2016 Spring SGA Elections Events and Deadlines

2016 Spring SGA Elections Events and Deadlines
2/17 Interest Meeting 5pm – UC 219
2/18 Interest Meeting 12 noon – UC 219
2/19 Post Preliminary Candidate Declaration – 3pm
4pm UC 201
Constitution Test
A test will be given based upon the Student Government Association’s Constitution
and Election Code. All candidates must pass the test with at least 70%.
4 pm- UC 305B
Preliminary Candidate Declarations
A list of all students completing a Candidate Interest form and meeting all preliminary
qualifications will be posted by Position of Interest. This is NOT a final listing of
eligible candidates or positions.
Petitions distributed
12 pm-UC 305B
Petitions must indicate the candidate’s name, ID number, and position being sought.
The indicated position cannot be changed after a petition is signed. (50) Fifty
signatures are required for class positions; (100) One Hundred signatures for SGA
positions. All petitions must be time stamped in the UC Room 208.
12 noon & 5 pm- UC 205
Campaign Managers Meeting
Campaign Managers must attend a meeting and submit a Letter of Intent, including Id
number, cell phone number, e-mail address, and name of represented candidate. All
letters must be time stamped in UC 208
Petitions Due
12 Noon-UC 305B
Petitions must indicate the candidate’s name, ID number, and position being sought.
The indicated position cannot be changed after a petition is signed. Fifty signatures are
required for class positions; (100) One Hundred signatures for SGA positions. All
petitions must be time stamped in UC 208
12 NoonCampaign Manager’s Letter of Intent
12 Noon
Calendar of Events
Submit proposed campaign events on Activity Clearance forms to the U.C. 305B.
5 pm-UC 305B
Posting of Final Candidates
A list of candidates qualifying for Student Government Association elections will be
posted outside of the U.C. 305B
10 am-UC 305B
Pick –up Approved Calendar of Events
Pick-up a copy of approved calendar of campaign events from UC 305B
Campaigning Begins
9 am
Campaigning Ends
4 pm
All campaign material, hard copy and social media posts must be
removed/deleted. Candidates are responsible and expected to cooperate in preventing
friend, relatives, associates or campaign members from continuing to solicit votes after
this period.
6 pm- UC Ballroom
Election Forum
See forum procedures for more details
3/16 – 3/17
9 am / 3 pm- Banner Web
Candidates are responsible and expected to cooperate in preventing friend, relatives,
associates or campaign members from soliciting votes during hours of voting.
3/ 18
Official Posting of Results
5 pm- UC 305B