AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Arjan Stander for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering presented on October 29, 2002. Title: The Effects of Pulsing and Blowing Ratio on a 45° Inclined Jet in Cross Flow. Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy urdy De orah V. Pence The effect of jet flow pulsing and blowing ratio on a jet in cross flow has been investigated. Preliminary jet flow studies were performed without cross flow and an extensive study of jet with cross flow was done for a total of nine test cases. The effect of velocities ratios of 0.85 and 3.4, as well as pulsing the jet flow at 20Hz, was investigated in the near and far field of the jet. A comparison between the jet in cross flow and an inclined cylinder in cross flow was also performed. Hot film measurements were taken within a grid of the flow field in the jet symmetry plane and out of the symmetry plane. Instantaneous velocities were generated at each location and mean velocity, RMS values, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity were calculated and compared for each case. The higher velocity ratio case (VR = 3.4) caused the jet flow to lift up from the wall penetrating into the cross flow compared to the lower velocity ratio case (VR = 0.85) where the jet fluid remained attached to the wall and no lift off was observed. The higher velocity ratio case resulted in increased mean velocities, RMS values, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity throughout the flow field compared to the low velocity ratio case. Secondary turbulent structures were discovered in the wake region of the inclined cylinder. Similar structures were absent in the downstream flow region during the jet in cross flow experiments. There was no significant effect on the jet trajectory as a result of jet pulsing. For both velocity ratio cases the jet trajectory remained similar to the steady cases. Jet pulsing increased the instantaneous velocity RMS levels and Reynolds stresses in the near field of the jet, but did not seem to affect the RMS levels and Reynolds stresses beyond x/d =4. Jet pulsing had a significant effect on the distribution of spectral energy. Distinct energy peaks are generated at the pulsing frequency and its harmonics. The distinct spectral peaks were largest close to the jet exit and within the jet flow, but were detectable throughout the entire flow field. The Effects of Pulsing and Blowing Ratio on a 45° Inclined Jet in Cross Flow by Arjan Stander A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented October 29, 2002 Commencement June 2003 Master of Science thesis of Arian Stander presented on October 29. 2002. APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Co-Mi or Professor, representing Redacted for privacy Co-Major Professor, representing Mechanical Engineering Redacted for privacy Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Redacted for privacy Dean of the Qthduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Arjan Stander, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T would like to take this opportunity to thank some of the many people that made possible not only this thesis, but also my stay here in the US. First of all, not enough words can describe the gratitude that I have for my parents. For their guidance, the constant love and their support during my life and my time away from home, here in the US. For letting me fulfill my drive to seek adventure so far away from home. I remember the advice that was given at the start of graduate school. Most relationships do not survive graduate school. I created one. Thanks Stephanie for all your love and support during these years. We made it. I would like to thank both of my advisors. Dr. Liburdy, for bringing so much 'comedy' to my work. Thanks for your support, guidance and reassurance throughout my studies. It was Dr. Pence who made it possible for me to come over and attend Oregon State University in the first place. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, for your advising and support. Although my thesis work was done in cooperation with Dr. Pence and Dr. Liburdy, I was able to spend a great deal of time with Dr. Peterson who made it possible for me to work with him in his lab and made it possible for me to financially 'survive' during my stay here. Thank you for your continuous support and interesting conversations in the lab. In addition to the faculty that supported me I have to thank the many friends I have here as well as back home. A combination of faculty and a good group of friends make life away from home especially rewarding and sustainable. Friends came and went and there are many I would like to thank and I will try to name a few. From the start there were the diehards in Rogers Hall that have remained good friends over the years. I would like to thank Bertrand for his support and work on the many projects at the Aerolab wind tunnel as well as being a good friend, along with his wife Renellys. Brian thanks for sharing your support during the years. I have enjoyed talking to you and discussing a broad range of topics. Kiersten, Ali and Ron who were someof the first people I grew close to and are still good friends and will certainly be in the future. Su Young, Younghoon, Lukito, Ryan and Aristotel, Li Na and more whom I all enjoyed very much. It was amazing to get to know so many people from so many different backgrounds and different origins. These were all friendships that I enjoy very much and which made my time in Oregon a very rewarding experience. Finally I would like to especially thank my entire family and all my friends back in Holland and France. Oma's, opa, ooms, tantes, nichten and neven. I am looking forward to being with you again. Thanks for the visits, cards, letters, phone-calls and support. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 2.1 YAWED CYLINDER IN A CROSS FLOW 2 2.2 STEADY JETS IN CROSS FLOW 4 2.3 PULSED JETS IN CROSS FLOW 9 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 12 3.1 GENERAL PROBLEM STATEMENT 12 3.2 SPECIFIC EXPERIMENTAL OBJECTIVES 13 3.2.1 Fully modulated inclined pulsed jet without cross flow 3.2.2 A 45 degree inclined solid cylinder in cross flow 3.2.3 A 45 degree inclined steady jet in cross flow 3.2.4 A fully modulated inclined pulsed jet in cross flow 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 13 14 14 15 16 4.1 WIND-TUNNEL FACILITIES 16 4.2 CROSS FLOW SETUP 20 4.3 JET PULSING 23 4.4 AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM 25 4.5 HOT WIRE SYSTEM 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 5 TEST PLAN 28 5.1 CROSS FLOW QUALITY ASSESSMENT 30 5.2 JET CHARACTERISTICS 31 5.3 PiTCHED CYLINDER IN CROSS FLOW 32 5.4 STEADY JET iN CROSS FLOW 34 5.5 PULSED JET IN CROSS FLOW 34 6 DATA ANALYSIS METHODS AND REDUCTION 35 6.1 CONVERTING BRIDGE VOLTAGE TO VELOCITY DATA 35 6.2 ANALYZING INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY DATA 37 7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 41 7.1 CROSS FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 41 7.2 PiTCHED JET CHARACTERISTICS, NO CROSS FLOW 46 7.2.1 Mean jet velocity profile 7.2.2 Jet averaged velocity versus frequency 7.2.3 Pulsed jet time trace 7.2.4 Jet trajectory 7.2.5 Jet turbulence characteristics in the near field of the jet 7.2.6 Jet turbulence characteristics at the jet exit 7.3 CASE I: PITCHED CYLINDER IN CROSS FLOW 47 48 50 56 59 62 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Pag 7.4 CASE II: STEADY JET iN CROSS FLOW 7.4.1 Velocity ratio of 0.85, at centerline at z/d = 0 7.4.2 Velocity ratio of 3.4, at centerline at zld = 0 7.4.3 Velocity ratio of 0.85, off-center at z/d = 0.8 7.4.4 Velocity ratio of 3.4, off-center at z/d = 0.8 7.5 CASE III, PULSED JET iN CROSS FLOW 7.5.1 Velocity ratio of 0.85, at centerline at zld = 0 7.5.2 Velocity ratio of 3.4, at centerline at z/d = 0 7.5.3 Velocity ratio of 0.85, off-center at z/d = 0.8 7.5.4 Velocity ratio of 3.4, off-center at z/d = 0.8 8 CASE COMPARISONS 67 67 71 73 76 80 80 83 86 89 92 8.1 INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON X-DIRECTION MEAN VELOCITY 92 8.2 INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON RMS OF U VELOCITY COMPONENT 97 8.3 INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON REYNOLDS STRESSES 100 8.4 INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON MEAN VORTICITY 105 9 SPECTRAL AND VELOCITY CHARACTERISTICS 109 9.1 INCLINED CYLINDER 110 9.2 STEADY JET 117 9.3 JET PULSING 123 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Pe 10 DISCUSSION 130 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 135 BIBLIOGRAPHY 137 APPENDICES 140 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1g 4.1 Test section of closed loop wind tunnel photograph 17 4.2 3-bladed variable pitch propeller photograph 17 4.3 2Ohp AC motor with drive belts photograph 18 4.4 Motorized traversing system photograph 19 4.5 Schematic of wind tunnel facility 20 4.6 Plate assembly photograph 22 4.7 Jet plate photograph 22 4.8 Machined diffuser section photograph 24 4.9 Schematic of pulsing setup 24 4.10 Schematic of the air supply system 26 4.11 TSI model 1246-20 probe photograph 27 5.1 Schematic of cross flow plate/jet assembly with coordinate system 28 5.2 GridA 32 5.3 GridB 33 7.1 Plate's leading edge velocity profile, main stream velocity 4 mIs 42 7.2 Velocity profile at 10 jet diameters upstream of jet leading edge 43 (U =4 mIs) 7.3 Velocity profile 3 mm upstream of the leading edge of the jet (U =4 mIs) 44 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 7.4 Turbulence intensity at 10 diameters upstream of the jet exit 45 7.5 Turbulence intensity immediately upstream of jet exit 46 7.6 Fractional change in velocity distribution relative to steady jet conditions for two velocity ratios 48 7.7 Mean velocity magnitude as a function of pulsing frequency for the low jet flow case = 3.4 mIs) 49 7.8 Mean velocity magnitude as a function of pulsing frequency for the high jet flow case (Vjet = 13.6 mIs) 49 7.9 Time trace at low flow setting for 0 Hz pulsing frequency 52 7.10 Time trace at low flow setting for 2 Hz pulsing frequency 52 7.11 Time trace at low flow setting for 20 Hz pulsing frequency 53 7.12 Time trace at low flow setting for 40 Hz pulsing frequency 53 7.13 Time trace at high flow setting for 0 Hz pulsing frequency 54 7.14 Time trace at high flow setting for 2 Hz pulsing frequency 54 7.15 Time trace at high flow setting for 20 liz pulsing frequency 55 7.16 Time trace at high flow setting for 40 Hz pulsing frequency 55 7.17 U-velocity profiles for the low flow, non-pulsed case 57 7.18 U- velocity profiles for the low flow, pulsed case 57 7.19 U-velocity profiles for the high flow, non-pulsed case 58 (Vjet LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 7.20 U-velocity profiles for the high flow, pulsed case 7.21 RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, Vjet = 3.4 no pulsing 7.22 RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, Vjet = 3.4 20 Hz pulsing 7.23 RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, Vjet = 13.6 mIs, no pulsing 61 7.24 RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, = 13. 6 mIs, 20 Hz pulsing 61 7.25 U-component RMS at variable frequencies, low jet flow rate 63 7.26 U-component RMS at variable frequencies, high jet flow rate 63 7.27 Pitched cylinder in a cross flow 65 7.28 Steady jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, zld = 0 68 7.29 Steady jet in a cross flow, VR=3.4, zld = 0 72 7.30 Steady jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, z/d 74 7.31 Steady jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, zld = 0.8 77 7.32 Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VR0.85, z/d = 0 81 7.33 Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, zld =0 84 7.34 Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, zld 7.35 Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, z/d = 0.8 58 ITflIS, 60 flTIIS, 60 Vjet 0.8 0.8 88 90 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 8.1 Mean velocity profiles at zld = 0 93 8.2 Mean velocity profiles at z/d = 0.8 95 8.3 RMS values at z/d = 0 98 8.4 RMS values at z/d = 0.8 99 8.5 Reynolds stresses at zld = 0 101 8.6 Reynolds stresses at z/d = 0.8 103 8.7 Mean vorticities at zld = 0 106 8.8 Mean vorticities at zld = 0.8 108 9.1 RMS-u, inclined cylinder at z/d = 0.8 111 9.2 RMS-v, inclined cylinder at z/d = 0.8 111 9.3 Power spectra at x/d = 2.5 112 9.4 Power spectra at x/d = 4.5 113 9.5 Power spectra at x/d7.5 114 9.6 Histogram at x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 2 115 9.7 Timetraceatx/d2.5andy/d2 116 9.8 RMS values, x-direction, VR = 3.4, z/d = 0 118 9.9 Steady jet spectral power density plot 118 9.10 Velocity Trace xld = 2.5, y/d = 1, VR = 0.85, steady 120 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 9.11 Velocity trace x/d = 2.5, yld = 4, YR = 3.4, steady 120 9.12 Histogram, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.5, YR = 3.4, steady 122 9.13 Histogram, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 4, YR = 3.4, steady 122 9.14 Jet spectral power density plot 123 9.15 Power Spectral Density for YR = 0.85, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2, 126 z/d =0 9.16 Power Spectral Density for YR = 0.85, x/d = 7.5, y/d = 1, z/d = 0 126 9.17 Power Spectral Density for VR = 3.4, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 1, z/d = 0 127 9.18 Power Spectral Density for YR = 3.4, x/d = 7.5, y/d = 2.5, z/d = 0 127 9.19 Power Spectral Density for YR = 0.85, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2, 128 Power Spectral Density for YR = 0.85, x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2, 128 zId0.8 9.20 z/d0.8 9.21 Power Spectral Density for YR = 3.4, xld = 2.5, y/d = 1, z/d = 0.8 129 9.22 Power Spectral Density for YR = 3.4, x/d = 7.5, y/d = 2.5, z/d0.8 129 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 5.1 Test plan 29 9.1 Location of power spectral density plots 124 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix ige A DIIFERENTIAL PRESSURE MAP 141 B CROSS FLOW PLATE ASSEMBLY TECHNICAL DRAWINGS 148 C UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS 156 CI JET AVERAGED VELOCITY 156 C.2 X,Y AND Z LOCATIONS 158 C.3 iNSTANTANEOUS VELOCITIES 159 D HOT FILM CALIBRATION 160 E POWER SPECTRA, TIME TRACES 163 AND HTSTOGRAMS LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure A.1 Test section locations 142 A.2 Pressure distribution at location A 144 A.3 Pressure distribution at location B 146 B.i Technical drawing of jet in cross flow assembly 149 B.2 Technical drawing of cross flow plate 150 B.3 Technical drawing of jet plate 151 B.4 Technical drawing of strut block 152 B.5 Technical drawing of plate strut 153 B.6 Technical drawing of stringer A 154 B.7 Technical drawing of stringer B 155 D.1 Calibration curve sensor 1 161 D.2 Calibration curve sensor 2 161 E.1 Power spectral density at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 inclined cylinder 4.0, 164 E2 Power spectral density at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 inclined cylinder 4.0, 165 E.3 Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, steady jet 166 E.4 Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, steady jet 167 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure E.5 Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, 168 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet E.6 Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld =0, pulsed jet 169 E.7 Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at xld = 2.5, 170 y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0, steady jet E.8 Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at xld 7.5, 171 E.9 Power spectral density for YR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet 172 E.10 Power spectral density for YR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet 173 E.1l Power spectral density for YR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, 174 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet E.12 Power spectral density for YR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, 175 y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet E.13 Power spectral density for YR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, 176 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E. 14 Power spectral density for YR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, 177 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E.15 Power spectral density for YR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, 178 y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet E.16 Power spectral density for YR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet 179 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure E.17 Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at xld = 2.5, 180 y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E.18 Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d 0.8, pulsed jet 181 E.19 Velocity time traces at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, inclined cylinder 182 E.20 Velocity time traces at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, inclined cylinder 183 E.21 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 40, z/d =0, steady jet 184 E.22 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, 185 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet E.23 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d 2.5, 186 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, 187 yld = 0.2-4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet E.24 y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet E.25 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, 188 y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld =0, steady jet E.26 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, 189 y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld =0, steady jet E.27 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet 190 E.28 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet 191 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure E.29 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, yld 0.2 4.0, z/d 0.8, steady jet 192 E.30 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet 193 E.31 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, 194 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E.32 Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet 195 E.33 Velocity time traces for VR 3.4, at xld = 2.5, y/d 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet 196 E.34 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet 197 E.35 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at xld = 2.5, 197 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E.36 Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at xld = 7.5, 199 y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet E.37 Histogram at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 inclined cylinder 4.0, 200 E.38 Histogram at xld = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 inclined cylinder 4.0, 201 E.39 Histogram for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, steady jet 202 E.40 Histogram for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, steady jet 203 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure E.53 Histogram for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet 216 E.54 Histogram for VR = 3.4, at xld = 7.5, 217 y/d = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table A. 1 Differential pressure measurements at A 143 A.2 Differential pressure measurements at B 145 A.3 Statistical data at A 147 A.4 Statistical data at B 147 NOMENCLATURE dU X direction velocity differential, UsteadyUpulsed, (m/s) dV Y direction velocity differential, VsteadyUpu1sed, (mis) D Jet diameter, 10mm Qiiowmeter Volume flow rate through flow meter Re Reynolds number, UD/v Rejet Jet Reynolds number, VjetDjet/V RMS(U) RMS of fluctuating velocity component (u'), (m/s) TI Turbulence Intensity, (%) u, v Instantaneous velocities in x and u', v' Fluctuating velocity in x and U,V Time average velocities in x and y direction, (mis) U Free stream velocity, (m/s) Umax Maximum velocity along u-component velocity profile y direction, y direction, (mis) (m/s) Normalized velocity, U/U Usteady/Upulsed U-component velocity at particular x/d location along jet exit, in steady and pulsed operation, respectively VR Velocity ratio, Vjet/Uco vt Instantaneous vector velocity, (mis) V Time average mean velocity vector, U2 + V2 , (m/s) NOMENCLATURE (Continued) Vjet Average jet exit velocity based on flow meter, Qflowmeter / Ajet,, (mis) Vmax Maximum velocity along v-component velocity profile VN Velocity component normal to sensor wire Vsteady/Vpulsed U-component velocity at particular x/d location along jet exit, in steady and pulsed operation, respectively VT Velocity component tangent to sensor wire Mean vorticity, (us) x, y, z Locations from origin, (mm) x/d, y/d, zld Non dimensional locations, d = 10 mm The Effects of Pulsing and Blowing Ratio on a 45° Inclined Jet in Cross Flow CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Jets in a cross flow are found in a wide range of applications from chimney plumes and waste water exhaust to combustor fuel injection, turbine blade cooling and boundary layer control. In some applications mixing and stirring are the primary indicators of an effective system, while in others the jet penetration is more important. The use of a jet in cross requires an understanding of the relation between the flow flow in any application variables and the effect they have on the flow structure. Because of the many applications of jets in cross flow and the academic interest in this particular flow, research in the area of jets in cross flow was initiated. The particular type of investigation that is described herein is meant to complement past research to better understand the effect of velocity ratio and jet pulsing on the jet/cross flow in the near and mid/far region of the jet. In particular, the effect of a relatively high pulsing frequency on the momentum within a cross flow, flow at low and high jet as well as a comparison with the effect on the wake of a solid inclined cylinder in cross flow, will be presented. 2 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature from different topics is included in this chapter. The main focus of the current research is on pulsed jets in cross flow, but other topics like cylinders and inclined cylinders in a cross flow will also be shortly discussed. The main part of the literature review will concern some past investigations of jets in cross flow. Steady jets in cross flow will be reviewed, followed by a review of pulsed jets in particular. 2.1 - YAWED CYLINDER IN A CROSS FLOW One of the many studies on cylinders in cross flow was performed by Roshko1 in 1954. He presented a detailed quantitative description on the development of wakes behind solid cylinders over a large Reynolds number range, where the Reynolds number was based on the freestream velocity and the cylinder diameter. He identifies three ranges of shedding. A lower range, starting at a Reynolds number of 40 up to 150, where a pair of standing vortices behind the cylinder become unstable and start shedding alternatively, resulting in a von Karman vortex Street. A transition range is identified between Re = 150 to 300, where laminar to turbulence transition occurs and a third, upper, range is identified between Re = 300 to 10,000+. In this last range the vortices contain turbulence and these turbulent vortices tend to diffuse faster and become fully turbulent at about 40 to 50 diameters downstream. The distinct shedding frequency components tend to be more buried in the high levels of turbulent energy in the third range, or high Reynolds number region. In addition to normally mounted cylinders perpendicular to a cross flow, studies like the one by A.R. Hanson2 involve a yawed cylinder in a cross flow. Low Reynolds number studies were carried out and it was shown that the Reynolds number at which shedding occurs is postponed as yaw angle is increased away from the normal. The frequency of shedding is also affected by yaw, however in the low Re range tested, it is still in linear relation to the Reynolds number. Kawamura et al.4 in 1994 carried out a computational study on the interaction of an inclined cylinder in a cross flow with Reynolds number of about 2000. More specifically they were interested in the wake region behind the cylinder. They studied the case of an infinitely long cylinder and one that was located between two end plates. Among other results they showed that 'strong three-dimensionality' was observed in the case of a finite cylinder between two end plates. The wake region tended to grow wider further away from the upstream end plate, which was consistent with the results indicating an increasingly earlier separation along the cylinder while traveling downstream along the cylinder. The wake of a 60 degree inclined cylinder in a cross flow was experimentally investigated by Hara et al.5. It is interesting to note that in preliminary experiments that were carried out, von Karman vortex shedding was seen in both cases of inclination of 0 and 30 degrees from the normal. It is also reported that such shedding was absent in the cases of larger yaw angles. The main study was focused on a 60 degree inclined jet, since the flow pattern was 'steady and highly three-dimensional'. A combination of trailing vortices along the plate and a pair of wake vortices were found in the wake of the cylinder, 'nearly parallel' to the cylinder. It was again observed that the wake size increases dramatically over the first few diameters along the downstream direction of the cylinder. This section summarized a small number of studies done on cylinders and inclined cylinders in cross flow and introduces the interesting behavior inherent to this particular setup. 2.2 - STEADY JETS IN CROSS FLOW Steady jets in cross flow have been investigated for over 50 years. There is a wide range of applications that are relevant to the jet in a cross flow configuration and applications range from jet exhaust into a free stream, turbine blade cooling, Vertical and Short Take Off and Landing aircraft applications (VSTOL), fuel injection, boundary layer control, reaction control for missiles and 5 aircraft, and more. Each application requires a different approach to the jet/cross flow interaction. There are four types of structures that are inherent to a jet in cross flow. One of the two steady structures is the so-called horseshoe vortex. It is generated at the leading edge of the jet close to the wall, where the cross flow boundary layer experiences an adverse pressure gradient and is forced to roll up. A second steady phenomenon is the counter rotating vortex pair, or kidney shaped vortex. The interaction between the jet boundary layer and the cross flow results in a shear layer, inducing vorticity aligned in the cross flow streamwise direction. This vorticity is convected downstream resulting in a counter rotating vortex pair. Occasionally vortices at the leading edge of the jet separate and form a third distinct feature, namely the jet shear layer vortices that travel along the upper side of the jet surface. The fourth structure, wake vortices, can be found in the wake of the jet between the bottom of the jet column and the cross flow wall. A summary of jet in cross flow work over the last 50 years is given in Margoson6. He describes early research up to 1970, where some of the first investigations were applied to chimney plumes, followed by applications such as combustor injection and early research on VSTOL applications. From a military perspective, research in the 1980's was primarily driven from missile reaction control and VSTOL aircraft development, which yielded research in the area of impinging jets in a cross flow. The development of the turbojet engine has increased the research of inclined jets within a cross flow for the application of turbine blade cooling. One of the experiments that reported on the similarity between vortex shedding behind a cylinder and that behind a jet in a cross flow was that conducted by McMahon et al.7 in 1971. At a cross flow Reynolds number of about 52,000, hot wire measurements were made in the downstream side of the jet. Wake shedding frequencies were normalized and resulted in Strouhal numbers between 0.083 and 0.093 for momentum flux ratios of 8 and 12, respectively. Experiments were also made with a splitter plate installed in the wake region, which resulted in a reduction of the discrete energy within the wake. It is argued that the "vortices behind the jet are similar to the ones behind a bluff body in a sense that the shedding phenomena is suppressed by a splitter plate". There is a clear difference between the calculated Strouha] numbers and the cylinder shedding Strouhal number of 0.21. However, it is also stated that using a jet spread diameter instead of the physical jet diameter results in a Strouhal number of about 0.205, which more closely resembles the cylinder shedding Strouhal number. A comparison between a pipe jet and a flush mounted jet in a cross flow was performed by Moussa et a18. (1977). Experiments where the jet was flush mounted on a rectangular metal plate showed agreement with earlier experiments like those made by McMahon et al. However, in the case were the pipe itself protruded into the cross flow, the shedding was found to be dominated by the V1 shedding from the pipe itself. Identical shedding frequencies were measured behind the pipe and in the jet wake. At velocity ratios higher than 5.5 this dependency seemed to alter slightly and the influence of the jet on the wake became significant. The behavior of the wake behind a jet in cross flow is often set analogous to the famous vortex shedding behind a solid cylinder. Fnc and Roshko9 argue that this analogy does not hold and that the source of vorticity that feeds the vortices is not found within the jet/cross flow interface, but instead in the cross flow boundary layer. They attribute the generation of vorticity to a 'separation event' occurring within the cross flow boundary layer as it flows around the cylinder into an adverse pressure gradient. The separation of the boundary layer allows spanwise vorticity to bend and stretch into upright vortices. The wake vortices seem to be most prominent at velocity ratios around 4, where the velocity ratio is defined as U/U. At velocity ratio 4 the jet column is close enough to the boundary layer to 'pull the separated fluid away from the cross flow wall', but far enough from the wall to 'induce significant amount of turning'. It seems that too large and too small of velocity ratios degrade the generation of wake vortices. It is also mentioned that the vorticity stretching and pulling by the jet could explain the results of Mousa et al. (1977), who found a better match between the wake Strouhal numbers for a protruding jet within a cross flow compared with that of a flush mounted jet in a cross flow. Fnc and Roshko argue that this closer agreement could be because of the extension of the wake vortices that are shed from the cylinder into the jet wake, just as the wake vortices are extensions of vorticity at the cross flow boundary layer in flush mounted jets. Studies by Kelso et a!10. indicated, among other things, that at high Reynolds numbers the wake structures change intermittently from one configuration to another. One configuration is similar to the von Karman pattern with vortices alternating in circulation, whereas the second configuration consists of mushroom like vortices and are grouped in pairs of opposite circulation. One important aspect of film cooling for turbine blades is the attachment of the jet flow to the wall. The generated counter rotating vortex pair (kidney vortices) both entrains surrounding fluid and promotes jet lift off. Haven and Kurosaka11 performed an extensive study on the effect of hole geometry on the jet lift off. Using a constant area jet, various hole shapes and aspect ratios were tested. It was clear that a low aspect ratio jet, which results in a close distance between the sidewall vortices increases 'mutual induction', resulting in an increase in jet lift off. It was also shown that the leading edge and trailing edge vortices also contribute to the jet lift off. Large-eddy simulations of jets in cross flow have been performed by Yuan et a!12. Experimental measurements have been reproduced numerically and large scale structures were apparent in the simulation. Among other things, the wake of the jet was studied and upright vortices were identified and attributed to the reorientation of streamwise vortices directly behind the jet. The flow characteristics of a 35 degree inclined jet were compared to a normal injection case by Lee et a113. They concluded that the jet flow was predominately dominated by turbulence at small velocity ratios, but influenced by inviscid vorticity dynamics at larger velocity ratios. The wake region consisted mostly of jet fluid at the lower velocity ratios, but jet lift off was evident at larger velocity ratios (VR=2). Cross flow entrainment for the inclined jet was also less than for the normal injected case. Many applications of inclined jets in cross flow can be found in film cooling applications where, among others, research has been performed by Brittingham and Leylek'4 and Isaac and Jakubowski15. The effect of variable hole geometries and its effect on film cooling was investigated by Thole Berger and et al.16 and Liburdy17. 2.3 - PULSED JETS IN CROSS FLOW The importance of mixing in gas turbine combustors has resulted in research of the acoustically pulsed jet interacting with a confined crossflow. Vermeulen et al.'8 in 1990 showed that acoustically pulsing the jet flow significantly increased mixing, jet spread and penetration. The jet response in terms of jet turbulence and penetration was found to be optimal at a Strouhal number of 0.22. Further research by Vermeulen et al.'9 in 1992 used a hot crossflow and temperature profile measurements to more directly assess the jet/crossflow mixing. Results again showed a significant increase in mixing zone size, penetration (at least 100% increase), and mixing. Jet penetration and mixing was determined to be at an optimum at a Strouhal number of 0.27. Water tunnel flow visualizations, laser induced fluorescence and hot film anemometry were used by Chang and Vakili2° to study the vortex ring formation of a fully modulated pulsed jet in a cross flow at velocity ratios of 1.5 to 6.7. Previous research indicated that the penetration and lift off of the jet was increased at lower pulsing frequencies. This increase in penetration was attributed to the generation of vortex rings which at lower frequencies penetrate far higher into the cross flow than when pulsed at higher frequencies and for a steady jet. At lower frequencies (below 3 Hz), vortex rings do not interact with each other and tend to penetrate further into the flow. Interaction among vortex rings was found at higher pulsing frequencies and at lower velocity ratios. McManus and Magill21 in 1996 used transverse pulsed jet vortex generators embedded in the leading edge of a wing profile to control boundary layer separation by enhancing cross stream mixing. It was found that at low mach numbers the pulsed jet actuator resulted in a 50% increase in lift. Increasing free stream Mach number, in general, had a degrading effect on the effectiveness of the pulsed vortex generator, but small lift increases were still observed. Maximum lift enhancements were generated at a pulsing Strouhal number of about 0.6. 11 Other studies by Magill and McManus22 in 1998 found that pulsed vortex generators could be used in the control of dynamic stall. Planar laser induced fluorescence techniques were used by Johari et al.23 to study the effect of duty cycle and pulsing frequency on the dilution and structural features of a pulsed transverse jet. A variety of duty cycles over a pulsing frequency range of 0.5 to 5 Hz were tested. Long injection times resulted in only small improvements in jet penetration, while short injection times resulted in the generation of vortex rings and increased penetration of up to 5 times compared to the steady jet. The effect of longer duty cycle and thus the decreased separation between the generated vortex rings decreased the penetration. Separation time between successive pulses seemed to be the major determinant in jet penetration and mixing. The effect of periodic pulsing on the structure and mixing of a transverse jet have also been investigated by Eroglu and Breidental24. For a given velocity ratio an optimum pulsing frequency could be selected that increased the penetration and mixing of the jet. Experiments done at Reynolds number of 6200 showed an increase of jet penetration as much a 70%. 12 CHAPTER 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 3.1 - GENERAL PROBLEM STATEMENT The goal of this research is to investigate the near and mid to far field characteristics of a 45 degrees inclined, pulsed jet in a cross flow during low and high Velocity Ratios (VR). The mean velocity and turbulent quantities and trajectories will be studied throughout the field. To fully understand how the various cases contribute to the overall flow structure it was necessary subdivide the general test objective into a number of sub-problems. More specifically, the following cases were studied and compared: 1. fully modulated 45 degrees inclined pulsed jet without cross flow, 2. 45 degrees inclined solid cylinder in a cross flow, 3. 45 degrees inclined steady jet in a cross flow, 4. 45 degrees fully modulated inclined pulsed jet in a cross flow. 13 3.2 - SPECIFIC EXPERIMENTAL OBJECTIVES 3.2.1 Fully modulated inclined pulsed jet without cross flow To better understand the behavior of the jet without a cross flow it was decided to study the jet characteristics in both pulsed and non-pulsed cases without the cross flow present for a low and high jet flow rate. In order to investigate the effect of jet pulsing on the quality of the jet flow it is necessary to study the following aspects. First, a comparison of the mean jet velocity profiles for a pulsed and non-pulsed case will show if the pulsing will alter the velocity profile at the jet exit. The effect of pulsing on the velocity profiles will be studied at low and high velocity ratios. Secondly, the performance of the valve in terms of its operating frequency was for a great deal unknown. It was necessary to test the valve pulsing operating range and study its effect on both the instantaneous and mean velocity at the jet exit at low and high velocity settings. Thirdly, turbulence data was obtained for the non-pulsed and the pulsed case for both jet exit velocities for comparison purposes. Fourthly, the penetration and trajectory of the inclined, fully modulated jet is also of interest and a comparison will be made with the unforced case at both low and high jet velocities. 14 3.2.2 A 45 degrees inclined solid cylinder in cross flow The 45 degrees inclined cylinder in a cross flow forms a reference case for the steady/pulsed jet in cross flow experiments and will be used to study and compare the influence of a rigid obstacle on the cross flow and that of a jet on the cross flow. Special attention will be given to the wake characteristics behind both the cylinder and the jet. Of particular interest is the known analogy between the shedding around a cylinder and the wake vortices present in particular jet cross flow experiments. The spectral behavior of the shedding behind the cylinder is of interest and is compared to that of the potential wake vortices in the jet in cross flow setup. Hot film measurements were taken throughout the wake along the cylinders side (outside of the axis of symmetry) and instantaneous velocity datasets were converted into mean velocity quantities, turbulence related quantities and wake energy spectra. 3.2.3 - A 45 degrees inclined steady jet in cross flow A steady jet within a cross flow was tested such that a comparison can be made between it and both the cylinder case and the case where pulsing is applied to the jet. Two velocity ratios are studied to alter the jet penetration and lift off 15 which are expected to result in different wake structures. One jet flow at approximately the cross flow velocity and one high jet flow were selected. Hot film data was obtained inside and outside of the jet symmetry plane. Mean velocity quantities, turbulence data and energy spectra will be generated to study the effect of blowing ratio on the near and mid/near field. 3.2.4 A fully modulated inclined pulsed jet in cross flow Jet pulsing is the last variable that is introduced. The influence of pulsing in combination with low and high velocity ratios on the near and mid/near field will be the main focus for this test. Hot film data were gathered for a pulsing jet at two blowing ratios and data converted to evaluate mean velocities, turbulence data and power spectra. 16 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The experimental setup involved in the cross flow experiments is described in this chapter. An experimental apparatus was designed, fabricated and installed in a wind tunnel to perform the jet in cross flow experiments. Various instrumentation equipment and support systems were also needed, and are described. The chapter will explain in detail the low speed closed ioop wind tunnel, the instrumentation that was used, the jet in cross flow setup that was specifically designed for this research and the hot wire system that was used to collect the data. 4.1 - WIND-TUNNEL FACILITIES All jet in cross flow experiments were conducted in a closed loop, low speed wind tunnel at Oregon State University's Aerolab. The wind tunnel's contraction region is followed by a 30 ft long, 4 by 5 feet cross-section test section, a photograph is included in Figure 4.1. The wind tunnel is powered by a 2Ohp AC drive and motor, which drives a 3-bladed variable pitch propeller 17 through a set of drive belts. A photograph of the propeller and motor are presented in Figures 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. Figure 4.1 Test section of closed ioop wind tunnel photograph Figure 4.2: 3-bladed variable pitch propeller photograph Figure 4.3: 2Ohp AC motor with drive belts photograph During jet in cross flow tests the blade pitch was maintained at a low angle of attack resulting in a high motor rpm setting. With a low angle of attack setting on the propeller and a motor speed of 1175 rpm, the wind tunnel is capable of maintaining speeds up to 10 mIs. Higher operating speeds are readily available through higher pitch settings and faster motor rotation, but were not necessary for this particular research. The cross flow velocity within the test section for the jet in cross flow experiments was maintained at a comfortable 4 m/s throughout all experiments. The turbulence intensity within the test section measured away from the test plate was on the order of 1 %. Initial velocity fluctuation measurements indicated a favorable test location about half way through the test section (see location B in Figure A. 1, Appendix A). To minimize the levels of turbulence and to 'straighten' the flow, one course grid and a pair of fine grids were mounted upstream of the contraction area. 19 Plexiglas panel doors along the entire length of the test section allowed for a visual inspection of the test setup, while a motorized traversing system allowed for measurement probes to be positioned at various locations in the test section. A photograph of the traversing system is shown in Figure 4.4. Motorized traversing is available in the vertical and lateral directions, while a manual translation is required in the streamwise direction. A schematic of the wind-tunnel facility can be found in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.4: Motorized traversing system photograph 20 AC drive Motor Screens Test section * I testplate I transverser Figure 4.5: Schematic of wind tunnel facility 4.2 - CROSS FLOW SETUP A 24" x 48" x 3/8" Plexiglas® flat plate was installed 14 feet downstream from the test section entrance. Since the test section floor boundary layer develops along the wind tunnel floor test section and a uniform velocity profile was required at the leading edge of the flat plate, the flat plate was positioned 14 inches away from the test section floor, well outside the wind-tunnel floor 21 boundary layer. A set of 10 aluminum support struts mounted between the flat plate and four aluminum flat stringers located on the wind tunnel floor created a sturdy plate assembly. These same support struts also allowed for easy leveling of the flat plate. A 30 degrees bevel was machined at the leading edge of the plate to create a sharp edge minimizing the obstruction for the oncoming flow. A photograph of the plate assembly is shown in Figure 4.6. Current jet in cross flow measurements were confined to a 10 mm diameter cylindrical jet hole, pitched streamwise at a 45 degrees angle. The pitched circular jet results in an ellipse shaped jet exit with a minor diameter of 10 nm-i and a major diameter of 14 mm. To allow for future configurations the jet was made separately from the plate. The separate jet assembly was machined out of an aluminum disk (male), which can be fitted inside a slot machined in the plexiglas flat plate (female). This design allows for one particular jet assembly to be yawed in steps of 45 degrees, and can be easily interchanged with other jet plates. A photograph of the jet plate is included in Figure 4.7. Since the cross flow velocity throughout the tests was maintained at 4 mIs, the local Reynolds number at the leading edge of the jet was 8.47x 10g. To ensure a turbulent developing boundary layer along the surface of the plate, a 1.8 mm trip wire was mounted 50 mm downstream of the plate's leading edge. The jet Reynolds numbers for the test case velocity ratios of 0.84 and 3.4 are 2260 and 8930, respectively. All technical drawings for the cross flow plate assembly are included in Appendix B. 22 Figure 4.6: Plate assembly photograph Figure 4.7: Jet plate photograph 23 4.3 - JET PULSING Jet pulsing was achieved by installing a miniature solenoid valve upstream of the jet opening. To achieve a relatively high pulsing frequency a small solenoid valve with an orifice opening of 2.5 mm diameter was used. To ensure a smooth flow readjustment from the 2.5 mm diameter solenoid orifice to the 10 mm jet opening a 30 mm long diffuser section was custom made. The diffuser was flush mounted and threaded into the jet opening as well as screwed into the solenoid valve opening. The diffuser was fitted with a 6 degrees diffuser angle to allow for flow re-adjustments while preventing flow separation within the nozzle. A photograph of the machined diffuser is seen in Figure 4.8. The solenoid pulsing frequency was controlled by an amplified function generator output from a Tektronix FG503 3 MHz function generator. A 40-Watt amplifier boosted the function generator output signal (square wave) to an amplitude of 24 VDC. A Tektronix TDS 3054 oscilloscope was used to verify the input signal to the amplifier as well as the amplified signal to the solenoid. The input to the solenoid was set to the specified voltage of 24 VDC at low frequencies, but required slight adjustments to be able to operate at higher frequencies. Frequency and voltage offset adjustments where made using the function generator, while signal amplitude was controlled using the amplifier. A schematic of the pulsing setup can be seen in Figure 4.9. 24 Figure 4.8: Machined diffuser section photograph Bleed air during pulsing air supply Function Generator Amplifier Oscil OOflflf1J Figure 4.9: Schematic of pulsing setup 25 4.4 - AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM Compressed air for the jet was supplied from a compressor and pressure vessel system. The compressor was set such that the system's pressure vessel was pressurized up to 90 psig, after which the compressor automatically shut off until the pressure dropped below 60 psig when the compressor automatically engaged again. Pressure lines were used to supply the necessary compressed air to underneath the wind tunnel test section. Underneath the wind tunnel a pressure regulator was installed in the pressure line and set to 32 psig, which allowed for enough pressure to obtain the desired jet flow rates. A flow meter was installed just downstream of the pressure regulator. The valve on the flow meter was used to regulate the flow resulting in a downstream line pressure between 3 and 15 psig. The flow rate, measured by the flow meter, which was calibrated at atmospheric conditions, was corrected for pressure and temperature to calculate actual flow rate through the flow meter. The correction method is included in the uncertainty analysis and is included as Appendix C. During pulsing operations the mass flow rate through the flow meter was unaltered with half of the flow exiting into the atmosphere during the closed portion of the cycle and the other half through the jet during the open portion of the cycle. The current setup was capable of averaged jet exit velocities up to 20 mIs in the steady case. Figure 4.10 shows a schematic of the air supply system. 26 Wind Tunnel! Fluidized bed wall boundary JetNatve assembly inside wind tunnel ump Motor Pressure Vessel !eTank Flowmeter Filter Pressure Regulator L____ Pressure Transducer Thermocouple Figure 4.10: Schematic of the air supply system 4.5 - HOT WIRE SYSTEM A constant-temperature-thermal-anemometer system, including a dual hot film x-probe was used to gather instantaneous velocity data. The sensors were part of a 90 degrees elbow support interconnected with a 18" long probe support. The probe/probe-support assembly was fixed to the traversing system inside the wind tunnel test section. A plastic clamping arrangement was designed to hold the probe support at two different locations. Each hot film was connected to a bridge circuit located within a cabinet outside the test section. The bridge circuitry was interfaced with a desktop computer, used for data collection, conversion and storage. To maximize the input range of the analog to digital converter the voltage 27 signals from the bridge circuits were conditioned. Gain and offset values were selected for each individual channel such that the bridge output voltage would fill most of the 5 VDC to +5 VDC range on the analog to digital converter. A photographs of the TSI model 1246-20 hot film is seen in Figure 4.11. A hotwire calibration was performed over a velocity range from 0 to 40 mis and the exact procedure and calibration files can be found in Appendix D. Figure 4.11: TSI model 1246-20 probe photograph CHAPTER 5 TEST PLAN The following test plan was created and adhered to throughout the research. All tests are listed in Table 5.1 and are consistent with the problems stated in Chapter 3. Each test mentioned within the test matrix will be shortly described. A schematic of the flat plate and its coordinate system is included in Figure 5.1. Initial data locations presented in Chapter 7 are identified along the x, y and z axes, while most of the data are presented as non-dimensional locations: x/d, y/d and z/d, where d = 10 nmi is the jet exit diameter. References will be made to the near field, which is defined as the area from the jet to x/d = 4 and the far field, defined as x/d =4 to xld = 10.5 U Figure 5.1: Schematic of cross flow plate/jet assembly with coordinate system Table 5.1: Test plan Hot film location Test name 1 x (mm) Jameters y (mm) Case ros,bwqualityassessrnenf LP1ate leading edge (LE) profile Boundary layer velocity/TI profile 100 upstream of jet ndary layer velocity/TI profile at LE of jet 2-25, dy = 1 2-17, dy = 0.5 2-19, dy = 0.5 j at LE U 100 U,TI - U,Tl - Vjet High/Low Jtcharate1istLcs Mean jet velocity profile, non-pulsed 2 0 20 U Mean jet velocity profile, pulsed 2 0 20 U Jet trajectory non-pulsed Grid A U Jet trajectory pulsed Grid A U Average jet velocity at various frequencies 2 7 V1 Jet pulse time trace 2 7 Vt Jet turbulence characteristics near jet exit 2 7 RMS f=2OHz Viet High/Low V0t High/Low f=2OHz Viet High/Low V1 let turbulence characteristics in near field Grid A RMS High/Low f=1-4OHz V1 High/Low f=1-4OHz , let __ steady & 20Hz V1 Hiqh/Low P itchecl Cylinder in a cross flow Mean velocities in the cylinder wake Grid B U,V,V1 Turbulence characteristics in the wake Grid B RMS,Re Spectral content within the wake Grid B Spectra Mean velocities and jet trajectory Grid B U,V,Vt 2 yR's ITurbulence characteristics in the wake of the jet Grid B RMS,Re 2 VR's Spectral content within the wake of the jet Grid B Spectra 2 VR's Mean velocities and pulsed jet trajectory Grid B U,V,V1 Turbulence characteristics in the wake of the pulsed jet Grid B RMS,Re Spectral content witin the wake of a pulsed jet Grid B Spectra * Grids A and B can be found in Figures 5.2 and 5.3 '::'.j 2VR's Pulse/no-pulse puIse/-ulse 2VR's Pulse/no-pulse 30 Throughout all experiments the sampling frequency was held at 2000 Hz and a total of 8192 data points were gathered per dataset. This resulted in a sample time of 4.096 seconds. A low pass filter was automatically set at 1000 Hz. 5.1 - CROSS FLOW QUALITY ASSESSMENT To assess the cross flow quality, the mean velocity profile near the leading edge of the plate was obtained. Hot film data were gathered starting 2 mm above the plate up to 25 mm above the plate, with a 1 mm interval. Mean velocities were obtained by analyzing the instantaneous velocity samples at each location. The thickness of the boundary layer at the leading edge of the jet exit was predicted to be on the order of the jet diameter25. Boundary layer velocity profiles were obtained at two locations along the flat plate by traversing the hot film probe from 2 mm above the flat plate up to 17 mm at 1OD upstream of, and up to 19 mm at, the jet leading edge. Instantaneous velocities were gathered and mean velocities, as well as turbulence related profiles, were generated. 31 5.2 - JET CHARACTERISTICS For a comparison between the steady and pulsed mean jet velocity profiles, hot film measurements were made along the jet opening. The hot film was placed 1 mm upstream of the leading edge of the jet and data samples were taken at 1mm intervals along the x-direction past the trailing edge of the jet (x = 20 mm). During this traverse, the hot film was positioned at a constant height of 2 mm above the cross flow plate. At each x-location two data sets were collected; one for the steady case and one for the pulsed case (20 Hz). This test was repeated for a low (Vjet = 3.4 mIs) and a high (Vjet = 13.5 mIs) jet velocity based on flow meter settings. Mean velocity quantities were generated and used for comparison. The effect of jet pulsing on the mean velocity and instantaneous velocities was evaluated by positioning the hot film probe at the center of the jet (x = 7 mm), while collecting data over a frequency range from 0 to 40 Hz for low and high jet flow settings. The jet pulse time trace was evaluated by presenting the instantaneous velocity magnitude vt, while the influence of pulsing frequency on the mean flow was studied by calculating mean velocities for every time trace. It was of interest to study the level of turbulence right at the jet exit with various pulsing frequencies and jet flow settings; therefore, RMS values were calculated from the instantaneous velocities. Based on the pulsed jet response an operating frequency was selected that could be used in the pulsed jet in cross flow case. The vertical height above the plate was 2 mm throughout these tests. The turbulent 32 layout of the jet was also studied starting with a 7 by 4 grid (grid A) as indicated in Figure 5.2. 35 3Ol 0 2O 0. 0 15 .0 0 )10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance from leading edge of jet, x (mm) Figure 5.2: Grid A 5.3 - PITCHED CYLINDER IN CROSS FLOW For increased resolution in the cross flow cases a new grid was generated and can be seen in Figure 5.3. It shows a predominantly 5 mm vertical staggered and 10 mm horizontally staggered points, combining to a total of 117 points. The row closest to the cross flow wall is set at y = 2 mm, followed by a row at y = 5mm and further staggered each 5 mm until y =40 mm. Shedding from a cylinder is expected to originate from either side of the cylinder at z = 5 mm or z = 5 mm. 33 The z = 8 mm plane was selected for study and throughout that plane hot film data were gathered according to grid B. Mean velocities, turbulence related quantities and spectral data were generated and compared to the steady and pulsed jet cases. The cross flow velocity setting was 4 mIs and was held constant throughout the experiments. [- Cylinder 80 E60 - - - 20-- - -/ - - Grid points / / / / // / / / / // / 70 c5O - -/--/A -/ 'I-/--/-/ - - -/- / / -/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -/- - - - - - - - 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 0 .5 5 15 Distance from leading edge of jet, x (mm) Figure 5.3: Grid B 105 115 34 5.4 - STEADY JET IN CROSS FLOW For the steady jet case, grid B was also used, but data was gathered in the symmetry plane of the jet at z = 0 mm in addition to z = 8 mm plane. Hot film data was gathered for velocity ratios: 0.85 and 3.4. A total of 234 data sets were collected and converted into mean velocity, turbulence and spectral data. 5.5 - PULSED JET IN CROSS FLOW A similar test setup was used for the pulsed case, with the exception that at each velocity ratio the hot film data were collected with the valve pulsing at the preferred frequency. This test and the previous test were actually done in one and the same run, since the pulsing is relatively easy to activate and deactivate. At each point along grid B one data set for the non-pulsed case and another for the pulsed case were collected. A total of 234 data sets were gathered in the pulsed jet in cross flow case. 35 CHAPTER 6 DATA ANALYSIS METHODS AND REDUCTION This chapter describes the various analysis methods that were used to convert the raw bridge voltage data into velocity, turbulent and spectral data. The first section addresses the very basics of hot wire data interpretation, while the other sections further discuss data post processing. 6.1 - CONVERTING BRIDGE VOLTAGE TO VELOCITY DATA During each test raw bridge voltages from the hot wire system were collected and stored for post processing. The relationship between bridge voltage and the 'effective velocity' of the hot film determined during calibration was used to calculate the effective velocities for each wire. Below is described how the instantaneous velocity components u, v and the instantaneous velocity vector magnitude Vt are calculated from the effective velocity. Assuming that a single wire probe was used, the cooling velocity that was obtained from the calibration data cannot be taken as the actual velocity crossing the wire. The effective cooling velocity for a one-wire probe with a finite length can be defined as a combination of cooling from flow perpendicular to the wire 36 and flow parallel to the wire. The resulting equation for cooling velocity can be defined as: Veff =vtVcos2a+k2sin2a Veff = Jv + kv ,or 6-1 6-2 , where a is the angle between the main flow and the normal of the sensor and k is an empirically determined constant that takes into account cooling parallel to the hot wire. v is defined as the instantaneous velocity vector magnitude, tangential component of instantaneous velocity and VN VT the the normal component of instantaneous velocity. For an X-probe oriented such that a = 45°, where two wires are oriented at a 90 degree angle to each other, it can be stated that UN! = UT2 and UT! = UN2. Equation 6-2 can then be written for each wire as: V1 UJ? + k!2Ul Ve2 = U,2 + kU2 - U1 + kU,! 6-3 6-4 Solving for the normal and tangential velocities gives: 2 UN! v2 k2V2 effl eff2 1 1_1.212 ! 6-5 2 and 2 UT! v2 eff2 k2V2 2 eff! 11.212 K, ! 6-6 37 Knowing the individual cooling velocities from the calibration curve and the constants k1 and k2, the tangential and normal velocities can be calculated. Using simple trigonometry, both of the velocity components u and v and the instantaneous vector velocity magnitude can be calculated: UT! +UN1 v= UT! UN! v=V(u2+v2) 6-7 6-8 6-9 6.2 - ANALYZING INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITY DATA After instantaneous velocity information has been obtained, a number of other useful quantities can be generated. Although the hot wire software is capable of generating various quantities for assessment, most of the processing was accomplished using MATLAB. The first assessment of the instantaneous velocity is the mean velocity. Mean velocities were calculated for the u and v components, while the total mean velocity magnitude was calculated from those directional quantities. Mean velocities were calculated by time averaging an instantaneous velocity signal. In our case, the velocity signal was sampled at 2000 Hz and discretized into 8192 points over a period of 4.096 seconds. The mean is then calculated by summing over all data-points and dividing by the total number of points within the velocity file according to the following equations: U!uJ 6-10 V!vJ 6-11 V=VU2+V2 6-12 The normal stress, or variance, for each individual velocity component was used throughout to indicate regions of high turbulence. For the u component of velocity, the normal stress is defined as the mean squared value of the fluctuating quantity u', where the fluctuating quantity is the difference between the instantaneous velocity u and the mean velocity U. Throughout the results the terms RMSU and RMSV will be used. The RMS is basically the square root of the variance, which is also the standard deviation: RMSU = 6-13 and similarly for RMSV. The standard deviation gives insight into the amount and spread of fluctuations around the mean velocity. The RMS is normalized with the freestream velocity U to calculate the turbulence intensity and is defined as: TI(%)= U 100% The quantity u' was also calculated. These values represent the amount of stress exerted on the flow due to turbulence. Reynolds stresses can be computed, using the following relationship, which is the actual Reynolds stress per density: Re 6-15 stress Positive values of Reynolds stress indicate negative values of u'v' and, within a boundary layer, indicate an increase of momentum towards the wall. Positive values of u'v' on the other hand represent a deficit in momentum and tend to transport momentum away from the wall. Fluctuating velocities for u and v throughout the data set are multiplied and averaged to calculate u'v', after which they are plotted as Reynolds stresses throughout the grid. Mean vorticity was calculated and defined as follows: au U) i(av =I--- 2ax iy 6-16 The vorticity in the z-direction was calculated at grid locations xld = 0.5 through x/d = 9.5 and from y/d = 0.2 until y/d = 3.5. A backward finite difference routine was used to calculate the velocity gradients at each point, using average velocities throughout the grid. Vorticity could therefore not be calculated for all y locations along x/d = 9.5 and for all x locations along y/d =4. Vorticity calculations give insight into the velocity gradients within the flow and in particular it is useful to identify jet shear layers and therefore establish a jet trajectory. Mean vorticity throughout the field are plotted and presented in Chapter 7. 41 CHAPTER 7 RESULTS AN!) DISCUSSION 7.1 - CROSS FLOW CHARACTERISTICS Prior to performing the jet in cross flow experiments, it was necessary to study the general cross flow characteristics. A uniform velocity profile was preferred at the leading edge of the cross flow plate. For this reason the plate was positioned 0.3 meter above the wind tunnel test section floor and the leading edge of the flat plate was machined into a sharp edge. The leading edge velocity profile measured with the hot film probe for a mainstream velocity of 4 mIs is shown in Figure 7.1. The normalized velocity U is defined as U/U. An acceleration of about 12% from the mainstream was apparent near the tip of the plate. This was attributed to a slight positive angle of attack of the flat plate with the mainstream and the slight bluntness of the plate tip, causing an increased curvature of the streamlines near the leading edge, resulting in more acceleration than with a zero angle of attack. Leading edge and boundary layer velocity profiles were then obtained for other than 'normal' angles of attack. It was concluded from these tests that the alteration of the angle of attack and a lesser acceleration near the tip did not affect the downstream boundary velocity profile. Hence, it was decided to keep the plate at its original level avoiding further complications in other areas like hot wire traversing and test grid alterations. 25 E E 15 .1 0 > 0 .0 10 -c C) 0 I 15 Normalized velocity, U (mis) Figure 7.1: Plate's leading edge velocity profile, main stream velocity 4 mIs Boundary layer velocity profiles were obtained at two locations downstream of the leading edge. A trip wire was then installed about 50 mm downstream from the plate's leading edge of the plate to ensure a turbulent boundary layer. The location of the trip wire was picked such that the boundary layer thickness would be on the order of the jet diameter at the jet exit. With the 43 type of hot film probe that was used, it was not possible to get closer than 2 mm from the wall. Figure 7.2 shows the velocity profile approximately 10 jet diameters upstream of the leading edge of the jet. The velocity gradually increases from about 2.87 mIs at 2 mm to 4.12 mIs at the edge of the boundary layer. 40 1 E E1 ti) ci) > 0 C) ci) I 0.5 1 1.5 Normalized velocity, U (mis) Figure 7.2: Velocity profile at 10 jet diameters upstream of jet leading edge (U =4 mIs) The profile adheres closely to the 117th power curve, which is apparent in turbulent boundary layers. The thickness of the boundary layer is estimated at about 15 mm. Figure 7.3 shows the velocity profile near the leading edge of the jet. The hot film was positioned in such a way that the tips of the wire were located 3 mm upstream of the jet leading edge. Again the 117th order power fit is added as reference. The velocity 2 mm from the plate in this case is 2.71 mIs and increases to a free stream velocity of 4.12 mIs at the edge of the boundary layer. Using this velocity profile a boundary layer of about 17 mm was estimated at the leading edge of the jet. E E >' Wi 0. WI > 0 -a 0) 0 I U L__ 0 I 0.5 I 1 1.5 Normalized velocity, U (mis) Figure 7.3: Velocity profile 3 mm upstream of the leading edge of the jet (U = 4 mIs) 45 18 16 14 E 12 a) a. a) 08 > -D ( 1) I ru 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Turbulence Instensity Profile TI(%) 12 14 Figure 7.4: Turbulence intensity at 10 diameters upstream of the jet exit In addition to the velocity profiles, turbulence intensity profiles within the boundary layer were also generated. Figure 7.4 shows the turbulence intensity at 10 diameters upstream of the jet exit. As can be seen, the turbulence intensity varies from 9.7% near the wall to 0.8% at the edge of the boundary layer at y = 15 mm. Figure 7.5 shows the turbulence intensity just upstream of the jet exit. nfl 1 1 E >' 0 'p1 > 0 .0 -C 0) 1) 2 4 6 8 10 Turbulence Instensity Profile Tl(%) 12 14 Figure 7.5: Turbulence intensity immediately upstream of jet exit The turbulence intensity at the jet exit varies from 10.6% at the wall to 0.96% near the edge of the boundary layer. 7.2 - PITCHED JET CHARACTERISTICS, NO CROSS FLOW The following results are specific to the 45 degrees pitched, fully modulated jet, which was used in all further jet in cross flow experiments. Both 47 low and high jet flow cases as well as pulsed and non-pulsed operations without the presence of a cross flow were tested. 7.2.1 Mean jet velocity profile Mean jet velocity profiles along the jet centerline were generated at low and high flow settings. Hot film data were gathered at x = 2 mm through x = 20 mm in 1 mm intervals. The fractional change in mean velocity profiles for both U and V are presented in Figure 7.6 and represent the amount of deviation from the velocity profile in the steady case, where dU and dV are defined as and Vsteady - Vpulsed, Usteady Upuiseij respectively The effect of pulsing clearly affects the magnitude of the mean velocity as only half of the mass flow is now exiting through the jet compared to the steady case. A comparison between mean velocity profiles in terms of U and Vmax can be made between the steady and pulsed case. The drop of mean velocity for both velocity ratios is on the order of 50% for the V component of velocity. The drop in U is on the order of 45% for Vjet = 13.6 mIs and on the order of 40% for 3.4 mIs. Vjet = Vjet = 3.4 Vjet = 13.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 D J 0 0.3 -o 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0 ) 5 10 15 20 3 5 ) 5 x(mm) 1 15 20 15 20 1 0.5 > > 10 x (mm) 0.5 > > 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 3 5 10 15 20 x(mm) 10 x(mm) Figure 7.6: Fractional change in velocity distribution relative to steady jet conditions for two velocity ratios 7.2.2 Jet averaged velocity versus frequency Figures 7.7 and 7.8 indicate the change in mean velocity (Vi) with frequency for low and high flow cases as measured at the center of the jet exit (x = 7 mm). The mean flow rate through the flow meter was held constant, while the pulsing frequency was changed in increments from steady up to 40 Hz. At each frequency, instantaneous velocity data were collected and the mean velocity calculated. 5 4.5 4 > 3.5 3 2.5 0 I 5 10 I I 20 15 25 I 30 35 I 40 f(Hz) Figure 7.7: Mean velocity magnitude as a function of pulsing frequency for the low jet flow case (Vjet= 3.4 mIs) 13 12 >: .7 0 5 10 20 15 25 30 35 40 f(Hz) Figure 7.8: Mean velocity as a function of pulsing frequency for the high jet flow case = 13.6 mIs) (Vjet 50 From these results it is clear that the mean velocity is nearly independent of frequency in the range of 3-25 Hz, but that an increase in total mean velocity magnitude is apparent as pulsing frequency increases beyond 25 Hz. The spike near f = 0 Hz is of course the mean velocity when no pulsing is present and when 100% of the supplied air exits through the jet opening, instead of the 50% as in the pulsed case. More discussion about this frequency dependency at higher pulsing frequencies is discussed in the next section. 7.2.3 Pulsed jet time trace A pulsed jet time trace was generated from data gathered at the center of the jet exit (x = 7mm). Pulsed and non-pulsed traces are compared for low and high jet flow settings and presented in Figures 7.9 through 7.16. Data for the pulsed cases are plotted with variable time scales, such that for each pulsing frequency the same number of pulse periods are shown. Figures 7.9 through 7.12 represent time traces at a low jet flow setting for pulsing frequencies of 0, 2, 20 and 40 Hz, respectively. For the pulsed case, the square-wave like velocity trace are most distinct at low pulsing frequency and become increasingly disordered as pulsing frequency is increased. Moving up in pulsing frequencies to 20 Hz and 40 Hz, see Figures 7.11 and 7.12, the pulse becomes less defined and is influenced by the jet turbulence as the pulse time 51 scale approaches the jet turbulence time scales. Comparing the 40 Hz case, Figure 7.12, with a similar scale but steady case, Figure 7.9, reveals identical small-scale fluctuations. Similar trends are seen at the higher velocity setting and results are presented in Figures 7.13 through 7.16. Another interesting observation can be made that is apparent both at low and high jet flow settings. Theoretically, the valve shuts completely during the 'off' cycle and no flow is expected to exit the jet, which should result in a zero velocity. However, one can see in the figures that as jet pulsing frequency increases, the velocity does not return back to 0 rn/s completely. This effect is more noticeable at higher pulsing frequencies and is attributed to the inertia of the valve. Simply stated, the valve does not have enough time to fully close, before the next 'on' period is initiated. The increase in mean velocity at higher pulsing frequencies as was indicated in Figures 7.7 and 7.8 is a result of this phenomenon. 52 12 10 V (m/s) 8 6 4 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 Time (sec) Figure 7.9: Time trace at low flow setting for 0 Hz pulsing frequency Vt (mis) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Time (sec) Figure 7.10: Time trace at low flow setting for 2 Hz pulsing frequency 0.2 53 12 10 8 Vt (mis) 6 4 2 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.22 0.2 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 Time (sec) Figure 7.11: Time trace at low flow setting for 20 Hz pulsing frequency 8 6 V (m/s) 4 2 0 0.1 U.11 U.1 U.1j 0.14 0Th 0Th 0.11 0.1 0.1w O. Time (sec) Figure 7.12: Time trace at low flow setting for 40 Hz pulsing frequency 54 25 20 Vt (m/s) 15 10 5 0.1 I_i. I V.0 1.1. IL I V. I'+ V.0 V. IV V. U. IU ti. Ii Time (sec) Figure 7.13: Time trace at high flow setting for 0 Hz pulsing frequency 30 25 20 V (mis) 15 10 5 0 U.4 O.I U. 1 12 1.4 1.0 1.0 Time (sec) Figure 7.14: Time trace at high flow setting for 2 Hz pulsing frequency '.i.. 55 25 20 V (m/s) 15 10 5' 0 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 Time (sec) Figure 7.15: Time trace at high flow setting for 20 Hz pulsing frequency 20 15 V (mis) 10 5 0 L_L_ 0.09 0.1 I 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 Time (sec) Figure 7.16: Time trace at high flow setting for 40 Hz pulsing frequency 7.2.4 Jet trajectory Mean velocity profiles in the x-direction for low and high jet flow settings, as well as pulsed versus non-pulsed operation, are presented in Figures 7.17 through 7.20. Instantaneous velocity data were collected at each grid point according to the pattern given for grid A, see Figure 5.2. Comparing velocity profile maxima for all four figures it appears that the jet trajectory is not significantly altered by the varying jet flow rate, nor does jet pulsing seem to have an effect on the trajectory. The exit angle remains roughly 35 degrees with the flat plate. The effect of pulsing on the velocity profile is most noticeable near the profile's maximum. As can be seen by comparing Figures 7.18 and 7.20 to Figures 7.17 and 7.19, respectively, pulsing the jet results in a sharp decrease in the velocity maximum, while the remainder of the velocity profile remains relatively unchanged. 57 x=l5mm x35mm x=25mm 301 x=45mm 30 25 25 25L-. 25 20 20 20 20 / \ / I 15 15 10 10 - 15I---- 15 10 10 H / / 5 5 5 / / 00 2 4 00 U (mis) I 2 00 U (m/s) 2 4 00 2 U (m/s) 4 U (m/s) Figure 7.17: U-velocity profiles for the low flow, non-pulsed case xl5mm x25mm x45mm x=35mm 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 20H 20 20 20 15 l5 15 10 10 5 5 5i 10 -4 I 0 0 / __ J 2 U (m/s) / 5 40 0 2 U (m/s) 40 0 2 U (m/s) 40 0 2 4 U (m/s) Figure 7.18: U-velocity profiles for the low flow, pulsed case x25mm x=l5mm x45mm x=35mm 30f 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 H __I 15 / \ 10 - / 10 10 / / 5 5 / 5 / 5 1 / 0__ 00 U (mis) i 00 ib U (m/s) 00 U (m/s) 5 10 U (m/s) Figure 7.19: U-velocity profiles for the high flow, non-pulsed case x15mm >. x25mm x=35mm x=45mm 30 30 3Q. 30 25 25 25 25. 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 I \ 5 00 -- 5 10 U (m/s) - 5 00 . 5 5 10 U (m/s) 00 5 10 5 U (m/s) 00 5 10 U (m/s) Figure 7.20: U-velocity profiles for the high flow, pulsed case 59 7.2.5 Jet turbulence characteristics in the near field of the jet The effect of jet pulsing and changes in the jet velocity on the RMS values (mis) in the downstream region of the jet are presented in Figures 7.21 through 7.24 for the x-direction velocity magnitude. In both jet velocity cases jet pulsing increases the overall turbulence throughout the near field. At Vjet = 3.4 mIs, pulsing increases the RMS values near the jet exit at x/d = 1.5 and yld = 0.5 by 53%. For the Vjet = 13.6 mIs this increase at the same location is 81%. The higher velocity jet, in general, generates more turbulence than the lower velocity jet. The turbulence levels in terms of RMS for the Vjet = 13.6 mIs case at x/d = 1.5 and y/d = 0.5 are 120% higher than that in the Vjet = 3.4 mIs case. As can be seen from all four figures, the RMS values tend to diminish gradually as the jet flow moves in the downstream direction, with the highest values close to the jet exit. In addition the majority of the turbulence tends to be concentrated near the centerline of the jet and seems to decay towards the jet boundary. E E /. 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 x (mm) Figure 7.21: RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, Vjet = 3.4 mIs, no pulsing - 25 E E // / 5 15 1. 20 25 30 35 40 4 x(mm) Figure 7.22: RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, Vjet = 3.4 mis, 20 Hz pulsing E E >. 20 25 30 x (mm) 35 40 45 Figure 7.23: RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, = 13.6 mIs, no pulsing Vjet 2 E E N 5 LI 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 x (mm) Figure 7.24: RMS (mis) of instantaneous velocity magnitude, = 13.6 mIs, 20 Hz pulsing Vjet 62 7.2.6 Jet turbulence characteristics at the jet exit The effect of pulsing frequency on the turbulence levels was also investigated. From Figures 7.21 through 7.24 presented in the previous section it is obvious that pulsing increased the RMS values throughout the flow field, but it is unclear what the frequency dependency of the turbulence levels is. Measurements were taken close to the jet exit at x = 7 mm and y = 2 mm, while the pulsing frequency was adjusted from 0 to 40 Hz. The results in terms of RMS values in the x-direction are presented in Figures 7.25 and 7.26. For both jet velocity cases an increase in pulsing frequency has a negative effect on the generation of turbulence near the jet exit. The RMS values in both cases were highest at the lowest pulsing frequency of 2 Hz. As pulsing frequency was increased the lower jet velocity case showed a sharper decrease in RMS values than the high jet velocity case. 63 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.2 0) 1.8 1.6 14 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 f(Hz) Figure 7.25: U-component RMS at variable frequencies, low jet flow rate 7r 6.5 6 C)) 4.5 4/ 3.5 f(Hz) Figure 7.26: U-component RMS at variable frequencies, high jet flow rate 7.3 - CASE I, PITCHED CYLINDER IN CROSS FLOW Results of the pitched cylinder in a 4 mIs cross flow are presented in this section. Hot film data were gathered, using grid B, at a z/d location of 0.8. Data presented include velocity profiles, root mean squared value of the velocity fluctuations in both x and y-directions, Reynolds stresses and the mean vorticity. The cross flow velocity was maintained at 4 m/s and the Reynolds number based on the cross flow velocity and cylinder diameter was Re = 2650. The general flow characteristics can be easily identified by the mean velocity plots presented in Figures 7.27a and 7.27b. Figure 7.27a combines the velocity magnitude in the x-direction with velocity vector plots. A significant acceleration in the x-direction can be seen around the perimeter of the cylinder. For easy reference, the location of the cylinder's front and back side are indicated by white dotted lines and, in combination with the velocity data, clearly show a maximum in velocity half way around the cylinder circumference. This acceleration is most obvious far from the flat plate and tends to be damped by the boundary layer close to the flat plate. Streaks of high u-component velocity are also apparent in the wake and can be seen at y/d locations of 1.0 and 3.0 and might be caused by accelerations within the cylinder's wake. The velocity vectors in the same figure indicate a downward motion of the flow as it is accelerated around the cylinder. This is attributed to the decrease in pressure behind the cylinder as a result of the cylinder's wake. a) Mean velocity, U-component (mIs) I- -. -* - 0 0 5 10 b) Mean velocity, V-component (mIs) 4 -0.2 35 0L__________________ 0 2.5 10 5 xld -04 -0.8 x/d RMS, U-component (mIs) C) 0.2 0 : 0.8 d) RMS, V-component (m/s) 0.8 0.6 e) Reynolds stresses. 0 0 f) (m2/s2) Mean vorticity (1/sec) - 5 10 0 0 xld 5 10 -015 x/d Figure 7.27: Pitched cylinder in a cross flow U, The downward motion can also be seen in Figure 7.27b, where the velocity magnitude in the y-direction is plotted on a separate scale. The root-mean-squared values of the fluctuating velocities are presented in Figures 7.27c and 7.27d. They give interesting insight into the amount and location of turbulence present in the wake of the cylinder. Figure 7.27c shows a turbulent spot, in terms of the RMS value in the x-direction velocity component, downstream of the cylinder and extending parallel behind the cylinder from y/d = 1 to y/d = 4, with a peak value at x/d = 4.5 and y/d = 1.5. Figure 7.27d shows a similar spot, however the location is not identical to the one for the x-direction velocity component and instead is skewed relative to the cylinder. The maximum in RMS value in the y-direction velocity component is found at x/d = 6.5 and y/d = 3.0. It is interesting to note that the maximum magnitude of the RMS value is greater in the y-direction than in the x-direction velocity component, while the mean velocity in the y-direction is only a fraction of the mean in the x-direction. Figure 7.27e shows the Reynolds stresses that were calculated from the instantaneous velocity data obtained with the hot film. A region of high positive Reynolds stress is present in the wake of the cylinder at the same location as the turbulent spots identified in Figure 7.27c. These positive stresses redistribute momentum from the outer flow towards the wall boundary layer. The mean vorticity throughout the flow field remains relatively unchanged as can be seen in Figure 7.27f. A band of negative vorticity occurs close to the flat 67 plate, where the fluid experiences a positive velocity gradient within the wall boundary layer. The turbulent area that was identified behind the cylinder is further analyzed in Chapter 9, where additional spectral information, time traces and histograms are used to quantify the flow in more detail. 7.4 - CASE II, STEADY JET IN CROSS FLOW In this section results from the steady jet in a cross flow are presented. The cross flow velocity throughout these experiments was maintained at 4 mIs, while the jet velocity ratio was set to 0.85 and 3.4. The Reynolds numbers for both jet velocity cases were 2260 and 8930, respectively. Data for both velocity ratios were collected using grid B, see Figure 5.3, for z/d locations of 0 and 0.8. 7.4.1 Velocity ratio of 0.85, at centerline at zld = 0 Figures 7.28a and 7.28b show the mean velocity profiles generated from data taken through the jet symmetry plane (z/d = 0) for a velocity ratio of 0.85. a) 4---- -,. b) Mean velocity, U-component (mIs) --i- -- -- .-. -,.. - -. --p- --- ,- ,_. -- --- >. 2 - -.-- 1 _-_ --. - - ---. -- - -> 3.5 o > 2 RMS, U-component (mis) 1.4 1.2 --- ---k, 0.5 .__ _ o' 2.5 c) Mean velocity. V-component (mis) 4 -. .- d) RMS. V-component (m/s) 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 468 I xid Reynolds stresses, (m21s2) 1.4 1.2 10.2 Mean vorticity (1/sec) 0 u -0.5 0 8. I 0 2 4 x/d 6 2 0 0 -0 1 0 2 4 x/d Figure 7.28: Steady jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, z/d = 0 6 8 The jet column can be seen penetrating through the cross flow boundary layer into the mainstream were the jet momentum is quickly distributed and the jet can hardly be identified. The jet column width within the first few diameters of exiting is about one diameter, after which it spreads into the cross flow and is difficult to distinguish. Both the jet spread and the jet penetration are hard to identify using the mean velocity plots. The vector plot in Figure 7.28a also shows an interesting downward velocity component at the jet leading edge. This negative velocity can be attributed to a combination of induced downward velocity by the horseshoe vortex and a roll up of jet leading edge vorticity as described in Haven et a111 RMS fluctuations in both x and y-direction velocity components are presented in Figures 7.28c and 7.28d, respectively. The RMS value near the jet exit in the x-direction velocity component plot is 1.4 mIs, and are of the same order of magnitude as the no-cross flow results presented in section 7.2.6, where the RMS value of the fluctuating velocity magnitude in the x-direction at similar jet flow settings was approximately 2.1 mIs. The decay of the turbulence in term of the RMS values seems to be influenced by the cross flow, resulting in a 'smearing' of the RMS values in the streamwise direction as observed in Figures 7.28c and 7.28d. Also, higher RMS values are present near the wall as, in the presence of the cross flow, the jet flow is 'pushed' down towards the cross flow wall. 70 The RMS values in both x and y-direction tend to gradually decay as the turbulence within the jet column decreases in scale and merges with the cross flow turbulence levels. There is no indication of secondary turbulent structures like those described in the solid cylinder case. Reynolds stress profiles are plotted in Figure 7.28e, where the largest negative Reynolds stresses appear close to the jet exit. Reynolds stresses seem to decay quite rapidly and decay to 25% of its original value within the first diameter or so. The Reynolds stresses are negative in sign and seem to align with the general direction of the jet flow. Two counter rotating vorticity regions can be identified in Figure 7.28f. Negative values of vorticity behind the jet represent a clockwise rotation, while positive values inside the jet represent counter clockwise rotation. As the shear layer in the jet exits into the boundary layer it slowly decays into the cross flow. The shear is most noticeable at the trailing and leading edges of the jet exit where the velocity gradients are greatest. As velocity decays in the jet and the jet velocity profile is smeared out, the vorticity decays in the downstream direction. If the shear layer on each side of the jet is taken as a representation of the jet boundary, then it can be seen that the jet hardly lifts off from the wall. The lower side of the jet column tends to lift no further than 1 jet diameter away from the wall. 71 7.4.2 Velocity ratio of 3.4, at centerline at zid = 0 Mean velocity magnitudes are again plotted in combination with a total velocity vector plot for a velocity ratio of 3.4. Figure 7.29a shows the mean u- component velocity, and here it is easier to establish a jet trajectory and penetration compared to the VR = 0.85 case. The same trend is clear from the v- component velocity magnitudes plotted in Figure 7.29b. Note that a different scale is used. RMS fluctuations for both u and v velocity components are presented in Figures 7.29c and 7.29d, respectively. The RMS values of both components have increased in the near region of the jet up to 100% compared to the values at VR = 0.85. The RMS values in the YR = 0.85 case near the cross flow wall for x/d = 0, 0.5 and 1.5 were 0.45, 1.01 and 0.58 mIs respectively, while the case YR = 3.4 produced RMS values of 0.42, 3.61 and 2.45 mIs, respectively. It is interesting to note that the RMS values near the center of the jet exit are quite similar for both the no-cross flow and the cross flow cases. As mentioned before the RMS value of the u-component of velocity at xld = 0.5 and 0.2 was 3.61 mIs, while the no cross flow case at similar jet flow settings was on the order of 3.5 mIs. a) Mean velocity. U-component (mis) 10 8 6 o 0 5 10 4 xld c) RMS. U-component (mis) e) Reynolds stresses, (m2/s2) 0 d) RMS, V-component (mis) f) Mean vorticity (1/see) 08 10 02 xd Figure 7.29: Steady jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, z/d = 0 -I 73 Reynolds stresses are presented in Figure 7.29e and show a considerably larger negative stress near the jet exit than for the low velocity ratio case. Reynolds stresses at x/d = 0.5, y/d = 0.2 for VR = 3.4 have decreased in magnitude are 5.43 m2/s2 compared to 0.82 m2/s2 for VR = 0.85. Comparing the mean vorticity for both velocity ratio cases, Figures 7.28f and 7.29f shows an increase in vorticity throughout the near field for the VR = 3.4 case. The increase is most obvious near the jet leading and trailing edges where the increase in jet exit velocity generates greater shear resulting in higher vorticity. It is obvious that the jet penetration and lift off based on the mean vorticity is greater than the VR = 0.85 case, however the lower boundary of the jet is less defined. The negative vorticity at the lower side of the jet appeares to have been smeared out over the entire near field region, and no real jet shear layer can be identified. 7.4.3 Velocity ratio of 0.85, off-center at zld = 0.8 The hot film measurements presented in this section were made at z/d = 0.8, which is 8 mm away from the symmetry plane and similar to the location used in the inclined cylinder test. Figure 7.30a shows the velocity magnitudes of the u velocity component, while the v velocity component is plotted using a different scale in Figure 7.30b. a) Mean velocity, U-component (mIs) 4 b) Mean velocity. V-component (mIs) 0 4 _____________________________ -. 3.5 -0.2 0 0 5 0 10 -0.3 0 5 xfd x/d RMS, U-component (m/s) C) 0.4 4 0 d) RMS, V-component (m/s) 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 01 0 5 Reynolds stresses, -04 0.4 4 -- - 01 10 0 5 xld a) 10 1 01 10 x/d 1) (m21s2) Mean vorticity (1/sec) 0 0.04 'Figure 7.30: Steady jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, z/d = 0.8 -0.05 75 Figure 7.30a looks similar to a normal wall boundary layer flow, apart from the flow interruption near the jet exit at x/d = 1 to 4, where an acceleration of flow is apparent. This high velocity region might be caused by acceleration of fluid around the jet column similar to the pitched rod case, or might be partially due to the entrainment of the cross flow into the jet flow. A downward flow is also apparent from the plots in Figure 7.30b, where the velocity magnitude in the y-direction is plotted using a separate scale. The region of negative velocity is located at x/d = 2.0 and y/d = 0.2. The downward flow may be caused by a realignment of entrained cross flow fluid sweeping around the perimeter of the jet and bending over as the jet fluid is pushed down towards the wall by the cross flow. A slight positive y-direction velocity is also apparent at xld = 0.5 and y/d = 1. Figures 7.30c and 7.30d show the RMS fluctuations in the x and ydirection velocity components, respectively, and are plotted using the same scale. Although the highest values of RMS are concentrated near the wall for the xdirection velocity, in Figure 7.30c, an extension of this wall turbulence away from the wall is found at xld = 2.5 and y/d = 1. The highest value of RMS occurs at the jet exit, at x/d = 0, y/d = 0.2 where the values of RMS are 0.44 m/s. A similar region of high turbulence is seen in the v-component RMS plot, see Figure 7.30d, where the maximum value of RMS is located at x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 0.5. Reynolds stresses are plotted in Figure 7.30e and show that most of the Reynolds stresses are located within 1 jet diameter of the wall boundary. The peak 76 Reynolds stress can be found at xld = 1.5 and y/d = 0.2 where it reaches 0.0542 m2/s2. The positive stress again tends to drive momentum down into the near wall region, which might be an explanation for the slight negative down flow observed in Figure 7.30b. The mean vorticity is plotted in Figure 7.30f and is similar to the vorticity plots in the pitched cylinder case (Figure 7.271). Vorticity is located close to the wall within the wall boundary layer where the shear is greatest. The vorticity at x/d = 1.5 and y/d = 0.2 almost reaches values of that in the free stream and might be due to the acceleration near the wall, as noted in Figures 7.30a and 7.30b, at that particular location. 7.4.4 Velocity ratio of 3.4, off-center at zld = 0.8 Figure 7.31a presents the velocity magnitude in the x-direction as well as the velocity vectors throughout the grid. This higher velocity ratio case shows quite a different velocity distribution compared to the VR = 0.85 case at z/d = 0.8. a) Mean velocity, U-component (mIs) 0 0 c) 5 x/d b) Mean velocity. V-component (mis) 0- 10 0 5 xfd 1.2 RMS, U-component (mis) d) 10 O.6 1.2 RMS, V-component (m/s) 0.8 2 06 2 06 0 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 x/d e) Reynolds stresses, 0 5 10 x/d f) (m2/s2) Mean vorticity (1/sec) : Figure 7.31: Steady jet in across flow, VR3.4, z/dO.8 -1 An acceleration of cross flow fluid is seen throughout the region and is most apparent near the jet column, where the jet column was identified in Figure 7.29 for the same velocity ratio, but at z/d = 0. This acceleration is again attributed to two potential phenomena. The first being the entrainment of the cross flow fluid in the jet fluid and the second being the acceleration of the cross flow fluid around the jet column which is better defined in this case, at VR = 3.4, than for VR = 0.85. The acceleration in the u component of velocity is accompanied by a strong negative velocity in the y-direction as is apparent from the v-velocity magnitude plot in Figure 7.31b. Note that Figure 7.31b has a different scale than Figure 7.31a. A region of negative v velocity can be identified again around xld = 1 to 2 and y/d 0.2 to 0.5, but is stronger than the VR 0.85 case. The maximum negative y-direction velocity in this case is 0.7339 mIs compared to 0.4288 mIs for the YR = 0.85 case. Unlike the YR = 0.85 case, no positive velocity in the v velocity component can be seen in the upstream area, but instead a positive v velocity component can be found further downstream between x/d = 4.5 and 10.5 and y/d = 1.5 and 3.5. Figures 7.31c and 7.3 Id clearly show the influence of the jet turbulence at zld = 0.8. RMS fluctuations in both x and y-direction velocities look similar in topology, but the magnitudes of RMS reach higher values in the x-direction than in the y-direction. The highest RMS value found for the u-component is 1.23 mIs, while the highest value for the v-component is 0.91 mIs. Both are located at about 79 x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 1. The general distribution of the RMS values tends to be in agreement with the distribution of the velocity magnitudes seen in Figure 7.31a. Large Reynolds stresses in the VR = 3.4 case, noted in Figure 7.31e, can be identified further downstream in the jet flow compared to the YR = 0.85 case. The maximum is now found at x/d = 3.5 and y/d = 1.5 and reaches a value of 0.5196 m2/s2. It is interesting to note that the Reynolds stresses have increased by about ten times and are negative in sign, transporting momentum up from the boundary layer into the cross flow. The magnitude of Reynolds stresses close to the jet exit are in fact very similar to the YR = 0.85 case, but appear nullified because of the increased Reynolds stresses downstream. In fact the Reynolds stresses close to the jet are still positive and equal in magnitude and comparable to the values at VR = 0.85. In contrast with the steady YR = 0.85 case a streak of positive vorticity, as depicted in Figure 7.3 if, can be found for the pulsed case with the same order of magnitude as the vorticity in the wall boundary layer, but opposite in sign. The vorticity upstream of the jet from x/d = 0.5 to 0.5 remains relatively unchanged compared to the YR = 0.85 case, while the vorticity downstream of x/d 0.5 is significantly different, where an acceleration of the fluid near the wall can cause shear, and thus vorticity, to increase significantly. This increase in near wall vorticity peaks at x/d = 3.5. The influence of the jet has an equal but opposite effect on the cross flow above the jet column as can be seen by the streak of positive vorticity. 7.5 - CASE III, PULSED JET IN CROSS FLOW Pulsed jet experiments within a cross flow will be presented in this section. The cross flow velocity throughout these experiments was again maintained at 4 mIs, while the jet velocity ratio was set to 0.85 and 3.4. The pulsing frequency was maintained at 20 Hz, which resulted in forced Strouhal numbers of 0.058 and 0.015 for the low and high velocity ratios, respectively. Data collected in the symmetry plane will be presented first, followed by the data collected at z/d 0.8. For each location data are presented for both velocity ratio cases. 7.5.1 Velocity ratio of 0.85, at centerline at z/d = 0 The velocity magnitudes in both x and y-directions are plotted in Figures 7.32a and 7.32b, respectively. It is clear that the distribution of velocity does not change very much but the magnitudes are clearly different from the steady case presented in Figure 7.28. The velocity magnitude near the jet exit at x/d = 0.5 and y/d = 0.2 is 3.85 mIs compared to 4.45 m/s in the non-pulsed case. This is due to the fact that during pulsing half of the mass flow is vented into the atmosphere and thus causing the average jet flow rate through the jet to be twice as small. a) b) Mean velocity, U-component (mis) 4 Mean velocity, V-component (mIs) 4 35 0 c) e) 2 4 6 8 o10 125 d) RMS, U-component (mis) 06 1 0.4 0.2 - __ 2 4 6 8 0 I RMS, V-component (mis) I p io. jO.5 1) Reynolds stresses, (m2/s2) 0 I -0.5 Mean vorticity (1/sec) 4 2 xid Figure 7.32: Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, z/d = 0 o1 0 It is worth mentioning that although the mass flow through the jet is theoretically half that of a steady jet, the average velocity at the jet exit only changes from 4.45 to 3.85 mIs, which is only a decrease of 13.5%. It is believed that this slight variation is caused by the presence of the cross flow during the jet off cycle as jet without cross flow experiments indicated that the mean velocity magnitude in the x-direction for the pulsed case at Vjet = 3.4 mIs decreased about 40% compared to the non-pulsed case. This effect of the cross flow should be less apparent in the y-direction as the cross flow in predominantly in the x-direction. Figure 7.32b shows that the y direction velocity component in the pulsed case at x/d =1.5, y/d 0.2 indeed settles to about 45% of the mean velocity during steady operating, which is closer to the 50% reduction seen in no cross flow experiments. RMS quantities are again plotted in Figures 7.32c and 7.32d for both u and v velocity component, respectively, using the same scales. RMS values of the u component are slightly higher in the pulsed case than in the non-pulsed case, which is consistent with the results without cross flow described in section 7.2.6. The turbulence generated at the jet exit at x/d = 0.5 and y/d 0.2 changes from 1.43 mIs in the steady case to 1.60 mIs in the pulsed case, which is an increase of 11.6%. The distribution of turbulence seems to be similar to the steady case and is deflected quickly and distributed over the cross flow wall as the jet exits into the cross flow. Unlike the larger RMS values of velocity in the x-direction due to pulsing, the y-direction velocity component RMS at the jet exit is 3% smaller in the pulsed case compared with the steady case presented in Figure 7.28. The RMS value at the jet exit at x/d = 0.5 and y/d = 0.2 for the pulsed case is 0.97 mIs while for the unforced case the RMS values reach no higher than 0.94 mIs. The decay of turbulence on the other hand is quite different and both figures show that for the unforced case the y-direction velocity RMS decays less rapidly with x/d than the forced case. A 20% increase in negative Reynolds stress over that in the non pulsed case is seen near the jet exit, but the decay is as rapid as in the unforced case. Free stream Reynolds stress levels are attained within one jet diameter (see Figure 7. 32e). Figure 7.32f shows the mean vorticity for the forced case, where it seems that the decrease in average jet velocity in the pulsed case results in a near 50% decrease in mean vorticity near the jet's leading edge compared with the non pulsed case. 7.5.2 Velocity ratio of 3.4, at centerline at z/d = 0 As was the case for the pulse/no-pulse comparison for VR = 0.85, the difference between pulsing and non-pulsing for VR = 3.4 is apparent from the velocity magnitudes and not the jet trajectory, see Figures 7.33a and 7.33b. The jet in the pulsed case lifts off similarly to the un-forced case (Figure 7.29) and a) b) Mean velocity, V-component (mis) Mean velocity, U-component (m/s) U o 5 JO.5 10 0 x/d c) d) RMS, U-component (mIs) 2 ,2 10 Reynolds stresses, (m21s2) 2 0 x/d e) RMS, V-component (m/s) 4 3 5 10 x/d 4 0 5 5 10 xId 0 f) Mean vorticity (1/sec) 0xd10 Figure 7.33: Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, z/d = 0 0.4 reaches a height of 20 mm at an xld value of 5.5. The height of the jet is based on the maximum u velocity. The mean velocity in the x-direction at the jet exit, where x/d = 1.5, was measured to be 10.34 mIs in the non-pulsed case and dropped 38%, to a velocity of 6.42 mIs, in the pulsed case. Compared with the no-cross flow pulsed jet case in Figure 7.20 a drop of 46% was apparent. As seen in Figure 7.33b, compared with Figure 7.29b, the drop in ydirection mean velocity is more significant and decreased roughly 45% from 4.00 mis to 1.82 m/s at x/d = 1.5, y/d = 0.2 in the pulsed case. The effect of pulsing on turbulence levels is larger than for the VR = 0.85 case. The RMS values of velocity for pulsing at VR = 3.4 near the jet exit at x/d = 1.5 are 3.68 m/s compared to 2.52 rn/s in the non-pulsed case, which is an increase of 46%. The increase, however, is largest near the jet exit and less apparent in the near field. If it is assumed that the highest turbulence intensity, represented by RMS values, is located along the centerline of the jet, than it is apparent again from Figure 7.33c that the jet clearly lifts off the surface and high levels of turbulence stay well clear of the wall in the far field. Studying the v component RMS values in Figure 7.33d more closely, it is clear that the location for maximum RMS is shifted from x/d = 0.5 in the nonpulsed case to xld = 1.5 in the pulsed case. Both maximums are, however, located close to the wall at y/d = 0.2. Similar to the comparison of the pulsed and non pulsed cases for VR = 0.85, the pulsed case at VR = 3.4 results in a more rapid decay of RMS values while Figure 7.33d also shows a concentration of higher RMS values within the first diameter of the jet as compared to the non pulsed case. Reynolds stresses are again plotted in Figure 7.33e and show a significant increase in negative stress near the jet exit. Not only did the maximum Reynolds stress increase from a value of 6.63 m2/s2 in the non pulsed case to 7.01 m2/s2 in the pulsed case, the distribution of stresses also shifted in the x direction and are more strongly concentrated over the trailing edge of the jet. The increase in Reynolds stress is attributed to the increase in turbulence generated by the valve pulsing. Finally, the mean vorticity is plotted for the pulsed case in Figure 7.33f and shows similarities with the comparison made in the VR = 0.85 case. The vorticity at the leading edge is less strongly defined and has decreased more than 50% compared to the non-pulsing case. Again this is attributed to the decrease in average jet velocity, resulting is less average shear between the jet fluid and the cross flow, resulting in a lower mean vorticity. 7.5.3 Velocity ratio of 0.85, off-center at z/d = 0.8 The influence of pulsing is much less apparent out away from the symmetry plane of the jet where z/d = 0.8. The change in u-direction velocity magnitude in Figure 7.34a is noticeable close to the jet at x/d = 1.5 where the acceleration of the fluid does not extend down to the wall as much as in the Unpulsed case. The down flow that was identified in the un-pulsed case is also much less intense and decreased from 0.43 m/s in the un-pulsed case, see Figure 7.30, at x/d = 1.5 and y/d = 0.2 to 0.20 rn/s in the pulsed case, as can be seen from the velocity vector plot in Figure 7.34a and from the v velocity plot in Figure 7.34b. The RMS velocity fluctuations in both x and y directions are plotted with similar scales in Figures 7.34c and 7.34d. Comparing the pulsed case with the steady case in Figure 7.30, a small decrease in RMS values for the x-direction of velocity is apparent near the jet exit. A decrease is also found in the y-direction component of velocity where the maximum RMS value decreases by 17% compared to the steady case, from 0.31 rn/s to 0.26 mIs. Reynolds stresses provided in Figure 7.34e, on the other hand, are increased as pulsing is applied. An increase of Reynolds stress of as much as 39% is found at x/d = 1.5 and y/d = 0.2. Apart from the increase near the trailing edge of the jet the general topology, in terms of the Reynolds stress distribution, remains unchanged. The least change, between pulsed and non pulsed cases, is observed in the mean vorticity plot provided in Figure 7.34f. The cross flow vorticity that was found protruding close to the wall in the un-pulsed case at x/d = 1.5, y/d = 0.2 is absent in the pulsed case. a) Mean velocity, U-component (mis) 4 b) Mean velocity, V-component (mis) -0.1 o C) RMS, U-component (mis) 0.4 4 e) 4 Reynolds stresses, d) RMS, V-component (m/s) f) (m2/s2) 0.06 0.4 4 0 Mean vorticity (1/sec) 4 0.04 0 002 0 5 xid 10 0 -0.05 0 0 5 xid Figure 7.34: Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VRO.85, z/d = 0.8 10 -0.1 7.5.4 Velocity ratio of 3.4, off-center at z/d 0.8 While the differences in terms of magnitudes are greater between non pulsing and pulsing cases at a velocity ratio VR = 3.4, overall trends remain similar to the VR = 0.85 no-pulsed/pulsed cases. Figure 7.35a shows a decrease in u-direction mean velocity relative to the steady case, which could be attributed to a combination of less cross flow being entrained by the jet and a lesser defined jet column which results in less cross flow fluid being accelerated around the jets perimeter. Velocity vectors in Figure 7.35a and velocity magnitudes Figure 7.3 Sb show a weaker downward motion of fluid near the trailing edge of the jet and the absence of the positive velocity that was apparent in the un-pulsed case between x/d = 5.5 and 10.5 at y/d = 2.5. Figures 7.35c and 7.35d show the RMS of velocity quantities in both the x and y directions using the same scale. Comparing the pulsed case with the steady case, the general topology of the turbulence in the pulsed case remains unchanged in terms of its trajectory; however, the maximum RMS values in both u and v velocity components have decreased significantly. Maximum RMS values in the x-direction velocity have decreased 20% from 1.23 mIs to 0.99 mIs, while the maximum RMS value in the y-direction velocity decreased 31% from 0.91 mIs to 0.63 mIs with the onset of pulsing. The Reynolds stresses plotted in Figure 7.35e show an interesting change in the two structures that were described earlier at xld = 1.5, yld = 0.2 and x/d 45 a) Mean velocity, U-component (mis) b) Mean velocity, V-component (mis) 0 I C) d) RMS, U-component (mis) 0.8 r a) RMS, V-component (m/s) 0.8 ti; f) Reynolds stresses, (m2/s2) Mean vorticity (1/sec) J Figure 7.35: Pulsed jet in a cross flow, VR3.4, zid = 0.8 91 2.5-5.5, yld = 0.5-2.5 in Figure 7.31c. The spot with high positive Reynolds stresses in the pulsed case has further decreased in magnitude and spread over a larger area compared with the steady VR = 3.4, z/d = 0 case, while the area with large negative Reynolds stress has decreased in intensity and spread. The mean vorticity plot in Figure 7.35f shows a similar trend as the VR = 0.85 case, where the jet shear layer is less defined during pulsing compared to the non pulsed case. 92 CHAPTER 8 CASE COMPARISON All of the previously addressed cases are studied more closely in this chapter. Mean velocity profiles, RMS fluctuations, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity profiles for all cases are plotted at x/d locations of 0, 1.5, 4.5 and 8.5 such that an accurate determination can be made as to how the different types of jet flow influence the characteristics of the mean flow. The two different velocity ratios as well as the non-pulsed/pulsed cases are compared with each other and to the inclined cylinder case for a z/d location of 0.8. The cylinder case is omitted from comparisons made at z/d = 0, simply because no inclined cylinder data could be collected at that particular location. Mean velocity profiles are compared first, followed by the RMS fluctuations, Reynolds stresses and finally mean vorticity. 8.1 - INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON X-DIRECTION MEAN VELOCITY Mean velocity profiles at z/d = 0 are plotted for all cases in Figure 8.1 a through 8.ld for various x/d values. Except for Figure, which is plotted using a velocity scale from 0 to 11 mIs, all scales are similar and range from 0 to 6 m/s. 4... 4. a) b) x/d=O xfdl.5 c) 4n d) x/d=4,5 4 x/d8.5 o VR=O.85i2OHz -u--- VR=3.4/2OHz VRO.85 -v- VR3.4 3.5 3.5 3. 2.5 3.5 3... ,> ................. 3 3 2.5- 2.5 2.5 7 21.5 1.5 1.5 T ITT ,' 1 1 1 o.:j/ 0.: a Mean velocity, (mis) ... 1.5 o.:) a Mean velocity, (mis) Mean velocity, (mis) Figure 8.1: U velocity profiles at z/d = 0 a 'a Mean velocity, (mis) Figure shows the mean u component velocity profile at x/d = 0, which coincides with the leading edge of the jet. Plots for the velocity ratio 0.85 are quite similar to the ones obtained within the boundary layer without jet flow present see Figure 7.3. In Figure an increase of 20% in the u component of velocity is apparent at y/d = 0.2, between VR = 0.85 and VR = 3.4. This acceleration close to the wall may be attributed to the entrainment of the surrounding fluid into the exiting jet. Figures through 8.ld all indicate that the VR = 3.4 non-pulsed case yields the highest x-direction velocity, peaking at y/d = 0.5, 2 and 2.5 at locations x/d = 1.5, 4.5 and 8.5, respectively. The next largest peak velocity is observed for the pulsed jet at VR = 3.4 followed by both non-pulsed and pulsed cases of VR = 0.85. The mean velocity profiles at x/d = 4.5 and 8.5 for VR = 0.85 pulsed and steady cases closely resemble the velocity profile found upstream of the jet at x/d = 0 and make it difficult to establish a jet trajectory. The peak velocity of the YR = 3.4 steady jet case, however, is defined up to x/d = 8.5 and seems to penetrate to a height of y/d = 2.5. Pulsing does not seem to increase or decrease this penetration and the peak velocity for the pulsed case at x/d = 8.5 remains at y/d = 2.5. Similar velocity profiles are generated for the off-symmetry measurements at zld = 0.8, and are shown in Figures 8.2a through 8.2d. The plots for z/d = 0.8 include the data gathered in the pitched cylinder case as a reference. a) ---4 0 35 b) xIdO 1? L11 Cylinder VRO.85120Hz x/d1.5 i- 1 a-- VR3.4/2OHz VRO.85 3.5 -v VR3.4 ....,... 2.: 2.:- 2.: 1.5 1.5 2 1: 1: I................. 4-............ 0.5 0.5- 0.5 +7 3 0.: -7/ 0 I 0 I 4 5 Mean velocity, (mis) I 4 5 Mean velocity, (m/s) 3 1 + 0 I 4 5 Mean velocity, (m/s) 3 Figure 8.2: U velocity profiles at zid = 0.8 0 3 4 5 Mean velocity, (m/s) The mean velocity profiles are very similar to the ones at z/d = 0 in a sense that velocity profiles for the VR = 0.85 case decrease to about 2.5 mIs near the wall. The slight acceleration for the VR = 3.4 pulsed and steady cases is also similar, but extends further into the cross flow where it starts deviating from the VR = 0.85 case at y/d = 1.5. The results from the pitched cylinder indicate a slightly lower mean velocity throughout the region and are probably caused by slight wind tunnel speed variations between experiments. Figure 8.2b indicates the same pattern of acceleration as described for Figure and is strongest for the VR = 3.4, non-pulsed case. This acceleration is again attributed mainly to the jet column that spreads out into the cross flow increasing the u component of velocity, and in a lesser sense, to the acceleration of cross flow fluid around the jet perimeter. The velocity profile for the pitched cylinder case indicates a quite different distribution. Here the peak in u-direction velocity is attributed purely to the acceleration of fluid around the solid cylinder. Figures 8.2c and 8.2d again show similar trends to the ones described in the symmetry plane. The steady VR = 3.4 case results in the highest velocity magnitude within the profile, followed by the pulsed VR = 3.4 case and the VR = 0.85 cases. The u velocity profiles for the cylinder case do not seem to follow the trends seen for the jet in cross flow cases. 97 8.2 - INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON RMS OF U VELOCITY COMPONENT RMS values of the u velocity component are plotted in Figures 8.3a through 8.3d for data collected in the z/d = 0 plane on a scale from 0 to 2 mIs, with the exception of Figure 8.3b where a scale from 0 to 4 mIs is used. RMS values at the leading edge of the jet, see Figure 8.3a, all coincide and no significant difference is seen between test cases. At x/d 1.5, however, the RMS values close to the wall in Figure 8.3b have increased by more than 100% for both YR = 0.85 cases, more than 400% for the non-pulsed VR = 3.4 case and more than 700% for the pulsed VR = 3.4 case when compared with xld = 0 RMS values, shown in Figure 8.3a. Applying pulsing to the high velocity jet seems to cause the most observable increase in RMS values within the first few diameters of the jet exit. According to the RMS maxima in Figure 8.3c and 8.3d, the YR = 3.4 case causes a higher penetration of turbulence into the cross flow than the YR = 0.85 case at x/d = 4.5 and xld = 8.5, while there is no apparent difference in penetration between non pulsed and pulsed cases for both velocity ratios. The influence of the different test cases on the RMS values at z/d = 0.8 is presented in Figures 8.4a through 8.4d. Similar scales are used for easy comparison. The upstream u component RMS values at x/d = 0 are similar to the zld = 0 case and are all smaller than 0.5 m/s near the wall. a) b) x/d=O c) xIdl.5 4 4 d) x/d4.5 4 r xd=8.5 4 r VR=3.4I2OHz VRO.85 3.5 3.5 35 35 3 3 3 3 25 2.5 2.5 2.5 'v-- VR=3.4 2r .................................... 2r ................................... 1.5 .. 1.5 ................................ ............................ s.::.............................. ':....... RMS magnitude, (mis) 2 RMS magnitude, (m/s) RMS magnitude, (m/s) Figure 8.3: RMSU values at z/d = 0 ................................ 2c .............................. 1.5 ." ': .... RMS magnitude, (m/s) a) b) 4 4 Hinde o VRO.85/2OHz I 3.5 c) x/d1.5 x/d=O VR3.4/2OHz VRO.05 L-v- VR3.4 x1d4.5 d) 4 x1d8.5 ....... + 35 3 3 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5k ............................ 1.5 1:c 2 0.: °:; 1 RMS magnitude, (mis) O5i RMS magnitude, (m/s) RMS magnitude, (m/s) Figure 8.4: RMSU values at zid = 0.8 RMS magnitude, (mis) IDI& The effect of higher velocity ratio on the RMS values is again larger, but not as pronounced as in Figure 8.3b. The increase in RMS, at yld = 0.5, for the steady VR = 3.4 case is 200%, while the increase for the pulsed case has only increased 150% compared to the upstream values at x/d =0. The effect of the inclined cylinder on the RMS values is similar to the lower velocity ratio cases at xld = 0 and 1.5, but agrees more with the higher velocity ratio case of YR = 3.4 for x/d location of 4.5 and 8.5. 8.3 - INFLUENCE OF VELOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON REYNOLDS STRESSES Reynolds stresses at zld = 0 for all cases are plotted in Figures 8.5a through 8.5d. Data for x/d = 1.5 are plotted using a scale from 8 to +2 m2/s2, while the data for the three other x/d locations are plotted on a scale from ito +0.35 m2/s2. The Reynolds stresses upstream of the jet at x/d = 0, see Figure 8.5a, show no significant difference between cases. Small positive Reynolds stress values exist close to the wall in the turbulent boundary layer and are close to zero throughout the rest of the cross flow. Figure 8.5b indicates about a 0.5 m2/s2 increase in Reynolds stress for both YR = 0.85 cases, but the greatest increase in Reynolds stress occurs in the high velocity ratio case. Close to the cross flow wall a 3.75 m2/s2 decrease is noticed a) b) xfd=O 4 4....... x/d=1.5 .,........ 0 VRO.85/2OHz -e- VR=3.4/2OHz VR=O.85 35 .... -v-- VR=3.4 3 3 Z.b 2.5k 2.5L ..................... o ........ // / 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 I / I 1 N I // 0: // __ X __ __ 0: o: 05 Reynolds stress, (m2/s2) Reynolds stress, (m21s2) Reynolds stress, (m21s2) Reynolds stress, (m21s2 Figure 8.5: Reynolds stresses at z/d = 0 102 for the steady VR = 3.4 case, while a decrease of up to 7.10 m2/s2 can be seen for the pulsed case at YR = 3.4. Although the highest stress reduction at x/d = 1.5 is seen near the wall, a significant decreases in Reynolds stress is still seen as far up as y/d = 1. It is again pulsing at the high velocity ratio that causes the greatest decrease in Reynolds stress magnitude, as was the case for the increased RMS values seen in Figure 8.3b. Although the Reynolds stresses decay rapidly in the downstream region a significant stress difference between the cases YR = 0.85 and YR = 3.4 is still noticeable at x/d = 4.5 and 8.5. The largest differences in Reynolds stress due to pulsing occur at xld = 1.5 between y/d = 0.2 and y/d = 1.5, but are far less apparent at the downstream locations x/d = 4.5 and 8.5. Some difference between Reynolds stress profiles is still seen at locations x/d = 4.5 between y/d = 1 and y/d = 2 and is presented in Figure 8.5c. The Reynolds stresses throughout the grid yield negative peaks near the same vertical position as the RMS maxima described earlier. The negative peak values are found at y/d = 0.2, 2 and 3 for x/d values of 1.5, 4.5 and 8.5 respectively. Although the y/d location of the peak stress value at x/d = 4.5 between the pulsed and non-pulsed high velocity ratio case is identical, it seems that the distribution of stress are skewed towards the plate. Reynolds stress profiles at zld = 0.8 are plotted on a scale from 1 to +0.35 m2/s2 in Figures 8.6a through 8.6d. 4.. 4.. a) b) xfd=O c) x/d1.5 d) x/d=4.5 4- 4 -±-- Cylinder o VR=O.85/2OHz 35 VR=3.4I2OHz VR=O.85 -v- VR=3.4 3 1: 35 - ....................... 3 ............................ '15 3.5 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 is // x/d=8 .5 .................... 7 /' I: 4 0.: 0.5 5: 0.:; Reynolds stress, (m2/s2) Reynolds stress, (m2/s2) Reynolds stress, (m21s2) Reynolds stress, (m2/s2 Figure 8.6: Reynolds stresses at z/d = 0.8 104 As was the case at z/d =0, there is only a small influence on the Reynolds stresses at the leading edge of the jet, see Figure 8.6a, and it is impossible to distinguish between the cases. Reynolds stresses at location x/d = 1.5 and zld = 0.8 are shown in Figure 8.6b and are quite different from the ones described at z/d = 0 and shown in Figure 8.5b. Again, it is the pulsed VR = 3.4 case which causes the largest change in Reynolds stress from x/d = 0 to x/d = 1.5, but unlike at the centerline, the sign is positive which drives momentum down closer to the wall instead of up from the wall, as is the case with a negative Reynolds stress. The YR = 3.4, non-pulsed case has a lesser effect on the change in Reynolds stress, followed by the pulsed VR = 0.85 case and the steady YR = 0.85, which has the least effect, causing a only a small change compared to the stress at x/d = 0. There is no observable change in Reynolds stress for the inclined cylinder between x/d = 0 and 1.5. The jet in cross flow Reynolds stresses further downstream at x/d = 4.5, see Figure 8.6c, have opposite signs from the inclined cylinder Reynolds stresses. The inclined cylinder case indicates a positive Reynolds stress away from the wall, with a maximum positive stress located at y/d = 2.5. The Reynolds stress decays back to the cross flow value by y/d = 3. Both the decreases in Reynolds stress for VR = 3.4 and the positive Reynolds stress for the inclined cylinder experiments are damped out at x/d = 8.5, as observed from Figure 8.6d, with only slight variations among each case between y/d = 1.5 and 4. 105 8.4 - INFLUENCE OF VEOCITY RATIO AND PULSING FREQUENCY ON MEAN VORTICITY The mean vorticity throughout the symmetry plane is plotted in Figures 8.7a through 8.7d. All Figures except Figure 8.7b are plotted using the same scale of 0.3 to 0.3 s_i. Figure 8.7b is plotted using a scale of 0.4 to 0.4 s. Figure 8.7a shows an increase in mean vorticity near the wall with increasing velocity ratios, whereas the pulsing has an overall decreasing effect on the mean vorticity. Note that whenever pulsing is applied, the instantaneous velocity during the 'on' cycle of the pulse is equal in magnitude to that of the steady case, but the time averaged velocity is half that of the steady case. It is this reduction in average jet velocity that creates a lower average shear as the jet exits into the cross flow and thus producing less mean vorticity at the leading edge of the jet. At xld = 1.5 the mean vorticity is still dominant in the positive direction, but a generation of opposite and equal amount of vorticy can be seen in locations x/d = 4.5 and 8.5. The minimum and maximum locations at y/d = I and y/d = 2, respectively, at x/d = 4.5 represent the location of two shear layers in the jet. As the jet issues from the flat plate, shear is created between the jet colunm and the cross flow on the top side of the jet as well as between the lower side of the jet and the wake. A similar phenomena occurs at location x/d = 8.5, where the maximum is located at y/d = 3, while the minimum is somewhere between y/d = 1 and 2. a) b) xld=O 0 4- L 1 VR=O.85 VR=3.4 3- d) x/d4.5 4- 4- 1 x/d8.5 I j 3.5 3.5 3- 2.5 2.5 2- 2- ° 2 c) VRO.85/2OHz s-- VR3.4/2OHz I xjd=1.5 Mean vorticity, (1/sec) 3. 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 0 0'2 3.5 L 0 Mean vorticity, (1/sec) 0 Mean vorticity, (1/sec) Figure 8.7: Mean vorticities at z/d = 0 002_ Mean vorticity, (1/sec) 107 Mean vorticity for the cases of YR = 0.85 are not plotted in Figure 8.7d, because data for these conditions was only collected up to x/d = 8.5 and the vorticity calculations are based on a forward finite differencing scheme. Off symmetry plane (z/d = 0.8) results of mean vorticity are plotted in Figures 8.8a through 8.8d. Because the vorticity at the off symmetry location, at x/d = 0, is apparently not strongly influenced by the jet flow, as was the case for the vorticity in the symmetry plane, presented in Figure 8.7a, the vorticity is opposite in sign, as is the case in the upstream boundary layer.. Comparing Figures 8.8b through 8.8d with Figures 8.7b through 8.7d shows similar trends of increasing mean vorticity near the wall at xld = 1.5. There is also both positive and negative mean vorticity values at x/d = 4.5 and 8.5, respectively, with negative values near the wall and positive values further out away from the flat plate. Noting the scale difference between Figures 8.7 and 8.8, the maxima in mean vorticity at x/d = 1.5 are much smaller in magnitude for the measurements at the cross section z/d = 0.8, than in the symmetry plane zld = 0. Also shown in Figure 8.8 is that the inclined cylinder has little effect on the mean vorticity as compared with the jet cases. The decrease in mean vorticity at x/d = 1.5 between y/d = 1.5 and 3 is attributed to a combination of acceleration and downward motion of the fluid around the perimeter of the solid cylinder. a) 4 b) x/d0 4 -±- Cylinder 0 VRO.85I2CHz 35 -8---x- 1 c) 4- x/d=4.5 d) 4. x/d=8.5 I I VR=3.4/20Hz VRO.85 -v- VR=3.4 3 xld=1.5 D J 3.5 1 2.5 1.5- 1.5- 35 3- 3-. 2.5 3.5 1 3 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 I Mean vorticity, (1/sec) Mean vorticity, (1/sec) I Mean vorticity, (1/sec) Figure 8.8: Mean vorticities at z/d = 0.8 Mean vorticity, (1/sec) 109 CHAPTER 9 SPECTRAL AND VELOCITY CHARACTERISTICS Similar to the case comparisons in Chapter 8, a set of vertical slices through the flow field were selected to perform a more in-depth analysis of the flow behavior in terms of its spectral content and fluctuating velocities. Power density spectra, time traces and histograms were generated for two locations; one location in the near field of the jet (xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 to 4.0) and one in the far field of the jet (x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 to 4.0) both along the symmetry plane and off symmetry at z/d = 0 and zld = 0.8, respectively. Due to the shear volume of the data that were generated, all plots are included in Appendix E, but only selected ones are referred to throughout the text. The spectral density plots are, among other things, used for a more indepth comparison between the inclined solid cylinder, and the steady and pulsed jet cases. It is also used to study the jet more carefully and to comment on the effect of pulsing on the flow in terms of the spectral changes that are seen. Velocity time traces and histograms are, in some instances, discussed and referred to for clarification purposes. 110 9.1 - INCLINED CYLINDER Figures 9.1 and 9.2 show a region of high RMS values that occurs just downstream in the wake of the cylinder. Spectral density plots, see Figures 9.3 through 9.5, at the near field and the far field show the most spectral energy over the frequency range, at x/d and y/d locations that coincide with the maxima in RMS values seen in Figure 9.1. The highest increase in energy in the power spectra is seen at xld = 7.5 and y/d = 3 where a maximum in RMS fluctuations in the v component was pointed out earlier in Section 7.3, seen Figure 9.2. A potential turbulent structure might be present near the wall at x/d = 2.5 and xld = 4.5, that has a limited extent into the flow and increases the local spectral energy content. It is separated from the high spectral energies further away from the flat plate by a region of low spectral energy, between y/d = 0.2 and y/d = 1 at x/d = 2.5, as is evident from Figure 9.3. A similar decrease in energy occurs at x/d = 4.5 between y/d = 0.5 and y/d = 1.5, see Figure 9.4. 111 0.7 0.6 0.5 4 3 0.4 V 0.3 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.2 x/d 0.1 Figure 9.1: RMS-u, inclined cylinder at z/d = 0.8 S. 0.7 4 0.6 3 0.5 V >, 0.4 I 0.3 0 0 2 6 4 8 10 x/d 0.2 0.1 Figure 9.2: RMS-v inclined cylinder at z/d = 0.8 U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2Is) O.O2 0.O1 0.02 0 0.02 0.02 o.o1 >. 0 40.01 O.O2 0.02 >' o.oiL___________ 0 O.O2 "001 c-i 0 0 0.02 e-i0.02 ooiLj 0,01 0 O.O2 11 0.02 o.o II >' 0.02 0.o1 0 >' 0.01 0 0.02 0.O2F (0.01 0.01 0 . 0.02F 4, 0.01 h-.--, 01 0 0.02 -I --' V V 100 102 4!, 0.01 0 ----100 f(Hz) 102 f(Hz) Figure 9.3: Power spectra at xld = 2.5 U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2Is) 0.05 0.05 0 I1) 0.05 I', 0 0.05 II 0 0 ----.L_.---- 0.05 c) 0.051 0 0 0.05 -. --- -C 05 c'1 C.,' t---,r,.'.',& 0 0.05 00 c'1 0L I', C',' 0 0.05 I') 05 I' 0 0.05 0.05 - 0 0.05 ci - 0 ,0.05 0.05 0 ,'0.05 II 100 102 >' 0 100 f(Hz) 102 f(Hz) Figure 9.4: Power spectra at x/d = 4.5 U-component, Power I frequency (m2Is) , 0.1 V-component, Power I frequency (m2Is) , 0.1 ?0.o5 III o.o5L 0 III 0.1 0.1 o:5L. 4O.O5- 0:5 o.osL - 0 0.1 0.1 o.o5LA - I'0.1 0.1 o.o5L 1 0.1 c'lj 0.05 0.1 o.osL 0 100 102 102 10° f(Hz) f(Hz) Figure 9.5: Power spectra at xld = 7.5 e 115 The power spectra in Figures 9.3 through 9.5 seem to have discrete spectral peaks at low frequencies. A strong bimodal behavior can be seen in both histograms and velocity time traces at locations x/d = 2.5 and x/d = 7.5. A typical histogram and time trace of this bimodal behavior at x/d = 2.5 are presented in Figure 9.6 and Figure 9.7, respectively. 80 70 60 50 U) 0 0 o 40 4, .0 E 30 20 10 01 4.2 ii III 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Um mean veociti, (mis> Figure 9.6: Histogram at x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 2 5.2 5.4 116 O3 O O5 O7 oa Time (sec) Figure 9.7: Time trace at x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 2 The time trace shows fluctuating behavior with a number of burst within a one second period. The fluctuating, or bi-modal, behavior increases the periodicity of the fluctuations which is seen in the power density spectrum for the same location (Figure 9.3), where a peak in energy is seen around 3.5 Hz. This oscillation is seen throughout the field, but is most noticeable in the near field region. More examples on this behavior can be found in the spectra, time-traces and histograms in Appendix E. 117 9.2 - STEADY JET As was described in Chapter 7, the use of mean velocity profiles is sometimes inadequate to accurately describe the jet trajectory. This is especially true in the lower velocity ratio case, where a distinction between the cross flow and the jet flow is hard to make in terms of mean velocity. A combination of RMS and mean vorticity plots give a better indication of the jet trajectory. Spectral density information can be used in addition as a means of identifying the jet. RMS values of the x-direction component of velocity for VR = 3.4 and z/d 0 are again plotted in Figure 9.8. The region of high RMS values, show that the jet is much more turbulent than the cross flow. This distinction can also be made using spectral density, time trace and histogram plots. Typical jet spectral power density plots can be seen in Figure 9.9, where the spectral distribution of the high velocity ratio jet is plotted in red, the low velocity ratio jet in blue and the spectrum of a point in the cross flow in black. 118 fl: 4 12.5 3 >, 1.5 1 00 4 2 6 8 10 xld 05 Figure 9.8: RMS values, x-direction, VR = 3.4, z/d = 0 1 02 C 6 (N E 0) l0 1010 Blue: Steady jet, yR = 3.4, x/d = 2.5, yld 1.5 Red: Steady jet, VR = 0.85, x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 Black: Cross flow, x/d = -0.5, yld = 4.0 1O14 101 io° 1o1 Frequency, (Hz) Figure 9.9: Steady jet spectral power density plot io3 119 Comparing the two jet flow power spectra shows somewhat larger energy levels throughout the frequency range for the higher velocity ratio jet (YR = 3.4). Comparing both jet spectra to a spectra taken at x/d = 2.5 and y/d = 4, which is well outside the jet flow, reveals a different distribution of spectral energy. The amount of energy decay is similar in magnitude, but becomes saturated at f = 300 Hz, after which the energy levels remain constant. No saturation is seen in the jet cases, where small scale turbulence, corresponding to high frequency content, is more dominant in terms of its energy compared with the cross flow. Velocity time traces were studied and a typical velocity time trace from inside a steady jet at YR = 3.4, y/d = 1, is compared to a typical velocity time trace from outside the jet, y/d = 4, and are presented in Figures 9.10 and 9.11, respectively. Note that the same scales are used in both figures. 120 16 14 12 _1 0 E 6 4 2k0 I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time(sec) Figure 9.10: Velocity trace xld = 2.5, y/d = 1, VR = 3.4, steady 16 14 12 1 0 E 6 4 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time(sec) Figure 9.11: Velocity trace x/d = 2.5, y/d = 4, VR = 3.4, steady 121 A comparison between the steady jet flow and the cross flow is presented using histograms in Figures 9.12 and 9.13, respectively. Velocity fluctuations in the cross flow at x/d = 2.5 and yld = 4, presented in Figure 9.13, show a narrow distribution around the mean, while those in the steady jet flow, presented in Figure 9.12, show a large spread around the mean. For the low velocity ratio case, all steady jet spectral plots reveal that in the symmetry plane (zid = 0) the majority of the jet is concentrated within 2.5 diameters above the flat plate. Spectral plots similar to jet spectra presented in Figure 9.9 are seen within the first diameter above the flat plate at x/d = 2.5 and within the first 2 to 2.5 diameters above the wall at xld = 7.5 (see Appendix E). For the higher velocity ratio (VR = 3.4) the majority of the jet fluid lifts off from the surface, as is apparent from the shift away from the wall in typical jet spectral distributions. Spectral distributions, with high spectral energy, similar to the steady jet cases seen in Figure 9.9, are seen between y/d = 1.5 and y/d = 3.5 at x/d=7.5. 122 40 35 30 25 0 0. 20 0 E .0 15 10 4 6 8 10 12 u (mis) Figure 9.12: Histogram, jet flow at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.5, VR = 3.4, steady 100 90 80 70 1: 40 20 10 0 2 4 6 I I 8 10 12 u (m/s) Figure 9.13: Histogram, cross flow at xld = 2.5, y/d =4, YR = 3.4, steady 124 Figure 9.14 shows distinct energy peaks in both cases, located at 20 Hz, which coincides with the pulsing frequency of the jet. Second, third and higher harmonics are seen at f = 40, 60 and 100 Hz. The peak amplitude in the pulsed case for VR = 0.85 is about one order of magnitude larger than the peak energy magnitude in the un-pulsed case, while the peak amplitude for the pulsed VR = 3.4 case is about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude larger than the non-pulsed case. The distinct peak at 20 Hz, and its sub-harmonics, tends to decrease in relative magnitude in both the downstream direction and away from the jet The peak is best defined within the jet flow and closest to the jet exit. The effect of pulsing on the spectral distribution at a number of points along the jet flow can be noted from Figures 9.15 through 9.22. Non-pulsed and pulsed results are plotted for the locations shown in Table 9.1. Table 9.1: Location of power spectral density plots z/d=O VR = 0.85 x/d=2.5 x/d=7.5 yld=0.2 y/d=1 VR = 3.4 xld=2.5 x/d=7.5 y/d=1 yld=2.5 z/d=O.8 VR = 0.85 VR = 3.4 x/d=2.5 x/d=7.5 xld=2.5 xld=7.5 y/d=0.2 yld=O.2 y/d=1 yld=2.5 125 At the jet centerline, z/d 0, the highest spectral energy content occurs close to the jet exit and at VR = 3.4, see Figure 9.17. The pulsing frequency and its sub-harmonics are seen in the near field, while the energy within the subharmonics decreases and merges with the rest of the spectra in the far field, see Figure 9.18. The decay in energy at higher frequencies at higher velocity ratio jet (VR = 3.4) is smaller than the lower velocity ratio case and is independent of pulsing, see Figures 9.15 and 9.17. Off center (zid = 0.8) power spectra are plotted in Figure 9.19 to 9.22 and show similar energy levels with the exception that the energy peak caused by pulsing is significantly reduced in magnitude throughout the flowfield. 130 CHAPTER 10 DISCUSSION A total of 10 cases were studied and results are presented in Chapters 7, 8 and 9. Instantaneous velocity measurements and subsequent analysis of a steady and pulsed jet without a cross flow show that jet pulsing alters the flow significantly. The high flow rate jet in general creates as much as 120% more RMS at the jet exit than the low flow case. Pulsing, as expected, reduces the mean velocity at the jet exit between 40 and 60%, while it increases the RIVIS levels at the jet exit by as much as 53% for the low jet flow case and as much as 81% for the high jet flow case. Neither low jet flow, high jet flow, nor pulsing seem to influence the jet's trajectory in the no-cross flow case. The inclined cylinder in cross flow results in strong accelerations and mean flow deflection near the cylinder's perimeter, while regions of high turbulence and shear stress are created in its wake. Turbulence is seen in both u and v velocity components with the v component turbulence increasing in the far field The velocity in the y-direction is only a small fraction of that in the xdirection. Mean vorticity distributions remain relatively unchanged compared to normal boundary layer flow. Steady jet experiments show that the low velocity ratio jet is deflected towards the wall very close to the jet exit and adheres to the wall as indicated by 131 the velocity in the x-direction and from RMS plots. Maxima in turbulence, similar to the levels in the no-cross flow case, were generated at the jet exit and decayed in the x-direction. No significant acceleration was seen in the off symmetry plane (z/d = 0.8) where maxima in turbulence and Reynolds stresses are located close to the jet exit. No secondary turbulent structures, like the ones seen in the inclined cylinder with cross flow, seemed to be present. Higher velocity ratio experiments on the other hand show a lift off of the steady jet further into the cross flow. Mean velocity, RMS values, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity indicate a separation of the flow from the wall. RMS values for the high VR case compared to the low VR case increased as much as 100% in the near region, being consistent with the no-cross flow results. Reynolds stresses are six times higher in the near field than for the low VR case. The high VR jet also has a greater effect on the off symmetry plane where increases in all assessed values are seen. Increases in RMS, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity seem to have their origin from the jet fluid and are not a result of strong secondary structures in the wake of the jet, as is the case with the inclined cylinder in cross flow. The effect of pulsing on the jet has a lesser effect when in the cross flow than for the no-cross flow case. The velocity deficit, throughout the jet flow, due to pulsing is greatest in the high velocity ratio case where the jet momentum is much larger than the cross flow. The effect of pulsing on the turbulence levels is more apparent at the higher velocity ratio where increases in RMS in the near field are 45% compared with the steady case. At the lower velocity ratio increases 132 were measured to be up to 20%. The increase in RMS levels are concentrated close to the jet exit and along the centerline of the jet. RMS levels further downstream are lower for the pulsed case than for the steady case. Reynolds stresses only increase slightly for both pulsed cases compared to the steady cases. Mean vorticity in both pulsed cases is drastically reduced due to the reduced average jet momentum during pulsing compared with the steady cases. In the off symmetry plane the result of pulsing is a decrease in RMS fluctuations throughout the field. Although the average flow rate through the jet, and therefore the average jet momentum, has been significantly reduced, the jet trajectory does not seem to be influence by the jet pulsing. The same penetration into the cross flow occurs with only half the average fluid flow rate. The effects of pulsing and velocity ratio on the velocity, RMS, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity profiles were studied at all y/d locations at x/d locations of 0, 1.5, 4.5 and 8.5. Results show that the influence of both velocity ratio and pulsing is most noticeable close to the jet exit. Velocity deficits for pulsed cases occur both in and out of the symmetry plane. The effect of pulsing on the turbulence levels is greatest for the high velocity ratio case and close to the jet exit. RMS profiles for the low velocity ratio case shows hardly any difference between non-pulsed and the pulsed cases, while RMS levels further away from the jet seem to be similar between pulsed and non- pulsed for the high velocity ratio case. The differences in RIvIS between nonpulsed and pulsed are less in the off symmetry plane. 133 Differences in Reynolds stress is small between the low velocity ratio non- pulsed and pulsed cases. The pulsing has the most effect for the high velocity ratio case, and an increase in Reynolds stress is seen up to x/d = 4.5. At x/d = 4.5 the distribution of the stress are skewed toward the flat plate more in the pulsed case than the non-pulsed case. These stresses are all positive. In the off symmetry plane the stresses are greater for the non-pulsed case compared to the pulsed case. The inclined cylinder stress profiles show negative stresses in the wake of the cylinder. Mean vorticity profiles are as expected with pulsed cases showing less vorticity due to a decrease in shear generated at the jet cross flow interface as a result of loss of jet momentum. Spectral plots, time traces and histograms were used to study the different cases more thoroughly. Analyses of these data show a strong bimodal behavior around 3.5 Hz. The strongest spectral energy was found in the y-direction velocity component at 6 Hz, which is located in the mid/far field (xld = 7.5). The frequencies at which the bimodal behavior occur do not agree with the shedding that was expected from an inclined cylinder according to the literature. Shedding was expected at a frequency of about 60 Hz, or 30 Hz per side1. Spectral analyses show that the cross flow, steady jet flow and the pulsed jet all have distinct characteristics. The high velocity ratio, steady and pulsed jet, consist of more energetic small scale turbulence compared to the low velocity 134 ratio jets. The cross flow has less energy throughout the spectrum and seems to have much smaller energies at the smaller scales. Using spectra to identify the jet trajectory, it was found that the low velocity ratio jet does not separate from the wall, while the higher velocity ratio jet does. No spectral high energy was located underneath the jet core as a result of secondary structures like that in the inclined cylinder case. Pulsing causes large discrete spectral energy at I = 20, 40, 60 and 100 Hz, with the largest amount of energy concentrated in the 20 Hz peak. Peak energy at 20 Hz is largest near the jet exit and along the jet and tends to decay in the downstream direction as well as away from the jet and into the cross flow. 135 CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The effect of pulsing at low and high velocity ratio was investigated for a 45 degrees inclined jet in cross flow. A comparison was made among the different cases and also to flow around an inclined cylinder. Initial jet tests were carried out without cross flow, followed by a thorough near to far field analysis of low and high velocity ratio jets in both non-pulsed and pulsed cases. It is concluded that at the high velocity ratio of 3.4 the jet penetrates further into the cross flow and separates from the wall allowing cross flow fluid to flow between the detached jet column and the wall, The lower velocity ratio jet (VR = 0.84) remains attached to the wall as the flow moves downstream. Turbulence RMS levels, Reynolds stresses and mean vorticity are all greatly influenced near the jet exit velocity and are, in general, all larger for the higher velocity ratio jet. No secondary flow structures were found downstream for jets in cross flow like those seen with the inclined cylinder. All maxima in turbulent RMS levels were attributed to jet flow and not to secondary structures formed by the wake of the cross flow fluid. Jet pulsing resulted in the jet trajectory being similar to the non-pulsed case, even though the average mass flow through the jet was reduced by roughly 50%. Jet pulsing increased turbulent RMS levels and Reynolds stresses in the near 136 field of the jet, but did not have a great effect beyond x/d of 4. Increases in the pulsed case, of up to 45% were recorded for the high velocity ratio case at the jet exit compared with the steady case. Spectral energy distributions within the flow changed significantly in magnitude and distribution as a result of jet pulsing. A strong singular spectral peak was detected at the pulsing frequency, which is the main energy contributor to the flow. The strong spectral peak is strongest in magnitude at the jet exit and along the jet flow and seems to decay in the downstream direction of the jet flow. Spectral energy distributions provided a good method to track the jet fluid within the cross flow. Recommendations for future research include jet pulsing at lower frequency ranges where much larger turbulence levels are expected. A trade off may be made between the turbulence generation due to lower pulsing and the decreased jet momentum which carries the turbulence into the downstream direction. Even higher velocity ratio jets could be tested, which should result in the jet lifting off even further from the wall. A better comparison could be made between shedding behind an inclined cylinder and the turbulence in the wake of the jet. Current jet lift off was apparent, but might not have been enough for secondary structures to form between the wall and the jet column. An endless range of jet geometries are also possible with the current jet in cross flow setup, but would be better suited for a separate research effort. 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Roshko, A., 1954, "On the development of turbulent wakes from vortex streets", NACA Report. 1191, pp. 1-25 2. Kawamura, T. and Hayashi, T., "Computation of flow around a yawed circular cylinder", JSME International Journal, Series B, vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 229-236. 3. 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Slichting, H., 1968, "Boundary Layer Theory", 6th edition, McGraw-Hill book company, New York APPENDICES 141 APPENDIX A DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MAP Pressure field measurements were conducted at two locations along the wind-tunnel test section. Location A is 0.3 m downstream of the test section entrance, while location B is half way along the test section (see Figure A. 1). Differential pressure data (inches of H20) were measured within a 25 point grid. It was found that the differential pressure and thus velocity at the bottom row at location B was considerably less than the rest of the field, indicating the presence of a boundary layer. Variations in the mean flow were calculated omitting these 5 data points. Raw data (25 points) is still presented, but graphical plots and statistical analysis were based on the 20 remaining data points. The test location was selected based on the standard deviation of pressure measurements throughout the grid. Section B showed the lowest deviation from the mean and was therefore selected for testing. 142 Flow direction JSectioJ Figure A. 1: Test section 'ocations 143 Table A. 1: Differential Pressure measurements at A 5mIs / 0.062"H20 5 4 3 2 1 0.0620 0.0640 0.0600 0.0600 0.0650 0.0650 0.0620 0.0630 0.0650 0.0650 0.0640 0.0650 0.0630 0.0620 0.0620 0.0620 0.0620 0.0620 0.0600 0.0620 1 2 3 4 0.0590 0.0600 0.0620 0.0620 0.0620 Downstream 5 7.5m/s I 0.139"H20 5 4 3 2 1 lOm/s 5 4 3 2 1 0.1430 0.1490 0.1390 0.1400 0.1390 0.1520 0.1490 0.1440 0.1480 0.1400 0.1480 0.1460 0.1450 0.1470 0.1430 0.1420 0.1400 0.1390 0.1380 0.1380 0.1390 0.1390 0.1350 0.1370 0.1370 1 2 3 4 5 / Downstream 0.246"H20 0.2390 0.2520 0.2500 0.2430 0.2440 1 0.2480 0.2340 0.2480 0.2430 0.2460 0.2430 0.2380 0.2380 0.2410 0.2340 2 3 0.2380 0.2330 0.2500 0.2390 0.2470 0.2430 0.2380 0.2380 0.2380 0.2380 4 5 EBDownstream 144 Relative pressure (inch (-(20) from mean at 5.7.5 and 10 rn/s -. -..- 10 20 x iO3 0 .. 30r'' -2 WITlocr x103 : WITfIoor wtr floor Figure A.2: Pressure distribution at location A x10 j: 145 Table A.2: Differential Pressure measurements at B 5m/s / 0.062"H20 5 4 3 2 1 0.0630 0.0660 0.0650 0.0640 0.0480 0.0630 0.0660 0.0640 0.0630 0.0430 0.0620 0.0640 0.0630 0.0630 0.0380 1 2 3 0.0600 0.0630 0.0650 0.0630 0.0470 4 0.0600 0.0620 0.0640 0.0640 0.0380 Downstream 5 7.5m/s / 0.139"H20 0.1390 0.1400 0.1380 0.1380 0.1350 0.1470 0.1450 0.1450 0.1420 0.1370 3 0.1440 0.1420 0.1390 0.1450 0.1430 2 0.1440 0.1410 0.1410 0.1410 0.1400 1 0.1020 0.1010 0.0870 0.1060 0.0950* 1 2 3 4 5 lOmIs / 0.2460"H20 5 4 5 4 3 2 1 0.2490 0.2630 0.2550 0.2560 0.1850* 1 0.25 10 0.2580 0.2540 0.2520 0.1870 2 0.2460 0.2570 0.2500 0.2500 0.1660 3 0.2460 0.2590 0.2570 0.2510 0.1950 4 Note: * indicates slightly fluctuating values. 0.2430 0.2490 0.2570 0.2510 0.1760* 5 Downstream Downstream 146 Relative pressure Inch H20) from mean at 5 7 5 and 10 rn/s 10 -5 2 0 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 30 W/Tfloor xlO _______________ 5t 10 5 1ftJPJfL I 10 Wltfloor 15 20 25 x103 30 W/T floor Figure A.3: Pressure distribution at location B 147 Table A.3: Statistical data at A Flow velocity 5mIs 7.5 mIs lOmIs Set Pressure 0.062 0.139 0.246 Mean 0.0624 0.1422 0.2417 Standard Deviation 0.0018 0.0046 0.0054 0.0626 0.1435 0.2424 0.00 19 Omitting lower 5 points 5mIs 7.5m/s lOmIs 0.062 0.139 0.246 [ J 0.0043 0.0055 Table A.4: Statistical data at B Flow velocity Sm/s 7.5m/s lOm/s Set Pressure 0.062 0.139 0.246 Mean 0.0633 0.1413 0.2527 Standard Deviation 0.00 16 0.0031 0.0050 APPENDIX B CROSS FLOW PLATE ASSEMBLY TECHNICAL DRAWINGS p --- Figure B.1: Technical drawing of jet in cross flow assembly nil > L638 4800 24.00 100 mm l50 mm State Unver iy Cross flow plate 002 App Figure B.2: Technical drawing of cross flow plate : o- Figure B.3: Technical drawing of jet plate 00 / 62I H5O 0.63 327 Figure B.4: Technical drawing of strut block U' 63 \ 00 L Oregon State Unreeror ty Plate Strut 005 : Figure B.5: Technical drawing of plate strut 2.00 400 H00 7 00 3.00 20.00 egon Stffe Un i ver sity Stringer_A Unknown Approv&k St Ondw Figure B.6: Technical drawing of stringer A 006 feg NO. SEn None fine. fleck: I of I r°85 1.50 15.00 ,TT .25 HO 900 25.00 38.00 H 44.00 Oregon State Uni Vera i ty Stringer 5 o. Appoeis S end r Figure B.7: Technical drawing of stringer B Si 001 . None SV.i I 156 APPENDIX C UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS This appendix describes the uncertainty analysis performed on the following parameters: Jet averaged velocity, x,y and z location and instantaneous velocities. C.1 JET AVERAGED VELOCITY Flow meter readings were corrected for pressure and temperature to calculate the actual volumetric flow rate using the following relation: QActual = QRe x CF (C-i) Where the correction factor CF is defined as: 530 cF.7(Psjg) xI 14.7 46OT(°F) I (C-2) Pressure and temperature were measured using an electronic pressure transducer and a thermocouple located just downstream of the flow meter. Mass flowrate was then calculated using the relationship: Al 'Line QActual RTLine (C-3) 157 Because of a constant mass flowrate from the flow meter to the jet opening, the average jet exit velocity was calculated knowing the jet exit area: Vjet - RTLne M (C-4) lAmbAjet The uncertainty associated with the jet exit velocity can be given as: 2, 2 [ ( auje, Uujet UPflO.aneter) aPflo,,e,er Ur UQread aQrea, J The uncertainty within the flowmeter 2 (aUi, aUje, (C-5) Ucf J J was estimated at 4.4% at the lowest reading, while the uncertainty of the pressure reading downstream of the flowmeter was estimated at 0.9 psid. The thermocouple uncertainty was estimated at 2.6 degrees Celsius, which included instrument and datalogger uncertainty. The uncertainty in the correction factor (CF) attributed to pressure sensor and thermocouple uncertainties was estimated at 9.2%. The uncertainty associated with the jet exit diameter was estimated at 0.005 inch. The total uncertainty in the jet exit velocity was estimated to be on the order of 11.6% for the VR=0.85 cases and on the order of 8.6% for the VR=3.4 cases. 158 C.2 X,Y AND Z LOCATIONS The uncertainty in locations that are specified throughout the thesis are now presented. Uncertainties in x and z locations are easily determined, since these locations were al determined by direct readings of off metric rulers. The associated uncertainty in reading is estimated at ± 0.5 mm. The locations in the y direction however were determined using potentiometers and a voltage readout attached to the traversing system. The uncertainty in these locations can be written as. + UadOUf = where umech (C-6) is the uncertainty due to the mechanical slop within the motor and gearing of the traverser and was estimated after repeated measurements to be on the order of 0.31 mm. The uncertainty due to resolution error in the readout, ureadout, was estimated at ±0.05 mm. This adds up to an uncertainty per traverse, ut, of ±0.32 mm. For each traverse the y location would be zeroed and this added an uncertainty of ± 0.5 mm between traverses. 159 C.3 INSTANTANEOUS VELOCITIES The uncertainty in the instantaneous velocities are calculated using = pressure + Ui cue + (C-7) Uncertainties are determined by the hot film probe are attributed by errors during calibration, the truncation errors within the analog to digital conversion and the resolution of the de-conditioned voltage signal. The uncertainty within the analog to digital conversion was extremely low since a l2bit converter was used. This contributed to an error of O.3226x103 rn/s in u-velocity and 0.3104x103 rn/s in v- velocity. The output voltage signals resolution introduces an even smaller error, such that the total errors due to truncation and voltage resolution become O.4562x103 rn/s for the u-velocity and 0.4390x103 rn/s for v-velocity. Errors in pressure measurements during micro manometer reading were estimated to be ±0.0255 m/s. The error introduced when the calibration points are fit can be estimated by the standard error of the fit. The precision interval in bridge voltage associated with sensor 1 and 2 were ±0.0353 Volts and ±0.0201 Volts, respectively. The associated error in terms of u direction velocity varies throughout the calibration curve and is largest at higher velocities (10.4% or 0.21 mIs) and lowest at small velocities (6.7% or 1.1 mIs). The total uncertainty of velocity measurements in the u direction varies from 10.4% to 6.7% and is mainly caused by the standard error of the fit. 160 APPENDIX D HOT FILM CALIBRATION A main stream calibration was performed using TSI model 1 125C calibrator, a micro manometer, pitot tube and a model 1246 x-probe. The TSI calibrator was used to calibrate the hot film over a velocity range from 0 to 40 mIs. A low velocity range calibration (0 5 mIs) was done using the calibrator's mid- size nozzle. An external pitot tube was used for accurate velocity measurements in this range. For the higher velocity range ( 7.6 40 mIs ) the external nozzle plate was installed on the calibrator and the calibrator's plenum pressure port was used to determine the exit velocity at the nozzle exit. A slight offset in the initial main stream calibration was detected, which lead to skewed velocity vectors in terms of the angle of attack throughout the field. A correction was applied to the mainstream calibration data and new calibration curves were generated which resulted in data that better agreed with flow visualization experiments done within the flow field. The new calibration curves are presented in Figures D.1 and D.2. 161 2. w 1.5 IL 0 5 10 15 20 30 25 Veff 1, (m/s) Figure D. 1: Calibration curve sensor 1 2. 0 w cfl 1.5 1' 0 5 10 15 20 25 Veff2, (mis) Figure D.2: Calibration curve sensor 2 30 35 162 Bridge voltages stored by TSI' s thermaipro software had to be corrected before effective velocities could be calculated. The voltages are designated as *.E000l, * .E0002, etc. These voltages are corrected for temperature using the following relations: ET =E T and T1 /(25o_i) (D-1) (250-1) are the temperatures during calibration and during the test respectively. T can be found in the calibration file *.CL, while Tt can be found in the *T0001 files and are stored at the same time as the * .E000 1 files. The effective velocity could then be found using the two calibration curves for sensor 1 and 2: Veff I = 4.43592 + 9.74868E1 Veff 2 = 41.59791+114.04084E2 111.797O8E +43.82417E 4.52267E 5.26423E 2.18 132E + 2.O7459E The effective velocity was then corrected for density as follows: Veffl 17eff1[J (D-2) P is the pressure during calibration and P1 the pressure during test. P can again be found in the calibration file and P1 in the *.T* files. These effective velocities were used to calculate u and v using the equations described in Chapter 6. 163 APPENDIX E POWER SPECTRA, TIME TRACES AND HISTOGRAMS U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0O2 V-component, Power / frequency (m2Is) HH OO2E LI) 002 ¶D.02 NH I' Hh1 002 o o 002 11002 , HH H - o________________________ 002- - o ill 10° 102 10' 1(1-f z) HUH t°:LLLLU1LJILiJIi io° 102 10' 1(Hz) Figure E.1: Power spectral density at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, inclined cylinder U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) L0oL - 0 4 01 0o5 0 05 .:'!AALLJ jj:_.: ii A I01 TI i rn 4 0 , ----- - - ] 1 o-----'---- __A .A 0 o05 - ___ o iuiiii 1 CT,,,,, 11111,1 1 T 01 I - i? :',;::::: ous F 1O lot : : 102 :' iO z 005 :',;:;::: :::'.:: 100 :1:: lOt 102 f(Hz) f(f-fz) Figure E.2: Power spectral density at xld = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, inclined cylinder io3 0. U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 i00_ 0.02 u,,,u,,, rr 0.02 en 001 0 01 o 0 0.02 0.02 1:::::: 001 ¶jl 001 0 0 0.02 0.02 IN -t o.oi oo 0 0.02 ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, -i-- III o.oi:::: 0.02 JLI I ,,,,,,,,, .,,,, 0.01 0 ''.:; L. _i..Li' 002 ,,,,,,,, 0 '''''"" 0.02 ,,.,,,,, lull,,,, u,,,,,, 1-r-l-nr, - 'j'''-' _______________________ 1- 001 0hHJLLi - lOD io 1(1-I z) io 100 _'J ...' 101 !L(',hJ., 102 f(Hz) Figure E.3: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0, steady jet U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power I frequency (m2/s) * 10 0 H 0 10 iii I' 10 5 rr-i--rr1, 0 S i--i- 0L L 010 5 x10 r- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, 0 1O 5 i- (N 0 _-_I --' -' __________ 0*10_ (I 10 5 r- : L 0 10 - J 0 1O xl0 r- -r-r rrr-- r i 0J jj IN 100 1& fQ-fz) 10 iü [T 100 102 f(Hz) Figure E4: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0, steady jet 1o3 U-component, Power / frequency V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) (m2/s) -r rn- 1T1 rrr- 1 02 ::: 0: :::: jj In 0.2 '01 ::::; o ':::: '::: III,,. H . 02 0 ' H:'': In I I:::::: ............... :::::: I 0 0.2 I::::: _J ______________________ H'::: I,,,,,, 021- 01 - :1:::::: : _ ' 0 2. 0 :1:::: -. ................ O.2 I:: 0 : : II:::::: : ::::: : : H'i - : 0 I A 100 : : : : :::: : 01 10' f(Hz) ::::: 111111 1 'I'ffl H 1H'1I ______________________ 102 o3 100 102 10' f(Hz) Figure E.5: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet io2 U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) ::::::: 004 if:::::: ::::::: if . V-component, Power! frequency (m2/s) t][4 ::' if :::if::: : 41s oo1 I] I 002 ::'. 0 [ 04 '...'. !! I 4,002 ...:.. 0 Il I 004 *002 C'D *0.02 0'':if'ifif; 'if:::'; ::::''' :''' if ,0.U4ififif,,ififif (N .J,, 002 1 if if!!!,,, if '''':::; :::::if::: )0.04ififififif (N : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : : 4,, 002 : : if:::: : : : : : : :: : : : if::: : : : : : 0if:: 0.04 if if if if J)0.04!!if!!if!! _LJ, 0.02 : 0.04 : if :: : : : if : *0U2ififififififif : 0 :: 004H!if:! ::::::j_ 0 0.02I- : : if if if if if if: ::ifif!!!!: ::: if if if if:::: if if if if if if if if if i.. A ' :' : ;:: . 1.. if if:::,': if !!if!!if!if ()0.04ififif!ifif! if if ::, ' '' 0.02 : : :: : !::!::if, : : :: : : :':::I o 04 if : if ::: :ififj if:::: if if ,(004!if!!!if!! ::: : : : :::j if : : : : : : : : : if if :1:, if if if if if if if if if ::: if!ififif!ififif : : ::::: : .. L.''' U.. '.'', : '''''' ''''' 0 10' f(Hz) if if 10n ic? : .if:ifiififif; 0tJ2 j .'- if 0 !!!! if if!H:H!! ::: Lif._2,_i-._.L__---.-"..: if : :,if:if:: : if !!!:!!!!! !!ifif!!!! 004 :9 if if 0 0 if , if if if 102 f(Hz) Figure E.6: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet if ic? U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0.05 ................ 0 TTT 0.05 - 0.05 . LU en . oo: I 0.05 0 0,05 0.05 - 0.05 ................ ................ (N .- 1-rn en I . (N . $ 00: 0.05 MW 4!, 0 0.05 0 0.05 ::: 10° - - : _j_____, 0 ------- . -', lOt 100 io f(Hz) Figure E.7: . : 0 Power spectral density for VR flLJL .., ..A.:_, 1.i.. ... 101 ,. .. 102 f(Hz) = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet 10 U-component, Power / frequency V-component, Power / frequency (rn2/s) (m2/s) LI IL JJILHiL i 11Th 0.02 0.02 i0o1____ ooiL.L_ 0 T 0.02 ' i....Li 002 - 001 ft:: ::àjj,::: 11.02,,,,,,, LLI ttILL 0 0.02 i _ 1Li. HI 0.02 AL ('4 -J,00i o ::::::: :1:::::: I::: : __ 1::::::: jj .1 0.02,,,,,, 0.01 _ 0.02 0.011::::::: '' . : :1 .1. ' . 0.02 ooiLU L.t'_/\J 0.02 0.01 : I:::;:, : 1 : 0.02 'Ii' _ -. 0.02 111111111 0 1::::::: : :: : 0 I 100 l& f(Hz) ' ----- , - 11111111 '-'-" 1.02 :::::::: :: -'''" io2 o_oi :1:::::: 0 ::::::: __.J_' 100 ..'.. 'I 10' .._! "I io2 I(Hz) Figure E.8: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet io tJcomponent, Power I frequency (m2Is) V-component Power / frequency (m2/s) HH :::;:::::;: 2 100 101 102 HH HH 2 o 100 f(Hz) Figure E.9: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 101 io ((I-f z) 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet iü U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) Di____________________________________________ II,uuII 111111111 o1 lI!uII,utII(tI,ICTII4(II 11111111 _ 0.1 0. i:::::::: : I 1 I *02 HH Oil ', 0.1 : :: : **O.2 I 1 1111111 I 1.11111 I : 02 Ii uJIIIflIuI)IIflhtluIItt : r t I I :11:11 :1:1:: 1:1111 1 1 :1:1.1 Il) 0 0.1 0 :1 : IlIli 0l :l:I o o.i 1 O2 0l 0 01 111111 IIIIII IIIII 'I 11111111 II 100 I I I E.10: :._:_._.I :I.j I .L..l..__ 101 102 iO3 II::: 111111 1 111111 I 0 01 1111 t(Hz) Figure ,oi 01 Il. I 111111 I 1I 0 102 I II I 1111', II III II I, 10' 102 f(Hz) Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet U-component, Power/frequency (m°Is) V-component, Power! frequency (m2/s 11 iO3 :FI x 10 x 10 :FI 1110 22 10 r HFJh7 HiiJ 10 0 dO o 11 I hull 11111 x 10 L 1 x 10 .Ii.IIi )c 10° ci 11 x 10 A I. 10 22 10 2 xlO x 10 -1 Il 11r I: 21 22 10 1-I 2JJIF 10° 101 102 ftl-iz) Figure E.11: Power spectral density for 10° UIILHI JJJIIJIL iO2 iO' f(Hz) VR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, yld = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet 10 U-component, Power / frequency (m2Is) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0.01 0.01 0' _________________ 0.01 0.01 .0.005 o.00s _________________ 0 __________________ 0 O.0lp---,1 ____________________ 0.01 C', 40.00s 0 005 0 ''-" ____________________ 0 -,-., 0.01 0.01 0 005 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0.01 4 - 0.01 0.005 0.01 000:L - r,-r--- L0 0.01 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 '.: L4) o.oas .a___ 0 0.01 -.-,-- o.00s 0 0.01 i-, ', ,------ LL.__ 'H''' '''''','''''''',''''' 'i- _______ 0.01 - - r m LID ,,,I,I, 0,01 o.006 o' 'ii '----- 0 0.01 0,01 0 io2 f(Hz) 1o3 p r r-,-,-,-,--------'r'-- 'H ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H ' HH i000s lo° _, ' ,-rr----- __________ ,H'''.H ' 10° Figure E.12: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 -. ' _______ ,' '''H 102 10' f(Hz) 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) -0.05 V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0.05 0 00 0.O5j; 0 41, 0 0 '.''''I:''.:1!I o.cs 0o6L I 100 io io fI-tz) 100 1& 102 f(t-fz) Figure E.13: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet io U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0o05L._ tEl 00Q5H 0.01 HHW o I 0 001 0 005 o 0 _________ II tEl o.oi 0 005 I 0 001 0.005 0 0.0 HH rI o.uos _!LII. 0 HH !!I . 1 0005L 000G 0 000sL 100 io f(I-tz) io3 100 102 1o3 f(Hz) Figure E.14: Power spectral density for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet 1 U-component, Power / frequency (m2Is) :ffh1: i[ 1ftffiiiI1 0.2 'ii V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) II H [1 111 01 o- LLLL._ j,. r rTrr- -r r 0i - L:_:_i______ -,-l-rrT - - rrr- - 1 02 H 0 r-rr -r-r TT TTfl r--1--T- r-T-, 02 ---- o-'---------'-02IT 0.2 h' , o1L ::::j ''--a a H1T1 02 H ai -- 'H rrrr -'r r ti-rn rTr- 1 02I- r'rrT rTrIHH-I : I 0.2 I TTh,,u,uu Ill,,,,, III H :______ 01 O1 0.1 , 0 1 10° 10' 1(1-f z) l0 0.1 0 IO 10° 10' 10 l0 f(Hz) Figure E.15: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet 00 U-component, Power I frequency (m2Is) V-component, Power I frequency (m2/s) 0.01 001 000F . '-- 111 0.01 001 LI) . 0 005 L___ ..-\ 0.01 LLUJ /& T L II:: 0 001 . .. (N0005 HI LI) 0.01 5000: 0.01 : : HI H 0.01 LI) JLI Lii L_L-1 0.01 .t o.00s LL L 0.01 I:: : : : : : : :: - 0 0.01 . - 0,01 J.LLi 0 0,01 0005 11 100 102 10 f(Hz) io3 0 100 1& -. 102 f(Hz) Figure E.16: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet U-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 0,5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0.5 0 0.5 ,.,,,, r "-,--rr 0.5 ,,,,, r r-rr 1-1-n- 0 V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) _ ,,-,-,- r ,r, 0.5 i, r-,r r-rrr- r r--r 0.5 11 1 --,-rr r,-n- I1E _ ---'------- 0 '' I 100 io' 1o2 io3 100 f(Hz) Figure E.17: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 102 10' f(Hz) 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet li-component, Power I frequency (m2/s) V-component, Power / frequency (m2/s) 01 0.1 4!,aos HH 0 0.1 0.1 LI) 0 0 0.1 0.1 en en 005 0.05 0 ''!'".i 0 0.1 .L) I- I 0 . 005 0 0.1 N 0.05 0.1 O 0.1 0' 0.05 13 0,1 o :''i ' 0.1 oo oosL0 _,-..,: 100 ::: :::::: 101 f(Hz) 0 io /0' f(Hz) Figure E.18: Power spectral density for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet 00 v-component (nVs) u-component (rrVs) °40T°81 20 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 02 0.4 0.6 0.0 I 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 62O406O81 2O.40.6O.81 2O.4O.6O.01 :20401 :20001 0.4O.6O.01 Figure E.19: Velocity time traces at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, inclined cylinder 00 u-component (mis) io40081 io4001 ic81 ic401 io406081 v-component (m/s) H-HHH 52Q4O6O61 52O4O.6O81 2204O6O81 62040.6081 46O81 Figure E.20: Velocity time traces at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, inclined cylinder 00 u-component (ni's) v-component (mis) 040601 L441 0.0L081 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0;6 0;8 1 0.2 0;4 0.6 0.8 c 0 io40,60 C F -E Figure E.21: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, yld = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0, steady jet u-component (m's) v-component (m's) 4 HHHHHH 60 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 CA 0.6 08 E:HHH Figure E22: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, yld = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet u-component (rn(s) 2O4O6O.81 I4o v-component (rn's) : 0a2040606 0.4 0.6 0.6 O4O6O8i Figure E.23: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0, pulsed jet u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) &51 4 5m40.60.oi 2 :406081 : 0. 620406081 -2 -2 20 20 02 U;4 0;6 08 0.2 0.4 08 08 1 0 60 02 0.4 0.6 0 8 Figure E.24: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, yld O.40.608l 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, pulsed jet rJ?o u-component (m's) v-component (m's) : 2H.01 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ft2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 : 2c:2:.::1 100 200020406081 0 -5 0 Figure E.25: Velocity time traces for VR 3.4, at xld = 2.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, z/d 0, steady jet 1 u-component (ni's) 10 o. v-component (ni's) 5o 0 0 0,2 0.4 02 0.4 fl.B 0.8 -E 0.8 0,8 -C m;0i81 Figure E.26: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, steady jet u-component (m's) v-component (m/s) : .4O.60.81 O.4O.6O.61 2O4O.6O.8i iO.406081 O4O.61 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure E.27: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, pulsed jet "C u-component (m/s) v-component (mis) 5 100 0.2 14 0.6 0.8 1o:4008 0L 1c01 -5 C0 -5 t12 0;6 0.8 JJLuW 0.2 o 0.4 0;4 0.6 0.8 6Q8 .5 60020406081 Figure E.28: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, zld =0, pulsed jet u-component (rn's) v-component (mis) o2O4O.6O81 2O.4O.6O.51 2O4a6O.B1 c. O.4O.6O.8i Figure E.29: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet u-Component (n-Vs) v-Component (rn's) O0a204o6081 O 04 0.8 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0,0 04 0.6 08 0j 02 -2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure E.30: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet '.0 u-component (ni's) v-component (ni's) ::60H 60 c2 E2 0.4 0.6 0.6 04 06 0.8 c] 20.48 Figure E.31: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, yld = 0.2 - 4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet '0 u-component (mis) v-component (m's) PH*HHH 2a4O.6O81 O.4O.6O.81 20406081 :400;81 io,001 a2O.4o.6o.o1 Figure E.32: Velocity time traces for VR = 0.85, at xld = 7.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet LI, u-component (rWs) v-component (nVs) 2O4O60.81 2040608 :H-H C0.2 io20.8 C 200 0.2 0,4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 O -s !40;608, 0.2 0.4 06 08 -10 Figure E.33: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at xld = 2.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet 1 u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) ¶ih2040H C S 0.2 1:406081 C 0.4 0,8 1 2:0:040:0:1 0.4 62O406081 0.6 0.6 0.8 1 H2040.60.H Figure E.34: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at xld = 7.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet '0 u-component (rTVs) 3e v-component (rn's) 81 40400.81 :6081 o 5° 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 02 0.4 0 .6 06 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 20 1 I 5 C 1401 a20.4a6oal £ -5 0 0.2 Figure E.35: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet 1 u-component (ni's) ic v-component (ni's) 02 0.4 0.6 08 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 E2040.6081 Figure E.36: Velocity time traces for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) 150 150 100L 100 50 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 : : i : : -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 100 50 50 C 0 150 2 4 6 6 10 12 100 C -4 150 100 50 0 0 150 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 50 0 0 150 i 100 2 4 6 8 10 12 150 100 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 o -4 150 100 T 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 160 100 '0 50 50 2 4 6 0 10 12 100 100 too 0 0 -4 150 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 -4 Figure E.37: Velocity histograms at xld = 2.5, yfd = 0.2 4.0, inclined cylinder u-component (m/s) vcompOflSnt (m/s) O4 i012 Q12 1012 i2 1: 0i Figure E.38: Velocity histograms at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 - 4.0, inclined cylinder u-component (rrVs) v-component (m/s) 1512 150 100 10 12 150 4 100 50 C ___ 0 150 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 C 12 -4 1512 100 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 -r 100 60 0 2 150 4 5 6 10 C 12 isd4 100 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 100 50 60 0 150 -3 0 2 2 150 4 4 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 0 -4 150 - 160 100 100 10 12 4 150 1110 100 , 50 0 150 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 150 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 -4 150 12 100 ; 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 1110 50 0 -; 50 0 150 ; 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 Figure E.39: Velocity histograms for VR 0 -4 12 0.85, at xld 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0, steady jet u-component (mis) v-component (mis) 150 150 100 iooL 50 2 4 12 100 a -4 -3 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 mc 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 100 50 10 150 C 12 100 -4 mc 100 50 60 0 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 c -4 150 0 100 0 150 - -; - -; 0 4 100 150 100 10 150 t 4 100 12 100 150 - - - -3 -2 -1 4 100 50 50 C 8 mc 10 12 100 0 -4 150 0 1 2 3 4 100 50 .IlIiII_ C- 2 mc 4 6 6 10 12 100 150 - - 4 - 4 100 tso C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure E40: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0, steady jet u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) 150 150 100 100 '- 50 50 0 1600 10 0 12 4 P mo 100 50 60 0 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 , 100 0 isd4 P 100 5° 5 C 2 4 6 8 10 12 iscr4 1 9 100 tso 50 1500 2 4 6 6 10 12 0 15O 100 P 100 C isc° ' 10 12 100 JAIL 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 6 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 - 100 15Cc '' 100 isc° 5., : : : : i P 100 100 tso C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Figure E.41: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0, pulsed jet 4 u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) 150 150 100 50 10 12 100 0 i5C 0 - 4 100 50 0 6 150 8 10 12 C -2 '100 100 50 50 0 6 8 10 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 : : i 0 :1:: 150 : : : I i 100 100 6 iso, 8 10 12 150 4 - - - - 4 - 100 via0 50 4lI__ C 6 iso 8 10 12 1ao 150 4 100 50 C 6 15C 8 10 12 100 150 - ilk. ; ; 4 100 50 C 0 2 4 6 8 ID 12 1"- 4 Figure E.42: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld =0, pulsed jet L/t u-component (ni's) v-component (ni's) 150 1 12 100 -; -; 4 100 L °0 11 12 ', 100 150 4 ; ; : : 4 100 50 0 0L.8102 " 100 : : - -:t - -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 : : : 14 150 100 50 lIt 150 12 C -4 iso - 100 100 50 50 C 10 15Cc C 12 100 -4 150 100 50 C isc° 2 4 6 8 10 -T 12 iso 100 100 50 50 C 0 2 4 6 0 10 C 12 -4 -3 -2 Figure E.43: Velocity histograms for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 -1 4.0, z/d 0, steady jet u-component (m's) v-component (mis) AL.. : : !I 100 2 4 6 6 10 12 100 4 100 50 50 C 1500 : 100 2 4 6 10 12 100 0 -: 4 - 100 50 1500 ' 2 4 8 8 10 12 100 4 - 50 C 2 4 6 10 12 100 '--S 0 100 60 50 C 10 iso? icoj- 5L isc° -: 100 50 1600 0 2 -. 4 12 C 4 t 15C IOU 6 8 10 12 100 - - - -2 -1 4 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -4 -3 0 I 2 3 4 Figure E.44: Velocity histograms for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, steady jet C u-component (m's) v-component (m/s) 150 150 100 100 50 0 50 0 2 4 5 6 10 12 0 -4 150 -3 -2 -1 : : : 0 1 2 3 : : 4 100 , 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4 6 S 10 12 10 12 10 12 100 IOU c JIIIIIL. 6 - I I 2 4 10 it 100 !If 100 2 4 6 5 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 50 C 0 : : :- : : Figure E.45: Velocity histograms for YR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d =0, pulsed jet i u-component (rn's) v-component (m's) rTiT7T[TTI1 :_ iitii t °LIII ., I, Figure E.46: Velocity histograms for YR 3.4, at x/d 7.5, y/d 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0, pulsed jet u-component (rrVs) v-component (rrVs) O 10 12 °10 1234 if 4 ! I : £ 2 Ii 71 : 12 100 12 'It100 18J -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 1 i°0 5O 4 12 1O0 loop m GO 5O isc 6 8 it) 12 6 8 10 12 l00 GO 0 0 2 4 -4 Figure E.47: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at xld = 2.5, y/d = 0.2-4.0, zfd = 0.8, steady jet u-corTponent (rrvs) v-component (m's) 150 150 100 160 50 50 C 150 8 16 12 0 150 100 100 50 50 0 , 6 4 2 6 4 8 10 12 100 6 -4 156 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 : : : : : 100 a 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 6 10 12 100 50 0 150 0 !II 1 L 1J 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 150 4 - - 4 - -i--- 150 ; 4 IOU 0 100 - 100 100 150 -; 100 100 150 - 150 1a0 2 4 24 6 8 10 12 .j__ 0 4 150 100 6 8 10 12 0 4 -; Figure E.48: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, steady jet u-component (rn's) v-component (rn's) 150 150 100 50 U 1b 12 -4 160 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -i 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -i 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 : : : : : 100 tso 50 0 -4 150 IOU 50 C -4 150 ' 100 100 tso 50 C 10 1500 12 100 100 sg 50 1500 10 12 10 12 10 12 0 100 1500 - 100 0 ; 4 6 150 - - -3 -2 -3 -2 H - 100 2 4 6 6 10 12 100 04 150 -10 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 100 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 -1 0 1 Figure E.49: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet u-component (m's) v-component (rrils) 150 150 100 50 0 -4 10 160 15c '' 100 50 0 150 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 : : : : : - -; - -; 100 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 -4 150 100 100 -50 50 0 0 150 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 0 -4 160 100 50 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 100 1500 ' 100 i 150 100 1500 2 4 6 8 1L. 10 12 100 160 4 4 100 2 150 4 6 10 12 100 160 4 - 100 50 0 150 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 ; 160 ; 4 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -; - Figure E.50: Velocity histograms for VR = 0.85, at x/d = 7.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet 4 u-component (ni's) v-component (rrVs) 150 150 100 1110 50 50 0 B 1500 10 12 0 -4 150 100 100 tso 50 0 1500 2 4 6 8 10 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 : : 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 : : U 12 e' 100 -4 150 1 100 50 0 00 100 tso 2 4 6 8 10 12 150 100 80 ALL. 150 - 150 - 100 2 46 _y 100 50 B 10 12 0 -4 150 -3 ----2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 100 50 50 C 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 0 -4 150 -3 IOU 0 2 4 6 B 10 12 - Figure E.51: Velocity histograms for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet 4 u-component (rrils) v-component (rrVs) 150 100 tso 4 150 12 I ' 100 150 2 0 160 2 4 U 12 10 12 -4 15c 100 3 -4 60 13 4 6 5 10 12 6 3 10 12 100 is° 2 4 100 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 -3 -2 -1 0 C -4 160 100 C 100 150 -3 -; 160 ----' 100 2 4 24 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 O iso 50 2 : 50 6 100 0 - : 1 1613 ' 100 150 : : 50 10 JiII. 0 : 100 46 r' 100 150 100 6 6 10 12 iso - -; 100 6 8 10 12 -; - - -- i 4 4 AL 4 Figure E.52: Velocity histograms for YR = 3.4, at xld = 7.5, yld = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, steady jet U' u-component (tms) v-component (tm's) 15C 150 100 50 90 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 0 -3 -2 -1 : : : 0 1 2 3 : : 4 100 C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 '2 100 50 C 156° IOU tso 0 :r 4 : : : ilL : 1 101234 i54 't 100 1I 0 6 10 12 10 12 - 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 -3 -2 -i 0 I 2 3 Figure E.53: Ve'ocity histograms for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 2.5, y/d = 0.2 4.0, z/d = 0.8, pulsed jet 4 u-component (Tm's) v-component (m's) 15C 4 100 : : : : 1 I : 15C : 100 50 o 2 4 t3 CO 2 4 6 150 B 10 12 10 12 : : : : 100 150 ' I 100 O 150 ----4..----. 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 150 4 - 150 100 2 4 6 8 10 12 - 160 4.-- 4 4'.. 4 100 i1iI 150 !- 2 4 6 8 10 C 12 150 100 2 4 6 8 10 12 -: - - Figure E.54: Velocity histograms for VR = 3.4, at x/d = 7.5, yld = 0.2-4.0, zld = 0.8, pulsed jet 4