Assessing Mid-Term Grades Workshop for Premeds at Xavier University of Louisiana

Workshop for Premeds at Xavier University of Louisiana
Assessing Mid-Term Grades
This sheet is to be completed by freshman premeds at mid-term. This sheet must be turned in before leaving the workshop. (Updated 7/28/15)
MODVOP #1 Review
1. What should be the main priority of a new freshman premed?
2. Medical, dental, etc. schools look at science and non-science grades separately. What courses are included in your
science GPA?
Advice for New Freshmen Review
3. What overall GPA and science (BCPM) GPA do you generally need to have roughly an 85% chance of getting accepted
into each of the following types of schools based on grades ONLY?
--Medical (MD) school?
--Medical (DO) school?
--Dental school?
--Optometry school?
--Podiatry or Vet school?
--Public Health school?
4. The number of students who apply to dental school, optometry school, podiatry school, veterinary school, and public
health school is FEWER THAN those who apply to medical school (MD and DO). As a result, it is sometimes easier to
gain entry into these types of health professions schools when compared to allopathic and osteopathic medical schools.
Does this mean that it is easier to successfully complete these programs? Explain.
5. According to the probability grid, at what overall and BCPM GPAs might a student’s chance of acceptance (based on
grades only) begin to fall to 50% or lower?
6. According to the “Study Hints” document, what two (2) additional things should students consider in order to maximize
success in their coursework?
7. If you believe that test anxiety, time management, etc. may be negatively impacting your academic and/or overall wellbeing, what two (2) places on XU’s campus can provide you with support?
Signature _________________________________________________Date _________________
Printed Name ___________________________________________________________________
Assessment Overview (How to Calculate your GPA) and GPA Worksheet
8. When are XU premeds encouraged to complete the GPA Worksheet in order to assess their academic progress at Xavier?
9. When evaluating your grades, admissions committees scrutinize your academic performance semester-by-semester. As a
part of this evaluation, there are certain factors that admissions committees consider which may help (or hurt) your chances
of gaining entry. Please list the following:
*Factors in a semester that would tend to improve your overall evaluation/chances of gaining entry based on
*Factors in a semester that would tend to lower your overall evaluation/chances of gaining entry based on
Early Medical School Acceptance Programs
10. Below are the four (4) medical schools that have early acceptance programs with Xavier. Next to each program listed
below, indicate the GPA requirement that must be met at the end of sophomore year to be eligible for application.
1) Tulane:
2) U of Rochester:
3) St. Louis U:
4) Geisel Medical School at Dartmouth:
11. In order to apply to any of the four (4) programs listed in #10, prospective applicants must demonstrate a genuine
interest in medicine by actively engaging in Premedical Office advising activities. What are the specific advising activities
that students must engage in during freshman and sophomore years?
12. In order to apply to early medical school acceptance programs at the end of sophomore year, prospective applicants are
required to complete a one-on-one meeting with a premedical adviser. What is the name of this meeting and when does it
take place?
13. It is IMPERATIVE that you make your academic performance a top priority AND continually evaluate your progress.
In the table below, indicate each course that you are enrolled in at the present time AND your current letter grade in each
(only include courses that you get a grade of A-F; do NOT include drills or P/F courses).
Name of Bio, Chem, Phys or Math
(BCPM) Course
Name of NON-BCPM Course
14. If you made a “C” or below in any of the courses that you listed in #13, please describe your plans to improve your
performance in the course(s).
15. If you don’t make the grades this semester that give you at least an 85% chance of gaining entry into medical, dental,
etc. school (based on grades only), could you still gain entry into the type of school you plan on applying to during the
summer between junior and senior years?
16. How many total hours (per week) are you working this semester ON and/or OFF campus?
_____1-10 hours
_____11-20 hours
_____>20 hours
17. Do you have to work to pay for school?
18. Comment on other things that may be negatively impacting your academic performance at this time (if applicable).