Honoring a Promise Faculty and Staff Campaign �uil�in� a �ream...

Xavier University of Louisiana
Faculty and Staff Campaign
to support the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
�uil�in� a �ream...
�uil�in� a �ream...
Honoring a Promise
Xavier University of Louisiana
Faculty and Staff Campaign
to support the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel
�uil�in� a �ream...
Honoring a Promise
When will the chapel open?
The grand opening and first mass is scheduled for March 3,
2012, which is the feast day for St. Katharine Drexel.
All gifts to the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel campaign are
tax deductible. Multi-year pledges are tax deductible for
each year that payments are made.
Will I receive anything if I contribute?
Sample Payroll Deduction Contribution Schedule
Total Pledge
(over 2 years)
St. Katharine Drexel
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Name:_ _____________________________________
Is my gift tax deductible?
The name of every faculty and staff donor will be listed in a
permanent book that will be housed in the new chapel. If
we are successful in reaching our 100% participation goal, all
Xavier employees will be invited to attend a special victory
celebration. Additionally, everyone who contributes at least
$250 over 2 years will be entered into a special drawing
for two (2) reserved campus parking spaces for one year.
Donors who contribute $1,000 or greater over a 2 year
period will have their names engraved on a recognition wall.
“Out of common today’s and yesterday’s we are building our eternity.”
YES! I wish to support
Monthly Amount
(24 pay periods)
Bi-Monthly Amount
(52 pay periods)
City, State, Zip:________________________________
Phone:_ _____________________________________
Pledge Amount (over 2 years):
❒ $1,000 ❒ $500 ❒ $250 ❒ $100 ❒ Other ________
Please make checks payable to: Xavier University of Louisiana
By Credit Card:
Please charge my onetime gift to my:
___VISA ___ Mastercard ___ discover ___ AM Exp
Card Number:_ ___________________________________
Expiration: ___________
Amount: $ _______________
Payroll Deduction:
❒ I authorize Xavier University to fulfill my pledge using
payroll deduction. Please begin my deduction on: ___________
Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift!
About the Chapel
Spirituality and the belief that striving to emulate the life of Jesus
Christ will inspire students to grow into caring, well-rounded
individuals led the University to build a free-standing chapel.
The St. Katharine Drexel Chapel will be a place where the Xavier
community can come together to celebrate the Eucharist, enrich
its knowledge of the liturgy, foster religious vocations, attend lifealtering retreats, participate in ministries of service, and give time
and talent to assist the poor.
Xavier has retained the architectural services of Cesar
Pelli, a world renowned architect who has designed what
arguably can be considered among the most impressive
buildings ever, including the eighty-eight story Petronas
Towers in Malaysia, which are the world’s tallest twintower buildings. In order to ensure that
Mr. Pelli is personally involved with
all prospective projects accepted by his
firm, the Pelli architects carefully limit
the number of commissions they accept
each year. The fact that the St. Katharine
Drexel Chapel was selected by the Pelli
firm is a great honor for Xavier.
The chapel is contemporary in design, yet the sanctuary’s
octagonal plan is rooted in traditional religious structures.
Raised four feet above grade, the building is reached by
an 80-foot long sloping processional approach. This path
is aligned with the original campus quadrangle and the site from
which Pope John Paul II spoke in 1987.
With a limestone base crowned by a copper roof that will change
over time to a beautiful green color, the 11,000 square foot building
connects to the university’s tradition of building materials and
color. The main sanctuary is a 65-foot tall volume with seating
for up to 430 worshippers. A ring of skylights will allow
natural light to be diffused through a screen and illuminate
the sanctuary.
A smaller day chapel will be used for daily Mass and for
individual meditation and reflection. The two worship
spaces will be served by common liturgical
areas including a narthex, work and vesting
sacristies, and a reconciliation room.
The new chapel will be open, inviting,
and easily accessible throughout the
day and evening every day of the week.
Parishioners from the surrounding neighborhood who continue to
rebuild their lives following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina
will be welcome for daily and Sunday Mass.
Your gift, combined with the generous contributions of countless
donors also interested in fulfilling the mission of Katharine
Drexel, will ensure that Xavier continues to be a beacon of hope.
Regardless of the size of your gift, your personal support of the St.
Katharine Drexel Chapel is critical and appreciated.
“All benefits descend from God just as
the rays descend from the eternity.”
St. Katharine Drexel
Questions & Answers
What is the campaign for the Chapel?
The Campaign for the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel is a
comprehensive fund-raising effort that began
in 2001. All gifts and pledges made since that
date count toward the $10 million campaign
goal. This effort will allow the University
the opportunity to realize the vision of our
foundress by building a free-standing house
of worship for our students, faculty and staff,
friends, family and alumni.
Who is being asked to participate?
All of the University's constituencies nationwide, including
the Board of Trustees, Alumni, Parents, Foundations,
Corporations, Friends, Faculty and Staff. Government funds
cannot be used to support the chapel construction.
I would love to
support the campus
campaign, but I believe
my decision to work
at Xavier is my true
We are fortunate to
have such a highly dedicated group of employees working at
the university. However, if we want our campus to continue
to flourish, all of us should consider additional ways of
supporting our university.
I can only give a modest amount. How can that
possibly make a difference?
All gifts are important regardless of the size. What is most
important is that we all give something. The campus campaign
exemplifies the collective power of the university. With each
person doing what he or she can, we all make
a big difference.
Are pledges accepted?
Yes. In fact, we suggest that members of our
campus community consider making their
gift in the form of a pledge which may be
completed over a period of two-years. You
can even sign up for your pledge today!
Does the university have a goal for the Faculty and
Staff Campaign?
Yes. The goal for the campaign is 100% participation. We are
asking that everyone make a pledge regardless of the size.
What are my payment options?
The suggested method for paying pledges is through payroll
deduction. Choosing this method will ensure that a set
amount that you chose will be automatically deducted from
your payroll check. You can also fulfill your pledge with a
personal check or credit card.
If my financial circumstances change, can I alter my
pledge and automatic payroll deduction?
Yes. Pledges may be increased, decreased, or withdrawn at any
time by simply notifying Human Resources.
A Message From the Faculty and
Staff Campaign Co-Chairs:
We sincerely thank you for your generous support and your
continued prayers!
We are honored to have been asked to serve as the co-chairs
for the faculty and staff campaign in support of our new St.
Katharine Drexel chapel being built on Xavier’s campus. As
members of the Xavier community, we are all fully aware of
the many challenges our students face. We truly believe that
this new chapel honoring our foundress will provide a sense of
peace and spirituality to all, especially our students.
In this critical stage of the Building A Dream…Honoring A
Promise campaign, we are asking everyone who works at Xavier
University to consider making a gift in support of our new
chapel. We have set a 100% participation goal for the faculty
and staff campaign. Regardless of the size of your gift, we
assure you that your personal support is greatly appreciated.
Another reason that the campus phase of the campaign is
important is because it demonstrates to supporters and friends
outside the university that Xavier's employees truly believe in
the vision of our foundress and the future of our institution.
The success of Xavier University depends on us – the faculty
and staff of Xavier University. Now, more than ever, our
combined support affirms our dedication and commitment to
the dreams that St. Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament had for Xavier University.
Ann R. Barbre
Sondra C. Reine
Rosalind Pijeaux Hale
Harold Vincent
Shirley Flen Labbe
Clifford Wright