MORSE A Mathematics degree for those interested in a course which combines theory with modern applications. M OR S E Mathematics Operational Research Statistics Economics Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Mathematics and Statistics A Mathematics degree for mathematically able students who have an interest in solving practical problems which arise in physical, life and social sciences, business, health and government. Two well-established Integrated Single Honours courses, leading to an extremely wide variety of careers. Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Data Science A degree course designed for able mathematicians with an interest in pursuing sophisticated theory and methods relevant to modern applications requiring large-scale data analysis and state-of-art computer science . . . to be introduced during this talk. Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Mathematics Probability, risk Famines and finance Internet search engines Traffic flow: roads, telephones Brownian motion Random matrices Poisson spatial process For example, ST906: Financial Time Series Analysis Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Operational Research or Management Science: methods for solution of organizational problems of business and other enterprises. Air traffic control Accident and emergency departments Supermarket stocks and sta↵ Linear programming Queuing theory For example, IB407: Decision Analysis . . . assessment of the relative efficiency of organisational units, such as bank branches, pubs, . . . a range of diagnostic outputs. Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Statistics Cancer and Mobile telephones Nuclear safety Election results Car insurance and life expectancy Survival analysis Regression models Bayesian Decision analysis For example, ST332: Medical Statistics Generalised linear models, Analysis of censored survival data, Study designs Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Entry Requirements Typical entry requirements: A* (Maths) + A (Further Maths) + A or A (Maths) + AA + 2 in STEP or Merit in AEA International Baccalaureate, Scottish Qualifications, . . . Economics A-level is not a prerequisite for MORSE Numbers in the first year, 2012-2013: 77 Home and EU, & 92 International students Numbers in the fourth year, 2012-2013: 52 – about a third of those who entered. Department of Statistics University of Warwick MathStat, MORSE and Data Science: Degrees of Freedom Transdisciplinary nature of mathematics "Mathematics is the instrument that mediates between theory and practice, between thinking and observing: It builds a bridge, and then braces it bit by bit. This is why all our contemporary culture, to the extent that it depends upon penetrating and mastering nature, is founded upon mathematics." David Hilbert (1931) Example: Spotmap used by physician John Snow John_Snow_memorial_and_pub.jpg Original map by Dr Snow in 1854. Cholera cases are highlighted in black on London City map revealed that the disease was spread by water from a pump. Big data in genomics ‣ Novel high-­‐throughput measurement technologies ‣ Genome-­‐wide perspec8ve ‣ Hope: New avenues for scien8fic research ‣ Medical applica8ons: e8ology, prognosis, treatment ‣ Challenges for mathema/cal sciences: • Extract informa(on from data • Ensure reproducible results • Model biological processes Cancer treatment decision-making involving Example: Decision making in Cancer Recurrence Preven8on genomic recurrence risk Genomic test recurrence score (0-100) Traditional Traditional lab work work lab traditional markers Overall health Personal preferences eligibilities for treatment choices beliefs, life... quality of live... No chemo ? modifying factors Chemo Simpson’s paradox Figure on following pages: Front Psychol. 2013; 4: 513. Simpson's paradox in psychological science: a practical guide, Rogier A. Kievit et al Example of Simpson's Paradox. Despite the fact that there exists a negative relationship between dosage and recovery in both males and females, when grouped together, there exists a positive relationship. All figures created using ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009). Data in arbitrary units. Correlation and causation Correlation between X and Y may(!) be causation: • X implies Y • Y implies X Correlations gathered by data snooping Entertaining website doing this for you: