SPRING 2016 GRADUATES Tsaile Main Campus Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration

Tsaile Main Campus
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Altsisi, Leander
Barry, Aliseneca **
Begay, Sharon A
Brown, Falencia
Hildreth, Ernest Jerry Jr **
Kayaani, Howard Leon
Lee, Cheryl
Yazzie, Regina *
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Begay, Maurita A *
Begay, Pamela L *
Begay, Tonia Christy
Charlie, DeAdra Rose
Cook, LaNaya Lynette *
Ricardo, Alicia A
Samuel, Jodonna L
Sherlock, Samantha **
Yazzie, Christopher Flynn ***
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Arts; Associate of Sciences; Associate of Applied Sciences; Certificates
Allen, Cadijah Courtney
Allen, Elsie A
Anderson, Megan A
Ashley, Tyler J
Atene, Willson
Bahe, Vanessa
Bailey, Bryan T
Barney, Lyndzey Frantazia
Becenti, Kimberly A
Becenti, Shaylyn Shana
Begay, Eric B
Begay, Lauriel Alana
Begay, Lilya Lynn **
Begay, Lisa L **
Begay, Myles Chance
Begay, Nathan S
Begay, Vernee Symone
Begaye, Chaudelle Yvana
Begaye, Kerry
Benally, Jherimiah P
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Early Childhood Education
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Science, Environmental Science
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Environmental Science
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Benally, Tyson C
Betony, Alvina
Bigman, Sharine
Bizadi, Teresita Rose **
Brown, Raina K
Brown, Shelby Allison
Charley, Sheridan LaRae
Chee, Shiniowa Rayann
Chief, Jacqueline J
Cowboy, Denitra
Curley, Elphonso
Davis, Vanessa Lynn
Dedman, Kyann L
Denny, Charise M
Denny, Colin Derek
Dinae, Brandon R
Draper, Loren G
Draper, Ty Powers
Gorman, Lynette Ann
Greyeyes, Aaron
Harvey, Amanda C
Harvey, Shane Lyle
Harvey, Wayne
Henry, Telaina M
Herder, Derrick
Hickman, Elaine
Higdon, Delta Christie **
Holyan, Tia Leann
Hunter, Tori Lachelle
Iyua, Shakanada Grace
Jackson, Kayla
James, Lashonda Ann
James, Thomasine Ann
Jim, Antonia L
Jim, Marlene Kaye ***
Jimmy, Delano Jerome
Joe, Randy
John, Tashina
Johnson, Regina Mae *
Jones, Bryant Ned
Jones, Shaye Wyatt
Kee, Chantil
Kinsel, Duane
Kinsel, Henrietta
Lee, Janeen C ***
Lee, Racquel Rae
Mailboy, Tanya
Mariano, Mariah
Mescal, Jordan G
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Computer Information Systems
Associate of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Science, Environmental Science
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Computer Information Systems
Associate of Arts, Navajo Language
Associate of Science, Mathematics
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Early Childhood Education
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, Environmental Science
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Computer Information Systems
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Arts, Education
Mitchell, Aretina
Mitchell, Kristin K
Mitchell, Tyler
Nez, Amanda H
Perez, Edhannah
Perry, Julian Jay
Plummer, Jodee
Redhouse, Roychell
Reese, Shantel Mitchell
Sage, Dakota LeeAnn
Salway, Carnelia Carroll
Sandoval, Reynaldo Royce
Shay, Eliza
Tom, Ethan Charles **
Tso, Terrence C
Tsosie, Dalvina A
Tsosie, Stephanie Lynn
Watanabe, Kohei
Wauneka, Colleen Renae
Wauneka, Derrina Leanne
Werito, Rackell *
Wheeler, Shelly
White, Tyra M
Wilson, Tee J
Yazzie, Arlene J
Yazzie, Cherish T
Yazzie, Darrell Jr
Yazzie, Jamie A **
Yazzie, Keisha Adela
Yazzie, Kristy Parkett
Yazzie, Larroris Rose
Yazzie, Shawna Rae *
Yellowhair, Tresha M
Yessilth, Sheri Lynn *
Associate of Arts, Early Childhood Education
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Certificate, Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Computer Information Systems
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Dine Studies
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social Work
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Biology
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Dine Studies
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Chinle Center
Bede, Marlinda *
Begay, Treva Morgan
Benally, Velarie *
Bia Jr, Johnnie Emerson
Bizadi, Donella Jane *
Carroll, Tihannah
James, Nolan
Jimmy, Larissa L
Joe, Willetta Larrian
Jones, Latanya
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Judy, Craig
Lee, Allison
Leonard, Lavina Marie
Mike, Debbie
Paul-Wheeler, Dorothea R
Sekayumptewa, Andrea
Yazzie, Audrey Lee
Yazzie, Lawanda Rae
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Biology
Certificate, Public Health
Associate of Arts, Fine Arts
Associate of Arts, Social Work
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Crownpoint Center
Arthur, Bobbie L *
Baki, Doreen K **
Begay, Colette S
Begay, Gynelle Samina
Calamity, Alvina L
Jake, Michelle M
Yazzie, Jewellyn T
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Shiprock Campus
Atcitty, Nicole
Badoni, Laremy L
Begay, Carolene Horse
Benally, Shandahl
Bluehorse-Atene, Chantal
Deal, Colleen Renee
Domingo, Farrah
Foster, Albert
Greyhat, Celeste M
Lee, Jovita
Lee, Loretta
Long, Lourdes R
Pettigrew, Matthew K
Pettigrew, Samara Kelley
Poyer, Evelyn *
Sheely, Valentina C
Shirley-Begay, Pamela J
Smith, Suzetta A
Thomas, Marlene
Tinhorn, Tyler Nathaniel
Waters, Amber-Rose Dawn
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Elementary Education
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Certificate, Public Health
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Arts, Dine Studies
Associate of Arts, Dine Studies
Associate of Applied Science, Office Administration
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Certificate, Public Health
Associate of Arts, Dine Studies
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Certificate, Public Health
Tuba City Center
Acothley, Arlinda
Begay, Faylene **
Begay, Jason L
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Begay, Jordon J
Begay, Nicholas *
Begay, Pearlena
Begay, Troy
Benally, Melissa R ***
Bilagody, Melissa
Black, Carlene A **
Charley, Christina
Curley, Jilll K.K. **
Goldtooth, Sean
Hanks, Clarissa Renae
Hardy, Jalen Ty
Holiday, Terrance
Kenneth, Valerie
Manygoats, Treva
Nez, Priscilla
Peshlakai, Shenade A
Sanchez, Lavesita
Sloan, Shantelle Antonette
Smith, Nicole Ann
Smith, Rosanna Ann
Tohannie, Franchelle A
Tohannie, Herbert III
Tohannie, Lorene
Tohonnie, Donna
Tsinnie, Josephine Nora
Whiterock, Jessica Renee
Williams, Jennifer Nicole
Worker, Jessica Amber
Yazzie, Brent Cory
Yazzie, Candra L
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Education
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, General Science
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Public Health-Health EducationSocio-Cultural Option
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Window Rock Center
Benally, Stephanie
Brown, Leighsah Lee
Curleyhair, Matthew J
Rondon, Anna
Slim, Ricks
Tilden, Sheila Lee **
Wallace, Valree Brooke
Watchman, Nathaniel D
3.50 to 3.69
3.70 to 3.89
3.90 to 4.00
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
Certificate, Public Health
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Liberal Arts
Associate of Science, Environmental Science
Certificate, Public Health
Associate of Arts, Business Administration
Associate of Applied Science, Business Management
Associate of Science, Health Occupation
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Associate of Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Finalized: March 25, 2016