AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF John H. Neumeister for the degree of Master of Science in Crop Science presented on March 10, 1994. Title: A Comparison of Vegetation Suppression and Sod-Seeding Methods Using Perennial Ryegrass in the Renovation of Non-Irrigated Permanent Pastures in Western Oregon Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Larry B 11 Sod-seeding techniques offer graziers a convenient way to introduce superior grass cultivars into underproductive permanent pastures. Production loss and erosion are minimized. In conjunction with improved grazing management and fertilization, renovation can significantly improve yield and quality of pastures. Existent vegetation must be suppressed prior to introducing new cultivars. This study was conducted on two non-irrigated pastures near Corvallis, Oregon, one dominated by annual grass species and the other by perennial grasses and clover. A split-plot design with four replications on each site was used to compare three seeding methods and either (a) two herbicides following close mowing or (b) close mowing alone. The seeding methods were drilling with an Aerway Seedmatic chisel-type drill, drilling with a Tye double disc drill, or broadcasting seed followed by harrowing. Glyphosate and paraquat were the herbicides used for vegetation suppression. Effect of fertilization was compared to no fertilization. Sod-seeded perennial ryegrass had minimal establishment at the site dominated by annual grass species. An inadequate amount of time was allowed for germination of annual grass seeds before herbicides were applied. Annual grass seedlings suppressed the newly sod-seeded perennial ryegrass. Sod-seeded perennial ryegrass was successfully established at the site dominated by perennial species within one year after planting. Broadcasting followed by harrowing of seed resulted in a higher percentage of perennial ryegrass than either the Seedmatic chisel drill or Tye double disc drill. Sod-seeded perennial ryegrass did not contribute significantly to yield until one year after planting. Glyphosate gave better control of the species present before planting leading to a higher percentage of perennial ryegrass and improved yield compared to paraquat or close mowing alone when seed was broadcast and harrowed. Fertilization of unseeded plots increased yield but was not cost-effective. A Comparison of Vegetation Suppression and Sod-Seeding Methods Using Perennial Ryegrass in the Renovation of Non-Irrigated Permanent Pastures in Western Oregon by John H. Neumeister A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed March 10, 1994 Commencement June 1994 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Associate PrOtessor of Crop and Soil Science in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Chairman of Department of Crop Science Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate Date thesis presented Typed by March 10, 1994 John H. Neumeister ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank my major professor Larry Burrill for his continuous encouragement. participation, and support throughout this thesis project. I thank him for designing a challenging graduate program that thoroughly prepared me for the future. I especially appreciate his kind manner and goal-oriented approach. I thank Dr. Arnold Appleby for serving on my graduate review committee and particularly for setting the standard of precise and elegant scientific writing. I thank Dr. Dave Thomas for serving on my graduate review committee and for his advice on the planning and review of the statistical analysis for this project. I thank Dr. Frank Conklin for serving as the graduate school representative on my graduate review committee. I thank Dr. David Hannaway for his assistance in the field and in review of this work. I thank James Fitzsimmons for his enthusiastic contribution to an efficient and mutually productive work association throughout my time at Oregon State University. I thank Chris Wiltgen of the statistics department, Enrique Roldan-Modrack, Jin Zou, and Trevor Abbott of the Crop Science department, and Andi and Jenny Reed, Jody Frampton, and Amity Neumeister for their assistance with data gathering and analysis. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ERATURE REVIEW LITERATURE Moisture and Temperature Seed Environment Fertility Perennial Ryegrass Vegetation Suppression with Herbicides Glyphosate Paraquat Comparisons of Glyphosate and Paraquat Meadow Foxtail Post-Seeding Grazing Management MA I ERIALS AND METHODS Site Description Experimental Design Site Preparation Herbicide Application Planting Fertilization Yield Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Species Competition Meteorological Data Statistical Analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seedling Survival Forage Yield, Spring 1992 Yield at the 35th Avenue Site, Spring 1992 Yield at the Soap Creek Site, Spring 1992 Species Composition, Fall 1992 Effects on White Clover Yield at the 35th Avenue Site, Fall 1992 Forage Quality at the 35th Avenue Site Forage Quality at the Soap Creek Site 1 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 19 19 23 27 29 29 31 32 CONCLUSIONS 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY 35 APPENDICES 39 Weather Data, Sept. 1991 to Dec. 1992, Corvallis, Oregon I. 55 Monthly Precipitation, 1961 to 1990, Corvallis, Oregon II. 56 III. Herbicide Evaluation on December 12, 1991 57 IV. Visual Evaluation of Species Composition on June 4, 1992. V. Species Composition on November 9, 1992 at the 35th avenue site 59 60 VI. Analysis of Variance tables LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Page The effect of fertilization on forage yield for individual harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 21 The effect of fertilization on combined forage yield at the 35th 3. avenue site, Spring 1992. The effect of seeding method on forage yield for individual harvests 21 at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 22 4. The effect of herbicide on combined forage yield at the 35th avenue 22 5. site, Spring 1992. The effect of herbicide on forage yield for individual harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 23 6. The effect of fertilization on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. 7. The effect of seeding method on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. 8. 26 The effect of fertilization on the percentage of white clover in the sward at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992. 11. 26 The interaction between seeding method and herbicide on the percentage of perennial ryegrass at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992. 10. 25 The effect of herbicide on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. 9. 25 29 The effect of herbicide on forage yield when seed was broadcast and then harrowed compared to unseeded plots on December 5, 1992 at 12. the 35th avenue site. The interaction between seeding method and herbicide on forage yield 30 at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992. 30 MST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Forage yield for five harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 20 2. 3. Forage yield for two harvests at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. 24 Forage yield on December 4, 1992, and species composition on November 9, 1992, at the 35th avenue site. 27 4. Quality of forage for six harvests at the 35th avenue site in 1992. 31 5. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, 39 6. September, 1991. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, October. 1991. 40 7. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, November, 1991. 8. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, December, 1991. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 41 42 Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, January, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, February, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, March, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, April, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, May, 1992. 43 44 45 46 47 Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, June, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, July, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, August, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, September, 1992. 48 49 50 51 18. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, 52 19. October, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, 53 20. November, 1992. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, December, 1992. 54 21. Total monthly precipitation at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, 1961 to 1990. 55 22. Herbicide evaluation on December 12, 1991. 56 23. Visual evaluation of species composition at the 35th avenue site 57 26. on June 4, 1992. Visual evaluation of species composition at the Soap Creek site on June 4, 1992. Species Composition on November 9, 1992 at the 35th avenue site Anova for dry matter yield on March 10, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. 27. Anova for dry matter yield on April 2,1992 at the 35th avenue site. 60 28. Anova for dry matter yield on April 28,1992 at the 35th avenue site. 61 29. Anova for dry matter yield on May 22,1992 at the 35th avenue site. 61 30. Anova for dry matter yield on July 5,1992 at the 35th avenue site. 62 31. Anova for dry matter yield on December 5,1992 at the 35th avenue site. 62 32. Anova for dry matter yield for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. 63 33. Anova for dry matter yield for Spring 92 harvests at the Soap Creek site. 64 34. Anova for dry matter yield on April 14,1992 at the Soap Creek site. 65 35. Anova for dry matter yield on May 12,1992 at the Soap Creek site. 65 36. Anova for percent perennial ryegrass at the 35th avenue site November 9, 1992. 66 24. 25. 58 59 60 37. Anova for percent meadow foxtail at the 35th avenue site 66 38. November 9, 1992. Anova for percent white clover at the 35th avenue site November 9, 1992. 39. Anova for percent protein December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. 67 40. 41. 42. 43. Anova for percent ADF July 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. 68 Anova for percent ADF December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. 68 67 Anova for percent protein for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. 69 Anova for percent ADF for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. 70 A COMPARISON OF VEGETATION SUPPRESSION AND SOD-SEEDING METHODS USING PERENNIAL RYEGRASS IN THE RENOVATION OF NONIRRIGATED PERMANENT PASTURES IN WESTERN OREGON INTRODUCTION Forage production is an important part of agriculture in western Oregon. This region is located west of the Cascade mountain range and has 574,800 acres in permanent pasture (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992). At an average yield of 4 tons/acre and value of $30/ton, the total forage produced is worth $70,000,000. Mild rainy winters and relatively cool dry summers provide ideal conditions for the growth of cool-season perennial grasses and legumes. Unfortunately, many pastures do not realize their production potential because of inappropriate grazing practices, low fertility, and infestation with short-season grasses and broadleaf weeds. Better grazing management, fertilization, weed control, and introduction of superior grass and legume cultivars would improve the yield and quality of these pastures. Until the development of equipment that was able to drill seed directly into sod, pasture renovation required plowing, discing, and then drilling the seed into the prepared seedbed. In most cases, an intermediate annual crop was grown before seeding to permanent pasture (Day et al., 1983). Many pastures are still renovated in this way. Establishment is satisfactory since competition is removed by cultivation and the seedbed is good. But this approach has several disadvantages, including high cost, loss of production, and increased soil erosion on sloped lands. As an alternative method, seed can be broadcast by aircraft, but establishment percentage is low because the seed is left exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions. Sod-seeding (the direct drilling of seed into sod) is a less costly technique that has the additional advantages of minimiring production loss and erosion. Sod-seeding drills create a furrow and deposit the seed in direct contact with the soil, giving the seed a better environment in which to germinate. With conventional renovation, the vegetation present before renovation is destroyed by cultivation, smothered by an intermediate grain crop, and suppressed by fallowing. With sod-seeding, close mowing, heavy grazing, and herbicides are used to reduce competition. Glyphosate and paraquat are registered for use in pastures in western Oregon and are the herbicides most commonly used prior to sod-seeding. Sod-seeding methods are used throughout the major pasture growing areas of the world, but there has been little research done in this region. This project was conducted to assess the efficacy of sod-seeding techniques in western Oregon. The objectives were to: 1. Determine the most effective seeding method: chisel drill, double disc drill, or broadcast and harrow. 2. Determine whether close mowing alone or the additional use of glyphosate or paraquat provided the most effective vegetation suppression. 3. Determine the effects of fertilization with and without herbicides and with and without sod-seeding. 4. Determine the effects of the above treatments on the clover population. An Aerway Seedmatic chisel drill was chosen to represent modern drills designed specifically for sod-seeding. A Tye double disc drill was used as an example of drills commonly used for seeding into a cultivated seedbed and occasionally for sod-seeding. The broadcasting and harrowing of seed is a common practice. Glyphosate and paraquat are the two herbicides most often used for suppression of vegetation prior to renovation of pasture. Change in clover percentage was evaluated since legume/grass balance is an important determinate of pasture quality and fertilization need Ellett perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used as the test cultivar. Perennial ryegrass is often the sole or primary grass species selected for pasture renovation. It is distinguished by excellent competitiveness, quick germination, and rapid seedling growth. Results should be applicable for pasture renovation projects involving introduction of perennial ryegrass into weedy mixed grass/clover pastures in western Oregon and other areas with similar environmental conditions. This study did not evaluate the interactions of different levels of fertilization or the effects of increased production and improved forage quality on livestock performance. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Soil moisture and temperature, fertility, seed environment, choice of grass and/or legume varieties to plant, suppression of competition, and good grazing management following establishment are important factors influencing the success of sod-seeding permanent pastures. Moisture and Temperature Moisture and temperature are the primary factors determining the time of seeding. Permanent pastures in western Oregon, traditionally, have been seeded in the fall to cool- season grasses and legumes. The sod is plowed and disked in late spring and the fields are periodically cultivated to kill weeds during the dry summers (Day et al., 1983). Seeding follows the first fall rains. Unfortunately, fall rainfall is highly variable. From 1961 to 1990, the mean precipitation at Hyslop Farm near Corvallis, Oregon, was 0.87 inch in August, 1.51 inches in September, and 3.11 inches in October. In the past 10 years, the fall season has been comparatively dry until late in October, when declining temperatures slow seedling growth. Rainfall in August and September exceeded the 30year monthly mean only twice from 1982 to 1992. Since 1985, October rainfall exceeded the monthly mean only in 1990 and 1992 (Appendix I and H). Seed Environment Taylor et al., (1969) determined that placement of the seed below the soil surface was the most consistent factor contributing to successful establishment and was more important than planting date. Bellotti and Blair (1989a) found that seedling emergence was affected mostly by seed placement. When seed was drilled into cultivated ground and the seedbed firmed, emergence percentage was high even though soil moisture was lowest of all treatments. When seed was broadcast by aircraft, emergence percentage was low even with high soil moisture because of high seedling mortality on the unprotected soil surface. Seedling emergence was intermediate with direct drilling of seed (Bellotti and Blair 1989a). Early attempts at sod-seeding were limited by a lack of equipment that ensured good seed-soil contact. Many seedlings died after germination because the planting grooves were shallow or poorly covered or because of competition with established 4 species. A common opinion, at that time, was expressed by Sprague et al., (1962) who concluded that it was necessary to employ some tillage for small-seeded legumes and grasses to obtain good seed-soil contact given the equipment available. Development of drills designed specifically for sod-seeding proceeded in the 1960s and by the end of the decade Decker et al., (1969) and Taylor et al., (1969) described new drills that provided good seed-soil contact. Kay and Owen (1970) preferred the double disc opener for sod-seeding over the single disc or hoe opener. However, they found the double disc opener was unable to adequately clear through litter at a density exceeding 1500 lbs/acre. Chisel coulters are generally regarded as retaining more moisture in the furrow than either hoe or triple disc coulters. Ritchie (1986) reported that the inverted "T" design of the Aer-Way Seedmatic drill created a planting groove that was more tolerant of climatic and soil changes than other shapes. Fertility Correction of soil fertility deficiencies is necessary for pasture renovation to succeed. Phosphorus is important in seedling establishment. Nitrogen fertilization is especially important if grasses are introduced (Day, et al., 1983). Ward and Blaser (1961) reported that as nitrogen rates at planting increased, the number of established seedlings decreased but seedling size increased. Rapid growth of introduced grass is essential if seedlings are to compete effectively with residual perennial vegetation or germinating annual weeds. Adding nitrogen fertilizers to grass/clover pastures may or may not increase the percentage of grasses relative to the percentage of clover present in a mixed sward. Robinson and Sprague (1947) reported that when frequent close grazing or clipping was employed on irrigated pastures receiving as high as 350 lbs/acre/year of nitrogen, the percentage of clover was not reduced. However, when three inches or more of growth was left after clipping on pastures fertilized at the same rate but with no irrigation, clover was nearly eliminated. One advantage of sod-seeding is the retention of fertility near the soil surface that would normally be turned under by cultivation. In perennial pastures, nutrients tend to build up in the top 2 inches of the soil because of top-dressed fertilizers and the release of nutrients from decaying plant material on the soil surface. 5 Perennial Ryegrass The primary purpose of introducing improved grass species during renovation is to increase pasture productivity. But productivity means more than herbage production. It also means improved feed quality and increased production during periods of feed shortage such as late winter or during drought (Robertson, L.N. and E.R. Thom. 1987). In western Oregon, rising temperatures stimulate growth of pasture plants in March or early April. Growth rates quickly accelerate. In most years, half or more of the forage is produced from late April to mid June on non-irrigated pastures. Typically, drought limits pasture production from early July until the fall rains begin. Some grazing is available in the fall until forage growth is limited by cool temperatures. A relatively cold- and drought-tolerant species such as perennial ryegrass is needed to extend pasture productivity as long as possible (Bedell, 1986). For these reasons, perennial ryegrass is a preferred species for improvement of under-productive pastures in western Oregon. It is also popular in New Zealand where perennial ryegrass is the fastest growing seedling of the major pasture grasses planted there. Charlton et al., (1986) found that at 40 to 50 F, 75% of perennial ryegrass seeds germinated in 13 days compared to 26 for orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) and prairie grass (Bromus wildenowii Kunth). In a New Zealand study, 98% of the farmers used perennial ryegrass in a seeding mix and 93% intended to use ryegrass in the future (Sangakkara et al., 1982). In a recent study, perennial ryegrass was a stronger competitor than tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) when sod-seeded (Bellotti and Blair 1989a). They reported that perennial ryegrass was the best grass species to sod-seed into cloverdominated pastures to balance botanical composition and for more stable pastures with greater drought tolerance and productivity. Ellett perennial ryegrass is an improved variety from New Zealand that has attracted many supporters in the Pacific Northwest, including commercial renovator John Kaye of Modern Agriproducts who believes Ellett perennial ryegrass is "the best all round forage grass in the world". This diploid perennial is reported to last as long as 10 years, is highly drought tolerant, possesses a profuse tillering ability, grows later in summer than other ryegrass, and will continue to grow as long as the temperature is above freezing (New Zealand Agriseeds). 6 Vegetation Suppression with Herbicides Sprague et al., (1962) noted that moisture and nitrogen fertility had less effect on seedling growth than did the degree of control of the vegetation present before renovation. The amount of vegetation present did not affect germination and emergence. However, measurements of seedling growth and development 10 days after planting varied as much as 20 times depending on the amount of vegetation present before planting. The number of grass tillers on new plants was associated with the degree of kill of the old sod. Bellotti and Blair (1989a) found that seeding method had no significant effect on yield of sod-seeded perennial ryegrass and tall fescue, whereas use of herbicides increased the survival and yield. There was an inverse relationship between the amount of vegetation present at sowing and yield of sown grasses. In their experiment, seedling growth was severely hampered when seeds were drilled directly into an unsprayed sod of annual grasses and white clover. Competition from the existing plant species was intense and occurred at an early stage in seedling development. Yield of sod-seeded perennial ryegrass 22 months after planting was 14.3% for the no herbicide treatment and 125.2% for the broadcast herbicide treatment compared 100% for the cultivated seedbed treatment. They concluded that cultivation or herbicide suppression was required for successful establishment. In a study comparing sod-seeding to full cultivation and drilling, Koch et al., (1983) observed that herbicides were needed to control perennial grass weeds such as quackgrass (Agropyron repens L.) when sod-seeding. Annual weeds were not a major problem in sod-seeding when disturbance of the soil was minimal. Choice of herbicide depends on the type of weeds present and the desired botanical composition of the renovated pasture. Glyphosate and paraquat are frequently used for vegetation suppression with pasture renovation in western Oregon. Glyphosate Roundup is the trade name of glyphosate manufactured by the Monsanto corporation as a water-soluble concentrate. The active ingredient is the isopropylamine salt of N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine that is 41.0% of the formulation or 3 lbs/gallon acid equivalent. Glyphosate is non-selective and can be used for the control of most herbaceous plants. It is most effective when applied to rapidly growing plants. 7 Glyphosate is readily translocated from the foliage to the roots through the phloem of the plant and kills by interfering with the biosynthetic pathway for aromatic amino acids. Effects generally are not visible until 7 or more days after application when the plants wilt and become chlorotic. The plant then continues to deteriorate until the aboveground plant parts are completely necrotic. Control of plants that are stressed by drought, temperature, or other factors will be inadequate (Monsanto, 1988). Independent research confirmed that glyphosate applied at 1.0 to 3.0 lbs/acre will provide nearly complete kill of most actively-growing herbaceous perennial plants (Baird et al., 1971, and Sprankle et al., 1974). Robertson and Thom (1987) found that some clover survived glyphosate applied at rates up to 3.85 lbs/acre. There was good control of most pasture plants at 5.1 to 7.7 lbs/acre. Soil-applied glyphosate is not toxic to plants at rates as high as 60 lbs/acre (Baird et al., 1971). Monsanto (1988) recommends broadcast spraying instead of band spraying in pasture situations when particularly aggressive perennial species are present. Otherwise, the grasses between bands are too competitive with the newly planted seedlings. Kunelius et al., (1982b) compared sod-seeding with glyphosate to drilling seed after full cultivation. Seedling development was slower in plots sod-seeded after a broadcast application of glyphosate than after full cultivation and drilling. He speculated that this may be due to mineralization of nitrogen from decomposing plant material in the cultivated soil. He also found that the highest percentage of sod-seeded perennial ryegrass seedlings was in plots treated with glyphosate. Plants in the plots treated with glyphosate were as large as those drilled after cultivation when measured 150 days after sod-seeding (Kunelius et al., 1982b). Some researchers discovered negative effects of sod-seeding directly after applications of glyphosate (Moshier and Penner. 1978; and Campbell, 1974). Moshier and Penner (1978) noticed specifically that sod-seeded alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seedlings in direct contact with glyphosate-killed vegetation were injured. These observations led to speculation in both studies that alfalfa seedlings were absorbing glyphosate through direct contact with decomposing plant litter on the soil surface. Paraquat Gramoxone Super is the trade name of paraquat manufactured by ICI Americas as a water-soluble concentrate. The active ingredient is 1,1'-dimethy1-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride. This formulation is 20.4% or 1.5 lbs/gallon active ingredient. Paraquat is a 8 non-selective herbicide that does not translocate. It operates on contact with the plant by intercepting electron flow in photosynthesis, leading to production of strong oxidizing agents. Paraquat is recommended for use on actively growing weeds 1 to 6 inches tall. (ICI Americas). Paraquat has been used to kill vegetation before sod-seeding many different crops (Triplett et al., 1975). Warboys (1966) conducted some initial work with paraquat in pasture renovation. He discovered that after spraying a mixed pasture, the percentage of perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, dock (Rumex crispus L.) and yarrow (Achillea lanulosa Nutt.) increased but velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus L.) and bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) decreased. White clover (Trifolium repens L.) was not affected. Decker et al., (1969) and Taylor et al., (1969) successfully used paraquat for suppression of vegetation prior to planting. Cullen (1970) reported that paraquat and close grazing with sheep assisted in the establishment of perennial ryegrass and white clover in bentgrass-infested pastures in New Zealand. However, Jones (1962) reported that paraquat was not effective for longterm control of bentgrass . There are various opinions in the scientific literature about the effects of paraquat on emerging seedlings. Baker et al., (1979) reported that there was no detrimental effect on emergence of perennial ryegrass following band-sprayed paraquat at the time of sodseeding. Bellotti and Blair (1989b) reported that paraquat had no effect on germination after blanket applications. Hurto and Turgeon (1979) demonstrated that paraquat residue in bluegrass (Poa spp.) thatch inhibited perennial ryegrass establishment but glyphosate residue in thatch did not. Paraquat killed nearly all perennial ryegrass seedlings emerging through treated vegetation (Faulkner 1980). He speculated that paraquat absorbed by thatch was transferred to the seed where it then killed the germinated seedling. Appleby and Brenchley (1968) found that paraquat at 1.0 lb/acre sprayed directly on perennial ryegrass seeds reduced germination rates to only 4%. They also found that bluegrass seeds covered with 0.25 inch of moist soil had a germination rate of 78% compared to 3% when uncovered. Kay and Owen (1970) concluded that seed needed to be placed in the soil, covered, and shielded by soil from the paraquat to have adequate germination. Other studies compared differences between band and broadcast applications of paraquat. Taylor et al., (1969) found that paraquat banded on sod-seeded rows of alfalfa improved legume stands only where the grass weeds were dense. Although Kay and Owen (1970) found it necessary to use paraquat to ensure survival of sod-seeded harding 9 grass (Phalaris tuherosa L.), in only five tests out of 16 over 5 years was broadcast treatment superior to banding at the time of seeding. Comparisons of Glyphosate and Paraquat When legumes were seeded into grass sod sprayed with paraquat, the grass was only temporarily suppressed and the result was a mixed grass/legume sward. In contrast, glyphosate almost completely suppressed perennial grasses and resulted in pure stands of the legume (Mueller-Warrant and Koch 1980, and Welty et al., 1981). Vogel et al., (1983) also investigated seeding alfalfa into grass and grass/alfalfa fields. Glyphosate temporarily stunted but did not kill the alfalfa. At 1.5 lbs/acre, glyphosate killed or suppressed all the grasses in a pasture being seeded to alfalfa. Sod-seeding in pure stands of grass after application of paraquat at 0.5 lbs/acre resulted in stands of 50% grass and 50% alfalfa. Paraquat only temporarily suppressed the grass and had minimal effect on the alfalfa. Leroux and Harvey (1985) applied glyphosate at 1.0 lb/acre to a weedy alfalfa stand. Glyphosate suppressed 90% of the grasses and alfalfa. Broadcast glyphosate produced better and more persistent stands of alfalfa than did pronamide, dalapon, or paraquat, or banded glyphosate. When alfalfa density is 3 or more plants/ft2 in a weedy stand they recommended use of paraquat to kill grass weeds and release the alfalfa. Where alfalfa density is less than 3 plants/ft2, they recommended glyphosate to kill all vegetation and replant to alfalfa.. Meadow Foxtail Meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.). a perennial, slightly-spreading bunchgrass. It does well on peat soils and on heavier soils where there is high rainfall or a high water table. In Alberta, Canada meadow foxtail is second only to reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) among the common forage grasses for tolerance to flooding. However, it is not drought-tolerant, responding to inadequate moisture by ceasing leaf growth and sending up multiple seed heads. Meadow foxtail is favored in some areas because of especially early spring growth (Tingle and Van Adrichem, 1974). It is competitive, responds well to rotational cutting or grazing, and is fairly palatable (Fairey, 1991). Meadow foxtail usually is not planted for pasture in the Willamette valley. The seed is 10 light and fluffy making it difficult and expensive to harvest or plant. In addition, the seed is similar in size to other commercially grown grass seed and can be a contaminant. It is frequently found in western Oregon pastures, however, and dominated the vegetation of the 35th avenue research site. There is evidence that meadow foxtail has a negative effect on animal performance. Rode (1986) found that consumption of meadow foxtail depressed weight gain in steers compared to other forages, even after switching from meadow foxtail to other forages. Treatments had similar levels of crude protein and digestible dry matter intake. Apparently an "antiquality" component is present in meadow foxtail which has not been identified. Post-Seeding Grazing Management Newly renovated pastures must be grazed or clipped to limit rank growth of the existing vegetation and allow the planted seedlings access to light. Askin (1990) recommended that grazing should not begin before newly planted perennial ryegrass is about 4 inches tall. At this growth stage, the new seedlings should break at the base when pulled rather than be uprooted by grazing animals. Rotational grazing will improve forage quality in grass-dominated pastures by increasing legume production. With adequate moisture and fertility, perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture yields are greater when cut to a height of 1 inch than when allowed to grow to a height of 2.5 to 3 inches (Appadurai and Holmes, 1964). Kay and Owen (1970) also noted that grazing or mowing after sod-seeding increased establishment. 11 METHODS AND MATERIALS Site Description The two sites chosen for this trial were the sheep pastures west of the Oregon State University campus along 35th avenue and the Soap Creek cattle unit located 10 miles north of Corvallis, Oregon. The 35th avenue site is a perennial grass and clover pasture. Prior to this study. the predominant species included 40 to 50% meadow foxtail, 5 to 15% white clover, and 20 to 30% perennial ryegrass. Also present were tall fescue, velvetgrass, bentgrass, roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis L.), dandelion (Taraxacum spp.), wild carrot (Daucus carota L.), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) and other broadleaf weeds. The soil is a deep, somewhat poorly drained Amity silty loam. According to soil tests taken in September 1991, there were adequate levels of phosphorus and potassium. The Soap Creek site is an annual grass and clover pasture. The predominant species included 50 to 60% weedy annuals of the Bromus genus and rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros L.), 10 to 20% subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), and 5 to 15% bentgrass. Also present were tall fescue, meadow foxtail, perennial ryegrass, and several broadleaf weeds including red sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.), dandelion, hop clover (Trifolium dubiurn Sibth.), wild carrot, and Canada thistle. The soil is an Albiqua silty clay loam. Clay and fine silt content is 76.3%. Soil tests in September 1991 indicated an adequate level of potassium present but phosphorus levels were low. Experimental Design The experimental design was a randomized split plot with four replicationsl. This design was employed since large main plots were necessary for operation of the commercial-size equipment used in this experiment. Equipment for the herbicide application was more compact and could be effectively employed on smaller subplots within main plots. Each of the five main plots was 8 by 69 feet. The main plots consisted of three seeding methods with fertilization, a fertilized unseeded plot, and an unfertilized unseeded plot. There were no plots that were seeded but unfertilized. The three seeding methods were: (1) sod-seeding with an Aer-Way Seedmatic chisel drill (61 To facilitate use of this trial as a demonstration, replication #1 was arranged as a non-randomized strip plot. 12 inch row centers), (2) sod-seeding with a Tye double disc drill (9-inch row centers), and (3) broadcasting the seed followed by harrowing with a spike-tooth harrow. The Seedmatic drill was developed in New Zealand by Peter Aitchison of Aitchison Industries and is manufactured in North America by the Aer-Way company of Custer, Washington. Main plots were further subdivided into three equal sub-plots 8 by 23 feet. The sub-plots were three methods of vegetation suppression: (1) close mowing and glyphosate (n-(phosphonomethyl)glycine), (2) close mowing and paraquat dichloride (1,F- dimethyl -4,4'- bipyridinium dichloride), and (3) close mowing alone. Site Preparation Both sites were mowed with a flail mower on September 13, 1991 to a height of 1 inch. The 35th avenue site had been closely grazed into the summer of 1991 and the residual vegetation was minimal. The Soap Creek site had a somewhat thicker but uneven cover of zero to 8 inches of dried residual vegetation. Herbicide Application Significant rainfall did not occur until October 22. From October 22nd to the 29th 2.55 inches were recorded at the Hyslop farm outside Corvallis (Table 6). Herbicides were applied on October 29, 1991, with a hand-carried 6-nozzle overlapping spray boom. Pressure of 35 psi was provided by compressed CO2. Stainless steel Teejet nozzles providing an 80° fan pattern (XR8004VS) were used. At a boom height of 18 inches, there is a 30° overlap of the fan patterns, giving a uniform distribution of the herbicide over the plot width. Glyphosate was applied at 1.0 lb acid equivalent/acre and paraquat was applied at 1.0 lb active ingredient/acre. A surfactant (X-77) was added to each herbicide solution to increase retention and absorption of the chemical into the leaf, 0.5% (v/v) of the mixture for glyphosate and 0.25% (v/v) for paraquat. X-77 is a mixture of alkylarylpolyoxyethylene glycols, free fatty acids, and isopropanol. Temperature at the time of application was 50° F. Relative humidity was 75%. The sky was clear and it did not rain for 6 days after application. 13 Planting The Soap Creek site was planted on October 31, The 35th avenue site was sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill and broadcast and harrowed on that day. On the following day, the Tye drill plots were planted. 1991. The Seedmatic drill has a chisel-type planting shoe in the shape of an inverted "T". The planting shoes are 9 inches apart. Planting shoes are positioned about 1/2 inch below the soil surface where they cut roots of existing vegetation and open up slits in the shape of an inverted "V". Seeds are dropped onto an undisturbed seedbed at the bottom of each slit and are covered by soil shaken from the sides by planting shoe vibrations. The Tye drill is a double disc drill with a single coulter in front to slice open the soil surface. The discs are 6 inches apart. The double discs open the slit and seeds are dropped into the opening. Seed were "broadcast" by raising the planting shoes of the Seedmatic drill out of the ground to allow seeds to fall from the planting tubes onto the soil surface. A spiketooth harrow was dragged over the broadcast plots to distribute and cover the seeds. The seeding rate for the Seedmatic and Tye plots was 20 lbs/acre and for the broadcast/harrow plots was 40 lbs/acre. Fertilization Fertilizer was applied to both experimental sites on November 18, 1991. Fertilizer (280 lbs/acre of 16-20-0-5 (44 lbs N/acre. 55 lbs P205/acre, 14 lb S/acre)) was applied to all seeded plots and to one unseeded main plot with a Gandy drop spreader. The initial fertilization date for 1992 was determined by using the T-sum 200 method (Kowalenko et al., 1989). T-sum 2(X) is a base zero-growing-degree day method that is calculated by summing the daily average of the maximum and minimum temperatures in °Celsius beginning January 1. Daily values less than zero are ignored in the summation. The T-sum method assumes that ideal fertilization time is at a sum of 200 which was reached on February 2. 1992. On February 4. 1992 and October 28, 1992 an additional 60 lb/acre of urea (27 lb N/acre ) was applied to the same plots. Total nitrogen applied to the fertilized plots was 98 lb N/acre for the experiment. The rate and timing of fertilization was determined from standard recommendations from Oregon State University extension service and based on random soil tests taken at a 2 inch depth and analyzed by the Oregon State University soil testing service. 14 Yield To simulate rotational grazing, the plots were cut to a uniform height of 2 inches when they reached a height of 6 to 8 inches. Prior to this experiment, the sward at the 35th avenue site was far more productive than the Soap Creek site. Consequently. five harvests were taken at the 35th avenue site from March 10, 1992 to July 5, 1992 and two harvests were taken at the Soap Creek site on April 14, 1992 and May 12, 1992. An additional harvest was taken at the 35th avenue site on December 5, 1992. A Swift flail- type harvester with a 24-inch cutting width was used. A 24-inch swath was removed from each end of the plots to eliminate border effects. The resulting swath length of several plots selected at random were measured and the average calculated. A center swath and a swath to the immediate left of the center were mowed and collected in the bin, avoiding an outside 12-inch border area. The area to the immediate right of the center swath was left for later evaluation of species composition. Following plot harvest, the entire site was mowed at a right angle to the sampling direction to a uniform height of 2 inches. Forage material collected in the bin was weighed in the field and a subsample taken from each plot to be dried. Subsamples were composed of several grab samples taken at random from different places in the forage yield sample. Subsamples were weighed, dried at 100° F for 72 hours, and reweighed. The dry matter forage yield was calculated from these data. Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Dried subsamples were ground to .04 inches in a Tecator Cyclotech mill. Subsamples of the ground material were selected at random for NIRS analysis of crude protein (CP) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). The NIRS technology uses a scanning monochromator to measure characteristics of the sample that can be used to predict quality attributes of the forage. Crude protein is calculated by multiplying the estimate of nitrogen by 6.25. ADF is used as a measure of the available energy of the feed and as an indicator of digestibility. Chemical analysis determines ADF by measuring the amount of plant fiber that remains after an acid detergent removes part of the digestible cell wall and cell contents. NIRS evaluation estimates this value through reflectance characteristics of the sample. Lower ADF indicates higher quality. 15 Species Composition All plots at both sites were evaluated visually on December 12, 1991. Estimates of the percent biomass reduction relative to the untreated controls were made by an individual observer (Table 22). After the April 28, 1992 harvest at the 35th avenue site and the May 12, 1992 harvest at the Soap Creek site, subplots were established for species composition. Subplots measuring 18 by 24 inches were selected at random and staked out in the 24inch strip not harvested for yield. These subplots at 35th avenue were not mowed after the subsequent harvest at that site on May 22, 1992. Vegetation at both sites was allowed to mature to facilitate species identification. On June 4, 1992, a visual evaluation of species composition in the subplots was conducted at the Soap Creek and 35th avenue sites by an individual observer. The percentage of each species was estimated on a dry matter basis with clover and broadleaf weeds given a value one half that of grass species. The observer first estimated the percentage of clover present, then the broadleaf weeds, noted the individual broadleaf weed species, and then estimated the percentage of grass species present. The grass species were then identified by their inflorescence and leaf morphology and their percentage was estimated (Table 23). One year after planting, the percent of perennial ryegrass and the other major species present at the 35th avenue site was determined by hand separation. On November 9, 1992, subplots measuring 6 by 9 inches were randomly selected in the 24inch wide area reserved for species composition analysis. The areas where subplots had been allowed to mature the previous spring were avoided. Subplots were destructively harvested with a rice knife at the ground level and removed to the lab for separation. No attempt was made to separate the sod-seeded perennial ryegrass from the perennial ryegrass that may have already been present at planting. After careful separation, each species from each plot was oven dried for 72 hours at 100° F and weighed. Subsample weights for each plot were totaled and the relative percentage of each species was determined on a dry matter basis (Table 24). Meteorological Data Meteorological data was collected at the Hyslop Experimental Station and reported by the Oregon Climate Service of Oregon State University (Appendix I and II). Hyslop 16 Experimental Station is located 4.5 miles SE of the Soap Creek site and 6.5 miles NE of the 35th avenue site . Statistical Analysis An analysis of variance was applied to each data set. The F test was used for significance testing at P=.05. Dependent variables were analyzed according to a split-plot design. Main effects were replication (blocking), seeding method (Seedmatic, Tye, broadcast/harrow, unseeded, and unseeded/not fertilized), and herbicide (glyphosate, paraquat, and no herbicide. The interaction between seeding method and herbicide was analyzed. Fisher's protected least significant difference (PLSD) was employed to judge several pairwise comparisons that were of interest: individual seeding methods compared to each other and to the unseeded but fertilized check, fertilized compared to unfertilized. and the herbicides compared to each other and to the unsprayed check. 17 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Seedling Survival Seedling survival and growth is dependent on reduction of competition from annual and perennial species present before renovation. In western Oregon, perennial pasture species enter dormancy during the annual summer drought and begin rapid growth when conditions improve. Annual species die, but a bank of seeds is poised to germinate after the fall rains begin. Without the established root reserves of existing perennial grasses and the slower rate of growth compared to annual seedlings, newlyplanted perennial seedlings are at a competitive disadvantage even when temperature, moisture, and seedbed conditions are ideal. Without herbicides, the sod-seeded species must be very aggressive to survive. Use of herbicides, properly applied, should confer a competitive advantage to the newly-planted species. Mueller-Warrant et al., (1983) found that glyphosate had 25 to 60% better control of perennial grasses when the grasses were allowed to grow to a height of 5 or more inches before spraying compared to 4 inches or less. Two or more weeks of growth may be necessary for perennial grasses to reach this height. Every grower attempting fall pasture renovation with herbicides is faced with this dilemma. On the one hand, they face the need to delay herbicide application long enough for adequate growth of perennial plants and for a longer time for germination and growth of annual plants so that there is adequate leaf surface for absorption of herbicides. On the other hand, they face the imminent onset of seasonal low temperatures, which inhibit seedling growth of newly planted species, and wet field conditions, which physically impair planting equipment and lead to soil compaction. In the fall of 1991, no significant rainfall was received until October 22-29. The 2.55 inches of rain recorded (Table 6) was adequate to stimulate rapid growth in perennial species existing in the pastures and to initiate germination of annual species. The investigator elected to take advantage of the window of clear weather after the first rainy period to apply herbicides and plant. Subsequently, rainy weather began again on November 4, 1991 and continued with only minor interruption until December 14, 1991 (Tables 7 and 8). Distinct rows of perennial ryegrass seedlings were visible in December 1991 at the 35th avenue site. Enough vegetative growth of the predominantly perennial species present before planting had occurred to allow the herbicides to be effective. The sodseeded perennial ryegrass had a competitive advantage. 18 Some sod-seeded perennial ryegrass germinated at the Soap Creek site, but nearly all of the seedlings died. Insufficient time was allowed for germination and growth of the existing annual species before the herbicides were applied. The emerging perennial ryegrass seedlings were overwhelmed by rapidly growing annual grasses that had germinated after application of the herbicides. In addition, at the Soap Creek site, excessive thatch left on the soil surface after mowing may have absorbed herbicides and killed germinating seedlings as they emerged. Both glyphosate and paraquat inhibit survival of seedlings emerging through sprayed plant material. About 2500 lbs/acre of thatch remained on the surface at the Soap Creek site, while the 35th avenue site had about 1200 lbs/acre of thatch remaining after mowing. Moshier and Penner (1978) recommended a 3-day interval between application with glyphosate and seeding of alfalfa to avoid this effect. Also, natural toxins released by decaying plant material possibly inhibited seedling survival at the Soap Creek site. Patrick and Koch (1958) noted that the decomposition of plant material killed by herbicides may have an inhibitory effect on newly planted seedlings. Mueller-Warrant and Koch (1980) reported that allelopathic effects of decaying quackgrass caused a reduction in numbers of alfalfa seedlings. Toai and Linscott (1979) determined that alfalfa germination was inhibited by toxins released from quackgrass residue. Naylor et al., (1983) reported that chemicals released by decomposing plant material could inhibit forage seed germination. Moisture conditions that were ideal for sod-seeding on the lighter soil at the 35th avenue site may have been too wet for equipment on the heavier soil at the Soap Creek site. Under these conditions, the Seedmatic drill shoes glazed the sides and bottom of the planting furrow. Penetration of the glazed surface would be difficult for the emerging seed radicle. In addition, the Seedmatic ripped apart and dragged clumps of sod, leaving some furrows unprotected and covering others. Finally, although evidence of slug predation was not observed, slugs may have killed some seedlings, because they are common in western Oregon pastures and conditions were favorable. Welty et al., (1981) partially blamed slug predation for inadequate seedling establishment in their experiment. They indicated that herbicide application as much as 28 days prior to planting would allow time for the vegetation to die back so that sunlight could dry the furrow providing a less favorable environment for slugs. In other research, band spraying herbicides reduced slug and insect damage. When herbicides were broadcast before drilling, slugs and insect pests moved into the 19 rows of seedling but when herbicides were band-sprayed over the drill rows, the pests remained in or moved into the residual vegetation between the bands (Barker 1990). Forage Yield, Spring 1992 To simulate rotational grazing, the plots were cut to 2 inches when they reached a height of 6 to 8 inches. There were five harvests at 35th avenue and two harvests at Soap Creek. The winter of 1991-92 was drier and warmer than the 30-year average (Table 21). Precipitation in the spring of 1992 was highly variable and drier than the 30-year average. In March only 1.04 inches of rainfall fell but 4.08 inches was recorded in April. While no precipitation was recorded in May, 1.18 inches was recorded in June and again in July. Low rainfall contributed to lower yields across all treatments in the later harvests (Tables 11 through 15). Yield at the 35th Avenue Site, Spring 1992 (Table 1) At the 35th avenue site, fertilization increased mean forage yield 104%, 39%, and 10% in unseeded plots for the first, second, and third harvests compared to mean forage yield of the unfertilized and unseeded plots (Figure 1). Mean forage yield was 19% higher in the fertilized and unseeded plots compared to the unfertilized and unseeded plots for combined spring harvests (Figure 2). Beneficial effects of the early fertilizer application had disappeared by April. To maintain increased yield throughout the spring it would have been appropriate to fertilize again at this time. Although nitrogen fertilization is important for grass seedling development, application of fertilizer in unseeded plots was not cost-effective. Yield increase due to fertilization was 600 lbs/acre for the five combined spring harvests. At $0.25/1b N and $6.00/acre application, cost was $23.75/acre. At $30/ton the forage produced was worth $9.00/acre. The mean forage yield for combined spring harvests for the plots sod-seeded with the Tye drill and those where seed was broadcast and harrowed did not differ from the unseeded plots, but mean yield for plots sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill was reduced 4% (Figure 3). The sod-seeded perennial ryegrass had not developed enough to contribute substantially to forage yield during the spring 1992 growth period. Mechanical destruction of the sod by the Seedmatic drill may have caused the decrease in yield in those plots. 20 The mean forage yield for combined spring harvests in the plots treated with paraquat was 5% higher than the unsprayed plots, but mean forage yield in the glyphosate-treated plots was 24% lower (Figure 4). At the first harvest, mean yield was reduced 66% in the glyphosate-treated plots and 42% in the paraquat-treated plots. For the second, fourth, and fifth spring harvests, paraquat-treated plots had higher mean yield, the unsprayed plots were intermediate, and the glyphosate-treated plots were lowest (Figure 5). Glyphosate was more effective than paraquat in killing the existing perennial species, but the growth of the sod-seeded perennial ryegrass was not adequate to compensate for the yield reduction. In the plots treated with paraquat, the predominant perennial species (meadow foxtail and white clover) were not killed and contributed to the slight increase in yield compared to unsprayed plots. Table 1. Forage yield for five harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. Harvest Date March 10 April 2 Treatments April 28 May 22 lbs dry matter/acre July 5 Total Seeding Method Seedmatic Tye Broadcast Unseeded 777 a PLSD 154 757 a 736 a 742 a 818 828 886 812 ab ab a b 72 979 a 987 a 1018 a 1024 a 530 606 580 588 66 35 c b a a 373 432 434 438 b a a a 58 3477 b 3610 a 3654 a 3604 a 106 Unseeded Plots Fertilized Unfertilized 742 a 363 b PLSD 154 812 a 582 b 72 1024 a 927 b 66 588 b 638 a 35 438 b 514 a 58 3604 a 3025 b 106 Herbicide Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide 357 c 610 b 1058 a 618 c 901 a 837 b 1037 a 1046 a 877 b 463 c 750 a 552 b 361 b 569 a 384 b 2836 c 3876 a 3709 b PLSD 105 54 69 46 46 107 t All seeded treatments were fertilized. Means followed by the same letter within columns and headings do not differ (P3.05) according to the PLSD multiple range test. 21 Figure 1. The effect of fertilization on forage yield for individual harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 1200 El Fertilized a 4.) 1000 ES] Unfertilized a 800 a E a 600 a 400 _ 200 0 6A, March 10 A April 2 A, A A April 28 Harvest Dates May 22 July 5 Figure 2. The effect of fertilization on combined forage yield at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. 4000 a 3500 EL-.' b 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ......... Fertilized Unfertilized 'treatment 22 Figure 3. The effect of seeding method on forage yield for individual harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. Seedmatic Tye El Broadcast E3 Unseeded 1200 t 1000 cd" 800 600 400 200 0 March 10 April 2 April 28 Harvest Date May 22 July 5 Figure 4. The effect of herbicide on combined forage yield at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. a 4000 _ 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 ti Glyphosate ti Paraquat ti No Herbicide Treatment 23 Several studies showed that herbicide use before sod-seeding reduced forage yield in the first and even the second year after application. Kunelius et al., (1982b) found that a broadcast application of paraquat reduced forage yield by 33% and glyphosate 41% compared to untreated pasture during the first year after sod-seeding red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and perennial ryegrass. Leroux and Harvey (1985) had reduced seasonal yield in herbicide-treated plots for the first 2 years of their trial on sodseeded alfalfa as did Kunelius et al., (1982a). Figure 5. The effect of herbicide on forage yield for individual harvests at the 35th avenue site, Spring 1992. E2 Glyphosate 1200 a m Paraquat a 12 No Herbicide a 1000 17. a.) a 800 -- a 600 -o 400 200 0 March 10 April 2 April 28 Harvest Date May 22 July 5 Yield at the Soap Creek Site, Spring 1992 (Table 2) Fertilization of unseeded plots at Soap Creek increased mean forage yield for combined harvests 104% compared to unfertilized and unseeded plots. Fertilization more than tripled mean forage yield in fertilized but unseeded plots for the first harvest on April 14, 1992 compared to unfertilized and unseeded plots but only increased mean forage yield 37% for the second harvest on May 12, 1992 (Figure 6). At this site, as well as 24 35th avenue, a second application of fertilizer in April would have maintained increased yield. Once again, however, the value of the increased forage ($16.50) was less than the cost of the fertilizer applied. Mean forage yield for combined spring harvests for the plots sod-seeded with the Tye drill and those broadcast with seed and harrowed did not differ from the unseeded plots. Mean forage yield for the plots sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill was reduced 12% because of physical damage to the sward noted earlier (Figure 7). Plots not treated with herbicides had the highest mean forage yield (Figure 8). Mean forage yield in plots treated with glyphosate was reduced 27% and with paraquat 34%. Without survival of the sod-seeded perennial ryegrass, treatment effects were limited to the effects of herbicides on the sward existing prior to sod-seeding. Table 2. Forage yield for two harvests at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. Harvest Date April 14 Treatments May 12 Total lbs dry matter/acre Seeding Methodt Seedmatic Tye Broadcast Unseeded PLSD 1043 1228 1306 1273 bt. a a a 199 864 855 924 884 a a a a 188 1907 2083 2230 2157 b ab a a 215 Unseeded Plots Fertilized Unfertilized PLSD 1273 a 413 b 199 884 a 644 b 188 2157 a 1057 b 215 Herbicide Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide 951 b 788 c 1419 a 786 b 772 b 944 a 1737 b 1560 c 2364 a PLSD 128 110 197 t All seeded treatments were fertilized. t Means followed by the same letter within columns and headings do not differ (P.05) according to the PLSD multiple range test. 25 Figure 6. The effect of fertilization on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. 2500_ May 12 a cy4 2000 E2 April 14 1500 h 1000 500 0 Fertilized Unfertilized Treatment Figure 7. The effect of seeding method on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992. El April 14 2500 ab Ee 2000 _ May 12 a a b 1500 1000 73" 500 0 Seedmatic Tye Broadcast Treatment Unseeded 26 Figure 8. The effect of herbicide on forage yield at the Soap Creek site, Spring 1992 2500 a El April 14 D May 12 Qd 2000 h c.) C w 1500 1000 oo 0 Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide Treatment Figure 9. The interaction between seeding method and herbicide on the percentage of perennial ryegrass at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992 IL31 80 Seedmatic 70 60 Tye Broadcast 50 7-; 40 a., 30 c :- 4. o Unseeded 20 10 0 Glyphosate Paraquat Treatment No Herbicide 27 Species Composition, Fall 1992 (Table 3) One year after planting, the proportion of perennial ryegrass and the other major species present at the 35th Avenue site was determined by hand separation of the species in subplots. High variability between subsamples created some analytic problems. Larger and/or more subsamples would have given more accurate and representative results. Data reported for evaluation are untransformed and the outliers are included (Table 3). Table 3. Forage yield on December 5, 1992, and species composition on November 9, 1992, at the 35th avenue site Yield Treatments Seedmatic-Fertilized Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide Tye-Fertilized Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide Meadow Foxtail lbs dry matter/acre White Clover Other % 368 452 324 47 47 28 26 37 15 11 12 5 32 7 33 491 38 41 17 9 59 62 6 22 24 15 363 319 74 46 24 8 14 10 29 39 22 15 31 19 17 59 44 24 15 11 17 32 24 Broadcast/Harrow-Fertilized Glyphosate 612 Paraquat 500 No Herbicide 339 Unseeded-Fertilized Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide Perennial Ryegrass 331 321 33 2 297 28 Unseeded-Unfertilized Glyphosate 129 Paraquat 186 No Herbicide 173 9 3 6 8 35 43 44 2 5 11 41 13 27 23 The highest percentage of perennial ryegrass was found in the plots broadcast seeded and harrowed following application of glyphosate (Figure 9). When herbicides were not used the percentage of perennial ryegrass did not vary between broadcast and 28 harrowed, Seedmatic, or unseeded treatments. Broadcasting of seed following an application of paraquat did not result in a greater percentage of perennial ryegrass than sod-seeding with the Seedmatic drill but did improve the percentage of perennial ryegrass compared to sod-seeding with the Tye drill or not seeding at all. Plots sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill following either glyphosate or paraquat application and plots where seed was broadcast following paraquat application had a mean percentage of perennial ryegrass of just under 50%. The germination rate of seeds is improved by protection from temperature extremes and drying by a light covering of soil, and drill equipment is designed to create this environment. Broadcasting seed on the soil surface leaves seed exposed to the possibility of unfavorable environmental conditions. Consequently, broadcast seeding rates are usually increased to compensate for inferior placement of seed (Day et al., 1983). Bellotti and Blair (1989a) noted a shift in the dominant factor in their trial from herbicide effects to amount of seed sown. Sown grasses dominated (69-94%) high yielding plots at 22 months. By 27 months, highest yield was associated with highest amount of sown grasses. In this experiment, temperature and moisture conditions at the time of planting were ideal for seed germination. For several weeks after sod-seeding, unusually warm temperatures and uniformly overcast and rainy weather provided good conditions for seedling growth. As a result, survival was high, and given the wider distribution of the numerous seedlings, the intraspecies competition between the sod-seeded perennial ryegrass seedlings was reduced. Glyphosate was more effective in removing competition from species existing prior to sod-seeding than paraquat because the 35th avenue site was dominated by perennial species. Plots sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill had a higher percentage of perennial ryegrass than did plots sod-seeded with the Tye drill for each herbicide treatment. This gives evidence that the design of the Seedmatic drill shoe provides an improved planting furrow to that of the Tye drill under ideal soil moisture and texture conditions such as those at the 35th avenue site on the day of planting. Two apparent anomalies were present in these data, the unexpectedly high percentage of perennial ryegrass in the unseeded plots not treated with herbicides and the plots sod-seeded with the Seedmatic drill following an application of glyphosate. Although there is no clear explanation, the small sample size may have led to random selection of unrepresentative subplots. 29 Effects on White Clover Nitrogen fertilization conferred a competitive advantage to perennial ryegrass. meadow foxtail, and other grasses present, reducing the percentage of white clover from 33.2% to 18.0% in unseeded plots (Figure 10). The percentage of white clover did not differ between herbicides or seeding methods. Figure 10. The effect of fertilization on the percentage of white clover in the sward at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992 35 30 25 201510- 50 Fertilizer No Fertilizer Treatment Yield at the 35th Avenue Site, Fall 1992 (Table 3) One harvest was taken at the 35th avenue site on December 5, 1992 to evaluate forage yield for the period after summer drought and before cool winter weather limited growth. For all treatments, mean forage yield was highest where seed was broadcast and then harrowed following a pre-plant application with glyphosate. Mean yield was 85% higher than mean yield in unseeded plots treated with glyphosate. Broadcast and harrowed plots treated with paraquat had 56% higher mean forage yield than unseeded plots treated with paraquat. Unsprayed broadcast/harrow plots had only an 11% higher mean yield than unseeded unsprayed plots (Figure 11). Mean forage yield for the Tye and Seedmatic sod-seeded plots without herbicide differed little from the unseeded, unsprayed plots. Yield results were associated with the percentage of perennial ryegrass 30 Figure 11. The effect of herbicide on forage yield when seed was broadcast and then harrowed compared to unseeded plots on December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. 700 600 500 400 El BroadcastlHarrow a El Not Seeded a b a b a E 300 Pr/V -15 200 100 0 Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide Treatment Figure 12. The interaction between seeding method and herbicide on forage yield at the 35th avenue site, Fall 1992 650 Seedmatic 600 Tye 550 Broadcast o 500 Unseeded 450 400 350 300 -1 Glyphosate o Paraquat Treatment JI=6 No Herbicide 31 present (Figures 9 and 12) indicating that one year after planting, the sod-seeded perennial ryegrass was now well-established and substantially contributing to yield differences. Table 4. Quality of Forage for six harvests at the 35th Avenue Site in 1992 Protein Total Spring ADF Dec. 5 Total Springt. July 5 Dec. 5 Treatments Seeding Method Seedmatic Tye Broadcast Unseeded PLSD 21.7 21.9 21.8 22.4 at a a a 0.7 25.0 25.1 25.4 25.4 a a a a 0.7 28.5 a 28.5 a 28.4 a 28.3 a 33.9 a 33.4 a 33.4 a 33.6 a 17.0 a 16.2 a 17.2 a 16.6 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 28.3 a 28.2 a 33.6 a 32.7 b 16.6 b 17.9 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 28.5 a 28.2 a 28.5 a 33.8 a 32.5 b 33.9 a 17.9 a 16.5 b 16.5 b 0.6 0.7 0.8 Unseeded Plots Fertilized Unfertilized PLSD 22.4 a 22.3 a 0.7 25.4 a 23.9 b 0.7 Herbicide Glyphosate Paraquat No Herbicide PLSD 21.4 b 22.7 a 22.0 ab 0.9 24.7 a 25.1 a 24.9 a 0.5 t Means followed by the same letter within columns and headings do not differ (P=0.05) according to the PLSD multiple range test. T. Includes July 5, 1992 harvest. Forage Quality at the 35th Avenue Site Subsamples from each plot at each harvest were analyzed by NIRS procedure. The percentage of protein and AM' did not differ between the seeding methods and the unseeded plots at any of the harvests at the 35th avenue (Table 4). For the spring 32 harvests, fertilized and unfertilized plots did not differ in percent protein and ADF except for July 5, 1992 when fertilized plots had 0.9% higher ADF than the unfertilized. The mean percentage of meadow foxtail was 60% in the unseeded but fertilized plots and 48% in the unseeded and unfertilized plots in the spring of 1992 (Table 23). Meadow foxtail sets seed early and becomes less palatable and nutritious, especially in a dry spring such as 1992. As was noted earlier, the effects of fertilization had disappeared by April 1992. The higher percentage of meadow foxtail likely resulted in increased ADF levels. On December 5, 1992, fertilized plots had 1.5% higher protein and 1.3% lower ADF than unfertilized plots. Plots treated with paraquat had 1.3% higher protein levels than those treated with glyphosate in Spring 1992. Plots treated with paraquat had 1.4 and 1.5% lower ADF than either glyphosate-treated plots or plots not treated with herbicides, respectively, on July 5, 1992. Paraquat-treated plots were higher in the percentage of white clover in Spring 1992 (Table 23), resulting in a higher quality forage. On December 5, 1992, the percentage of protein did not differ but ADF was 1.4% higher in glyphosate-treated plots than in those treated with paraquat or not treated with herbicide. Forage Quality at the Soap Creek Site As a result of high variability and the failure of perennial ryegrass to establish, the percentage of protein or ADF did not differ among any of the treatments at either harvest. 33 CONCLUSIONS Sod-seeding can be an effective method of pasture renovation if certain conditions are met. The microclimate of the seed is a critical factor. Adequate moisture and temperature, and good seed-soil contact are essential. Drill equipment such as the Aerway Seedmatic and the Tye double disc drills are designed to create a suitable seedbed and place the seed in it. Under the conditions of this experiment, the Seedmatic drill increased the percentage of perennial ryegrass while the Tye drill did not. When moisture and temperature are limiting factors in seedling survival, the Seedmatic would be a good choice. When environmental conditions are good, such as the month following sod- seeding in this study, broadcasting seed on the soil surface followed by harrowing may result in satisfactory seedling survival and establishment. However, newly sod-seeded species will take at least one year to establish and begin to contribute significantly to improvement in yield or quality. For effective herbicide action and subsequent establishment, removing the dead plant material from the soil surface before application of herbicides is necessary. Mob stocking with livestock is an effective strategy to accomplish this requirement.. Use of herbicides to suppress vegetation present before renovation will lead to improved establishment of sod-seeded grasses. Close mowing alone does not reduce competition enough for sod-seeded species to establish. When selecting an herbicide, the management goal of the renovation project must be clearly understood and the herbicide properly applied. Glyphosate is a good choice to use when introducing high-yielding grass species supported by nitrogen fertilization into pastures dominated by undesirable perennial species. Clovers and perennial grasses will be suppressed. Vegetation present before sod-seeding must be allowed to grow until adequate leaf surface is available for absorption and translocation of the herbicide. Paraquat can be used effectively to suppress annual weeds, but is less effective than glyphosate on perennials. If a balance of clover and the sod-seeded grass species is desired and undesirable perennial grass weeds are not present, paraquat is a good choice. Seed of annual species must have time to germinate and the seedlings allowed to grow enough for absorption of the herbicide. Fertilization increased yield in unseeded plots at both sites but the value of the additional forage produced was less than the inputs in all cases. Graziers contemplating renovation of weedy, underproductive pastures should look at (a) adjustment of grazing 34 intervals to promote maximum light interception, tillering, forage quality and utilization. and (b) correction of fertility and weed problems if cost-effective. Only when these criteria are improved should graziers (c) consider the introduction of aggressive cultivars to improve the production, quality, or palatability of the pasture or to extend the grazing season. 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Oregon, September, 1991. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip. Snowfall (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 66 49 .19 8 0 8 24 68 48 2 74 51 3 0 13 54 78 50 3 80 56 0 3 18 114 83 54 4 90 52 0 6 21 74 93 51 5 91 57 0 9 24 63 94 53 6 93 51 0 7 22 69 95 49 7 87 57 0 7 22 54 88 58 8 68 46 8 0 7 27 71 44 9 71 51 4 0 11 78 76 50 10 81 51 0 16 114 84 48 11 83 45 1 0 14 36 88 43 1 1 12 13 80 45 3 0 81 51 0 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 76 44 50 52 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 86 89 93 91 90 73 74 83 83 94 93 26 27 81 28 72 29 73 30 77 Total Mean 81.6 Dep.** +6.1 T 24 22 3 18 81 10 4 0 0 6 60 11 131 0 4 6 7 19 21 116 168 22 91 5 20 32 24 29 74 64 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 53 54 53 45 38 48 54 58 50 46 49 50 49 48 0 0 0 0 4 4 -1.32 0 0 0 4 16 10 13 19 21 0 15 0 11 11 57 0 0 83 476 2 3 16 3 0.19 50.1 +2.3 6 9 7 25 24 74 93 107 60 74 80 13 -72 13 85 85 82 79 89 92 97 95 94 78 79 87 85 97 97 86 77 73 80 43 51 43 49 50 52 52 51 44 36 51 53 58 48 45 48 48 50 47 85.2 48.9 126 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 54 CDD: 80 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 40 Table 6. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, October, 1991. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip. Snowfall (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 47 1 86 0 2 17 30 90 46 2 81 55 0 3 18 85 85 49 3 76 45 5 0 11 72 81 43 4 74 51 3 0 13 130 77 48 5 42 80 4 0 11 128 83 38 41 6 82 4 12 0 30 86 39 7 70 47 26 7 0 9 75 48 8 71 39 10 0 5 32 76 37 9 76 39 8 0 8 35 80 38 10 80 39 6 0 10 59 83 36 11 85 39 3 0 12 30 87 38 12 85 43 1 0 14 26 89 43 13 75 46 5 0 11 80 80 45 14 77 41 6 0 103 9 79 38 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 82 86 63 62 67 73 74 63 53 56 53 51 52 54 47 49 49 Total Mean 68.8 Dep. +4.5 38 5 41 35 16 2 36 37 40 44 35 39 42 45 45 40 35 38 32 29 16 13 .01 .42 .30 .55 .92 .09 .04 .22 2.55 40.8 -0.9 9 6 16 -.56 19 16 16 17 19 21 0 23 25 26 321 0 0 0 10 14 19 86 49 0 51 0 0 0 77 45 76 36 47 90 66 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 -46 5 2 7 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197 6 47 41 66 44 64 37 26 64 107 48 71 76 78 65 56 59 54 53 54 58 48 53 52 35 41 34 37 35 35 42 32 37 43 45 45 38 33 37 31 28 72.1 39.2 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 315 CDD: 4 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 41 Table 7. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station. Corvallis, Oregon, November, 1991. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip. Snowfall (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 1 54 33 22 0 0 13 58 34 2 48 40 21 0 0 132 50 39 3 53 38 20 0 119 0 56 38 4 50 40 .04 20 0 0 15 52 41 5 57 47 .74 13 0 2 89 58 46 6 62 50 .17 9 0 6 59 62 50 7 56 50 .07 12 0 3 58 56 50 8 57 52 .01 11 0 5 16 57 52 9 60 46 .06 12 0 3 16 60 46 10 55 46 .01 15 0 1 22 55 45 11 54 48 T 14 0 1 28 56 48 12 63 52 .08 8 0 8 45 64 52 13 60 44 .17 13 0 2 37 60 43 14 56 37 .12 19 0 0 36 58 36 15 52 34 .01 22 0 0 33 56 33 16 45 37 .04 24 0 0 34 49 37 17 54 43 .78 17 0 0 90 52 43 18 53 43 .38 17 0 0 65 56 40 19 55 44 .17 16 0 0 75 57 44 20 54 46 0.55 15 0 0 72 53 45 21 54 39 .34 19 0 0 42 55 38 22 51 31 .02 24 0 0 30 55 31 23 40 33 T 29 0 0 42 42 34 24 48 37 .41 23 0 0 35 48 37 25 55 47 .40 14 0 1 79 55 47 26 57 46 .33 14 0 2 34 58 46 27 54 37 .22 20 0 0 33 54 35 28 50 37 22 0 0 16 54 36 29 49 32 .01 25 0 0 64 50 31 30 47 26 29 0 0 35 50 26 Total 0 5.13 531 0 32 Mean 53.4 41.2 18 0 1 54.9 40.8 Dep. +1.2 +3.2 -1.69 -65 0 +16 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 523 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 42 Table 8. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, December, 1991. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip. Snowfall (Base 65°F) Deg. Days, Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 1 44 32 T 27 0 0 37 45 32 2 50 40 .06 20 0 0 45 50 39 3 53 35 T 21 0 0 12 55 34 4 45 .12 39 23 0 0 43 46 39 5 51 43 .23 18 0 0 56 51 43 6 52 48 .80 15 0 0 132 51 48 7 53 40 .57 19 0 0 50 52 38 8 52 40 .06 19 0 0 50 52 39 9 52 36 .01 21 0 0 38 54 35 10 48 32 .06 25 0 0 52 49 31 11 41 31 .02 29 0 0 49 44 31 12 50 40 .28 20 0 0 80 50 40 13 52 30 .02 24 0 0 45 51 29 14 42 30 .02 29 0 0 44 44 31 15 40 31 30 0 0 23 43 32 16 37 29 32 0 0 28 41 30 17 37 29 32 0 0 30 41 30 18 38 29 .26 32 0 0 28 40 30 19 44 33 .51 27 0 0 39 44 32 20 48 32 .01 25 0 0 32 50 32 21 40 32 .56 29 0 0 30 41 32 22 45 39 .54 23 0 0 27 45 39 23 47 41 T 21 0 0 25 49 42 1...._ 1 24 47 40 .01 0 0 18 49 40 -,2 25 47 39 .03 0 0 19 48 37 26 45 39 23 0 0 22 46 38 -y 27 47 39 .04 22 ___ 0 0 75 46 39 -,-, 28 49 38 .02 ...... 0 0 50 50 37 29 47 40 .15 22 0 0 38 48 40 30 45 39 .01 23 0 0 37 46 37 --,5 31 46 34 T 0 0 21 49 34 Total 739 4.39 0 0 0 Mean 46.3 36.1 24 0 0 47.4 35.8 Dep. +0.7 +2.2 -3.34 -39 0 -4 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 735 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 43 Table 9. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, January, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 43 37 25 0 0 29 44 37 2 46 36 .19 24 0 0 51 46 37 3 50 42 .08 19 0 0 51 42 59 4 49 39 .73 21 0 0 49 38 98 5 49 39 .09 21 0 0 105 52 38 6 46 39 23 0 0 59 48 39 7 46 34 25 0 0 47 48 33 8 45 28 29 0 0 34 48 28 9 42 31 29 0 0 13 46 30 10 43 31 .10 28 0 0 43 31 19 11 50 37 .47 22 0 0 54 51 37 12 49 31 .04 25 0 0 25 51 31 13 39 32 .02 30 0 0 20 40 33 14 46 38 .01 23 0 0 17 47 38 15 51 40 T 20 0 0 31 54 41 16 50 42 .11 19 0 0 51 42 50 17 52 37 .24 21 0 0 52 35 91 48 18 33 25 0 0 99 50 31 19 50 26 27 0 0 41 52 25 20 42 25 32 0 0 45 26 9 21 44 25 .07 31 0 45 27 0 18 22 52 38 20 0 0 18 55 37 23 52 39 20 0 0 54 39 63 24 55 48 .21 14 0 2 103 55 48 25 54 40 .32 18 0 0 46 55 38 26 56 36 .15 19 0 0 57 35 37 27 52 40 .32 19 0 0 52 40 35 28 55 47 .85 14 0 1 109 55 46 29 57 48 .31 13 0 3 59 47 62 30 60 48 .02 11 4 0 60 47 23 31 60 46 .19 12 0 3 27 55 46 Total 4.52 673 0 12 Mean 49.5 37.2 21.7 0 0 48 50.6 36.8 Dep. + 4.0 + 4.2 -2.30 -126 0 +9 1 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC estimates, which would total: George H. Taylor HDD: 666 CDD: 0 Oregon Climate Service ** Departures from 1961-90 normals Oregon State University 44 Table 10. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, February, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Degree days '5 Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 1 55 45 .20 15 0 0 84 54 44 2 54 39 .03 19 0 0 42 55 37 3 60 35 T 18 0 0 22 61 33 4 55 30 23 0 0 35 56 28 5 58 29 22 0 0 33 59 29 6 53 27 25 0 0 18 55 28 7 49 30 .01 26 0 0 22 48 29 8 51 30 .01 25 0 0 11 53 29 9 45 32 .25 27 0 0 39 45 32 10 54 38 19 0 0 76 55 37 11 57 38 T 18 0 0 38 59 38 12 52 44 .07 17 0 0 68 53 43 13 64 44 .37 11 4 0 30 66 44 14 56 39 .01 18 0 0 35 58 38 15 52 30 24 0 0 38 53 29 16 55 33 .01 21 0 0 48 59 34 17 50 41 .01 20 0 0 40 53 42 18 52 43 .39 18 0 0 95 53 42 19 52 43 .88 18 0 0 97 53 43 20 52 43 1.26 18 0 0 99 52 43 21 52 44 .52 17 0 0 73 52 43 22 60 48 .44 11 4 0 99 60 47 23 58 39 .08 17 0 0 32 60 37 24 56 44 15 0 0 21 59 45 25 65 50 8 0 8 87 66 49 26 68 49 7 0 9 139 69 48 27 67 39 12 0 3 68 69 37 28 65 37 14 1 0 25 69 35 29 59 40 16 0 0 19 61 40 Total 4.54 511 0 28 Mean 56.1 38.7 17.6 0 57.4 38.0 Dep. + 5.7 + 3.6 -0.50 -123 0 22 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 502 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 45 Table 11. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, March, 1992. Air Temp. (F Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 55 44 T 16 0 47 0 58 42 2 58 44 .01 14 1 0 73 62 43 3 54 39 19 0 0 28 55 48 4 64 43 .08 12 0 4 33 66 41 5 52 44 .45 17 0 0 21 54 42 6 61 40 .17 15 1 0 42 64 40 7 58 43 15 1 0 40 62 44 8 57 38 18 0 0 82 60 37 9 62 32 18 0 0 52 64 30 10 64 32 17 0 0 18 66 32 11 65 35 15 0 0 4 68 34 12 65 36 15 0 1 20 67 35 13 66 37 14 0 2 17 69 35 14 61 43 13 0 2 32 66 44 15 63 38 .04 15 0 1 38 67 37 16 63 45 .02 11 4 0 15 66 46 17 58 45 .01 14 0 2 46 60 45 18 58 37 .06 18 0 0 32 62 36 19 59 33 19 0 0 36 62 32 20 64 33 17 0 0 33 67 32 21 65 35 15 0 0 47 68 33 22 68 35 14 0 2 38 70 33 23 66 34 15 0 0 15 69 33 24 68 34 14 1 0 19 71 32 25 65 41 12 0 3 39 67 40 26 69 41 10 0 5 20 72 39 27 58 46 T 13 0 2 16 61 46 28 60 39 16 0 0 110 63 37 29 68 37 13 0 3 31 69 35 30 68 49 .20 7 9 0 24 72 49 31 65 39 13 0 2 18 69 37 Total 1.04 446 0 41 Mean 62.2 39.1 14.4 0 65.0 38.4 Dep. + 7.3 + 2.1 -3.51 -144 0 23 1 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 438 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 46 Table 12. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, April, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days. Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 71 3 74 73 4 61 5 53 52 55 53 54 60 62 57 63 63 68 67 62 58 64 65 63 60 55 64 72 75 69 75 76 69 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 45 42 49 40 37 33 38 39 43 50 49 47 42 41 47 50 48 41 40 44 37 36 33 .05 .03 .22 .19 20 23 .01 1.07 .10 19 19 17 10 .01 10 .18 .59 .01 .03 .16 .42 .07 13 13 13 8 15 7 10 16 13 T 11 .06 .13 15 17 21 13 41 43 45 53 55 53 48 7 7 4 26 27 .12 28 .01 29 .27 30 .35 Total 4.08 Mean 63.8 43.6 Dep. + 4.3 + 4.5 1.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 61 8 35 49 45 53 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 25 24 37 48 3 29 52 60 68 66 2 18 0 0 8 19 71 9 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 37 104 60 29 26 30 44 34 83 40 69 63 59 68 67 66 64 60 65 75 76 73 76 79 74 71 0 5 5 4 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 9 339 0 141 8 10 11 15 15 16 12 29 25 41.4 -134 75 63 58 55 59 55 53 62 67 6 2 0 0 8 47 57 72 77 0 42 40 48 39 36 32 37 38 43 49 48 47 46 49 46 50 47 41 38 43 36 36 33 40 43 44 53 54 53 48 66.4 43.3 83 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Cimate Service FWD: 332 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 47 Table 13. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, May, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 60 36 T 17 0 0 51 64 36 64 39 14 0 2 51 68 38 73 46 6 0 10 74 74 45 82 48 0 0 15 38 83 47 84 54 4 0 19 60 85 52 83 52 0 3 18 42 86 51 86 79 63 66 64 60 65 76 79 74 80 81 75 69 63 68 79 84 89 76 74 73 52 42 44 52 45 42 46 42 39 42 48 43 48 39 38 39 44 49 55 56 46 0 5 12 6 11 14 10 6 6 7 1 T T 52 78 82 53 54 11 15 12 4 T 51 76 3 4 T Total 0.00 Mean 74.4 46.3 Dep. + 8.3 + 3.2 -1.95 4 0 19 33 88 11 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 5 46 49 50 66 1 72 6 9 9 30 38 44 34 34 40 1 50 4 0 0 0 2 7 22 5 3 0 0 1 0 16 10 12 0 0 3 14 16 18 168 24 323 -167 24 161 1 35 8 14 12 12 4 12 17 1 66 58 35 33 44 34 47 55 50 62 61 47.8 51 41 66 69 68 67 68 79 44 82 78 83 85 80 74 68 88 93 80 80 78 38 39 47 43 46 38 37 38 42 47 54 55 45 49 81 51 82 87 52 53 71 81 51 45 41 47 41 78.0 45.3 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 163 CDD: 22 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 48 Table 14. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, June, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max 1 89 50 0 5 20 43 92 2 80 45 3 0 13 74 85 3 78 50 1 0 14 82 93 4 83 41 3 12 0 88 52 77 46 5 4 0 12 71 82 6 79 44 4 0 12 83 55 7 82 45 _ 2 0 14 44 86 77 8 43 5 0 10 82 37 9 79 52 T 0 1 16 84 50 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 72 75 63 69 65 69 69 68 72 83 84 87 43 56 49 49 50 8 .05 .64 0 9 6 46 8 8 51 5 52 48 49 49 60 69 5 22 97 23 102 56 24 97 55 25 96 53 26 84 52 27 87 55 28 84 59 29 72 56 30 72 57 Total Mean 79.7 51.0 Dep. + 6.6 + 2.4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 24 33 29 26 25 3 18 31 100 89 21 40 44 34 46 92 87 78 77 461 55.4 84.0 50.4 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 18 14 11 1.18 74 -.05 -78 63 1 1 51 43 56 48 48 50 46 49 52 48 48 48 59 67 55 54 53 52 55 59 56 56 1 6 7 0 0 85 .47 .02 Min 49 44 49 39 46 43 45 43 8 16 6 9 8 8 10 10 10 16 17 22 14 15 53 45 26 52 37 36 37 47 89 77 81 66 75 69 74 73 72 76 87 88 51 51 102 91 142 87 104 41 101 52 99 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 70 CDD: 81 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 49 Table 15. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, July, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max 74 50 .21 3 12 0 36 78 76 50 2 0 13 36 81 80 53 0 2 17 40 84 82 58 .48 0 5 20 59 86 72 54 T 2 0 13 39 76 76 76 77 79 82 78 54 52 57 52 52 52 52 71 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 85 51 80 78 86 98 95 92 50 53 58 64 65 20 90 21 78 73 69 69 78 92 88 89 89 92 99 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .49 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 1 T 0 T T 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 13 14 17 15 31 38 85 50 54 52 81 81 83 56 57 60 52 38 42 22 71 90 31 84 39 100 30 22 23 19 16 13 11 8 12 1.18 18 116 22 23 27 563 .66 -40 44 78 1 16 7 22 . 5 20 6 7 21 88 50 52 58 54 74 80 16 17 15 18 15 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 54 54 Total Mean 82.0 54.3 Dep. + 1.8 + 3.3 0 0 2 0 7 16 15 7 8 4 51 55 60 59 56 53 53 52 52 52 3 Min 49 87 82 89 84 82 47 42 99 97 94 41 83 39 50 55 74 60 74 65 77 53 37 78 74 73 82 96 92 93 93 96 103 51 51 51 50 49 52 58 63 64 50 55 60 53 56 53 53 52 52 52 51 54 53 55 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 16 CDD: 111 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 50 Table 16. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, August, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max 87 50 T 0 4 19 43 92 2 80 47 2 0 14 22 85 3 84 48 0 1 16 47 88 4 84 48 0 1 16 44 88 5 75 46 5 0 11 22 80 6 85 53 4 0 19 24 89 7 74 58 .10 0 1 16 36 77 8 74 44 6 0 9 35 78 9 79 44 4 0 12 42 84 10 86 55 0 6 21 82 90 11 97 66 0 32 17 107 100 32 24 75 105 Min 50 45 47 48 45 52 57 43 43 55 64 60 15 93 57 26 24 45 102 90 59 53 98 94 93 98 94 94 90 53 53 48 53 1 12 13 14 15 103 61 90 98 94 16 17 18 19 89 89 94 58 54 53 48 54 52 53 44 44 48 50 57 56 50 52 50 49 48 54 20 90 90 21 85 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 71 31 69 78 84 90 91 90 83 85 81 Total Mean 85.5 51.4 Dep. + 4.4 + 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .01 6 6 17 9 11 9 4 7 8 7 2 0 0 0 19 22 23 22 17 15 10 10 18 3 16 17 18 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 134 572 -.43 -20 52 70 .33 3 5 5 7 5 1 2 20 20 22 20 31 71 49 52 45 39 117 138 114 63 54 80 45 33 75 72 82 88 93 95 94 86 89 86 51 53 43 43 47 52 56 54 47 51 48 47 47 53 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 24 CDD: 128 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 51 Table 17. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, September, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max 73 58 .08 0 1 16 25 77 82 54 0 3 18 54 86 85 48 0 2 17 64 88 82 58 T 0 5 20 80 87 70 51 T 5 11 0 72 73 70 38 11 0 4 45 75 70 42 9 0 6 49 76 72 49 T 5 0 11 46 75 72 52 3 0 12 87 76 81 54 0 3 18 135 83 85 54 0 5 20 50 89 73 44 7 0 9 39 79 67 42 11 0 5 37 71 68 43 10 0 6 68 73 67 48 .04 8 0 8 71 72 64 51 .07 8 0 8 66 67 74 52 2 0 13 90 78 75 45 5 0 10 92 78 80 52 T 0 1 16 43 82 80 47 2 0 14 32 83 82 52 0 2 17 76 86 83 86 70 65 68 73 69 79 82 27 28 29 30 Total Mean 74.9 Dep. -0.5 53 58 53 48 47 .05 0 0 4 9 T 8 .31 46 6 39 11 41 5 45 2 125 .55 48.8 + 1.0 -.96 -5 Min 58 53 47 59 51 58 41 47 51 56 53 43 41 43 48 51 52 44 50 46 54 3 18 101 85 51 7 22 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 12 100 7 59 32 84 47 90 72 67 72 78 57 52 47 46 4 8 10 4 10 14 16 16 73 82 85 60.9 78.6 45 39 41 41 356 48.8 6 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 118 CDD: 28 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 52 Table 18. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, October. 1992. Air Temp. (F) Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Day Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 1 78 53 T 1 0 16 33 80 53 2 66 49 .01 8 0 8 23 69 49 3 58 50 .28 11 0 4 28 59 50 4 65 44 .01 11 0 5 27 43 69 5 64 40 13 0 2 93 66 39 6 67 43 10 0 5 83 43 69 7 74 38 9 0 6 111 77 36 8 73 39 9 0 6 23 37 77 9 68 41 11 0 5 52 40 73 10 69 43 9 0 6 42 85 72 11 76 37 9 0 7 36 79 36 12 76 38 8 0 7 29 79 38 13 75 41 7 0 8 44 79 42 14 65 28 19 0 0 50 28 69 15 60 32 19 0 0 72 32 64 16 57 38 18 0 0 43 60 37 17 58 43 .01 15 1 0 34 43 59 18 67 50 7 0 9 32 48 69 19 64 52 .04 7 0 8 27 65 52 20 74 53 T 2 0 14 38 77 53 21 59 53 .53 9 0 6 17 59 52 22 63 48 .43 10 0 6 27 64 48 23 72 45 7 0 9 19 73 45 24 75 47 T 4 0 II 11 78 47 25 69 52 5 0 11 85 52 70 26 63 46 11 0 5 32 43 67 27 62 38 15 0 0 39 65 36 28 58 41 .02 16 0 0 18 61 39 29 58 48 .51 12 0 3 45 60 48 30 57 48 1.00 3 13 0 113 59 48 31 53 49 .68 14 0 1 85 55 49 Total 3.52 311 1 166 Mean 65.9 44.1 45.6 68.5 43.5 Dep. 1.6 + 2.4 .41 -57 1 16 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George 1-1. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service HDD: 303 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 53 Table 19. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, November, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total Mean Dep. Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 59 50 .42 11 0 5 59 59 50 59 48 .02 12 4 0 47 59 48 63 44 12 0 4 55 43 65 56 47 .27 14 0 2 45 47 58 57 45 14 0 1 51 45 59 52 47 16 0 0 30 45 55 62 48 .08 10 0 72 5 65 47 60 45 .12 13 0 3 44 59 62 54 38 .09 19 0 0 48 56 36 52 33 .01 23 0 0 22 56 33 44 33 T 27 0 0 45 34 48 49 39 .36 21 0 0 35 40 50 55 41 17 0 0 42 56 56 50 44 18 0 0 51 44 33 47 42 T 21 0 0 16 48 42 49 43 19 0 0 27 52 34 49 44 .06 19 0 0 19 44 50 57 39 .07 17 0 0 33 59 40 52 40 .29 19 0 0 64 41 54 49 39 .24 21 0 44 0 50 38 49 41 .87 20 0 0 51 41 86 52 43 1.07 18 0 0 113 52 42 51 33 .01 23 0 0 40 51 34 47 29 27 0 0 82 49 28 46 30 27 0 0 67 47 30 48 35 24 0 0 91 49 34 46 38 .20 23 0 0 39 37 48 54 32 .11 22 0 0 51 32 56 49 32 25 0 0 36 52 32 44 35 .70 26 0 0 28 44 35 4.99 571 0 22 52.0 39.9 49.8 53.7 39.4 -0.2 + 1.9 -1.83 -25 0 6 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC George H. Taylor estimates, which would total: Oregon Climate Service FIDD: 564 CDD: 0 Oregon State University ** Departures from 1961-90 normals 54 Table 20. Weather Observations at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, December, 1992. Air Temp. (F) Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Mean Dep. Degree days * Growing Wind Surface 42 inch Precip. Snowfall (Base 65°F) Deg. Days Run Temp (F) Max Min (in.) (in.) Heating Cooling (at 50°F) (miles) Max Min 48 39 .21 22 0 76 0 48 39 41 37 1.20 26 0 0 122 37 41 45 33 26 0 0 139 45 32 44 32 27 0 121 0 45 31 43 22 33 0 21 0 83 44 35 25 .19 35 0 0 51 26 37 37 30 .17 1.5 32 0 71 0 38 30 43 30 .20 29 0 32 0 57 44 49 35 .38 23 0 0 64 49 35 48 37 1.68 23 0 0 67 46 37 48 31 .11 26 0 61 0 49 31 47 35 T 24 0 19 0 49 33 49 34 24 0 0 9 51 33 47 38 23 0 28 0 48 38 49 30 .08 26 0 0 19 28 49 47 31 .01 26 0 0 8 30 49 42 31 .64 29 0 0 32 93 41 37 28 .33 33 0 0 38 36 28 38 28 .07 32 0 0 15 38 28 46 37 .34 24 0 0 114 45 36 48 40 .35 21 0 0 71 48 39 49 41 .06 20 0 0 41 49 39 47 35 .05 24 0 0 46 48 34 43 38 .01 25 0 0 26 45 37 49 34 24 0 0 53 50 35 41 35 .01 27 0 0 46 42 35 47 34 .54 25 0 0 27 48 39 45 38 .32 24 0 0 81 46 39 47 36 .06 24 0 0 81 46 36 42 30 . 17 29 0 0 27 29 44 41 29 .20 2.0 30 0 0 29 80 42 7.38 3.5 808 0 0 44.6 33.3 59.2 45.2 33.2 -1.0 -0.6 -.34 1.6 30 -4 0 * Degree day calculations differ slightly from NCDC estimates, which would total: IDD: 776 CDD: 0 ** Departures from 1961-90 normals George H. Taylor Oregon Climate Service Oregon State University 55 Appendix H. Table 21. Total monthly precipitation at Hyslop Exp. Station, Corvallis, Oregon, 1961 to 1990. JAN FEB 1961 4.80 9.91 1962 1.21 3.82 1963 1.64 5.23 1964 11.68 0.79 1965 11.45 1966 10.21 1967 9.50 1968 7.14 1969 9.35 1970 15.51 1971 10.71 1972 10.10 1973 5.56 1974 11.59 1975 4.66 1976 6.59 1977 0.96 1978 7.34 1979 2.57 1980 6.69 1981 2.27 1982 7.21 1983 6.91 1984 3.26 1985 0.25 1986 6.53 1987 8.22 1988 7.12 1989 4.18 1990 9.50 AVE 6.82 MAX 15.51 MIN 0.25 SD 3.75 MAR 7.46 6.37 6.30 4.33 1.56 0.59 APR MAY JUN 2.23 2.05 0.41 2.90 2.31 0.39 4.64 3.94 0.96 1.61 0.55 0.88 2.00 1.08 0.52 1.78 7.21 0.95 0.49 0.76 1.78 4.23 1.60 0.85 0.77 7.11 3.91 1.51 3.45 0.79 4.27 1.81 1.94 1.64 2.46 5.97 2.29 2.66 1.12 0.53 5.35 6.16 4.38 2.33 2.48 5.13 6.46 4.27 2.36 1.01 1.65 3.63 1.75 0.85 1.38 7.52 8.87 2.39 1.46 0.61 5.48 4.64 2.40 2.07 1.14 6.71 4.45 1.98 1.14 0.47 2.97 5.09 1.02 3.43 1.13 4.28 2.15 4.94 3.61 0.94 8.35 2.89 2.93 2.11 0.38 3.88 4.02 3.63 1.46 1.75 4.44 3.00 2.37 2.99 2.58 7.12 3.54 4.57 0.49 1.51 10.31 8.78 3.01 1.51 1.39 6.92 3.82 3.41 3.67 4.34 3.65 4.94 1.05 0.94 2.22 9.90 3.04 1.84 2.50 0.31 4.50 3.70 1.56 1.40 0.29 1.70 3.90 3.33 3.84 1.83 3.21 6.80 1.42 1.46 1.14 5.79 2.21 2.38 1.43 1.53 5.04 4.55 2.56 1.95 1.23 10.31 8.87 4.94 3.94 4.34 0.79 0.59 0.95 0.49 0.29 2.61 2.05 1.15 1.07 .89 JUL AUG 0.59 0.33 T 0.57 0.52 0.65 0.57 0.23 0.39 0.98 0.49 0.27 0.00 T 0.34 5.24 SEP OCT 1.18 3.84 1.60 4.62 0.94 2.77 0.31 0.04 1.71 0.84 1.99 0.05 T 3.62 0.12 T 1.07 0.02 0.48 3.10 0.08 0.24 2.28 0.02 0.70 2.52 1.81 0.00 0.07 0.62 1.68 0.00 0.90 2.08 1.27 0.12 1.89 3.58 0.29 2.34 3.40 0.43 2.67 2.15 0.24 0.01 0.96 0.10 0.01 3.09 0.43 0.28 1.89 2.55 2.21 0.53 0.20 T 0.74 0.54 0.48 0.78 1.15 0.00 3.56 2.23 0.17 0.05 0.09 T 0.73 0.33 0.87 0.60 0.45 1.72 0.83 0.52 0.87 1.51 2.55 5.24 3.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 .64 1.17 1.17 1.25 2.12 3.18 6.19 6.32 3.91 NOV 5.79 7.89 7.04 9.23 8.70 5.27 3.46 6.52 2.86 7.30 4.04 2.80 9.21 0.88 4.92 2.70 18.28 1.41 6.88 4.30 5.51 1.25 1.42 2.58 8.11 0.98 3.14 7.21 1.87 5.52 3.64 1.05 4.11 6.29 6.73 5.51 9.93 13.55 4.65 3.89 4.69 2.80 8.62 0.27 3.90 0.14 10.87 2.66 3.90 4.56 4.87 3.11 6.82 7.21 18.28 0.14 1.42 1.83 DEC ANN 5.58 44.17 2.90 34.58 3.91 38.54 13.27 44.70 7.69 37.12 7.67 39.99 6.32 35.54 14.42 58.74 11.59 43.50 12.47 53.08 10.13 57.15 9.33 47.06 12.40 51.44 8.15 50.76 6.47 38.97 1.47 29.73 11.03 41.91 4.23 37.64 6.26 42.06 11.33 42.13 13.98 47.08 10.56 46.75 7.35 55.53 4.01 48.57 3.72 27.15 3.50 43.75 11.42 3.97 3.07 3.54 7.72 14.42 1.47 3.41 3.85 37.71 37.52 29.64 38.81 42.71 58.74 27.15 7.96 56 Appendix HI. Table 22. Herbicide evaluation on December 12, 1991 Soap Creek 35th Avenue Control Injury Control Grass Species Clover Vegetation Seedmatic-Fertilized Glyphosate 75 85 51 Paraquat 33 33 63 0 0 0 Glyphosate 78 83 44 Paraquat 35 34 64 0 0 0 Glyphosate 81 85 26 Paraquat 43 38 65 0 0 0 Glyphosate 74 84 33 Paraquat 39 26 75 0 0 0 Glyphosate 88 76 63 Paraquat 44 35 79 0 0 0 No Herbicide Tye-Fertilized No Herbicide Broadcast/Harrow-Ferilized No Herbicide Unseeded/Fertilized No Herbicide Unseeded- Unfertilized No Herbicide 57 Appendix IV. Visual Evaluation of Species Composition on June 4, 1992. Table 23. Visual evaluation of species composition at the 35th avenue site on June 4, 1992. , ,o = E z:2 y = Cl) a) = tb -cs n ....0= a cx E.w $-. t,b c zs I.T. as 1 cu V E 4 c24.L., -i L) $c-:-.) s' CC. ., Otf %... a.) v, 0 L.) ,..,y -z; > .... 01 a) 0.) C.) .L7) Cr-1 % Seed matic-Fertilized Glyphosate 33 43 Paraquat 31 44 No Herbicide 56 29 Tye-Fertilized Glyphosate 38 43 43 Paraquat 30 No Herbicide 39 38 Broadcast/Harrow-Ferilized Glyphosate 65 19 43 Paraquat 38 No Herbicide 51 21 Un seeded/Fertili zed Glyphosate 15 63 10 Paraquat 74 No Herbicide 20 44 Un seeded- Unfertilized Glyphosate 11 48 Paraquat 11 58 No Herbicide 26 40 0 0 10 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 11 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 6 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 3 0 0 4 13 4 8 8 3 0 8 0 0 3 0 11 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 15 5 3 0 0 9 0 0 6 5 3 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 20 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 18 0 10 6 0 0 0 8 11 1 16 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 3 5 1 58 Table 24. Visual evaluation of species composition at the Soap Creek site on June 4, 1992. 0.) 0.1 g ct :7t ,/ = czzi o= A, rz4 Seedmatic-Fertilized Glyphosate 6 0 Paraquat 10 14 No Herbicide 15 0 Tye-Fertilized Glyphosate 5 4 Paraquat 0 1 No Herbicide 9 5 Broadcast/Harrow-Ferilized Glyphosate 0 0 Paraquat 6 9 No Herbicide 8 0 Unseeded/Fertilized Glyphosate 3 1 Paraquat 9 0 No Herbicide 5 5 Unseeded- Unfertilized Glyphosate 5 0 Paraquat 3 0 No Herbicide 3 0 a) II- H LI. W c,:$ u. 0.) .a, ,... E1.-0:1 .,- ,2 .7.; .c"- 02 P4 C) P4 ., L.) 35 25 11 0 11 11 25 21 3 0 13 6 30 29 3 0 18 4 26 26 4 0 13 13 6 11 9 0 0 18 14 26 29 28 13 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 9 18 0 0 0 9 0 25 31 1 0 19 15 0 0 14 0 10 23 14 0 10 15 10 0 29 35 6 9 3 0 0 3 0 26 25 6 31 5 6 0 18 23 3 0 0 28 15 0 8 0 19 34 5 0 14 11 0 1 0 0 0 34 31 5 0 10 14 20 26 29 19 0 25 5 31 10 1 15 9 0 0 9 0 5 1 59 Appendix V. Table 25. Species composition on November 9, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. --rt lt, cn cn ';' c, Z y... a. a4 , C 7: u., Seedmatic-Fertilized Glyphosate 47 26 Paraquat 47 37 No Herbicide 28 32 Tye-Fertilized Glyphosate 38 41 Paraquat 17 59 No Herbicide 9 62 Broadcast/Harrow-Fertilized Glyphosate 74 8 Paraquat 46 29 24 No Herbicide 39 Unseeded-Fertilized Glyphosate 33 31 Paraquat 2 59 No Herbicide 28 44 Un seeded Unfertilized Glyphosate 9 35 Paraquat 3 43 No Herbicide 6 44 CU 3v H 4T ci- cn En I ct $ -x s v cn cu c.e) ct OLD P:1 ccs CU G-6 13:1 15 0 10 11 3 7 v 2 0 0 0 0 6 25 1 0 1 2 1 6 0 7 3 2 3 22 24 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 8 1 1 1 7 14 0 0 7 1 0 3 22 1 11 1 1 1 10 1 0 11 0 0 0 32 19 1 1 2 6 0 4 3 8 0 8 9 0 8 41 0 2 1 12 4 9 5 27 1 1 0 24 14 *Velvetgrass, Cheat and Ripgut Brome 60 Appendix VI. Analysis of variance tables-Type III Sums of Squares Table 26. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on March 10, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A: YLD351.RepNum 305583.7 B:YLD351.SeedMeth 1849340.5 C:YLD351.Herbicid 6322687.0 INTERACTIONS AB 453296.18 AC 112382.43 BC 298646.93 ABC 892486.44 RESIDUAL TOTAL 00000E0000 10234423 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 101861.2 62335.1 3161343.5 37774.682 18730.405 37330.866 37186.935 F-ratio Sig. level 2.697(0) 12.239(0) 94.381(1) .0928 .0003 .0000 1.114(1) .3816 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC +ABC. Table 27. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on April 2, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD352.RepNum 305120.2 B:YLD352.SeedMeth 826847.4 C:YLD352.Herbicid 1108249.2 INTERACTIONS AB 98163.23 AC 81776.29 BC 250901.17 ABC 180804.82 RESIDUAL TOTAL 00000E0000 2851862.3 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 101706.74 206711.84 554124.58 8180.269 13629.382 31362.647 7533.534 F-ratio Sig. level 12.433(0) 25.270(0) 63.309(1) .0005 .0000 .0000 3.583(1) .0050 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. 61 Table 28. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on April 28, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD353.RepNum 453476.31 B:YLD353.SeedMeth 90426.97 C:YLD353.Herbicid 452966.09 INTERACTIONS AB 82014.94 AC 124455.28 BC 87814.92 ABC 304968.76 RESIDUAL TOTAL 00000E0000 1596123.3 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 151158.77 22606.74 226483.05 6834.578 20742.547 10976.865 12707.032 F-ratio Sig. level 22.117(0) 3.308(0) 15.822(1) .0000 .0480 .0000 .767(1) .6341 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. Table 29. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on May 22, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares ----MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD354.RepNum 437122.58 B:YLD354.SeedMeth 93286.46 C:YLD354.Herbicid 1015503.97 INTERACTIONS AB 23120.54 AC 25213.22 BC 41619.87 RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 145707.53 23321.62 507751.99 12 1926.71 6 8 4202.20 5202.48 121577.87 23 5285.99 1820229.33 58 1 missing value has been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: F-ratio 75.63(0)* 12.10(0)* 53.51(1)* 0.55(1) *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC+Residual. 62 Table 30. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on July 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square ----MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD355.RepNum 76139.63 B:YLD355.SeedMeth 150530.42 C:YLD355.Herbicid 432233.63 INTERACTIONS AB 63957.20 AC 46284.21 BC 135906.84 ABC 140474.17 24 5329.767 7714.034 16988.355 5853.090 RESIDUAL 3.01195E-009 -1 -3.01195E-009 1377505.1 58 TOTAL 25379.88 37632.60 216116.81 3 4 2 12 6 8 1 missing value has been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: F-ratio Sig. level 4.762(0) 7.061(0) 34.716(1) .0207 .0037 .0000 2.729(1) .0218 (0)AB (1)AC +ABC. Table 31. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares ----MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD35F.RepNum 114668.48 B:YLD35F.SeedMeth 855812.06 C:YLD35F.Herbicid 126558.88 INTERACTIONS AB 83278.90 AC 16130.85 BC 197087.20 ABC 182628.71 RESIDUAL TOTAL .00000E0000 1576165.1 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 38222.83 213953.01 63279.44 6939.908 2688.475 24635.900 7609.529 F-ratio Sig. level 5.508(0) 30.829(0) 9.551(1) .0130 .0000 .0006 3.718(1) .0040 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. 63 Table 32. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares ----MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD35A.RepNum 1335486.54 B:YLD35A.SeedMeth 832421.10 C:YLD35A.Herbicid 2899271.21 D:YLD35A.YDate 12395817.90 INTERACTIONS AB 215714.08 AC 195376.61 BC 240066.02 ABC 454920.52 AD 347016.33 BD 2167180.38 ABD 539174.36 CD 6516711.91 ACD 220916.78 BCD 569562.15 RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 4 445162.18 208105.28 1449635.60 3098954.48 24 32 17976.17 32562.77 30008.25 18955.02 28918.03 135448.77 11232.80 814588.99 9204.87 17798.82 1183834.42 94 12593.98 30592384.27 297 12 6 8 24 12 16 48 8 2 missing value has been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: F-ratio 24.76(0)* 11.58(0)* 28.14(1)* 0.58(1) *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC +ABC 64 Table 33. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield for Spring 92 harvests at the Soap Creek site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLDSCA. RepNum 3817328.97 B:YLDSCA.SeedMeth6921979.46 C:YLDSCA.Herbicid 4481608.55 D:YLDSCA.YDate 1799126.02 INTERACTIONS AB 880613.00 AC 757054.89 BC 710779.49 ABC 1193245.23 AD 204439.07 BD 1376769.39 ABD 544721.84 CD 1376769.39 ACD 229940.68 BCD 235321.26 RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 1 1272442.99 1730494.87 2240804.28 1799126.02 12 6 8 12 2 6 8 419460.73 24 17477.53 25708101.89 119 3 4 0 missing value has been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: 17.34(0)* 23.58(0)* 12.74(1)* 73384.42 126175.81 88847.44 49718.55 68146.36 533928.32 45393.49 688384.69 38323.45 29415.16 24 F-ratio 0.51(1) *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC+ABC 65 Table 34. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on April 14, 1992 at the Soap Creek site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLDSC1.RepNum 1979264.2 B:YLDSC1.SeedMeth 8333381.2 C:YLDSC1.Herbicid 5397624.1 INTERACTIONS AB 752935.7 AC 336376.0 BC 687643.5 ABC 1151660.9 RESIDUAL .00000E0000 TOTAL 18638886 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 659754.7 2083345.3 2698812.0 62744.640 56062.673 85955.433 47985.870 Sig. level F-ratio 10.515(0) 33.204(0) 54.410(1) .0000 .0000 1.733(1) .1314 .0011 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. Table 35. Analysis of variance for dry matter yield on May 12,1992 at the Soap Creek site. Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level MAIN EFFECTS A:YLDSC2.RepNum 2042525.0 724329.4 460746.6 3 672399.57 650621.50 258447.66 461048.68 12 B:YLDSC2.SeedMeth C:YLDSC2.Herbicid INTERACTIONS AB AC BC ABC RESIDUAL TOTAL 00000E0000 5270118.4 4 2 6 8 24 680841.66 181082.35 230373.32 56033.30 108436.92 32305.96 19210.36 12.151(0) 3.232(0) 6.217(1) .0006 .0512 .0055 .872(1) .5506 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. 66 Table 36. Analysis of variance for percent perennial ryegrass at the 35th avenue site November 9, 1992. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A: YLD351.RepNum .2389696 B:YLD351.SeedMeth 1.3820084 C:YLD351.Herbicid .5148166 INTERACTIONS AB .0972863 AC .1683341 BC .5087524 ABC .4806622 RESIDUAL .00000E0000 3.3908297 TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 .0796565 .3455021 .2574083 .0081072 .0280557 .0635940 .0200276 F-ratio Sig. level 9.825(0) 0.0015 42.617(0) 0.0000 11.899(1) 0.0002 2.940(1) 0.0150 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. Table 37. Analysis of variance for percent meadow foxtail at the 35th avenue site November 9, 1992. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD351.RepNum B:YLD351.SeedMeth C:YLD351.Herbicid INTERACTIONS AB AC BC ABC RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square .3712051 .6017687 .3631549 3 .2286275 .2533861 .1297115 .8313993 12 6 8 00000E0000 2.7792530 4 2 24 .1237350 .1504422 .1815774 .0190523 .0422310 .0162139 .0346416 F-ratio Sig. level 6.494(0) 0.0074 7.896(0) 0.0023 5.022(1) 0.0131 .448(1) 0.8818 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. 67 Table 38. Analysis of variance for percent white clover at the 35th avenue site November 9, 1992. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLD351.RepNum B:YLD351.SeedMeth C:YLD351.Herbic id INTERACTIONS AB AC BC ABC RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square .0134386 .3475203 .0399965 3 .1375974 .0385818 .1728067 .2715927 12 .00000E0000 1.0215340 4 2 6 8 24 .0044795 .0868801 .0199983 .0114665 .0064303 .0216008 .0113164 F-ratio Sig. level .391(0) 0.7619 7.577(0) 0.0028 1.934(1) 0.1621 2.089(1) 0.0689 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. Table 39. Analysis of variance for percent protein December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:QUAL.RepNum B:QUAL.SeedMeth C:QUAL.Herbicid INTERACTIONS AB AC BC ABC RESIDUAL TOTAL 1.76714 17.63518 2.61565 6.78658 4.906706 7.29248 13.776663 .00000E0000 54.780399 d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 12 6 8 24 .58905 4.40880 1.30783 .56555 .81778 .91156 .57403 F-ratio Sig. level 1.042(0) 7.796(0) 2.100(1) .4094 .0025 .1401 1.464(1) .2120 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC+ABC. 68 Table 40. Analysis of variance for percent acid detergent fiber (ADF) July 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:QUAL.RepNum B:QUAL.SeedMeth C:QUAL.Herbicid INTERACTIONS 1.10994 9.08445 d.f. Mean square 4 2 0.36998 2.27111 9.55776 9.06113 6.56949 2.96340 12 0.75509 6 8 1.09492 0.37043 RES [DUAL 7.62527 22 0.34660 TOTAL 5816423 57 AB AC BC 19.11551 3 2 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: F-ratio 0.49(0) 3.01(0) 6.63(1)* 0.26(1) *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC +Residual. Table 41. Analysis of variance for percent acid detergent fiber (ADF) December 5, 1992 at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:QUAL.RepNum B:QUAL.SeedMeth C:QUAL.Herbicid INTERACTIONS AB AC BC ABC RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 24.30386 19.41794 23.63745 3 15.76238 14.62012 10.91030 30.31518 12 1.31353 6 2.43669 1.36379 1.26313 .00000E0000 141.96722 4 2 8 24 8.10129 4.85448 13.31872 F-ratio Sig. level 6.168(0) 0.0088 3.696(0) 0.0349 8.892(1) 0.0009 0.911(1) 0.5211 0 .00000E0000 59 0 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: (0)AB (1)AC +ABC. 69 Table 42. Analysis of variance for percent protein for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLDSCA.RepNum 17.00599 B:YLDSCA.SeedMeth 16.37192 C:YLDSCA.Herbicid 34.18526 D:YLDSCA.YDate 4529.92373 INTERACTIONS AB 11.93512 AC 6.14085 BC 18.63694 ABC 14.28907 AD 49.55287 BD 30.33868 ABD 43.32760 CD 25.20735 ACD 20.82421 BCD 14.84776 RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 4 12 6 8 5.66866 4.09298 17.09263 1132.48093 24 32 66.40926 74 0.89742 5115.81958 276 12 16 47 8 23 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: 5.70(0)* 4.12(0)* 10.56(1)* 0.99459 1.02348 2.32962 0.59538 4.12941 1.89617 0.92186 3.15092 0.86768 0.46399 24 F-ratio 1.44(1) *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC+ABC 70 Table 43. Analysis of variance for percent acid detergent fiber (ADF) for Spring 92 harvests at the 35th avenue site. Source of variation Sum of Squares MAIN EFFECTS A:YLDSCA.RepNum 12.50924 B:YLDSCA.SeedMeth 2.62077 C:YLDSCA.Herbicid 2.14341 D:YLDSCA.YDate 2906.92147 INTERACTIONS AB 6.71967 AC 4.84517 BC 8.28545 ABC 10.76931 AD 204.23869 BD 19.97281 ABD 35.86727 CD 15.49237 ACD 13.43732 BCD 41.07361 RESIDUAL TOTAL d.f. Mean square 3 4 2 4 12 6 8 24 12 16 47 8 24 32 63.46760 74 3508.28182 276 23 missing values have been excluded. F-ratios are based on the following mean squares: 4.16975 0.65519 1.07170 726.73037 0.55997 0.80753 1.03568 0.44872 17.01989 1.24830 0.76313 1.93655 0.55989 F-ratio 7.47(0)* 1.17(0) 0.85(1) 0.82(1) 1.28355 0.85767 *-Significance at P=.05 (0)AB (1)AC + ABC