Climate change effects on physical and biological systems in and near the Andrews Forest, Oregon June 9, 2010 Julia Jones, Geosciences, Oregon State University with input from Bryan Black, Barbara Bond, Chris Daly, Steven Highland, Ron Metoyer, Jeff Miller, Kathleen Moore, Alan Tepley, Chris Thomas Overview • • • • Climate of HJ Andrews Forest Trends in physical climate Drivers of climate Biological responses: tree growth, moths HJ Andrews Forest – landscape setting Marine influence Orographic influence Andrews Forest Yellow dot is Andrews headquarters Summer – HJ Andrews Forest and Cascade Range Winter – HJ Andrews Forest and western Cascades The Andrews interacts with climate at multiple elevations and topography creates local winds 3200 Permanent snow/ice zone Crest of the Cascade Range 2800 McKenzie River 2000 A 2.5 degree C warming may cause this change in elevation of the snow zone, depending on how complex terrain interacts with warming processes 1600 Mack Silver fir zone Transient snow zone; Douglas-fir/western hemlock forest WS 6,7,8 WS 1,2,3 WS 10,9 Elevation (m) Seasonal snow zone; Sub-alpine forest and meadows 2400 1200 Lookout Creek (HJ Andrews) 800 400 0 Distance from the mouth of the Andrews Forest watershed (km) Span of gaged watersheds Span of snow zones Span of vegetation zones 15 40 Meteorological station in HJ Andrews Forest Meteorological station near HJ Andrews Forest Figure 2.6. Climate interactions with topography within the H.J. Andrews (shaded area) and surrounding landforms in the high Cascades are displayed by a schematic hyposmetric curve, and captured by an array of climate stations and stream gages spanning the major rain/snow and vegetation zones. Most of the area of the Andrews Forest is in the transient snow zone with Douglas-fir and western hemlock forest. We expect climate change to affect the boundary of the transient and seasonal snow zones, associated ecotones, and rain-on-snow flooding. Andrews met stations with 35 to 50 yr records Andrews reference stands with temperature records > 29 yrs RS86 RS89 Climate diagrams at the Andrews Climate trends • • • • Precipitation Air temperature Snow Streamflow Carpenter Mt. - Vanmet Reference stand 10 Trends in annual precipitation (water-year basis), HJ Andrews Forest No significant trends 1958-05 on annual basis or in any month Trends in daily minimum temperature, cs2met, 1958-2007: earlier spring by about one day/year C. Thomas Degrees C/yr Degrees C/yr Trends in mean monthly air temperature, HJ Andrews Forest Maximum temperatures increase in January, March, May, August, September Increase in max>min at ref stands; Increase in max<min at met stations Minimum temperatures increase in January, April, May, June, September Trends in mean monthly air temperature by elevation, HJ Andrews Forest: Patterns not clearly related to elevation, also affected by changes in canopy Andrews met stations with 35 to 50 yr records Andrews reference stands with temperature records > 29 yrs RS86 RS89 Snowpack records in and near the HJ Andrews Forest V = Vanmet (1273m) S = Santiam Jct (1140m) H = Hogg Pass (1460m) M = McKenzie (1454m) S T = Three Creeks Meadow (1734m) H V From 1988-2007: M Van = SantJct* 1.13 + 1 T (F=152.3, p<0.0001, adj r2 = 0.67) Van = HoggP*0.55 - 91 (F=57.7, p<0.0001, adj r2=0.43) Van = McKnz* 0.46 - 40 (F=48.3, p<0.001, adj r2 = 0.38) Van = TCrMe*0.82 + 44 (F = 41.2, p<0.0001, adj r2 = 0.35) White dot is Andrews headquarters Average snowpack (mm), 1998-99 to 2002-03 water years Snowpacks at the Andrews increase with elevation, peak around April 1 Upl = 1294 m Van = 1173 m Cen = 1018 m Pri = 430 m Snowiest year from 1987-88 to 2003-04: 1998-99 Trend in snowpack anomalies at 5 sites in/near HJ Andrews Forest, 1925-2007 April More snow than average Less snow than average Summary of snowpack trends at the HJ Andrews Forest Sea surface temperature (PDO) explains about half of interannual variation in snow water equivalent (SWE) at the five snow sites. Controlling for the effect of PDO and month, SWE declined significantly Jan-May from 1930-2007 at Santiam Jct and Three Creeks Meadow, but not at McKenzie or Hogg Pass. SWE declined 50% at Santiam Jct and 30% at Three Creeks Meadow, 1925-2007 Small watersheds at HJ Andrews, 1952-present Trends in runoff ratios in spring (March-May), 19582005 Small watersheds with old-growth forest cover: declining spring flows, no change in summer or winter streamflow 1958-2005 p<0.03 p<0.006 p<0.006 K. Moore Climate drivers • Sea surface temperature • Continental drought Air masses originate from the Pacific HJ Andrews climate records span cool and warm PDO periods Summer precipitation is higher than average when sea surface temperatures are warmer than average (warm PDO) Winter air temperatures are higher than average, and summer temperatures are cooler than average in warm PDO Snowpack higher than average in cool PDO, lower than average in warm PDO conditions Biological responses • Tree rings • Moth phenology J. Miller Oregon tree-ring chronologies: correlations with climate drivers Span 1885 through 1990; N = 52 core Principal components analysis 3 2 1 0 B. Black Oregon tree-ring chronologies: correlations with climate drivers PC1 is a measure of sea surface temperatures, which are correlated with winter snowpack and air temperatures PC2 is a measure of continental precipitation, which influences summer moisture availability B. Black Tree ring-width correlation with PC2 (precipitation) varies with elevation Faster growth at low elevation when moisture is high Faster growth at high elevation when moisture is low, air temperatures high 1 correlation with PC2 0.8 0.6 Coast Range sites 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 500 1000 1500 need more low-elevation Cascades chronologies! 2000 2500 elevation (m) B. Black ring width index High elevation chronology, Browder Creek, NE of Andrews Forest 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1300 insects insects Browder Creek master chronology -Douglas-fir; 1120 m elevation 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 year Tree growth positively correlated with winter sea surface temperatures (JanMar) -Pacific Decadal Oscillation -El Nino Southern Oscillation correlation coefficient (r) B. Black ring width index Low elevation chronology, Willamette Valley, W of Andrews Forest 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Tree growth positively correlated with summer (May-Aug) PDSI correlation coefficient (r) B. Black Trends over time in moth species, HJ Andrews Forest Abundance, the total number of individuals present, all species, 1986-07 Trends in abundance of common moth species, HJ Andrews Forest J. Miller Moth species emergence and location varies with climate 2004: very warm summer, by mid July common moths are abundant at high elevation (n>500), esp. in forest 2008: very cool summer, by mid July common moths are less abundant at high elevation (n<150), relatively more abundant in meadow Y. Tuan, R. Metoyer, J. Miller, S. Highland, J. Jones Summary of mountain climate effects on physical and biological systems, HJ Andrews Forest