PGCE and School Direct Secondary Lesson Plan Trainee Name: Lesson Title: Subject: Class: Date: Personal Teaching and Learning Targets (taken from evaluations and learning conversations referencing QTS standards) Learning Objectives Learning outcomes/Success Criteria (Highlight those to be shared with pupils) (Highlight those to be shared with pupils) PGCE and School Direct Secondary Lesson Plan Behaviour for Learning focus (Standard 7: entry to and exit from room, seating plans, individual, paired and group work, gender and ability considerations, following school’s procedures etc) Resources/space – (include Health and Safety considerations if applicable): NB: consider a contingency plan (e.g. what happens if ICT fails, or space/resource unavailable) PGCE and School Direct Secondary Lesson Plan Context (National Curriculum links, scheme of work information, insight into previous lesson, cross-curricular opportunities.) Individual learner needs - Include pupil information, e.g. ability, targets, levels, PP, SEN etc Developing and incorporating literacy, numeracy, and ICT: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural themes/connections: PGCE and School Direct Secondary Lesson Plan Learning and Teaching Sequence Approx timings Link to learning objectives and outcomes Learner Teacher Differentiation Assessment PGCE and School Direct Secondary Lesson Plan Lesson Evaluation What was successful/not so successful? Why? What can I do about it? Annotate your lesson plan using these prompts: Explanation Questioning Assessment Differentiation Transitions Engagement Relationships Literacy Numeracy ICT Involvement of other adults These prompts are a guide for reflection, you are not expected to use all the prompts, but you are expected to demonstrate reflection. Consider impact made on Pupil Progress (in single lesson, SOW, over time) Targets for future lessons: (specify Teachers’ Standards, where applicable)