The Wonder of Chinese Folk Performance and New Orleans Jazz Music – Nanchang University Confucius Institute Performance Tour at Xavier University of Louisiana a Huge Hit Friday April 19, 2013 was a wonderful day for citizens of the Greater New Orleans Region in Louisiana, U.S., as Nanchang University from China and Xavier University of Louisiana showcased the essence of Chinese folk songs, instrumental music, theatrical art, and dancing, and New Orleans jazz. Xavier University Confucius Institute was the final stop of the six-performance Nanchang University tour in the U.S. Xavier President Norman C. Francis and Nanchang University Vice President Huang Yun blessed the occasion at the beginning with eulogic remarks. Dr. Francis thanked Hanban for sponsoring and sending Nanchang University Confucius Institute Performance Team to Xavier campus, and expressed his appreciation of the many achievements that Xavier’s Confucius Institute has made since its grand opening in October 2012. Vice President Huang Yun commented on the significance of Hanban Three Tours, and touted the academic accomplishments of Nanchang University. The 320-seat Xavier University Mary & William McCaffrey Ballroom was filled up with members of both Xavier campus and the surrounding communities. Among the thirteen performances by Nanchang University, the song and dance “Be Full of Joy,” with rays and colorful wings dancing together, and drums and footsteps resonating, started an auspicious night. The flute solos “Skylark” and “Horse Racing” by Wang Liangsheng and the culcurbit flute solo “Marriage Vows,” with their rhythms, harmony, and beautiful melodies, drew many rounds of applause. The traditional opera “Changing Face” by Liao Chong demonstrated the stunt of changing facial makeup instantaneously and frequently; the Jiangxi martial opera “Uproar in Heaven” presented a scene of the Monkey King’s uproar in Heaven from one of the four classic Chinese novels, Journey to the West. The Xavier Department of Music performed several musical styles in the concert representing the varied areas of musical study at the university. The Jazz Ensemble performed several jazz compositions that displayed strong technical facility throughout the ensemble with sections of improvisation to allow soloists to be creative. These compositions were used to present the listener with a combination of contemporary literature based on New Orleans music. On the last composition, the Jazz Ensemble was joined by internationally recognized clarinetist and New Orleans Jazz historian, Dr. Michael White as featured soloist. Performing out of the Jazz Ensemble was the Xavier Saxophone Quartet, which allowed the department to present one of its classical ensembles in concert. The Quartet performed Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Chorale: Prelude and Fugue”, transcribed for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophones by Dr. Marcus Ballard. These two ensembles were joined by Kayla Johnson performing on solo flute and vocalist Kirsten Hudnall with the Xavier Jazz Combo performing My Funny Valentine. The audiences were very impressed by the beauty of Chinese and New Orleans music, and the talents of Nanchang and Xavier Universities faculty and students. “Marvelous,” “great,” “splendid” – these were some of the words guests of the concert used when they unanimously praised the concert. To quote Dr. Susan Spillman, a language professor at Xavier University, “It was so wonderful that I don’t know how to describe it in words. I wish to have another opportunity to appreciate such high-quality performance in the near future.” During Nanchang University’s visit to Xavier campus, faculty and students from both schools also interacted and communicated with each other by playing Chinese oral art and Western music at Xavier faculty Dr. April Mok’s class. After the concert, Nanchang and Xavier performing faculty and students were honored at a reception that included both leaders from campus and the community. Dr. Marguerite Giguette, Xavier’s Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, hosted the reception. The joint concert between Nanchang and Xavier Universities, in the words of Nanchang University Vice President Huang Yun, was the most successful of Nachang’s six-performance tour in the U.S. It drew a large and diverse crowd, who gained a great deal of exposure to Chinese and Western traditions, and appreciated and marveled at quintessential Chinese culture and Western music. It will have a lasting impact on Xavier campus and the Greater New Orleans region. Nanchang and Xavier Universities Performers and Xavier Confucius Institute Staff Group Photo Nanchang University VP Huang Yun and Xavier President Norman C. Francis Nanchang University Student Dance “Flower” Nanchang University Faculty Liao Cong Performing “Changing Face” and Interacting with the Audience Xavier University Jazz Ensemble Performing; Xavier Music Chair Tim Turner Directing Xavier Music Chair Dr. Tim Turner Relaxed with World-renowned Clarinetist Dr. Michael White Xavier University Ballroom Filled with Guests (Lower right: Xavier President Norman C. Francis) Xavier Assoc. VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Marguerite Giguette Exchanging Gifts with Nanchang VP Huang Yun at the Reception 中国表演艺术团携手爵士乐队的完美演绎 -国家汉办南昌大学巡演团在路易斯安那州泽维尔大学孔子学院盛大演出 2013 年 4 月 19 日,国家汉办南昌大学巡演团携手美国路易斯安那州 泽维尔大学爵士乐团为新奥尔良观众奉献了一场精彩绝伦的中西文艺表演盛 会,受到了当地民众和泽维尔大学师生的热烈欢迎。 路易斯安那泽维尔大学孔子学院是南昌大学巡演团在美国巡演的最后一 站,泽维尔大学诺曼.弗朗西斯校长和南昌大学黄云书记在演出前分别做了热 情洋溢的讲话。弗朗西斯校长在致辞中感谢汉办派巡演团来泽维尔大学演出, 并对泽维尔孔子学院在 2012 年 10 月揭牌典礼以后作出的突出贡献表示欣赏。 黄云书记介绍了汉办巡演项目的重大意义与南昌大学的优秀学术成就。 泽维尔大学演出厅 320 个座位座无虚席,南昌大学的表演师生为观众们 奉献了一场美伦美幻的中国民乐表演。 开场舞蹈《欢天喜地》以欢快的乐曲和舞蹈为整台演出暖场,向观众展 现了华夏儿女幸福生活的景象。笛子表演《云雀》以极为明快欢腾的旋律, 简练而富于动感的伴奏,表现了山林中云雀争鸣、阳光明丽、风景如画的一 幕,博得了观众的阵阵掌声。接下来的舞蹈《茉莉花》《年年有余》,演员 们优美的舞姿与精美的服饰,在舞台灯光的照耀下流光溢彩。让在场观众充 分体现了中国传统舞蹈的柔美。二胡表演艺术家王亮生的《葡萄熟了》、 《赛马》,以其精湛技艺,赢得了全场观众喝彩。 赣剧表演《姹紫嫣红》与 《变脸》,中国传统戏剧中的水袖舞与变脸技艺让在场观众叹服叫绝,表演 将晚会的观众热情推向高潮。 泽维尔大学爵士乐队和萨克斯风四重奏组合穿插在巡演之中,从不同角 度体现泽维尔大学音乐系风格和体系;著名的新奥尔良单簧管演奏家和泽维 尔教授麦克.怀特博士也加入本次演出,充分展现了新奥尔良爵士乐的魅力, 给全场观众留下了深刻的印象,同时使这场巡演别开生面,意义非凡。 泽维尔大学外语系 Susan Spillman 教授在观看节目后感叹道:“太精彩 了,我都不知道用什么词语来表达,希望以后还有机会能欣赏到这样高水平 的中国艺术表演”。 南昌大学演出团也与泽维尔音乐系师生在会前课堂上用各种音乐交流, 体现音乐无国界精神。音乐会后举行特别招待会,南昌大学领导、老师和同 学与泽维尔领师生及社会各界领袖进行了广泛交流。 南昌大学黄云书记发表演说,指出本次泽维尔大学音乐会是这次来美巡 回演出最成功的一次。广大观众有幸品尝了中西文化与音乐盛宴。汉办派遣 的南昌大学三巡代表团,为泽维尔大学孔子学院在校园及新奥尔良地区推广 汉语教学、传播中华文化播下优良种子。 南昌大学与泽维尔大学演出人员、孔子学院员工合影 南昌大学黄云书记、泽维尔大学弗朗西斯校长交换礼物 南昌大学学生舞蹈表演《花儿为什么这样红》 南昌大学影视戏曲学院廖聪老师表演戏曲《变脸》并与观众互动 路易斯安那泽维尔大学音乐系师生演出爵士乐 泽维尔音乐系主任 Tim Turner 博士与世界知名单簧管表演家 Michael White 博士 各方来宾济济一堂欣赏演出(前右泽维尔大学弗朗西斯校长) 泽维尔学术第二副校长 Marguerite Giguette 博士招待会上与黄云副校长交换 礼物