Does a Smarter Power Grid Really Matter Anyway? … A Reflection of Challenges Experienced in the UK Professor William Hung MBA, PhD, BSc, CEng FIET Director/WH Power Systems Consultant Ltd Honorary Professor/ University of Warwick Technical Director/ Cardiff University University of Warwick School of Engineer Seminar - 29 January 2016 Presentation Overview • Development of Electricity Supply Industry in the UK and its implications on Key Stakeholder relationships • Review of frequency control issues • Collaborative effort between stakeholders since privatization • Future Challenges in a Low Carbon Economy • Contributions not only from a smarter grid but smarter demands • Extension of Stakeholder Engagement Activities WH PSCL 10/15/2015 2 Electricity Supply Industry – Key Stakeholders Generating Companies Transmission Companies Suppliers WH PSCL Distributors 10/15/2015 3 Changes in the UK Electricity Supply Industry • Privatization – 1990 • Dash for Gas – around 1993 • Liberalization of electricity market - 1999 • NETA- March 2001 • Dash for Wind – ROC payment -2002 • BETTA- April 2005 • EU Large Combustion Plant Directive • Renewable Obligations WH PSCL 10/15/2015 4 Implications on Key Stakeholders Relationship • Change of industry structure and generation mix - significant implications on system security from a frequency control perspective. • From separation of Generation and Transmission businesses after privatization, to dash for gas then for wind and finally the renewable obligations challenges, National Grid in the UK has worked closely with key stakeholders to ensure the transmission Licence obligations are met. • Be transparent and share concerns with relevant stakeholders in a timely manner to seek collective resolution options • Developing financial incentives to reward service providers WH PSCL 10/15/2015 5 Frequency Control Issues • Frequency control requirements • Nominal level: 50Hz • Statutory limits: +/- 0.5 Hz • Operational limits: +/- 0.2 Hz (standard deviations 0.07 Hz) • Cover instant generation loss was up to 1320MW • Avoid automatic load disconnections • Above 48.8 Hz • If triggered - could be up to 9 stages and 60% load disconnection • System needs responsive and flexible plant WH PSCL 10/15/2015 6 Typical Frequency Incidents 50.10 Note: On this occasion Gas Turbines started at 12:29:20 50.00 49.90 49.80 49.70 49.60 49.50 Primary Response 0 - 30 secs freqcont.ppt 009 24/02/99 12:29:00 12:26:00 12:25:00 12:24:00 49.20 12:28:00 Secondary Response 30 secs - 30 mins 49.30 12:27:00 49.40 Frequency Control Analogy Frequency Control/ Wheel Pulling Analogy Generators Vehicles Frequency Demand level Load variations Wheel speed TV pickup Largest generation loss Blackout Big rock Slope gradient Bumpy road Largest truck stalled Wheel run away Improve Frequency Service Provision after Privatization • Define frequency services • Primary, Secondary and High Frequency Response services • Establish payment mechanism • Establish contract format • Validate plant capability through dynamic plant testing • On-line monitoring – gain confidence on service delivery • Enhance Grid Code minimum technical requirements • Liaise with main plant suppliers to improve plant/control design • Collaborate with Generators to improve plant performance WH PSCL 10/15/2015 10 Plant Response (MW) Frequency Change (Hz) Primary & Secondary Responses -0.5 Hz S P 10s 30s time 30 min Plant Response (MW) Frequency Change (Hz) High Frequency Response +0.5 Hz H 10s time Frequency Response Contract Format On-line Monitoring • Feedback to System Operator Confirm contracted level of delivery Improve confidence level in service despatch Optimise frequency response service cost • Feedback to Generators Improve plant performance, if required Increase incentive for plant control improvement Gain confidence level in service delivery • Evidence to support frequency incident investigations On-line Monitoring - Example 1 50.3 490 450 50 440 49.9 430 49.8 420 410 49.7 49.6 400 17:44:00 17:43:00 17:42:00 17:41:00 17:40:00 17:39:00 17:38:00 17:37:00 17:36:00 17:35:00 17:34:00 17:33:00 17:32:00 17:31:00 17:30:00 17:29:00 17:28:00 17:27:00 17:26:00 17:25:00 17:24:00 17:23:00 17:22:00 17:21:00 17:20:00 17:19:00 17:18:00 17:17:00 17:16:00 17:15:00 17:14:00 17:13:00 TARGET FREQ FREQUENCY EXPECTED RESPONSE (MW) CAPPED COMMITTED LEVEL (MW) GENSET OUTPUT 17:12:00 17:11:00 17:10:00 17:09:00 17:08:00 17:07:00 17:06:00 17:05:00 TIME (GMT) FREQUENCY (Hz) 470 460 50.1 GENSET ACTIVE POWER OUTPUT (MW) On-line Monitoring - Example 2 Coal Station 4, 28-Aug-2003 480 50.2 Low Frequency Automatic Demand Disconnection Incident - 27th May 2008 38500 37500 19:50:00 19:52:00 19:54:00 19:56:00 19:58:00 20:00:00 20:02:00 20:04:00 20:06:00 20:08:00 20:10:00 20:12:00 20:14:00 20:16:00 20:18:00 20:20:00 20:22:00 20:24:00 20:26:00 20:28:00 20:30:00 20:32:00 20:34:00 20:36:00 20:38:00 20:40:00 20:42:00 20:44:00 20:46:00 20:48:00 20:50:00 20:52:00 20:54:00 20:56:00 20:58:00 21:00:00 21:02:00 21:04:00 21:06:00 21:08:00 21:10:00 21:12:00 21:14:00 21:16:00 21:18:00 21:20:00 21:22:00 21:24:00 21:26:00 21:28:00 21:30:00 21:32:00 21:34:00 21:36:00 21:38:00 21:40:00 21:42:00 21:44:00 21:46:00 21:48:00 21:50:00 21:52:00 21:54:00 21:56:00 21:58:00 22:00:00 Demand MW TV Pick-up – Football World Cup England ‘v’ Sweden (20th June 2006, 8pm) Demand 20 June 2006 England vs Sweden 39500 20th June 2006 Half time 1800MW 37000 30th May 2006 39000 Half Time 1800MW 38000 Full Time 1600MW Full-time 1600MW 36500 36000 Time (Local) TV Pick Ups met using combination of coal plant, French Interconnector & pump storage hydro TV Pick-up – TV Soaps 25th April 2005 The more popular the TV programme, the larger the MW pick up Dash for Gas • CCGT were traditional designed for full load operation not for flexible operation • The perception was CCGT could not provide frequency response… it would rack the turbine • Offered service price were 8 times higher than conventional plant • Falling power/ falling frequency issues • Could CCGT be exempted for frequency response service? No but Why? WH PSCL 10/15/2015 20 Plant Response Capability/Flexibility - 15% Response Capability Impact of poor response and inflexible plant on Grid operation a) For responsive generators, five are required to cover the loss of one generator 60 Generator Rating55 x x 100MW Generator Rating 100MW Primary Response44 x x 15MW = 60MW Primary Response 15MW = 60MW 60 60 300 MW Load 60 60 Plant Response Capability/Flexibility - 10% Response Capability Impact of poor response and inflexible plant on Grid operation b) For less responsive generators, six are required to cover the loss of one generator 50 Generator Rating 6 x 100MW Primary Response 5 x 10MW = 50MW 50 50 300 MW Load 50 50 50 Dash for Wind • Traditionally wind turbines were distribution connected • Generally smaller size units • Not designed for ridding through system fault disturbances • ‘If in doubt, trip it out’ were the design concept • The successful integration of large volume of wind farm connections to the Grid will require the review of wind turbine design by the manufacturers, eg • Fault ride through capability • Frequency and voltage control capability • DNO will have to strengthen the minimum technical requirement of their connected plants WH PSCL 10/15/2015 23 Stakeholders’ collaborations • Visited major wind turbine manufacturers to clarify the minimum technical requirements for wind turbine connection to the system • Made aware of the issues to the Industry in particular the Generation community • Worked with DNOs to enhance their Technical Codes for connection of the smaller plant • Campaign for minimizing the impact of small embedded generation on Transmission System performance had been a long and steady process • First wake up call - The UCTE incident of splitting the European Network into 3 islands and pre-mature tripping of large volume of embedded plant had helped the campaign to drive home the message • Second wake up call was in the UK where the frequency went down to 48.8 Hz leading to automatic demand disconnections. Large volume of embedded generation was lost due to weakness in the Distribution Code. • The above had helped in strengthening the Distribution Code to ensure small embedded plants are resilience to system disturbances WH PSCL 10/15/2015 24 Drivers for Renewable Obligations Greenhouse gas emissions - reduce by at least 80% below an agreed 1990 baseline by 2050 UK Energy Landscape is Changing A balance of energy trilemma of security of supply, affordability and sustainability The Network Challenge: Electricity Transmission ~75GW 2010 2020 ~110GW Gas CCGT Coal CCS Nuclear Wind Renewable Interconnector CHP Other The Changing Generation Mix 2020: Total Connected Generation (GW) 28GW of wind plus 9GW of hydro, tidal, biomass 40 11GW nuclear available post 2.5GW of closures and 3GW new build 35 30 20 Demand remains flat - growth is offset by energy efficiency and smart metering 15 15 GW of embedded generation 10 2050: GW 25 30GW of nuclear now provides majority of baseload generation 5 0 rs e 2050 o ct ne l ab 2030 on rc w ne Re 2020 te In er th d in S r ea cl Nu O W CC as al Co G 2010 Increased demand with electrification of Transport (mainly during 2030s) Heat (growth from 2020) Further Frequency Control Challenges • Closure of flexible and responsive plant (eg conventional coal, gas and oil stations) • New plants are less flexibility and less responsive (eg clean coal, supercritical boiler, IGCC, CCS, new nuclear) • Domination of wind farms – intermittency issues • Reduction of system inertia and increase of ROCOF risks – significant cost implications • Secured generation loss – increased to 1800 from 1320 MW • Significant increase of small embedded generation – less robust and invisible to System Operators WH PSCL 10/15/2015 29 Forecast of RoCoF up to 2020 GCRP WG Traditional RoCoF protection setting of 0.125 Hz/s but proposed to change to 0.5 then 1 Hz/s Transmission reinforcement alone is not sufficient … Maximising capacity with smart.. ..Meters An informative display showing energy utilisation and cost Increases consumers’ sensitivity to energy prices and thus reduces demand. ..Grids Automation and efficient use of network systems Facilitates network flexibility in a complex generation pattern Automation of loads in industrial plants, commercial buildings, superstores and home Facilitates demand side response in a world of more inflexible generation ..Demand Flexing generation to meet demand Flexing demand to meet generation Smart Demand meets Smart Grid Objectives Smart Grid = Paradigm shift in providing flexibility From redundancy in assets to more intelligent operation through incorporation of demand side and advanced network technologies in support of real time grid management Dynamic Demand and Active Demand Side Management Source-HiDEF Electrification of Transport and Heat Pump Sectors Value of Smart Demand – equivalent to a saving of almost 40GW of installed generation capacity Source-HiDEF Smart Fridges/Freezers – Displacing Power Stations Wind penetration Low High Cost savings £/FF/10yr 10-30 40-90 CO2 savings kg/FF/yr 15-30 30-50 Source-HiDEF …Smart Fridges/Freezers – could help to limit frequency fall Source-RLTec Active Demand Side Management – Offset Wind Intermittency Water Heater HVAC Generation flexibility High Low Cost savings £/kW/10yr 3-15 75-100 CO2 savings kg/kW/yr <50 100-250 Source-HiDEF Widen Downstream Stakeholder Engagement • The growth of Demand Side Response (DSR) has been slow for years and potential service providers were not forthcoming • The recent campaign led by the Grid Company is to provide greater clarity • Hopefully, the raise of profile in the DSR communities will ensure DSR is a long term investment proposition WH PSCL 10/15/2015 37 Future Electricity Supply Industry Generating Companies Transmission Companies Suppliers Distributors WH PSCL 10/15/2015 38 Operating the System in 2020 Active Distribution Networks Variable generation Synthetic inertia Smart Grids & meters Variable generation Distributed generation Inflexible generation Demand Active Demand 60 1800MW loss risk Variable generation Electricity Demand (GW) 55 50 Peak Commuting Time Large generation Peak Commuting Time Generation ROCOF & Robustness issues 2020 Demand ~ 15 GWh (daily) - 1.5 million vehicles 45 Optimal Charging Period Typical winter daily demand 40 12,000 miles p.a. 35 Time of Day How to meet these challenges in the most economic and sustainable way whilst maintaining security of supply? 21:00 22:00 23:00 19:00 20:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 09:00 10:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 00:00 01:00 30 Time of use tariffs New Technology - to Make It Happen New technology is required to evolve the Transmission network and enable renewable generation HVDC Smart Tools VSC Technology is still developing Wide area monitoring to control power flows 2-3 year lead times for the larger cables Dynamic circuit rating to manage constraints Multi terminal HVDC has very limited operational experience Special protection schemes to facilitate additional generation Control system optimisation Automated control to manage complex networks Sub-synchronous torsional interaction (SSTI) Congestion management control Opportunities to implement demand side management Series capacitors Review of protection settings Sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) Employed to control stability All this has been used elsewhere, but not together in a densely meshed network What is a Smart Grid? Smart meters Customer Focused Tools to engage consumers with energy efficiency Improved information and awareness New energy services and tariffs Home automation & Demand response solutions More engaged, more efficient consumption Two way communication - Sensing, automation and control Self Healing and resilient Network Focused Integration of new sources of supply & demand Asset optimisation Active power flow management Integration of renewable and distributed energy More reliable, more efficient networks Taking Stock • The Grid Company has been successful in providing leadership to the industry to improve frequency response services from all generating plant types including HVDC interconnectors • The success has been the effective communications with developer and their plant suppliers to ensure their early understanding of system needs and their potential market opportunities. • Future successes will rely on continual close collaboration within the industry to seek resolution to any identified problems within the legal, regulatory and commercial framework The Way Forward • Future of energy for the UK has never been so important and exciting • The Electricity Market Reform (ERM), environmental legislation, energy costs and developments in the economy will have a major impact on the future energy landscape • Future Energy Scenarios (FES) forum led by the Grid Company represent transparent, holistic paths through that uncertain landscape to help the Government, the customers and other stakeholders make informed decisions • Base upon the energy trilemma of security of supply, affordability and sustainability, FES helps to identify system performance requirements and operational challenges and agree operational solutions and opportunities with key stakeholders via the System Operability Framework (SOF) forum.