iiî. ì,ffft,.i, W,* Ambrose Easterly LRC PRC WILLIAIVÍ RAINEY HARPER C0LLEGE Algonquin Ê Roselle Roads Palatine, Il.linois COMMIT1EF II{EETTNG NOTICE of the Board of Trustees of District No. 512, Counties'of Cook, McHenry and State of Illinois Members tffi.l NffiICE IS .it: . :'";.i¡,' of the whole of the Board of Trustees of Harper College on Tuesday, lfLtl;rl, , juíiì^'",r,: . I : i::,,'- l'liij, ì ',,ni':-.: ' :ltì;ri:i;.llii:j.:,,- :, -iíLil .: :.;¡i ::!,,r i -1, . ¡irii;, rr.,j:j' .i. .:, ii¡,¡1,'ilj:;r,'1t ¡¡r :',' ,::ril'i:iii r:r: .i"r.:. 'ttt,iii .. ,4[!;sr,'i, , ,fli',: l: 1jì1. 6, Lg77, at 7i30 p.m. in the Board Roon of:the ad¡ninistration bui.lding, to discuss the selection of the presidential search advisory corrnittee and g16 criteria andlqualifications of the president. :' . DATED this 30th day of Novenber, Lg77, at Palatine, Illinois., 'Decenber ' .1r ,1.; , ,..,, i;l :. ' r. :l , : , . , ii,. ,' , r . 'g¡i1'r ' , ',i.",,'.:. . _': .: ,r-il:r::.r- , ;,i.,,i. 1. i,i,:l ,t¡¡fi,-,'¡..,.,., . ,. . ',);: :j 1 .,; t;' ;1:';' ' 't',\'.¿': . "," ,,¡iliii:::, r'; , ,, 'jtrl'1:; :. 'i',r'i,, ::i.ì;:li':::jr:;: : ) r l l- i'z.'';..,.' . ' 'liii:ri..': .::1, :: ¿,... : ,Ìffiii.,t,,.. ,ij'Ì , :: r, ^ì,,r ':,-)r,q1, ,,i"i"$t' . i¡it'".' ...;rT iô¡, , ir-',., , , ,' . r¡.i. ..t ,i.,i':,,1*':;r'L:,,r . ;¡i'i,i:i! :ái:"r¿.:, .' '.ffiï, r; l:t,¡':.iïi!,,:i,:l : i;lir.-.ì*'ì,:;,' i'þ: .- l \."j\r..f, l ¡ 1i . lMâ@ SHIRLEY A. MTJNSON Chairman, Board l¡ i, " , that there lrit.l be a conmittee neeting ;::l i i. ;l.jt',irj , HEREBY GIVEN Corununity College Kane, Lake and of Trustees