313 RANGE CONDITION new method of determining forage cover and production on desert shrub vegetation. Jour. Range Mangt. 11: 244-246. HANSON,W. R. 1951. Condition classes on mountain ranges in southwestern Alberta. Jour. Range Mangt. 4: 165-170. HUMPHREY,R. R. 1949. Field comLITERATURE CITED ments on the range condition method of forage survey. Jour. ARNOLD,JOSEPHF. 1955. Plant lifeRange Mangt. 2: l-10. form classification and its use in S. S., AND G. STEWART. evaluating range condition and HUTCHINGS, trend. Jour. Range Mangt. 8: 1761953. Increasing forage yields and 181. sheep production on IntermounCOOK, C. WAYNE, L. A. STODDART, tain ranges. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. AND LORIN E. HARRIS.1954. The 925. 64pp. nutritive value of winter range HUTCHINGS,S. S. 1954. Managing plants in the Great Basin. Utah winter sheep range for greater Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 372. 56pp. profit. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 2067. COOK, C. WAYNE, L. A. STODDART, 46 PP. AND F. E. KINSINGER.1958. ReINGRAM,D. C. 1931. Vegetative sponses of crested wheatgrass to changes and grazing use on Dougvarious clipping treatments. Ecol. las-fir cut-over land. Jour. of Mono. 28: 237-272. Agr. Res. 43: 387-417. COSTELLO, DAVIDF., AND GEORGET. JOHNSON, W. M. 1956. The effect of TURNER.1941. Vegetative changes grazing intensity on plant compofollowing exclusion of livestock sition, vigor, and growth of pinefrom grazed ranges. Jour. of Forbunchgrass ranges in central Colestry. 39: 310-315. orado. Ecology 37: 790-798. DYKSTERHUIS, E. J. 1949. Condition KLEMMEDSON, JAMES0. 1956. Interand management of range land relations of vegetation, soils and based on quantitative e c o 1o g y. range conditions induced by grazJour. Range Mangt. 2: 104-115. ing. Jour. Range Mangt. 9: 134-138. ELLISON,L. 1954. Subalpine vegeKRAMER,P. J. 1949. Plant and Soil tation of the Wasatch Plateau, Water Relationships. McGraw Utah Ecol. Mono. 24:89-184. Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 347 ESPLM, A. C., J E. GREAVES, ANDL. . A. STODDART. 1937. A study of Lg T L H C BUCKMAN AND Utah winter ranges, composition N. C. BRA&. 1950: The Nature and of forage plants and use of suppleProperties of So i 1s. Macmillan ments. Utah Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. Co., New York. 5th ed. 591 pp. 277. 47 pp. PARKER,KENNETH W. 1954. ApplicaGOEBEL,CARL J., LEONARDDEBANO, tion of ecology in the determinaAND RUSSELLD. FLOYD. 1958. A tion of range condition and trend. Jour. Range Mangt. 7: 14-23. PECHANEC, J. F. 1945. Indicators of downward trend on sagebrushperennial grass ranges grazed by sheep in the spring and fall. Intermtn. Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Res. Paper 12. 2 pp. (Mimeographed). REID,E. H., ANDG. D. PICKFORD. 1946. Judging mountain meadow range condition in eastern Oregon and eastern Washington. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 748. 31 pp. RENNER,F. G., AND E. A. JOHN~DN. 1942. Improving range conditions from wartime livestock production. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 1921. 18 PP. SCHOLLENBERGER, C. J. 1945. Determination of soil organic matter. Soil Sci. 59:53-56. SHANTZ,H. L. ANDR. L. PIEMEISEL. 1940. Types of vegetation in Escalante Valley, Utah, as indicators of soil conditions. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 173. 46 pp. SHORT,L. R. AND E. J. WOOLFOLK. 1956. Plant vigor as a criterion of range condition. Jour. Range Mangt. 9: 66-69. STEWART,GEORGE,W. P. C~TTAM, ANDS. S. HUTCHINGS. 1940. Influence of unrestricted grazing on northern salt-desert plant association in western Utah. Jour. Agr. Res. 60: 289-316. UNITEDSTATESDEPT. INTERIOR, BuREAUOF LANDMANAGEMENT. 1957. Range condition criteria for two phase method surveys (Revised Effect of Heat Treatment on Sprout the more important are: shrub live oak (QUeTcUs turbinella Greene), Wright’s silktassel (Garrya wright% Torr.) , desert ceanothus (Ceanothus greggii A. buckthorn Gray) 9 hollyleaf (Rhamnus crocea Nutt.), pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens H.B.K.) , Pringle manzanita (A. pringlei Parry), It was concluded that most of the criteria studied could be useful in classifying range condition. However, criteria such as total plant density and percent organic matter did not appear to be reliable indexes. Production of Some Shrubs of the Chaparral in Central Arizona’ FLOYD W. POND AND DWIGHT R. CABLE Range Conservationists, Range Experiment Chaparral occupies about 5% million acres in the central part of Arizona. Most chaparral is used yearlong by cattle and deer. Often the shrubs are too dense for easy access by livestock. Burning is being tried as a means of thinning the shrubs and in- Rocky Station, Mountain Tempe, Forest and Arizona creasing grass production. The study reported here was undertaken to determine the effect of burning at different intervals on sprout production of several of the important shrub species. Several shrubby species are found in the chaparral. Among Mimeo.) . WEAVER,J. E. AND R. W. DARLAND. 1947. A method of measuring vigor of range grasses. Ecology 28: 146-162. 1 Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture; general headquarters maintained at Fort Collins, Colorado, in cooperation with Colorado State University. Authors stationed at Tempe and Tucson, Arizona. Research done at Tempe, Arizona, in cooperation with Arizona State University. 314 POND AND CABLE skunkbush sumac (Rhus trilobata Nutt.), sugar sumac (R. ovata S. Wats.), hairy mountainmahogany (Cercocarpus brevifoZius A. Gray), birchleaf mountainmahogany (C. betuloides Nutt.), and larchleaf goldenweed (Aplopappus laricifolius Grasses and forbs A. Gray). usually are sparse. The use of fire for modifying chaparral has received more attention in California than Arizona. Their opinions as to fire use are diverse. A sample of viewpoints follows: Sterling (1904) believed that fire was responsible for all chaparral in northern California, for when coniferous forests are denuded by fire they are replaced by chaparral. Clements (1916) thought that chaparral was often a fire subclimax in southern California. Jepson (1925) supported Clements in stating chaparral was, for the most part, a fire type of plant formation and that chaparral showed evidences of long continued burning. Bauer (1936) also believed that fires were frequent in the chaparral. Shantz (1947) concluded that repeated burns developed “soft” brush into broad-leaved chaparral and ultimately even chamise. Sampson (1944) stated that stands of sprouting chaparral are seldom destroyed or materially thinned by periodic burning, and that increases in herbaceous vegetation following a fire virtually disappear by the fifth year because of the suppressive effect of the numerous brush sprouts. More recently, treatment of sprout regrowth with chemical herbicides in conjunction with burning of the original shrub cover has been recommended for control of chamise in California (Buttery, et al., 1959). Ancha Experimental Forest. The soils of this area were thin and rocky, and originated from quartzite parent materials. Seven shrubby species, in suff icient numbers for experimental replication, were selected on the area. These were: shrub live oak, skunkbush sumac, Wright’s silktassel, hollyleaf buckthorn, desert ceanothus, pointleaf manzanita, and larchleaf goldenweed. Shrub live oak is usually the dominant shrub not only on the experimental area but throughout the Arizona chaparral type. Pointleaf manzanita and skunkbush sumac may be locally abundant in rather small areas. The other four species are generally present throughout the chaparral but rarely dominate an area. Shrub live oak, skunkbush s u m a c , hollyleaf buckthorn, and Wright’s silktassel sprout from root crowns. The other three species generally invade by seedlings. Methods In 1953, an area of chaparral at an elevation of 5,000 feet with annual precipitation of about 18 inches was selected on the Sierra FIGURE 1. Shrub live oak previously burned in 1953 the third burn in 1959 and (B) following the 1959 burn. and in 1956. (A) Just before 315 HEAT TREATMENT Table 1. Composition tions. of seven species of Arizona chaparral af three loca- Location Pinal Mountain ._ Percent 77.7 Shrub live oak _________________________._~._ 75.6 1.6 Skunkbush sumac __._______.___________._ 2.1 2.1 Wright’s silktassel ____.__.________._ ____ __ 3.2 2.5 Hollyleaf buckthorn ._______ ___ ._.._____2.2 0.4 Desert ceanothus __________________._______. 9.6 0.2 Pointleaf manzanita _____________.______ 3.0 0 Larchleaf goldenweed ___ _____ __._____1.8 15.5 Other shrubs __.__.____________________________ 2.5 Species Natural drainages Total ______________.______________ ____________ .lOO.O____- The relative importance of the seven species in the composition of woody vegetation on three chaparral sites is given in Table 1. Natural drainages are near the experimental area on the Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest. Pinal Mountain is about 40 miles south near the town of Globe. Other species of woody vegetation are found in this area, the most important being sugar sumac. The 3-Bar Wildlife Area is about 20 miles to the southwest of the experimental forest. Birchleaf mountainmahogany and sugar sumac are important species in this area. Of the seven species studied, the ones most preferred by livestock and deer are not abundant on most chaparral sites. Hollyleaf buckthorn, desert ceanothus, and Wright’s silktassel are all rated fairly good as deer and livestock browse. Shrub live oak and skunkbush sumac are used heavily only when other forage or browse is scarce. Pointleaf manzanita and larchleaf goldenweed are seldom, if ever, used by deer or livestock. The treatments assigned at random to the plots were: (1) burned each year, (2) burned every second year, (3) burned every third year, (4) burned every fourth year, and (5) burned every fifth year. Each treatment was replicated two times for each species. Plot size depended on number of 3-Bar Wildlife Area 42.6 1.3 0 5.6 1.9 0 0 48.6 100.0 100.0 stems. Each plot was large enough to contain sufficient stems for experimental counts. Plots were burned in June with a torch generating 1,500”F (Figure 1). The torch was applied until the plant parts near the ground glowed in order to kill all cambial tissue at the base of the plants. Live stems were counted where they emerged from the ground prior to the first burn and immediately before each succeeding burn. Results Shrub Live Oak This species proved difficult to kill by burning (Table 2). Following the first four annual burns, stem counts were considerably higher than the pretreatment number. Only after the fifth annual burn, were the live stems fewer than before the first burn. Numbers were further reduced by the sixth burn. Burning at intervals of 2 or more years failed to reduce sprouting (Figure 2). In 1959, the number of live stems present on all plots except those burned each year was several times the original. Skunkbush Sumac Results with this species were somewhat erratic. On plots burned each year, the number of live stems was reduced by the first burn and none was found following the second burn. The following year, however, more than the original number of live stems were found on the plots. These were burned and during the fourth year live stems were again not found. A few live stems were found in the fifth year and burned. In 1959, living stems were not found on the plots. On plots burned at 2-, 3-, and 5-year intervals, live stems were found following each burn. The number of stems varied from several times to only a fraction of the original number. On plots burned every fourth year, live stems were not found following the first burn. Wright’s silktassel Four annual burns or two burns spaced 2 years apart were sufficient to completely eliminate the sprouts of this species. Burning less frequently did not completely kill sprouts, although numbers were considerably reduced after three burns at 3year intervals. Hollyleaf buckihom Two annual burns or two burns spaced 2 years apart completely killed sprouts of this species. The number of live stems more than doubled following the first burn but was reduced to zero by the second burn. Burning less frequently failed to reduce the number of sprouts. Desert ceanofhus One burn was sufficient to kill most of the old plants of this species. Seedlings were observed coming in on the burned plots over the years. Also, two of the old plants definitely sprouted on the plots treated at 2-year intervals. These were the only sprouts of this species observed. They were eliminated by the second treatment. ( Poinfleaf manzanifa This species was completely killed by one burn. Though manzanita seed are reported to ger- 316 POND AND CABLE FIGURE 2. Shrub live oak burned at 2-year intervals showing first burn in 1953 and (B) the same plot prior to the fourth minate readily after a fire, no seedlings were observed. Larchleaf gddenweed This species was also eliminated by one burn. No sprouts or seedlings were observed on the plots following the first treatment. Discussion Shrub live oak sprouts are difficult to control with fire. Burning increased the number of sprouts, and five annual burns were necessary to reduce the number of sprouts below the (A) the plot prior to the burn in 1959. pretreatment level. Broadcast burning for five successive years is practically impossible in Arizona because of lack of sufficient fuel to carry a fire. How long it would take to reduce the oak sprouts by burning less often is unknown. After three treatments at 2-year intervals, there was still 4.37 times as many live stems as originally. Burning at less frequent intervals showed about the same results. Sprouting of skunkbush sumac was erratic during the study. This species appears to have the ability of delaying sprouting for a full year. Because of the impractibility of burning each year and delayed sprouting characteristics, it is unlikely that this species could be reduced by broadcast burning alone. Wright’s silktassel is not as difficult to kill with fire as either shrub live oak or skunkbush sumac. It was eliminated by four successive annual burns, and by two burns at a-year intervals. Deer and livestock graze this species readily so that it is considered a valuable browse species. That it will survive one burn easily is important. Reburning at 1 or 2 years may, however, seriously injure or completely kill this species. Hollyleaf buckthorn survives one burn with ease. Plants may be eliminated by a second burn if it occurs within an interval of 3 years. This species furnishes important forage for deer and livestock and its elimination would be detrimental to the forage value of a chaparral range. Old plants of desert ceanothus and pointleaf manzanita are virtually eliminated by burning. Both, however, are usually replaced by seedlings. A few desert ceanothus may sprout from old stems, but sprouts of pointleaf manzanita were not observed. Desert ceanothus is a valuable browse plant, particularly for deer, while pointleaf manzanita is seldom used by deer or livestock except as cover. Larchleaf goldenweed is easily killed by a single burn. The species is of little or no value as forage. The possibilities of reducing the abundance of the less desirable shrubs in the chaparral by broadcast burning appear to be remote. This is especially true from the standpoint of range management. Moreover, the species of most value to livestock and deer are more easily killed by fire than some of those with little or no value. HEAT 317 TREATMENT Table 2, Cffecf of burnilng af diifereiif inf&vStls oti sproutitig of four species -- Within the Arizona chapartak Years between treatments _ 19531 Stem counts before burning in indicated year 1954 1955 710 330 1231 1950 _____. 1957 371 1959 ___- 38 17 662 1469 773 1107 91 95 41 61 13 161 1142 1161 790 436 Skunkbush 26 sumac 99 0 529 _~_ i958 Shrub live oak 121 152 276 170 94 Final count 0 233 16 109 0 24 0 11 16 0 23 Wright’s silktassel 15 25 56 59 22 7 26 58 10 0 41 35 26 Hollyleaf 21 25 9 23 13 0 0 62 buckthorn 0 0 58 0 0 0 64 102 24 Desert ceanothus 173 223 147 131 175 0 0 8 0 0 7 32 26 0 0 13 93 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pointleaf manzanita 58 51 74 77 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Larchleaf 0 0 29 27 15 22 22 goldenweed 0 0 0 0 0 __- 1Original stem counts prior to first burn. Summary Seven chaparral species were burned and reburned with a There convention will be a meeting headquarters 0 0 0 0 0 hotel, 0 0 0 0 0 hand torch at intervals varying from 1 to 5 years. Number of stems of shrub live oak was re- EDUCATION COUNCIL of the Education Council, Salt Lake City, Utah. duced only after five annual burns, Burning less frequently produced more live stems than were present prior to the first burn. Skunkbush sumac was alSO hard to kili by burning, although results were more erratic than with shrub live oak. Wright’s silktassel and hollyleaf buckthorn are easier to kill than shrub live oak or skunkbush sumac but must be burned at least twice within 3 years to be eliminated. Old plants of desert ceanothus, pointleaf manzanita and larchleaf goldenweed are killed by one burn. Reduction of the less desirable species of chaparral by repeat burning appears impractical. However, repeated fires at short intervals may reduce or eliminate many species preferred by deer and livestock. LITERATURE CITED BAUER, HARRY L. 1936. Moisture relations in the chaparral of the Santa Monica Mountains, California. Ecol. Monog. 6: 409-454. BUTTERY,R. F., BENTLEY, J. R., AND PLUMB, T. R., JR. 1959. Season of burning affects follow-up chemical control of sprouting chamise. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Expt. Sta. Res. Note 154. 11 pp., illus. (Processed.) CLEMENTS,F. E. 1916. Plant succession. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. 242: 1-512. JEPSON, W. L. 1925. Manual of the Flowering Plants of California. Assoc. Students Store. Univ. of Calif. Berkeley, Calif. 1238 pp. SAMPSON, ARTHUR W. 1944. Plant succession on burned chaparral lands in northern California. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 685. 144 pp. SHANTZ, H. L. 1947. Fire as a tool in management of brush ranges. Calif. Div. of Forestry Bul. 156 pp. STERLING, E. 1904. Chaparral in F or estr y northern California. Quart. 2: 209-214. TO MEET A.S.R.M., at 1 p.m., January 30, 1961 in the