ASSESSING POTENTIAL TRADEOFFS IN ECOSYSTEM SERVICES WITH CLIMATE CHANGE AND FIRE MANAGEMENT IN A MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA, WASHINGTON, USA Rebecca Kennedy USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Corvallis, Oregon The Wilderness Society 2010 What is the future of our ecosystem services? ES Defined: The multitude of resources and processes that are supplied by natural ecosystems, and from which humankind benefits Services include maintenance of biodiversity, clean drinking water (provisioning), carbon sequestration (regulating), nutrient dispersal and cycling (supporting), intellectual and spiritual (cultural) We can evaluate how services may respond to change to better understand the resiliency of a system Concept was formalized and popularized via UN 2004 Millennium Assessment Forest management reflects human values for ecosystem services The Northwest Forest Plan (1994-) To conserve habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl and other older forest associates etc. Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) Reserved large blocks of older forest with structural complexity including standing and down dead wood Static network of reserves on federal lands Designed for PNW moist forests with long mean fire return intervals Ecosystem services: Carbon Sequestration Where is the US Carbon? The Wilderness Society 2010 Risks* to Ecosystem Services: older forest habitat Northern Spotted Owl nest site in dry forest Late Successional Reserve * Barred Owls Forest Insects/Disease Climate change + fire Recent response to risk of loss of older forest habitat in dry forests: USFWS NSO Recovery Plan “identify, maintain, and restore … dry forest habitat-capable area as spatially dynamic high-quality spotted owl habitat patches” Westside PNW dry forests may need special care in the face of climate change In areas of high vulnerability from climate change We need better information about potential future fire and vegetation dynamics, and effects on wildlife habitat and C dynamics Fire Regimes and Climate Change Effects on Ecosystem Services Project Objectives Characterize potential future vegetation dynamics and fire risk and related ecosystem services in the dry forests of the Pacific Northwest Climate change Fire Veg Habitat C Assess how climate change and fire management may affect habitat for older forest-associated wildlife species and other species of concern Assess how total carbon and its dynamics over time at the landscape scale may be affected by climate change and fire management Are there tradeoffs among ecosystem services given different levels of fire and fuels mgt? Fire Regimes and Climate Change Effects on Ecosystem Services Project Multiple PNW Landscapes, including: C WA Wenatchee NF Zone 1. Develop manager-tailored scenarios designed to promote development and maintenance of NSO habitat, foster system resilience to fire and climate change 2. Link to HexSim Population Dynamics Models for NSO, BDOW 3. Assess potential C, habitat dynamics for multiple spp. C OR “Upper Deschutes” Deschutes NF Zone 1.Assess potential C, habitat dynamics for multiple species 2.Characterize tree species sensitivity to CC 3.Develop aquatic/riparian module for spp. of interest 4.Link Fire and Vegetation Dynamics findings to VDDT ILAP (OR, WA, AZ, NM project) Olympic National Park ~630 mm ppt/yr Known for temperate rain forest on western (wet) side +3,600 mm ppt/yr E (dry) side in rain shadow of Mt Olympus->drier forest types Lightning-caused fire, Little River Valley, Olympic National Park Olympic National Park Drier forests have high vulnerability to changes in timing of spring and cumulative moisture deficit Steep stream gradients Dungeness River drops 2225 m over 52 km (avg. 43m/km) Upper reaches ~200m/km Westerling et al. 2006 Ecosystem services Olympic National Forest is #2 Carbon-Storing NF in US Olympic National Park has treasured old-growth forest habitat Olympic National Park has the largest unmanaged herd of Roosevelt elk in the world Northern spotted owl habitat Strix occidentalis caurina larger conifer trees Large blocks of older forest more conifer canopy closure Threatened status (ESA) Territorial, non-migratory Home range: 5775 ha Olympic Peninsula (1196 ha Oregon Cascades) greater structural complexity Older Forest Associate (OFAS) Preferred patch conditions depend on prey Dusky footed woodrat (S): young forest, + edge Northern flying squirrel (N): older multi-layer forest, -edge Marbled murrelet nesting habitat Brachyramphus marmoratus Large conifer trees Large mossy limbs Avg 60m above ground ©Gus VanVliet 10” seabird Threatened status (ESA) Nests in coastal OG forests 2-30+ miles inland Flight speed avg. 57 mph (63 mph at sea) Older Forest Associate (OFAS) ©Troy Guy Pacific Fisher habitat Martes pennanti Large blocks of older forest Den in snags Closed canopies Older Forest Associate (OFAS) Solitary mammal Tree climber Endangered (WA) Reintroduced to Olympic NP 2008 Roosevelt elk habitat Cervus elaphus roosevelti Forage and security cover Habitat varies seasonally Grazers S/S Browsers F/W Productive grasslands, meadows, or clearcuts + closed-canopy forests WA State Mammal Cultural importance Elk protection -> Olympic NP (1909) Olympic NP has largest unmanaged population in US Fire-BGCv2 – Fire BioGeoChemical Succession model Keane et al. 1996a, Keane et al. 1996b, Keane et al. 1997 Keane et al. 1998, Keane et al. 1999, Keane et al. in prep. Key Levels of Organization Mechanistic, individual tree succession vegetation model containing stochastic properties implemented in a spatial domain + spatially explicit fire ignition and spread model LANDSCAPE SITE STAND PLOT TREE An illustration and a generalized diagram showing the complexity of ecological processes simulated on the landscape. The forest floor components that comprise the fuelbed and the processes that affect the flux of carbon and water to these components. (from Keane et al. in prep.) Fire-BGCv2 INPUTS SCENARIOS Fire Regimes (site) OUTPUTS POSTPROCESSING Qs? + Current veg: stand boundaries, individ. species phys, tree lists, fuels + Elevation (DEM) Climate change parameters Forest vegetation characteristics + Fire, fuels mgt levels Fire characteristics + Recent weather streams (50y) Maps and Tabular data + Site conditions: soils, snow… FRAGSTATS, R, etc. What are the potential effects on C dynamics, wildlife habitat dynamics? Dungeness watershed, Olympic National Park 38,000 ha area 11 sites and 507 forest stands delineated and sampled Elevation 2368 183 WA Complex topography with steep gradients 14 tree species Grand fir Douglas-fir Subalpine fir Whitebark pine Western white pine Lodgepole pine Western red cedar Western hemlock Mountain hemlock Pacific silver fir Sitka alder Yellow cedar Western yew Red alder 66 physiology and life history variables per species Tree list species dbh live/dead soil water, soil depth, snowpack, %sand/silt/clay fuel model height to base of live crown 1, 10. 100, 1000hr fuels age shade tolerant and intolerant shrubs and herbs (kg/m2) Site starting average fire frequency 150-350 years (kg/m2) Climate change parameters Seasonal shifts in temperature and precipitation +deg.C A1B B1 +% Ppt A1B B1 winter 3.3 2.7 winter 7.9 7.3 spring 2.8 2.1 spring 9.8 5.5 summer 4.5 3.0 summer -14.4 -11.2 A1B B1 fall 3.4 2.4 fall 8.0 4.8 Mote and Salathe 2009 analyzed 20 global climate models downscaled for the Pacific Northwest (124-111deg. W longitude, 41.5-49.5 deg. N. Latitude) From Mote, P.W., and E.P. Salathé. 2009. Future climate in the Pacific Northwest. Chapter 1 in The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment: Evaluating Washington's Future in a Changing Climate, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Fire management parameters Fire management type Full suppression Wildland fire mgt Natural fire mgt % fires suppressed 90 50 10 Simulation summary 2 Climate change scenarios + 1 Historical climate scenario + 1 Current climate scenario X 3 Fire management scenarios = 12 scenarios X 6 replicates =72 model runs (~1000 hrs) 500 year simulation period A1B climate change scenario, 90% fire suppression - snapshots Species Composition Simulation Year 100 500 Structural Stage C and habitat dynamics with 90% fire suppression Older Forest Habitat with 90% Fire Suppression 20 100 15 80 A_FS 10 B_FS 5 C_FS 0 60 A_FS 40 B_FS 20 C_FS 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 C: A&B: 50% of starting total C after initial phase Elk Early Seral Habitat with 90% Fire Suppression 100 HSI (0-100) HSI (0-100) C kg/m2 Total C with 90% Fire Suppression 80 60 A_FS 40 B_FS 20 C_FS OF: Current climate: stable A&B – Declines to A: 40%, B: 57% of initial amount 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Elk: A&B increase early seral component of habitat C and habitat dynamics with 10% fire suppression Older Forest Habitat with 10% Fire Suppression HSI (0-100) 100 80 60 A_NF 40 B_NF 20 C_NF 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 C: Both climate change scenarios about 20% of starting amounts Elk Early Seral Habitat with 10% Fire Suppression HSI (0-100) 100 80 60 A_FS 40 B_FS 20 C_FS 0 OF: Current: more variability, greater declines with natural fire A&B – large declines –ending amts A: 12%, B: 20% of initial 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Elk: A&B slightly higher than current; all fairly stable; more early with 10% fire suppression than 90% C spatial dynamics 10% Level of Fire Suppression 50% 90% Total C (mean across replicates) A1B Simulation Year 250 structural stage (A1B-90-500) 500 A1B B1 Climate Change Scenario B1 Older forest spatial dynamics 10% Fire Suppression 60 60 50 50 40 30 AFS 20 BFS 10 CFS % of Landscape Area % of Landscape Area 90% Fire Suppression 30 ANF 20 BNF 10 CNF 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Simulation Year Simulation Year 60 60 50 50 40 30 AFS 20 BFS 10 CFS 0 Largest Patch Index Largest Patch Index 0 40 40 30 ANF 20 BNF 10 CNF 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Simulation Year Simulation Year Older forest spatial dynamics 10% Fire Suppression 1400 1400 1200 1200 1000 800 AFS 600 400 BFS 200 CFS Mean Patch Area (m2) Mean Patch Area (m2) 90% Fire Suppression 1000 800 400 BNF 200 CNF 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Simulation Year Simulation Year 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 AFS BFS CFS Edge Density Edge Density ANF 600 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ANF BNF CNF 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Simulation Year Simulation Year Wildlife habitat dynamics Elk Maintained for most climate change scenarios with/without fire suppression Some simulations of hot, dry climate had periods with no mature habitat, much grazing habitat post-disturbance HOTDRYNS50 HOTDRYNS500 Variability over time is key! Older forest associates Some simulations of A1B climate decreased habitat more than B1 climate – reset to early successional with high severity fires HOTDRYNS50 HOTDRYNS500 Current and Next Steps Fire Regimes and Climate Change Effects on Ecosystem Services Project Develop new wildlife habitat modules (aq. & terr.) Analyze C components (vegC, litter C, soilC) Analyze veg community composition dynamics Wet vs. dry ONP landscape comparison Collect field data (Summer 2011+) in Deschutes, Willamette, Wenatchee NFs Develop management scenarios (with NFS, NPS) Coordinating with other climate change-related research: MC1 (Dominique Bachelet, Cons. Bio. Inst.; OSU) MC1/VDDT (Becky Kerns, PNW) NetMap (Gordie Reeves, PNW) – Hydrology: erosion, debris flows, thermal loading Coordinating with HexSim wildlife population modeling (NSO, BDOW, VFO Project, etc.) Inform USFWS NSO Recovery Plan and Implementation Acknowledgements for more info: Rebecca Kennedy Bob Keane (RMRS) – God of FireBGCv2 CLIMET project (National Biological Service Global Change Research Program) Erik Haunreiter (OSU) Alisa Keyser, Rachel Loehman, Lisa Holsinger (RMRS) Scott Gremel (ONP), Philip Mote (OSU) ARRA ILAP project (Integrated Landscape Assessment Project)