Diné College Dual Credit Program 2014-2015 Financial A G u id e f o r S t ud en t s a n d Pa r e n ts GETGET AN EARLY AN EARLY STARTSTART ON COLLEGE ON COLLEGE WHILE STILL WHILE IN HIGH STILL IN SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM THE DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM IS IS FREE, FREE, ACCESSIBLE, AND CONVENIENT ACCESSIBLE,LOCAL, LOCAL, AND CONVENIENT Diné D IN É College CO L L EG E Dual Credit Program P.O. Box 127 1 Circle Drive Shiprock, Tsaile, AZ.NM. 86556 87420 Patrick Blackwater Phone: 928-724-6921 E-mail: pblackwater@dine.college.edu Diné College believes the Dual Credit Program will become stepping stones from high school to college, serving as a pathway to academic degree programs or college-level education courses. About the Dual Credit Program Through the Diné College Dual Credit Program, high school students can get a jump start on college by earning college credits while still attending high school. Courses offered through Diné College, range from Navajo Language and Culture to College Mathematics to Speech Communication. Dual credit is a process by which a high school junior or senior enrolls in a Diné College (secondary school) course and receives concurrent academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school. The dual credit courses are taught on a Diné College campus or on the high school campus only. This allows a high school student to receive both high school and college credit. The high school courses are aligned with the Diné College curriculum. Dual credit students earn college credit immediately upon successful course completion. After you graduate high school, you can continue taking classes at Dine College and work toward a certificate or degree. The college classes taken while you were in high school will be counted toward your Dine College degree. Your credits may also transfer to a different college or university. Benefits of Dual Enrollment Access to College resources: Dual credit students are official college students with access to the full range of services offered by Diné College. These include use of DC Student Success, academic support, the Pinto Library resources, gym facilities, computer labs, and all Diné College Campuses and Centers. Transferability: Dual credit courses are fully transferable to New Mexico and Arizona colleges and universities and generally transferable to other colleges and universities throughout the United States. All classes must align with Diné College curriculum; therefore, all these courses articulate with New Mexico and Arizona colleges and universities. Convenience: Courses are taught at the high school campuses or at Diné College campuses depending on the individual high school arrangements. Closeness to home: Students learn what college professors expect while still in familiar surroundings. Low cost: Taking dual credit courses costs are basically free or substantially less than taking courses at many colleges and universities. Student success: Successful completion of college-level courses helps you to be successful in making the transition to a college campus later. You will have acquired the confidence to succeed academically and personally in college. Dual Credit: Reviewing Your Options There are some factors to consider and talk about with your family and school guidance counselor before you register for Dual Credit courses. They are official Diné College classes, so it is important to know that you are starting a college transcript and these classes will become part of your permanent academic record. So before you get started, consider a couple a key suggestions: Talk about his opportunity with your parent/guardian. Remember, it is relatively free, local, and convenient but also discuss deadlines, workload, and responsibility. Talk to your parent/guardian, teachers, and guidance counselor about your plans and your intended major. Your guidance counselor and a Diné College Student Success Advisor can definitely help you in this area. Do some research into your college plans/major and how these clas- ses will fit into your intended major. The grades you earn will become part of your official college transcripts at Diné College. Review and study all the information and opportunities Diné College has to offer, especially the guidelines associated with student enrollment and policies. Tuition and Fees Course billing is taken care of by Diné College and the high schools through agreements made by both parties. The billing process is determined after the student has successfully completed the class. Tuition and fees for Diné College students are as follows: $55 per credit hour, so a 3 credit hour class would cost a student $165 and a 4 credit would cost a student $220. $20 Application Fee (onetime fee for new students) $20 Activity Fee $20 Technology Fee This is an excellent opportunity for students to take college classes free, at not cost to fami- lies, it is close to home, and accessible. Grades All dual credit students are responsible for following the Diné College Academic Policies. Your teacher/instructor will use Diné College guidleines to determine and post your mid-term and final grades. This includes a student’s Academic Standing, Withdrawal from a class, and each student has the right to contest their grades though the General Grade Appeal. Academic Policies Class Attendance Regular and prompt attendance to all classes and laboratories is excepted. Excessive absence may be reported and affect a student’s academic grade(s). Academic Integrity Academic integrity is the fundamental value and principle that underwrites the very mission of Diné College. Enrolled students are solely responsible for the integrity of their academic work and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment, and ethics in their areas of study. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, misrepresentation or plagiarism and other forms of unethical behavior, is prohibited. If a student has violated the academic integrity policy, formal proceedings for disciplinary action will be conducted under the “Student Code of Conduct.” Withdrawal from College Classes Students must officially withdraw from the College using a Withdrawal Form available from the Records and Admissions Office or respective campus site. Failure to withdraw properly results in the forfeiture of any refunds, and a grade of “F” is given for each course in progress at the time of the unofficial withdrawal. Withdrawal forms must be returned to the Registrar’s Office with all the required signatures. Transcripts Students may request an official transcript from the Records and Admissions Office from the main campus in Tsaile. The Transcript Request Form is available at all sites and on the College website. A fee is required for each Official Transcript. Currently enrolled students may review their unofficial transcript at any time by logging into WarriorWeb. Records and Admissions Office is not permitted to provide transcript services to any current or former student who owes money to the college. Same-day service is available only for in-person requests at Tsaile Campus, for a nominal fee. The fee for a transcript is $5.00 and the same day service is $15.00 per transcript. Diné College cannot send an Official Transcript by email or fax. Course Change or Cancellation Diné College reserves the right to cancel any scheduled course or to change the day, time, location, and/or faculty of any course without notice. Students will not be penalized for cancelled courses. Tuition is fully refundable. Registration, technology, and other applicable activity fees are non-refundable. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What does it cost to take dual credit courses? In the States of New Mexico and Arizona, dual credit enrollment, registration, and class fees are waived by Diné College (post-secondary institution) until students successfully completing the course(s). Diné College is then reimbursed half of the total costs for each student. How do I enroll and register for Dual Credit classes at Diné College? If you are a junior or senior or will be the semester you wish to take the course, see your high school counselor to verify you have passed all sections of the Accuplacer or equivalent testing. If you have a 2.0 or above or you have Guidance Counselor/Principal approval you are eligible to apply for admission to Diné College. The Dual Credit Student Protocol outlines the college admission, registration, testing requirements, and procedures necessary to participate. A copy of the handbook is available from this website. What is difference between dual credit and concurrent enrollment? The dual credit program is for high school juniors and seniors who want to earn college credits while in high school. Dual credit courses enable a student to earn both college and high school credit at the same time. Concurrent enrollment enables a student to enroll in a college course for college credit only. What are the positive outcomes of Dual Credit? Access to College resources: Dual credit students are official college students with access to the full range of services offered by Diné College. These include use of DC Student Success, academic support, the Pinto Library resources, gym facilities, computer labs, and all Diné College Campuses and Centers. Transferability: Dual credit courses are fully transferable to New Mexico and Arizona colleges and universities and generally transferable to other colleges and universities throughout the United States. All classes must align with Diné College curriculum; therefore, all these courses articulate with New Mexico and Arizona colleges and universities. Convenience: Courses are taught at the high school campuses or at Diné College campuses depend- and universities throughout the United States. All classes must align with Diné College curriculum; therefore, all these courses articulate with New Mexico and Arizona colleges and universities. Convenience: Courses are taught at the high school campuses or at Diné College campuses depending on the individual high school arrangements. Closeness to home: Students learn what college professors expect while still in familiar surroundings. Low cost: Taking dual credit courses costs are basically free or substantially less than taking courses at many colleges and universities. Student success: Successful completion of college-level courses helps you to be successful in making the transition to a college campus later. You will have acquired the confidence to succeed academically and personally in college. Can my parents access my Diné College information? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FEPRA), does not allow faculty and staff to disclose or discuss a dual credit student’s grades or enrollment status with anyone other than the student unless a release form is submitted. Who do I contact for Dual Credit Enrollment and program information? Patrick Blackwater, Diné College P.O. Box 127, Tsaile, AZ. 86556 Office: (928)724-6921 Cell: (928)209-6247 Email: pblackwater@dinecollege.edu