AMßR(]SE EASTERTY LRC ?RD WILLTAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE Algonquin S Roselle Roads Palatine, I l.linois NOTICË OF EDUCATIONAL MEETTNG of the Board of Trustees of District No. 512, Counties of Cook, McHenry and State of lllinois Menbers NOTICE Meeting IS HEREBY GIVEN that there Connunity College Kane, Lake, and will be an Educatlonal of the Board of Trustees on Thutsday, February 17, L977, at the hour of 8:00 p.rn., in the Board Roon of ltlilliart Co11ege, Rainey Harper Palatine, I11ínois, for the purpose of hearing reports on sabbaticaL leaves and DATED faculty fellowships. this 15th day of February, ¡1. Board of L977, at Palatihe, Illinois. ¡.¡9¡t9v¡t Trustees EDUCATIONAL MEETTNG Sabbatical Leaves - Faculty Fe1-lowshlps February 17, t977 Agenda I. II. Introduction Df. John R. Birkholz Sabbatlcal Leaves Dr. DavLd L. tr{i.lliams Mr. Robert Powell * Doctoral program studl-es on the Adult Learner Dr. Joyce Nolen = Doctoral progtam l-n Counselor Education Dr. J. R. Tlllotson - Study of programs of Vocatl"onal Muslc Ms. Lee Kolzow : Study and ínvestlgatlon of, a Learnlng Asslgtance Center for Adults Learnlng Di.sablltttes Mr. Ray Moehrl-irr - Doctoral progran ln teachlng of Mathematics I1l. Dt, Robert B. Cormack Faculty Fe1-lowshlps Mrs. Barbara Fournler and Mrs. Marsha Geddes - Development of lnstructLonal materials for Sectetarlal Science Lab Mrs. Therese Butzen - DeveJ-opment of Lnstructlonal materlals for lfIH 110, Laboratoty Mathematics Dr. Mary Lou Mulvlhi11 - Further development of currlcul-um materiaLs for BIO 102, Iluman Blology TI Mrs. Nancy FoJo - Expanslon of PSY 110, lluman Potentlal Seml-nar Dr. Míke oester * Computer progråñs for Chemtstry I and General Chemlstry II I22, Mr. Joseph Yohanan - Devel-opnent CHM 121 and CHM Genetal of lnstructional unlt ln Solar Energy SYNOPSIS OF FACULTY FELLOT,üSHIPS Ms. Barbara Fourniet arrd Ms. Marsha Geddes The ptímary obJectl-ve lmpletnent audlovl-sual of this proJect t¿as to develop materlals necessafy to tutorlal coutse t^rofk ln beginnlng typing and tnag card selectric typewrlting. All rnaterials r^rete developed durlng the sutnmei of I976. These materials are noür a permânent part of the AVT Lab. Ms. Therese Butzen 1o fesearch and write instructlonal- materials to cover the applred nathematics portlon of MTH 110. A first draft of the completed text was available by the end of August.- L976, Thls material is provlng to be a reaL asset to students íí Medical Laboratory Teehnology and Chernlstry. Dr. I'Iary Lou Mu1vlhl1l To further develop Bro 102, Human Biology rr (pathology) by preparlng ä more comprehensíve course oütll-ne, assetnbll-ng and categorizlrrg áppropríatã audiovlsual ftaterials and by preparíng new s1ídes, transpareflcles, charts, etc. All rraterl,als tnrere avallable by Ãugust L5, 1976. These materials better meet the needs of a very dlverslfled group of health câreer students. Itfs. Nancy Fo j o To expand PSY 110, Human Potenttal Semlnar¡ to arr ttumbrellatt couree system undet which the counsellng staff can offer a variety of smal1 grotip experlences. Cotrrse ouÈl1nes r¿ere developed for each of the fol-1-owing toplcsl (i) pàople to people, (2) Leadership Development¡ (3) Baslc Encountet Group, and (4) Developlng Asåertlve BehavÍor. These optlons were added to the f.aLI Ig76 schedule wtth poàíÈive results. Dr. Míchael Oester To provide students wlth drill and practiee ln chernicaL nomenclature and formula wrlting and also assíst students in CHM 121- and c$l4 I22 in their lab data and calculalions. Mr. oester gave Dr. Cormack a demonstratl-on of hls computet programming on JuIy 27, 1976, and presented hls ftnal report on August 1-6, Lg76, These tnaterial-s have been availabl-e for student use since the beginning of the fal1 term. Mr. Joseph Yohanan To lncorporate solar enêrgy instructl-onaL unlts ln Atchltectural Technology courses and develop contlnuing educatiott seminars. A final report was submltted to adtnlntstratl-on on September 9, L976. Mf. yohananrs l"nterest trr solar energy has led to a frumber of successful semlflars. Incotporatlon of solar energy Unlt lnto credlt courseg has helped to keep ínstruction ln Architectural Technology ãLrr.nt. SYNOPSTS OF SABBATTCAL LEAVES Mr. Robert Powel-l The l-eave ù/as granted for the purpose of lntegrating adult education learning techniques l-nto Èhe teachlng of Engllsh. Objectives of the leave have been satisfled and the díssertatton ptoJect ls underhray. l^Iíth the ínflux of the adul-t learner ort our campus, thís sËudy has slgnificance for future lnstructional methodologLes. Dr. Joyce NoLen The l-eave lras gråntéd to complete the doctoral prograrn ln counselor educatlon. The prograrn hlas completed and the degree arrarded. As a result of the extenslve course\^Iork and practicutn experlences, the ef f ectLveness of one member of the o counsel-fng staff has been enhanced. Dr. J. R. Tl-llotson the study of the feasibtllty of a tûro-year vocatl-onal muslc prograrn was the purpose of Èhls leave, ConsÍderable informatíon rras obtaLned ¡.rhlch ts iel-ated to the generic area, but addltional r¿ork 1s needed to identlfy speclfic pfografimatLc areas for fncLuslon t¡lthin our program. Upon lmplementatlon, the breadth of our vocatLonal programs would be enhanced r¡ith pfograms tn thls afea, Ms. Lee Kolzow lhe study of adult learntng dlsabil-ities and the role that Harper rníght play ln servLng these persons !üâs the purpose of thls study. A proposaL for trnplementing a Learnl-ng Assístance Centet has been developed. Implementation of thís progrâm concept would broaden services offered to a net¿ student who at this time cånnot be fu1ly served. Mr. Ray Moehrlln Asíde from the satl-sfaction of course work requlrements for the doctoral degree, the purpose Ì^tas to lmprove ínstructional effectlveness j-n the teaching of mathematlcs. An lncreased abillty lrr the dlagnosis and temedl-atLorr of student 1-earníng dífftcult1es will have â positlve effect on the ntathematics ínstructlonal program.