Seasonal WIS BANISHING THE ‘IMPOSTER’ University of Warwick Women in Science Network 8th December 2014 AGENDA What is imposter syndrome? Signs of imposter syndrome Banishing it Close Lunch SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE “Even though they are often very successful by external standards, they feel their success has been due to some mysterious fluke or luck or great effort; they are afraid their achievements are due to “breaks” and not the result of their own ability and competence. They are also pretty certain that, unless they go to gargantuan efforts to do so, success can not be repeated. They are afraid that next time, I will blow it.” Dr. Pauline Rose Clance WHAT IS IMPOSTER SYNDROME? SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE SUCCESS IS DUE TO… Luck Being in the right place at the right time Knowing the right people the task The contribution of others Low expectations A mistake Charm and the ability to relate well to others Effort Their ability being overestimated …any more? SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE AS OPPOSED TO… Skill Ability Intelligence SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE WHICH LEADS TO… Holding back Over working Giving up Procrastination Taking criticism too personally Qualifying contributions SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE SIGNS OF IMPOSTER SYNDROME SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE SIGNS OF IMPOSTER SYNDROME Self-doubt Sense of incompetence Comparing yourself to others Low self-esteem Fear Stress Under-performance Difficulty accepting praise/compliments Inability to enjoy your accomplishments SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO SUFFER FROM IMPOSTER SYNDROME IF YOU ARE … new to your role the ‘bright one’ the ‘sensitive one’ a minority in your field a perfectionist an introvert a high achiever SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE What are your experiences of Imposter Syndrome? SHARING OUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Discussion SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE “So, what do you do?” TALK ABOUT YOURSELF Exercise SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE EXERCISE Talk about yourself… Who you are What you do/have done Why you do it/why you love it Include at least one of… Your accomplishments Your skills SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE VOLUNTEERS Talk to the wider group SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE FEEDBACK & DISCUSSION Any comments for the presenters? How did it feel to talk about yourself? How did you feel about others talking about themselves? What did you notice about the language used? SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE BANISH THE IMPOSTER Tips to banish the imposter when it rears it’s ugly head SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE TIPS TO HELP BANISH THE IMPOSTER Recognise the ‘imposter’ Talk about the ‘imposter’ Watch your language! Learn to accept a compliment Ask questions Challenge the criticism Recognise your accomplishments Remember you are AWESOME! …any others? SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE RECOGNISE THE SUPERHERO Homework! SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE USEFUL LINKS Impostor phenomenon Overcome the Imposter Syndrome, Dr. Valarie Young The Language Power of Female Leadership, Dr. Judith Baxter Women: Enough With The Apologies! Do you have imposter syndrome? Why I’m Glad I Was Forced to Brag The Ada Initiative Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Denise Paolucci 15 Minute Writing Exercise Closes The Gender Gap In Physics SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE Thank you… We welcome your feedback, comments and ideas for future events. Or why not get involved? All the best, Carolyn, Nicola & Claire University of Warwick Women in Science Network Seasonal WIS JOIN THE CONVERSATION… @WarwickWIS WRITING VALUES This 15 minute exercise was developed by Leigh Honeywell from the Ada Initiative to tackle stereotype threat and imposter syndrome. This exercise has been used successfully in classrooms to reduce the achievement gap between minority students and their peers; black students in American high schools and female PhD physics students at the University of Colorado. SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE EXERCISE 1 When you think of the times in your life where you’ve been the happiest, the proudest, or the most satisfied, which of the following values come to mind? Accomplishment Accountability Achievement Activism Adventure Affection Ambition Autonomy Challenge Close relationships Commitment Community Compassion Competence Competition Confidence Conformity Control Coolness under fire Cooperation Courage Creativity Credibility Decisiveness Economic security Effectiveness Efficiency Enthusiasm Environmentalism Excellence Excitement Fairness Faith Fame Free time Freedom Friendships Growth Having a family Health Helping other people Helping society Honesty Hospitality Independence Influence Inner harmony Insight Inspiration Integrity Intellectual status Introspection Justice Knowledge Leadership Location Loyalty Meaningful work Mentorship Merit Money Movement Music Nature Openness Order Patriotism Peace Persistence Personal development Physical challenge Pleasure Power and authority Privacy Public service Purity Quality Recognition Reputation Responsibility Romance Security Selfknowledge Self-reliance Self-respect Serenity Sophistication Spirituality Stability Status Tranquillity Truth Vibrancy Volunteering Wealth Will-power Wisdom SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE EXERCISE 2 Pick one value from the previous exercise and write a couple of sentences about why it is important to you SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE EXERCISE 3 In general, I try to live up to the values that I chose in the previous two exercises: Disagree 1 ----- 2 ----- 3 ----- 4 ----- 5 Agree SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE EXERCISE 4 What was the last topic that someone asked for your advice on? SLIDES BY CLAIRE WHITE, WARWICK WOMEN IN SCIENCE