WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE CAREER PROGRAMS DIVISION GENERAL COURSE OUTLINE GRA Course Prefix 211 Course Number PROJECT MANAGEMENT, SCHEDULING AND ESTIMATING Course Title (3-0) (Lec-Lab) 3 Credit Hours COURSE DESCRIPTION Provides essential information needed to estimate, schedule, and project manage a print job. Analyzes cost calculations of various functions within graphic arts industry. Covers workflow, scheduling, and quantity estimation to produce a quality document. Explores CSR (Customer Service Representative) roles in graphic arts workflow. Prerequisite: GRA101 with a grade of C or better. TOPICAL OUTLINE I. Functions of the Estimator II. Learning the Cost and Production Time of a Printed Job III. Learning to Project Manage a Print Job IV. Developing Hourly Rate for Different Stages of the Printing Process V. Factoring in Other Printing Related Costs VI. Understanding Press Layouts VII. Calculating Ink and Paper Overruns METHOD OF PRESENTATION 1. Lecture with use of computer overhead 2. In-class work 3. Problem solving and discussion STUDENT OUTCOMES: (The student should…) 1. understand the function of the estimator. 2. understand procedures of estimating and quoting work. 3. produce production standards and job ticket information. 4. provide cost information to assess price and profit. 5. identify and create job specifications supporting estimating costs. 6. understand the functions of CSR roles and scheduling. METHOD OF EVALUATION 1. Assignments 2. Tests and quizzes 3. Projects and Presentations TEXTBOOK/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Merit, Don, Printing Estimating Primer. GATF, 2000. ISBN: 9780883623138. Merit, Don, Print Production Scheduling Primer, 1st ed., Printing Industries Press, 2001. ISBN: 9780883623428. PREPARED BY: Dated: Patricia Bruner, cOORDINATOR Fall 2011 10/11 C:\Users\amendez\Desktop\GRA Articulation MS-PDF FILES\GRA211_ProjMan Est Sched.docx