Career Essay/Personal Statement Workshop

Worksheet for Premeds at Xavier University of Louisiana
Career Essay/Personal Statement Workshop
This page is to be completed by freshmen and turned in before leaving the "Career Essay/Personal Statement
Meeting" in the fall semester. (updated 7/27/15)
1. In considering applications to MODVOP schools, the process usually proceeds in two (2) stages during
which time the Admissions Committee tries to answer two very different questions. If you do not pass the
first stage, you never make it to the second. List the application stages below and then indicate what is used
to answer the question.
a) Question asked in Stage #1:
b) Items used to answer question in Stage 1:
c) Question asked in Stage #2:
d) Items used to answer question in Stage 2:
2. One of the items that admissions committees review in Stage #2 (from the question above) is the career
essay/personal statement. Answer the following regarding the career essay/personal statement.
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
T or F
The essay should simply list the activities in which you have been involved.
You should never talk about medically related experiences you have had.
You should lie on your essay if it makes the essay sound good.
It’s okay to get help writing your essay.
It’s okay to turn in a handwritten essay.
It’s okay to use a font smaller than 10 point or larger than 12 point.
Printing your essay in red or green ink is good because it makes you stand out.
You should single space your essay and double space between paragraphs.
The essay should stress your interest in medicine and qualities you possess which will make you a
good doctor.
It’s okay to just say “I want to be a doctor because I want to help people” in your essay even
though it’s very “cliché” and does not set you apart from other applicants.
The essay that you write as a Freshman should be the SAME essay you submit to medical or
dental schools when you apply the summer between your junior and senior years.
It’s okay to plagiarize when writing your career essay.
You should let someone who is objective read your essay (i.e. someone who is willing to give
honest and constructive criticism which is not influenced by personal thoughts or feelings about
Printed Name__________________________________________________
16. Why should the “Questions to Answer BEFORE You Write Your Essay” be completed BEFORE writing the
first draft of the career essay/personal statement?
17. According to the “Guide for Writing a Med, Dent, etc. Essay,” what are the eight (8) characteristics that
admission committees typically look for in your essay (and during the interview process)?
2) Ability to realistically assess yourself
5) Whether or not you have someone on whom you can depend if trouble arises (i.e. support system)
7) Desire to work with people (rather than test tubes)
18. Why is it important to start working on your career essay NOW and to continually revise it while at XU?
19. When is the first draft of your freshman career essay due?
20. What is the character limit for the career essay/personal statement on the AMCAS (American Medical College
Application Service) application? NOTE: This is approximately the same character limit for osteopathic
medical, dental, etc. schools essays.
21. Indicate below the specific format that should be used when typing your essay in MS Word and forwarding it to
the PM Office via email at
*Font type?
*Line spacing (within paragraph)?
*Font size?
*Line spacing (between paragraphs)?
*Font color?
*Indent Paragraphs? ☐YES or ☐NO
*Character limit (including spaces)?
*Document/File Name (use your name)?
22. What should you do with your draft career essay after you get it back from the Premed Office?
23. According to the “Guide for Writing Med/Dent Essay,” your essay should… (5 things)
3) Not merely list what you have done, but instead, focus on what you have gained from your experiences
and the value you place on them. EXTRA ADVICE: When you engage in experiences, keep a journal to
document your thoughts and feelings about the experience, what you’ve learned, and why it’s relevant to
who you want to be personally and professionally.
4) Not just say, for example, “I have leadership qualities” or “I am people-oriented.” Instead, tell your
story in such a way that the reader can readily infer that you possess these qualities by way of the
experiences you share in your essay (i.e. give substance to who you “say” you are!!)
24. Above are two (2) symbols frequently associated with medicine. What is the name of the symbol with
two snakes (figure on left)?
25. What is the name of the symbol with one snake on it (figure on right)?
26. What is the origin of the two symbols (i.e. with what was each associated in ancient times)?
CaduceusStaff of Asclepius27. Which of the above two symbols is used most WORLDWIDE (and probably the best to use in
representing the field of medicine)?
NOTE: After successfully submitting your career essay/personal statement via email to the Premed Office
for review, Premed Office personnel will review your essay and provide feedback on a comment sheet that
you will be notified (via email) to pick-up. If you have questions about the feedback or need assistance with
your essay AFTER submitting your 1st draft, be sure to stop by the Premed Office!!!