Solu%on processed metal oxide interlayers for small molecule photovoltaic devices Sarah Orsborne1, Tim Jones1 , Neil Wilson2, Ian Hancox1, Edward New1 1Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom Sarah Orsborne s.r.e.orsborne@ 2Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom Background Information Experimental Presently, the majority of the world’s energy is produced from the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil but there is an increasing need for renewable and environmentally friendly sources of energy. Commercially, the inorganic silicon wafer based devices are the most commonly used photovoltaic devices, typically exhibiting efficiencies in the range of 15 to 20%. However, they are expensive, rigid and require a large input of energy to produce. Organic photovoltaics (OPVs), on the other hand, have huge potential due their low cost, flexibility and tunability. However, they are currently limited by their poor performance relative to inorganic counterparts. Cerium acetate layers were deposited onto ITO substrates by spin coating. Other layers were vacuum deposited onto the substrate to give the inverted structure shown in figure 4. The devices were then tested and analysed in a number of ways. This was then repeated by adding monoethanolamine (MEA) to the cerium acetate solution and annealing. Figure 2: Spin-­‐ coa;ng Figure 1: How an OPV device works: 1) Light absorp;on and exciton forma;on, 2) Exciton diffusion, 3) Exciton dissocia;on, 4) Charge collec;on Interlayers are usually introduced into the OPV’s structure to prevent damage to the active layer and to ensure good alignment of the energy levels for efficient charge collection. For an electron transport layer (ETL), a low work function is desirable for good ohmic contact. Figure 3: Vacuum deposi;on Figure 4: Inverted device Results Prior to the addition of MEA to the cerium acetate solutions, the cells performed poorly. The cerium acetate was not completely soluble in isopropanol (IPA) but was soluble in water. However, water layers did not spin coat well. ITO Ce-ac in IPA (1 mgml-1) + 0.05 ml MEA Zr-acac in IPA Ce-ac in IPA (1 mgml-1) Upon addition of MEA, the solutions changed from colourless to yellow and also the cerium acetate fully dissolved in IPA. The performance of the cells also significantly improved. Work Function 4.87 Jsc 4.74 Voc 0.95 FF 0.47 Efficiency 2.09 4.68 4.64 4.73 4.70 1.02 0.85 0.52 0.47 2.49 1.90 4.52 4.05 0.61 0.29 0.72 Table 1 (above): The work functions of various layers spin coated onto ITO substrates. The Jsc, Voc, Fill factor (FF) and Efficiencies are also shown to give an indication of the performance of the cells. The work function of each layer was lower that that of blank ITO, showing the layers have potential as electron transport layers (ETLs). 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 5 (left): Cerium acetate solutions with MEA 1) 10 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 2) 10 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.20 ml MEA, 3) 5 mgml-1, Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 4) 5 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 5) 1 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 6) 1 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.20 ml MEA. 0.3 EQE 1 0.2 ITO Ceac_ipa_MEA Zracac_ipa 0.1 350 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700nm -2 -2 Current Density (mA cm ) 4mA cm 400 Figure 6 (above): UV-Vis data of the six Ce-ac based layers pictured in figure 5 spin coated onto ITO against an air and ITO background scan Figure 7 (left): AFM images of solutions 2 and 5 (top and middle images respectively) coated onto an ITO substrate and a blank ITO substrate (bottom image). This shows that the more concentrated solutions, and hence the thicker layer, is smoother. 2 Ceac_ipa_MEA Zracac_ipa Ceac_ipa ITO 0 -2 -4 -1.5V -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Voltage (V) 0.5 1.0 Figure 8 (top right): J-V curves of devices with 1 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 1 mgml-1 Ce-ac, no ETL (labelled ITO) and 1 mg ml-1 Zr-acac. Figure 9 (bottom right): EQE curves of devices with a 1 mgml-1 Ce-ac + 0.05 ml MEA, 1 mg ml-1 Zr-acac and with no ETL. Figure 10 (left): Degradation measurements taken over 5 mins showing that the cerium ETL device was stable in comparison to an ITO device which, in contrast, rapidly degraded with time. Conclusions The cerium based interlayers work effectively in small molecule photovoltaic devices when MEA is added to cerium acetate. The devices achieve efficiencies of 2.49%. As desired, the work function of the ITO surface is lowered upon addition of the cerium derivative, suggesting a good ohmic contact is formed with the acceptor, C60. The colour change upon addition of MEA suggests that cerium has been oxidised from Ce (III) to Ce (IV). Perhaps there are a mixture of Ce (IV) complexes in the yellow solution. Further investigation would be required to determine whether or not this is true.