorsed the principle that non-UK postgraduate students should take higher priority than final year undergraduate students in the allocation of campus-based accommodation; (c) That the Board strongly supported the availability of flexible shortterm campus-based accommodation, accepting that this might result in a decline in overall occupancy and therefore income and that it be recommended to the University that structural mechanisms be put in place to enable them to manage this necessary flexibility; (d) That the discussions held at the International Committee, and between the Chair of the Board and the Head of the Centre for Applied Linguistics, complemented the Board’s discussions and should be communicated to the relevant individuals and bodies. Interim PGT Exam Boards CONSIDERED: A paper from the Deputy Academic Registrar proposing the establishment of interim Taught Postgraduate Boards of Examiners in order to comply with UKBA reporting requirements (paper BGS 16/12-13). RESOLVED: That relevant departments institute interim exam boards to enable them formally to consider the position of weaker candidates and recommend exit with a lower qualification, where appropriate, at the earliest possible opportunity, to ensure that the University met its obligations with respect to the UKBA and enabling students to be provided with evidence of their achievement earlier than was currently possible. 19/12-13 PGR Annual Review CONSIDERED: A paper from the Assistant Secretary providing an update on progress with the implementation of the electronic annual report form mechanism (paper BGS 17/12-13). RESOLVED: 11 20/12-13 (a) That the Board reiterated its support for the new electronic annual reporting system; (b) That the Graduate School redistribute guidance to departments about the process for gaining access to e-Vision; (c) That the Graduate School discuss with colleagues in the Management Information and Planning Office ways in which to identify supervisors who have not gained access to e-Vision, or have not yet completed their sections of students’ annual report forms; (d) That the Graduate School seek positive feedback from students about the online system, which could then be fed back to departments; (e) That the Graduate School run a demonstration of the system within the DGS induction and PG conference in order to dispel any potential concerns about the system. Risk Assessment REPORTED: That the Board, at its meeting held on 7 June 2012, considered a paper from the Senior Assistant Registrar (Governance, Risk and Business Continuity) and resolved that risk identification and assessment be considered by the Board as a standing item on a termly basis and be an element of consideration of all proposals before the Board. 21/12-13 OIA Annual Letter RECEIVED: The OIA’s Annual Letter, outlining the number of complaint and appeals considered by the OIA in the last year (paper BGS 18/12-13). 22/12-13 Chair’s Action RECEIVED: A report on items approved by the Chair on behalf of the Board (paper BGS 19/12-13), as follows: (a) Faculty of Science (i) Department of Computer Science Revision of MSc in Cognitive Systems (minute BGS 113(c)(i)/11-12 and draft unconfirmed minute SGS 41/11-12 refer) REPORTED: (A) That, at its meeting on 7 June 2012, the Board 12 considered a proposal from the Department of Computer Science to revise the ‘Master of Science in Cognitive Systems’ course as set out in paper SGS 60/11-12, and resolved that the proposal be approved, subject to clarification of reference to undergraduate modules and provision of full information on overall course structure and CATS. (B) (ii) That clarification of reference to undergraduate modules and full information on overall course structure and CATS has been received from the Department of Computer Science and that the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the revision of the ‘Master of Science in Cognitive Systems’ course. Department of Engineering Revision of Engineering Doctorate (International) That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had taken action to approve the proposal to revise the Engineering Doctorate (International) as set out in the paper SGS 116/1011. (iii) Complexity Science Direct entry route onto PhD in Complexity Science REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had taken action to approve the addition of a direct entry route onto the PhD in Complexity Science for candidates who are considered to have undertaken appropriate MSc study and PhD preparation equivalent to that given in the MSc in Complexity Science. (b) Faculty of Medicine (i) MSc in Health Sciences (Plastic Surgery) (minute BGS 112(b)/11-12 and draft unconfirmed minute GSCFM 44(b)/11-12 refer) REPORTED: (A) That, at its meeting at its meeting on 7 June 2012, the Board considered a proposal from Warwick Medical School to introduce the ‘Master of Science in Health Sciences (Plastic Surgery)’ course as set out in papers M&CPD SC 17/11-12 (revised 4), M&CPD SC 38-39/11-12, M&CPD SC 41/11-12 (revised), and 13 BGS 106&130-131/11-12 and resolved that the proposal be approved, subject to clarification regarding the stability of the course due to the high percentage of honorary teaching staff. (B) (ii) That clarification regarding the stability of the course due to the high percentage of honorary teaching staff has been received from Warwick Medical School and that the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the introduction of the ‘Master of Science in Health Sciences (Plastic Surgery)’ course, with the proviso that the arrangements should be reviewed after the first full year of the course to make sure that they are adequate for quality assurance and student experience issues. MSc in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research REPORTED: (iii) (A) That the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, acting on its behalf, took action to approve the proposal to revise the ‘MSc in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research’ course, as set out in the papers M&CPD SC 53/11-12 (revised) and M&CPD SC 57/11-12 (revised). (B) That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the proposal to revise the ‘MSc in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research’ course. MSc in Research Methods in Health Sciences (minute BGS 113(b)(i)/11-12 and draft unconfirmed minute GSCFM 44(d)/11-12 refer) REPORTED: (A) That, at its meeting at its meeting on 7 June 2012, the Board considered a proposal from Warwick Medical School to revise the ‘Master of Science in Research Methods in Health Sciences’ course as set out in paper M&SPD SC 7/11-12 (revised) and resolved that the proposal be approved for October 2013 to allow time for SSLC consultation and external consultation. (B) That further information regarding the course had been received from Warwick Medical School, and the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the proposal for the revision to the ‘Master of Science in Research Methods in Health Sciences’ course to take effect 14 from October 2012. (iv) MSc in Oral Surgery (minute BGS 70(c)(i)/11-12 and GSCFM 23(b)/11-12 refer) REPORTED: (c) (A) That, at its meeting on 24 February 2012, the Board considered a proposal from Warwick Medical School to introduce a new course entitled ‘Master of Science in Oral Surgery’ as set out in papers DMAP SC 11/1011 (revised 4) and GSCFM 9/11-12 and resolved that the proposal be approved, subject to approval by the Collaborative Flexible and Distributed Learning SubCommittee. (B) That the Chair of the Collaborative Flexible and Distributed Learning Sub-Committee, acting on its behalf, took action to approve the proposal, and that the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the proposal to introduce a new course entitled ‘Master of Science in Oral Surgery’. Faculty of Social Sciences (i) Institute of Education MA in the Advanced Teaching of Shakespeare (minute BGS 54(b)(ii)/11-12 refers) REPORTED: (d) (A) That, at its meeting on 16 January 2012, the Board considered a proposal for approval to establish a new course entitled “MA in the Advanced Teaching of Shakespeare”, as set out in papers BGS 47/11-12, 48/11-12, 49/11-12 and 50/11-12, and resolved that the proposal be approved in principle. (B) That the Chair of Board, acting on its behalf, had approved a revised proposal for the new course entitled “MA in the Advanced Teaching of Shakespeare”, as outlined in paper BGS 135/11-12. Faculty of Arts (i) Department of Hispanic Studies (A) PhD in Hispanic Studies REPORTED: 1. That the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the 15 Faculty of Arts, acting on its behalf, took action to approve the proposal to introduce the “PhD in Hispanic Studies” course as set out in the papers AGSC 03/12-13 and AGSC 04/12-13. 2. That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the proposal to introduce the “PhD in Hispanic Studies” course. (B) MA by Research in in Hispanic Studies REPORTED: 1. That the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Arts, acting on its behalf, took action to approve the proposal to introduce the “MA by Research in Hispanic Studies” course as set out in the papers AGSC 01/12-13 and AGSC 02/12-13. 2. That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had subsequently taken action to approve the proposal to introduce the “MA by Research in Hispanic Studies” course. (ii) Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies (minute BGS 70/11-12(b) refers) REPORTED: (A) That, at its meeting on 24 February 2012, the Board considered a proposal from the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies to introduce a new course entitled ‘Master of Arts in World Literature’ as set out in papers AGSC 12a-d/11-12 and oral report from Professor S Shapiro and resolved that the proposal be approved, subject to conditions set by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, clarification of prerequisite/exclusive relationship between modules, clarification of length of part-time variant and clarification of whether the course is designed to be independently funded. (B) That the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Arts, acting on its behalf, took action to approve the proposal. (C) That clarification of prerequisite/exclusive relationship between modules, length of part-time variant, and whether the course is designed to be independently funded had been received, and the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, hasd subsequently taken action to approve the proposal to introduce a new course entitled ‘Master of Arts in World Literature’. 16 (e) Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by Research REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had taken action to approve minor amendments to the Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by Research reflecting changes approved by the Board relating to the role of Examination Advisors, declaration for theses submitted within the Faculties of Medicine and Science and changes to University Regulations approved by the Senate in July 2012. (f) Course Proposal Form (CA1) REPORTED: That the Chair of the Board, acting on its behalf, had taken action to approve minor amendments to course proposal form (CA1) reflecting changes in hyperlinks and clarifying areas that external advisers should comment on, including a specific reference to the QAA Subject Benchmark Statements. 23/12-13 Postgraduate Association and the Students’ Union RECEIVED: An oral report from the Postgraduate Sabbatical Officer. 24/12-13 Monash/Warwick joint PhD handbook RECEIVED: A copy of the handbook developed over the summer vacation for joint Warwick/Monash doctoral courses (paper BGS 20/12-13). REPORTED: That recruitment to the joint Warwick/Monash doctoral courses was anticipated to commence in early 2013. 25/12-13 Postgraduate Admissions Statement RECEIVED: A revised Postgraduate Admissions Statement from the Senior Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions) (paper BGS 21/12-13). RESOLVED: (a) That a recommendation be made by the Senior Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions) to section E. 7. of the Postgraduate Admissions Statement to state ‘The University aims to make 17 decisions on complete applications for taught courses in four to six weeks…’, to account for decisions taking longer than this being made on incomplete applications; (b) 26/12-13 That members be invited to feed back to the Senior Assistant Registrar (Postgraduate Admissions) any comments or suggestions for further amendment as soon as possible. Graduate School Newsletter RECEIVED: The Summer 2012 newsletter issued by the Graduate School since the last meeting of the Board (paper BGS 22/12-13, previously circulated and available at etters/newsletter-0712-copy/ it being noted that an autumn 2012 had also since been issued, also available online. 27/12-13 New Course Proposal Department of Economics MRes in Economics CONSIDERED: A proposal from the Department of Economics to introduce an ‘MRes in Economics’, as set out in paper BGS 23/12-13. RESOLVED: That the proposal be approved in principle, noting the following: 28/12-13 (a) That there needed to be clarification on the fees structure, which would be considered by the Academic Activities Sub-Committee; (b) That there was concern expressed regarding the intention to hold three taught modules over two terms, noting that a model of a Postgraduate Diploma rather than Taught Masters qualification may be more appropriate in the circumstances; (c) That the award of lower qualifications should be included at the progression exam board; (d) That the University’s pass mark for Postgraduate Taught programmes is 50% and the taught components of the MRes should be amended in line with this policy. Next meeting REPORTED: That the next meeting of the Board would be Thursday 22 November 2012 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, University House 18 HRWS/DP/KW 01.10.12 Records & Finance/BGS/2012-13/2012.10.10/BGS MINUTES October 12 19