Dine College Course Syllabus COURSE NUMBER: EDU 476 COURSE TITLE & (CREDITS): Structure English Immersion (3.0 credits) SEMESTER: Fall 2014 CLASS MEETING TIME(S): Monday & Wednesdays, 1:30-4:00pm MEETING LOCATION: Rm.510 INSTRUCTOR: Geraldine Garrity OFFICE LOCATION: 601G OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (928) 724-6814 E-MAIL: ggarrity@dinecollege.edu OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays & Thursdays BEST CONTACT METHOD: email or make an appointment PREREQUISITE (If any): COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces theories related to teaching children who are learning a second language. The purpose is to prepare teachers to work with children who need to become proficient in English language, gain competency in their community and to become successful in the future. This course examines strategies, assessment, SEI models and ELD methods for English language learners. This course is aligned to the curricular framework for Structure English Immersion instruction that is provided by Arizona State Department of Education. COURSE GOALS: The SEI course requires 45 clock hours seat time. It is designed to meet the standards articulated by the Arizona Department of Education. It also will develop candidate’s capacity in understanding how SEI is vital in all classrooms. The course includes: • • • • • Participation in group activities that allow candidates to plan and work collaboratively in classroom settings. Design two appropriate lesson plans that address all students and implement into the classroom. Share and present various strategies in class throughout the course. Apply research-based practices into classrooms. Create a resource binder that will become a tool in the classroom. REQUIRED TEXT/MATERIALS: Echevarria, J. & Graves, A. (2007). Sheltered content instruction. Third Edition, Pearson Haley, M. & Austin, T. (2005). Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach. Pearson SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Echevarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D.(2008). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP model, Third Edition, Pearson Clark, K (2009, April). The Case for structured English Immersion: Educational leadership, SEI 476 Page 1 Dine College Course Syllabus 66(7), 42-46 SPECIFIC COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Day 1 (2.5hrs. contact time) August 18, 2014 Objective: SEI Foundations: Students will be able to identify the legal, historical, and educational reasons for Structure English Immersion (SEI), know basic SEI terminology, list language acquisition theoretical principles and define the role of culture in learning. In this class we will also examine and discuss cases such as Lau v. Nichols and Castaneda v. Pickard. In class: This class will examine an article on the legal and historical background, present their findings, and complete a KWL chart on their knowledge of SEI. As an activity, students will complete a Terminology chart to become familiar with acronyms that are related to SEI. The class will also review the History of Education of Students Learning English in School. • Rights of English Language Learner • Programs for English Language Learner • Teaching English Language Development Readings: 1. Read article “The Case for structured English Immersion: Educational leadership” 2. Read Lau v. Nichols and Castaneda v. Pickard Assignments: 1. Write a 350 word essay on the article “The Case for structured English Immersion: Educational leadership”. 2. Write an essay on “Personal Teacher Philosophy on ELL”. 3. Write a reflection on the two case studies. Day 2 (2.5hrs. contact time) August 20, 2014 Objective: SEI Foundation (cont’d): Students will be able to recognize and differentiate between Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). In class: The class will create a graphic organizer on BICS and CALP. This activity will give students an understanding of Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). Class will also discuss how BICS and CALP affect instructional decisions. • Theories of Second-Language Acquisition: Contributions of Cummins, Factors that affect second-language acquisition • Factors that affect second-language Acquisition: Motivation, age, Access to the Language, Personality, First-Language Development, Quality of Instruction, Cognitive Ability (Echevarria & Graves, 2007) SEI 476 Page 2 Dine College Course Syllabus Readings: 1. Read “Thought and Second Language: A Vygotskian Framework for Understanding BICS and CALP.” 2. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch. 1 Assignments: 1. Create a graphic organizer on BICS and CALP. 2. Do Discussion Questions (Due 8/27/14) Day 3(2.5hrs. contact time) August 25, 2014 Objective: English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS): Students will be able to examine the format and alignment of ELPS to the Arizona State standards, use ELPS to plan, deliver and evaluate instruction and demonstrate the integration of ELPS to plan, deliver and evaluate instruction. In class: The class will examine the ELPS and the Arizona State Standards by creating a comparison chart. The class will become familiar with the ELPS and its use in lesson planning. Students will comprehend how the time allocations and linguistic components such as phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax are directly tied to the revised ELPS. • Review student profiles • Native-Language knowledge: Assessment and Instruction • English Language knowledge: Assessment and Instruction • Academic Background and School Experience: Assessment and Instruction • Learning and Behavior Challenges • A 3-tiered model (Tier 1, 2, 3) • Student Profiles revisited (Echevarria & Graves, 2007) Student profiles will be introduced. Readings: 1. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.1 2. Review ELPS, Arizona Academic Standards and Common Core standards. Discussion on the alignment. Assignments: 1. Do discuss and reflect in Ch.1 2. Write 8 lesson objectives using the ELPS in lesson planning. (Due 8/2714) Day 4(2.5hrs. contact time) August 27, 2014 SEI 476 Page 3 Dine College Course Syllabus Objective: Data Analysis and application: Students will be able to analyze and disaggregated data to differentiate instruction. In class: The class will identify assessments that are used in school systems. The class will discuss how to analyze and apply disaggregated data to instruction. Class will examine AZELLA (Arizona English Language Learner Assessment) is the language proficiency test used in AZ. Readings: 1. Read selected reading. (What is AZELLA?) 2. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.2 Activity: View Language Star video clip Assignments: 1. Write a 350word essay on how effective teacher use test results and data from the AZELLA test to teach Oral English/Conversation and vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Writing. 2. Create a vocabulary game for one of the language star. 3. Do Ch.2 Discussion questions (Due 9/3/14) Day 5(2.5hrs. contact time) September 3, 2014 Objective: Formal and Informal Assessment: Students will recognize how to integrate diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment for ELLs, create and offer multiple assessments, use assessment results for placement and accommodation for special education and gifted students and use standardized testing and language proficiency as methods for monitoring student progress. In class: This class will become familiar with Formative and Summative assessments. The class will discuss how formative and summative assessments are used in ELL grouping and instruction. Class will distinguish types of grouping methods recommended by the state. Class will also discuss how assessments are crucial in instructional decision-making. Class will examine sample score sheets, disaggregate data, and construct 3 days lesson plan which differentiates instruction for an identified skill area using a case study provided. Readings: 1. Retrieve an article on formative and summative assessments. 2. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.2 Activity: View Four story picture frames video clip Assignments: 1. Develop an intervention plan using AZELLA test results. 2. Create and complete a 3 day lesson plan 3. Do Ch.2 Discussion questions (Due 9/22/14) Day 6 (2.5hrs. contact time) September 22, 2014 SEI 476 Page 4 Dine College Course Syllabus Objective: SEI Strategy: The class will identify and use multiple strategies to improve student achievement. Integrate various strategies: Comprehensible input and provide ongoing, specific and immediate feedback. In class: The class will discuss various methods, strategies and techniques to integrate into lesson plans and instruction. Teaching Learning Strategies: Determine Pre-skills and Teach Them, Include an Opening, a body, and a closing, plan a series of lessons. • Presentation Methods Used to Teach Learning Strategies: Active Student Involvement with Maximum student, Participation, Appropriate Pacing, Monitor and Correct Errors and Controlled, Grade-Appropriate Practice and Independent practice. (Echevarria and Graves, 2007) • Access IDEAL for strategies at https://www.ideal.azed.gov Readings: 1. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.3 Activity: View Language Warm up video clip Assignments: 1. Complete Multiple Intelligences Survey and write in your journal about the results on your own learning and teaching style. 2. Do Ch.3 Discuss and reflects. (Due 9/29/14) Day 7 (3hrs. contact time) September 24, 2014 Objective: SEI strategies: The class will identify and use multiple strategies and recognize grouping structures and techniques. In class: The class will examine various strategies on grouping structure. The class will analyze two specific strategies: Flexible Grouping Strategies and Jigsaw: Expert Grouping Strategies and present how these grouping strategies are effective for ELL students. Class will review: • Reading and Writing Activities that promote success • Provide Ample practice and Careful corrections • Focusing on Relevant Background knowledge • Actively Involving Learners • Using Alternate Grouping Strategies • Provide Native-Language support • Focusing on Content and Activities that are meaningful to students. (Echevarria and Graves, 2007) Readings: 1. Read ““Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.3 2. Retrieve, read, and summarize an article related to SEI instruction. Activity: View Morph house video clip SEI 476 Page 5 Dine College Course Syllabus Assignments: 1. Do Ch.3 Discussion questions (Due 10/01/14) 2. Write a 350 words summary on article. (Use APA style) Day 8 (2.5hrs. contact time) September 29, 2014 Objective: SEI strategies: The class will identify and use multiple strategies to improve student achievement. Integrate building background and vocabulary development and student engagement. In class: The class will create a vocabulary game activity and share with their peers. Class will examine how multiple strategies can improve student achievement. The class will discuss how to integrate building background for ELL students. Class will read and analyze the following: • Language development and content vocabulary • Modify plans and texts: Graphic depiction of the text, outlining the text, and rewriting the text. Readings: 1. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.3 Activity: View Syntax Surgery video clip Assignments: 1. Create a vocabulary game using multiple strategies. Day 9 (2.5hrs. contact time) October 1, 2014 Objective: SEI Strategies: The class will extend SEI methods for beginning ELD (TPR storytelling), contextual clues, Narrative Approach) In class: The class will identify SEI methods for ELD instruction. Class will create an activity related to TPR storytelling, contextual clues and Narrative Approach. Class will then discuss how these activities can improve student language development. Readings: 1. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.4 Assignments: 2. Do Ch.4 Discussion questions. (Due 10/09/14) Day 10(3hrs. contact time) October 6, 2014 SEI 476 Page 6 Dine College Course Syllabus Objective: SEI Strategies: The class will describe the silent period (ways of responding, developmental processes) In class: The class will review some feedback and assessments for ELL students. Class will create examples of Feedback folders and Self-assessments. The class will also discuss how silent period is important to ELL students. Readings: 1. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.4 Activity: View Verb Tense study video clip Assignments: 1. Do Ch.4 Discussion questions. (Due 10/27/14) 2. Share examples of feedback folder and Self-assessments to peers. Day 11 (2.5hrs. contact time) October 9, 2014-MIDTERM Objective: SEI Strategies: The class will grasp meaning of pre- and early production strategies of students (preview/review, content area reading & writing strategies, experiential methods) In class: The class will identify grouping strategies such as Flexible grouping strategies and Jigsaw: Expert Grouping Strategies. Readings: 1. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.5 Assignments: 1. Do Ch. 5 Discuss and reflect (Due 11/17/14) 2. Create and designed a SIOP lesson plan with appropriate assessments. 3. Retrieve an article regarding English as a second language. Day 12 (2.5hrs. contact time) October 27, 2014 Objective: SEI Strategies: The class will integrate current materials in ELD instruction (lesson and text modifications). Extend SEI content methods (preview/review, content area reading & writing strategies, experiential methods). In class: Text structure strategies. Class will review case studies in small groups. Readings: 1. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.5 Assignments: SEI 476 Page 7 Dine College Course Syllabus 1. Do Ch.5 Discussion questions (Due 11/17/14) Day 13(2.5hrs. contact time) October 29, 2014 Objective: SEI Strategies: The class will analyze and apply vocabulary development approaches in the content areas. Plan lessons based on prior knowledge. In class: The class will discuss and share field experience and practices. Readings: 1. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.6 2. Access a paper on differentiated instruction for all students. Activity: View Vocabulary Frames video clip Assignments: 1. Do Ch.6 Discuss and reflect. (Due 11/19/14) 2. Construct a Powerpoint presentation on your article and findings. Day 14 (2.5hrs. contact time) November 17, 2014 Objective: Data Analysis & SEI Strategies: Class will interpret and use “snapshots” of longitudinal data. In Class: Class will identify the ELL proficiency levels (Pre-Emergent, Emergent, Basic, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate). Class will also discuss differentiate instruction for English Language Learner (Tiered lessons, choice board, simple jigsaw, raft). Class will: • • • • Provide one example of how a snapshot of longitudinal data can be used. Track student status and progress on the ELL proficiency standards using the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) results. Examine types of learning strategies Selecting learning strategy: Determine levels of knowledge, determine which strategies will be most useful, decide order of instruction and use simple working and the fewest number of steps Readings: 1. Read “Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners” Ch.6 Assignments: 1. Do Ch.6 Discussion questions (Due 12/01/14) 2. Create an activity by selecting a strategy. Day 15 (2.5hrs. contact time) November 19, 2014 SEI 476 Page 8 Dine College Course Syllabus Objective: Parent & Home & School: Class will identify the socio-cultural influences on ELLs, discuss the impact of bilingualism and home language use and explore how parent literacy can support students in language learning. In class: The class will conduct an online research. The class will discuss the impact of socio-cultural influences and bilingualism at home. Class will identify some parent involvement strategies for second language learners. Class will read: • Creating roles in the classroom for Family and Community Members • Family Literacy Nights • Holding High Expectations for All Learners • Being Responsive to Cultural and Personal Diversity Readings: Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.7 Assignments: 1. Do Ch.7 Discuss and reflect (Due 12/03/14) Day 16 (2.5 hrs. contact time) December 1, 2014 Objective: Parent & Home & School: Students will be able to identify how to cultivate home and school partnerships. Students will examine parental and community sources for aiding English Acquisition. In class: The class will identify some positive parent involvement strategies for second language learners and plan a successful parent’s night with diverse families. Class will collect newsletters to parents and community organization, district officials to attend a school and student designed function. Incorporate a cultural study in the classroom. Readings: 1. Read “Content-Based Second Language Teaching and Learning, An Interactive Approach” Ch.8 Assignments: 1. Do Ch. 8 Discuss and Reflect (Due 12/05/14) 2. Write on ways that parents can get involved in ELL educational settings. Day 17: (2.5 hrs. contact time) December 3, 2014 Objective: Class will present their final lesson plan. Candidates will self-evaluate personal teacher pedagogy. In class: Present an appropriate lesson plan. Discuss and identify how each lesson plan are used for evaluation and daily instruction. Write a one page personal philosophy in ELL instruction. SEI 476 Page 9 Dine College Course Syllabus Assignments: FINAL EXAM! Day 18: (2.5 hrs. contact time) December 8, 2014 Objective: Class will present their final lesson plan. Candidates will self-evaluate personal teacher pedagogy. In class: Present an appropriate lesson plan. Discuss and identify how each lesson plan are used for evaluation and daily instruction. Write a one page personal philosophy in ELL instruction. Assignments: FINAL EXAM! GRADING CRITERIA: All assignments is expected to be turned in on the date designated. A late assignment will be reduced by 10% for each weekday until it is turned in. Assignment Points Attendance & Participation (18@ 30pts.) 540 Case study (3@ 50pts.) 150 Discussion questions (6 @50pts.) 300 Discuss and Reflect (8@30) 240 Lesson Plans (2 @ 50pts.) In-class presentation 100 Mid-term & Final Exam (100pts.) 200 TOTAL POINTS 1530 GRADING SCALE: A = 90-100% (1250) B = 80-89% C = 70-79% ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is mandatory for this class. Please plan to attend every class on time and be prepared with homework. A student will be considered late if arrived after 10 minutes. Course Requirements: 1. Attendance and full participation in every class meeting. If weather or other circumstance forces us to cancel a class meeting, we will reschedule. 2. Reading for every class meeting. It is required that you do all of the readings assigned on the assignment sheet and take notes. Following the readings, you are expected to reflect by synthesizing your understanding of the readings. Reflections should be in APA format. Class assignments are to be completed before class begins. Homework assignments that are completed in class will be marked “late” and will have 10% of their point value deducted. 3. Lesson plan designs & presentation for small and whole group approach. You will be expected to present two lessons during class. A presentation sign-up sheet will be provided. 4. In-class assignments, including tests Prepared by Instructor Date Reviewed by Director Date SEI 476 Page 10 Dine College Course Syllabus SEI 476 Page 11