Can-do competence statements Spanish Advanced 1 Student’s name______________________________________________________ Tutor’s name: _______________________________________________________ Group occurrence: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________________ LISTENING L1 I can follow extended speech of moderate length and complexity and summarise key points. L2 I can recognise a wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms and appreciate different styles and degrees of formality. READING R1 I can understand a range of texts of some degree of complexity and abstraction, and note the key points. R2 I can understand any articles given the occasional use of a dictionary. SPEAKING S1 I can give clear detailed descriptions of complex subjects in my area of work, study or special interest. S2 I can participate effectively in extended discussions and debates on complex topics of personal, professional, social or cultural interest. S3 I can argue a formal position convincingly, responding to questions and comments and answering counter arguments. WRITING W1 I can write fluently and accurately on a wide range of topics related to my personal interests. W2 I can write detailed letters choosing phrases that subtly reflect my mood. W3 I can produce extended texts or reports on a range of topics in a variety of registers. Working towards Achieved